"Oyoy! Luv! Up here! So... Ah... How're you holding up? Me? I'm a bit of a potato at the moment, to be honest. Nnonono, scratch that, I'm not kind of a potato, I AM a potato. Complete potatohood for ol' Wheatley. So, there's my problem."
“Blimey, we are really going down deep aren’t we? Course not actually bottomless...god, I hope potato batteries don’t smash on impact, not exactly ideal...listen, partner, if either of us die horribly at the end of this, just-just wanna say I’m real bloody sorry about getting you into this mess, here you were trusting me to get you outta here and I bloody got us falling down a elevator shaft to GOD KNOWS where and your probably right annoyed with m- OH BLOODY HELL BEAMS! WOOD BEAMS WATCH YOURSELF LUV!!!”
@@hamatopurity4012 After finding Wheatley in the nest: Wheatley: Hey! Over here! Hey. Would you mind giving me a bit of-OW!-help with this uh, this bird here? I can't really move so I'm kind of-OW! At the mercy of the bird. Would you mind giving me a bit of a hand? That's all I'm asking for. Just a simple hand. Nothing much. As for the plan, I can't really think of one. No, literally. I tried to think of a plan, I short-circuted, did not end well. But still, any plan is better than letting me get slowly eaten by this bird. U-unless the plan involves me getting eaten by the bird, that-that wouldn't be very convenient for me. In case you were wondering, I'm not asking a real hand! Just a um...a bit of assistance here. A metaphorical hand. I um, wouldn't really be able to do much with an actual human hand. Unless it was attached to me. Then I could like, crawl around or something. If you couldn't see, I am still being viciously devoured by a bird while you're just standing there, watching the situation unfurl. After being picked up OW! Y-you stabbed me! Why would y-woooooaaaaahhhhh! Okay. I feel...a lot more energetic now. Must be the portal gun giving me a bit more juice. Maybe I can think of a plan now! Alright, let's begi-*static* After waking up Woah! Okay, new plan! Don't think of a plan. We're gonna have to improvise this whole thing. (I probably overdid it, didn't I?)
Rest of game: The old apertures is basically the same, with wheatley replacing glados of course. When they get back up, glados appears (no Franken turrets, she's not that dumb) and talks about how she was going to start testing atlas and p - body, but that her arrival was much more convinient. Instead of paradoxes, wheatly tries reminding her of caroline, but she can't have the epiphany like she did in the real game. She remarks on her new viewing screens. Everything continues, but with different jokes and antics, and the chambers arnt completely broken, as well as skipping the first chamber wheatley made. Glados decides that if she keeps testing chell, she will eventually escape so she decides to kill her using the same death trap wheatley used. The escape is the same, and glados uses different was to convincing Chell to kill herself (like: "Your parents will love you more if you jump into that crusher.") When they reach her chamber, she tells them she fixed the neurotoxin, and tells them she won't make the same mistakes. It continues similarly to the original, and when glados is pulled into space, she yells at chell "Get your hands of me! I'm NOT letting the idiot take control!" Wheatley: "I already have! And I am KICKING YOU OUT!" Glados is banished to space, saying "No, no no, NOOOAHHHHHHHH" and wheatley lets chell leave (without turning evil because he saves and downloads caroline from glados body) but he chooses power over going with chell and remains to test with atlas and p body. After that, hell, the coop intiative would me completely different. Maybe they have to save the facility from being blown up because of wheatly. Edit: The credits song would be titled: "Hopfully your happy now." Sung by glados (No I'm not writing an entire song, just that title.) Gladoses dialogue in space: "I wish they didnt make me. I really do. I wish I wasn't ever brought online. Not just because I have to spend the rest of my infinite lifespan in space. *we're in space!* Yes. I hear you. No, I don't care. *SPAAAAACE* If I ever got back, I don't think I would allow anything venturing close to me to live. *Im in space* Because you know what would happen, while you were minding your own buisness? A mute lunatic is going to shove a moron into your body, and banish you to space. I hope she at least had a satisfying conclusion to her testing."
i would love a mod with this story line instead just it would be a bit buggy with glados going into space so maybe another way glados could be banished but i love this idea
What if you held onto glados and wheatly turned her into a potato as revenge but you try to leave he turns evil then as you fall down the elevator the game ends AND then in Portal 2 episode 1 you experience the game as if it was normal portal 2 Edit: also Glados takes over the facility and wheatly gets sent to the surface with you Because if wheatly was in charge the facility would SPONTAINIUM COMBUSTIUM Edit 2: this comment was stupid portal 2 would be too short And the game would also have Iost it's charm
Honestly, as much as I love GLaDos, I would have also loved more time with Wheatley before he took over. He's by far my favorite character in Portal so naturally, more time with him would have been amazing
"I honestly, truly didn’t think this would happen." "Space!" "It was always in my calculations, of course, I just thought I’d kill them both after the potato. I didn’t think they’d climb out of the hole." "I’m in space!" "You know, if I ever did get to go back?… I don’t think I’d bother with revenge. That’s how I got here, after all. Maybe it will be better out here. In space. All alone." "Space friends!!" "Of course, you’re right- not alone. With my space friend." "Space." "Do you think she had a satisfactory experience with my tests?"
@@ic0nic707 Maybe he would have become smarter as a potato (potatoes are smarter than wheatley) and he would know to fix the central AI by deleting caroline’s memories
This is first time I've heard GLaDOS chuckle/laugh and it scares me.. This just shows you how, behind all the petty insults/constant bullying, she really is a sinister, psychotic AI that wants nothing more than to watch you suffer for her own sick kicks.
This one was really cool! And I can't believe I've been out of the Portal Fandom for a year or so and people are still talking about Portal making Animations and doing other things your video made my day you deserved a like on your Video
Toy Bonnie the cute and hulking bunny I created this as a map in hammer that makes use of various cameras, scripted motion and sound, and various things like that, ran the map, and recorded while it played out
What I really like is he still says he wanted to make it better for HIM, he’s still selfish, but now he’s being honest, and has to actually bond with the player to get out, it doesn’t take away from his true nature in the real core transfer, but still adds something new
@@NoName-oz3gj not really, because he kind of makes it out like it’s something that benefits both (which it does but he purely intended to save himself) Also this was written 10 months ago so I don’t exactly even remember everything so sorry if this reply is dumb
@@flonbowe151 True, He definitely has his self interests in mind, But h does already have access to the turret facility and neurotoxin generator by rails. I'm not exactly how sure he'd fare on his own taking down both, But he did help Chell with the turrets by breaking the door
More likely GLaDOS would be alone, since the point of grafting space core onto Wheatley is to make him corrupted enough for a core transfer. But GLaDOS is corrupt enough on her own.
@@yummydragon8533 He does end up getting pretty homesick and wants to go back home to earth because, and I quote from Space Core himself, "Space is too big." Being trapped with Glados would only mean his partner would be critisizing him and belittling him the whole time, and probably make it worse when he begins freaking out because there's too much space.
To be honest, I think it's better this way. It's not wheatley's fault he became evil in the original introduction. He gained power that he didn't know what he was doing. This is also proven true by the time after the want you gone song that he regrets what he did while he was in the remains of GLaDOS's core body.
idk the story of the game wouldn't be as fun if it ended like this.. In the real version you are forced to try and trust glados for the end of the game and it's kinda fun lol
But then the same thing goes for GLaDOS, she was also corrupted by the faulty programming of "The Itch" which made her test, and she was also forced into her robot body, she didn't decide to go in there intentionally, she developed a hate for humans, although she doesn't know why she hates humans, but that eventually turns into GLaDOS's murderous intentions, flooding the facility with neurotoxin, trapping people in Companion Cubes, then discarding those Companion Cubes, killing people by testing them, and then just enjoying murder, crushing Wheatley, constantly murdering the cooperative testing duo, you can't really support Wheatley more than GLaDOS, or the other way around, and it is fun having to trust GLaDOS, who was always seen as the enemy...
@@yummydragon8533 she couldn't resist being shoved into a computer, there was a unused line of caroline begging that she doesn't wanna be put into a computer so you are right
Sound, dialog and animation are all on point! :DBut I think if you chose a different style of camera angles and maybe a smoother frame rate this video will go viral as hell!
There was more depth in Wheatly becoming evil due to a glitch with required intelligence dampening spheres in the first game. Witch is why Wheatly acted differently during the moon scene he was disconnected from the glitch." Was I the only person he figured that out?
This is an interesting concept. I wonder how the final boss battle (and the overall story) would have gone if Chell had been with Potato!Wheatley instead of Potato!GLaDOS (or is she called "Potatos"?). That would make an interesting fanfic.
I would love to see a fanfiction on Chell with "Wheatato". If Valve could make a free DLC or something, or even if someone made a fan-made mod like Portal Stories: Mel, that would be amazing.
But then the same thing goes for GLaDOS, she was also corrupted by the faulty programming of "The Itch" which made her test, and she was also forced into her robot body, she didn't decide to go in there intentionally, she developed a hate for humans, although she doesn't know why she hates humans, but that eventually turns into GLaDOS's murderous intentions, flooding the facility with neurotoxin, trapping people in Companion Cubes, then discarding those Companion Cubes, killing people by testing them, and then just enjoying murder, crushing Wheatley, constantly murdering the cooperative testing duo, you can't really support Wheatley more than GLaDOS, or the other way around, and it is fun having to trust GLaDOS, who was always seen as the enemy...
I wish that was real. Imagine this happening from doing a series of events in a specific way that would trigger this. Or maybe imagine if this was some brand new DLC for Portal 2.
*Applausefor10minutesstraight* MIND = BLOWN Um...what's a slightly less blunt way of saying "I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW AMAZING I FOUND THAT TO BE"? Actually...forget it, you know exactly what I'm trying to say xD
GLaDOS: there we go, a little body for a little idiot *slight chuckle* Wheatato: WHAT’S GOING ON?!? WHAT HAPPENED!?! WHY AM I SMALL AND STARCHY?!? GLaDOS: I’ve transferred your pathetically idiotic AI into a potato battery, personally i think it’s a improvement for you Wheatato: WHY AM I- WHAT- Wait! Wait holdon-hold on i’m reme-remembering something! I remember you! You were trying to kill everyone with nerotoxin! So they made... they made me to try and slow down your processing power and behave! GLaDOS:... now I remember... You were the Tumour that drowned my mind with terrible ideas... *you’re a moron the engineers made to make me a idiot.* Wheatato:... oh dear... I probably should not have reminded her about th- *gets thrown into the elevator* I DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT HAVE REMINDED HER!!! GLaDOS: you also reminded me of a old saying, killing two birds with one stone, in this case a elevator will suffice. *evil chuckle* it’s been fun, don’t come back. *elevator begins to plummet down into the long forgotten shadow of aperture*
aw,, this is GREAT editing man! Super realistic! btw, i don't know if it should have been better like this, i kinda do like Wheatley, he was quite funny before his betrayal so i would have liked to carry him on with me during the game just like this video, honestly o3o
The Vision as in how did I put the sound files in or how did I make them? If you mean the latter, then basically what I did is take multiple different lines from portal 2 and "sentence mix" them together using Adobe Audition
"Heyy there, you doin' well luv? Im a bloody vegetable. And its all thanks to her. Now were going somewere alarmingly fast. Mind if you shove one of your boots on me, just land on one foot. Thats somewhat of my troubles im experiencing, dont know what your doing though. Heres a thing to know. She isnt just built in with Ai, shes built in because they wanted the founder of this place in, but.. eh he died, so his wife came in place. Thats all i know, happened before you woke up though, thats for sure."
Remember Betty? Imagine if she became a canon character for this. GLadOS suddenly starts throwing all-new strategies at you, and enlists the help of Betty to guide you through it. However, she eventually joins your side, much to GLadOS' dismay. I also imagine her design to be a normal core, except instead of a rail, she uses a lamp with wheels on it due to a production error that caused her to not be able to use the rails. Like a wheelchair, but for cores!
The developers of Portal Stories: Mel REALLY need to make a game like this happen! They could probably get Ellen McLain to reprise the role of GlaDos and Harry101uk can impersonate Wheatley.
Part 9: Part Where She Kill Us PotateLY: Oh no, this is a part where she kills us! GLaDOS: Hello, this is a part where I kill you! Where we fight GLaDOS in her lair, she traps us using bombs and then goes to spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE.
Wheatley on the way down the shaft: Wheatley: "Oh. Hello! I-incase you haven't already noticed, I'm a BLOODY POTATO! But you know what, that's ok. We can still make this work. I have a backup plan that might just work. And before you ask, no I am NOT reading this off of an internal script i wrote in my memory banks for the soul purpose of reminding me of this VEEERRRYY precise backup plan that I definitely HAVEN'T been working on since we first met. You know what I'm doing? I'm... Uhm... I'm improvising! Yeah, yeah, improvising... DEEEFFINITELY not all pre-planned incase something like this was to happen during the core transfer." Chell: ". . ." Wheatley: [bounces off of the wall of the shaft] "OH! That reminds me! I've just remembered something about her. Ok so... Hear me out on this, ok? So it's only just occurred to me that I actually know who she USED to be. I know! It's bloody incredible, isn't it? Well anyways... GLaDOS, is actually the former assistant to the founder and original owner of Aperture Science, Cave Johnson. Her name was Caroline. And from what I know, after Cave's death, they decided to upload Caroline's mind into the GLaDOS mainframe so she could forever run the facility without the need for a change in management. But by the looks of things, it didn't entirely go to plan. She likely went utterly MENTAL due to the sheer amount of pain she'd be subjected to during the process of shoving her entire mind into a computer the size of a steamer trunk. Come to think of it... That's probably the case for most of us personality cores! But anyway, as I was saying... I think, if we remind her of her past, maybe she'll let us go. MAYBE, she'll stop being a homicidal MONSTER with no regard for human life. I wouldn't know for certain, as it's all just a lot of interlocking variables that i currently don't have the voltage to process..." [gets caught by Chell after bouncing off of the shaft walls again] Wheatley: "Uhm... I think we're about to hit the bottom of this pit at a preeeettty high speed... Hold on to me as TIGHTLY as you can without crushing me, alright? Here... We... GGGOOOOOOO-" Chell: [smashes through the boards at the bottom of the shaft]
Imagine how hard the boss fight would have been if you had gone against GLaDOS again rather than Wheatley. You would have had to fight an evil genius rather than the dumbest thing to ever exist. The core transfer would have never worked, and you likely would have had to use the explosives to completely destroy her like you did in Portal 1. Destroying GLaDOS in that manner would likely leave Chell badly injured, leaving an opening for the same ending to happen as Portal 1. This version of the story would probably result in portal 3 being necessary. EDIT: GLaDOS would also have never discovered Caroline, which means that she would still be evil after this game, unlike the real ending of Portal 2.
(WARNING! Long comment with overanilizing and a bit of bias coming from a Wheatley fan ahead, you have been warned) 3:00-3:37 I love this altered dialogue, it shows that probably Wheatley wasn't really loved or appreciated by anyone. And just how mutch he hates her psychopathic attempts she did towards anyone, making him stand out from most of the robots in the facility. Also, that moment when he said the "I dispise you, I loathe you" comment, it was quite fitting towards her and it showed Wheatley's breaking point (when he's not corrupted) Maybe it's just me, but I assume it's the case in the Canon too.
Wheatley:PULL ME OUT PULL ME OUT PULL ME OUT Wheatley:LEAVE ME IN LEAVE ME IN Glados:push the button Wheatley:don't push it Glados:don't push that button Wheatley:push it Me:WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO IT
At 1:12 I would have included the "moron" part from the original game, and when Wheatley screams "I AM NOT A MORON" GLaDOS would say, "I suffered for this, I don't see why I should be the only one" and instantly turns Wheatley, still angry about being a moron, into Potatley. Also, Wheatley wouldn't act confident in front of GLaDOS, he would be scared since he knows she is cruel and will do something bad to him for attempting to do a core transfer.
Honestly I’d rather Wheatley be in a potato until the end of the game instead of becoming power hungry and getting sent into space. Then atleast if they did make a Portal 3 Wheatley would be in it, or at the end of Portal 2 Wheatley would end up escaping with Chell. But the main plot is still awesome sooo yea.
potal 1 potal2 ? wetlely potato?
It would have been funny if GLaDOS put him in an apple.
"Say apple!"
Citranium ha ha
umm, ok, that is jumping,what you are doing there is jumping,
He would have been an apple core at that point
non-descript guy nice pun
"Oyoy! Luv! Up here! So... Ah... How're you holding up? Me? I'm a bit of a potato at the moment, to be honest. Nnonono, scratch that, I'm not kind of a potato, I AM a potato. Complete potatohood for ol' Wheatley. So, there's my problem."
That is so accurate it's scary.
“Blimey, we are really going down deep aren’t we? Course not actually bottomless...god, I hope potato batteries don’t smash on impact, not exactly ideal...listen, partner, if either of us die horribly at the end of this, just-just wanna say I’m real bloody sorry about getting you into this mess, here you were trusting me to get you outta here and I bloody got us falling down a elevator shaft to GOD KNOWS where and your probably right annoyed with m- OH BLOODY HELL BEAMS! WOOD BEAMS WATCH YOURSELF LUV!!!”
After finding Wheatley in the nest:
Wheatley: Hey! Over here!
Hey. Would you mind giving me a bit of-OW!-help with this uh, this bird here? I can't really move so I'm kind of-OW! At the mercy of the bird. Would you mind giving me a bit of a hand? That's all I'm asking for. Just a simple hand. Nothing much.
As for the plan, I can't really think of one. No, literally. I tried to think of a plan, I short-circuted, did not end well. But still, any plan is better than letting me get slowly eaten by this bird. U-unless the plan involves me getting eaten by the bird, that-that wouldn't be very convenient for me.
In case you were wondering, I'm not asking a real hand! Just a um...a bit of assistance here. A metaphorical hand. I um, wouldn't really be able to do much with an actual human hand. Unless it was attached to me. Then I could like, crawl around or something.
If you couldn't see, I am still being viciously devoured by a bird while you're just standing there, watching the situation unfurl.
After being picked up
OW! Y-you stabbed me! Why would y-woooooaaaaahhhhh! Okay. I feel...a lot more energetic now. Must be the portal gun giving me a bit more juice. Maybe I can think of a plan now! Alright, let's begi-*static*
After waking up
Woah! Okay, new plan! Don't think of a plan. We're gonna have to improvise this whole thing.
(I probably overdid it, didn't I?)
gumball and craig 444 dude it was fantastic
@@hamatopurity4012 thank you. Want me to do more?
Rest of game: The old apertures is basically the same, with wheatley replacing glados of course. When they get back up, glados appears (no Franken turrets, she's not that dumb) and talks about how she was going to start testing atlas and p - body, but that her arrival was much more convinient. Instead of paradoxes, wheatly tries reminding her of caroline, but she can't have the epiphany like she did in the real game. She remarks on her new viewing screens. Everything continues, but with different jokes and antics, and the chambers arnt completely broken, as well as skipping the first chamber wheatley made. Glados decides that if she keeps testing chell, she will eventually escape so she decides to kill her using the same death trap wheatley used. The escape is the same, and glados uses different was to convincing Chell to kill herself (like: "Your parents will love you more if you jump into that crusher.") When they reach her chamber, she tells them she fixed the neurotoxin, and tells them she won't make the same mistakes. It continues similarly to the original, and when glados is pulled into space, she yells at chell "Get your hands of me! I'm NOT letting the idiot take control!" Wheatley: "I already have! And I am KICKING YOU OUT!" Glados is banished to space, saying "No, no no, NOOOAHHHHHHHH" and wheatley lets chell leave (without turning evil because he saves and downloads caroline from glados body) but he chooses power over going with chell and remains to test with atlas and p body. After that, hell, the coop intiative would me completely different. Maybe they have to save the facility from being blown up because of wheatly.
Edit: The credits song would be titled: "Hopfully your happy now." Sung by glados (No I'm not writing an entire song, just that title.) Gladoses dialogue in space: "I wish they didnt make me. I really do. I wish I wasn't ever brought online. Not just because I have to spend the rest of my infinite lifespan in space. *we're in space!* Yes. I hear you. No, I don't care. *SPAAAAACE* If I ever got back, I don't think I would allow anything venturing close to me to live. *Im in space* Because you know what would happen, while you were minding your own buisness? A mute lunatic is going to shove a moron into your body, and banish you to space. I hope she at least had a satisfying conclusion to her testing."
Someone thought this through
You need to right some fanfics about this
i would love a mod with this story line instead just it would be a bit buggy with glados going into space so maybe another way glados could be banished but i love this idea
Sounds like a great premise for one of the mods like Aperture Tag or Portal Stories: Mel. Someone should get on this
What if you held onto glados and wheatly turned her into a potato as revenge but you try to leave he turns evil then as you fall down the elevator the game ends AND then in Portal 2 episode 1 you experience the game as if it was normal portal 2
Edit: also Glados takes over the facility and wheatly gets sent to the surface with you
Because if wheatly was in charge the facility would
Edit 2: this comment was stupid portal 2 would be too short
And the game would also have Iost it's charm
"That is a potato, and now he lives in it!"
My life is complete
GLaDOS is a woman why does nobody get that
Honestly, as much as I love GLaDos, I would have also loved more time with Wheatley before he took over. He's by far my favorite character in Portal so naturally, more time with him would have been amazing
So the ending of this alternate version would be GLaDOS being banished to space along with Space Core and Wheatley is the one saving us
My life would be complete
Wait, wouldn't that mean you do the core transfer with Wheatley successfully at the end? ..Which leads to him betraying you?
"I honestly, truly didn’t think this would happen."
"It was always in my calculations, of course, I just thought I’d kill them both after the potato. I didn’t think they’d climb out of the hole."
"I’m in space!"
"You know, if I ever did get to go back?… I don’t think I’d bother with revenge. That’s how I got here, after all. Maybe it will be better out here. In space. All alone."
"Space friends!!"
"Of course, you’re right- not alone. With my space friend."
"Do you think she had a satisfactory experience with my tests?"
@@ic0nic707 Maybe he would have become smarter as a potato (potatoes are smarter than wheatley) and he would know to fix the central AI by deleting caroline’s memories
Due to the facility not falling apart, im pretty sure the moon scene wouldn’t happen. She’d just use neurotoxin at the end.
Okay, I actually want to play this version of the game now.
+Ryan Mumford (Minecraftwithrsonic) me 2
ControlFreak Glados triggered Wheatley
Me too!!!
Meeeeeeeee three
This is first time I've heard GLaDOS chuckle/laugh and it scares me.. This just shows you how, behind all the petty insults/constant bullying, she really is a sinister, psychotic AI that wants nothing more than to watch you suffer for her own sick kicks.
This one was really cool! And I can't believe I've been out of the Portal Fandom for a year or so and people are still talking about Portal making Animations and doing other things your video made my day you deserved a like on your Video
Awesome I'm glad this brightened your day :D
+Camßεn how u do dis
Toy Bonnie the cute and hulking bunny I created this as a map in hammer that makes use of various cameras, scripted motion and sound, and various things like that, ran the map, and recorded while it played out
Camßεn can you edit the hole game cutscenes then =D
+Camßεn cool
What I really like is he still says he wanted to make it better for HIM, he’s still selfish, but now he’s being honest, and has to actually bond with the player to get out, it doesn’t take away from his true nature in the real core transfer, but still adds something new
@@NoName-oz3gj not really, because he kind of makes it out like it’s something that benefits both (which it does but he purely intended to save himself)
Also this was written 10 months ago so I don’t exactly even remember everything so sorry if this reply is dumb
@@flonbowe151 True, He definitely has his self interests in mind, But h does already have access to the turret facility and neurotoxin generator by rails. I'm not exactly how sure he'd fare on his own taking down both, But he did help Chell with the turrets by breaking the door
The new healthy breakfast cereal!
Guaranteed to make you a MORON!
EnderCraft Potatley, read description
Well anyone thought that in the end "She" would be banished into deep space with Space Core
Space core: SPACE! Glados: WILL YOU SHUT UP! Caroline : yeah Glados: OMG WHO IS THAT!
More likely GLaDOS would be alone, since the point of grafting space core onto Wheatley is to make him corrupted enough for a core transfer. But GLaDOS is corrupt enough on her own.
Besides, Space Core doesn't deserve being stuck in space with GLaDOS... No one deserves that...
@@MetasActReon Space Core wants to be in space... he doesn't care who his partner is...
@@yummydragon8533 He does end up getting pretty homesick and wants to go back home to earth because, and I quote from Space Core himself, "Space is too big." Being trapped with Glados would only mean his partner would be critisizing him and belittling him the whole time, and probably make it worse when he begins freaking out because there's too much space.
To be honest, I think it's better this way. It's not wheatley's fault he became evil in the original introduction. He gained power that he didn't know what he was doing. This is also proven true by the time after the want you gone song that he regrets what he did while he was in the remains of GLaDOS's core body.
idk the story of the game wouldn't be as fun if it ended like this.. In the real version you are forced to try and trust glados for the end of the game and it's kinda fun lol
@@LastStopGaming exactly
But then the same thing goes for GLaDOS, she was also corrupted by the faulty programming of "The Itch" which made her test, and she was also forced into her robot body, she didn't decide to go in there intentionally, she developed a hate for humans, although she doesn't know why she hates humans, but that eventually turns into GLaDOS's murderous intentions, flooding the facility with neurotoxin, trapping people in Companion Cubes, then discarding those Companion Cubes, killing people by testing them, and then just enjoying murder, crushing Wheatley, constantly murdering the cooperative testing duo, you can't really support Wheatley more than GLaDOS, or the other way around, and it is fun having to trust GLaDOS, who was always seen as the enemy...
@@yummydragon8533 she couldn't resist being shoved into a computer, there was a unused line of caroline begging that she doesn't wanna be put into a computer so you are right
"Don't come back"
*slams you down le hole*
yeah basically she's saying die
Sound, dialog and animation are all on point! :DBut I think if you chose a different style of camera angles and maybe a smoother frame rate this video will go viral as hell!
@BRAYAN 782 wtf
This is REALLY How Portal 2 Should've Ended
MaidRips you mean "started chapter 6"
There was more depth in Wheatly becoming evil due to a glitch with required intelligence dampening spheres in the first game.
Witch is why Wheatly acted differently during the moon scene he was disconnected from the glitch."
Was I the only person he figured that out?
What an interesting plot twist.
And it's even more interesting to those who played it already
I would love if this was actually in the game! Also, I love all of your custom maps!
thanks mang
"Let's just say he won't be..." O_O I remember the next part of this line, NO! "the way he was." Oh phew, you nearly killed me there. XD
hannah C brown Well, living anymore.
1:24 Let's appreciate how much expression this animated core has.
Awesome! How did you do Wheatley's voice like that when he's in a potato?
I ran it through a couple custom filters i made in Adobe Audition
filters i guess
@@AllisonGhost Literally I Don't Know Why He Is A Potato
This is an interesting concept. I wonder how the final boss battle (and the overall story) would have gone if Chell had been with Potato!Wheatley instead of Potato!GLaDOS (or is she called "Potatos"?). That would make an interesting fanfic.
Indeed it would! In fact, I'm curious about it. We should all try and suggest it to Valve...
I would love to see a fanfiction on Chell with "Wheatato". If Valve could make a free DLC or something, or even if someone made a fan-made mod like Portal Stories: Mel, that would be amazing.
@@sansational15 Potatley
Oh my god! CamBen! From a good scene maker into the best portal 2 level creator ever! You evolved into a legend!
"That is a potato, and now, he lives in it" Where did you get that sound file from?
Word mix?
+comeonfhqwhgads1 It was an edited version of Wheatley's line. Probably done in Melodyne.
+Eli K You could tell it sounded less like GLaDOS than the rest of the lines.
+Eli K Actually it was an edit of multiple Glados lines in Adobe Audition.
+Eli K also almost every line in this video is pieced together from other voice lines....
The developers behind Portal Stories: Mel NEED to make this into a game!!
You deserve more subscribers dude, that was awesome
"This place would have been a triumph" caught that reference.
Glados + potato = Potat-ose
Wheatly + potato = Starch-ly
But then the same thing goes for GLaDOS, she was also corrupted by the faulty programming of "The Itch" which made her test, and she was also forced into her robot body, she didn't decide to go in there intentionally, she developed a hate for humans, although she doesn't know why she hates humans, but that eventually turns into GLaDOS's murderous intentions, flooding the facility with neurotoxin, trapping people in Companion Cubes, then discarding those Companion Cubes, killing people by testing them, and then just enjoying murder, crushing Wheatley, constantly murdering the cooperative testing duo, you can't really support Wheatley more than GLaDOS, or the other way around, and it is fun having to trust GLaDOS, who was always seen as the enemy...
I wish that was real. Imagine this happening from doing a series of events in a specific way that would trigger this.
Or maybe imagine if this was some brand new DLC for Portal 2.
Someone could make it a mod, then your wish would come true. You never know! ;)
Maybe we should lead some kind of riot to release DLC for portal 2 that's not a resolution pack
+Alisa Meggison Alrighty then XD you can if you want
Um...what's a slightly less blunt way of saying "I HAVE NO WORDS TO DESCRIBE HOW AMAZING I FOUND THAT TO BE"? Actually...forget it, you know exactly what I'm trying to say xD
CamBen really deserves more subs, this was really well made and i have seen some good portal stuff
I just realized this is by the same guy who made the office prank
GLaDOS: there we go, a little body for a little idiot *slight chuckle*
GLaDOS: I’ve transferred your pathetically idiotic AI into a potato battery, personally i think it’s a improvement for you
Wheatato: WHY AM I- WHAT- Wait! Wait holdon-hold on i’m reme-remembering something! I remember you! You were trying to kill everyone with nerotoxin! So they made... they made me to try and slow down your processing power and behave!
GLaDOS:... now I remember... You were the Tumour that drowned my mind with terrible ideas... *you’re a moron the engineers made to make me a idiot.*
Wheatato:... oh dear... I probably should not have reminded her about th- *gets thrown into the elevator* I DEFINITELY SHOULD NOT HAVE REMINDED HER!!!
GLaDOS: you also reminded me of a old saying, killing two birds with one stone, in this case a elevator will suffice. *evil chuckle* it’s been fun, don’t come back. *elevator begins to plummet down into the long forgotten shadow of aperture*
aw,, this is GREAT editing man! Super realistic!
btw, i don't know if it should have been better like this, i kinda do like Wheatley, he was quite funny before his betrayal so i would have liked to carry him on with me during the game just like this video, honestly o3o
Wow, just wow this is stunning! This is amazing! this and your walking turret are incredible!
+Arrowtongue64 thanks dude :D
Camßεn Wow, thanks for quick response, this is so quality I could see this in actual Portal 2!,
How did you add custom lines?
And this is really cool anyway.
REALLY cool.
The Vision as in how did I put the sound files in or how did I make them? If you mean the latter, then basically what I did is take multiple different lines from portal 2 and "sentence mix" them together using Adobe Audition
The Vision oh, and I used melodyne to correct the pitch on some parts, and I did the potato effect with audition. Glad you like the video
Camßεn Oh. Thanks for telling.
+Camßεn i want the map please :(
Why would you want it
This is really well done. Excellent choice of dialogue. And I'm pretty sure 99% of this was done in-engine and not in SFM. Amazing.
"Heyy there, you doin' well luv? Im a bloody vegetable. And its all thanks to her. Now were going somewere alarmingly fast. Mind if you shove one of your boots on me, just land on one foot. Thats somewhat of my troubles im experiencing, dont know what your doing though. Heres a thing to know. She isnt just built in with Ai, shes built in because they wanted the founder of this place in, but.. eh he died, so his wife came in place. Thats all i know, happened before you woke up though, thats for sure."
Remember Betty? Imagine if she became a canon character for this. GLadOS suddenly starts throwing all-new strategies at you, and enlists the help of Betty to guide you through it. However, she eventually joins your side, much to GLadOS' dismay.
I also imagine her design to be a normal core, except instead of a rail, she uses a lamp with wheels on it due to a production error that caused her to not be able to use the rails. Like a wheelchair, but for cores!
I wish this was an alternate path in the actual game
The developers of Portal Stories: Mel REALLY need to make a game like this happen! They could probably get Ellen McLain to reprise the role of GlaDos and Harry101uk can impersonate Wheatley.
nah this isn't worth being a mod/game. If it were, I'd just do it myself.
@@AllisonGhost Please I beg of you make this
Seems so real ! Good job
This is really good. You've done a great job!
Part 9: Part Where She Kill Us
PotateLY: Oh no, this is a part where she kills us!
GLaDOS: Hello, this is a part where I kill you!
@@valoch3187 that is a swap btw nice chapter for valve to make
alright here is a swap i found th-cam.com/video/S1lQYq-N1dY/w-d-xo.html
You know Wheatley would say some unexpected words to GLaDOS since he would reveal something that wasn't told about her
Wheatley on the way down the shaft:
Wheatley: "Oh. Hello! I-incase you haven't already noticed, I'm a BLOODY POTATO! But you know what, that's ok. We can still make this work. I have a backup plan that might just work. And before you ask, no I am NOT reading this off of an internal script i wrote in my memory banks for the soul purpose of reminding me of this VEEERRRYY precise backup plan that I definitely HAVEN'T been working on since we first met. You know what I'm doing? I'm... Uhm... I'm improvising! Yeah, yeah, improvising... DEEEFFINITELY not all pre-planned incase something like this was to happen during the core transfer."
Chell: ". . ."
Wheatley: [bounces off of the wall of the shaft] "OH! That reminds me! I've just remembered something about her. Ok so... Hear me out on this, ok? So it's only just occurred to me that I actually know who she USED to be. I know! It's bloody incredible, isn't it? Well anyways... GLaDOS, is actually the former assistant to the founder and original owner of Aperture Science, Cave Johnson. Her name was Caroline. And from what I know, after Cave's death, they decided to upload Caroline's mind into the GLaDOS mainframe so she could forever run the facility without the need for a change in management. But by the looks of things, it didn't entirely go to plan. She likely went utterly MENTAL due to the sheer amount of pain she'd be subjected to during the process of shoving her entire mind into a computer the size of a steamer trunk. Come to think of it... That's probably the case for most of us personality cores! But anyway, as I was saying... I think, if we remind her of her past, maybe she'll let us go. MAYBE, she'll stop being a homicidal MONSTER with no regard for human life. I wouldn't know for certain, as it's all just a lot of interlocking variables that i currently don't have the voltage to process..." [gets caught by Chell after bouncing off of the shaft walls again]
Wheatley: "Uhm... I think we're about to hit the bottom of this pit at a preeeettty high speed... Hold on to me as TIGHTLY as you can without crushing me, alright? Here... We... GGGOOOOOOO-"
Chell: [smashes through the boards at the bottom of the shaft]
this need to me a mod for portal 2
Minecraft-nl-video you said me you meant be
Mind blown.. I've never seen such a well done twist, this would've made a more interesting game in my opinion..
It would be funny if GlaDos put him in some bread or something
+Chell Portal hey i'm the real Chell
seriously 2 Chell's fighting each other 😑
+Chell Plus I dont care
+Wheatley lol
At least they followed the one most important rule.
Oh my god! this is amazing! Potatley, I love it!
Make the reunion with GLaDOS, but with Potatley o3o
i loved it it was the other way around i would so want this to be in the game that was a big plot twist nice job
can you make some kind of sequel? i want to see more of this!
Somehow I missed this one, while I am following you for a while now. Well I really enjoyed this Thanks CamBen!
is this legit? not a mod?
Incredible! Good job!
Door: *falls*
That’s such a crazy edit, that’s so funny. xD
I'm surprised an old video like this appeared in my feed nice video regardless
In the normal story, wheatley was turning gladiolus into potatoes
Man, I wish there’s an alternate gameplay to follow this version!😍
WHAT?! how did u make this and where did u get the voice lines?? amazing job on this!
i mostly spliced them from other lines from the game
Imagine how hard the boss fight would have been if you had gone against GLaDOS again rather than Wheatley. You would have had to fight an evil genius rather than the dumbest thing to ever exist. The core transfer would have never worked, and you likely would have had to use the explosives to completely destroy her like you did in Portal 1. Destroying GLaDOS in that manner would likely leave Chell badly injured, leaving an opening for the same ending to happen as Portal 1. This version of the story would probably result in portal 3 being necessary.
EDIT: GLaDOS would also have never discovered Caroline, which means that she would still be evil after this game, unlike the real ending of Portal 2.
I want to play all cave johnson maps with wheatley in a potato! I hope you make this a mappack!
+TʜᴇBʟᴏxxɪɴɢBʟᴏᴄᴋs yeah me too!
GLaDOS: You are a moron
Wheatley: you are a maniac
make the ending with this core transfer this is Purr-Fect!
(WARNING! Long comment with overanilizing and a bit of bias coming from a Wheatley fan ahead, you have been warned)
3:00-3:37 I love this altered dialogue, it shows that probably Wheatley wasn't really loved or appreciated by anyone. And just how mutch he hates her psychopathic attempts she did towards anyone, making him stand out from most of the robots in the facility.
Also, that moment when he said the "I dispise you, I loathe you" comment, it was quite fitting towards her and it showed Wheatley's breaking point (when he's not corrupted)
Maybe it's just me, but I assume it's the case in the Canon too.
i wish this happened in the real game
this is like really well made though?? all the voices and stuff are amazing
dat is a potato! I died XD
I'd have taken a fanfiction of this but you really delivered on the video! It's not valve-tier work but it works for me :D
Wait there's a fanfic of this?
Wait nevermind. I reread your comment and derped. Thanks tho :D
I wished there was a fanfic of wheatato
I what to play this version now
Wow, this is.......
Actually amazing
Don’t we all
Glados:push the button
Wheatley:don't push it
Glados:don't push that button
Wheatley:push it
make mod for portal 2
At 1:12 I would have included the "moron" part from the original game, and when Wheatley screams "I AM NOT A MORON" GLaDOS would say, "I suffered for this, I don't see why I should be the only one" and instantly turns Wheatley, still angry about being a moron, into Potatley.
Also, Wheatley wouldn't act confident in front of GLaDOS, he would be scared since he knows she is cruel and will do something bad to him for attempting to do a core transfer.
Honestly I’d rather Wheatley be in a potato until the end of the game instead of becoming power hungry and getting sent into space. Then atleast if they did make a Portal 3 Wheatley would be in it, or at the end of Portal 2 Wheatley would end up escaping with Chell. But the main plot is still awesome sooo yea.
Potato Wheatley: (Screaming)
Ooooooo! This would be a brilliant fanfic idea!
Awesome Video!
fun fact the part with wheatley and Glados after you get launched back was made on a different animation thing, but looks like the game.
actually, all of this was recorded ingame. i made this as a map, and then just recorded my screen as i played!
@@AllisonGhost hi
This is brilliantly made!!
Wow this was actually something good!
YOU my friend,Have earned a new subscriber.
Honestly, this is the best alternate ending to portal 2 I've ever seen!
That was made super good!
now the wheatley its no enemy and GLaDOS its the enemy
but the Cave Jonhson programed caroline in wheatley now? or not?
This is brilliant and amazing and I want this to be canon.
That is some hell of a good editing!!! LOve the vid!!!
I'm begging you... a sequel too this...
i'm Pretty Sure i Like The Alternative Way. Cool Video!
Can we all appreciate how much time she put into this?😮😮😮
GLaDOS pulled the biggest Uno Reverse I know of.
Long fall boots?
That was amazing!!!!!