Yes, they do have their own police, fire and ambulance cars at the bases at Ramstein and Kaiserslautern. The sound can be switched from US ( inside the bases ) to German ( outside ) standart.
It is a US Air Force Security Forces car. It is the military police force for the US Air Force. There are many different bases in the Ramstein area of Germany, so he was probably responding from one base to another. This is a K9 patrol, you can see the sticker on the back door if you puase at about 0:11 or 0:12.
Hi, they are allowed to act off base whenever Americans are into any kind of trouble ( accident, medical emergency, crime ). But they do only have powers against Americans, so they may not even ask a German for his id-card.
@@AFAuStolz Military bases arent' German soil and as far as citizens are concerned, the MP only has jurisdiction if they are members of the military. A normal american citizen on german soil is not under the jurisdiction of the MP.
@@JayMalcom-e1l they can be ordered to act as professional helpers tho. Similar to Cops from Austria, Netherlands etc. you see, if Germany hosts a G7 summit.
They do have a kind of 2 chanel sirene. When they operate inside US bases they switch to the classic American sound, as soon as they need to cross civil German territorien they activate the type you hear in the video - simular to the regular German "Martinshorn"
It has no police power outside base but is known as a normal response verhicle and has the same rights as other emergency vehicles. Alot of other police forces work and travel in Germany. For instance Dutch, Danish, Belgium etc. They all can you teh lights and sometimes sirens. Depense on their duties.
@wweetniet wrong! The normal siren is hi-lo, but some fire departments used, some few EMSand Federal Agency for Technical Relief now use wail/yelp sirens, but it takes some special permit and so on. Some fire engines from East Germany still got a wail siren, and the german state police services have a (very ugly) yelp signal used as stopping signal
No, it is real. There are a lot of differnet US police cars arround here in Germany. In the Kaiserslautern area you see as much US police as German police, as there are so many US troops and facilities in and arround the town. You also see US ambulance and fire fighters a lot.
That's cool. It's true, US MP is getting rare here in Germany. At some points they have also been replaced by Ponds, a private German security service.
@TheItalianoMafiosi It's outlined in the status of forces agreement between Germany and the US. It also covers things like employment, insurance, utilities...
@bpdexplorer129nc standardization means everyone working to the same standard i.e. There is only one product, size that can be used, so in germany there is a standard siren which is two tone
The US Forces do have their own police units here in Europe. They are marked and equiped the same way they are in the US. So its also not unusal to see for example an "US Sheriff" Jeep here. Its the same with US ambulance and fire fighters.
No, the US military has it's own police force. It is a specific career field in each branch of the military. I am military police for the air force stationed in England. Outside of base, it depends on agreements with host nation, however most of the time, we respond to major vehicle accidents involving americans and we may respond with lights/sirens to a nearby base.
@ PiqueBitch Yes, i know that Ramstein is a Air Force Base in Germany. I made the question a little bit to short. I meant to ask "is this Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany?". Anyway, thanks for your reply. Cheers!
Thank you. I am also German but I never lived in Germany more then 3 month at a time so my German is weak. Your English is very good, no need to apologize for anything. I read the comments after writing my comment, and I now understand that this police is for Americans stationed in the American base in Rammstein. At first it was very surprizing but now I've learned something new :) Ich verstehe trotzdem Deutsch, du kannst auch auf Deutsch shreiben und dann kann ich probieren zu es verstehen.
It was coming from the Ramstein airbase inside area heading towards Kaiserslautern Einsiedlerhof civil areas. It came back approx. 30 minutes later, so I persume it was not a big incident. Sorry aboutthe car type, I am not sure, but looks like a Chevy Impala. Standart US police car type, so might be one.
As long as they are outside the US base they use the hi-lo only. As soon as they are inside US bases they switch over to the classic US sirene. It's very strange if you hear as US police/ambulance/fire truck changing the sound on such a trip.
@afe31 ja, alle Fahrzeuge, egal ob Polizei, Ambulanz oder Feuerwehr sind orig. US mit den entsprechenden Lichtern und auch mit entsprechenden Sirenen wie sie in den Staaten eingesetzt werden.
Hell that could have been me! 569th US Air Force Police Squadron along with the US Army 230th Military Police Company. I was with the 230th from 2007-2010 working Patrol with my Air Force brothers and sisters!
NATO-Truppenstatut Artikel VII Absatz 4: Aus den Bestimmungen der Absätze (1) bis (3) ergibt sich für die Militärbehörden des Entsendestaates nicht das Recht, die Gerichtsbarkeit über Personen auszuüben, die Staatsangehörige des Aufnahmestaates sind oder dort ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt haben, es sei denn, dass diese Personen Mitglieder der Truppe des Entsendestaates sind.
@HUMMFREAK are you joking its an heap, in germany that car wouldnt stand a chance catching anything on there autobahns, when we came over from the UK we had to always do more than 140mph to just keep up with there traffic.
Kommt Leute nicht streiten: Ja es stimmt früher sahen die MP-Fahrzeuge aus wie typische Ami Streifenwagen auch mit roten Warnleuchten. Danach waren es vom Design her immer noch amerikanische Streifenwagen nun aber nur noch mit blauen Warnleuchten (siehe Video). Jetzt fährt die US-MP europäische Ford Mondeo mit grünem deutschen Design, dt. Signalanlage u. Leuchtreflexstreifen. Die US-Army hat sich so entschieden um weniger auffällig zu sein und sich somit dem deutschen Gastland angepasst.
@afe31 Also ich selber arbeite in US Kasernen in Ansbach, Illeheim und Schweinfurt. Dort verwenden sie das deutsche Martinshorn und auch die Fahrzeuge sind meist Deutsch. Und ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht sogar die Feuerwehrleute selbe sind Deutsch! Klar haben die auch Amerikanische Modelle mit dem entsprechendem Equipment und Kleidung. Die Fahrzeuge verfügen aber nicht NUR über das Martinshorn. Haben auch typische US Sirenen zur verfügung.
Die Angaben sind gegenüber einer zuständigen Behörde, einem zuständigen Amtsträger (z.B. Polizei- oder Zollbeamten) oder einem zuständigen Soldaten der Bundeswehr (Wachsoldaten, Feldjäger im Feldjägerdienst) zu machen. Der Tatbestand gilt in gleicher Weise für Auskünfte, die gegenüber zuständigen Soldaten und Beamten der NATO-Streitkräfte in Deutschland verweigert werden.
Wieso hat er nicht einen zusätzlichen deutschen signalton (ist ja auch auf deutschen straßen unterwegs) wenn er schon rein blaue beleuchtung hat was ich so von den Army-Mp nicht kenne?
@duurttelang Your a little bit wrong here. WIth the German SOFA (status of forces agreement) US Military Police have authority over US/NATO Personnel within their respective areas of authority. I was in Kaiserslautern from 2007-2010 with the 230th MP Company working Patrol along with the 569th US Forces Police Squadron. That could be me in the video to be honest.
hi I am german an i try to explain you what is that video for. (So sorry for bad grammar) The guy who was uploading this video, has seen an US Army MP-Police Car in Ramstein/Germany. He only made this video to show this police car when it drives along a german highway. The first comments talk about what are rights of an american police officer in germany. If you want to know the exactly content please use the GOOGLE TRANSLATION. The letters are not enough. I hope you know a little bit more.
Then you seem to be one of the rare nice guys there. So I apologise, but only to you! I still hate the others. Thank you for your kind words after my rants and for your understanding. I think if more were like you, many bad things wouldn't have happened.
Nein der eigentliche Grund ist, in Amerika musst du anhalten oder ausweichen wenn du eine Sirene hörst. Was auch gut ist denn so kommen die Rettungsfahrzeuge schneller an ihr geschehen und können eventuell noch helfen. Somit machen die Amerikaner das auch hier.
@HisMight1 Ist so glaube nicht ganz richtig. Da Ramstein und Umgebung ja fast ausschließlich von US-Bürgern bewohnt werden, gibt es da wahrscheinlich sogar ein Abkommen, was auch die Zuständigkeit der Polizei regelt.
@oreda2 stimmt nicht!! Alle Fahrzeuge haben blaue Lichter, Martinshorn und teilweise deutsche und amerikanische Fahrzeuge/ Equipment's. RTW's haben die Amy's selber keine!! Dafür kommt die Feuerwehr und macht die Erstversorgung. Es wird immer ein RTW und NA von aussen angefordert. Zur Sirene haben die meistens beides.
@oreda2 do they have powers against germans in an US base in germany? i've seen a video where american MP's get angry on a german car driver because he doesnt want to show them his ID card (he says he only does that if the german police asks him), but the american MP's say that the guy is on "their" territory (a US base in germany) and so they can "order" him to do things. i'd be happy if you (or someone else) answear, thanks.
@lindros83. Danke Lindros83, wenigstens einer der die Inhalte der Texte die ich hier eingestellt habe versteht. Jetzt sind wir wenigstens zu Zweit hier. Gott sein Dank ich hatte schon an den verlust des Verstandes in einigen Menschen geglaubt.
@TrephineTheMalformed The police are USAF, called the 569th USAF Police Squadron. There are USAF bases around Kaiserslautern. Ramstein is one that I know of. You can find out more at Wikipedia "Kaiserslautern Military Community". These cops are responsible for all US military, as far as I know.
Yeah sure, broken part? Contact a Chevy dealer in the states. Pay for shipping to Germany, install the part at a dealer. And it's not a common car so it takes time, time is money so it costs alot more money to repair this car!
Trust me,they have lots of Spare Parts on hand. Plus Kaiserslautern actually has a G.M. Dealer there that can,and has serviced American Made G.M. products. (Also sold them)
The U.S military still has a airport for their flight to Afghanistan and Iraq...the most wounded American troops are getting medical care in Germany first, before they go back to the U.S.
@oreda2 They have full juristicion off post to enforce UCMJ crimes, that deal with anyone under the SOFA agreement. Soldiers, Family Members, DOD civilians. This is only for Germany Italy has a different set of rules and regulations.
@TheItalianoMafiosi Yes, if they're on an area which the US Military is occupying (a base, a housing area). Military Police can even go as far as using lethal force on local nationals, which they've done in the past. If a German national would refuse to show ID in a housing area when requested, that person would be detained, and the polizei would be called.
Deadly Force was something more in use about the time of the Red Army Faction/'Baader-Meinhof Group' era when they were bombing US Bases/Kidnapping & sometimes killing US Military personnel. Several infiltrations of 'secure facilites',though tragically there was also a case when I stationed there involving a German Family who chose to have a picnic in the wrong spot in the woods and were shot in error by a 'Tower Rat'. ('Tower Rats' guard things like Missile Facilities,Warhead Bunkers & Ammunition Dumps. Not your 'regular' MPs/SPs.)
egal was die fürn Horn haben, es wär doch irgendwie bescheuert Einsatzfahrzeugen keinen Platz zu machen, fahren ja nicht ohnr Grund mit SoSi?! Gibt grade im Rettungsdienst immer wieder mal Fahrzeuge welche eben nicht mit Folgetonhorn rumfahren, sondern z.B. wail und yelp Signale verwenden.
@Bally1221 Hast Du mal selbst gelesen was Du hier postest ? Die US MP ist für uns Deutsche keine zuständige Behörde. Und die US Army ist nicht die Bundeswehr. Der §111 hat mit Zuständigkeiten ausländischer Behörden nichts zu tun.
As soon as you are inside a US base you are kind of on US territorium and they have full rights against you. As soon as you leave the base as a non-American they have no rights at all and you can insist on German police if they cause trouble. If they dare to touch you can even accuse them at a German court and claim compensation.
first off I don't live in the states.. I actually live in Germany driving said fail cop cars every day. secondly, im the only experience you have in said fail cop car is watching it pass running code on youtube vidoes.
In Ramstein ist eine US Basis, die deutsche Polizei darf dort keine US-Soldaten verhaften, die deutsche Polizei muss die Amis kontaktieren und die kommen dann mit der Army-Police.
Nein, als Zivilist oder normaler Soldat darf man Andere lediglich vorübergehend festhalten, festnehmen dagegen dürfen nur Polizei, Zoll, Staatsanwaltschaft, Geheimdienste und Militärpolizei.
Officer: "Uh...dispatch. I think I made a wrong turn somewhere."
”Dispatch can I come with you?”
Yes, they do have their own police, fire and ambulance cars at the bases at Ramstein and Kaiserslautern. The sound can be switched from US ( inside the bases ) to German ( outside ) standart.
but the outside siren sounds different to german police cars.
It is a US Air Force Security Forces car. It is the military police force for the US Air Force. There are many different bases in the Ramstein area of Germany, so he was probably responding from one base to another. This is a K9 patrol, you can see the sticker on the back door if you puase at about 0:11 or 0:12.
they are allowed to act off base whenever Americans are into any kind of trouble ( accident, medical emergency, crime ). But they do only have powers against Americans, so they may not even ask a German for his id-card.
They have no jurisdiction on german soil.
@@JayMalcom-e1l They do in american military bases and over american citizens.
@@AFAuStolz Military bases arent' German soil and as far as citizens are concerned, the MP only has jurisdiction if they are members of the military. A normal american citizen on german soil is not under the jurisdiction of the MP.
@@JayMalcom-e1lMilitary bases are german soil.
@@JayMalcom-e1l they can be ordered to act as professional helpers tho. Similar to Cops from Austria, Netherlands etc. you see, if Germany hosts a G7 summit.
They do have a kind of 2 chanel sirene. When they operate inside US bases they switch to the classic American sound, as soon as they need to cross civil German territorien they activate the type you hear in the video - simular to the regular German "Martinshorn"
It has no police power outside base but is known as a normal response verhicle and has the same rights as other emergency vehicles. Alot of other police forces work and travel in Germany. For instance Dutch, Danish, Belgium etc. They all can you teh lights and sometimes sirens. Depense on their duties.
@wweetniet wrong! The normal siren is hi-lo, but some fire departments used, some few EMSand Federal Agency for Technical Relief now use wail/yelp sirens, but it takes some special permit and so on. Some fire engines from East Germany still got a wail siren, and the german state police services have a (very ugly) yelp signal used as stopping signal
No, it is real. There are a lot of differnet US police cars arround here in Germany.
In the Kaiserslautern area you see as much US police as German police, as there are so many US troops and facilities in and arround the town. You also see US ambulance and fire fighters a lot.
No, MartinHorn is a brand. The original business was founded in 1880, in the early 1930s they developed the siren.
Time traveler: *moves a chair*
The timeline
That's cool. It's true, US MP is getting rare here in Germany. At some points they have also been replaced by Ponds, a private German security service.
@TheItalianoMafiosi It's outlined in the status of forces agreement between Germany and the US. It also covers things like employment, insurance, utilities...
@bpdexplorer129nc standardization means everyone working to the same standard i.e. There is only one product, size that can be used, so in germany there is a standard siren which is two tone
@SFseis auch dort 'drüben' in den Staaten gibts hi-lo Sirenen - nicht grad das was am meisten verwendet wird, aber es gibt sie.
it is a car of the US military in Germany responding to an 911 call in Germany on a German road in US duty. No German police.
The US Forces do have their own police units here in Europe. They are marked and equiped the same way they are in the US. So its also not unusal to see for example an "US Sheriff" Jeep here. Its the same with US ambulance and fire fighters.
No, the US military has it's own police force. It is a specific career field in each branch of the military. I am military police for the air force stationed in England. Outside of base, it depends on agreements with host nation, however most of the time, we respond to major vehicle accidents involving americans and we may respond with lights/sirens to a nearby base.
@ PiqueBitch
Yes, i know that Ramstein is a Air Force Base in Germany.
I made the question a little bit to short. I meant to ask "is this Ramstein Air Force Base, Germany?".
Anyway, thanks for your reply.
The siren is a Federal Signal PA300 on Hi Lo
No, the "Martinhorn" (In fact, MARTIN is a brand, but the Hi-Lo is called Martinhorn here) is the only allowed siren in Germany.
This is a MWD cop from the 86th
ist doch schon ein Folgetonhorn? Wieso sollte er zusätzlich noch ein weietres verwenden? Der Tremoloeffekt ist ja nicht vorgeschrieben
@AreaGB So? If you're goining to Europe for a holiday, do you bring you own car with you?
Thank you for the detailed information. I am glad to hear that there is no more
"we rule the world" mentality within the U.S. MP.
Thank you. I am also German but I never lived in Germany more then 3 month at a time so my German is weak. Your English is very good, no need to apologize for anything.
I read the comments after writing my comment, and I now understand that this police is for Americans stationed in the American base in Rammstein. At first it was very surprizing but now I've learned something new :)
Ich verstehe trotzdem Deutsch, du kannst auch auf Deutsch shreiben und dann kann ich probieren zu es verstehen.
@oreda2 naja wenigstens die Geschwindigkeit verringern kann man, denn es kann ja sein, dass das Notfallfahrzeug auchmal ausweichen muss oder so.
It was coming from the Ramstein airbase inside area heading towards Kaiserslautern Einsiedlerhof civil areas. It came back approx. 30 minutes later, so I persume it was not a big incident. Sorry aboutthe car type, I am not sure, but looks like a Chevy Impala. Standart US police car type, so might be one.
As long as they are outside the US base they use the hi-lo only. As soon as they are inside US bases they switch over to the classic US sirene. It's very strange if you hear as US police/ambulance/fire truck changing the sound on such a trip.
@afe31 ja, alle Fahrzeuge, egal ob Polizei, Ambulanz oder Feuerwehr sind orig. US mit den entsprechenden Lichtern und auch mit entsprechenden Sirenen wie sie in den Staaten eingesetzt werden.
Do you have any videos of their firetrucks responding outside the base? (:
Are the USAF police actually allowed off base, and what are their powers off base?
Today no one is living in the barracks, my wife lived in lincoln village. shame all gone home, except my wife and I greeting from Darmstadt
Hell that could have been me! 569th US Air Force Police Squadron along with the US Army 230th Military Police Company. I was with the 230th from 2007-2010 working Patrol with my Air Force brothers and sisters!
Which siren is that? Manufacturer, etc.
Do they use that siren because its the only one that sounds similar to the German sirens?
NATO-Truppenstatut Artikel VII Absatz 4:
Aus den Bestimmungen der Absätze (1) bis (3) ergibt sich für die Militärbehörden des Entsendestaates nicht das Recht, die Gerichtsbarkeit über Personen auszuüben, die Staatsangehörige des Aufnahmestaates sind oder dort ihren gewöhnlichen Aufenthalt haben, es sei denn, dass diese Personen Mitglieder der Truppe des Entsendestaates sind.
@HUMMFREAK are you joking its an heap, in germany that car wouldnt stand a chance catching anything on there autobahns, when we came over from the UK we had to always do more than 140mph to just keep up with there traffic.
Kommt Leute nicht streiten: Ja es stimmt früher sahen die MP-Fahrzeuge aus wie typische Ami Streifenwagen auch mit roten Warnleuchten. Danach waren es vom Design her immer noch amerikanische Streifenwagen nun aber nur noch mit blauen Warnleuchten (siehe Video). Jetzt fährt die US-MP europäische Ford Mondeo mit grünem deutschen Design, dt. Signalanlage u. Leuchtreflexstreifen. Die US-Army hat sich so entschieden um weniger auffällig zu sein und sich somit dem deutschen Gastland angepasst.
im video ist ein 2003er chevrolet impala. und jetzt haben die upgraded auf 2007 impala
as the US has military personal station in Germany, they most likely have military police here as well
@23aztek wie heißt das video?
@afe31 Also ich selber arbeite in US Kasernen in Ansbach, Illeheim und Schweinfurt. Dort verwenden sie das deutsche Martinshorn und auch die Fahrzeuge sind meist Deutsch. Und ob ihr es glaubt oder nicht sogar die Feuerwehrleute selbe sind Deutsch! Klar haben die auch Amerikanische Modelle mit dem entsprechendem Equipment und Kleidung. Die Fahrzeuge verfügen aber nicht NUR über das Martinshorn. Haben auch typische US Sirenen zur verfügung.
Die Angaben sind gegenüber einer zuständigen Behörde, einem zuständigen Amtsträger (z.B. Polizei- oder Zollbeamten) oder einem zuständigen Soldaten der Bundeswehr (Wachsoldaten, Feldjäger im Feldjägerdienst) zu machen.
Der Tatbestand gilt in gleicher Weise für Auskünfte, die gegenüber zuständigen Soldaten und Beamten der NATO-Streitkräfte in Deutschland verweigert werden.
die kommen von der US Base in Ramstein
there came from the US Base in Ramstein Germany
German always prepared to Use Hi-lo tones siren
Wieso hat er nicht einen zusätzlichen deutschen signalton (ist ja auch auf deutschen straßen unterwegs) wenn er schon rein blaue beleuchtung hat was ich so von den Army-Mp nicht kenne?
I think its Military Police (the MP in Stuttgart also has hi/low/Yelp-Signal)
@duurttelang Your a little bit wrong here. WIth the German SOFA (status of forces agreement) US Military Police have authority over US/NATO Personnel within their respective areas of authority. I was in Kaiserslautern from 2007-2010 with the 230th MP Company working Patrol along with the 569th US Forces Police Squadron. That could be me in the video to be honest.
thats looks very funy a MP police car in germany.. what happens ???
hi I am german an i try to explain you what is that video for. (So sorry for bad grammar)
The guy who was uploading this video, has seen an US Army MP-Police Car in Ramstein/Germany. He only made this video to show this police car when it drives along a german highway. The first comments talk about what are rights of an american police officer in germany. If you want to know the exactly content please use the GOOGLE TRANSLATION. The letters are not enough. I hope you know a little bit more.
Das ist ein Militärpolizei fahrzeug des US Army Stützpunktes Ramstein.
Noch Fragen?
Can somebody please explain? Did I just see an American police car with a german siren speeding in Germany? I'm not sure what I just saw...
Then you seem to be one of the rare nice guys there. So I apologise, but only to you! I still hate the others. Thank you for your kind words after my rants and for your understanding. I think if more were like you, many bad things wouldn't have happened.
Nein der eigentliche Grund ist, in Amerika musst du anhalten oder ausweichen wenn du eine Sirene hörst. Was auch gut ist denn so kommen die Rettungsfahrzeuge schneller an ihr geschehen und können eventuell noch helfen. Somit machen die Amerikaner das auch hier.
sind sie doch auch, schau mal genau hin
@HUMMFREAK because it is the US. Military Police Patrol..
hat die feuerwehr auch so eine sirene?
Ich finde das Hi-Lo irgendwie viel geiler, als unsere Signale :)
@HisMight1 Ist so glaube nicht ganz richtig. Da Ramstein und Umgebung ja fast ausschließlich von US-Bürgern bewohnt werden, gibt es da wahrscheinlich sogar ein Abkommen, was auch die Zuständigkeit der Polizei regelt.
@oreda2 stimmt nicht!! Alle Fahrzeuge haben blaue Lichter, Martinshorn und teilweise deutsche und amerikanische Fahrzeuge/ Equipment's. RTW's haben die Amy's selber keine!! Dafür kommt die Feuerwehr und macht die Erstversorgung. Es wird immer ein RTW und NA von aussen angefordert. Zur Sirene haben die meistens beides.
@oreda2 do they have powers against germans in an US base in germany?
i've seen a video where american MP's get angry on a german car driver because he doesnt want to show them his ID card (he says he only does that if the german police asks him), but the american MP's say that the guy is on "their" territory (a US base in germany) and so they can "order" him to do things.
i'd be happy if you (or someone else) answear, thanks.
If they are on post,they can (politely) ask a 'National' for I.D. if needed.
@HUMMFREAK no i do not! but why you asking? it is differents between me and the US Army in Germany lol.
Ja, im Prinzip hast Du schon recht. Aber in der Situation ( lange übersichtliche gerade Strecke ) finde ich es übertrieben.
@lindros83. Danke Lindros83, wenigstens einer der die Inhalte der Texte die ich hier eingestellt habe versteht. Jetzt sind wir wenigstens zu Zweit hier. Gott sein Dank ich hatte schon an den verlust des Verstandes in einigen Menschen geglaubt.
Ja, stimmt.
Wobei es absolut blödsinnig vom Gegenverkehr ist zu bremsen oder auzuweichen...
Ist schon in Ordnung, ich denke wir verstehen uns....
Yes, on Base they can.
@HUMMFREAK and hey the US Troops they have been here since the WW2.. and still here. So its not just a holiday trip..
Nobody's perfect
You will be surprised what kind of power they have off Base!!!!!
@oreda2 That`s because the `base` is considered to be US soil, just like any other embassy on this planet.
@TrephineTheMalformed The police are USAF, called the 569th USAF Police Squadron. There are USAF bases around Kaiserslautern. Ramstein is one that I know of. You can find out more at Wikipedia "Kaiserslautern Military Community". These cops are responsible for all US military, as far as I know.
Yeah sure, broken part? Contact a Chevy dealer in the states. Pay for shipping to Germany, install the part at a dealer. And it's not a common car so it takes time, time is money so it costs alot more money to repair this car!
Trust me,they have lots of Spare Parts on hand. Plus Kaiserslautern actually has a G.M. Dealer there that can,and has serviced American Made G.M. products. (Also sold them)
ist das wirklich in deutschland?
@TheFlmedia Wie kann man blos so spießig sein...
...hübscher "Doppler-Effekt", der da zu hören ist.
no, afghanistan they actually had to do barefooted, because the one boot is still missing in the vietnam jungle...
The U.S military still has a airport for their flight to Afghanistan and Iraq...the most wounded American troops are getting medical care in Germany first, before they go back to the U.S.
@oreda2 They have full juristicion off post to enforce UCMJ crimes, that deal with anyone under the SOFA agreement. Soldiers, Family Members, DOD civilians. This is only for Germany Italy has a different set of rules and regulations.
@TheItalianoMafiosi Yes, if they're on an area which the US Military is occupying (a base, a housing area). Military Police can even go as far as using lethal force on local nationals, which they've done in the past. If a German national would refuse to show ID in a housing area when requested, that person would be detained, and the polizei would be called.
Deadly Force was something more in use about the time of the Red Army Faction/'Baader-Meinhof Group' era when they were bombing US Bases/Kidnapping & sometimes killing US Military personnel. Several infiltrations of 'secure facilites',though tragically there was also a case when I stationed there involving a German Family who chose to have a picnic in the wrong spot in the woods and were shot in error by a 'Tower Rat'. ('Tower Rats' guard things like Missile Facilities,Warhead Bunkers & Ammunition Dumps. Not your 'regular' MPs/SPs.)
Not realy true...there are still Bases in Mannheim;Rammstein,Landstuhl,Kaiserslautern,Baumholder,Pirmasens(USAMCE),Heidelberg ect.
@DePe1987 Da muß ich Dir vollkommen zustimmen....
And they have an USA car?
egal was die fürn Horn haben, es wär doch irgendwie bescheuert Einsatzfahrzeugen keinen Platz zu machen, fahren ja nicht ohnr Grund mit SoSi?! Gibt grade im Rettungsdienst immer wieder mal Fahrzeuge welche eben nicht mit Folgetonhorn rumfahren, sondern z.B. wail und yelp Signale verwenden.
Thats a Air Force Military Police
@MrALBFLO think he means a car produced in the EU (European Union), like a Vauxhall, VW, Audi etc
There are no US ambulances. We only use DRK.
Hast Du mal selbst gelesen was Du hier postest ? Die US MP ist für uns Deutsche keine zuständige Behörde. Und die US Army ist nicht die Bundeswehr. Der §111 hat mit Zuständigkeiten ausländischer Behörden nichts zu tun.
As soon as you are inside a US base you are kind of on US territorium and they have full rights against you. As soon as you leave the base as a non-American they have no rights at all and you can insist on German police if they cause trouble. If they dare to touch you can even accuse them at a German court and claim compensation.
first off I don't live in the states.. I actually live in Germany driving said fail cop cars every day. secondly, im the only experience you have in said fail cop car is watching it pass running code on youtube vidoes.
Ja, Autobahnzubringer von der Airbase zur A 6
@oreda2 das is nicht unbedingt blödsinnig
well, if they act against US personel there is no difference if it is inside our outside the base.
In Ramstein ist eine US Basis, die deutsche Polizei darf dort keine US-Soldaten verhaften, die deutsche Polizei muss die Amis kontaktieren und die kommen dann mit der Army-Police.
its not the german emergency car... its american emergency for thier soldiers in ramstein!
Nein, als Zivilist oder normaler Soldat darf man Andere lediglich vorübergehend festhalten, festnehmen dagegen dürfen nur Polizei, Zoll, Staatsanwaltschaft, Geheimdienste und Militärpolizei.
Ich rate dir , den § 35 STVO (alle Absätze) zu lesen.
Der macht immer ta tü ta tü ta tü