Lol they intentionally give Amy sedaris (princess carolyn) difficult tongue twisters bec she hates doing them. The writers were def having a ball with it. She kills it everytime
Well, that and she's just *that* good at pulling them off. I'm looking forward to seeing their reaction to the most difficult one near the end of the season.
the congress joke is, they wont fix a problem unless it effects them personally. one of the guys was like i cant whistle at girls anymore cuz they might have a gun
What do you mean?? I feel more sorry for PC for what she has to put up with. Compared to that, this is pretty mild. And maybe she thinks he is entitled to that being her biological father and stuff.
Nahid with his "it's not funny" proclamations, like come on man, it absolutely is funny. This is what satire is. Laugh at the tragedies to help cope with them.
@@민침미 "My humor"? Do you even know what show you're watching? This is Bojack Horseman humor, and if you do not like it, then get the fuck out of a Bojack Horseman reaction video. And what does my race have to do with anything? You're an idiot, complaining about me finding this funny, when that is the literal goal of the Bojack writers; to satirize.
Btw, who noticed that all the congress members are old white men? Not even one anthropomorphized animal. That's a big point of what the episode is talking about.
@@crepperwlp That's the point, though. Beyond a joke, that's very inaccurate to the actual Congressional men and woman appointed both at that time and today. It's not really a joke worth reading too much into.
@@joshuagross3151 Jokes can be hyperbolical to express a point. That point basically:
Sad how she remembered Hollyrock as “the girl” and more sad how she said “the show is a comfort sometimes” and how she really did want to show BoJack love but she thought she would end up like her mom.
I can laugh at this one cause I feel like they’re making fun of the Hollywood peoples reaction to the shootings and not the shootings. It’s like with racist humor that makes fun of the racist for being ignorant and stupid.
I hope Rana is feeling better What funny is though is how south parks recently made an episode about those damn E scooters and then this happened. My thoughts and prayers go out though. Edit:Suraj beat me to it Dammit
Honestly back during the black panther movements, Similar situations to the Diane one came up more black people choose to carry guns because they felt unsafe and instead of address the issues of inequality. The president choose to make gun laws stricter because of who was carrying. Edit: OMG I think I just solved the gun Crisis in America have only women and Minorities Carry in public.
No, to solve the gun crisis stop crippling law abiding citizens with strict gun laws and giving criminals the power advantage. Everyone has the right to protect their family and when you try to force them to rely on the government for protection you get places like Chicago and Compton and the Bronx where law abiding citizens are prey to criminals and the cops refuse to do their job protecting. If everyone that is not criminal and has no mental issues carries a weapon then the criminals would have it rough. It's literally why the cold war was the best option. If everyone has nukes nobody is stupid enough to use them. Your only problem then is preventing the mentally ill from getting their hands on them which is already you something you fail to do well.
@@darryljack6612 Some is opinion some is facts. The other option is to remove guns from everywhere but that can't happen. You can't uninvent a nuke and you can't remove guns from some without creating a power imbalance for others. And your right it is self righteous logic. I love this episode because it brings out how men being naturally stronger then women creates an innate power difference between them. Something that is equalized when they both have guns. Just like the US having nukes created a huge power imbalance between them and other countries. Something that was equalized when the allies created their own. Its is why these countries are still the biggest powers in the world stage. If some countries have nukes and others don't, you have to ally your self with your nearest nuke holder or your gonna get steamrolled by someone else with a nuke. That is why alliances between countries were created in this modern era.
Maybe for you guys it was uncomfortable because where you are from, I watched this yesterday and I laughed my ass off with the pumped up kicks reference
@@trentb3148 its literally impossible not to post on a shooting day because it happens everyday But yeah americas gun laws are just fine the way they are lmaooooo
I always love the "keep guns away from the crazies" argument, because anyone could go crazy at anytime...only takes one moment and that's it, everyone thinks they're above it...until they aren't.
I hope that doesn't mean that you think guns should be banned completely. Remember when people go crazy they can kill just as many people with a car as they can with a gun. Should we ban cars to?
@@andrewduong2740 It's not a false equivalency. Both cars and guns are very useful tools to society that also cause a large number of deaths. Both can also be used by people with ill intentions to kill. It's a valid analogy
@@fatrapperinyou Cars are used for transportation. Guns are used for hurting or killing stuff. You can ban guns and lose nothing of value for society. You cant do the same with cars. So stop it with the false equivalency.
I once had my pants get caught in the front wheel when using a scooter. It stopped promptly and I flew over the handlebar. Good thing, I got away with just some scrapes. Feel better soon Rana!
Next episode is a personal favorite and I can’t wait for you guys to see it. It makes me feel like I’m not alone with all my anxiety issues and worries
@@xavmanisdabestest America is laughing at you guys. You guys got rid of an extremely useful tool for self defense against criminals and the government just because it kills less 0.001% of the population yearly! Cars kill more people than guns do. When are you Europeans going to ban cars? Is it because you realize that cars are very useful tool to society for transportation that you won't ban them? Well can't you realize that guns are a very useful tool to society for self-defense?
As someone who grew up in a country where guns are banned... i just can't see the point of view of pro-guns, for me it's not even about ammo, there's simply no need to carry a gun in today's society, or at least there shouldnt but even being that the case we should work on ways to not need them... that's how I see it
This episode alludes to the uproar the Black Panthers caused in California during the 60s and the sweeping gun reform laws passed as a result of the old white men afraid of armed black men policing their own neighborhoods.
Bojack makes things backfire for him, I literally had to facepalm. I can see why he harbors a lot of ill feelings for his mom, then again he still took her in and he was touched by her actually liking Horsing Around. Love/hate relationships are so complicated, especially combined with toxic parenting. I wonder where this will go. Going to watch the next episode now. Also, this episode made me think of who really have the right to bear arms, not just on paper, but in real life (Alabama shooting Emantic Bradford Jr., rip). People with "mental disorders" get away with it and when all harm is done and they haven't killed themselves, they'll be arrested. Sane and innocent minorities have to pay with their life while it's their right to have and use a gun. Honestly, imo it's a deeply racist and profitable system. It's not in the best interest of those in power and with privilege to ban guns. But I'm not American, so what do I know lmao. Anyways, it's sad, but in this episode I really couldn't stop laughing at how they rather banned guns than have women use it.
Handguns are ALSO for killing people and not hunting. And can easily be hidden in a purse or jacket. Easy kiilling machine with you everywhere. That's a big problem. Handguns def kills a lot more people than assaulrt rifles. Both should not be a thing. Hunting rifles are semio atuomatic and don't hold many bullets and you can't take them with you everywhere, while having them hidden.
@@godsleftnut5477 There is data disproving/approving everything pretty much. Whoever paid for that data to be made = chooses how it's fucking showed and what it tells. Like I just stated. My "data" shows the excact opposite. How can people shoot eachother, if they have no guns? Think about for a minute if you have to. Since I see no idea in continuing this conversation, I'll block notifications from you. We all have our oppinions, but this is my experience.
Schmidteren Australian buyback (2.25k gun related incidents in early 2000s, 5k gun incidents in 2016) source: You’re ignoring me because you don’t want to justify your beliefs? Doesn’t sound rational to me.
What's really sad is think about how many mass shootings have happened since (1) When this episode first aired (2) When the normies filmed this reaction (3) When this reaction was uploaded to TH-cam This isn't normal.
Jun Imai 3 people must be present. Even if none are injured or killed, still counts as a Mass Shooting. Even if the weapon in hand/being used is a BB gun, counts as a Mass Shooting. Even if the weapon was a misfire or shooting at a target/air/wall, etc, counts as a Mass Shooting.
I hate when women say that men feel safe walking down the street all the time. I was walking down the street by myself and I got jumped, punched in the mouth, I got robbed. A woman hit me with her car and ran off and left me there to die. I was 14.
I'm glad that in my country the law for carrying and shooting guns is very strict and severe. You may use it' for self defense but prooving that and the consequences make it not worth the risk. And because of that very few poeple have guns and less carry them around. And it works fine.
@@RichyTheGamer1 Chile, I'm not saying that it is a perfect system or a crime free zone, but at least most of the muggings are with knives XD and I can't recall any mass shooting, so it kinda works
So you are glad that in your country you're unable to defend yourself from criminals and unable to defend yourself from the government? Why don't you guys ban cars in Chile too so less people die from Cars?
@@crepperwlp I don't understand the purpose of your statement. It conveys nothing except the flawed concept that having a gun makes you criminal. Because I have faith in humanity I will give you a chance to rephrase your statement to not be so trivially lacking in mental acumen.
@@Scott-ql2kx People usually don't just decide to break the law. They usually grow up in an environment where law breaking is usual. Your ignorance is in the assumption people make massive shifts in their life on a whim. People make connections before they decide to break the law and only rarely after. It's not that hard to find drugs after all. Not to mention you can go to craigslist or some other online site and get it that way. The problem is that it is so easy to circumvent the laws that only the people that follow the rules are at a disadvantage. The government can't and won't protect you. Or are you going to suggest that cops want to patrol crime filled areas and clean them up?
@@dariensampson7913 No, I know that having a gun doesn't make you a criminal. What I ment was that using the argument: "if guns weren't allowed the criminals have advantage" is stupid because they are already criminals they have guns and fuck it. Making the acquirement of guns harder is not to prevent criminals from having guns, is to prevent crazy dudes from having guns.
@@dariensampson7913 It would be amazing if we lived in a society where we could trust enough others not to drive at 150 km/h (i'm not american so I use the metric system), but we don't. Why would we trust that those same people won't fuck up with their right to have guns? We can't right? That's why shit happens. Sorry for not making myself clear on my first reply. It was really very ambiguous.
Thing is, the season released about a month before the Vegas shooting... and if they'd gone by a weekly release schedule, it would have aired *the same day* instead.
Honestly, Diane and Princess Carolyn's exchange after the legislation passes lives rent-free in my head. "I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns!" "No?"
So to everyone pro guns. We literally have no guns in my country. I never heard of a mass shooting in my country. I never really hear of shootings. At all. o guns. Noonese shoots eachother. It's pretty simple. I'm 32 years old. So we have a good record I'd say. Also I've never seen and only very very rarely hear of a cop using his gun. Since people don't have guns, the cops are not afraid they might pull out a gun from their jacket or whatever. So no cops shooting people by mistake because they where afraid the people would shoot them. Imo. Guns should only be at gunranges. And not be the automatic war kind. Those should only be used for the military or special forces. A mass shooting with a semi automatic weapon made for hunting, would not be as devestating, as the ones made for killing people. Think about this. People often gets infuriated with eachother. It's human nautre to have agression. Peple can get so pissed, that in a brief moment, they want to hurt someone really really badly. Doing that without a weapon at hand, or only a stick you find on the ground, or a knife or a baseball bat. Those things you have to into near contact, which already there stops most people from acting out on this sudden high agression they feel. Since it's very dangerous for themselves, and also puts them closer to the situation, much harder and more intimate. Instead of just in a moment of furry, pulls out your gun and with the slight pressure of a fucking finger, while being a good distance away you can take someone elses life. That amount of power should not be had for normal civilians not trained to handle guns, or have extensive training such as a police officer in handling agresive behavoir. We all know how that ends all the time in many countries. Being able to have the power around you to instantly kill someone from a distance with a slight pressure of a fingertip. Way too much power, and is imo only for people who are powermad, or fearful of others doing it to you. Again. If noone had it, the fear would not be there to begin with.
Well, of course if you have very little guns in your country you're never going to see a mass shooting. If you had no cars in your country then people wouldn't die from car accidents. Should you ban cars to? No! You don't ban an extremely useful tool to society just because it kills less than .0001 percent of your population yearly! Guns are extremely useful for self-defense and cars are extremely useful for transportation. Banning either of these tools is just plain wrong.
That might be because of Beatrice's backstory. She had a fucked up childhood as well. I felt bad for her too. But it doesn't justify her actions either.
"That's not funny" You're right, it's *hilarious.* Nothing wrong with laughing at some dark humor, every now and then. Just so long as it's not directly pointed at a specific person or about an event that literally just happened. Saying that: *All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run, faster than my gun* *All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run, faster than my bullet*
Of course Beatrice was emotionally unavailable. She had a poor father figure, and her damaged post op mom literally told her not to love anyone like she did her son, in an earlier episode.
I mean, I don't 'get' what Diane was talking about and I'm a woman, but the point is obviously that you have to experience that kind of thing first hand.
Oooooh hael naw. This is the start of why this season completely fucked me up. Dementia is no joke. As someone who was raised by his grandparents, this is my absolute worst fear.. to be forgotten by people who loved and raised you. Also, 100% pro gun. So long as you keep it in the holster and keep your hand away from it unless you feel like your life is actually in danger. Handguns only, though. Unless you actually go out and hunt (or collect), then you don't need anything else.
It fucked me up too. Remember episode 9? I had to stop watching anything for a while and get some air. Dementia's one of my biggest fears and it runs in my family.
They reflected our society, as it currently is, back at us in an exaggerated way. But where was the lie though. It's uncomfortable because that's how it is.
@@runamohammad3507 Okay, word of advice. Once you can eat again, eat low calorie foods and small portions or else you will put on a lot of weight. Learned that the hard way.
Civilian AR-15's aren't assault rifles, AR stands for Armalite Rifle (the brand.) Assault rifles require a selector switch that can be switched to Full auto, burst, and semi. Civilian AR's are semi- auto only. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you know anything about them as a portion of the American population shows daily. More gun knowledge is needed to stop gun violence but no one wants to actually learn. With that crap out of the way great reaction guys and gal, hope you have a speedy and healthy recovery Rana!
The whole "If you're a man you won't get it" always puts me off her character so much. There have been plenty of times I have felt unsafe walking down the street, just because a man is a man dose not mean we don't understand of feel fear or unsafe.
Lol they intentionally give Amy sedaris (princess carolyn) difficult tongue twisters bec she hates doing them. The writers were def having a ball with it. She kills it everytime
Kinda like Ryan Styles doing the hoedowns in Whose Line is it Anyway
How is your comment 3 weeks old
Probably Patreon Priority
How is your comment 1 month old?
Well, that and she's just *that* good at pulling them off. I'm looking forward to seeing their reaction to the most difficult one near the end of the season.
the congress joke is, they wont fix a problem unless it effects them personally. one of the guys was like i cant whistle at girls anymore cuz they might have a gun
I come from the distant future of two years to tell you that they won't do anything even if it affects them PERSONALLY! *cough*insurrection*cough*
There is nothing wrong with laughing at the political commentary from this episode.
I love how patient Hollyhock is with Bojack. Because man that shit wouldn't fly with a lot of people.
What do you mean?? I feel more sorry for PC for what she has to put up with. Compared to that, this is pretty mild. And maybe she thinks he is entitled to that being her biological father and stuff.
Nahid with his "it's not funny" proclamations, like come on man, it absolutely is funny. This is what satire is.
Laugh at the tragedies to help cope with them.
Jeremy ur probably white.
@@민침미 ur probably a person who gets offended easily by jokes
Jeremy I mean your humor is shit :p so I’m right ur white lmao expected
@@민침미 "My humor"? Do you even know what show you're watching? This is Bojack Horseman humor, and if you do not like it, then get the fuck out of a Bojack Horseman reaction video.
And what does my race have to do with anything? You're an idiot, complaining about me finding this funny, when that is the literal goal of the Bojack writers; to satirize.
@@민침미 here we have another one making it ab race AGAIN. don't you ppl ever get tired
Btw, who noticed that all the congress members are old white men?
Not even one anthropomorphized animal.
That's a big point of what the episode is talking about.
Ehh, don't take it _that_ seriously.
@@joshuagross3151 I mean, there's one elk in the corner.
Ten white men and one brown elk? Hahaha
You seriously think that wasn't on purpose?
@@crepperwlp That's the point, though. Beyond a joke, that's very inaccurate to the actual Congressional men and woman appointed both at that time and today. It's not really a joke worth reading too much into.
@@joshuagross3151 Jokes can be hyperbolical to express a point.
That point basically:
@UCDGyXZ4ROVy4rrOfWtzE4XQ Nnnno, not even close. Not even for California's State Assembly is that remotely accurate.
8:44 Henrietta... boy, they're in for a treat.
And right after "oh hello, it's you"
@@rafaelreyes1732 And of course "You look just like him"
Sad how she remembered Hollyrock as “the girl” and more sad how she said “the show is a comfort sometimes” and how she really did want to show BoJack love but she thought she would end up like her mom.
Rana is a trooper! You’re so awesome
Brace for impact! :D
I can laugh at this one cause I feel like they’re making fun of the Hollywood peoples reaction to the shootings and not the shootings. It’s like with racist humor that makes fun of the racist for being ignorant and stupid.
Precisely. We laugh at the catcaller who greeted Diane with "konichiwa Princess Mulan" because he's a dumb racist catcaller.
even if it wasnt just about people reacting to gun violence i would still laugh at it if it was funny
That Pumped Up Kicks joke was dark as fuck, but absolutely brilliant.
I never even noticed it when I first watched this episode.
I hope Rana is feeling better
What funny is though is how south parks recently made an episode about those damn E scooters and then this happened.
My thoughts and prayers go out though.
Edit:Suraj beat me to it
"This is a very sensitive subject."
Says the guy who yelled "injuns" during Westworld.
Thoughts and Prayers Rana!
Honestly back during the black panther movements,
Similar situations to the Diane one came up more black people choose to carry guns because they felt unsafe and instead of address the issues of inequality. The president choose to make gun laws stricter because of who was carrying.
Edit: OMG I think I just solved the gun Crisis in America have only women and Minorities Carry in public.
No, to solve the gun crisis stop crippling law abiding citizens with strict gun laws and giving criminals the power advantage. Everyone has the right to protect their family and when you try to force them to rely on the government for protection you get places like Chicago and Compton and the Bronx where law abiding citizens are prey to criminals and the cops refuse to do their job protecting. If everyone that is not criminal and has no mental issues carries a weapon then the criminals would have it rough. It's literally why the cold war was the best option. If everyone has nukes nobody is stupid enough to use them. Your only problem then is preventing the mentally ill from getting their hands on them which is already you something you fail to do well.
@@dariensampson7913 XD not even going to get into it, that's is all your self righteous opinion dude and ultimately it doesn't matter.
@@dariensampson7913 did you just
@@darryljack6612 Some is opinion some is facts. The other option is to remove guns from everywhere but that can't happen. You can't uninvent a nuke and you can't remove guns from some without creating a power imbalance for others. And your right it is self righteous logic. I love this episode because it brings out how men being naturally stronger then women creates an innate power difference between them. Something that is equalized when they both have guns. Just like the US having nukes created a huge power imbalance between them and other countries. Something that was equalized when the allies created their own. Its is why these countries are still the biggest powers in the world stage. If some countries have nukes and others don't, you have to ally your self with your nearest nuke holder or your gonna get steamrolled by someone else with a nuke. That is why alliances between countries were created in this modern era.
@@name-fv4du ?????
Maybe for you guys it was uncomfortable because where you are from, I watched this yesterday and I laughed my ass off with the pumped up kicks reference
@@MrZilla Bangkok
Pumped up kicks is an amazing song
Ironic that this is posted the same day as the Thousand Oaks shooting in CA.
Feel better, Rana~
I know, what are the odds? Like 1 in 7?
@@trentb3148 there's been a mass shooting in the u.s everyday actually is 1.2 per day so the odds are 1/1
@@trentb3148 its literally impossible not to post on a shooting day because it happens everyday
But yeah americas gun laws are just fine the way they are lmaooooo
How is that ironic?
How is your comment 4 weeks old
'I just dont want to have a relationship where we lie to each other' yes bojack!
Can we just shout rana really quick for coming on reaction with her mouth wired shut . that’s kinda wild to me dedicated to the channel 💯
You can do anything if you believe in yourself.
I always love the "keep guns away from the crazies" argument, because anyone could go crazy at anytime...only takes one moment and that's it, everyone thinks they're above it...until they aren't.
I hope that doesn't mean that you think guns should be banned completely. Remember when people go crazy they can kill just as many people with a car as they can with a gun. Should we ban cars to?
@@fatrapperinyou glad to see the "what about cars and tools" false equivalency being brought up again, for the umpteenth time.
@@andrewduong2740 It's not a false equivalency. Both cars and guns are very useful tools to society that also cause a large number of deaths. Both can also be used by people with ill intentions to kill. It's a valid analogy
Bradyn Baez ah yes, the cars that can go into schools and run over kindergarteners
@@fatrapperinyou Cars are used for transportation. Guns are used for hurting or killing stuff. You can ban guns and lose nothing of value for society. You cant do the same with cars. So stop it with the false equivalency.
I once had my pants get caught in the front wheel when using a scooter. It stopped promptly and I flew over the handlebar. Good thing, I got away with just some scrapes. Feel better soon Rana!
Get well soon Rana thoughts and prayers
Man it's so sad how Bojack is so afraid of messing up his relationship with Hollyhock, he won't even touch her.
14:18 - 14:26 Rana and Nahid are too cute
7:20 it is, my friend. Quite funny, in fact. You know what wasn't funny? Season 3's last scene, that stuff was deep, bro.
Next episode is a personal favorite and I can’t wait for you guys to see it. It makes me feel like I’m not alone with all my anxiety issues and worries
It's pretty funny if you live in Europe.
And Australia!
Was literally gonna say the same. It's always funny to laugh at America but I guess it's harder for Americans to laugh at themselves
Although France has been dealing with increased terror attacks so there’s that
@@Kingj411 But not shootings specifically. Majority of shootings are not really terrorism driven. Its just entitled americans going insane.
@@xavmanisdabestest America is laughing at you guys. You guys got rid of an extremely useful tool for self defense against criminals and the government just because it kills less 0.001% of the population yearly! Cars kill more people than guns do. When are you Europeans going to ban cars? Is it because you realize that cars are very useful tool to society for transportation that you won't ban them? Well can't you realize that guns are a very useful tool to society for self-defense?
As someone who grew up in a country where guns are banned... i just can't see the point of view of pro-guns, for me it's not even about ammo, there's simply no need to carry a gun in today's society, or at least there shouldnt but even being that the case we should work on ways to not need them... that's how I see it
This episode alludes to the uproar the Black Panthers caused in California during the 60s and the sweeping gun reform laws passed as a result of the old white men afraid of armed black men policing their own neighborhoods.
Bojack makes things backfire for him, I literally had to facepalm. I can see why he harbors a lot of ill feelings for his mom, then again he still took her in and he was touched by her actually liking Horsing Around. Love/hate relationships are so complicated, especially combined with toxic parenting. I wonder where this will go. Going to watch the next episode now.
Also, this episode made me think of who really have the right to bear arms, not just on paper, but in real life (Alabama shooting Emantic Bradford Jr., rip). People with "mental disorders" get away with it and when all harm is done and they haven't killed themselves, they'll be arrested. Sane and innocent minorities have to pay with their life while it's their right to have and use a gun. Honestly, imo it's a deeply racist and profitable system. It's not in the best interest of those in power and with privilege to ban guns. But I'm not American, so what do I know lmao. Anyways, it's sad, but in this episode I really couldn't stop laughing at how they rather banned guns than have women use it.
Such a good episode. Love how nuanced this show was about guns and considering both perspectives.
Great to see you Rana!!!
Feel better, Rana.
Get well soon Rana!
I'm Australian and found this episode hilarious
It's really sad for you Australians. You are unable to defend yourselves from criminals and the government.
Why? Australia has guns.
Y'know, I've been meaning to say this for a while,: Mickey really nails that opening disclaimer.
Honestly think this is one of the funniest episodes of Bojack
Handguns are ALSO for killing people and not hunting. And can easily be hidden in a purse or jacket. Easy kiilling machine with you everywhere. That's a big problem. Handguns def kills a lot more people than assaulrt rifles. Both should not be a thing. Hunting rifles are semio atuomatic and don't hold many bullets and you can't take them with you everywhere, while having them hidden.
Schmidteren After the Australian buyback, gun crime went up. There is empirical data that guns are beneficial to society.
@@godsleftnut5477 There is data disproving/approving everything pretty much. Whoever paid for that data to be made = chooses how it's fucking showed and what it tells. Like I just stated. My "data" shows the excact opposite. How can people shoot eachother, if they have no guns? Think about for a minute if you have to. Since I see no idea in continuing this conversation, I'll block notifications from you. We all have our oppinions, but this is my experience.
Schmidteren Australian buyback (2.25k gun related incidents in early 2000s, 5k gun incidents in 2016) source:
You’re ignoring me because you don’t want to justify your beliefs? Doesn’t sound rational to me.
And yet they ban guns based on their appearance. This is why people defend their right to bear arms.
Jun Imai The assault gun ban from 1994-2004 had no discernible effect on the crime rate. I 100% agree.
My favorite episode of Community and one of my favorite episodes of Bojack on the same day, you say???
What's really sad is think about how many mass shootings have happened since
(1) When this episode first aired
(2) When the normies filmed this reaction
(3) When this reaction was uploaded to TH-cam
This isn't normal.
(raises hand) how many people must be present to constitute a mass shooting?
Jun Imai
3 people must be present.
Even if none are injured or killed, still counts as a Mass Shooting.
Even if the weapon in hand/being used is a BB gun, counts as a Mass Shooting.
Even if the weapon was a misfire or shooting at a target/air/wall, etc, counts as a Mass Shooting.
@@ridhosamudro2199 Google tells me that mass murder is 4 with no cool off period. I assume shootings can be measured the same way.
It's sad to think about all the people who have died in car crashes since this episode aired too. I guess we should ban cars
Hey, teen that went through a school shooting last year, this episode was hilarious and you're allowed to laugh at it. That is all.
I hate when women say that men feel safe walking down the street all the time. I was walking down the street by myself and I got jumped, punched in the mouth, I got robbed. A woman hit me with her car and ran off and left me there to die. I was 14.
It took me a full year to get thru this whole season because it was so heavy the whole way thru
7:24 everyone who didn't get the joke, please listen to "Foster The People - Pumped Up Kicks"
This is one of the best jokes this season!
I'm glad that in my country the law for carrying and shooting guns is very strict and severe. You may use it' for self defense but prooving that and the consequences make it not worth the risk. And because of that very few poeple have guns and less carry them around. And it works fine.
what is your coutry N
@@RichyTheGamer1 Chile, I'm not saying that it is a perfect system or a crime free zone, but at least most of the muggings are with knives XD and I can't recall any mass shooting, so it kinda works
@@stef3831 same in mine (France)
via shile wn y la wea :)
So you are glad that in your country you're unable to defend yourself from criminals and unable to defend yourself from the government? Why don't you guys ban cars in Chile too so less people die from Cars?
basicly it should be illegal to sell guns to people with certain criminal record, those who have temper problems, big game hunters and animal abusers
@@dariensampson7913 Yeah, criminals have guns. That's why they are criminals.
@@crepperwlp I don't understand the purpose of your statement. It conveys nothing except the flawed concept that having a gun makes you criminal. Because I have faith in humanity I will give you a chance to rephrase your statement to not be so trivially lacking in mental acumen.
@@Scott-ql2kx People usually don't just decide to break the law. They usually grow up in an environment where law breaking is usual. Your ignorance is in the assumption people make massive shifts in their life on a whim. People make connections before they decide to break the law and only rarely after. It's not that hard to find drugs after all. Not to mention you can go to craigslist or some other online site and get it that way. The problem is that it is so easy to circumvent the laws that only the people that follow the rules are at a disadvantage. The government can't and won't protect you. Or are you going to suggest that cops want to patrol crime filled areas and clean them up?
@@dariensampson7913 No, I know that having a gun doesn't make you a criminal.
What I ment was that using the argument: "if guns weren't allowed the criminals have advantage" is stupid because they are already criminals they have guns and fuck it.
Making the acquirement of guns harder is not to prevent criminals from having guns, is to prevent crazy dudes from having guns.
@@dariensampson7913 It would be amazing if we lived in a society where we could trust enough others not to drive at 150 km/h (i'm not american so I use the metric system), but we don't.
Why would we trust that those same people won't fuck up with their right to have guns?
We can't right? That's why shit happens.
Sorry for not making myself clear on my first reply. It was really very ambiguous.
8:24 Yeah, b*tch! MAGNETS!!!!
So is anyone going to tell him that hand guns are the used in most mass shootings?
This episode was funny as hell!
The funniest part of this reaction has to be the C4 trying to hold in laughs on these culturally-relevant jokes.
They’ve gotten to Ruthie by now 🙌.
Also, poor Rana :(((( glad she’s most likely recovered by now too
Nahid stop being woke for one minute, dark humor doesn’t deserve to be labeled as ‘not funny’ just because it makes you uncomfortable
Thing is, the season released about a month before the Vegas shooting... and if they'd gone by a weekly release schedule, it would have aired *the same day* instead.
Thank you Mickey. Technically on a volume setting 5 would be an even number cause 0 is still a volume setting
Keep up the funny work! And please watch more bojack!
If I would recommend re watching any season it would be this one, as little details early in the season play out in the later ones
Honestly, Diane and Princess Carolyn's exchange after the legislation passes lives rent-free in my head.
"I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns!"
Im so confused are they saying men don't have to worry about their safety?
One of the wisest episodes !
So to everyone pro guns. We literally have no guns in my country. I never heard of a mass shooting in my country. I never really hear of shootings. At all. o guns. Noonese shoots eachother. It's pretty simple. I'm 32 years old. So we have a good record I'd say.
Also I've never seen and only very very rarely hear of a cop using his gun. Since people don't have guns, the cops are not afraid they might pull out a gun from their jacket or whatever. So no cops shooting people by mistake because they where afraid the people would shoot them.
Imo. Guns should only be at gunranges. And not be the automatic war kind. Those should only be used for the military or special forces. A mass shooting with a semi automatic weapon made for hunting, would not be as devestating, as the ones made for killing people.
Think about this. People often gets infuriated with eachother. It's human nautre to have agression. Peple can get so pissed, that in a brief moment, they want to hurt someone really really badly. Doing that without a weapon at hand, or only a stick you find on the ground, or a knife or a baseball bat. Those things you have to into near contact, which already there stops most people from acting out on this sudden high agression they feel. Since it's very dangerous for themselves, and also puts them closer to the situation, much harder and more intimate. Instead of just in a moment of furry, pulls out your gun and with the slight pressure of a fucking finger, while being a good distance away you can take someone elses life. That amount of power should not be had for normal civilians not trained to handle guns, or have extensive training such as a police officer in handling agresive behavoir. We all know how that ends all the time in many countries.
Being able to have the power around you to instantly kill someone from a distance with a slight pressure of a fingertip. Way too much power, and is imo only for people who are powermad, or fearful of others doing it to you. Again. If noone had it, the fear would not be there to begin with.
Well, of course if you have very little guns in your country you're never going to see a mass shooting. If you had no cars in your country then people wouldn't die from car accidents. Should you ban cars to? No! You don't ban an extremely useful tool to society just because it kills less than .0001 percent of your population yearly!
Guns are extremely useful for self-defense and cars are extremely useful for transportation. Banning either of these tools is just plain wrong.
Bradyn Baez that’s.....a tone deaf justification if I’ve ever seen one....holy shit...
@@brian.jrmontoya3227 Time deaf?
@@joshuagross3151 .......yes......fucking love auto correct so much man....
@@brian.jrmontoya3227 Okay. Follow-up: why is it tone-deaf?
The fact that this is still relevant is just ridiculous.
Nothing wrong with laughing at things that are written well
That's the "fuck" of the season.
We missed you Rana 😁
The episode was great, and so is Rana's face.
*Thoughs and Prayers*
Weird how they feel sorry for Beatrice. She was the absolute worst. Maybe you only get it if you had an abusive parent yourself.
That might be because of Beatrice's backstory. She had a fucked up childhood as well. I felt bad for her too. But it doesn't justify her actions either.
Can’t wait for the piece of shit episode it’s my favorite of season 4
I love your React
Who else agrees after Bojack they should check out Happy! It's pretty much like Bojack but in human form and highly graphic and crazy.
"That's not funny"
You're right, it's *hilarious.*
Nothing wrong with laughing at some dark humor, every now and then. Just so long as it's not directly pointed at a specific person or about an event that literally just happened. Saying that:
*All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run, faster than my gun*
*All the other kids with the pumped up kicks, better run, better run, faster than my bullet*
why did Nahid say "Chomsky, oh my god!". Kind of a weird reaction for a reference to Chomsky
omg thank you rana lmao they are going on and on let's gooooooo
“Is she that bad ??” You got no clue😂😂
4:40 Yea I agree with Mickey, Multiples of 5 are fine !
20:25... "In the last ten years? School shooting? Which one.." Damn guys... :/
"Men give other men a bad name" , so true dude, so true
Of course Beatrice was emotionally unavailable. She had a poor father figure, and her damaged post op mom literally told her not to love anyone like she did her son, in an earlier episode.
I mean, I don't 'get' what Diane was talking about and I'm a woman, but the point is obviously that you have to experience that kind of thing first hand.
The system just need 1 changse: a single red flag = no gun
Violence, mental isues, theft, gang connections... stuff like that
Oooooh hael naw. This is the start of why this season completely fucked me up.
Dementia is no joke. As someone who was raised by his grandparents, this is my absolute worst fear.. to be forgotten by people who loved and raised you.
Also, 100% pro gun. So long as you keep it in the holster and keep your hand away from it unless you feel like your life is actually in danger. Handguns only, though. Unless you actually go out and hunt (or collect), then you don't need anything else.
People like you is what ruins America.
It fucked me up too. Remember episode 9? I had to stop watching anything for a while and get some air. Dementia's one of my biggest fears and it runs in my family.
Lmao this ep is really good for finding out who knows nothing about guns or gun policy 😂😂😂
it is said that guns fairs is how mexican cartels gets their weapons, and they have a big fire power
i really wanted to hear rana have a word about her gun rights
The fact that this is still relevant is proof that Guns are still more important than people.
7:39 Bulletproof sunscreen
They reflected our society, as it currently is, back at us in an exaggerated way. But where was the lie though.
It's uncomfortable because that's how it is.
3 guys and no one can offer a blanket?
Thoughts and prayers Rana
17:25 LOL 😂😂😂😂
Oh Rana!
The Normies: "Hollywood is so ________"
Also the Normies: "Who is Billy Bush??"
LOL whew this gun violence plot is pretty rough. Maybe the B story will be more lighthearted...
Did she get her mouth wired shut? I've been there, sucks.
adamisajoker yup 😩
@@runamohammad3507 Okay, word of advice. Once you can eat again, eat low calorie foods and small portions or else you will put on a lot of weight. Learned that the hard way.
Civilian AR-15's aren't assault rifles, AR stands for Armalite Rifle (the brand.) Assault rifles require a selector switch that can be switched to Full auto, burst, and semi. Civilian AR's are semi- auto only. Just because you own a gun doesn't mean you know anything about them as a portion of the American population shows daily. More gun knowledge is needed to stop gun violence but no one wants to actually learn.
With that crap out of the way great reaction guys and gal, hope you have a speedy and healthy recovery Rana!
Even numbers is the way to go niki
“It’s not funny” yes it is
“yes it is🤓”
Lmao what a shock so that stuff isn’t funny but when they make jokes about rape or death you laugh
6:29 RIP Pete Davidson
The whole "If you're a man you won't get it" always puts me off her character so much. There have been plenty of times I have felt unsafe walking down the street, just because a man is a man dose not mean we don't understand of feel fear or unsafe.