It is not given, it is traded. Most of the revenue will stay in the area through wages, operating costs, and taxes. People complain about profits going elsewhere but it is typically a small portion. And that is what you pay for people with the finance and the expertise to make a project happen. If you look at how mining is done it is hugely complex, expensive and time-consuming. But without it, everyone stays poor. Staying poor is an option of course, but most people seem to want a better standard of living.
Wealth/resources does not determine whether a person/nation is rich or poor, maybe in the American mindset. It's all for "green" energy when they destroy some environment to achieve their goals doesn't make it "green energy"
What a beautiful story , I like very much the mine uses advance systems for recirculation of the water , that is EU Standards. Thanks!
hoffe, das gute Menschen dran bleiben und keine korrupten
This is great news
Just keep corruption out of this
Much luck from 🇧🇦
As Bosnian I ask, why should we give our resources to other European countries? Not only that, but we'll have our forests and water systems destroyed.
Try not to think often.
It is not given, it is traded. Most of the revenue will stay in the area through wages, operating costs, and taxes. People complain about profits going elsewhere but it is typically a small portion. And that is what you pay for people with the finance and the expertise to make a project happen. If you look at how mining is done it is hugely complex, expensive and time-consuming. But without it, everyone stays poor. Staying poor is an option of course, but most people seem to want a better standard of living.
Wealth/resources does not determine whether a person/nation is rich or poor, maybe in the American mindset.
It's all for "green" energy when they destroy some environment to achieve their goals doesn't make it "green energy"