  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 165

  • @realDialFforFilm
    @realDialFforFilm 2 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    No matter how old and cynical I've gotten, movies like "The Empire Strikes Back" remind me why I fell in love with movies in the first place. There are few films I can think of that encompass the phrase "The Sense of Wonder" as strongly as this one. Once it captures you when you're young, it never lets go of you.

    • @DIN_A8
      @DIN_A8 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I feel the same …

    • @georgesams4704
      @georgesams4704 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Feel exactly the same! As jaded as I've grown towards most things, especially Star Wars related, Empire never ages a day

    • @domwalker6526
      @domwalker6526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      This comment sums me up perfectly

  • @starwarsroo2448
    @starwarsroo2448 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    " asteroids do not concern me admiral, I want that ship " The sheer anger underneath the surface with Vader in this one was sick, he choked more generals than ever

    • @domwalker6526
      @domwalker6526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      One of the best quotes in the film

    • @atarkus8
      @atarkus8 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Some of those scenes have a subtle dark humor. I never realized that until I saw it with an audience (when it was re-released in the 90s). An example is at the end where Vader watches the Falcon escape to hyperspace after he was told the hyperdrive was disabled, turns to look at the imperial officer and the officer visibly gulps thinking he's about to be killed... Some in the crowd chuckled at that, and I haven't seen it the same way since.

    • @Psyfi85
      @Psyfi85 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He wouldn’t stop at anything or anyone to find his son, his only connection to Padme, to Anakin.

  • @christopherpaul7588
    @christopherpaul7588 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Yes! I prefer the original trilogy with its costumes and puppetry and simple special effects to the CGI in the later films. I loved the Sandmen in A New Hope. And the original Yoda too. I totally agree with you.

  • @erickenneycreative
    @erickenneycreative 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This movie does all the little things right .. one being how Yodas theme accompanies Luke to Bespin. Love it.

  • @nr1229
    @nr1229 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    One of my favorite youtubers reviewing one of my favorite movies. :)
    You are absolutely right about Yoda. I look at puppet Yoda and I see the character Yoda. He looks tangible because he is, his movements look real because they are real. When I see CGI Yoda I see CGI - the underwhelming kind.
    One symbol that repeats throughout the film I always loved is Luke being upside down. Three times - in the ice cave, during the training and at the end, when he hangs from that antenna - Luke is flipped on his head and is learning about his force abilities.

    • @TheWaynos73
      @TheWaynos73 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yoda never, ever looked better on screen than he did in Empire. Sublime puppetry artistry.

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah, but the puppet pushed the technology as far as could. But it's not a very dynamic performance. It still looks like a puppet. The reason for moving to CG was to create characters who could have more facial expression, more range of movement, and the ability to change the performance without having to reshoot with puppets (expensive).

  • @SoftwareAgentsTV
    @SoftwareAgentsTV 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I used to think this movie was overrated but when I sat down and thought about it, there is so much I like about it.
    Everyone is a better actor in the movie
    Vader has many great lines and moments
    I love Cloud City as a setting
    I love the cinematography for Hoth
    I love the model work during the battle of Hoth
    I love the Imperial March and the chase theme
    I love Yoda and the artistry used to bring him to life
    I love Luke learning more about himself and developing as a character
    I love Han and Leia's adventure together
    and uh yeah there's so much to love about Empire

  • @bschuler6216
    @bschuler6216 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I don't know why. My youtube algorithm started sprinkling you in, within the past week. I guess, congratulations on your popularity!
    I have quietly dug the hell out of these breakdowns. But this one finally got me to make a comment, and I'm not a Star Wars fanatic.
    You are amazingly articulate. I wish I could broadcast my thoughts three quarters as well as you do.
    Just awesome! I have not seen a reviewer quite on your level, that reverberates on this frequency.
    Thank you. I appreciate you sharing this small facet of your interior map.

  • @Outrider74
    @Outrider74 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    One of the observations made about The Empire Strikes Back is that Lucas was "checked," for lack of a better word, by Lawrence Kasdan, Gary Kurtz, and Irvin Kirshner when this movie was being produced. Their influence on keeping Lucas from over-tinkering with his own work contributes to the greatness of the movie (as opposed to the second trilogy, where Lucas had a little too much unchecked say-so in what went on).

    • @21stcenturyhiphop
      @21stcenturyhiphop 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Gary Kurtz is the reason Empire went over budget.

    • @third.act.countdown
      @third.act.countdown 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Lucas had Final approval on everything
      how is that being kept in check?

    • @21stcenturyhiphop
      @21stcenturyhiphop 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@third.act.countdown Thank you.

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, a typical misunderstanding of what happened. Consider that a. most of the story was set by Lucas, and all Kasdan did was polish it - and then Fisher, for example rewrote parts of his dialogue anyway. You only have to look at what a mess Solo is to see that Kasdan wasn't the secret sauce. He wanted ROTJ to be 'Revenge' which Lucas originally agreed with and then changed his mind. Kurtz spent a lot of time since ESB telling everyone that Lucas only cared about merch and profit.
      Another example of ignorance is Jar Jar. Lucas originally planned to have an alien voice, but Ahmed Best convinced him he could do the voice also. Kurtz and Kasdan wanted to kill off Solo in ROTJ, and look how popular that decision was in TFA...
      "Their influence on keeping Lucas from over-tinkering with his own work contributes to the greatness of the movie"
      Lucas was working on restaffing ILM and getting all the effects shots done, while Kurtz was burning through Lucas' own money (don't forget how sick Lucas got on ANH from all the stress over budget and fighting the studio - incidentally, the studio wanted to end ANH/SW with saving the princess, and scrap the entire climax and trench run...
      Kurtz felt like, 'who cares? this film will still make money even if we go over time and budget...' with Lucas' own money - which was very cavalier of him. According to other crew, he was unable to build much rapport with Kershner and stop him from indulging himself - which is why they burned through all that money.
      Now, Kurtz got fired and replaced, for not caring if the movie went to shit and Lucas went bankrupt, and was replaced by Kazanjian towards the end of production. According to JW Rinzler, ESB was in a bigger mess than ANH was at the end of the shoot. Not to mention they had to rush all the Dagobah scenes because they were out of time and money.
      Hirsch returned to edit, based on knowing what Lucas wanted, having worked with him throughout. And if you listen to Hirsch, Lucas was quite hands on in editing, and quite specific about what he did and didn't want.
      Lucas was fined by the WGA and DGA for not having Kershner's name at the start of movie, despite having the Lucasfilm logo. For that reason, he didn't want a director from the DGA for ROTJ. But he did ask Kershner to return - who declined, having been too overwhelmed by ESB.
      As for the prequels, Lucas tried to get Howard and Spielberg to direct and they turned him down. McCullum tried to get McQuarrie to return but he declined. Lucas tried to get Kasdan to do a polish on TPM, but he declined. I think a big influence who was missing from future movies was John Barry, who died during production of ESB and Joe Johnson. Johnson was burned out after ROTJ, and Lucas offered to pay for his tuition at USC so he could study filmmaking, and Johnson went on to have a successful career as a director in his own right.
      Of course, Marcia wanted to settle down and have a family (and apparently preferred working on Scorsese projects that were more fun, to Star Wars), and had an affair, supposedly because Lucas was a workaholic. According to Roger Christian, McCullum was anything but a 'yes-man' as implied by Star Trek fans like RedLetterMedia, and their banal critique of the prequels, that has been parroted by ignorant people across the internet. Each prequel had to make enough profit to finance the next movie, and so the emphasis, quite rightly, was on not going over budget or over time (as both ANH and ESB did).

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@21stcenturyhiphop Exactly. And he's written his own narrative about how his ideas for ROTJ were much better than what we got. His own narratives contradicted what Kershner said about making ROTJ, and what Coppola said about American Graffiti.

  • @RandallGriffithLCSW
    @RandallGriffithLCSW 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Another insightful review to a real classic. Thank you.

  • @thunderstruck5484
    @thunderstruck5484 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Billy Dee Williams as Lando was so good, just shows how a good actor can make a new character fit in and be fluid and natural and have screen presence

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I wish he had gotten a chance to play Two-Face in a third Burton film

  • @Catweazel1976
    @Catweazel1976 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I saw The Empire Strikes Back at the drive in with my parents when I was 5. I still think it holds up powerfully, and is easily my favourite Star Wars film, maybe my favourite movie of all time. It's a total package! All of John William's scores are awesome, but his soundtrack for The Empire Strikes Back is kind of like a Metal album, and some moments, like his score for the whole Asteroid Field is outstanding!

  • @jayhawks4life354
    @jayhawks4life354 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    To add to your fine review, it has the best John Williams score of all the Star Wars films.

  • @russellharrell2747
    @russellharrell2747 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I would say that the folks that say the prequel saber duels were better don’t understand what the OT duels were about. It has far less to do with the sword strikes or gymnastics. It has more to do with the relationship between the duelists and the circumstances that brought them both to the fight. The duels are emotional and occurring just as much on a mental plane as a physical one. No amount of choreography can touch that, although I do enjoy the duels from TPM and RotS for what they are.

    • @jussi-pekkaturunen689
      @jussi-pekkaturunen689 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think my fav duel is actually in RotS the one that happens at the sea planet where Rey goes for this navigation device. There the music actually plays really well with the duel. My least fav must be anything Yoda does on prequel trilogy. Lol, it's like a basketball with lightsaber.

  • @alexandermcgill7250
    @alexandermcgill7250 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Irony is the Empire Strikes Back is the film it is because of circumstance , Mark Hamill was almost killed after filming star wars in a car crash , they had to rebuild his face and he has been in constant pain since and why he retired from acting after Return of the Jedi.
    But he was in a coma and George had to rebuild empire story, this is why Luke's story is split off from the rest, even the scene with the ice beast at the start is to explain why mark Hamill now looks different. Leia being his sister , mark was in such bad shape even he wasn't sure he could physically do return of the Jedi.
    The cliff-hanger was left at the end just in-case mark couldn't do Return of the Jedi and Leia Then could take over if needed . Both Empire and Return of the Jedi Luke's story is wrote around Mark's disabilities including both face offs with his father.
    I do love it .but it happened by circumstances.

  • @hoibsh21
    @hoibsh21 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Yes, there is a spark to Yoda. I wouldn't be surprised if Yoda puppet came to life in the studio after the shooting day was over.

  • @budball2
    @budball2 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Saw this in the movies back in the day and although it was like a middle slice of the trilogy I absolutely loved every moment it is in my top five movies of all time.

  • @123rockfan
    @123rockfan 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The yell that they add to Luke falling in the Special Editions is so incredibly awful. Really happy I watched the unedited versions last year. First time I’d watched the original trilogy in 20 years

    • @deepfocuslens
      @deepfocuslens  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @M.H.I.A.F.T.
      @M.H.I.A.F.T. 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Would you agree that the re-filmed footage of Palpatine with Ian McDiarmid replacing the original performer was an improvement? It certainly fixes the continuity across the films to have the same actor portraying him in each film.

    • @123rockfan
      @123rockfan 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@M.H.I.A.F.T. in theory it’s a good fix, but I really dislike the visual effects. It’s just really jarring

    • @TheWaynos73
      @TheWaynos73 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      oh yeah and Vader’s Noooo! in Jedi 🤦‍♂️

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was not Lucas' idea to add that. That's why it was later removed.

  • @Ruylopez778
    @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lucas' inspiration for the Hoth battle sequence was Alexander Nevsky by Sergei Eisenstein
    Every instinct that Luke draws on to succeed in ANH works against him in ESB. It’s the same for Anakin in AOTC. The reason Lucas could go so bold and end on failure is because it’s only the middle act of the trilogy.
    Lucas wanted to use CG so that he could have more expression in the face and more dynamic movement. The scale of sets and interiors is also far bigger in the prequels. Yoda is pretty static in the OT. As for the ‘reality’ that people complain in the Yoda puppet, as Lucas says, ‘It’s a movie. It’s all fake.’ The Dagobah scenes were the last to be shot, and were rushed because Kurtz had burned through the money and let the production run late. That’s why he was fired. I think filming with the Yoda puppet was expensive and time consuming, because of the space they needed to build under the set for Frank Oz. Digital also allows you to change scenes without the expense of reshoots, too. Hamill often couldn't hear what Oz was saying.
    Lucas also had Roger Christian direct a short film to be screened before ESB. You can find it on youtube. It's called 'Black Angel'. It's not the greatest thing ever made, but it's a fun time, and interesting to see how it sets up ideas that the audience will experience in ESB.
    The Special Editions served three functions; firstly to fix up things Lucas hated that were due to the studio interfering with ANH. That’s why most of the changes are in that movie. It’s also about improving the number of creatures and making them more dynamic. An example of how stupid executives were; they wanted to end the movie with Leia being rescued and scrap the entire battle and trench run.
    Secondly, it was about testing the technology for CG that was going to be in prequels, And thirdly the profits from the SE were used to fund TPM. Each subsequent prequel movie was funded by profits from the preceding one. If you know anything about how much studios interfered with THX, AG and ANH, it’s obvious why Lucas wanted to make his own movies his own way. Frazetta was also a big influence on Lucas, and he was constantly adding to his paintings or painting over them, as many artists do. Given that Lucas thought it really important that creatures be dynamic and not static to add 'realism' and spectacle it's not surprising he was always pushing for digital. The sequels make a big fuss about 'practical effects' but the practical characters/puppets in TFA are essentially background and irrelevant (something you cannot say about Jar Jar or Yoda with a lightsaber), and TLJ only manages to bring back Yoda and have him do the same things, stand still or move slowly...
    Ford was only signed up for ESB [while Fisher and Hamill were signed up for a third], so he was written to be frozen in case he didn’t return for the final movie. Lucas never wanted Solo killed off, because he always hated it when heroes were killed off. It was Kurtz and Kasdan that were pushing for that, along with Ford. Kurtz later claimed it was about toy sales, which I find a baseless accusation. Given that we’ve killed of Obi-Wan in the first movie, killing off Han in the second movie seems a bit extreme. Keeping him in ROTJ also allows Luke to rescue Han in the first act, which is a pay off for Han saving Luke in ANH, at the beginning of ESB, and Luke’s failed attempt to rescue him on Bespin.
    Incidentally, it was Kazanjian [who replaced Kurtz] who managed to persuade Ford to return (through a conversation with his son).

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      people really take the work Lucas and co. did across six films (and across three decades!!!) for granted. they took a lot of heat but they paved the way for much of what we have now in terms of VFX work. it's funny to me how so many "diehard fans" of Star Wars will rush to call Lucas, the man who kickstarted a whole new era of filmmaking and the creator of their favourite franchise a raving lunatic. makes you wonder if all that hard work was even worth it, especially considering where it all ended up...

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sunsetman22 For me, the sad thing is there is so many people with a distorted view of Lucas and prequels based on the popularity of channels like RedLetterMedia that don't even bother to try and understand what they saw. Just as they are so many people that 'love Star Wars' but insist they only made two good movies.
      Plinkett complains about all the 'CG' on Mustafar, despite that being a practical miniature, with footage from Etna erupting repurposed into the lava.
      I think there's a common misconception that ESB was 'darker' in spite of Lucas, then he returned for ROTJ and 'got it wrong'.
      I've seen a video praising Kershner (using audio of Kasdan) for vision in ESB, as if the story, 2nd draft rewrite and 3rd draft weren't from Lucas.
      I've seen a video claiming the Death Star was never going to attack the rebel base on Yavin, despite it being in the shooting script. And clearly being the objective of Tarkin from the start.
      I've seen people saying that Lucas needs 'pushback', even though the studio wanted to cut the entire Death Star battle from ANH and end with Leia being rescued.
      I saw a video on a guy trying to 'rewrite' the prequels, and his first idea was to have Anakin older and have a 'flashback' - something that Lucas never did, because it shot as a silent movie in documentary style, since having a child was unnecessary, even though the bond between mother and son is crucial for how Palpatine manipulated Anakin.
      And these are the kind of people who claim Lucas, 'can't write'.
      Perhaps the worst one for me is the claim that Lucas just made the prequels to 'cash in' or didn't try to get the past collaborators back, when many of them declined to be part of it. And Bill Kimberlin, who worked at ILM, said the staff were badgering Lucas every single year to make more Star Wars before they made the prequels.

  • @Megarobotsquadron
    @Megarobotsquadron 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    What you say about the structure here is bang on. I think most 3rd acts fail and the fact that they chose to turn the third act into a focused, personal climax over a bombastic one is incredible. Quite unique in Hollywood.
    Captain america:civil war also does this and it's arguably the best final act of any MCU film

  • @domwalker6526
    @domwalker6526 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This is my favorite movie. It's so fun and idk after a new hope the emotional weight and stakes in this movie Just get me every single time!!! The budding relationship with Han Leia, Luke finding out who he is and what he needs to do, and of course the evolving of Darth Vader! This movie Took so many risks and they just pay off so much! This movie is the reason I love film and wouldn't be in this channel watching your videos without it! Great review

  • @acrophobe
    @acrophobe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I count myself so lucky I bought the version of the trilogy on dvd that has each of the original unaltered films on its own separate disc. It's not the best picture quality-wise but it's the closest I'll ever come to seeing an HD version of the films as they were released in theaters. It blows my mind how Lucas gleefully chopped his films to pieces and tossed so much masterful practical visual effects work in the trash in favor of such extraordinarily low quality mid 90s CGI.

    • @Fiveash-Art
      @Fiveash-Art 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He's an idiot ... But thankfully Empire was the least messed with of the trilogy. I really don't mind that he wanted to 'enhance' his movies ... but to offer no option to purchase a decent digital version of the unaltered versions is just plain asshole. All I'd want are those restored versions they released on video during the mid 90s. Those were great.... put em' on bluray and I'd be happy.

  • @blorkpovud1576
    @blorkpovud1576 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You are COMPLETELY right about puppet Yoda being the best and the Dagobah scenes being the best. I have NOTHING to add.

  • @bradmenpes809
    @bradmenpes809 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not just my favourite Star Wars movie, but one of my favourite movies of all time. Great review. I'm loving your work!

    @TANKTREAD 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "The Empire Strikes Back" is the BEST "Star Wars" entry and one of the GREATEST films of all time. Easily my favorite John Williams film score.

  • @JohnDoe-tm9wz
    @JohnDoe-tm9wz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "I love you"
    "I know"

  • @BubblegumCrash332
    @BubblegumCrash332 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Still the best sequel ever made and the best late game plot twist.

  • @robertgoyette5863
    @robertgoyette5863 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i always feel like this movie needs an asterisk b/c it was technically directed by kersh and lucas ( the latter wasnt even supposed to do that, he basically broke up his marriage to leave a vacation and help direct). As much as SW is known as george's brainchild thank you for recognizing the team that made this -kersh, leigh bracket, kasdan, frank oz, williams, marcia lucas, rick baker, phil tippet, Suschitzky, billy dee williams on and on-its almost hard to imagine that crew not making a great movie. When lucas made the prequels you could tell it was going to be a massive step down when basically none of those people were involved (or in oz case in a much more limited capacity).
    BDW also had one of the most impossible roles ever-hes a character weve never met before, who has to be even cooler than han solo already one of the coolest characters ever, introduced halfway through the movie. then he has to betray the heroes we love from the first film THEN sell that really hes one of the good guys. A performance that doesnt get the credit it deserves for degree of difficulty.

    • @Ruylopez778
      @Ruylopez778 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Brackett had very little to do with it. Kasdan did a script polish after Lucas had worked out the 2nd and 3rd draft. Ford and Fisher rewrote or ad libbed some the dialogue Kasdan had done. Kersh had the offer to return for ROTJ but turned it down. Probably because Kurtz was such a bad producer on ESB, and Kershner felt overwhelmed. He did express interest in making a prequel, but it was too late by the time they went into production.
      Lucas tried to get Howard and Spielberg to direct prequels and they turned it down. He also tried to get Kasdan to do a polish on TPM, but he declined. Marcia wanted to have a family, and left Lucas apparently because he was a workaholic. It also seems like she was more interested in editing Scorsese films and hanging out with them than making SW.

  • @raminybhatti5740
    @raminybhatti5740 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Never thought I'd fall out of love with Star Wars. But here it is. Even an innocuous discussion about an objectively good film has my eyes glazing over. It's definitely a "ME" problem, lol.

  • @starwarsroo2448
    @starwarsroo2448 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lawrence Kasdan was on fire at this point with this and Raiders ( my personal favorite)

  • @tj2375
    @tj2375 วันที่ผ่านมา

    The only problem with the empire strikes back is that the industry took it's success as a sign to start producing only "franchises".

  • @TheWaynos73
    @TheWaynos73 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    when you look at the disaster that is the sequel trilogy in comparison - Empire’s story is dead simple, really straightforward, which is what a great story should be, and good storytelling should be - keep the story simple, but make the characters and themes complex and interesting.

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      well, it HAD a story to begin with (that goes for the prequels, too), which the sequel trilogy lacked from its inception. I think they tried to replicate the way Lucas and co. crafted the narrative of the original trilogy as they went along, but it failed miserably. just a horrible misfite through and through.

  • @astralmuffin5276
    @astralmuffin5276 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I must have seen this film six billion times, it's my all time favorite sci fi film. Your review is very satisfying, it articulates everything I could not.
    When you were talking about Han's arc, I remembered what I wanted to see from him in the sequel trilogy - what I was hoping for before it came out - was Han the Dad, with 8 kids, 6 of which are adopted (and all different alien species) because of Leia's compassion and background. Going to dinner at Uncle Han and Aunt Leia's house would be the funnest experience of all time. Total chaos, loud as you like, and absolutely adorable. Han is at the center of the chaos going slightly mad, and quintessential Han he finds the most creative ways to solve the most unpredictable calamities thrown his way. Luke then has a private conversation with Han, where the roles are reversed from the Han and Lando conversation - Luke is now laughing at the New Responsible Mature Han.
    Harrison Ford is the absolute perfect actor for this - remember how excellent he is at acting off of non-human characters? Imagine him with 6 alien kids. Then make Rei his over-achieving golden child who desperately wants his full attention, and you got yourself a movie.

  • @thunderstruck5484
    @thunderstruck5484 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    In my opinion the last great Star Wars movie, I remember seeing in Dallas and the I am your Father moment , the collective gasp from the packed theater has to be the all timer! Yes life was fun and full of surprises before the Internet and back then cliffhangers were new in movies even tv, remember who shot JR, of course 3 years was a bit long between films, thanks M!

  • @russellb5573
    @russellb5573 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your words encapsulate my experience of watching the decluttered version of 'Empire', today. This film grabs you from the opening frame and is such a brilliant blend of so many authentic cinematic elements. The Hoth battle feels real and visceral. Luke and Yoda's (a puppet for goodness sake) interactions are so spiritual/elemental. Han's awakening and interactions with Leia are so affecting. The little touches all the actors/ characters emote (even R2D2) feel real and convincing. It is still an astounding achievement and I had a smile on my face, throughout. The best Star Wars film without a doubt! If only 'Return of the Jedi' had been fashioned the same way. Oh well, I suppose I've got to finish the trilogy. Ewoks here I come! Yub yub!

  • @cpahiker
    @cpahiker 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for doing these. I've meant to comment previously. This video and your video on movie scores are just exceptional. John Williams is why I went into music and hearing the percussion in "the asteroid field" is why I chose percussion. Your analysis brings a perspective in a depth that my intellect is not independently capable. Your commentary helps me further enjoy movies and their music.

  • @toddboughn5168
    @toddboughn5168 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's telling that of the original trilogy, Empire was the one that he didn't mess with much when it came to the special editions.

  • @WarrenFahyAuthor
    @WarrenFahyAuthor 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Delightful insights, stated so well, as usual. I can tell you as one who saw Star Wars on opening night at the Chinese Theater (an event that you knew changed movies before your eyes) that Empire turned it into a certified real galaxy far far away that Earthlings now lived in. The continuity was so seamless, as you astutely point out. Han should have died in the next movie, as Ford wanted. It would have saved him from his fate at the hands of Disney.

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      plus it would've been an emotional send-off to a beloved character, not the borderline mercy killing he got in Jar Jar's film

  • @virgogaming6488
    @virgogaming6488 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's really heartwarming to hear you talk about this movie.

  • @jpoznoid
    @jpoznoid 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Watched it recently, the no I am your father scene still gives me chills

  • @scottmoore1614
    @scottmoore1614 ปีที่แล้ว

    As much as I loved “A New Hope”, “Empire Strikes Back” just took things to a whole other level. Born in 1970, I was just the right age to grow up with the first three Star Wars films. I very much went on the heroes journey with Luke Skywalker.
    ESB had established characters that were deeper, new characters that were fascinating and amazing alien planets to get lost in. We’re also dealing with deep, dark family secrets…just below the surface. It’s psychological. This time around, reality seems to set in and we don’t know if the “good guys” will ever win against the tyrannical Empire. Is this even a fantasy any more? The film is more “adult” in every aspect…very much the second act of any great drama, where the hero is beset with trials and tribulations. If the first film was what made me a fan, this film was what made my parents fans.

  • @chebrubin
    @chebrubin 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I wish you could do roadshow screenings where you could host a watching and follow-up conversation with audiences and explain how the best of cinema can touch and inspire us.

  • @deadpoinsettia
    @deadpoinsettia ปีที่แล้ว

    That log had a child!

  • @agitatedmongoose
    @agitatedmongoose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    There are some scenes near the very end that feel almost artsy. Lol. Okay I'm overstating it. Well for Star Wars anyways it had definite touches of boldness.

    • @SnakeWasRight
      @SnakeWasRight 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Wut... star wars is very artsy and bold. Well, the 6 real ones anyway.

    • @rileyneupauer3993
      @rileyneupauer3993 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@SnakeWasRight ah yes, the prequels are artsy and avante garde for sure

    • @agitatedmongoose
      @agitatedmongoose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SnakeWasRight if you believe that you need to broaden your horizons then. 😀
      I think the word you're looking for for the first trilogy is "Original".

    • @SnakeWasRight
      @SnakeWasRight 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@agitatedmongoose no, all of those movies took risks, that's boldness.

    • @agitatedmongoose
      @agitatedmongoose 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SnakeWasRight i hope you don't go into filmmaking if Return of the Jedi is your inspiration and idea of bold filmmaking.

  • @patriautism
    @patriautism 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The best Star Wars movie by far.

  • @M.H.I.A.F.T.
    @M.H.I.A.F.T. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Maggie would you agree that the re-filmed footage of Palpatine with Ian McDiarmid replacing the original performer was an improvement? It certainly fixes the continuity across the films to have the same actor portraying him in each film.

    • @tj2375
      @tj2375 วันที่ผ่านมา

      In my opinion it's not an improvement. Changing actors is normal. Lucas's obsession of going back and changing his films constantly just ruins the films. It affects their aesthetic cohesion for absolutely no gain. In the case of star wars "a new hope" it even ruins the pacing.

  • @anthonymartensen3164
    @anthonymartensen3164 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Empire is one of the most unanimously praised films of all time.

  • @markpawziuk1449
    @markpawziuk1449 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Amen. You really nailed what makes EMPIRE special. I love its bold, thoughtful, expertly crafted, and unforgettable filmmaking.

  • @ericmac4648
    @ericmac4648 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Your review is spot on!!! Star Wars is the opening act and The Empire Strikes Back is the main event.

  • @skabcat242
    @skabcat242 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was a kid Return of the Jedi was my favorite. As I got older Empire Strikes Back grew to be my favorite. The battle of hoth is still epic.

  • @orlandoarealuxuryrentals8453
    @orlandoarealuxuryrentals8453 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    100% -- and I feel the Duel of The Fates is actually among the WORST duels-- no dialogue-- no story happening-- -

  • @starwarsroo2448
    @starwarsroo2448 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The best thing is every character gets fleshed out, even R2, Chewie and Yoda, they really bring them out, even with small lines and reactions

  • @JCT1926
    @JCT1926 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The last movie where The Force makes sense: Even in ROTJ obi wan and Yoda's insistence on Luke murdering Vader begins to ruin the jedi.

  • @madmanmoviemitch
    @madmanmoviemitch 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Have you watched the new documentary Light and Magic about ILM's work throughout the decades? It's very good but really made me depressed because of how lacking in magic and just good storytelling these Star Wars films and shows have been lately.

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think Star Wars has become just another mass produced commodity in the cultural landscape today. sure, it made staggering amounts of money and sold countless products from the very beginning, hell, it probably helped create the aggressive corporate entertainment zeitgeist that now runs dominant in Hollywood, but the movies themselves had so much to say. now it's all just nostalgia, fan service and filler shows and movies.

  • @Barbies_Angel
    @Barbies_Angel 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have only been getting into Star Wars recently as an adult. I don’t think I’ve developed the same bond someone who grew up with it might have, but I definitely respect it for it’s role in cinema history. Would you review Happy Death Day, the modern version of empire strikes back?

  • @fewwiggle
    @fewwiggle ปีที่แล้ว

    Empire had the luxury of knowing it was the second of a trilogy, so it could be ambitious and "ambiguous".

  • @stuartmorris6299
    @stuartmorris6299 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I keep coming back to the best reviewer goin.

  • @neilfraser1235
    @neilfraser1235 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What makes this movie great is just what you said, watching these characters go up against something much bigger than themselves and failing. Makes Return Of The Jedi so much more meaningful as a movie.

  • @hesprus
    @hesprus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I went to see this picture on the 40th anniversary release in 2020, as the first in the theater, post-lock down.

  • @BruceColon-BSides
    @BruceColon-BSides 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Miraculous sequel. Still majestic and elegant. Probably the last truly great Star Wars.

  • @third.act.countdown
    @third.act.countdown 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The movie where nothing happens but a plot twist

  • @gingerblue2265
    @gingerblue2265 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I disliked Empires Strike Back when i was a kid, but it turned to be my favorite Star Wars films of all time as an adult. Introduction of legendary characters of Yoda, Bobba Fett, Lando and learning about Vader. Great plot and the cliff hanging ending was a classic.

  • @rxlxviii
    @rxlxviii 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I would really like to see your review of Searching For Bobby Fischer

    @JJJJJVVVVVLLLLL 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I know this is very much a minority opinion, but I never warmed to the family melodrama in Star Wars.
    I saw Empire new in theaters, age 13, was blown away by the opening battle and Yoda, Cloud City etc. but Darth being Luke’s father felt very much to me like something Lucas came up with after ‘New Hope’ and I don’t think he ever got it right.

  • @JR_Donofrio
    @JR_Donofrio 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Question: when you review movies do you have a script off to the side so you can review your notes or no? Thanks for the review and have a wonderful day

  • @Megarobotsquadron
    @Megarobotsquadron 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I honestly don't know how they would have killed Han. The carbon chamber sequence was a series high point. And if that was an execution it would have been trickier

  • @JohnBigboot
    @JohnBigboot 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    That they actually got Yoda to work convincingly, not as just a Muppet in a human movie, but as a real character with just as much weight and authenticity as everyone else, is amazing. Then they have the balls to introduce him by trolling Luke for 5 minutes.

  • @truefilm6991
    @truefilm6991 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Empire is better than New Hope in every single aspect. Atmosphere, cinematography (better film stock), acting, directing, editing, set pieces, dialog, scope, story, even the music.

  • @frankducky6130
    @frankducky6130 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is my favorite Star Wars
    Movie, don’t like most of the prequels, the sequels are entertaining but ultimately not satisfying, without Empire Strikes back I wouldn’t like this franchise.

  • @claborn79
    @claborn79 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Pauline Kael thought Empire was the only truly great Hollywood film released in 1980.

  • @UngKristen
    @UngKristen 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    - We had a deal!
    - I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further

  • @rodneydungan8965
    @rodneydungan8965 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Never thought of Han dying, or killing him off in the carbon thing. DeepFocus, you're perceptive. Han's character and motivation pretty much dies at that moment anyway. That would have really shook things up and darkened the film.

  • @scottlette
    @scottlette 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The best “Hollywood” movies are the ones where the profit motif is forced to meet artistic integrity and freedom. You need a bit of both to make a proper blockbuster. A decade of pyjama-cops has essentially tipped the scales towards entertainment-as-product, as well as entertainment-as-cultural-programming. While both these elements are as old as the system itself, the strict adherence to corporate management has essentially slain the goose.

  • @palazzo1113
    @palazzo1113 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Two things:
    I love your content. I feel like I'm listening to an educated good friend tell me about the movies they've watched. You have a storyteller's talent and cadence.
    And, is that a copy of Watchmen up there?

    • @ExxylcrothEagle
      @ExxylcrothEagle 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes and I signed that copy for her 😆

  • @maximusprime3459
    @maximusprime3459 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anytime I watch it, I'm totally taken back to a place and time in my childhood.

  • @byronb.
    @byronb. 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back is the best science fiction film of all time.

  • @kentharper2222
    @kentharper2222 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The verisimilitude of your feelings toward the Empire Strikes Back is perfectly mirrored by my feelings toward deepfocuslens rockin one of those midriff sport outfits
    For One Her eyes "pure fireworks" as you would put it
    2. Absolutely gorgeous you dont really need to touch it at all
    When I think about when I just look at it from a distance is just one of those things that just falls into place everything intersects at the right time it's all about the timing here
    And then out of that you're managing to orchestrate something that is nearly Perfect honestly
    Now ofcourse theres things I wouldve ldike to seen more of as of personal taste
    I wouldve even liked it to go even MORE dark
    Even MORE BOLD
    Not like in some reckles stupid way
    I guess just continuing with the dignity is what I'm trying to say

  • @peterpellechia5985
    @peterpellechia5985 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The first film is every bit as good as empire gorgeous

  • @davidjamesmclean6325
    @davidjamesmclean6325 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's peak star wars. It's never recaptured the same quality.

  • @Waffles..
    @Waffles.. ปีที่แล้ว

    A solid movie..8/10 for sure

  • @jiml
    @jiml 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was a great review of a classic id be curious to hear youre take on the prequels which are seen as masterpieces compared to Disney's trilogy but of course anything is better than that trilogy I think star wars as a whole in the beginning had a sense of wonder that few creators or authors really capture that imagination like Harry potter did for my generation and as bad as the prequels were and boy they were terrible at least star wars under lucas was a dead franchise now we're going to be seeing movies and tv shows of this franchise till 2099 probably

  • @Acrocanthosaurus
    @Acrocanthosaurus 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did you watch original New Hope or 'special' edition New Hope? Huge difference. They're not even the same movie.

  • @howzyerfather
    @howzyerfather 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What did you think of Princess Leia's hair?

  • @AnthonyGuerrino_aka_TonyMoro
    @AnthonyGuerrino_aka_TonyMoro 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This was my favorite SW film for many, many years. Until I decided that A New Hope is officially my favorite pf the franchise.

    • @ExxylcrothEagle
      @ExxylcrothEagle 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Kenobi has a certain undeniable influence on a new hope that conveys the force so well

  • @665don667
    @665don667 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's the second best duel for me. I think Luke and Vader's duel in Return of the Jedi is the best.

  • @shazzbutter
    @shazzbutter 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Every true fan knows Empire is the best.

    @JWGARCIA79 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    John Williams was on point with the score

  • @starwarsroo2448
    @starwarsroo2448 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Irvin was Lucas's teacher at film school, thats why Lucas picked him

  • @rawpower5419
    @rawpower5419 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Did you watch the Despecialized version?

  • @tazmanceltic
    @tazmanceltic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    One of the greatest movies ever , and one of the best reviews I've seen also.

  • @DrGalazkiewicz
    @DrGalazkiewicz 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Luke gets his hand cut off, finds out Vader’s his father, Han gets frozen and taken away by Boba Fett. It ends on such a down note. I mean, that’s what life is - a series of down endings.

    • @sunsetman22
      @sunsetman22 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      lemme guess, you're not even supposed to be here today....

  • @Pokehon
    @Pokehon 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Great review!

  • @arnaud.lancelot
    @arnaud.lancelot 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Nice review but why do u guys always feel like bashing cgi? Cgi in "the force awakens" just look fine. And seeing the Yoda puppet back in "the last jedi" convinced me that cgi Yoda was way better. In "Empire Strike Back", Yoda puppet benefits from staging at its finest. Staging is what may be lacking in the prequels. But i would not pick cgi as the main problem n i see some nostagia if saying so. .

  • @guillaumechabason3165
    @guillaumechabason3165 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    50 % of the movie success is in my opinion the music score

  • @flamingocupproductions5329
    @flamingocupproductions5329 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    pls review some Ralph Bakshi films

  • @Starkardur
    @Starkardur 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The only Star Wars movie I like

  • @treljaengo
    @treljaengo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I'm with George Lucas and feel ESB is the weakest of the OT. From a technical standpoint it's the best, but it lacks heart and leaves me feeling...not much. I never buy the Han/Leia romance. Do they want to bang each other? Sure. But love? Sorry, not seeing it. The cinematography was the best in the series up until Dan Mindel in TFA. The lighting and color in ESB is fantastic, and makes the step down in RotJ that much more apparent. No clue why they changed. But people give Kershner way too much credit. If he was so good, he would not have gone on to direct the worst Connery Bond movie and a lame Robocop sequel. It's clear he was helped tremendously by a great script from Kasdan, a solid DP, and guidance from Lucas. What Kershner has over Lucas is taste. He knows where the line is, and that, more than anything, is why some people consider this the best. It lacks cheese for the most part. Cheese for me isn't a deal breaker though, and I enjoy RotJ the most out of the OT.

  • @flamingocupproductions5329
    @flamingocupproductions5329 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    is it better than t2

    @JWGARCIA79 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    That was the movie that surpassed the movie before it

  • @chunkymilk
    @chunkymilk 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    the only star wars movie i like is star wars (1977).

  • @aaronblue76
    @aaronblue76 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Best sequel ever made is Godfather II 🙂