Thank you so much for this awareness podcast for Autism. Like you Rory, I have been lead on the psychotherapist path because my children who were late diagnosis of Autism were not getting the support they needed. Particular agencies were not very supportive. I done the work myself. My plan is to make my practice neuro friendly. Before seeing this podcast it was always my plan to make therapy adaptable and available for neurodivergent clients. Being a parent to 2 diagnosed and one currently being assessed. Two brothers ASD/ADHD. It has been ingrained in my awareness and environment. What I would say to anyone wanting to make their practice Neurodivergent friendly. Do a sensory course. Learn about sensory processing. I can recommend a couple of books if anyone would like to have a look. There are some amazing organisations out there who will be able to help too. Thank you for all the work you do. You guys have been great for my journey.
Thank you so much for this awareness podcast for Autism. Like you Rory, I have been lead on the psychotherapist path because my children who were late diagnosis of Autism were not getting the support they needed. Particular agencies were not very supportive. I done the work myself.
My plan is to make my practice neuro friendly. Before seeing this podcast it was always my plan to make therapy adaptable and available for neurodivergent clients.
Being a parent to 2 diagnosed and one currently being assessed. Two brothers ASD/ADHD. It has been ingrained in my awareness and environment.
What I would say to anyone wanting to make their practice Neurodivergent friendly. Do a sensory course. Learn about sensory processing. I can recommend a couple of books if anyone would like to have a look. There are some amazing organisations out there who will be able to help too.
Thank you for all the work you do. You guys have been great for my journey.