2024.06.08 帛琉潛旅第六天 (Palau Scuba Diving Trip - Day 6, Peleliu Express, Peleliu Cut, 貝里琉, 帛琉潛水)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • 在我們潛水探險的最後一天,天剛亮,我們便在七點出發,乘船前往貝里琉。這趟80分鐘的航程中,我們在彩虹的陪伴下,迎著晨光,感覺仿佛在夢幻的旅途中航行。貝里琉是帛琉南端的一個小島,這裡不僅擁有豐富的歷史遺跡,還有著令人驚嘆的潛水點。值得一提的是,這裡的水流較強,潛水者需要具備應對強流的經驗和技巧。
    我們首先造訪了東邊的Peleliu Express,這個潛點以其快速的水流和豐富的海洋生物而著稱。隨後,我們前往了西邊的Peleliu Cut,一個以其壯觀的切角地形聞名的潛點。在水溫較低的季節,這裡比較有機會看到大型的海洋生物。雖然我們在淡季潛水,但數量眾多的灰礁鯊、捷克魚群及燕魚群依舊讓人目不暇給,景象壯觀。
    在海豚的陪伴下,為這五天潛水畫上了完美的句號。晚上,我們來到網美餐廳 Elilai,在浪漫的氛圍下享用晚餐。我真心希望下次再訪帛琉不會太久,這裡每天都有驚喜,每天都有美妙的景色等待我們去發現。帛琉,期待再次見到你!
    On our last day of diving, we set out at the crack of dawn, leaving at 7 AM to head to Peleliu. The 80-minute boat ride was like a dream, with a rainbow accompanying us as we sailed into the morning light. Peleliu, located at the southern part of Palau, is a small island rich in historical relics and stunning dive sites. It's worth noting that the currents here are strong, so divers need experience and skills to handle them.
    First, we visited Peleliu Express on the east side, known for its fast currents and abundant marine life. Then, we moved on to Peleliu Cut on the west side, famous for its dramatic cut-corner terrain. During the cooler seasons, you have a better chance of spotting larger marine creatures here. Even though we were diving in the off-season, the sheer number of gray reef sharks, jacks, and batfish was still breathtaking.
    In Peleliu, you can spot Palau's national treasure, the Napoleon wrasse, everywhere, along with the impressive bumphead parrotfish, adding so much fun to our dive trip. Every time we surfaced, the island's beautiful scenery and refreshing sea breeze made us feel so relaxed. During our surface interval, we took the time to explore the WWII relics on the island, experiencing the profound blend of history and natural beauty.
    Accompanied by playful dolphins, we marked the perfect end to our five-day diving adventure. That evening, we dined at the trendy Elilai restaurant, enjoying a romantic atmosphere. I sincerely hope it won't be long before I return to Palau, where every day is full of surprises and stunning sights waiting to be discovered. Palau, see you again soon!

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