It's incredible that such a goofy show can simultaneously have such dark, introspective and inciteful psychological commentary. Just brilliant writing!
frededison no, it's not. It's RETARDED. The whole collective mainstream media( including Comedy Central) seems to have as it's goal to destroy President Trump. WHY? He is a political outsider coming into Washington and changing things for the better. They( Comedy Central and other freak shows) are bought and paid for by the establishment. This is EXACTLY why the Democrat Party has been hollowed out electorally speaking. They are too influenced by these fools.
Deer Slayer Slabaugh When you are president you must earn respect, it should not be expected to be given freely. Trump has done nearly everything in his power to avoid being respected by Americans and the citizens of the world. Trump is the entitled billionaire establishment. Trump was always an insider who exploited the system and used the establishment to his benefit but you’ve fooled yourself to believe a lifetime wealthy leopard can change his spots. Trump is the swamp and has surrounded himself with elite swamp creatures who have already abused their power and offices. Trump is the same but with a disconcerting penchant for throwing hand grenades wherever he goes, just because he thrives on confusion and chaos. He does this for himself alone. Trump is destroying himself and is his own worst enemy. The MSM (his scapegoat and target to shift blame from himself) and politically themed satire like this are exposing his faults as free press/free speech protected by the First Amendment should, not covering for his reckless and self-centered behavior as you are. A strong, rational, and competent leader of a Constitutionally protected democracy can stand on his/her own and must be capable of weathering the storm of intense scrutiny and criticism that goes with the office, but a weak leader needs to find scapegoats and excuses for their lack of integrity and mental instability. A feeble and ineffectual leader must distract from him/herself to hide from the blinding spotlight of being POTUS. Trump is endangering America and the world with his words and actions. Maybe there’s something seriously wrong with Trump, and you like a disbelieving family member who refuses to see grandpa has started to act strangely, are in denial to preserve your fealty for him. Remember when Trump said America First? You should be listening to him and putting America First.
frededison I do put America first, by proudly supporting Donald J Trump. It's really rich, pal, to hear you drone on about Mr. Trump's so called faults when one takes a look at some of the beauties on your side. Bill Clinton stood in the Oval Office and turned it into the Oral Office with an intern young enough to be his daughter and then LIED about it to the press, Congress, and his wife under oath. Sir, did you vote for Bill Clinton? George W Bush got this country involved in (I believe) illegal, unethical, and un-patriotic wars in the Middle East and burned through 5 trillion dollars of taxpayer money by doing so. He also is responsible for sending 10s of thousands of young soldiers into hell hole countries to get their arms blown off, legs blown off, and to die-- for WHAT? You, frededison, out of your enlightened plethora of knowledge, pray tell. President Trump has done NOTHING as morally repugnant as the last two administrations. No, sir. As far as your entirely ludicrous claim that President Trump is the face of the establishment, then answer me this: why does the entire political establishment of both parties hate the man? John Kasich(R) dislikes Mr. Trump every bit as much as Jeb Bush(R) and Nancy "fossilized D. House Leader" Pelosi(D) do. The grand authors of the trade debacles that have sucked jobs from the Rust Belt of this country hate Mr. Trump. Gee, I wonder why, Nostradamus? Well, Mr. Trump pulled this country out of the disastrous TPP and the job killing Paris Climate Accords. I happen to live in the Rust Belt and work in construction. My boss recently told me he is more busy now than he has been in 15 years. My entire family used to be union Democrats; my Grandpa was a staunch supporter of Franklin D Roosevelt. Last year, at 88 years old, he proudly walked into that voting booth and cast his vote for Mr. Trump. Indeed, every damn person I know who voted for President Trump still massively supports him (especially my buddies in construction). The polls can say whatever they want( Rasmussen has POTUS at 44%) but I can tell you that the Rust Belt will vote to reelect him. Problem is, Frededison, we don't hear an economic message coming from the liberal side. All they wanna do is whine about stuff like us having to have little girls in the bathrooms with transgenders, or the name "Washington Redskins"(horribly racist, even though they did a poll and nine out of ten native Americans didn't give a shit), or the need for us to have open borders or we're all "xenophobic"(gasp). See, you liberals don't get it. Have a care, libs. If the Rust Belt goes the way of the Bible Belt( and I believe it is) Dems will have a BIG problem on their hands. You see what I'm sayin', Frededison, or are you so filled with hatred for President Trump that you can't?
Deer Slayer Slabaugh Do you unconditionally support Trump? It seems like you do, since you automatically assume that any organization speaking against Trump or making fun of him (which I must add, is a time-honored American tradition) is "bought and paid for". Comedy Central being paid by the establishment to make fun of a president? Now, that's rich. Also, if the only retorts you can come up with for Trump's faults are "the Democrats are not perfect" and "we'll still win, he still has many supporters", I've got good news for you pal - you can be the next press secretary with your great diversion skills. I feel sad that I have to explain this, but winning elections only make you powerful - it does not make you right.
Ditrix88 I notice that NONE of the liberals on this page can respond to what I said about the horrendous trade deals that previous administrations have made. Mr. Trump is revoking those trade deals and taking the boot of government regulation off the throat of small business. Listen, libs-- remember when the Democrat Party used the line "It's the economy, stupid" back in the 90s? It worked then, and Mr. Trump's good stewardship of the economy is helping America and helping him politically.
there are quite a few of those, and then there is the additional reality checks the ff-ing moron provides us, making the episodes even more intense as they creep closer to the truth every day...
Nearly two years removed from the airing of this episode, the verdict remains: the 5th Avenue joke was the single most hysterical thing I have ever seen in my life.
headcoLd 7 you're DAMN right I didn't quit supporting President Trump. Never have I seen such total HATRED for a Commander in chief. You know why we Trump supporters are LEGION and we will prevail over the corrupt elitists in the media establishment, Little Head Case? We are sick and damn tired of the establishment hacks. Look at George W Bush. He WASTED 5 trillion dollars in the Middle East( not to mention young American blood). Look at the disastrous trade deals that previous administrations have made. Take a look at when Monica Lewinsky was kneeling on the floor in the Oval Office, for God's sakes, sucking Bill Clinton's you know what. Were these past administrations mocked on this level by Comedy Central and SNL? Don't you liberals see the DISGUSTING double standard here?
Well to be fair this president is unlike any other president in our lifetime. He insults, mocks, threatens and curses. He has 12 sexual allegations. He once admitted on tape that he can grab a woman down there whenever he likes because of who he is. He insulted a war hero Veteran. He's divorced 3 times and now he has a wife with porno mag images. All while being supported by the party of Christian family values. If you don't see the problem here. I don't know what to tell you. He'll only get respect from those who are assholes like him and willing to put their morals aside. You're so full of hate and anger for the other side that you're willing to overlook and even defend his vile behavior. Being a bully and insulting on a daily basis will not unite the country. Respect is earned and this president has little respect anyone. The president supposed to lead by example. His behavior is not a good example for anyone.
OS nobody said that President Trump is perfect. I'll tell you what he hasn't done. He hasn't dragged this country into an unethical war in a Middle Eastern country where we had no business being and pissed through 5 trillion dollars funding it( aka George W Bush ). He hasn't turned the Oval Office into the Oral Office with an intern young enough to be his daughter and then LIED to the press, Congress, and his wife about it under oath( aka Bill Clinton ).You see, I and many others like me in the Rust Belt support President Trump because he is actually striving( and succeeding in ) bringing jobs back. The political establishment in this country has made horrendous trade deals with other countries that have sucked jobs away from middle America. Mr. Trump pulled us out of the disastrous TPP, as well as the job killing Paris Climate Accords. By removing this country from bad trade deals and removing onerous regulations on business, Mr. Trump is mightily helping the middle class in America. I see it; I live in the Rust Belt. If he succeeds in getting a handle on immigration, so a vast number of immigrants aren't flocking into this country and taking jobs from Americans, it will help even more. What sane nation on earth doesn't control their borders? Of course, whenever you ask a liberal this, you get a deer in the headlights response. So, we shall see! The hate on the left (and from the DC establishment) is truly unprecedented though, especially when you see some of the gems that liberals defend. The Democrat Party right now has no coherent economic message to blue collar voters. They can't even figure out their own position on global trade. All they wanna do is whine about stuff like "transgender rights" and social reengineering horse shit. I live in the Rust Belt, and I tell you, right now the Rust Belt would vote to reelect President Trump. Every Trump supporter I know who voted for him still massively supports him because we see jobs coming back and factories being reopened. Just remember, libs, the old Bill Clinton saying: "It's the economy, stupid". It worked for him, in spite of Monica, and it's workin' for President Trump.
Mark Blair oh don't doubt it. Norman Bates got nothing on this clown. I have never been ashamed of being Scottish but, I have a twinge of horror knowing he has Scottish in him! A little bit of sick just came up!
so many nuerons lolol. This show shouldve been nominated for some Emmy's, and Alec Baldwin is good, but this guy should've won, or hopefully will win, and Emmy because whereas Alec's is kind of a caricature, this guy IS Trump. It's eerily good.
"I think you suffer from three serious personality disorders: narcissistic …." "Who, me?" "Anti-social …." "Shut up!" ".... and paranoid." "Who told you?" This stuff is priceless!
I'm thinking there's a certain percentage of the adult population who (regardless of their particular political views and inclinations) have an either low desire for critical thinking even if while being entertained or they're not into expanding their critical thinking skills whatsoever as they've become intellectually lazy in their life situation/status/position to not even attempt being idealogically, cowards. And so, they'd rather only hear what feeds and confirms their bias and so instead, seek mind-numbing entertainment. It's fine that we all need escapism to keep sane but most don't enjoy and in fact run away from being intellectually challenged. And, if you've ever dealt with Right Wing trolls and even a few people on the Left, then I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm sure there's other reasons but it is important to consider that, political comedy/satire (while being openly available to all) is naturally predesposed for emotionally smart and mentally stable, those mature enough to be able to admit when they've been wrong (whenever applicable) while at the same time, having a good laugh at themselves and others proportionally. It's a sign of maturity to be able to accept actual facts, incorporating them into our views and lives to correct false assumptions and moving on. Most are not into this. Simplex: Those who respect honesty. Most people, I dare venture; don't respect honesty and hence (in my view) the low viewership and eventual cancellation of this show.
this show's writer deserves an Emmy.
Noseefood mike pence is the head writer.
This is the best reality show ever
Anthony Atamanuik is a movie star
i hope he has Tv in prison, these and a loop of Hillary laughing
“I have the MOST neurons.”
“So many neurons”
This documentary is pretty informative.
Mr Hero 😁😀😁👍👍
I can almost seeing it go down this way.....
Mr Hero of course most of that is real footage.
Came here to say the SAME thing!
Like real life😂😂😂😂😂
That was magnificent. The guy who invents this stuff must be a genius with high degree in psychology, sociology or philosophy. He just knows.
Must be the same guy behind Rick and Morty!
Dont think so, its pretty obvious
- ... and paranoid
- who told you?
This stuff literally writes itself
Trump hands them the script.
Well, no actually, it doesn't.
Their writers are awesome though.
Brave of Trump to let a camera crew follow him around like this.
@P B i think they were being sarcastic
@P B 🤦🏽♀️
@P B 😂
And btw people from other county’s know about America more than the Americans them self .. the world are not stupid
This is the greatest thing I've ever watched.
Tremendous, believe me!
Give this man an oscar!
better than watching the actual moron
I like how Comedy Central never gives a fuck, thank you Comedy Central
Gamo g-boa 👏👏👏👏
"It's not my fault, i'm nuts" LMAO
Why the hell this show was stopped bloody hilarious
Wow! this is Extremely Accurate
After 3 years n after the election, its to accurated that it make it to scary
They need a Congressional investigation into why this show was cancelled.
The 5th avenue part killed it for me
CaptainMcToasty Ha !!! Killed it ! I get it !
He shot Pence in the arm. Don't worry, he's totally good now.
It's incredible that such a goofy show can simultaneously have such dark, introspective and inciteful psychological commentary. Just brilliant writing!
Yeah they're great. They make things great.
Im not even from america, but that 5th avenue joke... my god...
jblolz8 it just got dark.
madz4prez once again :-)
Funny because that shit could possibly happen fucking with this lunatic.
“I have the MOST neurons.”
I don’t understand, what’s the deal about 5tb avenue ?
“Who told you?!” 🤣🤣🤣
OMG that's good.
frededison no, it's not. It's RETARDED. The whole collective mainstream media( including Comedy Central) seems to have as it's goal to destroy President Trump. WHY? He is a political outsider coming into Washington and changing things for the better. They( Comedy Central and other freak shows) are bought and paid for by the establishment. This is EXACTLY why the Democrat Party has been hollowed out electorally speaking. They are too influenced by these fools.
Deer Slayer Slabaugh
When you are president you must earn respect, it should not be expected to be given freely. Trump has done nearly everything in his power to avoid being respected by Americans and the citizens of the world. Trump is the entitled billionaire establishment. Trump was always an insider who exploited the system and used the establishment to his benefit but you’ve fooled yourself to believe a lifetime wealthy leopard can change his spots. Trump is the swamp and has surrounded himself with elite swamp creatures who have already abused their power and offices. Trump is the same but with a disconcerting penchant for throwing hand grenades wherever he goes, just because he thrives on confusion and chaos. He does this for himself alone.
Trump is destroying himself and is his own worst enemy. The MSM (his scapegoat and target to shift blame from himself) and politically themed satire like this are exposing his faults as free press/free speech protected by the First Amendment should, not covering for his reckless and self-centered behavior as you are. A strong, rational, and competent leader of a Constitutionally protected democracy can stand on his/her own and must be capable of weathering the storm of intense scrutiny and criticism that goes with the office, but a weak leader needs to find scapegoats and excuses for their lack of integrity and mental instability. A feeble and ineffectual leader must distract from him/herself to hide from the blinding spotlight of being POTUS.
Trump is endangering America and the world with his words and actions. Maybe there’s something seriously wrong with Trump, and you like a disbelieving family member who refuses to see grandpa has started to act strangely, are in denial to preserve your fealty for him. Remember when Trump said America First? You should be listening to him and putting America First.
frededison I do put America first, by proudly supporting Donald J Trump. It's really rich, pal, to hear you drone on about Mr. Trump's so called faults when one takes a look at some of the beauties on your side. Bill Clinton stood in the Oval Office and turned it into the Oral Office with an intern young enough to be his daughter and then LIED about it to the press, Congress, and his wife under oath. Sir, did you vote for Bill Clinton? George W Bush got this country involved in (I believe) illegal, unethical, and un-patriotic wars in the Middle East and burned through 5 trillion dollars of taxpayer money by doing so. He also is responsible for sending 10s of thousands of young soldiers into hell hole countries to get their arms blown off, legs blown off, and to die-- for WHAT? You, frededison, out of your enlightened plethora of knowledge, pray tell. President Trump has done NOTHING as morally repugnant as the last two administrations. No, sir. As far as your entirely ludicrous claim that President Trump is the face of the establishment, then answer me this: why does the entire political establishment of both parties hate the man? John Kasich(R) dislikes Mr. Trump every bit as much as Jeb Bush(R) and Nancy "fossilized D. House Leader" Pelosi(D) do. The grand authors of the trade debacles that have sucked jobs from the Rust Belt of this country hate Mr. Trump. Gee, I wonder why, Nostradamus? Well, Mr. Trump pulled this country out of the disastrous TPP and the job killing Paris Climate Accords. I happen to live in the Rust Belt and work in construction. My boss recently told me he is more busy now than he has been in 15 years. My entire family used to be union Democrats; my Grandpa was a staunch supporter of Franklin D Roosevelt. Last year, at 88 years old, he proudly walked into that voting booth and cast his vote for Mr. Trump. Indeed, every damn person I know who voted for President Trump still massively supports him (especially my buddies in construction). The polls can say whatever they want( Rasmussen has POTUS at 44%) but I can tell you that the Rust Belt will vote to reelect him. Problem is, Frededison, we don't hear an economic message coming from the liberal side. All they wanna do is whine about stuff like us having to have little girls in the bathrooms with transgenders, or the name "Washington Redskins"(horribly racist, even though they did a poll and nine out of ten native Americans didn't give a shit), or the need for us to have open borders or we're all "xenophobic"(gasp). See, you liberals don't get it. Have a care, libs. If the Rust Belt goes the way of the Bible Belt( and I believe it is) Dems will have a BIG problem on their hands. You see what I'm sayin', Frededison, or are you so filled with hatred for President Trump that you can't?
Deer Slayer Slabaugh Do you unconditionally support Trump? It seems like you do, since you automatically assume that any organization speaking against Trump or making fun of him (which I must add, is a time-honored American tradition) is "bought and paid for". Comedy Central being paid by the establishment to make fun of a president? Now, that's rich.
Also, if the only retorts you can come up with for Trump's faults are "the Democrats are not perfect" and "we'll still win, he still has many supporters", I've got good news for you pal - you can be the next press secretary with your great diversion skills. I feel sad that I have to explain this, but winning elections only make you powerful - it does not make you right.
Ditrix88 I notice that NONE of the liberals on this page can respond to what I said about the horrendous trade deals that previous administrations have made. Mr. Trump is revoking those trade deals and taking the boot of government regulation off the throat of small business. Listen, libs-- remember when the Democrat Party used the line "It's the economy, stupid" back in the 90s? It worked then, and Mr. Trump's good stewardship of the economy is helping America and helping him politically.
Atamanuik is so good that I feel almost as sick and empty as I do when I hear the real “thing” speak.
“Trying to get my pud yanked” LMAO
There's probably a party girl who did not come home in the '80s
Oh God. Don't say that. Possible. Help us, dear god.
or a child...hi from the future, epstein didnt off himself.
"Is it okay that I've been farting in here the whole time?"
President DoTard Trump went full Peter Griffin on this one & it was glorious😂
This episode is intense 😱
there are quite a few of those, and then there is the additional reality checks the ff-ing moron provides us, making the episodes even more intense as they creep closer to the truth every day...
i think that the Donald is a very damaged person. I think that this is very accurate
Ikr, you are the person he shoots on 5th avenue =o
Exactly what makes this scary, intense and disturbing 😱
Damaged and unstable Donnie 😰
that trance and that last scene is so dark 😱
Have you seen the one where he goes to Charm School? That one's pretty dark too. They reference Caligula. lol
He’s so on point, such total perfection I had the most neurons that he had ever met” was delivered w such perfect imitation.
This is amazing! They should make him go there regularly!
“One time I met Andy Warhol and I thought he was a Sheepskin Rug”
lmao these episodes have an affinity for taking the dark turn in the end
Great documentary
This is too brilliant!!
So wicked brilliant!!!
"We are at a psychologist" "WHAT!?!??" 😂😂😂
The shrink just did a perfect Steven Colbert impression by not trying to do a Steven Colbert impression.
Nearly two years removed from the airing of this episode, the verdict remains: the 5th Avenue joke was the single most hysterical thing I have ever seen in my life.
These are getting darker. love it
The personality disorder comebacks are the best 🤣
Not a single supporter lost their cult mentality support for their National Divider that day
headcoLd 7 you're DAMN right I didn't quit supporting President Trump. Never have I seen such total HATRED for a Commander in chief. You know why we Trump supporters are LEGION and we will prevail over the corrupt elitists in the media establishment, Little Head Case? We are sick and damn tired of the establishment hacks. Look at George W Bush. He WASTED 5 trillion dollars in the Middle East( not to mention young American blood). Look at the disastrous trade deals that previous administrations have made. Take a look at when Monica Lewinsky was kneeling on the floor in the Oval Office, for God's sakes, sucking Bill Clinton's you know what. Were these past administrations mocked on this level by Comedy Central and SNL? Don't you liberals see the DISGUSTING double standard here?
Well to be fair this president is unlike any other president in our lifetime. He insults, mocks, threatens and curses. He has 12 sexual allegations. He once admitted on tape that he can grab a woman down there whenever he likes because of who he is. He insulted a war hero Veteran. He's divorced 3 times and now he has a wife with porno mag images. All while being supported by the party of Christian family values. If you don't see the problem here. I don't know what to tell you. He'll only get respect from those who are assholes like him and willing to put their morals aside. You're so full of hate and anger for the other side that you're willing to overlook and even defend his vile behavior. Being a bully and insulting on a daily basis will not unite the country. Respect is earned and this president has little respect anyone. The president supposed to lead by example. His behavior is not a good example for anyone.
OS nobody said that President Trump is perfect. I'll tell you what he hasn't done. He hasn't dragged this country into an unethical war in a Middle Eastern country where we had no business being and pissed through 5 trillion dollars funding it( aka George W Bush ). He hasn't turned the Oval Office into the Oral Office with an intern young enough to be his daughter and then LIED to the press, Congress, and his wife about it under oath( aka Bill Clinton ).You see, I and many others like me in the Rust Belt support President Trump because he is actually striving( and succeeding in ) bringing jobs back. The political establishment in this country has made horrendous trade deals with other countries that have sucked jobs away from middle America. Mr. Trump pulled us out of the disastrous TPP, as well as the job killing Paris Climate Accords. By removing this country from bad trade deals and removing onerous regulations on business, Mr. Trump is mightily helping the middle class in America. I see it; I live in the Rust Belt. If he succeeds in getting a handle on immigration, so a vast number of immigrants aren't flocking into this country and taking jobs from Americans, it will help even more. What sane nation on earth doesn't control their borders? Of course, whenever you ask a liberal this, you get a deer in the headlights response. So, we shall see! The hate on the left (and from the DC establishment) is truly unprecedented though, especially when you see some of the gems that liberals defend. The Democrat Party right now has no coherent economic message to blue collar voters. They can't even figure out their own position on global trade. All they wanna do is whine about stuff like "transgender rights" and social reengineering horse shit. I live in the Rust Belt, and I tell you, right now the Rust Belt would vote to reelect President Trump. Every Trump supporter I know who voted for him still massively supports him because we see jobs coming back and factories being reopened. Just remember, libs, the old Bill Clinton saying: "It's the economy, stupid". It worked for him, in spite of Monica, and it's workin' for President Trump.
That day 4:31
Deer Slayer Slabaugh seek help. You're crazy, like your daddy Trump.
Luv this show but I can't wait until Mueller cancels it.
mcgavin Well said.
Mcgavin it will be replaced with a new Trump prison drama. Orange is the new Black.
The Muellerman video is hilarious also
Whoa a little too close to reality to be completely funny.
photonrayswaves I agree.
"I could shoot someone on 5th avenue and I wouldn't lose any votes!" …. "Bing bing bang bong."
3:23 "WRONG!" *Throws Tissue Box*
The more I watch this show, the more upset I get that Baldwin got the Emmy.
Love how he takes Trump to the Dark Side.
IKR? Some parts are so dark. I love it!
I love the way he's sitting in the chair. Nailed it.
This is even sadder and funnier now...
Shit his mom really had tough hair
AR21 Mummy issues? I think so! It's almost identical
AR21 😁😀😁
AR21 people are saying Trump keeps his mothers corpse in the White House attic. Sad , so sad
Mark Blair oh don't doubt it. Norman Bates got nothing on this clown. I have never been ashamed of being Scottish but, I have a twinge of horror knowing he has Scottish in him! A little bit of sick just came up!
Humpty Trumpty Sat on a wall, blame it on his German half, while Germans can blaming everything on his Scottish one.
Why I feel amused?
Oh, because I'm not 'murican, that's why.
Csor Caar that WOULD make it way scarier. .
Lol same
the USA is like a giant real life sitcom...
Csor Caar why do I find this to be amusing? Because reality has me at Peace with myself, regardless of how bad things are becoming - life is gewd
Csor Caar hey, i decided and picked American citizenship at 18... I'm now doubting my choice!😄
Man you guys excelled at this , goddamnit
“Mike Pence” reminds me of The Lawyer in Always Sunny for some reason. His voice, mannerisms maybe.
This is probably the funniest video I have ever seen..and so accurate
Omg, Trumps flag pin is upside down! Well played Comedy Central
so many nuerons lolol. This show shouldve been nominated for some Emmy's, and Alec Baldwin is good, but this guy should've won, or hopefully will win, and Emmy because whereas Alec's is kind of a caricature, this guy IS Trump. It's eerily good.
Best. Show. Ever. Thank you for keeping us sane in insane times. ❤
"Sit down, Mike." LMAO
I haven't laughed that hard in a long time! This is one of the best things I've seen, possibly ever, LOL.
I lost it when Trump punched Pence 😂
Congratulations on these productions!
So many neurons.
2:30 Eric Cartman everyone.
4:52 Uncomfortably close to reality.
the artists on this show take it so dark i love it
At first I thought this was a comedy skit. Then I realized it was a real documentary.
'Goddamn Bunny!' ....🤣🤣🤣🤣
His run though 🤣
The BEST show 😷😷
the show literally writes itself from the original thats unfolding and unravelling. the best show ever. impersonation is perfect
Woow. Spot on
The way he stops and pauses then smiles in the empty room as if there were a crowd
I love how he sits like Trump, just like a kid does while they're trying to stay still.
"I think you suffer from three serious personality disorders: narcissistic …."
"Who, me?"
"Anti-social …."
"Shut up!"
".... and paranoid."
"Who told you?"
This stuff is priceless!
Wow, this is getting better and better.
OMG this show keeps getting better every episode. lol
I like the rorschach images when he drifts away.
"Goddamn bunny!" LOL
This was scarily too close to truth,but such a great show!
The ending is the best 🤣🤣🤣🤣
That...Was...Terrifyingly HILARIOUS. Bravo!
I just can’t stop watching this.... what a legend
Best show ever
3:30 not just a box of paper towels. It was the most beautiful soft towels. Very good towels.
Its funny cause its true
Love this show, brilliant 😂😂😂
this is much better than snl
The ending had me cracking up 😂
"When mom's out at the Key Food..."
Good documentary!
THese episodes are brilliant and scary.
This show is very underrated !
It's so disturbingly real.
This is hilarious!! What have we done
Anthony captures Trump's sociopathy so well. Much more than just an impression.
I have a feeling you spoke to a lot of psychiatrists to come up with this beautifully accurate piece of art
Why do very few people enjoy this master piece series
I'm thinking there's a certain percentage of the adult population who (regardless of their particular political views and inclinations) have an either low desire for critical thinking even if while being entertained or they're not into expanding their critical thinking skills whatsoever as they've become intellectually lazy in their life situation/status/position to not even attempt being idealogically, cowards.
And so, they'd rather only hear what feeds and confirms their bias and so instead, seek mind-numbing entertainment. It's fine that we all need escapism to keep sane but most don't enjoy and in fact run away from being intellectually challenged. And, if you've ever dealt with Right Wing trolls and even a few people on the Left, then I'm sure you know what I mean.
I'm sure there's other reasons but it is important to consider that, political comedy/satire (while being openly available to all) is naturally predesposed for emotionally smart and mentally stable, those mature enough to be able to admit when they've been wrong (whenever applicable) while at the same time, having a good laugh at themselves and others proportionally.
It's a sign of maturity to be able to accept actual facts, incorporating them into our views and lives to correct false assumptions and moving on. Most are not into this.
Those who respect honesty.
Most people, I dare venture; don't respect honesty and hence (in my view) the low viewership and eventual cancellation of this show.
This show was so brilliant.
Bite sized hero
I definitely agree that this is one of the best memoir documentaries filmed.
I watch this every day for MY good health.
I miss this show!
Me too!
😁😅😀😂 WOW!!!!!!!!!!
PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!! 😁😀😁
So wicked brilliant!!!!
Frightening, because Art is truly imitating Life. Praying for the USA.
Amazing episode guys. Bravo