No, you can see contrails, some of which disappear quickly, and other contrails that can remain for many, many hours, and any duration in between. These persistent trails weigh hundreds of times more than any aircraft can carry, which proves that they are not 'chemtrails'.
"We can see chemtrails and contrails at the same time one disappears one stays there" We can se contrails formed in patches of air with different relative humidity. A simple physics. Look up "relative humidity and evaporation rate". Anything "scary" about it?
I know , I worked at an airport for 15 yrs , I know the diff between chem and con ...seen numerous vids of pilot whistle blowers on the matter ..this is real dis information
100% spraying program. Seeing is believing. Start paying attention more to the skies . It's happening for sure. They want everyone to be fools. I've been paying attention for past 8 years. Always looking up .
“We know they are lying. They know they are lying, They know that we know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying. And still they continue to lie.” -Alexander Solschenizyn
Yes, the spreaders of the chemtrail HOAX continue to lie, and have managed to fool thousands of morons into believing the hoax dogma that the very substance clouds are made from: water condensation, for some retarded reason they can never explain supposedly can only last a few seconds in the sky. If you ever hear any person proclaim that "contrails can only last a few seconds before dissipating" then you know that person is a credulous fool since they have just asserted that water condensation cannot persist in the sky despite clouds, fog , mist snow etc all being water condensation. Contrail is short for condensation trail, ie water condensation , in the form of tiny snow crystals. Effectively the chemtrail believer has asserted that snow and any other form of water condensation cannot exist. You instantly know that person is incapable of reason and has gullibly been brainwashed by a hoax.
This whole report is a coverup. I can’t believe how stupid these scientists are along with the host doing the report. All they are doing is getting their pay check and continue the lies from those who are now destroying the planet.
I am not stupid. These last few recent years it's hella cold, some days it snow and then randomly rains. It's fucking June in two weeks and im freezing going outside with just a T-shirt. All these planes spraying chemtrails, can't be seen on flight radar either.
@@curiouscat8457 You dont get it do you? Always when its near june , back in the days , i could go outside with my T-shirt on. After they started spraying these chemicals, i need to have my winter jacket on and its june in like 3 weeks
Don't worry, I am getting it all right 🙂. You actually ARE stupid first time noticing persistent contrails that have been in the sky for some 100 years (look up "contrails through history') thinking they are some mysterious chemtrails changing the weather. Put some jacket on and live with the fact the climate is going through some cycles as it always has.
Contrails my ass! Yesterday where I live was beautiful sunny sky’s no clouds, no chemtrails and plenty of planes and jets in the sky (I live by an air force base) today I go out same weather same time of day what should be nice and sunny is covered by at least 20 chemtrails going in all different directions.
If you notice, it is a basic meteorology. An approaching cold front is wedging humid air in high altitudes creating ideal conditions for forming cirrus clouds and - contrails, the same thing. Farmers and sailors were using the presence of cirrus clouds to predict bad weather for millennia.
Did you just admit they are just contrails? What a coincidence that when most commercial planes were grounded, there were far less trails. You’d think any secret military operation wouldn’t be impacted by shut downs.
@@elyjahstark@curiouscat8457 The Pinocchio paradox arises when Pinocchio says "My nose grows now" and is a version of the liar paradox. The liar paradox is defined in philosophy and logic as the statement "This sentence is false." Any attempts to assign a classical binary truth value to this statement lead to a contradiction, or paradox. This occurs because if the statement "This sentence is false" is true, then it is false; this would mean that it is technically true, but also that it is false, and so on without end. Although the Pinocchio paradox belongs to the liar paradox tradition, it is a special case because it has no semantic predicates.
@@sachadee.6104 Condensation desappears: it doesn't least, it doesn't create filaments spreading all around in a a veiled leyer AND doesn't dissolves cumulus formations. Those detalis are explained in weather as a force multiplier-owning the weather in 2025!
@@Uro_Boros "you're so naive, damn." Says the scientifically illiterate CLOWN that thinks that contrails are "hot air"!!! 😂😂🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣 I'd be MORE than willing and able to embarrass you on this subject, sunshine! I absolutely love it when scientifically illiterate trolls slam headlong into that brick wall by telling ME that I am "naive", or lack knowledge on this subject. You have NO IDEA how ironic you're being. Where would you like to begin? Can you answer a question? How much do your 'chemtrails' weigh? Start there, Sherlock.
I also remember the days of clear blue skies when the jet fly over and the contrail would dissipate within minutes. Now they lied to us. We see them spread across the sky and fan out they don’t disappeared. They only grow in size.
"I also remember the days of clear blue skies when the jet fly over and the contrail would dissipate within minutes." BS. Unless you have some special reason, you wouldn't remember how the sky looked yesterday. Nobody would. The "special reason" in you case would be, some cuckoo telling you to look for "chemtrails". And BINGO! There surely are contrails there and if you are stupid enough, you take the bait.
@@siouxperb5570 Really, except I’ve seen MSM news actually admitting to geoengineering now. It can’t be hidden anymore. Dimming the sun to block the sun’s rays to counteract climate change.
Of course they would never tell us the truth that they are trying to kill us. But seriously these so called contrails only come out on beautiful sunny days with blue skies and after these planes the sky is grey. Yeah that is normal
Time to take this one down. Almost all major un nations are doing it. This was a propaganda piece to distract. It’s not a religion or a conspiracy theory. It’s real and the pilot does not know what he is talking about. So much available info out there now. Stop with the foolishness. We’re not that dumb!
Can you tell me one single reason why you would remember if contrails in you childhood persisted or not? I don't remember persistent contrails either - first I took notice was during my pilot training when they were showed to me as a part of collision avoidance. Try to look up images "WW2 contrails".
@@curiouscat8457 I for one remember as children that we would point our finger at the end of the contrail and watch as it disappeared behind the aircraft. Chemtrails don't disappear.
Why is it when a passenger jet goes over, and the contral dissipates within five minutes or less, then another plane goes over me, and you can see the trail from horizon to horizon, and it flattens out and gets very wide, and stays there for hours?
The duration and length of a contrail is governed by the prevailing atmospheric conditions chiefly in relation to temperature, humidity and pressure. A contrail is a binary event in that it will either occur or it will not but it may be short lived, long lived (up to several hours) or persistent spreading. In cases of high RHi then a contrail will endure because the ice crystals that it is composed of are unable to sublimate back into the gaseous phase (invisible water vapour). However, if the air is saturated in respect to ice, then the contrail will not only persist, but will expand and spread often becoming indistinguishable from regular cirrus cloud (which essentially it becomes). Jet Fuel is Kerosene, a hydrocarbon = hydrogen and carbon. It burns in the air (oxygen) to make dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Since the oxygen adds to the mass, burning a gallon of jet fuel actually makes more than a gallon of water. However, in this case the water content of the exhaust merely precipitates the event. Expanding contrails are largely drawn from the available atmospheric moisture budget. Also appreciate that the atmosphere is not isotropic. Aircraft vertical separation levels are 1,000ft and it is almost impossible to differentiate such a difference as a ground based observer. Sometimes a change in flight level by as little as a few hundred can result in a contrail or the cessation of the latter. Since there is no way to mitigate the appearance of a contrail, the U2 spy plane was actually fitted with a rear view mirror so that the pilot could see if there was a contrail forming in the wake and then adjust altitude to attempt to prevent this - (although it didn't work that well for Gary Powers). The atmosphere is continually in motion - next time that you notice persistent contrails you may very likely witness sections seemingly randomly fading or vanishing disproportionately. This is confirmation of the motion of the atmosphere - rising and subsiding parcels of warmer/drier air. Assuming that these were trails as a consequence of chemical spraying you would not observe this effect.
@@siouxperb5570 I see this man commenting in every video of chemtrails what brought you here? Were you also questioning yourself but you’re too scared to accept the truth… Cognitive dissonance, decalcify your pineal gland👁️
@@elyjahstark Chemtrails, moron, chemtrails… They contain hard metal micro particles, boron, mercury, and silver iodide.. all known to have neurological effects on the human body, when they come down into the groundwater or into the air. Now go pay your taxes, put on your mask and be a good compliant citizen.
@@Desmondbrown73 “hard metal micro particles, boron, mercury, and silver iodide” 😂😂 The hilarious illusory superiority you people exhibit never ceases to be entertaining. Where is your evidence of these magical physics defying chemicals leaving these trails across the sky that somehow persist and grow in mass?
It is weird how we have had planes in the sky for years, but these trails weren’t there to this degree back in the 80s and 90s. They act like we are dumb. All you have to do is to observe what is going on in the sky.
"It is weird how we have had planes in the sky for years, but these trails weren’t there to this degree back in the 80s and 90s." According to data by the International Energy Agency the volume of commercial air traffic has increased from 1990 to 2020 by fourfold. Still "weird"?
@WuhanVirus728 I am of science, not, "science". "Science" was bought and paid for a long time ago and continues to this day. While science continues to be censored and sacrificed for the all mighty dollar.
probably because the service ceiling of aircraft has increased, along with civillian planes not being limited to 25,000 feet, they can now go higher as you raise in altitude, you lower in temperature, as the difference of temperature increases, the odds for a chem trail increases
If you've watched Little House on the Prairie you will see Chemtrails in the sky all the time during filming. This was back in the late 70s and early 80s.
when we were kids we never used to draw criss cross pattern clouds. You either had a hazy day, clear day, clear day with clouds, or an overcast day. Wouldn't be surprised if the legal definition of a contrail has changed over time to now include the part that they may last longer due to conditions. Man people just refuse to think for themselves.
@667Gullin ooo...common...i am not kids...i now only one....nothing good for people in the world...bill gates said without shame:we must killed 90%people in the world....oooo...yes....40% with spraying from sky(aluminium,barium,stroncium)....40% with vakcine...other with weapon...this evil people NO SHAME....i hope he will not succed in his criminal intensions....GOD will judge all these evildoers
@667Gullin please Mr.Gullin,exuse me on my bad english,i live in Split,Croatia,on the adriatic sea,now is XI month 2020 year,here now have not moskitos,why spraying us ,i am scared that people are moscitos for this bastard
Contrails, like cirrus clouds, are water molecules in the ice crystal phase. They will behave exactly as any other cirrus cloud in the sky. That means in certain conditions they can persist, grow, spread.
@@elyjahstarkthere must be an awful lot of "certain conditions" since this is happening all over. Prince even talked about chemtrails years ago. I'm sad for the people who can't accept they're being lied to.
@@Lilpeanut9 Yes, the conditions are not rare nor are they exclusive to any one area of the world. The temperature just has to be lower than about negative 40 with a relative humidity higher than 70percent
@@elyjahstark I'm not being lied to nor preyed upon. I know exactly what is going on. Funny how you feel, as if you're smarter than others, since you believe what the newscasters tell you to believe. Your last comment is pretty ironic. Don't ya think?!
Elyjah Stark, yes, because the masses, many uneducated in basic science, coupled with gullibility, believe whatever the government & the media spews out.
@@jaidenbishop868 Well wtf is coming out of some planes and not others. If I smacked you across the face and said I didn't do it. Would you still feel it? That's how goofy people are being about this. Chemtrails or not something is coming out of these planes. What is it? It speads. Sometimes it's in tic-tac-toe patterns are others that are similar. They're are going to do what they want regardless. But I'm not going to deny that I don't see something coming of the back of planes and not others.
@@freshpotatoes1107 yes those trails coming out the back are contrails. You’re comparison is stupid in itself, and irrelevant. Yes contrails can spread and air routes intersect leading to tic-tac-toe patterns if you add some upper level wind as well. There is nothing to deny, just idiots misunderstanding what there seeing and go to conspiracy’s you feel better about there stupidity. They are contrails not chemtrails.
The government is working overtime to cover this up by using their best trolls, and making their best disinformation videos. This is nothing more than modern day CONTELPRO. I never saw these chemtrails in my area prior to the late 1990's. I remember when this whole program began.
Right on Candyman; just like CIA director Casey stated, "We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
if you all have balls come to my face book page fore you come to my facebook page and under stand something kk the world we all live is all fake as hell noting but all lies it all lies not one the is real abour fake newa media look what is going on all bull shit arond youall lies this is call fake wold if you all want tosee the real world ican show you all the real world what you dont kown the truth about ican show what is really going on what are hiding from you all and from hold world i will show you the truth about everything to you all i have the real proof i can show you what they are keeping off the news media so you will not kown about keeping you all from fine out about
yea right condensation 😂😂😂😂 what a coincidence that there are “condensation lines “ on certain days . and it so happens that the first chemtrails to appear in the morning take on the same path as the sun does .
I have to tell you chemical trails are real. I was at a store, mothers market in Laguna Hills California and met a young lady whose husband was a new pilot that was offered a job flying these planes carrying and dispensing these harmful chemicals and I guess they pay really good money to young pilots wanting to get hold jobs. Don't tell me it's condensation. That is B. S My husband and I try to stay inside when they are doing their heavy spraying because we notice not feeling so well the next day or so. I think that they change their chemicals and some are more harmful than others but truly this is really what if destroying our planet. Our wildlife. Getting into the soil oceans and water supplies
I have to tell you that the 'chemtrail' hoax is mathematically impossible. As to the friend whose husband is a pilot and was offered a job, it sounds to me like he was offered a cloud seeding seat. That job is legitimate, and has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax. The contrails that you see, and which comprise the 'chemtrail' hoax, are not aircraft that can be flown by "young" new pilots looking to build time. It seems like you're just confused about a few things, I suggest talking directly to the pilot husband of your friend. I'm quite sure he could clear up your confusion. There is not a pilot on this planet, student to ATP that would ever fall for the 'chemtrail' hoax. It goes against the laws of physics.
"I have to tell you chemical trails are real. I was at a store, mothers market in Laguna Hills California and met a young lady whose husband was a new pilot ...." Don't you have to just love it! :-) :-) :-)
Please tell this to the one idiot in here that believes everything he reads in books. His name is @Elyjah Stark and he has a rebuttal for anything you tell him.
@@ciddyboy718 Still desperately trolling, kid? You still have no evidence or argument for your beliefs? Did you get your feelings hurt after you publicly declared you didn’t believe in clouds?
@@yassassin6425 It's funny how there's always one troll saying ludicrous things in the comment section. It kind of ruins the whole "organic" look. Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways, but olbeast is correct the fastest way is just look up. There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky. Now, when you look up through the chem clouds you can occasionally see a white/grey halo around the sun. This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor. How about that. If cloud seeding was indeed possible with just regular ole' jet engines, someone should let the multitude of scientists know who are still researching(yes, still researching after 60 something years) cloud seeding with various different chemicals. You should contact them Yassassin, since you have time enough to make so many comments on the subject. Maybe you'll get credited for a nobel prize. Perhaps it will give you the meaning in life you are searching for here. Maybe you don't have to tell people the same lies that are coming from the government that has been caught lying multiple times regarding the poisoning of its citizens. You might look more credible too, it's anti-scientific to call something water when it gives off a whitish/grey halo. I'll clue you in, this from wikipedia: "Since refractive index is a fundamental physical property of a substance, it is often used to identify a particular substance, confirm its purity, or measure its concentration."
@@wkruse84 "It's funny how there's always one troll saying ludicrous things in the comment section." Actually there are scores of them. Since I am in full agreement with this video and you are the one that is posting uniformed drivel, condescension and pomposity - then the troll would be none other than you. Add "chemtrail" to the title of any video and you people swarm all over it in search of more confirmation bias like mindless zombies around a rotting cadaver. "Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways" No they really haven't - but we can come back to that. "but olbeast is correct the fastest way is just look up." You'll find it helps if you understand what you are looking at in the first place. "There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky." I agree - prior to the advent of powered aviation. "Now, when you look up through the chem clouds you can occasionally see a white/grey halo around the sun. This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor. How about that." Actually, it's called irisation - named after Iris the ancient Greek goddess who passed messages between the mortals and the gods. As Iris ran back and forward her multicoloured robes shimmered in iridescence like a rainbow. You are seeing diffraction - caused by water droplets or ice crystals - bending rays of light - the colours have a metallic quality like colours on an oily surface. Incidentally, I don't advise looking anywhere near the sun - even if there is cloud cover. The 19th century American poet James Russell Lowell described in "An Ode to the Fourth of July": "Entranced I saw a vision in the cloud, that loitered dreaming in yon sunset sky...last iridescence of a sunset cloud." Strange then that this effect has been documented throughout recorded history then. While Aristotle had mentioned halos and parhelia, in antiquity, the first European descriptions of complex displays were those of Christoph Scheiner in Rome (circa 1630), Hevelius in Danzig (1661), and Tobias Lowitz in St Petersburg (1794). Chinese observers had recorded these for centuries, the first reference being a section of the "Official History of the Chin Dynasty" (Chin Shu) in 637, on the "Ten Haloes", giving technical terms for 26 solar halo phenomena. Halos were used as part of weather lore, which was an empirical means of weather forecasting before meteorology was developed. You may also wish to learn about the Vädersolstavlan "The Weather Sun Painting" - arguably one of the oldest visual depictions of the phenomena. "If cloud seeding was indeed possible with just regular ole' jet engines, someone should let the multitude of scientists know who are still researching(yes, still researching after 60 something years) cloud seeding with various different chemicals." It isn't. However by products in aircraft exhaust - chiefly soot and sulphates - do increase and affect size of CCNs: (both the formation of H2O/ H2SO 4 clusters by homogeneous nucleation and the deposition of water vapour on soot particles activated by the adsorption of gaseous H:SO4, sulphuric acid hydrates, and H:O/H:SO 4 cluster). "You should contact them Yassassin, since you have time enough to make so many comments on the subject." So should you - tell them that the University of You Tube sent you. "Maybe you don't have to tell people the same lies that are coming from the government that has been caught lying multiple times regarding the poisoning of its citizens." What "lies" would they be? - which "government"? "it's anti-scientific to call something water when it gives off a whitish/grey halo." Is it? I'll clue you in, this from wikipedia: "Since refractive index is a fundamental physical property of a substance, it is often used to identify a particular substance, confirm its purity, or measure its concentration." Sure - unfortunately for you it's my background, Ground based passive remote sensing - particularly in the microwave frequency range (10-100 GHz or 3 cm to 3 mm wavelength). And yourself? Here's an analysis of a persistent contrail at source from 1972 - "Measurements in the Growth of the Ice Budget in a Persistent Contrail" I quote directly: “It is often observed that contrails spread considerably…Under favourable conditions, a lateral spread of kilometers is observed…If sufficient air traffic exists, an entire overcast of contrail cirrus may develop and persist for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails." Knollenberg (1972) You should similarly have no problem providing measurements then. Given the two decades that this alleged spraying has supposedly been in progress and the fact that you maintain that the sky is supposedly full of these chemical trails/chemclouds; appreciating that there are hundreds of studies into the microphysical properties of contrails and in view of the sophistication and availability of remote sensing and atmospheric monitoring technology worldwide, there should similarly be a multitude of data gathered in respect of your "chemtrails".Just one in-situ spectrographic analytical study at source will suffice. Oddly, none of you seem to be able to produce this data when requested. And it doesn't necessarily have to be derived from an aircraft mounted optical array spectrometer as in the Knollenberg study I linked you to. I would specifically be most interested in the results from airborne differential absorption LIDAR measurements during a defined IOP, PBL illustrating the dynamics and vertical separation of these aerosol layers of yor supposed chemical trails. Radiosonde and scanning backscatter LIDAR comparisons would also be interesting in addition to the information yielded by combined LIDAR scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis. You should also have extracted a distinct signature of these chemical trails regarding the extent of thermo-atmospheric scattering which can be derived from mono-static SODAR data and optical thickness equations and in association with your Ångström exponent results.I appreciate that this is an incredibly obvious and basic method of analysis, but nonetheless a good way to summarise you data unless of course your're actually about to attempt to tell me that this hasn't been gathered in such a way? Not interested in your anecdotal incredulity, present your data at source. Go ahead then.
@@wkruse84 " Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways" Kindly cite the ONE BEST example of that. " the fastest way is just look up." You're claiming that simply SEEING trails in the sky is proof of their contents? How? "There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky." Yes. It was before aircraft could fly high enough to create contrails. " Now, when you look up through the chem clouds...." Evidence that the clouds we see in the sky are full of "chemicals"? Of course not. "This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. " Evidence of this? No, just wild false claims made by ignorant chemmies. "No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor." You're claiming to determine refraction angles by EYE??
@MrSecuredParty thought she was a hero years ago when I first watched her. these Satanists are selling out life itself for their paychecks. the earth will get them.
If you have lived at least 40-50 years and you can’t tell the difference between a real contrail that’s quickly dissipated and that they are doing today...your the fool. Never fucked up the entire sky for days back then.
"a real contrail that’s quickly dissipated" "Real" contrails are now required to dissipate quickly? Since when? Did they recently change the laws of physics?
They actually think we are believing these are contrails, lmao. Contrails disappear in minutes but these are Chemtrails DON'T. They actually come down and open up like a white sheet.
@@lebanonchristian2932 from 6-8 miles in the air? If it’s covid-19 how would the virus survive being airborne for so long? Why would the trail be visible? If it was aluminum, why wouldn’t weather radar be blinded 24/7? If it was barium, why aren’t trails colorful?
Why are you parroting the most common and the most stupid (well, debatable...) argument chemtards are using?
@@yassassin6425 It is getting dull here :-). I am terminally bored (NO FLYING!), but discovered a new treasure cove of idiots here: Most of them is too dumb for any intelligent argument, but I think the lowlife who is running the site needs a few people like us there :-). The bastard is trying to spread panic to rump up his business. There will be more like this soon.
@@daryllect6659 With your superior intelligence I would expect you to know, your comment won't stay at the same place it was at the time of writing. Just saying...
There's scientists like David Keith who has done Nasa lectures and ted Talks on the matter for over 15 years pushing for injecting aerosols into the sky...There's NASA, JPL ad scientific lectures by legit agencies available to the public but it's a conspiracy.
I mean they’re spending money to convince you that somethings not real what do they have to gain obviously something they’re spending money to convince you
If these ,so called,"contrails"are just exhaust, why are there several states, for example Tennesee, trying to ban this geoengineering? And why did Switzerland last propose a study on geoengineering in the UN environment in 2019
"why are there several states, for example Tennesee, trying to ban this geoengineering?" Nobody is trying to ban "this geoengineering" because it is NOT geoengineering.
The persistent visible trails across the sky will continue to be over Tennessee whether the bill gets signed and enacted or not. Because these trails have nothing to do with any fields of geoengineering research, none of which would ever involve visible persistent trails across the sky.
Yes, just like your car, all exhaust contains a very very small amount of microscopic metallic particles from impurities in the fuel and wear in the engine. Nothing to do with the contrail of water.
@@citizenshame2632 Because they are a mixture of anything involving any particulates that made it through the refining process and anything used in the fabrication of the engine.
There is literally a group of scientists, fish and wildlife officials and ex- military saying that this is definitely not contrails. INCLUDING a retired Air Force General w/46 y experience around aircraft, who swears this is not how contrails work. They also tested plants and water in the area and found extreme jumps in the amount of environmental aluminum, which is not naturally occurring.
There are a LOT of people that deny physics, regardless of their training and credentials. It doesn't make them any less wrong. That's the great thing about verifiable facts. They don't care at all about your opinions.
I think they Spraying Covid and Pathogen Virus's, not just Chemicals... They doing this everyday now... In Germany, Bayern. So --- Let's spread Covid via Jet Stream... Makes us all sick --- Covid and Long Covid... Disease X = Twitter = X Usa Virus = Covid Air Pollution = Plane Fuels Now add Covid and Pathogens into the Plane Fuel ---- And Covid is Born. This is happening Globally...
Contrails dissipate pretty quick, whatever they spray stays in the sky and spreads out… Like the guy in the Plane, who lied and told the truth at the same time. He said they’re “essentially making clouds”..
Short-term white trails that disappear as the aircraft proceeds are condensation trails (contrails). Persistent white trails that expand with time are chemically-induced trails (chemtrails).
@@siouxperb5570 Try again. I was in Civil Air Patrol for 3.5 years and studied all aspects of flight, including jet power, for far longer than that. Contrails do not persist and spread across the sky.
@@JohnStark72 Whoa, with those credentials, I had better bow to your appeal to authority, hadn't I? Please, do tell me more....WHY exactly CAN'T contrails expand and persist, and WHY can't they do that any more? They have been able to do so since the advent of high altitude flight (pre-dating WWII) so why the sudden change? While you're at it, tell me the aircraft that has the payload capacity needed to carry out the 'chemtrail' fantasy.
@@siouxperb5570 I’ve been looking for some good videos/books/info on why some go away quickly and others form clouds. Can you (or the guys you’re arguing with) provide so good source? You have to admit the trails that make clouds are a little strange. Doesn’t that impact our weather in and of itself? Are there studies on the impacts of contrails? Just asking questions! Thank you!
Compare the mass of a persistent contrail against the payload of any aircraft that exists, and you'll have all the proof you need that 'chemtrails' are impossible.
We see these chemtrails all the time here on Vancouver Island in BC Canada. Watching them closely we notice a big difference between these chemtrails and the 'contrails' from jet liners. They look at first like the contrails but as the planes go across the sky, the chemtrails spread out a great deal and don't dissipate. They linger for quite some time, and spread out, blocking the sun, and then , for further 'proof', if we're looking for that , they cross each other , often at strange right angles , so a 'checkerboard' effect is the result. Or the chemtrails are parallel to each other. Which is really odd as this is not as this is not a main artery as you might see in Los Angeles or Toronto And we mean many of them over a few hours. The result is what started out as beautiful blue sky on a warm day, is now like a blanket haze. And the day cools. The so-called 'contrails' from other jet planes most often dissipate and evaporate, as we remember them that way for many years . And these planes aren't acting at all like the other planes discussed in this post.
They are all contrails. There is no such thing as a 'chemtrail'. The ones that linger are merely persistent, because of higher humidity at altitude. The ones that spread are acted upon by wind shear. You are under a MAJOR corridor of several intersecting main airways. You are under part of the great circle route, as well as many transpacific routes, and west coast to Alaska routes. The amount of air traffic you see should be quite substantial. Nothing at all out of the ordinary in what you see. Happens all over the world, and is easily understood with the application of physics. On the other hand, if these were 'chemtrails', you'd need to explain how these aircraft DEFY physics, and perform magic.
I love how you are mystified by the "checkboard pattern" :-). Besides of the obvious multiple airways (as siouxsuperb explained), you have the wind factor people often forget: before the next plane passes thru the same airway, wind blows the previous contrail(s) some distance sideways so it looks like the plane is flying path parallel to the previous one(s). If you have two intersecting airways, a checkboard appears...
I'd like to see your excuse for being so stupid. Abused as a child? Your mother married her first cousin? There is nothing to be ashamed of, these are circumstances beyond you control. See your therapist!
@@curiouscat8457 - idiot... Do you even know what fluoride is ? It is a toxic waste by-product from making potash into fertilizer. There is no way for this toxin to naturally occur in the human body. But the gov't thinks we all should have it in our water and our toothpaste. Even the toothpaste has a medical warning on the label.
My only point of debate is the fact that contrails don't spread over a blue sky, and those white streaks in the sky do. I have seen this many times. Every time I bring this point up, people try to convince me that they are contrails. Contrails are supposed to dissipate with a few seconds, aren't they?
_"Contrails are supposed to dissipate with a few seconds, aren't they?"_ Just where did you learn *_that?_* The rate of contrails' dissipation depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the air in which they form. Low enough, and they do not form. Higher, and they form and quickly dissipate. High enough and they can last for hours, and depending on the wind, can spread. They are "supposed" to do whatever the conditions dictate they do.
What people dont get is this. If you watch a plane make a trail, you will see that it remains in the sky for some time. It then begins to form clouds aka "weather systems" condensation almost immediately fades away behind a plane, not leave a solid trail in the sky.
Fan - it remains in the sky for some time? No kidding? So you’re saying it behaves like other clouds in the sky? What a novel concept. Why, given the laws of physics, do you claim that a contrail made of condensed water vapor in the form of ice crystals, can’t form a solid trail that persists? I think it’s you that doesn’t get it, change my mind.
Another thing that the 'chemtrail' hoax/fantasy pushers fail to understand is that a single persistent contrail ('chemtrail' , to the hoaxers) that extends from horizon to horizon contains tens or eve hundreds of millions of pounds. Why don't they ever acknowledge that there is not an aircraft on this planet that has anywhere near that sort of payload capacity, and therefore the trails can only be contrails? Why won't they understand that?
@@elyjahstark look at flight radar 24. Why do only a limited amount of planes leave these non dissipating trails that expand into clouds that cover from horizon to horizon. . These are certainly not contrails. There are over 5k flights above the continental united states 24 hrs a day. Next time there is a clear blue sky look at the map radar and see how many planes are above the area your in. See if u can find a plane leaving a real contrail. Then all of a sudden when u see the first chemtrail ask why only 8 to 14 or so planes are leaving trails and not 30 or 40 planes leaving them..
@@AutoHoax Funny, I look at FR24 all the time. What’s your point? Planes cruise at a variety of altitudes ranging over 15k feet at a variety of headings. Contrails only form when the temperature is below -40 degrees and they persist based on the ambient relative humidity. Many of the planes on the radar are flying at too low of an altitude for contrails to form. And the others aren’t flying in areas of the sky with high relative humidities. Here’s a challenge for you. Get a vague idea of the temperature and relative humidity at various altitudes using instant weather maps and then compare their approximate data to what you see in the sky. You’ll begin to get a picture of why certain planes leave a short contrail and others leave a persisting contrail.
When you leave in the morning and you see tic tac toe boards in the sky; oh OK. Coming home; you can't see the sky through the blanket of overcast/fog. Rinse and repeat. The contrails that fan out and cover the entire sky; for a full day... Anyone able to explain why one planes trails disappear in seconds and in the same path; 30 minutes later; were playing tic tac toe?!
Try this: A cold front is coming. It is pushing moist air in high altitudes where the vapours become supercooled waiting just for a bit of more moisture or agitation to become depositing and forming cirrus clouds. The passing aircraft happily provide both, making contrails that start a chain reaction of snap-freezing spreading all over the sky. If you find it too complicated, go back to school in the science classes you skipped.
weather modification the fact the "news" lied about silver iodide/aluminum spraying is disgusting the videos showing the "news" saying the truth about 'cloud seeding'
I think it depends on a weather dewpoint and humidity. Usually jet engines start drawing trails at altitudes over 20,000ft. For example if trail starts to be drawn at 24300ft it may disapear pretty quickly at that altitude and at 26,000ft and 27,000ft but it may stay together longer at 35 or 40,000ft. Those are all normal humidity efects. Real chemicals or flu viruses or what ever it is. Are being sprayed from 3 to 5,000ft. And they are only thin line of smoke or spray out of tail. Barely notisable. Watch for jet planes that fly at those low altitudes and far from airports(close to airports its normal for jet planes to fly low and sometimes leveled for a little bit) But watch for them not descending or climbing but flying low, slow and leveled far away from airports. Watch their tails. Not engines, engines may produse a little bit of dark smoke at high thrust. And You can see it if you close anough. But watch the tail is anything coming out of there. 2 days ago plane passed over my house and i literally saw the tail started produsing smoke or chemtrail as if some one opened the valve. I live on the enge of the city. Around farms. So it passed me and started splaying over the city. Maybe its time for them to start flu season. Before this i was skeptical. But ive seen it very close with my own eyes
1)Because you were a Holy Spirit filled Christian who knows too much about someone who you 'caught with their pants down' somewhere, and they know that if they couldn't kill you,(they tried), that they'd have to make you seem "mentally ill" (satanic phrase, that.). Or, failing to do that,stalk you, then call you "paranoid" when you caught them; or run you off, or slander you, or try to ruin your credibility? (And maybe you were really young looking and fit into your 50s and someone hated you for that? Just guessing, because they did.) Add to that that a greedy family member tried to kill one of their (and potentially your) benefactors,then you, and you know what they did, and they know that you know? 2) Because you live where one such person is? 3) Because.... some people are hate-filled, insane... with psychopathic satanic hatred that makes no sense?
Sim, aqui no Brasil também aconteceu isso. As abelhas, dentre outros insetos que POLINIZAM as flores de frutíferas, desapareceram desde julho. Onde também secou todo o pasto e alguns pés de frutíferas da região. O que estão pretendendo com esses gases meu Deus!!! A falta de chuvas, está acabando com as águas de rios, lagos e poços.
I live on the very edge of a small town no crickets no little frogs singing hardly remember the bugs whenever you drive down to country road singing in the night, never see a grasshopper
yes chemtrails destroy nature, trees etc. etc. the list is endless and its the main cause of spraying aluminium because it reflects sunlight,they don't give a shit about our health and that we all get dementia at young ages
don't forget that in the 1980's they used to spray DDT from the trucks. i remember in the 1980's when trucks would go around spraying DDT claiming it was to kill the mosquitos carrying malaria but they decimated the entire insect and frog population, we also used to have fireflies and they all disappeared when they sprayed the DDT.
I see what you are alluding to, with your mistrust of government. Feel free, but it really doesn't matter. No government has the ability to defy physics and perform magic.
@CuriousCarrot-yy9hm the way you describe them they sound like pastors. Infallible. Oh wait. The whole child sex crimes thing. That all got covered up. Hmmm.
@@ManicksChannel A governments inability to defy the laws of physics, as he stated, is not dictated by whether you like whichever government you are referring to. Keep up, buddy
i have a folder of soil and water lab test results from the 80’s and 90’s versus lab tests from today. There is an increase of over 2000% in nanoparticle heavy metals like aluminum, strontium, and barium to name a few.
Easy solution, let’s see the sample results, the methodology of collection and analyzing, and the results. But already based on your comment it’s easy to tell you have no clue what you’re talking about.
Contrails are real, and definitely exist. It is the viewing of these trails that cause some of the intellectually stumpy among our population to look up and scream 'chemtrails'! To say there is a difference is true in that one is real and the other is a fantasy hoax. To say they are the same is also correct, because the 'chemtrail' hoax is the misidentification of persistent aircraft contrails.
@@kovy689 He said these long lasting trails weren't around when he was a kid. Persistent contrails have been around for nearly 100 years. That makes him more than 100 years old. Can YOU read???? Or are you just terrible at math?
@@kovy689 Are you REALLY that clueless? Why can't YOU read? Or is it simply a comprehension issue? What part of this very simple concept does your tiny pea brain not understand? I diagrammed and explained it as clearly as possible. Unfortunately, I cannot understand it for you. Once again, if he claims there were no persistent contrails when he was a kid, that means he is in excess of 100 years old, as persistent contrails have been around that long. Get it NOW, sunshine? Or should I write it in crayon for you? 😂
Contrails do not last for hours like chemtrails and they do not spread out. Samples have been obtained by many sources which prove they are spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and it is building in the soil. Build up of aluminum in the snow in Colorado mountains show aluminum 6,000 times the amount considered safe.
I just moved to colorado 3 months ago from Australia. I never saw this in Australia and am horrified at what I am seeing in the skies here everyday. Why do you think they are spraying this stuff, like whats their objective?
@@dandelions2414 They are spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and they have been doing it for many years. It serves two purposes, reflecting the sun rays and poisoning us and the water. You need to have a Burkey water filter system to clean up your water and to eliminate the fluoride in the water. Good luck.
IOWA just sprayed over Waterloo . Sun was just warming me house at 8:30am In 2 hrs. Jets have sprayed thick lines ahead of the sun that slowly join together making this haze that blocks the warmth of the sun . Every winter for 4yrs. I've been documenting this , ITS INSANE
Absolutely nothing to do with the advancing cold front pushing southeast bringing in colder temperatures, increased relative humidity, and potential precipitation. It’s amazing that in four years you never bothered actually learning basic meteorology or atmospheric science to understand why and when the trails persist. Instead you just believed the first thing you read on the internet
right on sister good to see folks waking up out of their satanic matrix, i'd recommend watching that hellywood documentary once again unless you have already if so second-time round ull find new info,hellywood documentaries exposes the truth calling it movies, the truth is in plain sight just like back to the future and 911 and the Truman show".
@@krissykatportal its a beautiful awakening, know the truth and the truth shall make you free, mean while the matrix clan love being a sleep and call us crazy. they are the one's that are perishing.
What airlines are shut down? It took me less than 15 seconds after reading your post to confirm via flightaware that just less than 51,000 flights were tracked worldwide over the past 24 hours. This also flies in the face of another one of you 'chemtrail' trolls that believes that 'chemtrails' have STOPPED because of the flight reductions. Why can you trolls never get your conspiracy hoaxes on the same page?
"Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the american public believes is a lie"-William Casey, former director of cia. Military checkpoints will be set up on us interstates for covid vaccination certification. Camps will be activated. Police state/genocide is coming. New world order led by obama and pope francis is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture. Get ready. Dont believe the coming ufo alien abduction narrative
@@lebanonchristian2932 from 6-8 miles in the air? If it’s covid-19 how would the virus survive being airborne for so long? Why would the trail be visible? If it was aluminum, why wouldn’t weather radar be blinded 24/7? If it was barium, why aren’t trails colorful?
@@elyjahstark it's nanoparticles of aluminium that would spread and drop..... and they do go colourful. Have plenty of pictures of the abnormal colours persistently showing when the sun shines through these "contrails".
At this time the UK is experiencing a heatwave, day after day of blue skies for weeks. For the first few days there were no plane trails, the sky was bright azure blue, visibility; excellent, my windows were clean, the air was a pleasure to breathe & while bike riding my mouth remained moist. Then it started; day after day after day of 24 hour plane trails which merged & covered the sky. In the next few days the haze descended to earth & it has remained as the plane trails have continued (I live by the coast and the visibility is easy to see across the bay). The sunshine is now hazy, the visibility is poor, the air is not pleasant to breathe, while bike riding my mouth constantly dries & my windows that were clean are now covered with a film of fine white/metallic dust. This sequence of events is nothing new to me, I have seen it time & time again so is it really that surprising that people conclude that it is actually particles rather than moisture droplets or ice crystals?
You were watching a perfectly normal weather development involving approaching cold front. It causes humid air rising in high altitudes where it starts making contrails visible. The cirrus cloud (the same as contrails) cover you are describing is also typical for this situation. The breathing difficulties you may have are also normal in this type of weather, possibly aggravated by the "mysterious" dust - see below. As for the "fine metallic(?) dust", take a sample and have it analyzed. It will be either some industrial pollution or dust lifted from the ground by storm, possibly thousands of miles away. Definitely nothing to do with air traffic :-).
@@curiouscat8457 I am of mature age & am simply recounting the sequence of events as they have happened many many times over the years EXACTLY THE SAME EVERY TIME - I have stated no suspected cause so what is this "childish fairytale" of which you speak? Why does the ground level haze & window dust covering only happen when there is heavy (& I mean heavy) plane trail action? If it is coincidence then why does this coincidence happen every single time in the same sequence for over twenty years. You need to be a bit less aggressive with your debunking otherwise people may suspect a cover-up - but don't let me tell you your job!
@@kenny832 The "sequence of events" will be exactly the same, because it simply follows the laws of physics. These laws do not change. The haze doesn't appear after "heavy plane action". The amount of air traffic remains virtually unchanged. Only the planes become visible when there is an approaching cold front. You can't see much of a plane at 35,000 ft unless it makes a contrail. As for the "mysterious" dust - again: have it analyzed. Its appearance "always after heavy plane action" is possible for the same reason as the cirrus cloud cover: air from ground level gets "wedged" in high altitudes by the cold front - if it happens in some dusty area, like an African desert, the dust my travel thousands of miles before falling down. Your link of this event to air traffic is exactly what I said: a childish fairytale. BTW: if you want a confirmation of my version, you can find a recent extreme example by looking up "Huge sandstorm sweeps across Suez Canal in Egypt".
We rarely had these in Finland but lately they been spraying like crazy, it breaks my heart to see how they pollute our sky and nature, in news they said they do it to block sunlight or warming or something, even admitted that it is toxic for humans, and this year we had record hot days in May which seems like it actually does the opposite effect..
You’re trying to correlate about 2 or 3 completely separate subjects. The trails in the sky are called persistent contrails and they are coming from passing commercial airliners. Your other reference is to geoengineering research, which has not even advanced past computer modeling and would look nothing like the trails you are seeing in the extreme off chance it overcame the massive hurdles and was implemented. The persistent contrails have nothing to do with impacting the weather or the temperature where you live.
@@elyjahstark How am I lying? I am not even talking about contrails, I talk about whatever stuff they are spraying in skies, it was in news, that's why I try look more into this subject but I can't find video where they would explain this how it is going to prevent global warming, also how they can have permission to spray something that is also toxic for people.
@@DefendFinland I didn’t say you were lying, only that you’re trying to correlate irrelevant subjects. You are talking about contrails when you’re talking about the visible trails across the sky. That’s what they are. The news story you’re referencing is talking about geoengineering research, which has nothing to do with those trails and never would if it ever happened.
@@DefendFinland The trails in the sky are not preventing global warming nor are they toxic. They are just the outcome of flying a plane through extreme atmospheric conditions.
@@elyjahstark What? how you can tell me what I have seen on news? they literally show these kind of trails in news while talking about them. They looked exactly the same as in these videos. Maybe they are different trails but look exactly same.
It's funny so many are SO fast to deny this is going on. I have following questions for those types of individuals; 1. If this is only water vapour, as a consewuense of hot/cold meeting. Then how come jet-fighters don't make them? 2. How come you can see planes flying by, apparently with engines cutting on and of in mid-air, leaving a trail, then stopping, and then starting over and over again. Plus the fact some people claim modern day engines actually pollute as much as we are seeing. PLUS the fact that water/condensation can NOT physically form without particles. One can NOT explain the vast amount of long white lines, WITHOUT condensation nuclei. Even some of the exact same airliners, apparently leaves trails, while another exact same model and year, does not. People who truly deny this is going on is either; Truly Nescient on the subject, forcing their false belief on everyone. Or 2. They are directly hired by governments to come and troll everytime some one states as truly simple facts as i have just done. There is absolutely NO way around the fact, that it is going on today, and has bin going on for years. Otherwise eaplin the FACT that it has bin directly admitted, that the weather during the Olympics en Beijing was manipulated, so they could hold a "better Olympic event". It is a FACT. Explain the tests during the Vietnam war. Explain cloud seeding, even admitted by governments to have bin going on for decades. Explain how the weather has bin modified to such an a degree, that it is admitted, that certain hurricanes was cloudseeded, ending in catastrophic results. If you deny it is going on again 1. Nescience. (The state of simply not knowing) Or 2. I hope you have nightmares over the giant lies you are trying to perpetuate. To anyone commenting this, trying to disprove it is happening. You still need to explain yourself out of the physical constituted FACT that condensation can not physically happen without particles. This is proven by cleaning water up to a point, where it is so pure it does not boil. The fact that water boils, is due to contamination. And even the water rising out of a boiling pot, uses particles in the contaminated water to condens. It is a physical fact! And no one EVER has bin able to explain themselves out of the fact it's going on, while holding on to a hot iron like condensation nuclei. It is solid evident proof, that there are artificially introduced particles, such as Aluminium in oxidized state (Al2O3), Strontium, Sulfur, Barium..... Barium by the way is what people who needs a scan gets injected with. Know why? Because Barium is able to bounce back radio signals, initially being able to make YOUR body pop up on a screen in the form of an x-ray picture. And we breathe that on a daily basis! So if you think an RFID chip is scary, just know Barium is doing its job for Big Brother as well.
1) They do. 2) Differential humidity. "PLUS the fact that water/condensation can NOT physically form without particles." That is correct, but that is why contrails form. You are arguing against yourself. " Otherwise eaplin the FACT that it has bin directly admitted, that the weather during the Olympics en Beijing was manipulated, so they could hold a "better Olympic event". " You're referencing cloud seeding. The logical fallacy you're trying to perpetuate is called false equivalence. You're trying to lend legitimacy to the hoax by trying (and failing) to link it so something else completely unrelated. The cloud seeding method used in Beijing didn't even involve aircraft. I believe they used small rockets, or artillery shells. Cloud seeding has nothing whatsoever to do with the persistent contrails that are the sole and entire source of the 'chemtrail' hoax.
It blows my mind that they actually think they can keep up their blatant and NUMEROUS lies. It doesn't take much research and observation to disprove their official, mainstream disinformation. They lie, as a matter of course. The water samples.... The soil samples... The mid-air samples... ALL EXCEEDING NORMAL OCCURANCE OF VARIOUS METALS- PPM OFTEN HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS TIMES HIGHER THAN WHAT IS CONSIDERED SAFE AND/OR NORMAL. Anyway... THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE ! (If you desire to know it) We are dealing with mental patients that somehow got a hold of the keys.
@@govtontrol6380 The only thing it would take, is for people to read about condensation nuclei. It explains everything we see happening in the sky. It's no theory ether. It is a fact that it is going on and have bin going on for centuries.
Contrails an chemtrails are 2 completely different things. An Independent scientist tested freshly fallen snow in Antarctic an they found loads of heavy metals present.
Mike JH he’s not entirely wrong. I wouldn’t say they found “loads” but there is something. There’s no correlation to airplane contrails though as planes rarely fly to over or near Antarctica.
"Contrails an chemtrails are 2 completely different things" Intellectually, yes they are. One group of fringe individuals that refuse to learn basic scientific principles prefer to remain gullible and refer to some contrails as 'chemtrails'. Physically, they are the exact same thing. The rest of us are intelligent and informed enough to understand this.
@@mrolas5683 Cloud seeding doesn’t leave a visible trail so it seems fact doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s ok, you still have time to educate yourself on that “common knowledge”, kid
I'm no Chicken Little, but I'm old enough to know clouds don't fall like the long trails spewing out of the planes, spreading long and wide. We know the difference!
go to any airport and talk to as many pilots you want .. young AND old ... tell them "clouds don't fall like the long trails spewing out of the planes, spreading long and wide"... I am sure they will get a good laugh at your nonsense... btw .. I have been flying for 5 decades ... my father flew in WWII ...I talked with many of pilots from WWII ... they all saw and understand persistent condensation trails .. BTW check out Zeno Diemer in 1919 .... persistent condensation trails before you were born mr chicken little
@@onefourwhisky Wow, my father was also a pilot! Started flying with him 58 years ago, and neither of us saw anything but normal contrails, nothing like what we are seeing today! They were there in WWII? Yeah, the ones that were hit by missiles! And yes, you can go to an airport & talk to pilots, but they are not allowed to talk to you about it. However, a few courageous pilots, and people who have loaded the chemicals onto the planes have been brave enough to leak videos & other info. Thank God for these people, like Ed Snowden, who have had the courage to make the truth known!
Its dry as a bone in the Gulf states and California is about to get flooded and hit by a hurricane. Geoengineering at its finest. You can always notice that when unusual weather events happen, so do lots of chemtrails.
Contrails are nothing but cirrus clouds. Farmers and sailors used the presence of cirrus clouds to predict bad weather for millennia. Modern meteorology explains why it worked for them and why contrails start popping up when a cold front is approaching. You find it explained in the comments here about 100 of times.
Why everybody is trying to reinvent the wheel? Contrails form or don't depending on the atmospheric conditions. Either, favourable or not favourable can last for weeks - of for just a few hours. Perfectly normal. The current flight restrictions definitely have some effect too, but there is still some skeletal passenger traffic and a lot of cargo.
So, judging based on rumors and not on facts. Bet most conspiracy people are still using the microwave to heat their meals... not ever wondering that if they want you dead that radiation would do the job. Oh wait that just accepted technologie and doesn't count right?
@@curiouscat8457 then explain to me while everyone was on lockdown the planes still were flying and spraying that shit even tho nobody could travel in that time
@@tbl5138 The easiest way to answer this: "The National Air Traffic Controllers Administration states that: On any given day, more than 87,000 flights are in the skies in the United States. Only one-third are commercial carriers, like American, United or Southwest. On an average day, air traffic controllers handle 28,537 commercial flights (major and regional airlines), 27,178 general aviation flights (private planes), 24,548 air taxi flights (planes for hire), 5,260 military flights and 2,148 air cargo flights (Federal Express, UPS, etc.). At any given moment, roughly 5,000 planes are in the skies above the United States." The lockdown still left about 10% of commercial traffic in the air. The other categories were unaffected - "cargo" actually increased substantially because it had to handle the huge amount of load normally being transported by regular airliners.
Sec. of Defense Willam Cohen was right when he made that famous speech, "someday, foreign enemies using technologies to manipulate the weather would be able to weaken and disable an opposing enemy and we needed to fund our own weather mod programs to compete with them. It's called a "force multiplier" a phrase coined by the US Air Force weather mod team. "Operation Popeye" is alive and well. He also said In a DOD news briefing on April 28, 1997 that "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." This is what they call "Climate Change". "God" is innocent.
"He also said In a DOD news briefing on April 28, 1997 that "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves." That is what happens when you let a politician watch too many Star Wars movies...
@@curiouscat8457 I hear there is a component to your programming that causes you to be "Triggered" by facts, evidence and information that defies the narrative you were led to beLIEve by the shiny people on TV. [Make joke about tin foil hat] [Brand them as a "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" ] [Laugh manically with a sense of superiority][Walk away screaming "Fake News"!] [Get a donut for demonstrating your obedience] If you are unable to deactivate this yourself, you should seek professional help from a competent Cult Deprogrammer.
@@curiouscat8457 What do you think HAARP and other arrays are for, pussy cato? "Climate control: United States weather modification in the cold war and beyond." Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering "Weather Program Office [NOAA] Weather Modification." " Weather and Climate Modification - National Science Foundation [NSF]" 1965 " NOAA Technical Memorandum ERL OD-14 CUMULUS CLOUDS AND THEIR MODIFICATION " S.3383 (94th): National Weather Modification Policy Act Introduced: May 5, 1976 "Owning the Weather" "Project Popeye" " Project Cumulus " "PROJECT WOODPECKER" " Project Lucy" " Hurricane and tornado control device " "ATMOSPHERIC HEATING AS A RESEARCH TOOL confex" "China's radical $168 million weather control system revealed: ' "China is massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025" " Greening a Saudi Arabian Desert" " China plans to use chemicals to generate rain to protect its grain harvest August 21, 2022 " " WEATHER MODIFICATION INC" 'Climate engineering by mimicking natural dust climate control: the iron salt aerosol method' " H.R.4586 - Geoengineering Research Evaluation Act of 2017 " "Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of Snomax (TM) Snow Inducer, Nucleus Pseudomonas syringae, as an Artificial Ice for Weather Modification" 1989 "Silica aerogel nanopowder. What geoengineers 'plan' on putting into the atmosphere and environment. " " Weather Modification Using Electromagnetic Beams Common Knowledge at Aquiess,Inc"
@@BrettHoustonTubeIf you people ever had facts evidence or reliable and verifiable information, some might get triggered. But you’d have to start there. Baby steps. Why can’t any of you find any?
This is so funny. This was five years ago and I just saw videos that are admitting to this “conspiracy theory” now. Guess these scientist didn’t know everything after all.
Yeah, it's either the John Brennan fallacy, OR you stumbled across one of the several cloud seeding videos on youtube, and you think somehow these are admission of 'chemtrails'. You really should learn.
So you watch multiple aircraft (not two, don't be silly, this is easily verifiable) travelling upon intersecting airways, each leaving a separate and distinct contrail which is then pushed aside by winds aloft resulting in a very predictable and expected checkerboard pattern, and this confuses you WHY, exactly? And funny how the formation of contrails followed by rain is indicative of an approaching front. Wow, huh?
@@siouxperb5570 I can watch them cross cross each other from left to right, turn and reactivate the sprayers (called goe-seeding) and cross cross each other again. Yes I live next to an international airport and I am not dumb. I now the difference between contrails in my local flight paths, and when our local government is cloud seeding.
@@eriparlin754 Yet you STILL claim not to understand the federal airway system? Have you verified these aircraft making these turns and coming back on FR24? If so, cite call signs and flight numbers, along with dates. " (called goe-seeding)" Good freaking god. Are you trying to say "geoengineering", or "cloud seeding"? They are two completely separate and distinct subjects, and NEITHER of them have anything whatsoever to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax. "Yes I live next to an international airport " Irrelevant. "and I am not dumb" Well............. " I now the difference between contrails in my local flight paths," Could you detail these "local flight paths", and how they relate to the contrails you are confusing with the 'chemtrail' hoax? "and when our local government is cloud seeding." Here's the thing: The government doesn't actually do any cloud seeding. This industry is done by private contractors. While it still has nothing to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax, I'm curious as to why you think it does. Because the 'chemtrail' hoax is very, very visible. Cloud seeding leaves no trail that can be seen by a ground observer. It is also done by small single engine or light twin aircraft, and only when rain clouds are in the vicinity, and only then when it is contracted to do so. So the differences between cloud seeding and the 'chemtrail' hoax are very vast, and quite humorous that you would try to conflate the two. Now, for the hoax killing information you've been looking for: Those long lasting persistent contrails that you are comically calling 'chemtrails' have mass of many tens of millions of pounds. One trail, from one aircraft, as it spans the sky from one horizon to the other. So if you actually think that is a chemical trail sprayed from an aircraft, then simply name the aircraft with a payload in excess of many tens of millions of pounds. Your move.
The lack of education is a huge problem, when you are an air guard veteran, have a degree in weather and aviation science and been flying planes and airline work for over two decades you know a few things. weather air pressure moisture and humidity will show these trails. there is no spraying but it doesn't matter the education or experience of someone. People believe what they want to regardless of the actual facts. The weather was already becoming cloudy when the streams are showing dark.
Does it really? Do link me to your analytical studies. I guarantee what you'll come back with. Aircraft exhaust can produce all kinds of by-product and soot can colour it black. A contrail however is visible through condensed atmospheric water vapour in the from of ice. Other constituents are trace. Perhaps look up self, parallel and volumetric shadows too.
@@vicfame3171 "I saw it myself" That settles it then. "it is weird looking." Only if you don't know what you're looking at and you seek your explanations through baseless You Tube conspiracy videos. "Don't pretend you don't know what's going on." My background is the science of the atmosphere. I assure you that I know exactly what's "going on".
Right Vic Fame, it's Coal fly ash, don't waste your time on the likes of Yossarian who posts on here and in fb, best thing to do with him is to block him. l
People who say conspiracy theories are those who admit they lack the ability to think for themselves. They prove they do not possess the logical principles to process simple things. I hate those people. They are the most dangerous creatures on earth due to them not being able to think for themselves!
@American CNC & Design Why? What does cloud seeding have to do with the trails being discussed in the video? Do you know much about the chemicals involved in cloud seeding and the amount?
@American CNC & Design You mean the aluminum resistant seeds for crops in Brazil where high aluminum content naturally in the soil has been a persistent issue in crop production? You sure do like to jump from subject to subject. What does aluminum resistant seeds have to do with cloud seeding or the trails in the sky?
@American CNC & Design You mean the film he made, the dimming, where he finally flew threw a trail after years of stalling and found only 1700 particles per cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to extremely clean air quality standards? Thereby admitting that they were only contrails. Why didn’t he ever provide actual sample results from the trails? What was he afraid of? Also, could you provide evidence for this high aluminum content from Shasta run off? Are you referring to the Francis Mangel samples of July snow during a nearby wildfire? Have you ever seen snow on a mountain in July? It’s covered in dust from the mountain. And there were no elevated or unexpected sample results collected. You must not research or educate yourself much
Tratamento de água nas cidades também são um problema que ninguém se preocupa. As matérias primas dos alimentos já foram modificadas. E o ar que respiramos também está sendo infectado com algumas substâncias. Controlam nossas emoções, pensamentos e ações com uso de armas psicotronicas, antenas e Torres de celular. Estão usando hormônios para alterar sua sexualidade, mulheres cada vez mais masculinas e homens cada vez mais sensíveis? Bactérias que comem carne e ou afetam o cérebro. Essas bactérias estão no mundo todo, embora em poucos casos. Algo grande e maquiavélico está prestes a acontecer no mundo. Parece teoria da conspiração mas estamos a um passo do precipício, caminhando com a cabeça baixa olhando no smartphone.
The bill in Tennessee is still not passed. And even if it were, it’s completely irrelevant to the trails being discussed. You’re going to be awfully confused when you keep seeing them.
@@rickyhurt7557 I see you’re still spreading your irrelevant false equivalence fallacies. Why don’t you take your own advice and research those topics? If you actually would, you wouldn’t be bringing them up
Doug Boone uhhhhhh I can’t drive around Oregon and not get hit by bugs when it is around dusk. My car get absolutely covered. Not sure what you are talking about. You must live in Downtown Portland and only drive a couple blocks.
We get this a lot in the UK they make a criss cross pattern ,i have 2 picture on 2 different days showing this. Its on a clear sunny day and it spreads out as it drops down.
Just look up "contrail simulations - contrail science" and make as many "criss cross patterns" of your own as you wish. If you still don't understand how it works afterwards - seek medical help.
Yes, unfortunately, last 3 years they been spraying a lot in UK! can't listen to this clown world ''trust the science'', it's simple, count trails disappear in max up to 10min, chemtrails, stay and grow bigger in all day time, blocking the sun, because of the heavy metal particles!!!
So why are large numbers of passenger type planes flying in the same airspace criss crossing there flightpaths for hours at a time followed by low level cloud that fills the sky . Ive been noticing this for months in the manchester area uk. I'm a former aerial photographer so i know a bit about flying rules and also weather formation. Passenger planes don't fly in grid patterns they stick to a route for safety reasons. I've even seen large jets flying side by side in formation.
Because that’s how commercial aircraft works. There are thousands of planes flying at any given time and they are flying to hundreds of destinations. Why do intersecting airways confuse you?
"why are large numbers of passenger type planes flying in the same airspace criss crossing there flightpaths for hours at a time followed by low level cloud that fills the sky ." The planes fly the same paths about every day. Get on "Planefinder" app and see for yourself. If there are intersecting airways and wind, the "mysterious" criss-cross pattern may result. Look up "contrails science contrails simulator" and play with it until you understand how it works. You don't see planes at their cruising altitudes in a clear sky. Look up "empty field myopia". You will see them only when they start producing contrails, and they will start producing contrails mostly because an approaching cold front creates conditions conducive for it. This type of conditions will often result in a total overcast and the cold front will bring bad weather in a day or two. Simples - dig it?
@@robforshaw917 No, I’m clearly not. I understand how to identify planes using flight radar. I understand how to check for altitude differences. I understand why airways intersect. All very basic subjects. Why does it confuse you?
There is no such thing as a chemtrail. You watched contrails persist because of rising relative humidity, which then also began to saturate and condense, creating a hazy cloudy sky.
@@elyjahstark I just came from a NASA site that says they are spraying us with aluminum, lithium and barium. Wtf do those things have to do with condensation?
@@miapdx503 Then feel free to cite which nasa site this was. Are you referring to sounding rockets in the ionosphere? How does that involve “spraying you”?
@@miapdx503 and yet you still can’t reference what you are talking about. Weird....The only nasa site discussing the use of aluminum and barium is its page on sounding rockets launched into the ionosphere. Hopefully that’s not what you are referring to though because that would be absolutely hilarious 😂
"Who paying for this" That would be those that use commercial aviation services, y'know, passengers, supply chain and logistics, freight and cargo operators. "why are they making marks in the sky everyday???"
"It's just contrails." So, how do you explain why they're sometimes in an X shape? Or why do they linger for hours? Or why do they just disperse one second, and then the planes just don't produce it anymore? Plus, there are multiple trails instead of just 1 or 2. I'm part of the 1.3%.
An x shape? You’re confused by intersecting airways? How else would planes be able to get anywhere? Of all the things you’re stuck on, you’re confused by an x?
They persist because of high relative humidity like any other cloud of water condensation in the sky does when the air becomes saturated. And they stop because the plane has left into an area of drier air, just like there are borders to clouds.
They've been around for nearly 100 years. You just weren't paying attention. The only difference between now and then is a more than 1,000 percent increase in passenger revenue miles, which obviously means a lot more trails. But the laws of physics have not changed.
Look at photos of the bombing of Berlin. Even the propeller tips were creating condensation. Simple high humidity, high dewpoint and descending barometric pressure. It's simple physics.
Do you remember back when you were called a conspiracy theorist if you said you thought the government was using unmanned drones to kill people with missiles lol
@@siouxperb5570 😂🐑 stop kissing the government ass. Their best interest is not you. You are cattle to them. Wake up dummy. They have a long history of lying and experimenting with their own people 🤦♀️🤷♀️🙆♀️🐑 HAARP WEATHER ENGINEERING, THEY EVEN HAVE PATENTS!
@@murk1876 OMG fucking idiot it's literally water vapor (yes the shit that comes out of your mouth when its cold outside) and why the fuck would the government or the top 1% or whatever bullshit try to kill us when WE ARE THE PEOPLE MAKING THEM RICH don't bite the hand that feeds you ever heard of it you idiot
You mean the one where he talks about the future geopolitical implications of SAI research, which has nothing to do with any visible trails in the sky?
That's pretty accurate, except that SAI is a research project. And 'chemtrails' are more of a hoax than a conspiracy theory, seeing as they are physically impossible.
@@ilonagunszebn Why do you keep running from thread to thread posting random irrelevant comments? I asked you to simply defend your claims with evidence and you ran away. What’s the matter?
@@curiouscat8457 why bother? I could tell you that you can find out and track the planes that made the trails, you'd say that is falsified information. I could tell you that it would be hard to keep such operations that requires thousands of people a secret, you’d say the government(s) made sure of it
@@Phonixrmf I think we are actually on the same page. The way I understood you post: No, this video is BS - while you seem to mean "No, there are no chemtrails". Check my other comments🙂.
This is happening everywhere. Why has there been no real facts shared? WTF is it all about? It surely can’t be doing us any good or we would be told about it. We all know it’s happening. Someone please share what’s happening. Thank you.
Contrails - they have been observed, documented, recorded and understood since the early advent of powered aviation. They have become more prevalent due to the exponential growth of the commercial aviation sector and the expansion of routes worldwide.
@@rosafraga9450 The logical and proven explanation has been given numerous times. Chemtrail believers just refuse to learn and would rather believe in magic.
This is scary how they can lie so badly. We can see chemtrails and contrails at the same time one disappears one stays there
No, you can see contrails, some of which disappear quickly, and other contrails that can remain for many, many hours, and any duration in between. These persistent trails weigh hundreds of times more than any aircraft can carry, which proves that they are not 'chemtrails'.
"We can see chemtrails and contrails at the same time one disappears one stays there"
We can se contrails formed in patches of air with different relative humidity. A simple physics. Look up "relative humidity and evaporation rate". Anything "scary" about it?
1. Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage)
2. Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments
3. DICE Trials
4. Operation BIG ITCH (also Big Buzz, Drop Kick & MayDay)
5. Project SHAD
6. Operation Sea Spray
7. Operation Trail Dust (also Operation Ranch Hand & Operation Popeye)
oh so now planes fly all on the same altitude? really I mean like come on now.
I know , I worked at an airport for 15 yrs , I know the diff between chem and con ...seen numerous vids of pilot whistle blowers on the matter ..this is real dis information
Not a conspiracy! These evil people want you to believe their not real but they are a liar!
100 %
Well said my friend
Absolutely they're liars !
100% spraying program. Seeing is believing. Start paying attention more to the skies . It's happening for sure. They want everyone to be fools. I've been paying attention for past 8 years. Always looking up .
“We know they are lying. They know they are lying, They know that we
know they are lying. We know that they know that we know they are lying.
And still they continue to lie.”
-Alexander Solschenizyn
Thanks& perfect placement here.
Yes, the spreaders of the chemtrail HOAX continue to lie, and have managed to fool thousands of morons into believing the hoax dogma that the very substance clouds are made from: water condensation, for some retarded reason they can never explain supposedly can only last a few seconds in the sky. If you ever hear any person proclaim that "contrails can only last a few seconds before dissipating" then you know that person is a credulous fool since they have just asserted that water condensation cannot persist in the sky despite clouds, fog , mist snow etc all being water condensation.
Contrail is short for condensation trail, ie water condensation , in the form of tiny snow crystals.
Effectively the chemtrail believer has asserted that snow and any other form of water condensation cannot exist.
You instantly know that person is incapable of reason and has gullibly been brainwashed by a hoax.
This whole report is a coverup. I can’t believe how stupid these scientists are along with the host doing the report. All they are doing is getting their pay check and continue the lies from those who are now destroying the planet.
DAPPLE- Dispersion of Air Pollutants and Penetration into the Local Environment
@@johnnyjones7466 spam
I am not stupid. These last few recent years it's hella cold, some days it snow and then randomly rains. It's fucking June in two weeks and im freezing going outside with just a T-shirt. All these planes spraying chemtrails, can't be seen on flight radar either.
"I am not stupid.... im freezing going outside with just a T-shirt."
Well... A smart person would put something warm on, right?
@@curiouscat8457 You dont get it do you? Always when its near june , back in the days , i could go outside with my T-shirt on. After they started spraying these chemicals, i need to have my winter jacket on and its june in like 3 weeks
Don't worry, I am getting it all right 🙂. You actually ARE stupid first time noticing persistent contrails that have been in the sky for some 100 years (look up "contrails through history') thinking they are some mysterious chemtrails changing the weather. Put some jacket on and live with the fact the climate is going through some cycles as it always has.
_"I am not stupid."_
@@Ben-mk9ig brainwashed by the globalist media, or probably on of them chemtrail pilots. Go take your 6th jab
Some bull shit going on in the world & they keep on denying it
Denying what?
Mereka tidak mengakui bahwa merek telah menyebarkan zat kimia berbahaya di langit biru
Absolutely. They are literally making grid patterns in the fuckin sky. And if you watch long enough, their forming clouds.
Contrails my ass! Yesterday where I live was beautiful sunny sky’s no clouds, no chemtrails and plenty of planes and jets in the sky (I live by an air force base) today I go out same weather same time of day what should be nice and sunny is covered by at least 20 chemtrails going in all different directions.
@@Gjheexhigddc44 What basis did you judge that the weather was the same?
If you notice this always happens on clear days and the next day it would be cloudy and gray days.
If you notice, it is a basic meteorology. An approaching cold front is wedging humid air in high altitudes creating ideal conditions for forming cirrus clouds and - contrails, the same thing. Farmers and sailors were using the presence of cirrus clouds to predict bad weather for millennia.
@@curiouscat8457 👍
@@electromechanicalstuff2602 do yourself a favor and stop ruining the internet more with nonsense.
@@sonicelectronic57 do me a favor and let people have their freedom of speech without moderation
@@electromechanicalstuff2602 no.
If the shit isnt real then why they trying so hard to tell us that it ain't real.. if the shit ain't real then why do they give af
Because idiots exist thinking it is real and are adamant it does. They need their idiocy highlighting, that's why.
No ones trying hard lol
During the covid no airplanes anymore and no trails in the sky in Europe Andrea we had 5 weeks best spring weather
Did you just admit they are just contrails? What a coincidence that when most commercial planes were grounded, there were far less trails. You’d think any secret military operation wouldn’t be impacted by shut downs.
@@elyjahstark@curiouscat8457 The Pinocchio paradox arises when Pinocchio says "My nose grows now" and is a version of the liar paradox.
The liar paradox is defined in philosophy and logic as the statement "This sentence is false." Any attempts to assign a classical binary truth value to this statement lead to a contradiction, or paradox. This occurs because if the statement "This sentence is false" is true, then it is false; this would mean that it is technically true, but also that it is false, and so on without end. Although the Pinocchio paradox belongs to the liar paradox tradition, it is a special case because it has no semantic predicates.
@@BIOCANARIFANT Is that one of your favorite movies, troll bot?
hence ofcourse ! No planes is no condensation trails. You proofed it.
@@sachadee.6104 Condensation desappears: it doesn't least, it doesn't create filaments spreading all around in a a veiled leyer AND doesn't dissolves cumulus formations. Those detalis are explained in weather as a force multiplier-owning the weather in 2025!
They’re trying so hard to gaslight us
You seem not to understand what gaslighting is.....
You're trying so hard to remain ignorant.
@@robertferguson833 Its ether a bot or a managed account run by a rotation of 3rd worlders.
@@siouxperb5570This loser has been commenting on one video for several years.
Get a life
@siouxperb557were coming for your creator
I hate when the day begins with blue skies and sunshine...then the striping begins...then the whiteout condition. I miss natural, blue skies.😔
That's the consequence of increased demand for air travel. Nothing can be done about it. Not without massive, devastating, economic impact.
@mew4335 Contrails (the sole and entire source of the 'chemtrail' hoax) has EVERYTYING to do with increased air travel. Pay attention.
@@siouxperb5570you're so naive, damn.
@mew4335that's what they tell them and the little sheeple are swallowing everything, it's just sad that they are so blind to the obvious...
@@Uro_Boros "you're so naive, damn."
Says the scientifically illiterate CLOWN that thinks that contrails are "hot air"!!!
I'd be MORE than willing and able to embarrass you on this subject, sunshine!
I absolutely love it when scientifically illiterate trolls slam headlong into that brick wall by telling ME that I am "naive", or lack knowledge on this subject. You have NO IDEA how ironic you're being.
Where would you like to begin? Can you answer a question?
How much do your 'chemtrails' weigh?
Start there, Sherlock.
I also remember the days of clear blue skies when the jet fly over and the contrail would dissipate within minutes. Now they lied to us. We see them spread across the sky and fan out they don’t disappeared. They only grow in size.
That's what persistent contrails do, and have ALWAYS done, despite whatever conspiracy cranks have told you to believe otherwise.
"I also remember the days of clear blue skies when the jet fly over and the contrail would dissipate within minutes."
BS. Unless you have some special reason, you wouldn't remember how the sky looked yesterday. Nobody would. The "special reason" in you case would be, some cuckoo telling you to look for "chemtrails". And BINGO! There surely are contrails there and if you are stupid enough, you take the bait.
@@siouxperb5570 Really, except I’ve seen MSM news actually admitting to geoengineering now. It can’t be hidden anymore. Dimming the sun to block the sun’s rays to counteract climate change.
the merrrrcan gov is killing its people. look at the poison in the food as well
Of course they would never tell us the truth that they are trying to kill us. But seriously these so called contrails only come out on beautiful sunny days with blue skies and after these planes the sky is grey. Yeah that is normal
Time to take this one down. Almost all major un nations are doing it. This was a propaganda piece to distract. It’s not a religion or a conspiracy theory. It’s real and the pilot does not know what he is talking about. So much available info out there now. Stop with the foolishness. We’re not that dumb!
_"We’re not that dumb!"_
Oh yes you are!
@@Ben-mk9ig yo, nice frwiends, i m back. if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask. i m here for you 24h
give all the available info. I mean scientific info. I seem unable to find any.
@@sachadee.6104 You are correct. There *_is_* no scientific data to support the existence of chemtrails.
@@Ben-mk9ig another bot located. :)
When we were children the sky only had contrails, which they would disappear. Never we saw these persistent trails!!!
Can you tell me one single reason why you would remember if contrails in you childhood persisted or not? I don't remember persistent contrails either - first I took notice was during my pilot training when they were showed to me as a part of collision avoidance.
Try to look up images "WW2 contrails".
And those contrails still had chemicals in them. I don't know what people don't understand. They have been spraying chemicals since the 30s!!!
@@curiouscat8457 I for one remember as children that we would point our finger at the end of the contrail and watch as it disappeared behind the aircraft. Chemtrails don't disappear.
That's true when I was little they use to dissappear but now they stay there
Why is it when a passenger jet goes over, and the contral dissipates within five minutes or less, then another plane goes over me, and you can see the trail from horizon to horizon, and it flattens out and gets very wide, and stays there for hours?
The duration and length of a contrail is governed by the prevailing atmospheric conditions chiefly in relation to temperature, humidity and pressure. A contrail is a binary event in that it will either occur or it will not but it may be short lived, long lived (up to several hours) or persistent spreading. In cases of high RHi then a contrail will endure because the ice crystals that it is composed of are unable to sublimate back into the gaseous phase (invisible water vapour). However, if the air is saturated in respect to ice, then the contrail will not only persist, but will expand and spread often becoming indistinguishable from regular cirrus cloud (which essentially it becomes). Jet Fuel is Kerosene, a hydrocarbon = hydrogen and carbon.
It burns in the air (oxygen) to make dihydrogen monoxide (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Since the oxygen adds to the mass, burning a gallon of jet fuel actually makes more than a gallon of water. However, in this case the water content of the exhaust merely precipitates the event. Expanding contrails are largely drawn from the available atmospheric moisture budget.
Also appreciate that the atmosphere is not isotropic. Aircraft vertical separation levels are 1,000ft and it is almost impossible to differentiate such a difference as a ground based observer. Sometimes a change in flight level by as little as a few hundred can result in a contrail or the cessation of the latter. Since there is no way to mitigate the appearance of a contrail, the U2 spy plane was actually fitted with a rear view mirror so that the pilot could see if there was a contrail forming in the wake and then adjust altitude to attempt to prevent this - (although it didn't work that well for Gary Powers).
The atmosphere is continually in motion - next time that you notice persistent contrails you may very likely witness sections seemingly randomly fading or vanishing disproportionately. This is confirmation of the motion of the atmosphere - rising and subsiding parcels of warmer/drier air. Assuming that these were trails as a consequence of chemical spraying you would not observe this effect.
Aluminum and barium = cancer...chemtrails is a business
One is a contrail - the other is a chemtrail.
@@roosteroriginal6458 one is a contrail in drier air. One is a contrail in high relative humidity.
You believe what Democrat Scientist say , Bunch of Lying going on , Reveal and Lose Your Flying Papers
This is video is a great example of Gaslighting.
You seem to not understand what gaslighting is.
@@siouxperb5570 wow thank you for another great example.
@@BrandonDeft Now I know you CLEARLY don't know what gaslighting is.
@@siouxperb5570 I see this man commenting in every video of chemtrails what brought you here? Were you also questioning yourself but you’re too scared to accept the truth… Cognitive dissonance, decalcify your pineal gland👁️
@@artimg369 "I see this man commenting in every video of chemtrails"
It's the only one I've seen him in.
Their over my home everyday
Their what is over your home?
@@elyjahstark@husky;) you write unfounded misinformation with every comment, who do you actually serve?
@@elyjahstark Chemtrails, moron, chemtrails… They contain hard metal micro particles, boron, mercury, and silver iodide.. all known to have neurological effects on the human body, when they come down into the groundwater or into the air. Now go pay your taxes, put on your mask and be a good compliant citizen.
@@Desmondbrown73 “hard metal micro particles, boron, mercury, and silver iodide” 😂😂 The hilarious illusory superiority you people exhibit never ceases to be entertaining. Where is your evidence of these magical physics defying chemicals leaving these trails across the sky that somehow persist and grow in mass?
@@elyjahstark sorry that you feel that way.
It is weird how we have had planes in the sky for years, but these trails weren’t there to this degree back in the 80s and 90s. They act like we are dumb. All you have to do is to observe what is going on in the sky.
"It is weird how we have had planes in the sky for years, but these trails weren’t there to this degree back in the 80s and 90s."
According to data by the International Energy Agency the volume of commercial air traffic has increased from 1990 to 2020 by fourfold.
Still "weird"?
How does an exponential increase in air traffic strike you as "weird?"
@WuhanVirus728 I am of science, not, "science". "Science" was bought and paid for a long time ago and continues to this day. While science continues to be censored and sacrificed for the all mighty dollar.
probably because the service ceiling of aircraft has increased, along with civillian planes not being limited to 25,000 feet, they can now go higher
as you raise in altitude, you lower in temperature, as the difference of temperature increases, the odds for a chem trail increases
If you've watched Little House on the Prairie you will see Chemtrails in the sky all the time during filming. This was back in the late 70s and early 80s.
How do you know when they are lying? When they open their mouths.
Well said.
1. Operation LAC (Large Area Coverage)
2. Dorset Biological Warfare Experiments
3. DICE Trials
4. Operation BIG ITCH (also Big Buzz, Drop Kick & MayDay)
5. Project SHAD
6. Operation Sea Spray
7. Operation Trail Dust (also Operation Ranch Hand & Operation Popeye)
So so true
Kind of like the whole UFO/UAP or whatever term they've come up with now. Nothing more to see, move along now.
when we were kids we never used to draw criss cross pattern clouds. You either had a hazy day, clear day, clear day with clouds, or an overcast day. Wouldn't be surprised if the legal definition of a contrail has changed over time to now include the part that they may last longer due to conditions. Man people just refuse to think for themselves.
@667Gullin ooo...common...i am not kids...i now only one....nothing good for people in the world...bill gates said without shame:we must killed 90%people in the world....oooo...yes....40% with spraying from sky(aluminium,barium,stroncium)....40% with vakcine...other with weapon...this evil people NO SHAME....i hope he will not succed in his criminal intensions....GOD will judge all these evildoers
@667Gullin take it easy man,good exist,he is who he is....good luck
@667Gullin please Mr.Gullin,exuse me on my bad english,i live in Split,Croatia,on the adriatic sea,now is XI month 2020 year,here now have not moskitos,why spraying us ,i am scared that people are moscitos for this bastard
@@mladendragisic1715 no one is being sprayed. You are observing contrails
Contrails exist for hours? Your kidding me arnt you?
Contrails, like cirrus clouds, are water molecules in the ice crystal phase. They will behave exactly as any other cirrus cloud in the sky. That means in certain conditions they can persist, grow, spread.
@@elyjahstarkthere must be an awful lot of "certain conditions" since this is happening all over.
Prince even talked about chemtrails years ago.
I'm sad for the people who can't accept they're being lied to.
@@Lilpeanut9 Yes, the conditions are not rare nor are they exclusive to any one area of the world. The temperature just has to be lower than about negative 40 with a relative humidity higher than 70percent
@@Lilpeanut9 It is sad that you can’t see or accept that you’re being lied to and preyed upon. I agree.
@@elyjahstark I'm not being lied to nor preyed upon. I know exactly what is going on. Funny how you feel, as if you're smarter than others, since you believe what the newscasters tell you to believe. Your last comment is pretty ironic. Don't ya think?!
"A smart man only believes half of what he hears. A wise man knows which half."
Hence why the chemtrail hoax persists
You just described chemtards perfectly. Great job
Elyjah Stark, yes, because the masses, many uneducated in basic science, coupled with gullibility, believe whatever the government & the media spews out.
@@jaidenbishop868 Well wtf is coming out of some planes and not others. If I smacked you across the face and said I didn't do it. Would you still feel it? That's how goofy people are being about this. Chemtrails or not something is coming out of these planes. What is it? It speads. Sometimes it's in tic-tac-toe patterns are others that are similar. They're are going to do what they want regardless. But I'm not going to deny that I don't see something coming of the back of planes and not others.
@@freshpotatoes1107 yes those trails coming out the back are contrails. You’re comparison is stupid in itself, and irrelevant. Yes contrails can spread and air routes intersect leading to tic-tac-toe patterns if you add some upper level wind as well. There is nothing to deny, just idiots misunderstanding what there seeing and go to conspiracy’s you feel better about there stupidity. They are contrails not chemtrails.
The government is working overtime to cover this up by using their best trolls, and making their best disinformation videos. This is nothing more than modern day CONTELPRO. I never saw these chemtrails in my area prior to the late 1990's. I remember when this whole program began.
So that's what you were told to believe, were you? Why do you people take things at face value without looking into this crap for yourselves?
You have a memory problem. Bloody Chemtrails! :-)
@siouxperb5570 this guy is paid for disinformation
Right on Candyman; just like CIA director Casey stated, "We will know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
Me too especially early 2000s rained like every other day in Brooklyn NY smh
if the program is secret, they yes they would have to deny it is going on.
yes they wood may be there mineds r altered too not beleave it
if you all have balls come to my face book page fore you come to my facebook page and under stand something kk the world we all live is all fake as hell noting but all lies it all lies not one the is real abour fake newa media look what is going on all bull shit arond youall lies this is call fake wold if you all want tosee the real world ican show you all the real world what you dont kown the truth about ican show what is really going on what are hiding from you all and from hold world i will show you the truth about everything to you all i have the real proof i can show you what they are keeping off the news media so you will not kown about keeping you all from fine out about
@3ds max There’s something more important than punctuation, like your soul. But I can already tell you’re an atheist. Good luck 🍀👍🏻
yea right condensation 😂😂😂😂
what a coincidence that there are “condensation lines “
on certain days . and it so happens that the first chemtrails to appear in the morning take on the same path as the sun does .
It must be a coincidence that there are clouds on certain days.
@@victorvastel8028hi victor
Right? They were spraying huge today in Winnipeg. Contrails dissipate pretty quickly. These Chen trails linger & are very obvious. People are dumb. 😂
I have to tell you chemical trails are real. I was at a store, mothers market in Laguna Hills California and met a young lady whose husband was a new pilot that was offered a job flying these planes carrying and dispensing these harmful chemicals and I guess they pay really good money to young pilots wanting to get hold jobs. Don't tell me it's condensation. That is B. S
My husband and I try to stay inside when they are doing their heavy spraying because we notice not feeling so well the next day or so.
I think that they change their chemicals and some are more harmful than others but truly this is really what if destroying our planet. Our wildlife. Getting into the soil oceans and water supplies
I have to tell you that the 'chemtrail' hoax is mathematically impossible. As to the friend whose husband is a pilot and was offered a job, it sounds to me like he was offered a cloud seeding seat. That job is legitimate, and has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax. The contrails that you see, and which comprise the 'chemtrail' hoax, are not aircraft that can be flown by "young" new pilots looking to build time. It seems like you're just confused about a few things, I suggest talking directly to the pilot husband of your friend. I'm quite sure he could clear up your confusion. There is not a pilot on this planet, student to ATP that would ever fall for the 'chemtrail' hoax. It goes against the laws of physics.
"I have to tell you chemical trails are real. I was at a store, mothers market in Laguna Hills California and met a young lady whose husband was a new pilot ...."
Don't you have to just love it! :-) :-) :-)
Please tell this to the one idiot in here that believes everything he reads in books. His name is @Elyjah Stark and he has a rebuttal for anything you tell him.
@@ciddyboy718 Still desperately trolling, kid? You still have no evidence or argument for your beliefs? Did you get your feelings hurt after you publicly declared you didn’t believe in clouds?
I agree 100% correct
The facts are in the sky.
Indeed, in the visible form of condensed atmospheric water vapour. You can measure it at source too.
Fuckin crazy mate
@@yassassin6425 It's funny how there's always one troll saying ludicrous things in the comment section. It kind of ruins the whole "organic" look. Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways, but olbeast is correct the fastest way is just look up. There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky. Now, when you look up through the chem clouds you can occasionally see a white/grey halo around the sun. This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor. How about that.
If cloud seeding was indeed possible with just regular ole' jet engines, someone should let the multitude of scientists know who are still researching(yes, still researching after 60 something years) cloud seeding with various different chemicals. You should contact them Yassassin, since you have time enough to make so many comments on the subject. Maybe you'll get credited for a nobel prize. Perhaps it will give you the meaning in life you are searching for here. Maybe you don't have to tell people the same lies that are coming from the government that has been caught lying multiple times regarding the poisoning of its citizens. You might look more credible too, it's anti-scientific to call something water when it gives off a whitish/grey halo. I'll clue you in, this from wikipedia: "Since refractive index is a fundamental physical property of a substance, it is often used to identify a particular substance, confirm its purity, or measure its concentration."
"It's funny how there's always one troll saying ludicrous things in the comment section."
Actually there are scores of them. Since I am in full agreement with this video and you are the one that is posting uniformed drivel, condescension and pomposity - then the troll would be none other than you. Add "chemtrail" to the title of any video and you people swarm all over it in search of more confirmation bias like mindless zombies around a rotting cadaver.
"Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways"
No they really haven't - but we can come back to that.
"but olbeast is correct the fastest way is just look up."
You'll find it helps if you understand what you are looking at in the first place.
"There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky."
I agree - prior to the advent of powered aviation.
"Now, when you look up through the chem clouds you can occasionally see a white/grey halo around the sun. This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor. How about that."
Actually, it's called irisation - named after Iris the ancient Greek goddess who passed messages between the mortals and the gods. As Iris ran back and forward her multicoloured robes shimmered in iridescence like a rainbow. You are seeing diffraction - caused by water droplets or ice crystals - bending rays of light - the colours have a metallic quality like colours on an oily surface. Incidentally, I don't advise looking anywhere near the sun - even if there is cloud cover. The 19th century American poet James Russell Lowell described in "An Ode to the Fourth of July": "Entranced I saw a vision in the cloud, that loitered dreaming in yon sunset sky...last iridescence of a sunset cloud."
Strange then that this effect has been documented throughout recorded history then. While Aristotle had mentioned halos and parhelia, in antiquity, the first European descriptions of complex displays were those of Christoph Scheiner in Rome (circa 1630), Hevelius in Danzig (1661), and Tobias Lowitz in St Petersburg (1794). Chinese observers had recorded these for centuries, the first reference being a section of the "Official History of the Chin Dynasty" (Chin Shu) in 637, on the "Ten Haloes", giving technical terms for 26 solar halo phenomena. Halos were used as part of weather lore, which was an empirical means of weather forecasting before meteorology was developed. You may also wish to learn about the Vädersolstavlan "The Weather Sun Painting" - arguably one of the oldest visual depictions of the phenomena.
"If cloud seeding was indeed possible with just regular ole' jet engines, someone should let the multitude of scientists know who are still researching(yes, still researching after 60 something years) cloud seeding with various different chemicals."
It isn't. However by products in aircraft exhaust - chiefly soot and sulphates - do increase and affect size of CCNs: (both the formation of H2O/
H2SO 4 clusters by homogeneous nucleation and the deposition of water vapour on soot particles activated by the adsorption of gaseous H:SO4, sulphuric acid hydrates, and H:O/H:SO 4 cluster).
"You should contact them Yassassin, since you have time enough to make so many comments on the subject."
So should you - tell them that the University of You Tube sent you.
"Maybe you don't have to tell people the same lies that are coming from the government that has been caught lying multiple times regarding the poisoning of its citizens."
What "lies" would they be? - which "government"?
"it's anti-scientific to call something water when it gives off a whitish/grey halo."
Is it?
I'll clue you in, this from wikipedia: "Since refractive index is a fundamental physical property of a substance, it is often used to identify a particular substance, confirm its purity, or measure its concentration."
Sure - unfortunately for you it's my background, Ground based passive remote sensing - particularly in the microwave frequency range (10-100 GHz or 3 cm to 3 mm wavelength). And yourself?
Here's an analysis of a persistent contrail at source from 1972 - "Measurements in the Growth of the Ice Budget in a Persistent Contrail"
I quote directly:
“It is often observed that contrails spread considerably…Under favourable conditions, a lateral spread of kilometers is observed…If sufficient air traffic exists, an entire overcast of contrail cirrus may develop and persist for hours with rapid growth in the ice budget of individual contrails." Knollenberg (1972)
You should similarly have no problem providing measurements then. Given the two decades that this alleged spraying has supposedly been in progress and the fact that you maintain that the sky is supposedly full of these chemical trails/chemclouds; appreciating that there are hundreds of studies into the microphysical properties of contrails and in view of the sophistication and availability of remote sensing and atmospheric monitoring technology worldwide, there should similarly be a multitude of data gathered in respect of your "chemtrails".Just one in-situ spectrographic analytical study at source will suffice. Oddly, none of you seem to be able to produce this data when requested.
And it doesn't necessarily have to be derived from an aircraft mounted optical array spectrometer as in the Knollenberg study I linked you to. I would specifically be most interested in the results from airborne differential absorption LIDAR measurements during a defined IOP, PBL illustrating the dynamics and vertical separation of these aerosol layers of yor supposed chemical trails. Radiosonde and scanning backscatter LIDAR comparisons would also be interesting in addition to the information yielded by combined LIDAR scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis. You should also have extracted a distinct signature of these chemical trails regarding the extent of thermo-atmospheric scattering which can be derived from mono-static SODAR data and optical thickness equations and in association with your Ångström exponent results.I appreciate that this is an incredibly obvious and basic method of analysis, but nonetheless a good way to summarise you data unless of course your're actually about to attempt to tell me that this hasn't been gathered in such a way?
Not interested in your anecdotal incredulity, present your data at source. Go ahead then.
@@wkruse84 " Chemtrails have been verified a number of different ways"
Kindly cite the ONE BEST example of that.
" the fastest way is just look up."
You're claiming that simply SEEING trails in the sky is proof of their contents? How?
"There was a time when these trails weren't in the sky."
Yes. It was before aircraft could fly high enough to create contrails.
" Now, when you look up through the chem clouds...."
Evidence that the clouds we see in the sky are full of "chemicals"? Of course not.
"This is because the refractive index of the chemicals in the sky is different than water. "
Evidence of this? No, just wild false claims made by ignorant chemmies.
"No fancy equipment needed to know it's not water vapor."
You're claiming to determine refraction angles by EYE??
I love how they waited until media was a bit more policed to address this . Now they can say what they want and push the truth aside with algorithms
Push the truth aside? The truth cannot be hidden. Math proves beyond any question that 'chemtrails' are impossible.
@@OneBlueFroggy Truth already has won. The chemtrail claims were, and always have been, impossible and proven false by the laws of physics
Just like AoL
they can never say who they are
I don't believe a damn thing these wicked Devil's say.
these paid propagandists would be broke if they told the truth.
@MrSecuredParty thought she was a hero years ago when I first watched her. these Satanists are selling out life itself for their paychecks. the earth will get them.
we only believe you. Right?
@@douglashoward4206 🤣🤣 🦌
@@douglashoward4206 😨🔫
If you have lived at least 40-50 years and you can’t tell the difference between a real contrail that’s quickly dissipated and that they are doing today...your the fool. Never fucked up the entire sky for days back then.
"a real contrail that’s quickly dissipated"
"Real" contrails are now required to dissipate quickly? Since when? Did they recently change the laws of physics?
They actually think we are believing these are contrails, lmao. Contrails disappear in minutes but these are Chemtrails DON'T. They actually come down and open up like a white sheet.
so you don’t believe in clouds? Sounds like quite the fantastical reality you live in.
*_"Contrails disappear in minutes"_*
Could you explain why detailing the physical laws that determine this? Thanks.
Spraying covid 19 or spraying aluminum and barium to make respiratory problems to cause more sever Covid 19
@@lebanonchristian2932 from 6-8 miles in the air? If it’s covid-19 how would the virus survive being airborne for so long? Why would the trail be visible? If it was aluminum, why wouldn’t weather radar be blinded 24/7? If it was barium, why aren’t trails colorful?
@@elyjahstark you can't use logic against these guys lol
In Tennesee is geoengineering allready BANNED by law
Keep us posted how it impacted the appearance of contrails in the sky.
@@curiouscat8457people in Tennessee are going to lose their mind when they continue to see persistent contrails across the sky
Contrails dissipate behind a jet and do not block out the entire sky.
Explain why detailing the physical processes that determine this.
Why are you parroting the most common and the most stupid (well, debatable...) argument chemtards are using?
how many posters here r russian tho for real
They dont spread after repeated passes to form a giant cloud!
@@yassassin6425 HA-HA-HA...
Has anyone wanted to open a window on a nice day, but then you see a chemtrail and you're like "forget it?"
Carmi Kuntis right
I can taste and smell the chemcals after they spray
@@tommyboy1986 you can't it's an effect called placebo search it up its quite interesting
@@tommyboy1986 unless you can smell fucking water vapor from a couple ten thousand feet away
Funny cuz these water vapor didn't exist in the 70s and the 80s
Yeah they did. They did even in World War II.
No, they didn't and that image is a shills prop.
john tuttle that's right they didn't nor did we have "gravity waves" all over our skies, and the skies where a deep blue.
@@MaxPower888 Hi Max. You are a scumbag.
@@larrydelamb What? Why?
And the Covid shots are safe and effective! The government says so!
Yup "safe and effective" (in Poland language -Bezpieczne i Skuteczne) same phrase in ALL countries. All according to script.
Whenever Someone Has To Go Out Of Their Way To Explain Something... 9 Times Out Of 10 Their Lying To You.
That's exactly how the 'chemtrail' hoax started. Hence the reason for these videos correcting those false claims.
+ mister m II
Is that why the rudiments of English grammar have eluded you?
@@yassassin6425 It is getting dull here :-). I am terminally bored (NO FLYING!), but discovered a new treasure cove of idiots here:
Most of them is too dumb for any intelligent argument, but I think the lowlife who is running the site needs a few people like us there :-). The bastard is trying to spread panic to rump up his business. There will be more like this soon.
The profoundly illiterate capitalize every word in a comment.
The above comment is a prime example.
@@daryllect6659 With your superior intelligence I would expect you to know, your comment won't stay at the same place it was at the time of writing. Just saying...
I miss the deep blue natural skies with floaty white clouds.
You mean like the ones that are still there? Why do you miss them?
@@elyjahstark You obiously don't live in a location chosen as a test site. Make fun but soon you will have to eat your words.
@@dreamthunder A test site? And where might those be? Please do elaborate
Like the ones during spring of 2020 when COVID basically shut down airlines.
It. Was wonderful.
You and me both, clear blue skies in all directions are getting harder to come by. We usually pay for it the next day with heavy spraying all over.
The fact that they're reporting it means yes. 💯.
They literally show us the chem trails then tell us they're not doing it. Oy vey reporting right here.
There's scientists like David Keith who has done Nasa lectures and ted Talks on the matter for over 15 years pushing for injecting aerosols into the sky...There's NASA, JPL ad scientific lectures by legit agencies available to the public but it's a conspiracy.
is that how we determine fact then...LOL
I mean they’re spending money to convince you that somethings not real what do they have to gain obviously something they’re spending money to convince you
TH-cam works for the government because if you post the contrary they will take it down.
If these ,so called,"contrails"are just exhaust, why are there several states, for example Tennesee, trying to ban this geoengineering?
And why did Switzerland last propose a study on geoengineering in the UN environment in 2019
"why are there several states, for example Tennesee, trying to ban this geoengineering?"
Nobody is trying to ban "this geoengineering" because it is NOT geoengineering.
The persistent visible trails across the sky will continue to be over Tennessee whether the bill gets signed and enacted or not. Because these trails have nothing to do with any fields of geoengineering research, none of which would ever involve visible persistent trails across the sky.
Let guess ? Cloud seeding🤫
@curious cat🤥
@@BIOCANARIFANT No, still wrong. Any more guesses?
At 3:09 he admits there are "microscopic metal particles." What are we playing at here?
Yes, just like your car, all exhaust contains a very very small amount of microscopic metallic particles from impurities in the fuel and wear in the engine. Nothing to do with the contrail of water.
Thank you for getting that
Yeah, he doesn't say what those nano heavy metals are.. does he
@@citizenshame2632 Because they are a mixture of anything involving any particulates that made it through the refining process and anything used in the fabrication of the engine.
@@elyjahstark look up silver iodide. thank me later
There is literally a group of scientists, fish and wildlife officials and ex- military saying that this is definitely not contrails. INCLUDING a retired Air Force General w/46 y experience around aircraft, who swears this is not how contrails work. They also tested plants and water in the area and found extreme jumps in the amount of environmental aluminum, which is not naturally occurring.
There are a LOT of people that deny physics, regardless of their training and credentials. It doesn't make them any less wrong. That's the great thing about verifiable facts. They don't care at all about your opinions.
So what are they dick head ?
Your actually going to believe what the govement wants you to believe
I think they Spraying Covid and Pathogen Virus's, not just Chemicals...
They doing this everyday now...
In Germany, Bayern.
So --- Let's spread Covid via Jet Stream...
Makes us all sick --- Covid and Long Covid...
Disease X = Twitter = X
Usa Virus = Covid
Air Pollution = Plane Fuels
Now add Covid and Pathogens into the
Plane Fuel ---- And Covid is Born.
This is happening Globally...
Contrails dissipate pretty quick, whatever they spray stays in the sky and spreads out… Like the guy in the Plane, who lied and told the truth at the same time. He said they’re “essentially making clouds”..
@@siouxperb5570We don’t care about yours either…
Short-term white trails that disappear as the aircraft proceeds are condensation trails (contrails). Persistent white trails that expand with time are chemically-induced trails (chemtrails).
Any Nobel's prize nominations lately?
You;re half right. They're ALL contrails. 'Chemtrails' are a mathematically impossible hoax.
@@siouxperb5570 Try again. I was in Civil Air Patrol for 3.5 years and studied all aspects of flight, including jet power, for far longer than that. Contrails do not persist and spread across the sky.
@@JohnStark72 Whoa, with those credentials, I had better bow to your appeal to authority, hadn't I? Please, do tell me more....WHY exactly CAN'T contrails expand and persist, and WHY can't they do that any more? They have been able to do so since the advent of high altitude flight (pre-dating WWII) so why the sudden change?
While you're at it, tell me the aircraft that has the payload capacity needed to carry out the 'chemtrail' fantasy.
@@siouxperb5570 I’ve been looking for some good videos/books/info on why some go away quickly and others form clouds. Can you (or the guys you’re arguing with) provide so good source? You have to admit the trails that make clouds are a little strange. Doesn’t that impact our weather in and of itself? Are there studies on the impacts of contrails? Just asking questions! Thank you!
Okay. Planes normally produce contrails. What has this to do with the use or non-use of chemtrails? I see no evidence either way in this video,.
Compare the mass of a persistent contrail against the payload of any aircraft that exists, and you'll have all the proof you need that 'chemtrails' are impossible.
We see these chemtrails all the time here on Vancouver Island in BC Canada. Watching them closely we notice a big difference between these chemtrails and the 'contrails' from jet liners. They look at first like the contrails but as the planes go across the sky, the chemtrails spread out a great deal and don't dissipate. They linger for quite some time, and spread out, blocking the sun, and then , for further 'proof', if we're looking for that , they cross each other , often at strange right angles , so a 'checkerboard' effect is the result. Or the chemtrails are parallel to each other. Which is really odd as this is not as this is not a main artery as you might see in Los Angeles or Toronto
And we mean many of them over a few hours. The result is what started out as beautiful blue sky on a warm day, is now like a blanket haze. And the day cools.
The so-called 'contrails' from other jet planes most often dissipate and evaporate, as we remember them that way for many years . And these planes aren't acting at all like the other planes discussed in this post.
They are all contrails. There is no such thing as a 'chemtrail'. The ones that linger are merely persistent, because of higher humidity at altitude. The ones that spread are acted upon by wind shear.
You are under a MAJOR corridor of several intersecting main airways. You are under part of the great circle route, as well as many transpacific routes, and west coast to Alaska routes. The amount of air traffic you see should be quite substantial.
Nothing at all out of the ordinary in what you see. Happens all over the world, and is easily understood with the application of physics. On the other hand, if these were 'chemtrails', you'd need to explain how these aircraft DEFY physics, and perform magic.
I love how you are mystified by the "checkboard pattern" :-). Besides of the obvious multiple airways (as siouxsuperb explained), you have the wind factor people often forget:
before the next plane passes thru the same airway, wind blows the previous contrail(s) some distance sideways so it looks like the plane is flying path parallel to the previous one(s). If you have two intersecting airways, a checkboard appears...
As a Canadien I am embarrassed ......
@@caryfrancis8030 I hope you mean "by the illiteracy of the O.P...."
@Raymond Forester Let me know when you find the reloading trucks.
I would love to see what their excuse is for flouride in the water and so many other products like toothpatse.
???? - To reduce tooth decay.
I'd like to see your excuse for being so stupid. Abused as a child? Your mother married her first cousin? There is nothing to be ashamed of, these are circumstances beyond you control. See your therapist!
"to help your teeth"-they claim, we basically drinking toothpaste, why cant we just brush our teeth every morning? why do they force us to drink it?
@@Kiss_rich because many do not brush their teeth
@@curiouscat8457 - idiot... Do you even know what fluoride is ? It is a toxic waste by-product from making potash into fertilizer. There is no way for this toxin to naturally occur in the human body. But the gov't thinks we all should have it in our water and our toothpaste. Even the toothpaste has a medical warning on the label.
My only point of debate is the fact that contrails don't spread over a blue sky, and those white streaks in the sky do. I have seen this many times. Every time I bring this point up, people try to convince me that they are contrails. Contrails are supposed to dissipate with a few seconds, aren't they?
_"Contrails are supposed to dissipate with a few seconds, aren't they?"_
Just where did you learn *_that?_* The rate of contrails' dissipation depends on the temperature and relative humidity of the air in which they form. Low enough, and they do not form. Higher, and they form and quickly dissipate. High enough and they can last for hours, and depending on the wind, can spread.
They are "supposed" to do whatever the conditions dictate they do.
@@Ben-mk9ig well, that is why I asked. Thank you for answering it.
@@mikemunoz3927 Jesus! Could YOU be the living proof there IS an intelligent life in this comment section? :-)
Does anyone in the UK remember the amazing weather we had during a certain lockdown?
Yes 😢
What people dont get is this.
If you watch a plane make a trail, you will see that it remains in the sky for some time. It then begins to form clouds aka "weather systems" condensation almost immediately fades away behind a plane, not leave a solid trail in the sky.
Fan - it remains in the sky for some time? No kidding? So you’re saying it behaves like other clouds in the sky? What a novel concept.
Why, given the laws of physics, do you claim that a contrail made of condensed water vapor in the form of ice crystals, can’t form a solid trail that persists?
I think it’s you that doesn’t get it, change my mind.
Another thing that the 'chemtrail' hoax/fantasy pushers fail to understand is that a single persistent contrail ('chemtrail' , to the hoaxers) that extends from horizon to horizon contains tens or eve hundreds of millions of pounds. Why don't they ever acknowledge that there is not an aircraft on this planet that has anywhere near that sort of payload capacity, and therefore the trails can only be contrails? Why won't they understand that?
@@siouxperb5570 This is an perfect example. Nice to watch too!
@@elyjahstark look at flight radar 24. Why do only a limited amount of planes leave these non dissipating trails that expand into clouds that cover from horizon to horizon. . These are certainly not contrails. There are over 5k flights above the continental united states 24 hrs a day. Next time there is a clear blue sky look at the map radar and see how many planes are above the area your in. See if u can find a plane leaving a real contrail. Then all of a sudden when u see the first chemtrail ask why only 8 to 14 or so planes are leaving trails and not 30 or 40 planes leaving them..
@@AutoHoax Funny, I look at FR24 all the time. What’s your point? Planes cruise at a variety of altitudes ranging over 15k feet at a variety of headings. Contrails only form when the temperature is below -40 degrees and they persist based on the ambient relative humidity. Many of the planes on the radar are flying at too low of an altitude for contrails to form. And the others aren’t flying in areas of the sky with high relative humidities. Here’s a challenge for you. Get a vague idea of the temperature and relative humidity at various altitudes using instant weather maps and then compare their approximate data to what you see in the sky. You’ll begin to get a picture of why certain planes leave a short contrail and others leave a persisting contrail.
When you leave in the morning and you see tic tac toe boards in the sky; oh OK. Coming home; you can't see the sky through the blanket of overcast/fog. Rinse and repeat. The contrails that fan out and cover the entire sky; for a full day...
Anyone able to explain why one planes trails disappear in seconds and in the same path; 30 minutes later; were playing tic tac toe?!
Try this: A cold front is coming. It is pushing moist air in high altitudes where the vapours become supercooled waiting just for a bit of more moisture or agitation to become depositing and forming cirrus clouds. The passing aircraft happily provide both, making contrails that start a chain reaction of snap-freezing spreading all over the sky.
If you find it too complicated, go back to school in the science classes you skipped.
weather modification
the fact the "news" lied about silver iodide/aluminum spraying is disgusting
the videos showing the "news" saying the truth about 'cloud seeding'
I think it depends on a weather dewpoint and humidity. Usually jet engines start drawing trails at altitudes over 20,000ft. For example if trail starts to be drawn at 24300ft it may disapear pretty quickly at that altitude and at 26,000ft and 27,000ft but it may stay together longer at 35 or 40,000ft. Those are all normal humidity efects. Real chemicals or flu viruses or what ever it is. Are being sprayed from 3 to 5,000ft. And they are only thin line of smoke or spray out of tail. Barely notisable. Watch for jet planes that fly at those low altitudes and far from airports(close to airports its normal for jet planes to fly low and sometimes leveled for a little bit) But watch for them not descending or climbing but flying low, slow and leveled far away from airports. Watch their tails. Not engines, engines may produse a little bit of dark smoke at high thrust. And You can see it if you close anough. But watch the tail is anything coming out of there. 2 days ago plane passed over my house and i literally saw the tail started produsing smoke or chemtrail as if some one opened the valve. I live on the enge of the city. Around farms. So it passed me and started splaying over the city. Maybe its time for them to start flu season. Before this i was skeptical. But ive seen it very close with my own eyes
1)Because you were a Holy Spirit filled Christian who knows too much about someone who you 'caught with their pants down' somewhere, and they know that if they couldn't kill you,(they tried), that they'd have to make you seem "mentally ill" (satanic phrase, that.). Or, failing to do that,stalk you, then call you "paranoid" when you caught them; or run you off, or slander you, or try to ruin your credibility? (And maybe you were really young looking and fit into your 50s and someone hated you for that? Just guessing, because they did.) Add to that that a greedy family member tried to kill one of their (and potentially your) benefactors,then you, and you know what they did, and they know that you know?
2) Because you live where one such person is?
3) Because.... some people are hate-filled, insane... with psychopathic satanic hatred that makes no sense?
Theyre spelling death by criss crossing X
when will media be held responsible for its lies?
We just cannot believe anything coming from the media machine anymore.
@@possibilitytheories9673 now we only believe YOU 🤤🔫
Too bad media leaders aren’t being targeted for their lies. Held accountable for treason and such. Executed publicly and all...
@@911jediknight911 Your an Idiot. 😨 End of story
They do thats the reason shit like antivax falttards and shit like that gets thown out like the garbage they are.
It’s happening geo engineering
I used to have a yard full of singing crickets but no more not seeing any bats or barn swallows either. Chemtrails are to blame you can bet on that!
Sim, aqui no Brasil também aconteceu isso. As abelhas, dentre outros insetos que POLINIZAM as flores de frutíferas, desapareceram desde julho. Onde também secou todo o pasto e alguns pés de frutíferas da região. O que estão pretendendo com esses gases meu Deus!!! A falta de chuvas, está acabando com as águas de rios, lagos e poços.
And 5G
I live on the very edge of a small town no crickets no little frogs singing hardly remember the bugs whenever you drive down to country road singing in the night, never see a grasshopper
yes chemtrails destroy nature, trees etc. etc. the list is endless and its the main cause of spraying aluminium because it reflects sunlight,they don't give a shit about our health and that we all get dementia at young ages
don't forget that in the 1980's they used to spray DDT from the trucks. i remember in the 1980's when trucks would go around spraying DDT claiming it was to kill the mosquitos carrying malaria but they decimated the entire insect and frog population, we also used to have fireflies and they all disappeared when they sprayed the DDT.
So all of a sudden aeroplanes started spraying stuff but it wasn’t happening when they first started flying
I like how they talk about SCIENTISTS as if they are not the government. Who gives SCIENTISTS grants and licenses to operate?
I see what you are alluding to, with your mistrust of government. Feel free, but it really doesn't matter. No government has the ability to defy physics and perform magic.
@CuriousCarrot-yy9hm the way you describe them they sound like pastors. Infallible. Oh wait. The whole child sex crimes thing. That all got covered up. Hmmm.
@@siouxperb5570 and you love the government? A fine example of an infallible institution. Look at Iraq.
@@ManicksChannel The government has nothing to do with the laughable 'chemtrail' hoax.
@@ManicksChannel A governments inability to defy the laws of physics, as he stated, is not dictated by whether you like whichever government you are referring to. Keep up, buddy
i have a folder of soil and water lab test results from the 80’s and 90’s versus lab tests from today. There is an increase of over 2000% in nanoparticle heavy metals like aluminum, strontium, and barium to name a few.
Easy solution, let’s see the sample results, the methodology of collection and analyzing, and the results. But already based on your comment it’s easy to tell you have no clue what you’re talking about.
We all know their a difference between contrails and chemtrails. They are two different things .
Yes, you are right. One doesn't exist. The other one is a trail of condensation behind an aircraft.
Contrails are real, and definitely exist. It is the viewing of these trails that cause some of the intellectually stumpy among our population to look up and scream 'chemtrails'! To say there is a difference is true in that one is real and the other is a fantasy hoax. To say they are the same is also correct, because the 'chemtrail' hoax is the misidentification of persistent aircraft contrails.
Yes, so much chemtrails everywhere, so annoying
@@curiouscat8457 lol
Contrails are condensation. Chemtrails mock them, and are seeded with aluminum, lithium and barium.
I agree. Never had these long lasting trails in the sky when I was little either.
Really? Congratulations on being more than 100 Years old!
@@siouxperb5570He never said that. Can you read?
@@kovy689 He said these long lasting trails weren't around when he was a kid. Persistent contrails have been around for nearly 100 years. That makes him more than 100 years old. Can YOU read???? Or are you just terrible at math?
@@siouxperb5570 Ok, so you cannot read.
Got it, thanks.
@@kovy689 Are you REALLY that clueless? Why can't YOU read? Or is it simply a comprehension issue? What part of this very simple concept does your tiny pea brain not understand? I diagrammed and explained it as clearly as possible. Unfortunately, I cannot understand it for you.
Once again, if he claims there were no persistent contrails when he was a kid, that means he is in excess of 100 years old, as persistent contrails have been around that long.
Get it NOW, sunshine? Or should I write it in crayon for you? 😂
Contrails do not last for hours like chemtrails and they do not spread out. Samples have been obtained by many sources which prove they are spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and it is building in the soil. Build up of aluminum in the snow in Colorado mountains show aluminum 6,000 times the amount considered safe.
@Rick James It's impossible to be this stupid yet you've proved me wrong
I just moved to colorado 3 months ago from Australia. I never saw this in Australia and am horrified at what I am seeing in the skies here everyday. Why do you think they are spraying this stuff, like whats their objective?
@@dandelions2414 They are spraying aluminum, barium, strontium and they have been doing it for many years. It serves two purposes, reflecting the sun rays and poisoning us and the water. You need to have a Burkey water filter system to clean up your water and to eliminate the fluoride in the water. Good luck.
@@barbre105 why would they want to reflect the sun rays do you think?
@@dandelions2414 Because of the alleged global warming or climate change whichever they are pushing.
IOWA just sprayed over Waterloo . Sun was just warming me house at 8:30am
In 2 hrs. Jets have sprayed thick lines ahead of the sun that slowly join together making this haze that blocks the warmth of the sun . Every winter for 4yrs. I've been documenting this , ITS INSANE
Absolutely nothing to do with the advancing cold front pushing southeast bringing in colder temperatures, increased relative humidity, and potential precipitation. It’s amazing that in four years you never bothered actually learning basic meteorology or atmospheric science to understand why and when the trails persist. Instead you just believed the first thing you read on the internet
the only thing that is "INSANE" is the clowns that think H2O is a government conspiracy
If it’s evil and secret, I wouldn’t expect them to admit to it 😐
Also, anyone can be corrupted. Or blackmailed.
Also, if it is physically impossible (like the 'chemtrail' hoax) then they couldn't possibly "admit" to it either, could they? Whoever "they" are....
Paid this guy off didn't they!
right on sister good to see folks waking up out of their satanic matrix, i'd recommend watching that hellywood documentary once again unless you have already if so second-time round ull find new info,hellywood documentaries exposes the truth calling it movies, the truth is in plain sight just like back to the future and 911 and the Truman show".
@@leepopaz253 yes they hide in plain sight. I had my spiritual awakening in 2016.
@@krissykatportal its a beautiful awakening, know the truth and the truth shall make you free, mean while the matrix clan love being a sleep and call us crazy. they are the one's that are perishing.
With all the airlines shut down. They still fly over all day long.
What airlines are shut down? It took me less than 15 seconds after reading your post to confirm via flightaware that just less than 51,000 flights were tracked worldwide over the past 24 hours.
This also flies in the face of another one of you 'chemtrail' trolls that believes that 'chemtrails' have STOPPED because of the flight reductions. Why can you trolls never get your conspiracy hoaxes on the same page?
"Our disinformation program will be complete when everything the american public believes is a lie"-William Casey, former director of cia. Military checkpoints will be set up on us interstates for covid vaccination certification. Camps will be activated. Police state/genocide is coming. New world order led by obama and pope francis is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture. Get ready. Dont believe the coming ufo alien abduction narrative
Spraying covid 19 or spraying aluminum and barium to make respiratory problems to cause more sever Covid 19
@@lebanonchristian2932 from 6-8 miles in the air? If it’s covid-19 how would the virus survive being airborne for so long? Why would the trail be visible? If it was aluminum, why wouldn’t weather radar be blinded 24/7? If it was barium, why aren’t trails colorful?
@@elyjahstark it's nanoparticles of aluminium that would spread and drop..... and they do go colourful. Have plenty of pictures of the abnormal colours persistently showing when the sun shines through these "contrails".
At this time the UK is experiencing a heatwave, day after day of blue skies for weeks. For the first few days there were no plane trails, the sky was bright azure blue, visibility; excellent, my windows were clean, the air was a pleasure to breathe & while bike riding my mouth remained moist.
Then it started; day after day after day of 24 hour plane trails which merged & covered the sky. In the next few days the haze descended to earth & it has remained as the plane trails have continued (I live by the coast and the visibility is easy to see across the bay). The sunshine is now hazy, the visibility is poor, the air is not pleasant to breathe, while bike riding my mouth constantly dries & my windows that were clean are now covered with a film of fine white/metallic dust.
This sequence of events is nothing new to me, I have seen it time & time again so is it really that surprising that people conclude that it is actually particles rather than moisture droplets or ice crystals?
You were watching a perfectly normal weather development involving approaching cold front. It causes humid air rising in high altitudes where it starts making contrails visible. The cirrus cloud (the same as contrails) cover you are describing is also typical for this situation. The breathing difficulties you may have are also normal in this type of weather, possibly aggravated by the "mysterious" dust - see below.
As for the "fine metallic(?) dust", take a sample and have it analyzed. It will be either some industrial pollution or dust lifted from the ground by storm, possibly thousands of miles away. Definitely nothing to do with air traffic :-).
@@curiouscat8457 Yeah,right!
@@kenny832 Sure it is. Have you the "mysterious" dust analyzed? Of course not. Afraid your childish fairytale would fall apart, huh?
@@curiouscat8457 I am of mature age & am simply recounting the sequence of events as they have happened many many times over the years EXACTLY THE SAME EVERY TIME - I have stated no suspected cause so what is this "childish fairytale" of which you speak?
Why does the ground level haze & window dust covering only happen when there is heavy (& I mean heavy) plane trail action? If it is coincidence then why does this coincidence happen every single time in the same sequence for over twenty years.
You need to be a bit less aggressive with your debunking otherwise people may suspect a cover-up - but don't let me tell you your job!
@@kenny832 The "sequence of events" will be exactly the same, because it simply follows the laws of physics. These laws do not change.
The haze doesn't appear after "heavy plane action". The amount of air traffic remains virtually unchanged. Only the planes become visible when there is an approaching cold front. You can't see much of a plane at 35,000 ft unless it makes a contrail.
As for the "mysterious" dust - again: have it analyzed. Its appearance "always after heavy plane action" is possible for the same reason as the cirrus cloud cover: air from ground level gets "wedged" in high altitudes by the cold front - if it happens in some dusty area, like an African desert, the dust my travel thousands of miles before falling down. Your link of this event to air traffic is exactly what I said: a childish fairytale.
BTW: if you want a confirmation of my version, you can find a recent extreme example by looking up "Huge sandstorm sweeps across Suez Canal in Egypt".
We rarely had these in Finland but lately they been spraying like crazy, it breaks my heart to see how they pollute our sky and nature, in news they said they do it to block sunlight or warming or something, even admitted that it is toxic for humans, and this year we had record hot days in May which seems like it actually does the opposite effect..
You’re trying to correlate about 2 or 3 completely separate subjects. The trails in the sky are called persistent contrails and they are coming from passing commercial airliners. Your other reference is to geoengineering research, which has not even advanced past computer modeling and would look nothing like the trails you are seeing in the extreme off chance it overcame the massive hurdles and was implemented. The persistent contrails have nothing to do with impacting the weather or the temperature where you live.
@@elyjahstark How am I lying? I am not even talking about contrails, I talk about whatever stuff they are spraying in skies, it was in news, that's why I try look more into this subject but I can't find video where they would explain this how it is going to prevent global warming, also how they can have permission to spray something that is also toxic for people.
@@DefendFinland I didn’t say you were lying, only that you’re trying to correlate irrelevant subjects. You are talking about contrails when you’re talking about the visible trails across the sky. That’s what they are. The news story you’re referencing is talking about geoengineering research, which has nothing to do with those trails and never would if it ever happened.
@@DefendFinland The trails in the sky are not preventing global warming nor are they toxic. They are just the outcome of flying a plane through extreme atmospheric conditions.
@@elyjahstark What? how you can tell me what I have seen on news? they literally show these kind of trails in news while talking about them. They looked exactly the same as in these videos. Maybe they are different trails but look exactly same.
It's funny so many are SO fast to deny this is going on. I have following questions for those types of individuals; 1. If this is only water vapour, as a consewuense of hot/cold meeting. Then how come jet-fighters don't make them? 2. How come you can see planes flying by, apparently with engines cutting on and of in mid-air, leaving a trail, then stopping, and then starting over and over again. Plus the fact some people claim modern day engines actually pollute as much as we are seeing. PLUS the fact that water/condensation can NOT physically form without particles. One can NOT explain the vast amount of long white lines, WITHOUT condensation nuclei. Even some of the exact same airliners, apparently leaves trails, while another exact same model and year, does not. People who truly deny this is going on is either; Truly Nescient on the subject, forcing their false belief on everyone. Or 2. They are directly hired by governments to come and troll everytime some one states as truly simple facts as i have just done. There is absolutely NO way around the fact, that it is going on today, and has bin going on for years. Otherwise eaplin the FACT that it has bin directly admitted, that the weather during the Olympics en Beijing was manipulated, so they could hold a "better Olympic event". It is a FACT. Explain the tests during the Vietnam war. Explain cloud seeding, even admitted by governments to have bin going on for decades. Explain how the weather has bin modified to such an a degree, that it is admitted, that certain hurricanes was cloudseeded, ending in catastrophic results. If you deny it is going on again 1. Nescience. (The state of simply not knowing) Or 2. I hope you have nightmares over the giant lies you are trying to perpetuate. To anyone commenting this, trying to disprove it is happening. You still need to explain yourself out of the physical constituted FACT that condensation can not physically happen without particles. This is proven by cleaning water up to a point, where it is so pure it does not boil. The fact that water boils, is due to contamination. And even the water rising out of a boiling pot, uses particles in the contaminated water to condens. It is a physical fact! And no one EVER has bin able to explain themselves out of the fact it's going on, while holding on to a hot iron like condensation nuclei. It is solid evident proof, that there are artificially introduced particles, such as Aluminium in oxidized state (Al2O3), Strontium, Sulfur, Barium..... Barium by the way is what people who needs a scan gets injected with. Know why? Because Barium is able to bounce back radio signals, initially being able to make YOUR body pop up on a screen in the form of an x-ray picture. And we breathe that on a daily basis! So if you think an RFID chip is scary, just know Barium is doing its job for Big Brother as well.
1) They do.
2) Differential humidity.
"PLUS the fact that water/condensation can NOT physically form without particles."
That is correct, but that is why contrails form. You are arguing against yourself.
" Otherwise eaplin the FACT that it has bin directly admitted, that the weather during the Olympics en Beijing was manipulated, so they could hold a "better Olympic event". "
You're referencing cloud seeding. The logical fallacy you're trying to perpetuate is called false equivalence. You're trying to lend legitimacy to the hoax by trying (and failing) to link it so something else completely unrelated. The cloud seeding method used in Beijing didn't even involve aircraft. I believe they used small rockets, or artillery shells.
Cloud seeding has nothing whatsoever to do with the persistent contrails that are the sole and entire source of the 'chemtrail' hoax.
@@siouxperb5570 You are not fooling anyone ;-)
@@mortenhansen3455 Nor am I trying to. What an incredibly odd reply.
It blows my mind that they actually think they can keep up their blatant and NUMEROUS lies. It doesn't take much research and observation to disprove their official, mainstream disinformation. They lie, as a matter of course.
The water samples....
The soil samples...
The mid-air samples...
(If you desire to know it)
We are dealing with mental patients that somehow got a hold of the keys.
@@govtontrol6380 The only thing it would take, is for people to read about condensation nuclei. It explains everything we see happening in the sky. It's no theory ether. It is a fact that it is going on and have bin going on for centuries.
Contrails an chemtrails are 2 completely different things. An Independent scientist tested freshly fallen snow in Antarctic an they found loads of heavy metals present.
Mike JH he’s not entirely wrong.
I wouldn’t say they found “loads” but there is something. There’s no correlation to airplane contrails though as planes rarely fly to over or near Antarctica.
"Contrails an chemtrails are 2 completely different things"
Intellectually, yes they are. One group of fringe individuals that refuse to learn basic scientific principles prefer to remain gullible and refer to some contrails as 'chemtrails'. Physically, they are the exact same thing. The rest of us are intelligent and informed enough to understand this.
Yes they are completely different - contrails are real, chemtrails are a myth, lol.
@@TheKelvinater chemtrails are in fact cloud seeding. This is common knowledge. It’s even patented technology
@@mrolas5683 Cloud seeding doesn’t leave a visible trail so it seems fact doesn’t mean what you think it means. It’s ok, you still have time to educate yourself on that “common knowledge”, kid
I'm no Chicken Little, but I'm old enough to know clouds don't fall like the long trails spewing out of the planes, spreading long and wide. We know the difference!
go to any airport and talk to as many pilots you want .. young AND old ... tell them "clouds don't fall like the long trails spewing out of the planes, spreading long and wide"... I am sure they will get a good laugh at your nonsense... btw .. I have been flying for 5 decades ... my father flew in WWII ...I talked with many of pilots from WWII ... they all saw and understand persistent condensation trails ..
BTW check out Zeno Diemer in 1919 .... persistent condensation trails before you were born mr chicken little
@@onefourwhisky Wow, my father was also a pilot! Started flying with him 58 years ago, and neither of us saw anything but normal contrails, nothing like what we are seeing today! They were there in WWII? Yeah, the ones that were hit by missiles! And yes, you can go to an airport & talk to pilots, but they are not allowed to talk to you about it. However, a few courageous pilots, and people who have loaded the chemicals onto the planes have been brave enough to leak videos & other info. Thank God for these people, like Ed Snowden, who have had the courage to make the truth known!
Why do we even need to acknowledge this 😅
Is anybody forcing you?
@@curiouscat8457 clearly you are not able to understand what I meant 😅
@@brandon10482 I always had problems understanding deep thoughts.
Its dry as a bone in the Gulf states and California is about to get flooded and hit by a hurricane. Geoengineering at its finest. You can always notice that when unusual weather events happen, so do lots of chemtrails.
Contrails are nothing but cirrus clouds. Farmers and sailors used the presence of cirrus clouds to predict bad weather for millennia. Modern meteorology explains why it worked for them and why contrails start popping up when a cold front is approaching. You find it explained in the comments here about 100 of times.
i agree i saw chem trails in the sky where i live a noticed there were flooding every where i dont think its a plane i saw something different ?
Climates change. They always have and always will.
@@davidballard1650 only when man controls it man is gods gift too do good?
@@bennynaufahu3560 there was climate change before there was man
So I'm looking at the sky right now during the Covid19 crisis, guess y'all think that the government is taking a break right now. LOL
Why everybody is trying to reinvent the wheel? Contrails form or don't depending on the atmospheric conditions. Either, favourable or not favourable can last for weeks - of for just a few hours. Perfectly normal.
The current flight restrictions definitely have some effect too, but there is still some skeletal passenger traffic and a lot of cargo.
Nice to see that you can laugh after they've killed so many Americans and people around the world with their CDC Petri dishes
So, judging based on rumors and not on facts. Bet most conspiracy people are still using the microwave to heat their meals... not ever wondering that if they want you dead that radiation would do the job. Oh wait that just accepted technologie and doesn't count right?
@@curiouscat8457 then explain to me while everyone was on lockdown the planes still were flying and spraying that shit even tho nobody could travel in that time
@@tbl5138 The easiest way to answer this:
"The National Air Traffic Controllers Administration states that:
On any given day, more than 87,000 flights are in the skies in the United States. Only one-third are commercial carriers, like American, United or Southwest. On an average day, air traffic controllers handle 28,537 commercial flights (major and regional airlines), 27,178 general aviation flights (private planes), 24,548 air taxi flights (planes for hire), 5,260 military flights and 2,148 air cargo flights (Federal Express, UPS, etc.). At any given moment, roughly 5,000 planes are in the skies above the United States."
The lockdown still left about 10% of commercial traffic in the air. The other categories were unaffected - "cargo" actually increased substantially because it had to handle the huge amount of load normally being transported by regular airliners.
Goddamn the education systems have failed so many commenters.
Oh look an npc out of the government training centers they call “schools”
Sec. of Defense Willam Cohen was right when he made that famous speech, "someday, foreign enemies using technologies to manipulate the weather would be able to weaken and disable an opposing enemy and we needed to fund our own weather mod programs to compete with them. It's called a "force multiplier" a phrase coined by the US Air Force weather mod team. "Operation Popeye" is alive and well.
He also said In a DOD news briefing on April 28, 1997 that "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
This is what they call "Climate Change".
"God" is innocent.
"He also said In a DOD news briefing on April 28, 1997 that "Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves."
That is what happens when you let a politician watch too many Star Wars movies...
@@curiouscat8457 I hear there is a component to your programming that causes you to be "Triggered" by facts, evidence and information that defies the narrative you were led to beLIEve by the shiny people on TV.
[Make joke about tin foil hat] [Brand them as a "Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" ]
[Laugh manically with a sense of superiority][Walk away screaming "Fake News"!]
[Get a donut for demonstrating your obedience]
If you are unable to deactivate this yourself, you should seek professional help from a competent Cult Deprogrammer.
Or it could be a dog whistle, @ExhibitX.
@@curiouscat8457 What do you think HAARP and other arrays are for, pussy cato?
"Climate control: United States weather modification in the cold war and beyond."
Photophoretic levitation of engineered aerosols for geoengineering
"Weather Program Office [NOAA] Weather Modification."
" Weather and Climate Modification - National Science Foundation [NSF]" 1965
" S.3383 (94th): National Weather Modification Policy Act Introduced: May 5, 1976
"Owning the Weather"
"Project Popeye"
" Project Cumulus "
" Project Lucy"
" Hurricane and tornado control device "
"China's radical $168 million weather control system revealed: '
"China is massively expanding its weather-modification program, saying it will be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow by 2025"
" Greening a Saudi Arabian Desert"
" China plans to use chemicals to generate rain to protect its grain harvest
August 21, 2022 "
'Climate engineering by mimicking natural dust climate control: the iron salt aerosol method'
" H.R.4586 - Geoengineering Research Evaluation Act of 2017 "
"Preliminary Experimental Evaluation of Snomax (TM) Snow Inducer, Nucleus Pseudomonas syringae, as an Artificial Ice for Weather Modification" 1989
"Silica aerogel nanopowder. What geoengineers 'plan' on putting into the atmosphere and environment. "
" Weather Modification Using Electromagnetic Beams Common Knowledge at Aquiess,Inc"
@@BrettHoustonTubeIf you people ever had facts evidence or reliable and verifiable information, some might get triggered. But you’d have to start there. Baby steps. Why can’t any of you find any?
This is so funny. This was five years ago and I just saw videos that are admitting to this “conspiracy theory” now. Guess these scientist didn’t know everything after all.
Let me guess, the John Brennan clip again? The one that proves you all have a comprehension issue.
Yeah, it's either the John Brennan fallacy, OR you stumbled across one of the several cloud seeding videos on youtube, and you think somehow these are admission of 'chemtrails'. You really should learn.
I watch two plane teams make hash tags over the beach........3 hours later the hash tags are now black clouds and raining and smoggy.
So you watch multiple aircraft (not two, don't be silly, this is easily verifiable) travelling upon intersecting airways, each leaving a separate and distinct contrail which is then pushed aside by winds aloft resulting in a very predictable and expected checkerboard pattern, and this confuses you WHY, exactly?
And funny how the formation of contrails followed by rain is indicative of an approaching front. Wow, huh?
@@siouxperb5570 I can watch them cross cross each other from left to right, turn and reactivate the sprayers (called goe-seeding) and cross cross each other again. Yes I live next to an international airport and I am not dumb. I now the difference between contrails in my local flight paths, and when our local government is cloud seeding.
@@eriparlin754 Yet you STILL claim not to understand the federal airway system?
Have you verified these aircraft making these turns and coming back on FR24? If so, cite call signs and flight numbers, along with dates.
" (called goe-seeding)"
Good freaking god. Are you trying to say "geoengineering", or "cloud seeding"? They are two completely separate and distinct subjects, and NEITHER of them have anything whatsoever to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax.
"Yes I live next to an international airport "
"and I am not dumb"
" I now the difference between contrails in my local flight paths,"
Could you detail these "local flight paths", and how they relate to the contrails you are confusing with the 'chemtrail' hoax?
"and when our local government is cloud seeding."
Here's the thing: The government doesn't actually do any cloud seeding. This industry is done by private contractors. While it still has nothing to do with the 'chemtrail' hoax, I'm curious as to why you think it does. Because the 'chemtrail' hoax is very, very visible. Cloud seeding leaves no trail that can be seen by a ground observer. It is also done by small single engine or light twin aircraft, and only when rain clouds are in the vicinity, and only then when it is contracted to do so. So the differences between cloud seeding and the 'chemtrail' hoax are very vast, and quite humorous that you would try to conflate the two.
Now, for the hoax killing information you've been looking for: Those long lasting persistent contrails that you are comically calling 'chemtrails' have mass of many tens of millions of pounds. One trail, from one aircraft, as it spans the sky from one horizon to the other.
So if you actually think that is a chemical trail sprayed from an aircraft, then simply name the aircraft with a payload in excess of many tens of millions of pounds.
Your move.
The lack of education is a huge problem, when you are an air guard veteran, have a degree in weather and aviation science and been flying planes and airline work for over two decades you know a few things. weather air pressure moisture and humidity will show these trails. there is no spraying but it doesn't matter the education or experience of someone. People believe what they want to regardless of the actual facts. The weather was already becoming cloudy when the streams are showing dark.
They were speeding up the process
This guy makes me want to puke, how do these guys sleep at night???
They are real Bastards ...Fucking CUNTS call them self scientist . I can not describe how angry I am ..Disgusting
I hear you alchemist, they are obviously sociopathic
yeah, it's just water. that's why it has a BLACK residue sometimes....
Does it really? Do link me to your analytical studies. I guarantee what you'll come back with. Aircraft exhaust can produce all kinds of by-product and soot can colour it black. A contrail however is visible through condensed atmospheric water vapour in the from of ice. Other constituents are trace.
Perhaps look up self, parallel and volumetric shadows too.
@@yassassin6425 Don't be a smartass. I saw it myself, it is weird looking. Don't pretend you don't know what's going on.
"I saw it myself"
That settles it then.
"it is weird looking."
Only if you don't know what you're looking at and you seek your explanations through baseless You Tube conspiracy videos.
"Don't pretend you don't know what's going on."
My background is the science of the atmosphere. I assure you that I know exactly what's "going on".
Right Vic Fame, it's Coal fly ash, don't waste your time on the likes of Yossarian
who posts on here and in fb, best thing to do with him is to block him. l
@@Meekseek yes, block any counter arguments because being wrong isn't fun.
People who say conspiracy theories are those who admit they lack the ability to think for themselves. They prove they do not possess the logical principles to process simple things. I hate those people. They are the most dangerous creatures on earth due to them not being able to think for themselves!
Just because chemtrail believers are gullible and lack the knowledge and literacy to think for themselves doesn’t mean they deserve to be hated.
@American CNC & Design Why? What does cloud seeding have to do with the trails being discussed in the video? Do you know much about the chemicals involved in cloud seeding and the amount?
@American CNC & Design You mean the aluminum resistant seeds for crops in Brazil where high aluminum content naturally in the soil has been a persistent issue in crop production? You sure do like to jump from subject to subject. What does aluminum resistant seeds have to do with cloud seeding or the trails in the sky?
@American CNC & Design You mean the film he made, the dimming, where he finally flew threw a trail after years of stalling and found only 1700 particles per cubic centimeter, which is equivalent to extremely clean air quality standards? Thereby admitting that they were only contrails. Why didn’t he ever provide actual sample results from the trails? What was he afraid of?
Also, could you provide evidence for this high aluminum content from Shasta run off? Are you referring to the Francis Mangel samples of July snow during a nearby wildfire? Have you ever seen snow on a mountain in July? It’s covered in dust from the mountain. And there were no elevated or unexpected sample results collected. You must not research or educate yourself much
One nice thing about being a conspiracy theorist is that one doesn't have myocarditis.
2024 State of Tennessee
Prohibits ChrmTrails in the State,
Conspiracy ☆☆☆☆☆☆
Tratamento de água nas cidades também são um problema que ninguém se preocupa.
As matérias primas dos alimentos já foram modificadas.
E o ar que respiramos também está sendo infectado com algumas substâncias.
Controlam nossas emoções, pensamentos e ações com uso de armas psicotronicas, antenas e Torres de celular.
Estão usando hormônios para alterar sua sexualidade, mulheres cada vez mais masculinas e homens cada vez mais sensíveis?
Bactérias que comem carne e ou afetam o cérebro. Essas bactérias estão no mundo todo, embora em poucos casos.
Algo grande e maquiavélico está prestes a acontecer no mundo. Parece teoria da conspiração mas estamos a um passo do precipício, caminhando com a cabeça baixa olhando no smartphone.
The bill in Tennessee is still not passed. And even if it were, it’s completely irrelevant to the trails being discussed. You’re going to be awfully confused when you keep seeing them.
Look up weather modification policy act 1976, look up cloud seeding and silver iodide
@@rickyhurt7557 I see you’re still spreading your irrelevant false equivalence fallacies. Why don’t you take your own advice and research those topics? If you actually would, you wouldn’t be bringing them up
@@elyjahstark the message was intended for the woman that wrote 2024 state of Tennessee prohibits chemtrails in the state, not conspiracy
Oh I believe you! Just because you said, NOT!
OREGON: where you can drive for days, and no bugs on your windshield. thanx Chem-Trails.
I have driven thousands of miles around Oregon. What the hell are you talking about?
Doug Boone uhhhhhh I can’t drive around Oregon and not get hit by bugs when it is around dusk. My car get absolutely covered. Not sure what you are talking about. You must live in Downtown Portland and only drive a couple blocks.
Yassassin and Elyjah Stark are 2 accounts created by the same person. I see you everywhere.
Some bugs can be breed then release to the public!
We get this a lot in the UK they make a criss cross pattern ,i have 2 picture on 2 different days showing this. Its on a clear sunny day and it spreads out as it drops down.
Do you seriously not understand why contrails criss cross? The way you say it almost makes it sound like you don't get it.
Just look up "contrail simulations - contrail science" and make as many "criss cross patterns" of your own as you wish.
If you still don't understand how it works afterwards - seek medical help.
@@curiouscat8457You've left 474 comments over a span of 4+ years.
Do you have nothing better to do?
Yes, unfortunately, last 3 years they been spraying a lot in UK!
can't listen to this clown world ''trust the science'', it's simple, count trails disappear in max up to 10min, chemtrails, stay and grow bigger in all day time, blocking the sun, because of the heavy metal particles!!!
So why are large numbers of passenger type planes flying in the same airspace criss crossing there flightpaths for hours at a time followed by low level cloud that fills the sky . Ive been noticing this for months in the manchester area uk. I'm a former aerial photographer so i know a bit about flying rules and also weather formation. Passenger planes don't fly in grid patterns they stick to a route for safety reasons. I've even seen large jets flying side by side in formation.
Because that’s how commercial aircraft works. There are thousands of planes flying at any given time and they are flying to hundreds of destinations. Why do intersecting airways confuse you?
"why are large numbers of passenger type planes flying in the same airspace criss crossing there flightpaths for hours at a time followed by low level cloud that fills the sky ."
The planes fly the same paths about every day. Get on "Planefinder" app and see for yourself. If there are intersecting airways and wind, the "mysterious" criss-cross pattern may result. Look up "contrails science contrails simulator" and play with it until you understand how it works.
You don't see planes at their cruising altitudes in a clear sky. Look up "empty field myopia". You will see them only when they start producing contrails, and they will start producing contrails mostly because an approaching cold front creates conditions conducive for it. This type of conditions will often result in a total overcast and the cold front will bring bad weather in a day or two. Simples - dig it?
i think your the one thats confused.
@@robforshaw917 No, I’m clearly not. I understand how to identify planes using flight radar. I understand how to check for altitude differences. I understand why airways intersect. All very basic subjects. Why does it confuse you?
@@elyjahstark it doesn't
Oh of course not! The government would never do that!!
They love their people!
They save us with the vaccine😅😂🎉
Yes they would do worse!
I just watched a series of chem trails turn the blue sky hazy gray.
And get a load of the Orwellian Wikipedia add at the bottom of the video
There is no such thing as a chemtrail. You watched contrails persist because of rising relative humidity, which then also began to saturate and condense, creating a hazy cloudy sky.
@@elyjahstark I just came from a NASA site that says they are spraying us with aluminum, lithium and barium. Wtf do those things have to do with condensation?
@@miapdx503 Then feel free to cite which nasa site this was. Are you referring to sounding rockets in the ionosphere? How does that involve “spraying you”?
@@elyjahstark I googled it. I know, weird...😂
@@miapdx503 and yet you still can’t reference what you are talking about. Weird....The only nasa site discussing the use of aluminum and barium is its page on sounding rockets launched into the ionosphere. Hopefully that’s not what you are referring to though because that would be absolutely hilarious 😂
Who paying for this why are they making marks in the sky everyday???
"Who paying for this"
That would be those that use commercial aviation services, y'know, passengers, supply chain and logistics, freight and cargo operators.
"why are they making marks in the sky everyday???"
@@yassassin6425 lying sack of shit.
What in particular do you wish to challenge and why the anonymous abuse from behind the security of a keyboard?
Its cheap donna! $ 10 billion a year in the usa.
"It's just contrails."
So, how do you explain why they're sometimes in an X shape? Or why do they linger for hours? Or why do they just disperse one second, and then the planes just don't produce it anymore? Plus, there are multiple trails instead of just 1 or 2. I'm part of the 1.3%.
Why didn't you consult it with your kinder teacher first?
An x shape? You’re confused by intersecting airways? How else would planes be able to get anywhere? Of all the things you’re stuck on, you’re confused by an x?
They persist because of high relative humidity like any other cloud of water condensation in the sky does when the air becomes saturated. And they stop because the plane has left into an area of drier air, just like there are borders to clouds.
How do we get them to freaking stop?!
Just change the laws of physics. That simple.
Wish i knew
Spreading the truth
Make passenger and cargo flights fly at a lower, and less efficient altitude.
Medevil happenings
So why weren't long lines that blend into a mist covering the sky around 40years ago
They've been around for nearly 100 years. You just weren't paying attention. The only difference between now and then is a more than 1,000 percent increase in passenger revenue miles, which obviously means a lot more trails. But the laws of physics have not changed.
Look at photos of the bombing of Berlin. Even the propeller tips were creating condensation. Simple high humidity, high dewpoint and descending barometric pressure. It's simple physics.
@@siouxperb5570 You left 375 comments over a span of 4+ years.
Do you remember back when you were called a conspiracy theorist if you said you thought the government was using unmanned drones to kill people with missiles lol
No, that was always a possibility. Unlike the 'chemtrail' hoax.
@@siouxperb5570 You're Dumb
@@siouxperb5570 😂🐑 stop kissing the government ass. Their best interest is not you. You are cattle to them. Wake up dummy. They have a long history of lying and experimenting with their own people 🤦♀️🤷♀️🙆♀️🐑 HAARP WEATHER ENGINEERING, THEY EVEN HAVE PATENTS!
most of the conspiracies throughout history end up getting proven true 1
Great comment section.
not very secret here in Portugal. they spray and magically the rain disappears.
Same here in Spain.
Your video is proof it's real
No it isn't.
@@MaxPower888 yes it is!
Yes it is the proof is in the Bible!!
@@kathycavitt3089 3 days ago, i saw four of them flying at the same time, damn these mathafuckas really trying to kill us!
@@murk1876 OMG fucking idiot it's literally water vapor (yes the shit that comes out of your mouth when its cold outside) and why the fuck would the government or the top 1% or whatever bullshit try to kill us when WE ARE THE PEOPLE MAKING THEM RICH don't bite the hand that feeds you ever heard of it you idiot
Wow... just the 15sec clip of John Brennan in front of the CFR debunks this entire video
Details, please.
You mean the one where he talks about the future geopolitical implications of SAI research, which has nothing to do with any visible trails in the sky?
CONDENSATION TRAILS! no such thing as " chem" trails!
🐂 💩
Chemtrails: Baseless conspiracy theory
Stratospheric Aerosol Injection: Accepted science
That's pretty accurate, except that SAI is a research project. And 'chemtrails' are more of a hoax than a conspiracy theory, seeing as they are physically impossible.
100% correct, since one has nothing to do with another.
atmospheric government scientist lol
Paid deep state actors..🙄😳
@@lisacarey856 Agreed 👍 Too many scientists pause before they answer.
In my area contrails vanished during the plandemic. They haven’t returned. Weird.
There are not "weird" things. There are only things you don't understand. Try to admit the possibility they never existed.
@@curiouscat8457 hi
@@ilonagunszebn Why do you keep running from thread to thread posting random irrelevant comments? I asked you to simply defend your claims with evidence and you ran away. What’s the matter?
Short answer: No
Long answer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooo
@@curiouscat8457 but it isn't
@@Phonixrmf You, obviously, can explain why.
@@curiouscat8457 why bother? I could tell you that you can find out and track the planes that made the trails, you'd say that is falsified information. I could tell you that it would be hard to keep such operations that requires thousands of people a secret, you’d say the government(s) made sure of it
@@Phonixrmf I think we are actually on the same page. The way I understood you post: No, this video is BS - while you seem to mean "No, there are no chemtrails".
Check my other comments🙂.
@@curiouscat8457 haha I’ll trust your word. Well this ended better than I expected. Keep on spreading the truth
This is happening everywhere. Why has there been no real facts shared? WTF is it all about? It surely can’t be doing us any good or we would be told about it. We all know it’s happening. Someone please share what’s happening. Thank you.
Contrails - they have been observed, documented, recorded and understood since the early advent of powered aviation. They have become more prevalent due to the exponential growth of the commercial aviation sector and the expansion of routes worldwide.
This is something else, in my opinion...zig Zags inthe sky...planes?...i see this so frequently when I stop at traffic lights!!!!
What's for sur is that we don't have a logical explanation..and I doubt we will..chemicals, and other substances, who knows!
@@rosafraga9450 The logical and proven explanation has been given numerous times. Chemtrail believers just refuse to learn and would rather believe in magic.
@@yassassin6425 Please stop spreading mis information.