I believe in general, you can’t build a structure on farmland unless the specific plot deed specifies it, and it should even specify the size that you can use for a structure. So I guess you end up with homes all near to each other. Anyways, we enjoy your videos.
Housing price difference between urban Japan and US is mainly due to urban zoning. Japan has a multiple zoning system while the US is mostly mono-usage so you can never develop a Japanese station centralized urban development in the US. This is why Tokyo is so densely populated which can never happen in the US.
I grew up watching American sitcom series so I always wanted to live in a big house with a big pouch, big doors, big windows and everything also paint my room with beautiful mint color and so on.. But as a reality in Japan, there are too many earthquakes to make the windows big. As the housing technology develops, there are more rules to build a house I guess. We can’t spend a fortune on a house which may be broken down in a couple of years 😅.
If it's between U District and Green Lake, it should be Wallingford or Meridian. If it's called Green something, it should be Greenwood (but Greenwood is not between U District and Green Lake).
I think one reason why Japanese people think house value will decrease is the material of house. Wooden houses are easy to be broken by natural disasters and war. Japanese history is a kind of scrap and build after war and disasters.
今回の会話の英日字幕付きの動画、会員限定のコミュニティ、月1回Austin and ArthurとのZoom晩酌は「AAフレンズ」ご利用いただけます!
詳しくはこちら→ iu-connect.com/aa-shokai
@@theaustinandarthurshow 英語を勉強しているものにとってスクリプトがあるとたいへん助かります。
I believe in general, you can’t build a structure on farmland unless the specific plot deed specifies it, and it should even specify the size that you can use for a structure. So I guess you end up with homes all near to each other. Anyways, we enjoy your videos.
Housing price difference between urban Japan and US is mainly due to urban zoning. Japan has a multiple zoning system while the US is mostly mono-usage so you can never develop a Japanese station centralized urban development in the US. This is why Tokyo is so densely populated which can never happen in the US.
I grew up watching American sitcom series so I always wanted to live in a big house with a big pouch, big doors, big windows and everything also paint my room with beautiful mint color and so on.. But as a reality in Japan, there are too many earthquakes to make the windows big. As the housing technology develops, there are more rules to build a house I guess. We can’t spend a fortune on a house which may be broken down in a couple of years 😅.
今までsubscribe したyoutubeの中でNO.1!!!!
Thanks so much!
If it's between U District and Green Lake, it should be Wallingford or Meridian. If it's called Green something, it should be Greenwood (but Greenwood is not between U District and Green Lake).
yes wallingford!
セントラルヒーティング、夏は一階が寒くて、冬は2階は効かない。 電気代が恐ろしく高い今、日本の部屋ごとのエアコンがいいなと思います。
I think one reason why Japanese people think house value will decrease is the material of house. Wooden houses are easy to be broken by natural disasters and war. Japanese history is a kind of scrap and build after war and disasters.
Austin, I don’t think your friends are looser! The house cost went up big time and living west coast is even higher cost!