While putting off fire is there a diff. in the level of pressurised discharge depending on how I've pressed the Handle? To be more specific, what if I press it for 1 Second only and then again repeat the same a few times? And what if I keep the Handle pressed for several seconds? Will there be any diff. in the duration of pressurised discharge in both the cases?
Hlo bro one question can u pls tell what is the position of crankshaft when we have to remove crosshead from engine TDC or BDC or 90° or 45° . This question was asked by surveyor pls tell ?
BDC position while removing crosshead. 90^0 BDC while loosening piston rod bolts and TDC position when to hang piston rod in position or to remove piston during decarb.
@@ersauryashankar in case you did not get my email I said did you have any ideas I herd someone say the made a new co2 model that had a guage thoughts please thank you!
Sorry but it is currently not available...u can download the video and try making notes from there only...happy learning...all the best for your future endeavors
CO2 will remain in the liquid form as long as its temperature remains below the critical point but will return to the gaseous state if its temperature rises above this point, regardless of the pressure applied.
While putting off fire is there a diff. in the level of pressurised discharge depending on how I've pressed the Handle?
To be more specific, what if I press it for 1 Second only and then again repeat the same a few times? And what if I keep the Handle pressed for several seconds?
Will there be any diff. in the duration of pressurised discharge in both the cases?
Do ur lpg cylinder at home give less pressure after 15 days? Answer is no so it has no effect u press less more or after some time..same pressure
Why horn type handle is provided at discharge side?
In absence of it co2 will frost over
Hlo bro one question can u pls tell what is the position of crankshaft when we have to remove crosshead from engine TDC or BDC or 90° or 45° . This question was asked by surveyor pls tell ?
BDC position while removing crosshead. 90^0 BDC while loosening piston rod bolts and TDC position when to hang piston rod in position or to remove piston during decarb.
@@ersauryashankar in case you did not get my email I said did you have any ideas I herd someone say the made a new co2 model that had a guage thoughts please thank you!
@@Fredengle I will look into this and get back to you.But where as per my opinion is concerned it will show same pressure throughout
sir could you share pdfs of Companies Act videos you've made
Sir could you share it? I have an exam this Sunday sir. Your notes are most precise & comprehensive
Sorry but it is currently not available...u can download the video and try making notes from there only...happy learning...all the best for your future endeavors
@@ersauryashankar okay, thank you sir
What if, we place the co2 type under the Sun and its relief valve fails?
Only youtube content is free services and questions are answered in paid subscriptions only..
830 bar or mpa ??
Thank you for your observation...it is in 825 to 830 psi which in bar it would be around 55 bar approx....
What are the safety steps we need to take (so that we don't become Unconscious) in a an enclosed space while spraying CO2 Extinguisher?
For flooded co2 compartment use scba to escape....
How liquid co2 changes into gas
CO2 will remain in the liquid form as long as its temperature remains below the critical point but will return to the gaseous state if its temperature rises above this point, regardless of the pressure applied.
830 bar ?????
Its psi...55 bar approx
So many ok, ok,ok ,ok