As a parent of a 3 yr old autistic child I know that some are saying that autism does not need a cure. It is normal. However my fear is that when my husband and I are no longer on this earth our child will not have any life skills. I would do anything to improve my child’s quality of life. Just to know that he is self sufficient and can work and live a fulfilling life is awesome
There are different levels of autism and different outcomes. I have friends who were non-verbal, aggressive, and eloped frequently. They now communicate fluently (some use ASL or AAC devices) live alone, use public transportation or drive and have jobs.
🥺currently struggling in my mid20s moms not on earth anymore and my pops on n off in my life but it’s so hard to communicate To make friends , eye contact is so hard, even the childhood trauma I’ve experienced They never diagnosed me Autisim but I definitely have a lot of symptoms from childhood to adulthood L
@@sravanisrinivas9439 it is a very parent nightmare for sure. But seeing what is going with my son 4 years old now, when treated they can get better, there is always underline issues that is bothering them even if it is genetic
My daughter was speaking fluently. I have video and everything of her speaking and had amazing contact. She exceeded every milestone till then. They gave her vaccines at 13 months old. She went completely lethargic for 3 days. Doctors kept assuring me it was normal. Then went completely nonverbal and unable to speak or play with her siblings. 2 months later diagnosed with level three autism. Please look into mthfr gene. Most of autistic children have. It basically means they cant detox properly. My daughter was put on antioxidants, organic/wholefood diet, we keep a close look at her minerals and vitamins. She has shown so much progress. Now is finally speaking
They keep coping, trying to defend this crap. If you personally witnessed it, its a fact. No one can take that experience from you and say its different. They can all try.
Autistic people can do all of that they're not always nonverbal and lack eye contact it's called a spectrum after all (But I'm happy your daughter got better)
Yes same with my daughter. They have bad reactions from the MMR vax depending on their gut bacteria. Look into different children’s probiotics to help children’s gut bacteria or probiotics to help autism
Please look up the Nemecheck Protocol - it really works and you may start to see amazing results in about 2 weeks from starting the Protocol. Best wishes and prayers for all!
Keywords: perfect as a baby, changed at 18 months. When did she get her MMR? Same thing happened to my granddaughter. Except she got a fever and a rash within 24 hours after her MMR at 18 months. Now she is changed forever.
Same thing with my son got an abscess at the area of the injection. Right after the 7 month mmr Vaccine. He stopped uttering sounds and completely changed. Nowhere 12 and non-verbal.
@mycharmedunicorn8715 Sure the children weren't replaced with changeling fae children? That's what people believed before they decided it was the MMR. Which it wasn't. And yes, you sound just ad ridiculous as those medieval people did back then with their changelings.
My 16 yr old went rogue after all of his routine shots. Extreme fevers and he would regress... but prior to that he was talking and making eye contact and hitting all his milestones. He's 16 now but we have done supplements, changes in diet and detoxing. He went from severe autism and pediatricians were telling me to prepare for him to be institutionalized when he was older.. if you saw him today after doing the supplements and detoxing.... he's a happy teenager and no longer severely autistic. Yes he is still autistic but he is verbal and social and his body is healthy... anyway I can't pack 16 years of everything we did in a tiny post but our lives have changed for the better ❤
@@naomiramirez-jp5el hello. It wasn't just one type of supplement or detox. I did blood work and urine and stool tests and looked at his gut. The supplements and detoxing was all personalized for him according to his results.
@@niphoful no. they can't do anything insurance won't cover. i went out of network and saw separate pediatricians (known then as DAN doctors ... but better known today as Functional medicine doctors) They focus more on the root cause and healing. They don't just use pharmaceuticals for suppressing the symptoms but they get attacked and ridiculed by the mainstream media etc and since it doesn't follow the Rockefellers funded medicine then they have to be careful about how they advertise. But yeah they basically run the same types of blood tests and urine/stool that maybe a gastroenterologist would but since it mostly isn't covered then you pay out of pocket. Usually these are doctors who used to be "regular pediatricians or doctors" who were disappointed in the way Big pharma runs the show and decided to go rogue.... so to speak.
My 3.5 years old was just diagnosed on September 2. He used to talk and never missed any milestones and now he can't communicate with words. He was so obsessed with numbers and letters and books and apparently those were the signs I missed. For those who don't want a cure or whatever you call it, I am new to this and I would give anything to get my son talk again
He will always be autistic, you do realise he will probably talk again, also wanting a "cure" for him is very selfish for you. That's like "curing" your personality traits! Autism is not an illness.
@@Joseph-ko2go Keep your politics to yourself. My son is autistic and I want him to function. What kind of personality is that of not talking? If he doesn't talk it won't be because I didn't try to help him? If you want to remain autistic just be, but stop those nonsense. Seeing my vibrant curious talkative son just be like a zombie is not normal, I will do anything to get him functional again. So maddening reading stupid comments like these. Be autistic and remain that way forever, but leave ther parents alone.
@lizzy canal my nephew is five old.He doesn’t speak and understand things.please tell me about your experience???? I will be very thankful to you 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@DarkAngel-cj6sx no they’re right, your son always has been and always will be autistic, it’s just the way his brain is wired. Majority of autistic children regress. So they may “appear” neruotypical for their first couple years of life and develop at a normal rate and then suddenly they loose a lot of those skills. It takes time but with help and encouragement he can start to make progress. If he was talking once then there’s 100% hope he can start talking again with time. Best thing is not to hope for a cure but to work towards adapting things in your sons life. People often see it as autistic people need to change but why don’t we change for them? I’m sure with the right support your son will thrive
Mert simply is a customized stimulus to the brain, targeted to where the brain is struggling and uses less power than the body uses to make its own muscle fire. The targeted stimulus is completely safe and encourages the nerves to fire together in the brain. When they fire together, it leads to better function. This better function is expressed differently depending on the patient. Here, we see a child not only speak, but also emotionally "wake up." A stroke victim will recover more quickly. Anxiety is reduced without medication. Insomnia can be improved/resolved. People with cognitive decline may see improved short term memory. Not everyone has the same results, but everyone sees some measure of improved function.
My child has Autism. I will try this, & keep everyone informed if it works. It's gonna be a challenge cause he loves fast food & hates healthy food, Especially after me & his mom's Divorced cause her Adultery. She only buys fast food. I try to incorporate salads in his sandwich & fruit for breakfast, but it's not enough.
As someone who’s autistic I’m high functioning but that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer just as bad as your average joe, I have cognitive issues, social communication and interaction issues which have made it really hard making friends, I growing up (which I still am) my parents have been spilt up the entire time, on top of that I’ve got an undiagnosed bowel problem that’s probably linked to my autism. Soooo how do you think treatment will do for me?
I would recommend a classic ketogenic diet. 80% - 90% of calories from fat. As well as high-dose Vitamin D and trace minerals, including lithium orotate.
Guys I'm doing GAPS diet from Natasha Campbell. It's difficult but for my son is working. You should read the Gaps diet book , it's not a diet based only in vegetable but mostly on meat stock, fermented vegetables, kefir, yolk eggs , juices ect. At the beginning it's difficult but in short time you will see results less tantrums, really good sleep, less elopment. More words. For my kid I'll do anything
@@proverbs31university If he will not find nothing to eat except vegetables or meat stock with carrots trust me he or she will eat whatever you will give to him. You should get rid of the the house every nonhealthy snack . My son never wanted to eat onion before, but he didn't had other option and he started to eat within one week. Whach "bumblebee apothecary " it's a mom that explains how to follow the Gaps diet. Trust me you will not repent . Whacht so many videos of the doctor Natasha Campbell Gaps diet. It's difficult but the results will show wigin one week
@@proverbs31universityif he or she do not have other alternatives than healthy foods will go to the things that you give . Start giving meat stock by siring cuz it's a treasure for the intestine and brain. You need to read the book Gaps Diet it's a treasure for thw parents to understand everything around food body and how to deal with this kind of kids.!
@@vypertoxic856 You're right. It's not a disease. But it is disabling, hindering and sometimes it's frustrating to live with. Not to mention society isnt accepting towards people with this condition. Then there's bullying, loneliness, misunderstandings, long term unemployment, chronic singleness, lack of friends, no kids, social isolation. Depression, anxiety. It sucks. If only there was something to make it easier.
@@1legend517 Exactly, I'm tired of people normalizing things that are NOT normal. These political correct weirdo's don't care about these kids who are suffering from it and it's. I hope somebody finds a cure because kids are entitled and have the right to be NORMAL.
Every Parent should get their child tested for Allergies. learn about the Allergins names, and biproduct names. Then elliminate those allergins from your child's daily diet for life. As It's in their genetics. They won't outgrow their allergin. This will help with a ton of ailments!! Over sensitive hearing. Chronic ear aches. Hard of hearing because of fluid in the ears. Mood swings. Anger issues. Aggression. Fidgeting. Eczema. Acne. Black circles under the eyes. Stuffed up sinuses. Drippy nose. Problems sleeping. Bloating. Constipation. Etc.. etc... It really is important for all humans to get tested for Allergins. 💝
I asked about this treatment back when I was 26 and they told me they've finished the trials with promising results. That was years ago, I'm 35 now, this condition has screwed up my whole life and there's still nothing thats come out from this treatment.
@@inakapoor thing is it was my kid's doctor treating him over here in Annapolis Maryland who linked us up with the doctor whom we got the herbs from. We contacted the doctor He took the herbs and he started talking and interacting more amongst his pair.
Which one the powder or liquid... can you bmore specific? Please & Thank you in advance My son is trying to talk he wants to sing .. Help me w/ his autism.. 🙏n Christ
Oh, and that average age for autistic people isn't because of suicide, where did you get that info from??? It's from couple other factors, like very common lack of any sense of danger, or health conditions that comes along with autism, I don't know why you say life is that awful for you putting the blame on you being autistic, ( maybe it's rather non autistic society who doesn't bother to even try to understand how neurodiverse brain functions and sees the world, and help creating more accommodations, not just keeping everything easier just for themselves, the "normal" ones, when in reality we are not that normal like we speak about ourselves). Please reach out to me , if you would want to talk, maybe it's not as bad,but you just don't have more energy to keep going the way things are, there's always some good in hard times, and finding it together may come easier,
@@agnieszkaIzabela597 thank you for replying to my comment. it means more then you think and its nice to know at least someone cares. My life isn't any better then it was 11 months ago when I made this comment. being autistic has lead me down a path of destruction. mentally and physically. I've been completely isolated from people other then family, and haven't had a single friend for over 10 years now. i don't work because my social anxiety and depression is so bad. I'm currently living with my dad. I've never dated or had any intimate moments in my entire life. its like I'm stuck in a loop which I can never escape from. I feel like I'm mentally 18 in a 28 year old's body. I don't feel as if I'm living, just surviving. I can't relate to anyone and they can't relate to me. every day is the same now and its getting harder and harder to even do the simplest of tasks. When my dad goes ill likely be right behind him. I don't know what to do anymore.. this life is so depressing. I just want to cry.
@@Logan69420Please search islam and go to local masjid. May Allah guide you! I think I’m also on the spectrum (self diagnosed) and crying to Allah in salah has helped so much . Also attending halaqat and durus helps so much!
Prevention is key. Vaccine schedule needs to be reduced or stopped. Vaccine injury is real and anyone that says otherwise is either ignorant or trying to keep their license.
Amber, just learn how to help them with their problems. Many of the “cures” out there are actually harmful to the child. I have autism and my mom put in the research, taught me what do go. Give me better ways to get out of situations I couldn’t deal with. Just help them understand themselves.
Im sorry this not nice to say but I think it is child abuse because even though help and therapy is important curing is dumb and mean because everyone is different and no kid can be perfect or normal just because you have a disability or disorder doesn’t mean that your not good enough
They are not saying thatyou love the child you don't accept the diagnosis if you're not capable and able to help yourself where are you people don't want their children and group homes and institutions That's not a life,because of my sister-in-law I've gotten into this and reading books and all
are you autistic? 'cause i am, and i swear i would do anything to cure it, it's a obstacle for everything in my life and it's really tiring, the kid wouldn't like to live that way if she ever knew how she could've behave if she wasn't autistic
Why are there so many retarded people saying this? Flabbergasting. If you could help a blind person see, would you not do it because "not everyone should be normal" this is from all that lgbt-nonsense
It’s called giving your child quality life. How sad our babies must be suffering not being able to communicate. Why wouldn’t we want to cure them so they can live without restrictions
It's not that she doesn't accept it , she clearly states how her daughters behavior took a drastic and sudden change and she wanted to help her. She damn near names everything they tried for her. Why flip what is meant to be a positive and informative video into something negative?
parents have an obligation to find the best care for their children. Noone is changing anybody’s personality. As the mother of an austic child- I am her best and only advocate. The Autism spectrum is vast and from person to person it’s a unique. So I will not deny my daughter the chance to gain basic functions because people who don’t know her say I’m changing her. My daughters inability to use the potty, use utensils, communicate is not her true self.
i understand that some people want help but i also wonder what part of those people would do better in a world where they were allowed to be themselves. to me, more than anything, being treated as a mistake and an outcast is what hurts me and has caused me most of my issues, not so much the autism itself.
It is done to improve their quality of life long term. It is heartbreaking to think you can die one day and you will leave a child who can’t communicate or do everyday things behind in a world like this.
@@klovejbbeba my worry is just that for us autists that can communicate but arent usually listened to, we will be expected or made to take these cures while we dont even know who we would be without autism
Sorry my brother has a severe form of autism, he is dependant he can't speak he can't understand and he acts like a 3 year old child, is it bad to want him to have a better quality of life? Am I selfish for wanting him to be able to explain why he's crying? He cries he has mental breakdowns he hurts himself and he can never tell why he does so. No dear I don't want him to stay this way forever I want him to get better!!
If you saw your child suffer you would do anything to help them. It's not about changing them, it's about improving their quality of life. Who will care for them once we are gone? If there is a possibility of them being able to care for themselves why wouldn't you try it.
@@TinFoilCat90 i am autistic myself, i know how i suffer, i know what causes it, im literally telling you whats harming me, but as per usual, its being overlooked. i never said that people shouldnt get help, but therapy and skill building is not the same as forcing someone to be "normal" and "cured"
Some of these comments are like for people who are physically limited but use a walking stick and do not want to see adverts for wheel chairs, not knowing that others out there do not have hands and feet. If you can write and comment, good on you. There are people out there who only make strange sounds like an animal and run around in circles all day and deserve a chance if possible.
Yes am growing up and I'm 27 and words is doing bad things because we are without protection from the reason we see more than you can see we see true about that world because we have really real magic on us and all the people trying to steal from us and later we are without a magic power to lift themselves😢
Dude I met this doctor at Harvard University who told me about the discovery he had made on autism which involves genetic changes and factors within the cytoskeloton which brings out radiation waves causing the body not to function normally which in this form is what's called "Autism" Many formal agents of mine that I have spoke with have talked about the same exact thing within the cytoskeleton. What is causing this you may ask? Well you see the cyto skeleton is a bone obviously and their are certain spots of the bone that cannot be hit. When these parts are hit they send out radiation waves which then tempers with your genetics. The chance of this happening quite shockingly is very low 1 in 5000 people will have this. The cure? Simply but surely see weed.
@Wesley Hinson I have heard several parents use the oyalo herbs and not one of them reported anything significant, Along with TRS zeolite (which also didnt work) and the CBD oil (which didnt work as well) there are just gimmicks all around
You are able to communicate your desire not be cured. If a person isn’t able to communicate then they are left without the ability to choose. I would support anything that potentially gives a person the ability to choose.
@@latrelli1954 by this point I would probably find it strange without autism and I don’t have severe autism I’m lower on the spectrum and even though it gives me a stutter and some over uncontrollable ticks I love my logical brain and I wouldn’t give it up I’m 13 and 11 months old and my iq is 122
@@BloodHound788 I respect your right as a human being not to want your mind altered. As I said in my comment I support choice, and the potential to give some the ability to communicate their choices. Being that you are able to communicate your desires, there is no need to change or “cure” anything about you that you don’t deem necessary.
What about THC CBD ? Theres a woman that tried it with her autistic kid. He looks way better and able to go to school normal. We need more experts to talk about this. Thc and cbd might just be the cure to autism!!! Smh
There is no cure for autism. Nor do we autistic people want a cure. It's the way our brains are wired. The only way to change it would be to have a full brain transplant. Which is impossible.
@@aviannarauber3279 No, there doesn't need to be. Us autistic people do not want it to exist. It'd be like saying you want a cure for black skin. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong.
You can cure it. Take Zeolite to detox heavy metals from your body and then do a parasite cleanse. We all have parasites but the Dr's won't tell you that. Take wormwood and black walnut, cloves to rid the body of worms and parasites. Research what I just told you. You can cure yourself
It's not the autism that is bad. It is when the child cannot function in this world. The non verbal autism. There are different levels of autism and if your child is on the severe in the world doesn't get it.
I wonder if that treatment that you tried for your daughter could help me as a 14 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Jacob Alan Spears as a 15 but soon to be 16 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Emma J. Buckley as a 15 but almost to be in a couple of days 16 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Kollin Pellett as a 14 year old, And I also wonder if that treatment could help everybody as different ages.
In reality autism is a serious life changing condition. For many people on the spectrum it is very dangerous and mentally stressful. Autism causes regular stressful breakdowns which causes serious upset and distress. Not being able to speak causes frustration, upset and anger. Daily dangers to life include ingesting toxic substances, chewing electric cables, escaping subsequently increasing risk of drowning or road accidents. I could go on. A solution is required to improve the quality of life and health of the children and their parents. It is overly simplistic and patronising to say ‘why don’t they except them for who they are’ of course they do it is the autism they don’t accept or ‘unconditional love’ of course the parents love their children unconditionally and it is because they love them so much they can’t sit back and watch their children suffer.
So, you believe that those on the spectrum aren’t on a spectrum at all? Why use the word “spectrum” if you don’t believe one exists at all? Also, why do you think autism is a independent entity separate from the individual? It’s not like that; Autism is literally the individual. To try and cure it is to try and hurt and kill someone.
Have you replied to the correct post? I didn’t say I don’t believe in the spectrum, in fact i believe quite the opposite. The spectrum is huge varying from highly functioning people who you wouldn’t necessarily know were autistic, through to people with extreme disabilities. If anything the problem is that everyone on the spectrum is grouped under the umbrella of autism when their needs and conditions are miles apart, this is probably in part due to lack of scientific understanding and politics. I strongly disagree with this spin nonsense that autism is the person, the person is the person we all have traits autistic or not that’s fine but when you have a severe condition that can causes danger to your life a cure or treatment for that condition or conditions is needed. There are autistic people, children and adults who barely function at all and who’s quality of life is awful, are you saying that nothing should be done for them? because as you say ‘Autism is the individual’? By the way I’m not endorsing the treatment on this video, it doesn’t seem to be suitably approved or researched. I just hope that one day very soon that the people on the spectrum who are suffering can be helped and there lives are improved.
That's exactly what my sister-in-law's mother told me,for the Love of her daughter she didn't want to leave leave her like that for the rest of her life of aggressive behavior it was looking at the news and there was a woman had seizures and she couldn't talk and someone molested her she's pregnant the woman lives in the group home people like to take advantage of people like that we got some evil hateful people in this world. My mother and I are midwives, husband, delivered their first baby boy.
Thank you, very well said. Just talking and thinking about it put tears In my eyes. It's hard for me, so I know it's very hard and stressful for them. I would not give up until I find the answer
honestly, i just thought of an analogy that i believe is the easiest way for people to understand why trying to find a "cure for autism" is a waste of time, energy, resources, and why it is bad. Imagine this: a person is born without an arm, what should we do in that situation? Should we help them to learn how to navigate life with only one arm, or try to find a "cure" for their nonexistent arm, trying to maybe "grow" an arm there? Well, i think the answer is obvious here. And how do we help the person navigate life without one arm? Should we make them try to live life just like a person with two arms, trying to be the same as them, not recognizing the difference, or should they adapt and do things differently than a person with both arms? Should we also give them tools and resources to make it easier for them? The answer here is also obvious. So, why is it that when we are talking about autism, the answer doesn't come as easily? Why is it so hard for you to understand? Autism cannot be cured, it will never be cured, it is not a disease, it is a disability, and it should be treated like one. Also, this analogy can be used to help people understand some other things about autism, for example: it is definitely easier for a person that was born with one arm to learn how to navigate through life than for a person that was born without both arms, it doesn't mean that it is impossible for the person without both arms, just harder, and it also doesn't mean the person without an arm shouldn't be taken seriously and have support as well, this is an analogy for the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" term, or "mild" and "severe", and some things people say to us autistic people about it. Also, i feel like with autism, people around you don't actually care about YOUR struggles and how it affects YOU, they only care about how it affects THEM, and going back to the analogy, it's like giving that person without an arm a useless prosthetic arm that actually makes life harder for them, only because you wanted them to look "more normal" and so that you wouldn't be bothered anymore about their struggle anymore (without the prosthetic you are always reminded of their daily struggle). And to complete this comment, thinking in a hypothetical scenario where a magical pill that cures autism completely is found, and given out for free, many autistic people would not take it because they got to a point in life where they are already comfortable with who they are and learned how to navigate life, and also enhanced the good things about being autistic, but it is just a waste of time to hope that someday a cure will happen, just like that person hoping that someday they will have a pill that will magically make their arm grow into a fully functional arm. In the end, this so called "cure for autism" is just neurotypicals trying to find the easy way out instead of actually trying to help us autistic people..
to all parents please take a look at the son rise program , read the book autism breackthrough : the groundbreaking method that helped families all over the world . By Raun k. Kaufman
honestly, i just thought of an analogy that i believe is the easiest way for people to understand why trying to find a "cure for autism" is a waste of time, energy, resources, and why it is bad. Imagine this: a person is born without an arm, what should we do in that situation? Should we help them to learn how to navigate life with only one arm, or try to find a "cure" for their nonexistent arm, trying to maybe "grow" an arm there? Well, i think the answer is obvious here. And how do we help the person navigate life without one arm? Should we make them try to live life just like a person with two arms, trying to be the same as them, not recognizing the difference, or should they adapt and do things differently than a person with both arms? Should we also give them tools and resources to make it easier for them? The answer here is also obvious. So, why is it that when we are talking about autism, the answer doesn't come as easily? Why is it so hard for you to understand? Autism cannot be cured, it will never be cured, it is not a disease, it is a disability, and it should be treated like one. Also, this analogy can be used to help people understand some other things about autism, for example: it is definitely easier for a person that was born with one arm to learn how to navigate through life than for a person that was born without both arms, it doesn't mean that it is impossible for the person without both arms, just harder, and it also doesn't mean the person without an arm shouldn't be taken seriously and have support as well, this is an analogy for the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" term, or "mild" and "severe", and some things people say to us autistic people about it. Also, i feel like with autism, people around you don't actually care about YOUR struggles and how it affects YOU, they only care about how it affects THEM, and going back to the analogy, it's like giving that person without an arm a useless prosthetic arm that actually makes life harder for them, only because you wanted them to look "more normal" and so that you wouldn't be bothered anymore about their struggle anymore (without the prosthetic you are always reminded of their daily struggle). And to complete this comment, thinking in a hypothetical scenario where a magical pill that cures autism completely is found, and given out for free, many autistic people would not take it because they got to a point in life where they are already comfortable with who they are and learned how to navigate life, and also enhanced the good things about being autistic, but it is just a waste of time to hope that someday a cure will happen, just like that person hoping that someday they will have a pill that will magically make their arm grow into a fully functional arm. In the end, this so called "cure for autism" is just neurotypicals trying to find the easy way out instead of actually trying to help us autistic people..
Read the comments. It's grifters trying to sell snake oil to parents. Hopefully$ most of the stuffs just harmless and won't hurt the kids, but I'd be surprised. I've even seen MMS bleach suggested in these comments. I thought that was banned by now.
I am autistic but I am strange I am too normal I can stare eye's without being uncomfortable but long conversations make me shake my autistic makes me a little creative but I am a light case of autism where it's my identity so I don't need to be cured.
I have nothing but sympathy for this lady. And certainly no answers. I struggle with a lot, but I'm independent, married, mostly happy, and wouldn't trade my autistic traits for anything.
@@Luna-wg6ic Now I know that you have not done your homework. If you did, then your response would not be inherited. Dig deep and you will see who is responsible.
@@setapart3452 No, you're going to tell me some utter nonsense about chemtrails, heavy metals, vaccines, Lucifer, etc, etc. I can almost feel David Icke typing on his keyboard. "Dig deep and see who's responsible" ffs 😂 Autistics are born, not made. I know it's not as exciting, but it's the cold, harsh reality of the situation.
I may be responding to the comments more than the video. I’m not on board the anti vax train. Not to be disrespectful, but just sharing a different experience and perspective.
MIRIAM You're not weird don't worry about what cheater feet said. I called him out. I blocked him. I emailed him. And I reported his ass. Don't worry it's all good.
I used this doc herbs for my son and now my son is completely free, his speaking and behavior is ok. His herbs is 100% working on ASD. I met Dr Oyalo on channel and I’m happy to share my experience about it.
No, bleach won't do it. Poisons the kids though and strips their gut lining, but, shussh, just tell them that's parasites or something, so you can keep selling bleach, these people are desperate...🤫
Another example of a parent who’s main concern is how the child’s condition effects them rather than how the child’s condition effects the child. Parenting like this does more harm than good. Autism does not mean your kid is broken and needs to be fixed. Stop harming children.
There is nothing normal about kids not being able to talk or learn to use the bathroom. Stop normalizing this. You should look at medical journals from even the 80s.
For people that say society should accept autistics and let them pass by of their behaviors, that is not that easy as it sounds, media has long romanticize autistics as genius savants in disguise like: "oh they [autistics] are like that because they are actually genius level" mentalities like that are out of touch, tone deaf and parent of autistics false illusions thinking their struggles and effort will payoff because their autistic child will be a genius someday like Raymond Babbit from Rainman. If people see individuals that has suffers with severe autism and their parents/guardians, I'd like them if they can still say it confidently "why dont we just accept autistics for who they are and just understand them?. Severely autistic adults poses a looming high risk to their parents/guardians, they may unintentionally hurt them when they go on a meltdown fit. Parents/guardians getting beat up at home, health staffs in care homes getting beat up by a severely autistic adult during their meltdown is a normal thing.
I was watching Daystar it's a lot of parents who says that jab, then got them that way my sister-in-law's a mother told me said that's when she started acting up yellow diarrhea wouldn't stop staring off into space hitting their head.
@@ThisRobinDoodles look on youtube. Type how doctors in france are treating autism with anti biotics.I can send you the link. Lyme disease is the cause i. Most cases. Conventional medicine could be mistaken. Who discovered North America?Columbus or was it a viking called yearl harolson?What is seen to be fact is sometimes a old misdiagnosed mistake. TH-cam lyme disease causing autism or treating autism with anti biotics. I dont say in all cases , but there is a chance.
@@charlesfeatherstone6196 You really think youtube is a credible source? 😂😂 Until there's peer reviewed medical research that indicates there may be a connection between ASD and Lyme, I'm going to be highly skeptical.
@@charlesfeatherstone6196 Autism is a condition someone is born with, so symptoms start at birth. However, they usually get noticed by parents anywhere between the first and fifth year.
As a parent of a 3 yr old autistic child I know that some are saying that autism does not need a cure. It is normal. However my fear is that when my husband and I are no longer on this earth our child will not have any life skills. I would do anything to improve my child’s quality of life. Just to know that he is self sufficient and can work and live a fulfilling life is awesome
There are different levels of autism and different outcomes. I have friends who were non-verbal, aggressive, and eloped frequently. They now communicate fluently (some use ASL or AAC devices) live alone, use public transportation or drive and have jobs.
Same is the problem with me ...what is my son's future after me and my spouse..I want him to be happy healthy and independent
@@wickjezek1101 right and so I’m only talking about my child.
🥺currently struggling in my mid20s moms not on earth anymore and my pops on n off in my life but it’s so hard to communicate
To make friends , eye contact is so hard, even the childhood trauma I’ve experienced
They never diagnosed me Autisim but I definitely have a lot of symptoms from childhood to adulthood
@@sravanisrinivas9439 it is a very parent nightmare for sure. But seeing what is going with my son 4 years old now, when treated they can get better, there is always underline issues that is bothering them even if it is genetic
My daughter was speaking fluently. I have video and everything of her speaking and had amazing contact. She exceeded every milestone till then. They gave her vaccines at 13 months old. She went completely lethargic for 3 days. Doctors kept assuring me it was normal. Then went completely nonverbal and unable to speak or play with her siblings. 2 months later diagnosed with level three autism. Please look into mthfr gene. Most of autistic children have. It basically means they cant detox properly. My daughter was put on antioxidants, organic/wholefood diet, we keep a close look at her minerals and vitamins. She has shown so much progress. Now is finally speaking
Same thing happened to my granddaughter after her MMR at 18 months. The dr now gives her an MMR exclusion. Even the dr knows.
What detox and vitamins do you use?
I would like into bioray
They keep coping, trying to defend this crap. If you personally witnessed it, its a fact. No one can take that experience from you and say its different. They can all try.
Autistic people can do all of that they're not always nonverbal and lack eye contact it's called a spectrum after all (But I'm happy your daughter got better)
It's weird how right after my son's MMR vaccine he went dark ... But of course it's just a coincidence as they say
Yes same with my daughter. They have bad reactions from the MMR vax depending on their gut bacteria. Look into different children’s probiotics to help children’s gut bacteria or probiotics to help autism
Please look up the Nemecheck Protocol - it really works and you may start to see amazing results in about 2 weeks from starting the Protocol. Best wishes
and prayers for all!
I'm right there with you. MMR and flu and three days later we were in the hospital b/c he was having focal seizures.
I am so sorry the criminals will definitely be held accountable
Keywords: perfect as a baby, changed at 18 months. When did she get her MMR? Same thing happened to my granddaughter. Except she got a fever and a rash within 24 hours after her MMR at 18 months. Now she is changed forever.
Same thing with my son got an abscess at the area of the injection. Right after the 7 month mmr Vaccine. He stopped uttering sounds and completely changed. Nowhere 12 and non-verbal.
@@mariatia2000mmr at 7 months?! 😢
@@katiebenjatschek161 yes
Same thing happened to my daughter mmr
@mycharmedunicorn8715 Sure the children weren't replaced with changeling fae children? That's what people believed before they decided it was the MMR. Which it wasn't. And yes, you sound just ad ridiculous as those medieval people did back then with their changelings.
My 16 yr old went rogue after all of his routine shots. Extreme fevers and he would regress... but prior to that he was talking and making eye contact and hitting all his milestones. He's 16 now but we have done supplements, changes in diet and detoxing. He went from severe autism and pediatricians were telling me to prepare for him to be institutionalized when he was older.. if you saw him today after doing the supplements and detoxing.... he's a happy teenager and no longer severely autistic. Yes he is still autistic but he is verbal and social and his body is healthy... anyway I can't pack 16 years of everything we did in a tiny post but our lives have changed for the better ❤
Hello! Could you please give me the name to this supplement and detox? I would very much appreciate it!
@@naomiramirez-jp5el hello. It wasn't just one type of supplement or detox. I did blood work and urine and stool tests and looked at his gut. The supplements and detoxing was all personalized for him according to his results.
@@madelinemelocriollo1092did you ask your pediatrician to do the tests?
@@niphoful no. they can't do anything insurance won't cover. i went out of network and saw separate pediatricians (known then as DAN doctors ... but better known today as Functional medicine doctors) They focus more on the root cause and healing. They don't just use pharmaceuticals for suppressing the symptoms but they get attacked and ridiculed by the mainstream media etc and since it doesn't follow the Rockefellers funded medicine then they have to be careful about how they advertise. But yeah they basically run the same types of blood tests and urine/stool that maybe a gastroenterologist would but since it mostly isn't covered then you pay out of pocket. Usually these are doctors who used to be "regular pediatricians or doctors" who were disappointed in the way Big pharma runs the show and decided to go rogue.... so to speak.
Hi can you please give us some little more info like what type of test u did? I’m now ok that process thanks
My 3.5 years old was just diagnosed on September 2. He used to talk and never missed any milestones and now he can't communicate with words.
He was so obsessed with numbers and letters and books and apparently those were the signs I missed.
For those who don't want a cure or whatever you call it, I am new to this and I would give anything to get my son talk again
He will always be autistic, you do realise he will probably talk again, also wanting a "cure" for him is very selfish for you. That's like "curing" your personality traits! Autism is not an illness.
@lizzy canal Loser
@@Joseph-ko2go Keep your politics to yourself. My son is autistic and I want him to function.
What kind of personality is that of not talking? If he doesn't talk it won't be because I didn't try to help him?
If you want to remain autistic just be, but stop those nonsense.
Seeing my vibrant curious talkative son just be like a zombie is not normal, I will do anything to get him functional again.
So maddening reading stupid comments like these.
Be autistic and remain that way forever, but leave ther parents alone.
@lizzy canal my nephew is five old.He doesn’t speak and understand things.please tell me about your experience???? I will be very thankful to you 😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@DarkAngel-cj6sx no they’re right, your son always has been and always will be autistic, it’s just the way his brain is wired. Majority of autistic children regress. So they may “appear” neruotypical for their first couple years of life and develop at a normal rate and then suddenly they loose a lot of those skills. It takes time but with help and encouragement he can start to make progress. If he was talking once then there’s 100% hope he can start talking again with time. Best thing is not to hope for a cure but to work towards adapting things in your sons life. People often see it as autistic people need to change but why don’t we change for them? I’m sure with the right support your son will thrive
Ok....nothing was explained.
Jesus HEALS and gives us nutrition
Amen 🙏
No, god does 😂. Jesus was a messenger most orthodox Christians follow the true gospel
@@zaimajawad7880sadly many American Christians are now, by definition, idol worshippers. The very thing Jesus came to warn people against.
Absolutely! Jesus heals
Shut up.
Mert simply is a customized stimulus to the brain, targeted to where the brain is struggling and uses less power than the body uses to make its own muscle fire. The targeted stimulus is completely safe and encourages the nerves to fire together in the brain. When they fire together, it leads to better function. This better function is expressed differently depending on the patient. Here, we see a child not only speak, but also emotionally "wake up." A stroke victim will recover more quickly. Anxiety is reduced without medication. Insomnia can be improved/resolved. People with cognitive decline may see improved short term memory. Not everyone has the same results, but everyone sees some measure of improved function.
I agree with you Robert Brossfield.
So glad that my son is recovering, all thanks to Dr Madida on TH-cam for giving me autism cure I used on my son.
@Wesley Hinson what herbs can u please send me some info
@@jigsaw4379 did you get any info on the herbs that Wesley mentioned?
@Wesley Hinson yes please info ?
My child has Autism. I will try this, & keep everyone informed if it works. It's gonna be a challenge cause he loves fast food & hates healthy food, Especially after me & his mom's Divorced cause her Adultery. She only buys fast food. I try to incorporate salads in his sandwich & fruit for breakfast, but it's not enough.
Let's talk about *EVERYTHING UNDER THE SUN* ,
except HOW these precious children are
being poisoned to begin with: 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉
@@epiclemon9927 Some decade-old study that was already disproven years ago
As someone who’s autistic I’m high functioning but that doesn’t mean I don’t suffer just as bad as your average joe, I have cognitive issues, social communication and interaction issues which have made it really hard making friends, I growing up (which I still am) my parents have been spilt up the entire time, on top of that I’ve got an undiagnosed bowel problem that’s probably linked to my autism. Soooo how do you think treatment will do for me?
Look into the Nemechek protocol :)
Look into a functional medicine doctor
Im offended reading this
Go on Keto or Carnivore.
I would recommend a classic ketogenic diet. 80% - 90% of calories from fat. As well as high-dose Vitamin D and trace minerals, including lithium orotate.
Guys I'm doing GAPS diet from Natasha Campbell. It's difficult but for my son is working. You should read the Gaps diet book , it's not a diet based only in vegetable but mostly on meat stock, fermented vegetables, kefir, yolk eggs , juices ect. At the beginning it's difficult but in short time you will see results less tantrums, really good sleep, less elopment. More words. For my kid I'll do anything
What about kids who's r picky eaters?
@@proverbs31university If he will not find nothing to eat except vegetables or meat stock with carrots trust me he or she will eat whatever you will give to him. You should get rid of the the house every nonhealthy snack . My son never wanted to eat onion before, but he didn't had other option and he started to eat within one week. Whach "bumblebee apothecary " it's a mom that explains how to follow the Gaps diet. Trust me you will not repent . Whacht so many videos of the doctor Natasha Campbell Gaps diet. It's difficult but the results will show wigin one week
@@proverbs31universityif he or she do not have other alternatives than healthy foods will go to the things that you give . Start giving meat stock by siring cuz it's a treasure for the intestine and brain. You need to read the book Gaps Diet it's a treasure for thw parents to understand everything around food body and how to deal with this kind of kids.!
When is this going to become an actual treatment for autism, instead of something they just talk about for the next 50 years but never actually do?
Autism is NOT a deceas 😡
@@vypertoxic856 You're right. It's not a disease. But it is disabling, hindering and sometimes it's frustrating to live with. Not to mention society isnt accepting towards people with this condition. Then there's bullying, loneliness, misunderstandings, long term unemployment, chronic singleness, lack of friends, no kids, social isolation. Depression, anxiety. It sucks. If only there was something to make it easier.
@@1legend517 stfu
@@vypertoxic856 of course it is. It's a medical condition marked by a impairment in neurodevelopment
@@1legend517 Exactly, I'm tired of people normalizing things that are NOT normal. These political correct weirdo's don't care about these kids who are suffering from it and it's. I hope somebody finds a cure because kids are entitled and have the right to be NORMAL.
Every Parent should get their child tested for Allergies. learn about the Allergins names, and biproduct names. Then elliminate those allergins from your child's daily diet for life. As It's in their genetics. They won't outgrow their allergin. This will help with a ton of ailments!! Over sensitive hearing. Chronic ear aches. Hard of hearing because of fluid in the ears. Mood swings. Anger issues. Aggression. Fidgeting. Eczema. Acne. Black circles under the eyes. Stuffed up sinuses. Drippy nose. Problems sleeping. Bloating. Constipation. Etc.. etc... It really is important for all humans to get tested for Allergins. 💝
she s like talking about my son my angel
look into zeolite. God bless you!
I’m a 26-year-old woman with autism and I wonder if that treatment can help me
CoChief Emeralds Yeah I think it can.
I asked about this treatment back when I was 26 and they told me they've finished the trials with promising results. That was years ago, I'm 35 now, this condition has screwed up my whole life and there's still nothing thats come out from this treatment.
I'm a 23 year old woman with autism with no female friends and I want to be friends with you.
So glad that my son is recovering, all thanks to Dr Madida on TH-cam for giving me autism cure I used on my son.
Try zeolite!!!!!!
Is there someone who tried this treatment who want to share his/her child’s history? Plz help me, I have a son who needs help.
My son is doing all great now.
I used herbs in curing his Autism defect.
Basically it reversed everything.
Right now I'm the happiest mom on Earth 😊
@@karrenmorgan6032 can you please share details, My son is 3 not talking and showing signs of Autism. I need help desperately
@@inakapoor I don't know the combination's of the herbs. But I'll be glad to link you up with the doctor who aided me
@@karrenmorgan6032 that will be great, please provide me the details. Thank you
@@inakapoor thing is it was my kid's doctor treating him over here in Annapolis Maryland who linked us up with the doctor whom we got the herbs from.
We contacted the doctor
He took the herbs and he started talking and interacting more amongst his pair.
Zeolite is a lifesaver for autism!
I got a big mouth. I'm telling everybody. Thanks sister
What zeolite is that may I know
@@elizabethkhup8913it takes heavy metals out of us
Which one the powder or liquid... can you bmore specific?
Please & Thank you in advance
My son is trying to talk he wants to sing .. Help me w/ his autism..
🙏n Christ
@@gladyswilliams804 Powder
27 Male, High Functioning Autistic. This is the worst possible thing to live with as a adult.. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
And how much more neurotypical individuals take their own lives,huh? Do people really think that being born NT means all will be amazing?
Oh, and that average age for autistic people isn't because of suicide, where did you get that info from???
It's from couple other factors, like very common lack of any sense of danger, or health conditions that comes along with autism,
I don't know why you say life is that awful for you putting the blame on you being autistic, ( maybe it's rather non autistic society who doesn't bother to even try to understand how neurodiverse brain functions and sees the world, and help creating more accommodations, not just keeping everything easier just for themselves, the "normal" ones, when in reality we are not that normal like we speak about ourselves). Please reach out to me , if you would want to talk, maybe it's not as bad,but you just don't have more energy to keep going the way things are, there's always some good in hard times, and finding it together may come easier,
@@agnieszkaIzabela597 thank you for replying to my comment. it means more then you think and its nice to know at least someone cares. My life isn't any better then it was 11 months ago when I made this comment. being autistic has lead me down a path of destruction. mentally and physically. I've been completely isolated from people other then family, and haven't had a single friend for over 10 years now. i don't work because my social anxiety and depression is so bad. I'm currently living with my dad. I've never dated or had any intimate moments in my entire life. its like I'm stuck in a loop which I can never escape from. I feel like I'm mentally 18 in a 28 year old's body. I don't feel as if I'm living, just surviving. I can't relate to anyone and they can't relate to me. every day is the same now and its getting harder and harder to even do the simplest of tasks. When my dad goes ill likely be right behind him. I don't know what to do anymore.. this life is so depressing. I just want to cry.
Hi Logan, your words touched my heart. I wish you the best and I hope things turn around for you.
@@Logan69420Please search islam and go to local masjid. May Allah guide you! I think I’m also on the spectrum (self diagnosed) and crying to Allah in salah has helped so much . Also attending halaqat and durus helps so much!
Prevention is key. Vaccine schedule needs to be reduced or stopped. Vaccine injury is real and anyone that says otherwise is either ignorant or trying to keep their license.
Oh ffs, enough with this vaccine nonsense 🤦🏻♀️
@@pcal-ben9108 with no science its tough isnt it?
@@midnightalley4586 I'm sorry, but I don't understand your reply. Please clarify.
Yes!! Too much too quick.
Right about now ill try anything its so hard especially being a single mom.
Amber 🙏❤️
❤️ 🙏
Prayers for you Amber, you're doing thevery best you can xx
Amber, just learn how to help them with their problems. Many of the “cures” out there are actually harmful to the child. I have autism and my mom put in the research, taught me what do go. Give me better ways to get out of situations I couldn’t deal with. Just help them understand themselves.
Autism of course is not a disease; there are no "treatments."
Im sorry this not nice to say but I think it is child abuse because even though help and therapy is important curing is dumb and mean because everyone is different and no kid can be perfect or normal just because you have a disability or disorder doesn’t mean that your not good enough
They are not saying thatyou love the child you don't accept the diagnosis if you're not capable and able to help yourself where are you people don't want their children and group homes and institutions
That's not a life,because of my sister-in-law I've gotten into this and reading books and all
are you autistic? 'cause i am, and i swear i would do anything to cure it, it's a obstacle for everything in my life and it's really tiring, the kid wouldn't like to live that way if she ever knew how she could've behave if she wasn't autistic
Are you going to take care of our children when we are not here anymore?
Why are there so many retarded people saying this? Flabbergasting. If you could help a blind person see, would you not do it because "not everyone should be normal" this is from all that lgbt-nonsense
It’s called giving your child quality life. How sad our babies must be suffering not being able to communicate. Why wouldn’t we want to cure them so they can live without restrictions
They won't accept anything other than normal and that's what I'm getting tired of
You chose to watch this video..
@@rayn.2688 you are the kind of people I resent everyday good day to you
It's not that she doesn't accept it , she clearly states how her daughters behavior took a drastic and sudden change and she wanted to help her. She damn near names everything they tried for her. Why flip what is meant to be a positive and informative video into something negative?
parents have an obligation to find the best care for their children. Noone is changing anybody’s personality. As the mother of an austic child- I am her best and only advocate. The Autism spectrum is vast and from person to person it’s a unique. So I will not deny my daughter the chance to gain basic functions because people who don’t know her say I’m changing her. My daughters inability to use the potty, use utensils, communicate is not her true self.
They want their kids to be functional
I would like to go for this treatment. what are the side effects?
There is no treatment I don't think there ever will be
@Dr Yuching Lee you can't cure autism what?? And plus doing so is ableist.
@Dr Yuching Lee is your son verbal? Does medicines helps in speech?
@Dr Yuching Lee what is it?
Man, would give my soul for that.
@Wesley Hinson Really, no kidding?
@@chriscannon8144 lol
@@helens3677 What?
Why does the video stop?!
Is the treatment available in UAE?
Can someone tell me what she said the treatment is? I couldnt understand... murd? Mert? Murt? I couldnt make it out
i understand that some people want help but i also wonder what part of those people would do better in a world where they were allowed to be themselves. to me, more than anything, being treated as a mistake and an outcast is what hurts me and has caused me most of my issues, not so much the autism itself.
It is done to improve their quality of life long term. It is heartbreaking to think you can die one day and you will leave a child who can’t communicate or do everyday things behind in a world like this.
@@klovejbbeba my worry is just that for us autists that can communicate but arent usually listened to, we will be expected or made to take these cures while we dont even know who we would be without autism
Sorry my brother has a severe form of autism, he is dependant he can't speak he can't understand and he acts like a 3 year old child, is it bad to want him to have a better quality of life? Am I selfish for wanting him to be able to explain why he's crying? He cries he has mental breakdowns he hurts himself and he can never tell why he does so. No dear I don't want him to stay this way forever I want him to get better!!
If you saw your child suffer you would do anything to help them. It's not about changing them, it's about improving their quality of life. Who will care for them once we are gone? If there is a possibility of them being able to care for themselves why wouldn't you try it.
@@TinFoilCat90 i am autistic myself, i know how i suffer, i know what causes it, im literally telling you whats harming me, but as per usual, its being overlooked. i never said that people shouldnt get help, but therapy and skill building is not the same as forcing someone to be "normal" and "cured"
Some of these comments are like for people who are physically limited but use a walking stick and do not want to see adverts for wheel chairs, not knowing that others out there do not have hands and feet. If you can write and comment, good on you. There are people out there who only make strange sounds like an animal and run around in circles all day and deserve a chance if possible.
Yes am growing up and I'm 27 and words is doing bad things because we are without protection from the reason we see more than you can see we see true about that world because we have really real magic on us and all the people trying to steal from us and later we are without a magic power to lift themselves😢
Dude I met this doctor at Harvard University who told me about the discovery he had made on autism which involves genetic changes and factors within the cytoskeloton which brings out radiation waves causing the body not to function normally which in this form is what's called "Autism" Many formal agents of mine that I have spoke with have talked about the same exact thing within the cytoskeleton. What is causing this you may ask? Well you see the cyto skeleton is a bone obviously and their are certain spots of the bone that cannot be hit. When these parts are hit they send out radiation waves which then tempers with your genetics. The chance of this happening quite shockingly is very low 1 in 5000 people will have this. The cure? Simply but surely see weed.
What is the cure?
@Wesley Hinson I have heard several parents use the oyalo herbs and not one of them reported anything significant, Along with TRS zeolite (which also didnt work) and the CBD oil (which didnt work as well) there are just gimmicks all around
@Wesley Hinson i keep hearing the opposite. I heard this from various parents at autism one
@welsen can you tell me the name of the herb please?
It's CURABLE!!!! Mother of a 14 yr old !!!
Share please
I'll try to make a video
Pureheartsinlove on TH-cam
The kids suffer because the parents try to change them when the kids think they are ok so you cause them panic and fear
Where is this treatment ? Name and address please
This video: This vaccine is amazing!
The comment section: ..Watch out
What is the name of this treatment?
Search: Haltlos
Magnetic eResonance Therapy.
Nonsense at high cost
Nonsense at high cost.
Hi where is this place
Please ? Name and address ?
I am also searching. If you ha e found out. Please share
Honestly even if there were a legitimate cure for autism I wouldn’t get myself cured
why not? im not being rude just genuinely curious I don't have alot of understanding about autism
You are able to communicate your desire not be cured. If a person isn’t able to communicate then they are left without the ability to choose. I would support anything that potentially gives a person the ability to choose.
@@latrelli1954 by this point I would probably find it strange without autism and I don’t have severe autism I’m lower on the spectrum and even though it gives me a stutter and some over uncontrollable ticks I love my logical brain and I wouldn’t give it up I’m 13 and 11 months old and my iq is 122
@@vernonmoon5385 For the end of the spectrum that can’t communicate fair I still would not give up my lower end autism though
@@BloodHound788 I respect your right as a human being not to want your mind altered. As I said in my comment I support choice, and the potential to give some the ability to communicate their choices. Being that you are able to communicate your desires, there is no need to change or “cure” anything about you that you don’t deem necessary.
What about THC CBD ? Theres a woman that tried it with her autistic kid. He looks way better and able to go to school normal. We need more experts to talk about this. Thc and cbd might just be the cure to autism!!! Smh
There is no cure for autism. Nor do we autistic people want a cure. It's the way our brains are wired. The only way to change it would be to have a full brain transplant. Which is impossible.
I know QNY_ JH right????!!!!?!?!.
@@shinu1923 well there needs to be.
@@aviannarauber3279 No, there doesn't need to be. Us autistic people do not want it to exist. It'd be like saying you want a cure for black skin. Just because it's different doesn't mean it's wrong.
@@shinu1923 yes there does because in some cases Autism does effect the brain really bad. But it still effects the brain no matter what.
Which clinic is this?
I’d eat cereal from a toilet and drink through an old sink drain if it made me cured from my autism
You can cure it. Take Zeolite to detox heavy metals from your body and then do a parasite cleanse. We all have parasites but the Dr's won't tell you that. Take wormwood and black walnut, cloves to rid the body of worms and parasites. Research what I just told you. You can cure yourself
What the name means f the therapy? Where can one find more details?
?????? I'm so lost? What happened? What is mer? Nothing was explained?
Magnetic eResonance Therapy.
18 month vaccines 💉
Happened to a kid I know as well
Let's see how many diseases we can bring back!
@@Luna-wg6icyou sound stupid
It's not the autism that is bad. It is when the child cannot function in this world. The non verbal autism. There are different levels of autism and if your child is on the severe in the world doesn't get it.
So tell us the results.
Do a parasite cleanse & heavy metal detox.
Can you explain what to do for heavy metal detox . I used mebendazole for my 5 yr old .for parasite
I wonder if that treatment that you tried for your daughter could help me as a 14 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Jacob Alan Spears as a 15 but soon to be 16 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Emma J. Buckley as a 15 but almost to be in a couple of days 16 year old, I wonder if that treatment could help my friend Kollin Pellett as a 14 year old, And I also wonder if that treatment could help everybody as different ages.
Absolutely. While it's not 100%, improvements in language, eye-contact, socialization show improvement in 60 to 70% of patients.
@@robertbrossfield2302 I agree with you.
In reality autism is a serious life changing condition. For many people on the spectrum it is very dangerous and mentally stressful.
Autism causes regular stressful breakdowns which causes serious upset and distress. Not being able to speak causes frustration, upset and anger. Daily dangers to life include ingesting toxic substances, chewing electric cables, escaping subsequently increasing risk of drowning or road accidents. I could go on.
A solution is required to improve the quality of life and health of the children and their parents.
It is overly simplistic and patronising to say ‘why don’t they except them for who they are’ of course they do it is the autism they don’t accept or ‘unconditional love’ of course the parents love their children unconditionally and it is because they love them so much they can’t sit back and watch their children suffer.
So, you believe that those on the spectrum aren’t on a spectrum at all? Why use the word “spectrum” if you don’t believe one exists at all? Also, why do you think autism is a independent entity separate from the individual? It’s not like that; Autism is literally the individual. To try and cure it is to try and hurt and kill someone.
Have you replied to the correct post? I didn’t say I don’t believe in the spectrum, in fact i believe quite the opposite. The spectrum is huge varying from highly functioning people who you wouldn’t necessarily know were autistic, through to people with extreme disabilities.
If anything the problem is that everyone on the spectrum is grouped under the umbrella of autism when their needs and conditions are miles apart, this is probably in part due to lack of scientific understanding and politics.
I strongly disagree with this spin nonsense that autism is the person, the person is the person we all have traits autistic or not that’s fine but when you have a severe condition that can causes danger to your life a cure or treatment for that condition or conditions is needed.
There are autistic people, children and adults who barely function at all and who’s quality of life is awful, are you saying that nothing should be done for them? because as you say ‘Autism is the individual’?
By the way I’m not endorsing the treatment on this video, it doesn’t seem to be suitably approved or researched. I just hope that one day very soon that the people on the spectrum who are suffering can be helped and there lives are improved.
That's exactly what my sister-in-law's mother told me,for the Love of her daughter she didn't want to leave leave her like that for the rest of her life of aggressive behavior it was looking at the news and there was a woman had seizures and she couldn't talk and someone molested her she's pregnant
the woman lives in the group home people like to take advantage of people like that we got some evil hateful people in this world.
My mother and I are midwives, husband, delivered their first baby boy.
Thank you, very well said. Just talking and thinking about it put tears In my eyes. It's hard for me, so I know it's very hard and stressful for them. I would not give up until I find the answer
honestly, i just thought of an analogy that i believe is the easiest way for people to understand why trying to find a "cure for autism" is a waste of time, energy, resources, and why it is bad. Imagine this: a person is born without an arm, what should we do in that situation? Should we help them to learn how to navigate life with only one arm, or try to find a "cure" for their nonexistent arm, trying to maybe "grow" an arm there? Well, i think the answer is obvious here. And how do we help the person navigate life without one arm? Should we make them try to live life just like a person with two arms, trying to be the same as them, not recognizing the difference, or should they adapt and do things differently than a person with both arms? Should we also give them tools and resources to make it easier for them? The answer here is also obvious.
So, why is it that when we are talking about autism, the answer doesn't come as easily? Why is it so hard for you to understand? Autism cannot be cured, it will never be cured, it is not a disease, it is a disability, and it should be treated like one.
Also, this analogy can be used to help people understand some other things about autism, for example:
it is definitely easier for a person that was born with one arm to learn how to navigate through life than for a person that was born without both arms, it doesn't mean that it is impossible for the person without both arms, just harder, and it also doesn't mean the person without an arm shouldn't be taken seriously and have support as well, this is an analogy for the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" term, or "mild" and "severe", and some things people say to us autistic people about it. Also, i feel like with autism, people around you don't actually care about YOUR struggles and how it affects YOU, they only care about how it affects THEM, and going back to the analogy, it's like giving that person without an arm a useless prosthetic arm that actually makes life harder for them, only because you wanted them to look "more normal" and so that you wouldn't be bothered anymore about their struggle anymore (without the prosthetic you are always reminded of their daily struggle).
And to complete this comment, thinking in a hypothetical scenario where a magical pill that cures autism completely is found, and given out for free, many autistic people would not take it because they got to a point in life where they are already comfortable with who they are and learned how to navigate life, and also enhanced the good things about being autistic, but it is just a waste of time to hope that someday a cure will happen, just like that person hoping that someday they will have a pill that will magically make their arm grow into a fully functional arm. In the end, this so called "cure for autism" is just neurotypicals trying to find the easy way out instead of actually trying to help us autistic people..
Get help from Dr Isibor for your child with speech delay my son was able to talk with his herbal treatment with 28 days 😊
What is MERF?
Magnetic eResonance Therapy.
That pan throwing test cost her $1500 😝😝😝😝
I love when she says Rrrrraquel
💔💔💔💔 this mom is strong
Gee... why would someone want to ignore that parent?
Can mert help low ACTH levels which has turned into secondary adrenal insufficiency?
How can I do this for my son???
to all parents please take a look at the son rise program , read the book autism breackthrough : the groundbreaking method that helped families all over the world . By Raun k. Kaufman
If they ever find that cure i hope they find a cure one day asd feels like a disease tbh
No, it's other people
honestly, i just thought of an analogy that i believe is the easiest way for people to understand why trying to find a "cure for autism" is a waste of time, energy, resources, and why it is bad. Imagine this: a person is born without an arm, what should we do in that situation? Should we help them to learn how to navigate life with only one arm, or try to find a "cure" for their nonexistent arm, trying to maybe "grow" an arm there? Well, i think the answer is obvious here. And how do we help the person navigate life without one arm? Should we make them try to live life just like a person with two arms, trying to be the same as them, not recognizing the difference, or should they adapt and do things differently than a person with both arms? Should we also give them tools and resources to make it easier for them? The answer here is also obvious.
So, why is it that when we are talking about autism, the answer doesn't come as easily? Why is it so hard for you to understand? Autism cannot be cured, it will never be cured, it is not a disease, it is a disability, and it should be treated like one.
Also, this analogy can be used to help people understand some other things about autism, for example:
it is definitely easier for a person that was born with one arm to learn how to navigate through life than for a person that was born without both arms, it doesn't mean that it is impossible for the person without both arms, just harder, and it also doesn't mean the person without an arm shouldn't be taken seriously and have support as well, this is an analogy for the "high-functioning" and "low-functioning" term, or "mild" and "severe", and some things people say to us autistic people about it. Also, i feel like with autism, people around you don't actually care about YOUR struggles and how it affects YOU, they only care about how it affects THEM, and going back to the analogy, it's like giving that person without an arm a useless prosthetic arm that actually makes life harder for them, only because you wanted them to look "more normal" and so that you wouldn't be bothered anymore about their struggle anymore (without the prosthetic you are always reminded of their daily struggle).
And to complete this comment, thinking in a hypothetical scenario where a magical pill that cures autism completely is found, and given out for free, many autistic people would not take it because they got to a point in life where they are already comfortable with who they are and learned how to navigate life, and also enhanced the good things about being autistic, but it is just a waste of time to hope that someday a cure will happen, just like that person hoping that someday they will have a pill that will magically make their arm grow into a fully functional arm. In the end, this so called "cure for autism" is just neurotypicals trying to find the easy way out instead of actually trying to help us autistic people..
Read the comments. It's grifters trying to sell snake oil to parents. Hopefully$ most of the stuffs just harmless and won't hurt the kids, but I'd be surprised. I've even seen MMS bleach suggested in these comments. I thought that was banned by now.
People with Autism struggle because of their loving hearts, the high functioning and low functioning
This world and Life is a struggle for everyone
I am autistic but I am strange I am too normal I can stare eye's without being uncomfortable but long conversations make me shake my autistic makes me a little creative but I am a light case of autism where it's my identity so I don't need to be cured.
What do you do when child is a Hacker?
@Wesley Hinson WoW!
Thanks for Sharing! I really appreciate it. 🙏
Yup. They are suppressing the real treatments so they can make profit off of people's suffering. It's disgusting.
This is going too far.
its soo sad to hear this 😢
Welcome to the MMR afterlife.
What kind of emt is it? Murr, murt....i can not understand what word you are saying.
there are answers on other platforms
Which platforms please?
@@cookiecoucou5006 my answers get deleted
@@cookiecoucou5006 bit. chute
I have nothing but sympathy for this lady. And certainly no answers. I struggle with a lot, but I'm independent, married, mostly happy, and wouldn't trade my autistic traits for anything.
What causes Autism ?
It's inherited.
@@Luna-wg6ic Are you sure ?
@@setapart3452 Yes. Certain.
@@Luna-wg6ic Now I know that you have not done your homework. If you did, then your response would not be inherited. Dig deep and you will see who is responsible.
@@setapart3452 No, you're going to tell me some utter nonsense about chemtrails, heavy metals, vaccines, Lucifer, etc, etc. I can almost feel David Icke typing on his keyboard. "Dig deep and see who's responsible" ffs 😂 Autistics are born, not made. I know it's not as exciting, but it's the cold, harsh reality of the situation.
I may be responding to the comments more than the video. I’m not on board the anti vax train. Not to be disrespectful, but just sharing a different experience and perspective.
She is the owner of the place
Lady is pretty af
Mold toxicity... research it. Right there is your direct cause.
Of course, you have some sort of clarification, valet alone proof?
MIRIAM You're not weird don't worry about what cheater feet said. I called him out. I blocked him. I emailed him. And I reported his ass. Don't worry it's all good.
I used this doc herbs for my son and now my son is completely free, his speaking and behavior is ok. His herbs is 100% working on ASD. I met Dr Oyalo on channel and I’m happy to share my experience about it.
Mako I need to ask you something. Can I connect with you regarding dr. Oyalo.
@@nikemuko.164 yes you can.
Give me your email or WhatsApp
Can you please share your experience with me?
Relentless 🙄
Looks like you are the only one he has helped with this herb. I wish we can have more parents to
Come out to testify that this Herb is working.
The M word she just said how you spell it
Mms heald autism I have seen it.......
No, bleach won't do it. Poisons the kids though and strips their gut lining, but, shussh, just tell them that's parasites or something, so you can keep selling bleach, these people are desperate...🤫
Another example of a parent who’s main concern is how the child’s condition effects them rather than how the child’s condition effects the child.
Parenting like this does more harm than good. Autism does not mean your kid is broken and needs to be fixed. Stop harming children.
There is nothing normal about kids not being able to talk or learn to use the bathroom. Stop normalizing this. You should look at medical journals from even the 80s.
I agree. This has gone too far
For people that say society should accept autistics and let them pass by of their behaviors, that is not that easy as it sounds, media has long romanticize autistics as genius savants in disguise like: "oh they [autistics] are like that because they are actually genius level" mentalities like that are out of touch, tone deaf and parent of autistics false illusions thinking their struggles and effort will payoff because their autistic child will be a genius someday like Raymond Babbit from Rainman.
If people see individuals that has suffers with severe autism and their parents/guardians, I'd like them if they can still say it confidently "why dont we just accept autistics for who they are and just understand them?. Severely autistic adults poses a looming high risk to their parents/guardians, they may unintentionally hurt them when they go on a meltdown fit.
Parents/guardians getting beat up at home, health staffs in care homes getting beat up by a severely autistic adult during their meltdown is a normal thing.
The child has to learn survival skills. Parents won't be around forever to support them. Stop thinking short term
Autism is a disorder.
Shhhh...take you jab.
I was watching Daystar it's a lot of parents who says that jab, then got them that way
my sister-in-law's a mother told me said that's when she started acting up yellow diarrhea wouldn't stop staring off into space hitting their head.
Weird mama
And by the way I blocked you and emailed you.
So glad that my son is recovering, all thanks to Dr Madida on TH-cam for giving me autism cure I used on my son.
Lyme disease can cause autism.
Autism is mostly genetic. Autistic people are BORN with autism, it can't be caused by any later external things.
@@ThisRobinDoodles look on youtube. Type how doctors in france are treating autism with anti biotics.I can send you the link. Lyme disease is the cause i. Most cases. Conventional medicine could be mistaken. Who discovered North America?Columbus or was it a viking called yearl harolson?What is seen to be fact is sometimes a old misdiagnosed mistake. TH-cam lyme disease causing autism or treating autism with anti biotics. I dont say in all cases , but there is a chance.
@@ThisRobinDoodles When do autism symtoms appear?
@@charlesfeatherstone6196 You really think youtube is a credible source? 😂😂 Until there's peer reviewed medical research that indicates there may be a connection between ASD and Lyme, I'm going to be highly skeptical.
@@charlesfeatherstone6196 Autism is a condition someone is born with, so symptoms start at birth. However, they usually get noticed by parents anywhere between the first and fifth year.