eqisode-7(Things done at the cremation)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.ย. 2022
  • As mentioned in the astrological text, one should trod the cremation spot,
    and then place the Buddha Akshobya mandala (one can get it from Duthroe
    Lam and chodpeon) with earthen pot filled with sesame oil on top. Stack the
    fuel wood and place the corpse face down with head directing towards the
    Lama. Light the pyre and if possible do not disturb pyre until it is completely
    burnt. If possible one should let it burn naturally without extinguishing it.
    In case if one needs to extinguish the fire, it should be extinguished with
    clean water mixed with saffron and camphor, or by milk and then collect the
    remains (which can be later thrown in the stream or river).
    During the moment of throwing the remains in the river, the monks should
    recite the monlam while lay people should avoid crying and recite Vajra guru
    mantras and mani.
    Lastly, as told by the astrologer one should seal the cremation spot. Moreover
    one should pick some of the remains of the burnt bones, which are later
    blessed by accomplished masters and make tsatsa out of it and place it in
    During the cremation, consumption of alcohol and meat

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