@@rdodamiangrin I like Germans from East Germany. They are like we from ex Yugoslavia. Just simple people. I was on cruise Aida a few times and had the opportunity to be at the same table with both Germans... Germans from ex East Germany are the best people in Europe (after us from Balkan 😍💖👍💝🥰).
Y porqué hay que traducir al anglosajón?😢😢😢el anglosajón no tiene nada 👎 de la gracia necesaria para hacer traducciones, en cambio el DEUTSCH es completamente válido para hacerse entender mundialmente ❤😊
Ich war noch nie dort. Schade, Vielle von meinen brasilianischen verwanten aber das schon mit gemacht. Mein wunsch ist das Land kennen wor mein Opa und meine Oma geboren sind: Deutschland. Verzeihen Sie mir das schlechte Deutsch
I m South Korean. I love Bayern Munchen. I like Thomas Muller, Miroslav Klose, Philipp Lahm and so on. I watched all games of the Korea and the Germany in 2022 World Cup. I hope Germany win championship in Euro2024! Again 2014 Germany!!
The anthem is great. Germans now need to restore national power and traditions. There is nothing criminal in being proud of your country. Greetings from Russia
hoffe Du hast diese unseligen Orks von Grünen aus deinem Gehirn verbannt. Ich war früher selbst so bescheuert und betete regelrecht alles an was links war ........... aber die sind bescheuert!
I think Germany has one of the best national anthem. It seems to me that the author of the anthem's lyric, August Heinrich Hoffmann, in 1841, during the era of possible German unification (which eventually being realised about three decades later), try to reflect the long rich invaluable history from the 10th century i.e. from the Holy Roman Empire, where (1) the strong roots and traditions become the foundation and inspiration for the people to carry out noble deeds throughout their lives, (2) the subsequent responsibility to safeguard and unite the German nations, and (3) the future hope for striving to have a prosperous, dignified, and honorable nation. Furthermore, the melody was composed by Joseph Haydn, the mentor and tutor of both Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. He normally began the manuscript of each composition with "In nomine Domini" (in the name of the Lord) and ended with "Laus Deo" (praise be to God). Wunderbar!
Oh, this videos creator has also included the frowned upon *first* part of the Anthem ... ... Naturally the *second* segment, starting with "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" is sung.
@@THEBIGGAME683 It was written before the unification. Every country aspires to rise. And also they were under attacks so i think Hoffman included one they will above all in the world
@@-B-SaswataRoychoudhuryRKMV your probably right but I couldn't deny that germans are far more better than my own country or people, afterall, germany is the country that achive so much best and the worst for such a short period of time then rise again to the worst and best scenario of the times. That's why I admire germany than my own country. The lyrics itself may sound pretty nationalistic but it fits the germans so well, it's their national anthem afterall, not some nation's anthem.
@@THEBIGGAME683 Yes for a short period of time we always make Germany guilty. Today's generation too is brainwashed by the West. The Lyrics stand for unification, not subjugation. They must feel free to use it with slight modifications to the geographical borders.
Best national anthem in the world! Thank you Papa Haydn for such glorious music! This video has the best translation into English that I have yet seen; good job, whoever did that.
@@AmeliaEarhart537 Amelia, do not do that. You wlll be extremely disappointed! Our country is in full economic and social decline. Better to choose Denmark, Switzerland or Norway because of their more severe migration policy. Due to our governments migration policy the situation and safety of women has been declining a lot since 2015. Public spaces are domnated by migrants coming from arabic and muslim countries. Germany has become a lot more insecure, brutal and criminal in the past 10 years.
Important note: "Germany above all" means above all the small and tiny german states and hurdles that made up Germany before unification. It was not directed against other countries, but focused on inner problems. That's why for example fleeing Poles participated at the liberal Hambacher Fest after the polish uprising 1830/31 and the so called Polenschwärmerei - affection for polish people - set in with liberals in Germany.
Господи, это совершенно прекрасно! Не могу сказать, что я являюсь поклонником немецкой культурой, но я точно знаю, что наследие немецкого народа огромно. Я слышала, что некоторые немцы стыдиться своей Родины и бояться проявлять свою любовь к Родине, из-за прошлого. Надеюсь, что это не правда. Каждый народ обязан гордиться своей страной. С уважением из России.
Die Deutschen schämen sich nicht für ihr Vaterland aber dafür, dass Politiker unser Land ins Ruin treiben. Für das Deutsche Volk wird nichts getan. 🙏🇩🇪😔
Ich bin deutscher Abstammung und habe hier in Brasilien, wo ich geboren wurde und lebe, gehört, dass es Abschnitte gab, die verboten waren. Schade! Eine wunderschöne Hymne, sowohl textlich als auch musikalisch. Ich grüße alle Deutschen herzlich. Es lebe Frieden und Freiheit!
I am German fanatic and I am Chinese. From dispersed tribe to the greatest nation world ever see under an Austrian painter. I hope to see the great nation shine once again 🇩🇪 🇨🇳
The German Navy Band was in Singapore last weekend for a joint concert and this song was played at the end it is such a beautiful song. I like the country Germany 😍
Thank you for this beautiful , more than a hymn, it reflects the German beauty and its incredible history, Germany is an incredible Country, God bless Germany Forever, Thank you very much again, Deutschlan,Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt!!
I love listening to the anthem of Germany. It is one of the most beautiful anthems I have ever heard. Do you have the HD instrumental version of that? (The full instrumental version of 0:00 - 0:13)
@@niaoyu5477 Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das deutsche Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben, brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit sind des Glückes Unterpfand: Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes, blühe, deutsches Vaterland!....this is the right Hymn
I'm not a German but I love Germany more than everything I'm still praying that one day I will visit Germany I have spent all my data just to enjoy their National Anthem Germany is a great Nation how happy are they that are living in Germany
I've been there (chek Charlie point, Bradenburg gate, Jews memory tombs, American Embassy, Berlin sight seeing n coffee in city. Beautiful city of course...Berlin, clean n green but to much Ghost. Sorry to say, because of WW 2, but, German is divided into two parts for visitors, hated n love. So be careful.....they hated the poor countries....they care OECDs....n China n Japanese.
If you wanna come to Germany you should learn arabic. Germany isn´t the country any more people think about it. And bring your weapon for selfdefence. 5 Germans get killed every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. 56 German women get raped every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. 76 German people get knife stabbed every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. Don´t ever exept a warm welcome when you come to Germany.
A lot of people think so, but the text is from the 19th century. The texter dreamed on a united state, when there were a lot of small German lands. But it''s correct that it was also the official anthem in the 3. Reich.
It's sad how 'Deutschland uber alles' is now immediately given the German ultranationalism label in this song. The historical context is that creating a united Germany should be the priority before anything else, which fits well into both the unification of the German empire and the reunification of Germany.
The bigger problem isnt that particular verse but afterwards. From mars to memel, from the mest to the belt. All 4 directions are now quite a bit past modern german borders.
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein Staatsfragment des deutschen Kaiserreiches, dessen Verfassung nach wie vor Gültigkeit besitz, aber handlungsunfähig ist, bis das deutsche Volk diese einfordert.
Wieso bist du stolz darauf? Was hast du zur Nation beigetragen? Ich finde immer, nur in einer Nation geboren zu sein, ist kein Verdienst. Und nur auf eigene Verdienste kann man stolz sein. Zufällig dort geboren zu sein zählt nicht. Jeder Zugewanderte, der die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft erwirbt, hat insoweit mehr geleistet als jemand, der nur zufällig hier geboren wurde. PS: Ich mag die Hymne trotzdem. Allerdings nur die dritte Strophe.
Eine Hymne🇩🇪, die Reife und den Geist der Zusammenarbeit suggeriert und zu Renaissance und Entwicklung ermutigt. Eine Hymne, die zur brüderlichen menschlichen Einheit für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft der gesamten Menschheit aufrut. Tatsächlich verdient das deutsche Volk allen Respekt und jede Wertschätzung.
I think Germany must use the full anthem with the modification of geographical borders. it's beautiful. For a brief period time, we cant neglect Germany's great history throughout the ages.
Your comment made me realize something: Germany has had to spend almost a century in shame due to what was (measured in time) a very short time period (12 years). That's insane to think about.
@@-B-SaswataRoychoudhuryRKMV I'm not German but I agree what you said. After the WWI Germany was treated so unfairly and when I was a German at that time, I would support my country to fight and persue revenge too. If someone should be responsible for WWII besides Germany, the UK, France and Japan should be the ones.
@@tdsdh1229 Yes, history is written according to winners this is not fair. A country which was divided for most of its period finally got unified but everyone was so jealous that they crunched it and when it want to rise they again crunched it and totally brain washed
I'm not German, (I'm American, in case you needed to know, for some reason) but even I tear up when listening to this anthem. It's easily my favourite anthem in the world, and makes me proud to be German, even though I'm not (if that makes any sense. Lol). Es lebe das Vaterland!
I can perfectly understand you! 💙 I'm not german too but when I listen to this hymne...tears come to my eyes....even if our Austrian hymne is not bad too.
"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" Ich bin Koreaner, solange ich Deutschland liebe. Deutschland besitzt eine gute Kultur und hat viele gute Persönlichkeiten hervorgebracht. Einstein, Bach, Kepler und Goethe... Deutschland ist ein wunderbares Land.
This should be sung in full in the Olympics and the Football Matches! Edit: I hope this is sung in 2050, in a German Space City with German pride revived!
How i scribe this??deuschlandied??? God bless this nation and erase all the suffering that happened in the past.!❤ Fun fact:I am of German descent! LIVE GERMANY!!!🇩🇪🍺
Je suis guinéen je suis supporter de l'Allemagne mon pays rêve pour moi c'est le meilleur pays du monde j'aime l'Allemagne j'aime tous les Allemands❤🇩🇪😭
@@Andr_W_ danke schon gott ihnen erhalten bruder ich gestorbe fur deutschland wann deutschland hat ein krieg mit mein heimatland ich gestorbe fur deutschland immer deutschland in my bloot
That thought had never crossed my mind and I am definitely glad it didn't. He was part of what was completely wrong about Germany in the 1940s, and he probably should have been executed in 1945, rather than continuing to live until 1976.
The energy felt through this national anthem cannot help but flow through me and fill me with foreign pride. There is no other anthem with the power to enter me and go straight to my heart. And no, I am not German. But, someone so overwhelmed that I appreciate it!
Ich bin Enkel deutscher Juden, die GSD haben gelungen auszuwandern. Trotzdem liebe ich dieses Lied. Die Vergangenheit ist die Geschichte und wir müssen davon lernen, in Gegenwart leben, mit Blick in die Zukunft.Allen auf diese verrücken Erde müssen zusammen arbeiten, damit solches Gräueltat nie wieder passiert. Das modernes Deutschland ist ein sehr schönes Land, auf dem man kann wirklich stolz sein.
Maybe someone already pointed it out (haven't felt like checking 128 comments), but the German national anthem is NOT "Deutschland über alles", which has been misused and abused and perverted by the Nazis from its original meaning (which was really about uniting Germany for the first time, as an area speaking the same language and having much of the same culture, in the early 1800s over its numerous independent principalities) to mean "Germany above all other nations". The official German national anthem now is only the third stanza of the song by Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (music, of course, by Joseph Haydn, and having been the Austrian national anthem before): Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit... (unity and law and freedom for the German fatherland, let us all strive for that, united by heart and hand, unity and law and freedom are the guarantee of happiness, blossom in the light of that happiness, blossom, German fatherland). "Deutschland über alles" is ancient history for us, after having been misused by the Nazis. Or so I hope. That being said, I do think the German national anthem is one of the most peaceful in the world (cf. "the rockets' red glare" or "le jour de gloire est arrivé" etc.). And no marching tune.
Ich bin Italiener, aber ich liebe die deutsche Kultur und vor allem diese wundervolle Hymne zutiefst (nur ein Genie wie Haydn könnte eine so süße und bewegende Melodie schreiben). ❤
Ich liebe das deutsche Volk und Deutschland sehr! Ich wünsche dem deutschen Land Wohlstand! Das deutsche Volk ist mutig und stolz! Frieden und Güte - Deutschland🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🥰😍🤩🥰😍🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
The most beautiful anthem in the World for the much deserving German People who have risen from such terrible conflicts and hard economic conditions of years past. Germany over all means Germany United for the leading European Union Economy. Great people, hard working, friendly and dedicated to manufacturing, technology, science, medicine and a higher standard of living.
Germany is a great nation, and I say that as an American whose father fought in WW2. It's time you stopped apologizing for the crazy Austrian and embraced your inherent greatness.
Ι am Greek.I was born in Herrenberg,Baden Wuertenberg and since 1981 I live in Kavala,Greece.I love VFB Stuttgart and PAOK Saloniki.
Πολλούς χαιρετισμούς στην Ελλάδα. Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί (I trust deepl to translate it correctly)😂
Awesome National Anthem..God bless your country..Love hearing it..Love National Anthems about the country not the leaders
*Für mich persönlich die schönste Hymne der Welt und aller Zeiten!*
_Jelena aus Kroatien_
Im brazillian but i also love the german anthem
Sometimes most than My own country anthem...
@@onicoo__06 💖 Me too!
Danke! Vielen Dank!😢
You are of Germany and Germany is yours! Bog u Hrvati!
@@rdodamiangrin I like Germans from East Germany. They are like we from ex Yugoslavia. Just simple people. I was on cruise Aida a few times and had the opportunity to be at the same table with both Germans...
Germans from ex East Germany are the best people in Europe (after us from Balkan 😍💖👍💝🥰).
Thank you for this wonderful, deep anthem! Einigkeit, Freiheit, u. Recht! Gott Mit Uns! ❤🇩🇪
Für mich die schönste Nationalhymne der Welt :) --> Gott schütze Deutschland und die ganze restliche westliche Welt!
Y porqué hay que traducir al anglosajón?😢😢😢el anglosajón no tiene nada 👎 de la gracia necesaria para hacer traducciones, en cambio el DEUTSCH es completamente válido para hacerse entender mundialmente ❤😊
Für mich auch, da geht das deutsche Herz auf.❤ Gott schütze alle Völker der Erde.
Warum nur westliche Welt?!
Dem , ist nichts hinzuzufügen❤❤❤
Ja... das das auch die Hymne der Nazis war und in Deutschland verboten ist ignorieren wir mal geschwind
Ich hab sofort Gänsehhaut und Tränen in den Augen. Unser Land unser Deutschland. ❤
mich auch. Danke Deutschland for my citizenship
Said no Jew ever.
Ich war noch nie dort. Schade, Vielle von meinen brasilianischen verwanten aber das schon mit gemacht. Mein wunsch ist das Land kennen wor mein Opa und meine Oma geboren sind: Deutschland. Verzeihen Sie mir das schlechte Deutsch
I m South Korean. I love Bayern Munchen. I like Thomas Muller, Miroslav Klose, Philipp Lahm and so on. I watched all games of the Korea and the Germany in 2022 World Cup. I hope Germany win championship in Euro2024! Again 2014 Germany!!
grüße aus bayern
반갑습니다. 노래좋네요
You picked the worst football team ever
The anthem is great. Germans now need to restore national power and traditions. There is nothing criminal in being proud of your country. Greetings from Russia
We don't need advice from Russians.
This basically means driving you fellas out of Königsberg.
@@Firefighter2539 start firstly with Silesia and Pomerania
@@Sigmabasedchad Is more about justice and less about land. You didn‘t ask the Polish, wheter they would like to move after the war 🤷♂️.
Such an amazingly beautiful anthem. The very BEST in the entire world.
I agree 100 percent and I even get goosebumps
The German national anthem is beautiful!!! Long live Germany!!!
The most beautiful ever
Ich wuensche meine deutschen Bruedern alle Glueck in der Welt, Liebe Grusse von die Nachbarn aus der Niederlande 🥰
🇩🇪 🇳🇱❤️
Gottes Heil und Segen sei mit dir!
hoffe Du hast diese unseligen Orks von Grünen aus deinem Gehirn verbannt. Ich war früher selbst so bescheuert und betete regelrecht alles an was links war ........... aber die sind bescheuert!
@@theodorzeppelin998 Vielen Lieben Dank NL❤DE
Vielen Dank wir wünschen euch ebenfalls Grüße aus Deutschland (sorry ich kann leider kein Niederländisch)
I think Germany has one of the best national anthem. It seems to me that the author of the anthem's lyric, August Heinrich Hoffmann, in 1841, during the era of possible German unification (which eventually being realised about three decades later), try to reflect the long rich invaluable history from the 10th century i.e. from the Holy Roman Empire, where (1) the strong roots and traditions become the foundation and inspiration for the people to carry out noble deeds throughout their lives, (2) the subsequent responsibility to safeguard and unite the German nations, and (3) the future hope for striving to have a prosperous, dignified, and honorable nation.
Furthermore, the melody was composed by Joseph Haydn, the mentor and tutor of both Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Ludwig van Beethoven. He normally began the manuscript of each composition with "In nomine Domini" (in the name of the Lord) and ended with "Laus Deo" (praise be to God). Wunderbar!
This hymne is our former Austrian hymne of our emperator.
Oh, this videos creator has also included the frowned upon *first* part of the Anthem ...
... Naturally the *second* segment, starting with "Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit" is sung.
It is the best anthem ever
listen to the anthem of the GDR. That's music with character
@@angre3745Einfach nein
"Germany, Germany above all" in the lyrics means that United Germany shall be over all the time of smaller German states
Nope, they are truly said as above the world, ("en der welt!")
@@THEBIGGAME683 It was written before the unification. Every country aspires to rise. And also they were under attacks so i think Hoffman included one they will above all in the world
@@-B-SaswataRoychoudhuryRKMV your probably right but I couldn't deny that germans are far more better than my own country or people, afterall, germany is the country that achive so much best and the worst for such a short period of time then rise again to the worst and best scenario of the times. That's why I admire germany than my own country. The lyrics itself may sound pretty nationalistic but it fits the germans so well, it's their national anthem afterall, not some nation's anthem.
@@THEBIGGAME683 Yes for a short period of time we always make Germany guilty. Today's generation too is brainwashed by the West. The Lyrics stand for unification, not subjugation. They must feel free to use it with slight modifications to the geographical borders.
@@THEBIGGAME683it means the idea of german unification is above any other idea in the world
Played this in front of the French embassy, now the embassy surrendered to me and it's mine 😂
Hum ... Anthem of republic of Weimar, safe
That's what the French are good at.
I played the Soviet Union anthem in front of the German embassy and they all ran away
Best national anthem in the world! Thank you Papa Haydn for such glorious music! This video has the best translation into English that I have yet seen; good job, whoever did that.
Probably the best national anthem ever. Love Germany 🖤 hopefully I'll make it to Germany one day!
Me too. I'm planning on moving to Germany 😊
@@AmeliaEarhart537I wish you good luck ☺️
@@AmeliaEarhart537 Amelia, do not do that. You wlll be extremely disappointed! Our country is in full economic and social decline. Better to choose Denmark, Switzerland or Norway because of their more severe migration policy.
Due to our governments migration policy the situation and safety of women has been declining a lot since 2015. Public spaces are domnated by migrants coming from arabic and muslim countries.
Germany has become a lot more insecure, brutal and criminal in the past 10 years.
@@ruthschreckenberg680 I know that but it's waaaaaay better than America. What's going on there is nothing compared to what's going on in America.
Ich liebe das Deutschlandlied so sehr!!!!!! Sehr shoon!! Magnificent! Herrlich
Deutschland ist ein sehr schönes Land. Diese Hymne passt richtig dazu. Prima
Genau!!! Wundershoon Lied!
Respect and admiration when I listen this anthem. Das deutsche Volk erhebt sich immer und geht voran. Greetings from Peru.
Evil, says a lot about YOU!
@@ruthietaylor8756tf u mean evil?
Important note: "Germany above all" means above all the small and tiny german states and hurdles that made up Germany before unification. It was not directed against other countries, but focused on inner problems. That's why for example fleeing Poles participated at the liberal Hambacher Fest after the polish uprising 1830/31 and the so called Polenschwärmerei - affection for polish people - set in with liberals in Germany.
Infelizmente, o hino alemão não é cantado na íntegra.
Danke mein Freund 😊✌
니가 할 말은 아니다. 이 극우야.
Господи, это совершенно прекрасно! Не могу сказать, что я являюсь поклонником немецкой культурой, но я точно знаю, что наследие немецкого народа огромно. Я слышала, что некоторые немцы стыдиться своей Родины и бояться проявлять свою любовь к Родине, из-за прошлого. Надеюсь, что это не правда. Каждый народ обязан гордиться своей страной.
С уважением из России.
Die Deutschen schämen sich nicht für ihr Vaterland aber dafür, dass Politiker unser Land ins Ruin treiben. Für das Deutsche Volk wird nichts getan. 🙏🇩🇪😔
For sure we love Germany. Unity and right and freedom! Democracy is everything! I love my homeland. It gave me all and I will protect it!
Heimatliebe ist bei uns gefährlich
@@altergreen I love the Russian people and I love the Russianand German anthems
Except russia? 😂
Ich bin deutscher Abstammung und habe hier in Brasilien, wo ich geboren wurde und lebe, gehört, dass es Abschnitte gab, die verboten waren. Schade! Eine wunderschöne Hymne, sowohl textlich als auch musikalisch. Ich grüße alle Deutschen herzlich. Es lebe Frieden und Freiheit!
I am German fanatic and I am Chinese. From dispersed tribe to the greatest nation world ever see under an Austrian painter. I hope to see the great nation shine once again 🇩🇪 🇨🇳
Schöne Hymne! Ich freue mich, ein Lied aus meiner historischen Heimat zu hören, das ich auf jeden Fall besuchen werde.
Grüße aus Argentinien! ❤❤❤
Also! Natürlich. Das beste Lied!!!!!!! Danke schoon! Fast weinen
ayo? you live in Argentina but your family is from Germany? that's a little sus you baka
The German Navy Band was in Singapore last weekend for a joint concert and this song was played at the end it is such a beautiful song. I like the country Germany 😍
Thank you for this beautiful , more than a hymn, it reflects the German beauty and its incredible history, Germany is an incredible Country, God bless Germany Forever, Thank you very much again, Deutschlan,Deutschland über alles, über alles in der Welt!!
I love listening to the anthem of Germany. It is one of the most beautiful anthems I have ever heard. Do you have the HD instrumental version of that? (The full instrumental version of 0:00 - 0:13)
Es kommt immer Träne wenn ich mitsinge. Danke Deutschland! Tolles Land!
@@niaoyu5477 Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit für das deutsche Vaterland! Danach lasst uns alle streben, brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit sind des Glückes Unterpfand: Blüh im Glanze dieses Glückes, blühe, deutsches Vaterland!....this is the right Hymn
I'm learning german and this song make the subject eassier
Ich auch
Nice to hear, keep on learning
Love From Germany ❤
Hoch lebe die Deutschland, Deutschland über alles. ❤❤❤ God Bless Germany 🇩🇪 ❤❤❤
I'm not a German but I love Germany more than everything I'm still praying that one day I will visit Germany I have spent all my data just to enjoy their National Anthem Germany is a great Nation how happy are they that are living in Germany
I've been there (chek Charlie point, Bradenburg gate, Jews memory tombs, American Embassy, Berlin sight seeing n coffee in city. Beautiful city of course...Berlin, clean n green but to much Ghost. Sorry to say, because of WW 2, but, German is divided into two parts for visitors, hated n love. So be careful.....they hated the poor countries....they care OECDs....n China n Japanese.
Don't forget to visit Bavaria, and Ludwig der Zweite castles.
Especially Neuschwanstein.
Regards from France
dang you just like me then
If you ever make it to Hamburg, I'll be glad to show you around.
If you wanna come to Germany you should learn arabic. Germany isn´t the country any more people think about it. And bring your weapon for selfdefence. 5 Germans get killed every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. 56 German women get raped every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. 76 German people get knife stabbed every week by people who wants to stay in Germany. Don´t ever exept a warm welcome when you come to Germany.
Hoffentlich wird das komplette Lied mal wieder die offizielle Hymne. Sie drückt die damalige Sehnsucht nach einem gemeinschaftlichen Staat gut aus.
You know. The first paragraph of this article is about the German state in 1933-1945
A lot of people think so, but the text is from the 19th century. The texter dreamed on a united state, when there were a lot of small German lands. But it''s correct that it was also the official anthem in the 3. Reich.
@hoaianh2406 not true, our hymn is much older than that.
@@hoaianh2406The whole anthem was written before the creation of the German Empire. Means before 1871
@@hoaianh2406 Absolutely nonsense
Probably one of the best 5 most glorious anthems world over created.
listen to "Auferstanden aus Ruinen" and then come back and say that again...
@@aaltag4068Eine "Hymne" verfasst und gesungen von Volksverrätern.
@@aaltag4068 Go and hear horst wessel lied, come back and say that again...
Nazis 😂😂 now Hitler ancestors and descendants is who sings this anthem
It's sad how 'Deutschland uber alles' is now immediately given the German ultranationalism label in this song. The historical context is that creating a united Germany should be the priority before anything else, which fits well into both the unification of the German empire and the reunification of Germany.
People don't care about what your intention was. People care about pointing fingers
Any nation should put itself first, the world second. We're not a one world government and should never be.
The bigger problem isnt that particular verse but afterwards. From mars to memel, from the mest to the belt. All 4 directions are now quite a bit past modern german borders.
Hoch lebe die Bundesrepublik Deutschland, unser schönes Vaterland! 🇩🇪💪😀
Scheiss Bundesrepublik, das wahre Deutschland wollen wir sehen❤
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist ein Staatsfragment des deutschen Kaiserreiches, dessen Verfassung nach wie vor Gültigkeit besitz, aber handlungsunfähig ist, bis das deutsche Volk diese einfordert.
Ein großartiges Land ,in dieser Hymne werden die Tugenden dieser herrlichen Nation wiedergeben...ich bin stolz dieser Nation anzugehören
Ich bin stolz ein Deutscher zu sein und ich will nie was anderes sein🇩🇪🙋♂️
heil Fuhrer
Heil Fuhrer
Impeach Olaf the Puppet Sholf ❌🙊🐒🐒🐒
Wieso bist du stolz darauf? Was hast du zur Nation beigetragen? Ich finde immer, nur in einer Nation geboren zu sein, ist kein Verdienst. Und nur auf eigene Verdienste kann man stolz sein. Zufällig dort geboren zu sein zählt nicht. Jeder Zugewanderte, der die deutsche Staatsbürgerschaft erwirbt, hat insoweit mehr geleistet als jemand, der nur zufällig hier geboren wurde. PS: Ich mag die Hymne trotzdem. Allerdings nur die dritte Strophe.
This is amazing song, who has a lot strong in every sound. Respect for history, culture and science 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Great Video ❤
Tellement émouvant
Je l écoute au moins une fois par jour !!!!!
Eine Hymne🇩🇪, die Reife und den Geist der Zusammenarbeit suggeriert und zu Renaissance und Entwicklung ermutigt.
Eine Hymne, die zur brüderlichen menschlichen Einheit für eine erfolgreiche Zukunft der gesamten Menschheit aufrut.
Tatsächlich verdient das deutsche Volk allen Respekt und jede Wertschätzung.
Deine Flagge am Anfang ist allerdings die belgische.
@@tillneumann406 Danke ❤️
What a beautiful anthem!🇩🇪
Beatiful,🎉🎉HERMOSO Hinmo Deustland VIVA ALEMANIA 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Muchas gracias❤️
Wenn du in Deutschland lebst da wirst du auch nicht dort leben wollen weil du musst immer zu früh aufstehen und die Wolken sind jeden Tag bedeckt
Deutschland Deutschland über alles!
Germans when they find out people sing the first verse instead of the 3rd:
@@MusuemBucket1st and 3rd should be sang together, second is well its a little goofy
Über alles in der Welt
And? @@MusuemBucket
Es gibt 40.000 US-Soldaten in Deutschland ... why?
I think Germany must use the full anthem with the modification of geographical borders. it's beautiful. For a brief period time, we cant neglect Germany's great history throughout the ages.
Your comment made me realize something: Germany has had to spend almost a century in shame due to what was (measured in time) a very short time period (12 years). That's insane to think about.
@@applescruff1969 Because Germany was forced to(got divided). It was brainwashed by allies. Otherside see Japan they are happy no one remembers that.
oh nein nein nein
sein Vaterland muß größer sein
@@-B-SaswataRoychoudhuryRKMV I'm not German but I agree what you said. After the WWI Germany was treated so unfairly and when I was a German at that time, I would support my country to fight and persue revenge too. If someone should be responsible for WWII besides Germany, the UK, France and Japan should be the ones.
@@tdsdh1229 Yes, history is written according to winners this is not fair. A country which was divided for most of its period finally got unified but everyone was so jealous that they crunched it and when it want to rise they again crunched it and totally brain washed
This is pure music. I can't describe the feeling I get when listening to this anthem. The composer should be so proud.
I'm not German, (I'm American, in case you needed to know, for some reason) but even I tear up when listening to this anthem. It's easily my favourite anthem in the world, and makes me proud to be German, even though I'm not (if that makes any sense. Lol).
Es lebe das Vaterland!
I can perfectly understand you! 💙 I'm not german too but when I listen to this hymne...tears come to my eyes....even if our Austrian hymne is not bad too.
I am a Nigerian and I feel exactly the same. What you wrote makes a whole lot of sense to me.
@@femimelord1606 that's because this music touches extremely the heart.... like my beloved Jessye Norman said - *it's a gift of God* 🙋 from Austria
Óbvio que tem um motivo forte pra eles terem colocado "Deutsche freuen Deutsche treuen" no hino !
"Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit"
Ich bin Koreaner, solange ich Deutschland liebe. Deutschland besitzt eine gute Kultur und hat viele gute Persönlichkeiten hervorgebracht. Einstein, Bach, Kepler und Goethe... Deutschland ist ein wunderbares Land.
Und auch unser Anführer Adolf
I've been to Germany 🇩🇪 twice. Munchen and Koln but I will return but this time in Berlin.
Deutschland!! Deutschland!!
Très très très belle version de l’hymne allemand, j’adore 🥰
Merci à Joseph HAYDN!
En fait, la version complette est éxtrèmement belle, n'est-ce pas....
Pourtant, la Marseillaise, chantée par Jessye Norman est aussi merveilleuse!
Jerry bag!😅
sale collabo
@@Amigo0304 ?
This should be sung in full in the Olympics and the Football Matches!
Edit: I hope this is sung in 2050, in a German Space City with German pride revived!
TOP! Ich bin beruehrert! LG aus Dresden 🖤❤💛
Such a beautiful anthem. I hope I'll be to visit Germany sometime soon. Ich liebe Deutschland! Love from Peru.
IM English but love the German National anthem. I have been to Germany, and like their country.
How i scribe this??deuschlandied???
God bless this nation and erase all the suffering that happened in the past.!❤
Fun fact:I am of German descent! LIVE GERMANY!!!🇩🇪🍺
You should write and read: Deutschlandlied. Or better: Das Lied der Deutschen.
Beautiful song! However, it’s worth noting that the lyrics literally say (and mean) “Germany above everything else in the world.”
Beautiful anthem....God bless Germany.
So grateful to have the opportunity to study, work and finding the love of my life in Germany 🥰
Je suis guinéen je suis supporter de l'Allemagne mon pays rêve pour moi c'est le meilleur pays du monde j'aime l'Allemagne j'aime tous les Allemands❤🇩🇪😭
bro, much love from germany to you ♥
@@Andr_W_ i will move to work in germany in july :* great nation great people god bless germany bruder
@@alaaeddin-zq6lc you are welcome :)
@@Andr_W_ danke schon gott ihnen erhalten bruder ich gestorbe fur deutschland wann deutschland hat ein krieg mit mein heimatland ich gestorbe fur deutschland immer deutschland in my bloot
The glorious tune is Haydn's Austrian anthem: Gott erhalt Franz den Kaiser. Strange how Prussia didn't include Austria in the second Reich über alles.
Nice video Erik from handball.
I remember Admiral Doenitz when I hear thr German anthem.
That thought had never crossed my mind and I am definitely glad it didn't. He was part of what was completely wrong about Germany in the 1940s, and he probably should have been executed in 1945, rather than continuing to live until 1976.
love this song, from Brunei
The energy felt through this national anthem cannot help but flow through me and fill me with foreign pride. There is no other anthem with the power to enter me and go straight to my heart. And no, I am not German. But, someone so overwhelmed that I appreciate it!
Ich bin Enkel deutscher Juden, die GSD haben gelungen auszuwandern. Trotzdem liebe ich dieses Lied. Die Vergangenheit ist die Geschichte und wir müssen davon lernen, in Gegenwart leben, mit Blick in die Zukunft.Allen auf diese verrücken Erde müssen zusammen arbeiten, damit solches Gräueltat nie wieder passiert. Das modernes Deutschland ist ein sehr schönes Land, auf dem man kann wirklich stolz sein.
how about 1871~1918???
I love Deutsche Kaiserreich.
Germany my love,long live my land of hearts
Danke für die schnelle Hymne
Ich fand auch den ICE voll Schön und Natürlich die Hymne weil ich DEUTSCHER bin.
warum in aller Welt sollte ich diese Hymne nicht singen dürfen? Da geht mir der Hut hoch!
Weil es ist ein nazis lied deswegen kannst du nicht singen
@@Theitaliansigmafootball Das Lied ist fast hundert Jahre älter als die Nazis.
Ich liebe mein Deutschland. Das Hören unserer Nationalhymne hat mich sehr bewegt. Einigkeit, Rechts und Freiheit.
Jawohl mein Freunde!
Ein sehr schönes Lied... Viele Grüße aus Polen 😉
Gott segne unser Vaterland 🇩🇪♥️
Und lass das so bleiben LG NL
jesteście diabłami
Maybe someone already pointed it out (haven't felt like checking 128 comments), but the German national anthem is NOT "Deutschland über alles", which has been misused and abused and perverted by the Nazis from its original meaning (which was really about uniting Germany for the first time, as an area speaking the same language and having much of the same culture, in the early 1800s over its numerous independent principalities) to mean "Germany above all other nations". The official German national anthem now is only the third stanza of the song by Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben (music, of course, by Joseph Haydn, and having been the Austrian national anthem before): Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit... (unity and law and freedom for the German fatherland, let us all strive for that, united by heart and hand, unity and law and freedom are the guarantee of happiness, blossom in the light of that happiness, blossom, German fatherland). "Deutschland über alles" is ancient history for us, after having been misused by the Nazis. Or so I hope. That being said, I do think the German national anthem is one of the most peaceful in the world (cf. "the rockets' red glare" or "le jour de gloire est arrivé" etc.). And no marching tune.
I was about to point this out as well, but I feel like you've done a much better job at explaining it than I could.
Ich bin Italiener, aber ich liebe die deutsche Kultur und vor allem diese wundervolle Hymne zutiefst (nur ein Genie wie Haydn könnte eine so süße und bewegende Melodie schreiben).
As an Englishman , I get goose bumps listening to Welsh fans singing that song .
Germany will quench the dryness of the soul
A corner of Tokyo
Bravo bravo bravissimo long live of people of japan of germany of usa autentic spiritual people and modern people today every day for ever
@@luisellamanesco1896 Thankyou
A corner of Tokyo, which is full of delicious foods of 🍘🍥🥧🍙🍙🍚🍚🍱🍱🍜🍜🍤🍤🍣🍣🍢🍢🍡🍡🥘🥟🎑🎑🎑⛩️⛩️🗻🗻🏯🏯🌊🌊
Ich liebe das deutsche Volk und Deutschland sehr! Ich wünsche dem deutschen Land Wohlstand! Das deutsche Volk ist mutig und stolz! Frieden und Güte - Deutschland🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🥰😍🤩🥰😍🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Wir Deutschen haben das Recht Nationalbewusstsein zu leben
Für die Freiheit!🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
Bin auch der Meinung! Schoene Gruesse von einem Ami aus Miami!
Love your anthem, from England 🏴
sou brasileiro, , pra mim o hino mais lindo que tem..
Our anthem carries the energy of our ancestors. May it guide us through the difficult times and protests coming up.
Love and respect from Japan🇯🇵.
Sehr geehrte damen und herren Deutschland ist jetzt wieder brüderlich geworden und herzlich willkommen geschafft!!! schönen leben wünsche ich euch..
The most beautiful anthem in the World for the much deserving German People who have risen from such terrible conflicts and hard economic conditions of years past. Germany over all means Germany United for the leading European Union Economy. Great people, hard working, friendly and dedicated to manufacturing, technology, science, medicine and a higher standard of living.
🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪Deutschland hyme so emotionale ❤️❤️ liebe sehr Deutschland
Awesome.. Great nation.. Great people ❤
😂 😅 jealousy won't get you anywhere.
Germany is a great nation, and I say that as an American whose father fought in WW2. It's time you stopped apologizing for the crazy Austrian and embraced your inherent greatness.
Long live Germany! Your french friend! Don't let your beautiful country fall!
So beautiful
0:13 Full Version
2:33 Official Version
Not correct. The whole Song is called "Deutschlandlied" or "Das Lied der Deutschen" but only the last part is the official National Anthem.
@@heroinflames That's just for differentiation
Not to answer
Dang, I can't stop listening to this!!!
One of the best countries I have ever visited. ❤
tres beau
Beautiful National Anthem.
Deutschland ❤❤ Beste lande der Welt 🇩🇪🇩🇪
my top 5 national anthems ever
Germany and all of europe come back to the way you were and never change.