That long haired boy had 0 chance before entering this world because his mother is contaminated and extremely narcissistic. I wouldn’t be surprised he will become a she soon.
I worked with a student who was raised like this. She would stand up on the tables and desks at school. Disrupt the other kids. Refuse to participate or do classwork. This is why I was asked to work with her. Intelligent, but used to her environment shifting for her. I didn't feel like playing that game. We worked together for two years. I received a letter from her, years later, saying thank you. She tried hard to push me away, dislike her, but it didn't work. She said at the time I came into her life, she was depressed. Wanted to die, looking for the wrong attention. I wouldn't t let it happen. She knew I cared. She never thought her parents did. I didn't make a lot of money, but I'll admit I felt pretty wealthy after reading what an impact I had on her life.
I’ve said that to many parents who parented the way this TikTok displays. Kids need boundaries. My 4 kids have thanked me for being tough with them when they were little. They didn’t like it at the time, but they grew to respect me and my Wife very much for it. Kids who are raised like this video, grow up to resent their parents when older. P.S…glad you were part of that child’s life.
@Iluvmybf871 I'm talking about letting a kid do literally anything and everything they want. That is abuse - letting a kid just eat literally anything, if they want candy and ice cream all day? No problem. Totally unlimited screen time, never making them do ANYTHING they don't want to do (like, go to bed, brush their teeth, bathe, etc., etc.) --- that is abuse.
@@zzevonplantthe video never said they don’t brush teeth, bathe, etc, and it said letting the child eat what they want is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if they aren’t choosing unhealthy foods. People really need to stop calling bad parenting or parenting you disagree with abuse. It’s not the same, and it’s no different than them calling parenting with strict boundaries and consequences abuse. I was removed by CPS as a child, and I know children who were removed from false abuse claims and given back after a week or two of investigating. They were abused for the first time in the group home by staff, one sexually abused. It’s not a joke, and I promise that bad parenting will always be preferable to the abuse suffered in CPS care-so despite not liking it, having reasons to not like it, calling abuse when it is not is exaggerating and harms children more than the bad parenting quite honestly. Also, letting your kids eat foods they want is not abuse. Obviously this doesn’t mean they get candy for breakfast and stuff, but my son has a severe feeding disorder and is just now eating solids at 6, my other has food aversions as they are both disabled. They are in feeding therapy, nutritionist, GI, etc, and ALL across the board raise the importance of allowing kids to have some level of say in what they eat-not complete say, they don’t get to eat shit all the time. But they should get to choose between fruits they like, veggies they like, what they are feeling like eating, etc. WE as adults choose our meals, we feel like some foods some days and not others, and children are no different. It builds a healthier relationship with food, and increases the odds of healthy eating carrying on to adulthood. I have personally seen it make a difference in our home. You let them choose between what veggie is on their plate, or what fruit, toast or no, or even ask what they want for dinner that day-and this is immensely helpful in expanding diet and giving them a positive relationship with healthy foods. You don’t let them pick whatever, you let them choose from options
Actually, what is even far worse is the response this kid will get for this type behavior. He doesn't know any better and will not know...until the society rejects him over and over and over again. These parents are setting him up for a life long suffering and confusion as to who he is. And at some point he might be excommunicated by his peers, coworkers, and the society in general. So I feel bad for the kid, because of he wreaks havoc on people's lives...people will simply turn their backs on him and move on. While he will be left behind not understanding what is going on and why people are treating him poorly.
@@slaviapolandia7541 That is a very good point. Let's hope that, early on, the kid will be exposed to positive influences powerful enough to override the poor upbringing he's being subjected to
My thoughts exactly, God help the babysitter/ grandparents or anyone else that has to mind this child for even one hour, they are setting this child up to fail in life because he won't know how to handle any kind of authority or understand rules, poor kid won't even get invited to kids parties, he will cause mayhem at them because he is so spoiled 🙄
In China they call them 'Little Emperors' . It is horrifying , especially once they grow up and you see how fragile and disruptive to society they are . They are simply broken and unfixable . That is the goal .
I've learned something by my dog (I know it's unfair to compare it with children). When my dog was few months old, i was teaching her to listen to me when we were walking around town (I live in small town). I wanted taking her walk without leash. I was somewhat strict, I rewarded her when she obeyed my commandement ("stop", "come back", "let's go" - that's basically it) and punish her when she didn't. After few months, I succeded. She gain my trust and I'm taking her for a walk without leash (except in town when there's a lot of people, some people are scarred of dogs). Today, during walks she can GO wherever she want, but when I say "come back" (mostly when her or other's safety is at risk) she immidiately comes back. She can DO whatever she want, but when I say "stop" she immidiately stops. She can do more things and go to more places than she would with a leash. In conclusion, all effort and punishments put in training were sacrifice for freedom she now has. No freedom was ever made without sacrifice...
That’s not parenting. There’s no guidance. The mother is making no effort to teach the child why bedtime is important. And meals should be healthy. Toddlers do say no to everything.
Bingo! I only made a couple of these mistakes out of love. We have her back on track but oh man I wouldn't have wanted to be her first grade teacher. She wasn't an accident and I thought I was ready. Oh how wrong I was
But it's also such a self-righteous thing to post. Like, "We don't make him eat things he doesn't like." Well, I mean, I'm not going to make a video about it, lol, but with my kid, she might grimmace at broccoli, but then I figure out she likes snow peas, so I make her snow peas, so I also "don't force her" to eat stuff she doesn't like without letting her pork out on sweets, haha, but I don't make self-righteous videos letting everyone know about it.
They are stressing their children out SO BAD. They WANT limitations. They WANT boundaries. They don’t want the stress of having control they’re not equipped to have.
@@richrich2862Deep down they want it. Thats why kids who are let go act up more. They want push back from their parents which shows them that their parents care
Repent and trust in Jesus. He's the only way. We deserve Hell because we've sinned. Lied, lusted stolen, etc. But God sent his son to die on the cross and rise out of the grave. We can receive forgiveness from Jesus. Repent and put your trust in him. John 3:16 Romans 3:23😊❤❤
I know a kid who was raised like this. She was an absolutely insufferable child - would yell, scream profanities, hit, punch, was completely and utterly degenerate, yet her parents did NOTHING to stop her behaviour, and in fact justified her behaviour to herself and others constantly. It was never her fault, always someone else's. As she became a teen, she realized that other people, and the world at large, absolutely does NOT tolerate her disgusting behaviour. She couldn't make friends and developed a horrible self-image. Now that she's an adult, she's chronically depressed and doesn't see the point of living. Parents like the ones in the video are creating extremely ill-adjusted adults who are a menace to other people, and ultimately to themselves.
Yea well unfortunately that sounds like exactly where letting a child make all their own decisions without any guidance and never telling them no would lead... smh society full of self absorbed mental unhealthy narcissists
I was at the grocery store the other day and a woman was insisting her toddler choose which kind of peanut butter and jelly they purchased. She thought if he picked it, he would surely eat it when they got home. She was making him look at all these jars asking him over and over as he ignored her and attempted to climb around on the cart. 😂 I was thinking he literally doesn’t give a shit lady and you’re creating chaos. Letting your child control everything does not make them behave better.
I was basically raised this way. With no boundaries or discipline. And, I became an irresponsible drug addict throughout my teenage years and my 20s. I'm in recovery now and doing better for myself, but I can assure you that letting a kid do whatever it wants is a setup for failure.
Wishing you the best of luck my brother in recovery! I was thinking this seems like a good way to set a kid up for addiction down the line, never learning to delay gratification. Anyway I wish you the best. It is hard learning how to be a functioning person as an adult instead of as a child. My NA family has helped me so much.
I can relate to this. Absolutely no boundaries and thank God I was saved from the generational curse in recovery from 2012 on. My son is his age and thank God he will never be raised like me. Congrats on your recovery!❤ we are changing generations 🙌
I hope the kid grows up well adjusted and won't crumble at the first sign of any real adversity. The consequence of sheltered kids is going to stunt them when they have to leave home where nothing is guaranteed. I know a few people with kids who just don't work because they were sheltered and have anxiety. One of my coworkers has one that's 30.
It's not even that, they're just lazy and want to spend as little time as possible raising their child, so they always choose the path of least resistance and then pretend it is some special 'parenting style' to gather likes and affirmation on Tiktok. And it's going viral because thousands of other parents who are similarly lazy and irresponsible love videos like these, as it suppresses those feelings of doubt and guilt they have about their own parenting style, or lack thereof.
An older woman told me her parents let her do whatever she wanted with no boundaries or consequences. I asked her what she thought about her parents treating her in that way. Her answer, "I thought they didn't care about me." As a teen, she said she tried to push her parents to take action, by drinking, using drugs, and staying out all night. Her parents' response? Nothing. This woman became even more convinced that her parents didn't care about her.
It's actually easier to "parent" this way than to take time, energy and patience to discipline kids. It's completely understandable that she felt that way.
I was parented the same way . My father died in a car accident while he was drunk driving. And my mother never ever told me no or anything at all . I did whatever I wanted and ended up getting pregnant at 14 years old. I always felt like she didn’t even love me or care about me at all . I’m very different with my children.
I had a friend who raised her son like this. She actually scolded me one day for spanking my kids. By the time he was 4 she had called police several times on him. When he started school, he would urinate on other children. She would call me at work or my daughter who was 16 by this time to get him into the house because we were the only ones he would listen to. He eventually got so bad that she ended up giving him to his grandparents. They got to a point where they couldn’t make him mind and ended up giving him to an uncle in a different state. He was in the military and worked hard with him until last I heard he was doing well.
@@christineroulin9518 what keeps me up at night after all these years is that one day I was talking to her and she said “you know how a lot of parents are afraid of school shooters? I’m afraid my kid will BE the school shooter.” It still gives me goosebumps.
No father figure? Mothers use to provide love, but fathers provide something more useful in the long run- structure. Only exceptional mothers can force themselves to give structure to their children and I’ve seen a few of them and they led hard lives. Humans aren’t meant for single parenting.
I have 3 kids. Watching another parent say they always respect when their child says “no” is laughable. What happens when he wants to play with scissors? I caught my 5 year old son trying to cut a hole in his brand new shirt yesterday. Should I just have let him because he was just expressing himself? No! little kids, boys especially DO NOT have forethought. They are impulsive, ignorant risk takers who would eat sugar 24/7 if you allowed it. My 5 year old also tried to ride his bike down the stairs. Sometimes you HAVE to say no even if the kid disagrees.
As an elementary school teacher, these people terrify me. Do you know how difficult teaching is normally, let alone if the kid has never heard no before? Which is why I risk hellish fury to stand up to parents on this, it's your kid and you can raise them how you like...but in my classroom that hippie lunacy does not fly.
Sorry but I have to share my experience. I recieved a phone call from my son's teacher the other night. I was almost expecting her tell me she was concerned about my son because he is quiet and kinda anti social... but no.. she said I just want you guys to know that you are such good parents. So many of my students blatantly tell me NO when I ask them to do something but your son is so polite and anytime I ask him to do something he says OK and does it. Made me feel quite good about my parenting 😂
In my region the teachers are educating the child of a supervisor in the education department. The child is completely spoilt rotten and the teachers feel powerless.
It would be good if it was law that you have to be 16 or older to own a smartphone...if kids need a phone to keep in touch there are phones without internet access that they can use. The smartphone is destroying society, although I like my phone I can still see the damage they are doing all around me. 🇬🇧👍
@@defectiveindustries I had terribly overprotective parents growing up, and the only thing that allowed me to reach the outside world and learn new things was the internet. A kid doesn't "need" a cellphone. They need good parents. Good parents know what decisions to make in order to keep their child safe. Some children can handle technology at a younger age, but the question is addiction, I agree.
True story, I had a acquaintance who only served her kid processed food, because she didn’t want him to have to eat anything he didn’t like. He came down with an autism like disorder where he would just freeze up, like a robot running out of batteries. Eventually it was determined it was diet related. That was my suspicion all along. It was a messed up form of child abuse. Just as dangerous.
I knew a woman who along with her husband raised a son just like what was described in that video. Today that boy (a man now) is very dysfunctional. He's depressed, very overweight, angry, and basically a horrible person. Very, very sad. And yet his parents don't think any of that is their fault. Unbelievable.
The primary reason I (at age 36) have to forgo having children is because I don't want my children growing up in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. There are other factors too, but that's the main one because they have already destroyed my generation (the millennials) and I already worry about my young niece and nephew.
@@Eric19877That’s not to mention that our generation was heavily influenced by social media, particularly MySpace in the mid - late 2000’s. Our idea of a good television show is throwaway reality tv, complete with toilet humor, drama queens and fake relationships. Filmed in Los Angeles, where idiot directors and producers can drop us with the tip of a hat. Our college education was already subverted. I went to college, ended up with a bachelor’s degree in Business only to find it didn’t net me anything. I have earned more money from jobs that didn’t consider my business degree then those jobs that considered it. And now we have Gen Alpha, the kids my generation is raising, who are already turning into spoiled brats who lack any conception of reality. We believed in Santa Claus, but I wasn’t spoiled with hoards of gifts. I had to earn what I got. Now college is more expensive than ever, it’s more useless than ever, and our job market is filled top to bottom with diversity hires. Now I’m afraid to say anything for fear of being fired by HR department over a nonsensical comment. Our entire system needs to go.
There are some parenting tips I see online that do see good. One I saw was giving your child limited choices like Matt mentioned. Example: “hey kid, we have to either was the dishes or fold the laundry. Would you rather was the dishes or fold the laundry?” This gives the child a choice but still a choice you want them to make.
Boundaries are VERY important when raising kids. My sister had a young daughter who rebelled at being told to do necessary my sister would give her the following choice, for example: "Do you want to have your bath BEFORE dinner or AFTER dinner?" In other words, the bath was not an option! But it gave my young niece a sense of having some control over her daily routine and life. Worked like a charm. She is now a lovely young lady and pediatric nurse. Thank you Matt :))
My three year old is already outsmarting that NLP phrasing. So he gets the option of having mama or papa helping him. He knows he better chooses mama while he can.
Those parents are a bunch of liars. You damn well know that when it's time to take the kid to the doctor to get shots, and the kid says "no," it's ignored.
A lot of the parents in NYC leave their kids with really abusive nannies. See it every day, horrible. It makes me realize why so many grow up to be psychopaths.
I saw a little 3 yr old being abused by a caregiver on way to subway I said something she laced into me very aggressive. She ran into people she knew on subway. I went up to them to say what I had witnessed and to tell the parents.
@@WindTurbineSyndrome . Yes, the bullies can get very aggressive when you say something. I try to talk to the child in a calm way. It is great you let the friends know.
My parents both went out of their way to adopt my little sister and I from China. Adopted at different times from different biological parents, but still. I'm insanely thankful and grateful that my parents had a beautifully healthy balance of discipline and leniency. I was taught to work for what I want, we were limited screentime, eat healthy, and most importantly, be thankful for what I have. That kid is gonna end up in prison. Edit; By work I meant little chores such as cleaning up our toys or helping sweep a room for a dollar. Now chill.
@ThemisPapaioannou you do understand that for most kids work is doing chores or cleaning up after themselves right? Parents are supposed to teach their kids to work for what they want not to just hand it to them
Nothing Matt has said should be controversial or even surprising to even people who are not parents. It’s simply common sense. It’s consistent with the definition of parenting.
lol my daughter has had her own phone since she was 7 , she has a bedtime on school nights but that's about it . she eats mostly whatever she wants . she's on the middle school soccer team isn't obese and is a very well adjusted and healthy 11 year old. matt is right in most things , but on this one he's just wrong !
@@Mouthy_Trucker Consequences do not always come immediately. Come back to this post when she is 22. Maybe sooner. Discipline, no phone exposure and learning to accept no from authority figures are important. Even the designers of tech products do not give it to their own children.
@@2780-l2k my oldest is 18 and in college for nursing , she has a brand new car she bought herself and carries an average bank balance of 18 grand, my middle has a job at the same nursing home her sister worked at all through school and bought her own car is on high honors in school just like my other two daughters ... my kids are all well adjusted but i am just not a helicopter parent!
Alot of parents in the nineties started this crap. Participation trophies, not giving kids consequences etc. We are now seeing the results of this in, especially Gen Z. This will not end well for any of us.
It makes my mom so happy that all the grandkids know that going to her house means they get ice cream. She loves spoiling them and she has earned that joy by the years and years of hard work she put in raising us. These parents are turning their kids into brats and they are taking away one of the most joyful parts of the grandparent/grandchild relationship.
Lol do people really care about kids being spoiled? There’s a way to spoil and still not create a brat. Let’s focus on real problems ,like parents beating their children or parents molesting their kids, or parents who are so drugged up the kid doesn’t have anything at all and stares at needles everyday,or parents who bully their kids. Are we really worried about spoiling when kids out here are being r*ped? I’d much rather my kid be a spoiled brat than dead or trying to commit, or them becoming the abusers. Let’s think about the real problems and not kids having it good. Good for them, stop being bitter you didn’t get shit in your past lol everybody who is so worried about others children who have it good are worrying on the wrong problems. Go out and focus on victims of domestic assault and s*xual assault for children if you’re so worried about a kid becoming messed up. Become a foster parent if you’re worried about kids becoming messed up, I’ll warn you though kids in the system aren’t there for some spoiling, they’re more than likely in the system because of surviving and hustling at around 14 because they’re parents are addicts and only care about the drug. I’m sure these kids would love to be spoiled. Go in the system and see what kids REALLY go through, it’ll open your mind up a lot more and you won’t care about such trivial things that aren’t even problems.
@@Moonlight-řæven it is a real problem, did you like not ever see Charlie and the Chocolate factory? But you are absolutely free to call out tiktokers who film themselves beating children.
@@Moonlight-řæven The whataboutism is incredible. "I can't worry about changing this light-bulb because I need to prioritize renovating the porch". This is the logic that is being used here. One is not related to the other at all, yet you drag your own muddle-minded comment here talking about nothing related to the video. You only use it as a springboard to bring up your own issues.
That was my comment exactly. I had a child like this. You can’t have 20 kids doing whatever they want in a classroom. And the kids do enjoy themselves when there are classroom rules and expectations for behavior.
That is why the rules for public schools need to be changed. About day 2 in the public school I grew up in this kid gets his ass kicked by another kid. Public school used to be able to give you a reality check.
This kids gonna have a tough time in life when he leaves his bubble and discovers the world won't cater to him and you can't just say no to everything.
Diabetes and Heart disease don't cut slack either just because your idiot "parent" let you eat whatever trash you wanted since infanthood. I feel sorry for this kid.
Oh but Democrats will encourage and reward everyone like him for no other reason than to give them affirmation, creating a block of useful idiots that will blindly give them their vote and riot on command.
I have a 23 year old niece raised like that by Leftist parents. To list some results, she's never held a job or got a driver's license, and still lives with parents.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate Matt Walsh here? While every one of us would instantly know how wrong that parent is, Matt has a unique ability to express why better than the rest of us ever could.
You should see the push back I get when I tell other adults (even parents) that I can't do something because my child's bed time is at 7pm every night (except holidays). I might as well have told them 'I can't do the fun thing you want because I have a puppy kicking appointment scheduled.'
In my experience children who aren't given boundaries will do whatever they can do to establish boundaries. They will start to behave badly trying to establish where the line is. Whereas children who are given boundaries grow up feeling secure, taken care of and loved. Seems like a simple enough decision to me.
A friend of mine years ago raised his kid to follow his feelings. Later, he confided that he raised a monster. He was a trained counselor. What did he expect?
Then these types of parents drop off their children to childcare workers like me and force us to deal with their bad (taught) behavior, then get mad at us for telling them no 😁👍
I was raised like the kid in this video. Throughout my life I have struggled to connect with others. I have struggled to maintain jobs. I have struggled to leave my comfort zone. I was so used to just being given what I wanted as a child, so that when I started to face the dark realities of the world I wasn't mentally prepared at all.
It’s terrible when parents neglect their children, and then just buy them things as a way to compensate for it nothing can compensate for a parents attention for young children
Dear Matt, I have worked as a pediatric speech therapist for 23 years. I have seen a lot of changes in that time. None of them good. I meet children and their families who are much like the one you posted all the time. Even if I can get the child talking, their behavior is out of control. The hardest part is that parents are being told that all of the child’s frustrations will end when they talk! Yet these children continue to be very disregulated and problems continue. My husband and I believe in structure, rules and guidance. We raised three kids this way. They are adults now. However, raising kids “the right way” gets terribly challenged in a backwards world where wrong is right. Discipline has taught my kids good lessons, but it is such a struggle when the world rewards bad behavior and punishes the good guy. Wish us luck.
My friend's grandson is very late to talking raised during COVID he was left alone all the time with a stay at home dad who did minimal toileting, feeding, but didn't interact with child much. The two yr old is now developmentally delayed spends hours pretending to drive a car and the father reads or watches computer screen and the mother works full time. Parents who don't interact with single child are asking for delayed speech.
I had a neighbor who parented her two daughters this way. She literally couldn't leave them with anyone (to run errands on her own, travel etc.) because no one would have them .. even their own grandmother. Their behaviour was so terrible that she was stuck with them and couldn't take a break which is fair tbh.
Imagine how many people are gonna have to suffer from being around that child and that child’s parents. Imagine how much that *child* is going to suffer in the future…
If I was such a child my understanding very quickly would be ; ' Well .. my own parents don't love me . They don't care what happens to me . They aren't looking out for me . I am on my own . There is something wrong with me ? Why don't they love me and only love themselves ? ' I hope a kind hearted normal human being with a soul find these kids , an uncle , an aunt , a teacher , a friend -- and gives them what the parents are too afraid and selfish to . Before they are broken forever .
This is called "Permissive Parenting" or "Indulgent Parenting" or child neglect. The effects on the child are well-documented and include low achievement, increased aggression, inability to manage time/emotions/habits, depression, increased likelihood of delinquency and substance abuse, worse academic performance, poor impulse control, worse social skills, more likely to be overweight. I call it child sacrifice, child exploitation for the sake of making a buck (or "fame"). It likely destroys the child's chances of success and happiness in life.
These parents are really just being lazy. It's as you say Matt, parenting is in essence helping to eliminate the confusion and uncertainty inherent to being a new soul. That is a big responsibility, and it requires effort and conviction. So by telling their children that it's all up them, they are effectively shifting this massive burden off of themselves, and onto their children. When you look at it like that it seems downright abusive!
Path of minimal resistance. Society just thinks that everything even slightly painful or hard, is wrong and has to be eliminated Education is hard, sports as well and everything with a greater benefit is hard
There was a time when no one cared how children felt. Now, in modern times, we've overcorrected and decided children should not experience any negative emotion. Modern parents go to great lengths to make sure their child never suffers even when it's not in the best interest of the child.
And worse, they teach their kids that they should be ruled by their emotions. The opposite is true. We shouldn't let our emotions govern our actions. We should let our actions bring about our emotions. Do what is right and good, and *then* you will feel right and good.
I hope these "parents" are saving for, not just his therapy, but for his lawyer. These people are damning their child to a future of loneliness or becoming an abuser. By not learning to respect a parent saying, "No," you don't learn that other people matter just as much as you. I knew plenty of kids whose parents spoiled them & they were the kids who took my stuff or demanded to play with my toys & would cry until the teachers would get angry at ME for "not sharing" when what they were actually angry about was that they couldn't give the smack upside the head the kid NEEDED. He was saying it about dogs,but I think it's even more applicable for kids when Don Sullivan said, "when you say that you _spoil_ your dog, what you really mean to say is that you're __RUINING_ your dog." Like animals, kids need boundaries. Those boundaries teach them that other people need to be respected, too, that their rights are just as important as yours. If you want to be respected, you need to respect others.
That child will have zero friends & never have a longterm partner being raised like that. Those parents are forever ruining his relationships with others because no one will want to put up with a severely spoiled person who is always used to having his way & not having to do difficult but necessary things. Poor kid... it's gonna be lonely.
Everything you said about parenting and child-rearing is 100% true. I tell my children (and have told them ever since they were born) that my job as a mother is to teach them everything they need to know so they can function in society one day. That included disciplining them, giving them boundaries, setting expectations, and teaching them that there really is a right/wrong/good/bad. I taught them these things because I love them. It wasn't easy to discipline them, especially when they cried. It broke my heart to see them sad, but I love my children too much to not teach them. The truth is many will speak into their lives, but I had to make sure that my voice was the loudest. They listen to me because I built a relationship with them, and they trust me. They may not like or appreciate having boundaries and discipline, nor do they always agree with them, but they understand that they are there to ensure they will learn and understand our values so as to succeed in life. They have understood this better as they have gotten older. My sister-in-law once scolded me for disciplining my oldest child when she was a toddler. She told me not to "break her spirit." I told her that I didn't plan to break her spirit. But two things: 1) when that spirit is directed right at me, it will get "broken." 2) Even if I wanted to break her spirit, I couldn't. That is a God-instilled energy that is part of her core makeup. Instead, I told my sister-in-law that I was trying to harness her spirit and direct it toward something productive that would help her grow into the person God had created her to be. And it paid off! This harnessing has given my daughter the freedom and discernment to fully be who she was created to be, and as a result, she now has the tools to function beautifully in society. She graduated from high school last year and is attending a Christian college. She has so much awareness of herself and those around her that she is able to successfully navigate relationships of all different types. I'm so proud of her as I watch her process through different opportunities and "storms" that she encounters. She possesses maturity and confidence, and I'm not the only one who sees it. Peers and teachers acknowledge her confidence and ability to handle whatever gets thrown at her. She's got it! My two other children are growing and thriving in the exact same way, and I look forward to seeing them soar once they are on their own. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I wasn’t forced to do anything as a kid (though I did have lots of love which I’m grateful for) and not having structure and boundaries has affected my whole life till this day. I wasn’t sure how to manage my space/home or personal hygiene. I find it difficult to manage my time and resources so I’m always late and overspending. I have a terrible relationship with food. I have had great trouble controlling and dealing with my emotions. I’ve somehow made a “successful” life but it wasn’t easy to create and it’s not easy to maintain. I feel sorry for the kids cause this does not serve them at all.
I know exactly what you mean. When you're a kid you're jealous of the kid with lenient parents, as an adult it's the complete opposite. Right now it feels like I basically have to be a parent to myself even though I'm completely dysfunctional in many of the ways you described.
Does she even do things with her kid? Or does she just scroll through TikTok all day? Considering this TikTokified parenting it seems like it. Give your kids some attention and discipline and put your phone down.
Being a good parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. If parenting is easy, meaning you don’t fight or have to push your kids to do things they don’t want. Then you are parenting incorrectly. Kids are always pushing boundaries because that is how they learn. It’s up to is as parents to make sure they don’t cross the boundaries that can either hurt them today or hurt them in the future. Last point: best parenting advice I ever received. “Your goal as a parent is not to be friends with your kids but turn your kids into adults you want to be friends with.”
My moms best friend raised her daughter like this. She has become the most insufferable, miserable, nasty, and meanest woman I’ve ever met. She screams at her own mother in front of everyone, calling her every name in the book. Apparently she’s married, but her husband spends every minute of his free time golfing with his buddies.
My wife and I are thinking about having kids soon. However, seeing that kids like these will grow up to be our potential kids' classmates and colleagues..horrifies us.
"Kids need structure, boundaries, routine and guidance". Absolutely true! But Matt forgot the most important thing ; they need a good rolemodel. Someone who teaches/leads by example from a very early age (at least when they start to crawl, touch, explore etc) So many people seem to think that the 'real' parenting starts at the teen years .... The first 7 years of a childs life are the most crucial and will set the foundation.
Exactly, he will grow up to people pleaser and do what others want all the time. Everyone looks at it like he will be a horrible person because he isn't made to do anything but 9/10 kids grow up to not understand the word no in many toxic ways. As I don't agree with many things this mother does, I agree with a couple things. Not everyone does everything right or wrong. There is no right or wrong, it is only ones perspective.
This video spoke to my heart. I grew up in an environment without structure, and without guidance. I have been so lost throughout my life. Growing up, I wasn't as mature as most other kids. Throughout my life I have been deeply depressed, deeply anxious, and hedonistic. I also was not taught how to control myself as a child, so I lack self-control as an adult. Over the past few years I have been trying to put my life in order. I have been making some progress, but it's very hard.
Praying for you my friend! I know from experience it is so hard to learn how to function as an adult, instead of throughout childhood the way it is supposed to go.
I wish you good luck, and I wish your parents had given you structure and boundaries because that’s what kids need to feel secure and loved. I’m disappointed that they didn’t do their job and have made you suffer the consequences of their poor decisions.
Hello brothers and sisters. I would just like to recommend that everyone read the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. Reading that book was the best desicion I ever made.
I've two children under ten. The both have phones but they don't have free access or social media. I believe we need to introduce them to the world that they're going to live in. Give them street smarts. Show them where the predators live, a little at a time. I also keep them at home and homeschool. Satan has control of America.
I’m currently working as a preschool teacher at a daycare and I can testify to the fact that some parents nowadays tend to be overindulgent and I’ve come across various kids who act like they’ve never been told “no” a day in their lives
I grew up not spoiled, but I was certainly not disciplined. I always used to be jealous of my friends cause they got grounded and I did not. I struggle to this day. I AM getting better finally, after many years.
Matt is very correct about this. My parents divorced when I was 3 and I had a very unstructured childhood, with a decent amount of abuse thrown in there as well (from a family friend -- not from parents). I have suffered tremendously with anxiety and attention issues as an adult. My identity is malformed because I was never able to develop real interests as a child and pursue them, or learn a real set of values and put them into practice. I have accepted that it's going to take years to unfuck my brain at this point, but one thing is for sure -- I will do everything I can to ensure my young daughter is not doomed to this fate.
In the last year + of getting to understand Matt's views, I could not be more appreciative for his important presence in society today. He helped me learn to articulate my views on these very sensitive topics, Thank you for the sanity, clarity , honesty , God Bless you and yours.
I have a friend who raised his kid that way. He has had all kinds of situations with no coping mechanisms. He had not finished anything that he has started. Now, playing video games in dad's basement and working 4 hours a week at a local coffee shop.
One thing I’ve learned as a parent of four grown children, no parenting style works for all kids. Kids are unique and a parent who can recognize the differences and adjust accordingly are few and far between. Does the child know they’re loved unconditionally? I think that determines a lot of the outcome.
In addition to the points Matt makes ... I consume a lot of true crime content, the kids who end up killing their parents or partners when they cannot get what they want or get caught in webs of lies are always raised this way - this is a recipe for disaster if the entitled narcissistic kid has any violent tendencies.
Delayed gratification is a simple topic to explain to a child. If you want dessert, you must eat dinner, even if it's not what you want/your favorite. You do what you have to do to get to the sweet treat.
This is the best segment you've done to date Mr. Walsh. Clam, rational, unshakable logic. As a parent struggling with teens who do not agree, I needed to hear this today.
My mother always told me I was very intelligent, very smart, very bright - told me I could already read at an adult level, didn't need to do my reading homework - her comments and attitude hugely disadvantaged me. You have to praise the EFFORT, the JOURNEY. Don't just label your kid as gifted - it's all about the hard work.
Disney Adults . Forever Children . Arrested Development . Exactly right ... never taught responsibility , common sense , morality , sacrifice , honor - NONE OF IT . . Their heads are pure mush .
There was a Twilight Zone episode where a lifelong criminal is killed in a shootout with Police and upon discovering he is in the afterlife with a Man identifying himself as his Guide, is given anything and everything he wants all times-Heaven apparently. After a while his euphoria fades however, becoming bored, restless, and eventually tormented by the thought of an eternity of this since he is already completely numbed by the excess. "Look, I don't deserve Heaven" he tells his Guide. " Just send me to the other place" "What made you think this was Heaven?" The Guide responded. "This is the other place."
I remember watching one of your older videos where you mentioned that "No" should not be an option for kids. And that stuck with me. I am a mom now, and I realize how important it is to have the power to say "No" as a parent.
In my experience, the people who parent this way had very controlling and often abusive childhoods where their emotional needs were ignored completely. These parents, in response, swing in the opposite direction.
100% this is my experience ... I have a friend raising her son kinda like this.... She thinks he is on the spectrum or something but it's just like no... you just never disciple him and he knows he owns you 😂 .....
Then they should not become parents until they sort themselves out, hopefully with intensive therapy, since they are damaging their own children just as significantly, sometimes in the same irreversible manner, by "swing[ing] in the opposite direction." Parenting is about balance, not the extreme.
I'm so glad you said that! What a compassionate take on this situation. Sometimes parenting can be healing, but if that healing takes precedent over meeting your child's needs, you need to change direction.
Just the bedtime thing alone is a disaster. I have seen many of my friends make that mistake before the child is school age and it becomes a nightmare to try to get them on any kind of schedule.
I don't have children but that's what I was thinking. Then the parents will expect someone else to handle the problems I imagine....feel sorry for this child and for his future teachers.
My cousins’ son used to stay up late with the parents, but when he was ready to start school they got him on a bedtime schedule and he sticks with it. Extended or busy weekends can be tough to get back in the routine, but he’s pretty self responsible and knows his limits. If mom or dad are busy working on something, he’ll get himself ready for bed and just say goodnight to them. Or he’ll just crash wherever they’re at.
The food is a huge mistake parents make today. Parents believe it is better for children to eat whatever ever they want whenever they want than to have children NOT eat... I developed a lot of health problems later in life that forced me to learn how to make basically everything from scratch, abandon 99% of what is in the stores, and appreciate the benefit of intermittent fasting even if for a short period of the day and not eating all the time. This has carried to my children because I don't want them to have the health problems I have. I had a child that would barely eat when younger siblings were eating three times the amount she would eat, so I worked with a nutritionist who put her on a very strict diet designed to help her digestive discomfort disappear. My critics said I was a horrible parent because of how restrictive I was. But they couldn't deny that the dietary therapy did shrink her bloated tummy and drastically increased her appetite for healthy foods. She went from barely eating to eating a lot of healthy foods. Were there days at the beginning that she was eating even less at the beginning? Yes, because she wasn't used to the new foods my nutritionist told me to give her and she was asking for junk food, but it is more worth it to me for her to not have a bloated stomach and to finally eat the healthy food she needs to grow. She has started growing again and caught up to where she needs to be. She is very healthy now. All of my children do not have the health problems their friends have or I had at their age. Two of my children have never even had a stomach bug. All of them have never had ear infections, and that is because I worked with a good nutritionist who taught what foods to make for my children and what foods to restrict my children from.
I discovered intermittent fasting, and it is awesome! I also am eating much healthier, and have lost 16 pounds. Changing my diet, minimum exercise did the trick. Ten pounds to go and I feel so much better! Great job mom!
Those people are just bad and lazy parents. It takes effort to be a good parent. It takes effort to give a kid boundaries, structure, routines, healthy food, limits on what they want, etc. Those people do not care about their child if they don’t set limits and boundaries. It’s sickening.
What if the child says *no* to coming out of a busy street? What if he says *no* to a life giving medicine or vax? What if he says *no* when asked to get off dads ladder to the roof? Does no mean no then? How about if he refuses to hand over the Clorox he found and wants to drink it? These parents are not parenting at all.
Raising children in ANY age is difficult; hence, the supreme importance of scripture: “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” ==Proverbs 22:6
My dad used to be a school resource officer and was called often to peoples homes (usually single moms) who can’t get their kid to go the school. He always told me he wanted to ask them the question “you didn’t control your kid when he was 5, what makes you think you’re gonna get him to listen to you now that he is bigger and stronger than you?”
In my opinion the hardest thing of parenting now is that both parents have to work full-time and often overtime for less financial security than former generations got to enjoy with only one working full-time.
So basically, how to raise a narcissist 101.
That long haired boy had 0 chance before entering this world because his mother is contaminated and extremely narcissistic. I wouldn’t be surprised he will become a she soon.
I can't even imagine what kind of tantrums he throws
Narcissism is seen as a good thing nowadays
Worse, psychopaths.
I worked with a student who was raised like this. She would stand up on the tables and desks at school. Disrupt the other kids. Refuse to participate or do classwork. This is why I was asked to work with her. Intelligent, but used to her environment shifting for her. I didn't feel like playing that game. We worked together for two years. I received a letter from her, years later, saying thank you. She tried hard to push me away, dislike her, but it didn't work. She said at the time I came into her life, she was depressed. Wanted to die, looking for the wrong attention. I wouldn't t let it happen. She knew I cared. She never thought her parents did. I didn't make a lot of money, but I'll admit I felt pretty wealthy after reading what an impact I had on her life.
That's awesome that you did not give up on her, and she thanked you.
@@andshewas296 Thank you, that is nice. She was a great kid, she just needed someone to set boundaries.
You may have saved her life..for this, thank you.
Maybe that’s why god put YOU in her life, to save her! It seems that it was a job well done, thank you!
I’ve said that to many parents who parented the way this TikTok displays. Kids need boundaries. My 4 kids have thanked me for being tough with them when they were little. They didn’t like it at the time, but they grew to respect me and my Wife very much for it. Kids who are raised like this video, grow up to resent their parents when older.
P.S…glad you were part of that child’s life.
People who take their parenting advice from Tik Tok shouldn’t be parents.
Agreed 🇬🇧👍
Some people don't need kids!
People who have a trans child are bad parents
This isn't just bad parenting, it's child abuse.
100% they are damaging that poor kid
@Iluvmybf871 I'm talking about letting a kid do literally anything and everything they want. That is abuse - letting a kid just eat literally anything, if they want candy and ice cream all day? No problem. Totally unlimited screen time, never making them do ANYTHING they don't want to do (like, go to bed, brush their teeth, bathe, etc., etc.) --- that is abuse.
Matt Walsh is my favorite dad
@@zzevonplantthe video never said they don’t brush teeth, bathe, etc, and it said letting the child eat what they want is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if they aren’t choosing unhealthy foods.
People really need to stop calling bad parenting or parenting you disagree with abuse. It’s not the same, and it’s no different than them calling parenting with strict boundaries and consequences abuse.
I was removed by CPS as a child, and I know children who were removed from false abuse claims and given back after a week or two of investigating. They were abused for the first time in the group home by staff, one sexually abused.
It’s not a joke, and I promise that bad parenting will always be preferable to the abuse suffered in CPS care-so despite not liking it, having reasons to not like it, calling abuse when it is not is exaggerating and harms children more than the bad parenting quite honestly.
Also, letting your kids eat foods they want is not abuse. Obviously this doesn’t mean they get candy for breakfast and stuff, but my son has a severe feeding disorder and is just now eating solids at 6, my other has food aversions as they are both disabled.
They are in feeding therapy, nutritionist, GI, etc, and ALL across the board raise the importance of allowing kids to have some level of say in what they eat-not complete say, they don’t get to eat shit all the time. But they should get to choose between fruits they like, veggies they like, what they are feeling like eating, etc.
WE as adults choose our meals, we feel like some foods some days and not others, and children are no different.
It builds a healthier relationship with food, and increases the odds of healthy eating carrying on to adulthood.
I have personally seen it make a difference in our home.
You let them choose between what veggie is on their plate, or what fruit, toast or no, or even ask what they want for dinner that day-and this is immensely helpful in expanding diet and giving them a positive relationship with healthy foods.
You don’t let them pick whatever, you let them choose from options
@@zzevonplant I would say its neglect and this can often be even more harmful to a child than abuse.
The thing that bothers me the most is the thought of the utter havoc this kid will wreak on _other_ people's lives when he grows up
Actually, what is even far worse is the response this kid will get for this type behavior. He doesn't know any better and will not know...until the society rejects him over and over and over again. These parents are setting him up for a life long suffering and confusion as to who he is. And at some point he might be excommunicated by his peers, coworkers, and the society in general. So I feel bad for the kid, because of he wreaks havoc on people's lives...people will simply turn their backs on him and move on. While he will be left behind not understanding what is going on and why people are treating him poorly.
@@slaviapolandia7541 That is a very good point. Let's hope that, early on, the kid will be exposed to positive influences powerful enough to override the poor upbringing he's being subjected to
They didn't care enough to do the hard part
My thoughts exactly, God help the babysitter/ grandparents or anyone else that has to mind this child for even one hour, they are setting this child up to fail in life because he won't know how to handle any kind of authority or understand rules, poor kid won't even get invited to kids parties, he will cause mayhem at them because he is so spoiled 🙄
I worked in nursery schools. We had children like this - the parents would give in and give to them ANYTHING. They RUINED their children.
In China they call them 'Little Emperors' . It is horrifying , especially once they grow up and you see how fragile and disruptive to society they are . They are simply broken and unfixable . That is the goal .
Yup. Spoiled is not a good thing. The only thing spoiled fruit is good for is the trash.
I've learned something by my dog (I know it's unfair to compare it with children). When my dog was few months old, i was teaching her to listen to me when we were walking around town (I live in small town). I wanted taking her walk without leash. I was somewhat strict, I rewarded her when she obeyed my commandement ("stop", "come back", "let's go" - that's basically it) and punish her when she didn't. After few months, I succeded. She gain my trust and I'm taking her for a walk without leash (except in town when there's a lot of people, some people are scarred of dogs). Today, during walks she can GO wherever she want, but when I say "come back" (mostly when her or other's safety is at risk) she immidiately comes back. She can DO whatever she want, but when I say "stop" she immidiately stops. She can do more things and go to more places than she would with a leash. In conclusion, all effort and punishments put in training were sacrifice for freedom she now has. No freedom was ever made without sacrifice...
@@dinchy12that was perfect🥰
This mom has no idea the monster she's creating and how much she's setting him up to fail.
Some kids succeed despite their parents
To be honest I think she has idea. Just doesnt care. Because this is just lazy parenting...
That’s not parenting. There’s no guidance. The mother is making no effort to teach the child why bedtime is important. And meals should be healthy. Toddlers do say no to everything.
Bingo! I only made a couple of these mistakes out of love. We have her back on track but oh man I wouldn't have wanted to be her first grade teacher. She wasn't an accident and I thought I was ready.
Oh how wrong I was
But it's also such a self-righteous thing to post. Like, "We don't make him eat things he doesn't like." Well, I mean, I'm not going to make a video about it, lol, but with my kid, she might grimmace at broccoli, but then I figure out she likes snow peas, so I make her snow peas, so I also "don't force her" to eat stuff she doesn't like without letting her pork out on sweets, haha, but I don't make self-righteous videos letting everyone know about it.
They are stressing their children out SO BAD. They WANT limitations. They WANT boundaries. They don’t want the stress of having control they’re not equipped to have.
Not want but need
@@richrich2862Deep down they want it. Thats why kids who are let go act up more. They want push back from their parents which shows them that their parents care
Repent and trust in Jesus. He's the only way. We deserve Hell because we've sinned. Lied, lusted stolen, etc. But God sent his son to die on the cross and rise out of the grave. We can receive forgiveness from Jesus. Repent and put your trust in him.
John 3:16
Romans 3:23😊❤❤
Need and want. They will test to see if there are fences so they can feel secure and happy.
I know a kid who was raised like this. She was an absolutely insufferable child - would yell, scream profanities, hit, punch, was completely and utterly degenerate, yet her parents did NOTHING to stop her behaviour, and in fact justified her behaviour to herself and others constantly. It was never her fault, always someone else's. As she became a teen, she realized that other people, and the world at large, absolutely does NOT tolerate her disgusting behaviour. She couldn't make friends and developed a horrible self-image. Now that she's an adult, she's chronically depressed and doesn't see the point of living. Parents like the ones in the video are creating extremely ill-adjusted adults who are a menace to other people, and ultimately to themselves.
@frenchlearner19 Absolutely true, well said.
Yea well unfortunately that sounds like exactly where letting a child make all their own decisions without any guidance and never telling them no would lead... smh society full of self absorbed mental unhealthy narcissists
I was at the grocery store the other day and a woman was insisting her toddler choose which kind of peanut butter and jelly they purchased. She thought if he picked it, he would surely eat it when they got home. She was making him look at all these jars asking him over and over as he ignored her and attempted to climb around on the cart. 😂 I was thinking he literally doesn’t give a shit lady and you’re creating chaos. Letting your child control everything does not make them behave better.
I was basically raised this way. With no boundaries or discipline. And, I became an irresponsible drug addict throughout my teenage years and my 20s. I'm in recovery now and doing better for myself, but I can assure you that letting a kid do whatever it wants is a setup for failure.
Wishing you the best of luck my brother in recovery!
I was thinking this seems like a good way to set a kid up for addiction down the line, never learning to delay gratification.
Anyway I wish you the best. It is hard learning how to be a functioning person as an adult instead of as a child. My NA family has helped me so much.
Praying for your recovery! Keep going🙌🙌
I can relate to this. Absolutely no boundaries and thank God I was saved from the generational curse in recovery from 2012 on. My son is his age and thank God he will never be raised like me. Congrats on your recovery!❤ we are changing generations 🙌
God bless happy for you!
This isn't bad parenting, this is more akin to a psychopathic medical experiment.
Was thinking the same thing. When he grows up and kills them both in their sleep he will have the perfect alibi.
I hope the kid grows up well adjusted and won't crumble at the first sign of any real adversity. The consequence of sheltered kids is going to stunt them when they have to leave home where nothing is guaranteed. I know a few people with kids who just don't work because they were sheltered and have anxiety. One of my coworkers has one that's 30.
It's child abuse. They are not parenting. They are just zoo keepers.
It's not even that, they're just lazy and want to spend as little time as possible raising their child, so they always choose the path of least resistance and then pretend it is some special 'parenting style' to gather likes and affirmation on Tiktok.
And it's going viral because thousands of other parents who are similarly lazy and irresponsible love videos like these, as it suppresses those feelings of doubt and guilt they have about their own parenting style, or lack thereof.
@@cherylrobinson7876 that's if he doesn't die of diabetes before he can reach adulthood with all the junk he'll eat all day long.
An older woman told me her parents let her do whatever she wanted with no boundaries or consequences. I asked her what she thought about her parents treating her in that way. Her answer, "I thought they didn't care about me." As a teen, she said she tried to push her parents to take action, by drinking, using drugs, and staying out all night. Her parents' response? Nothing. This woman became even more convinced that her parents didn't care about her.
Proverbs 13:24 "If you don’t correct your children, you don’t love them. If you love them, you will be quick to discipline them." (ERV)
Gen X many felt this way.
It's actually easier to "parent" this way than to take time, energy and patience to discipline kids. It's completely understandable that she felt that way.
Maybe they just didn’t care
I was parented the same way . My father died in a car accident while he was drunk driving. And my mother never ever told me no or anything at all . I did whatever I wanted and ended up getting pregnant at 14 years old. I always felt like she didn’t even love me or care about me at all . I’m very different with my children.
I had a friend who raised her son like this. She actually scolded me one day for spanking my kids. By the time he was 4 she had called police several times on him. When he started school, he would urinate on other children. She would call me at work or my daughter who was 16 by this time to get him into the house because we were the only ones he would listen to. He eventually got so bad that she ended up giving him to his grandparents. They got to a point where they couldn’t make him mind and ended up giving him to an uncle in a different state. He was in the military and worked hard with him until last I heard he was doing well.
That is terrifying!!
@@christineroulin9518 what keeps me up at night after all these years is that one day I was talking to her and she said “you know how a lot of parents are afraid of school shooters? I’m afraid my kid will BE the school shooter.” It still gives me goosebumps.
No father figure? Mothers use to provide love, but fathers provide something more useful in the long run- structure.
Only exceptional mothers can force themselves to give structure to their children and I’ve seen a few of them and they led hard lives. Humans aren’t meant for single parenting.
@@LorenzoLozziGallo-rg8bf no father figure. He passed away during her pregnancy.
I have 3 kids. Watching another parent say they always respect when their child says “no” is laughable. What happens when he wants to play with scissors? I caught my 5 year old son trying to cut a hole in his brand new shirt yesterday. Should I just have let him because he was just expressing himself? No! little kids, boys especially DO NOT have forethought. They are impulsive, ignorant risk takers who would eat sugar 24/7 if you allowed it. My 5 year old also tried to ride his bike down the stairs. Sometimes you HAVE to say no even if the kid disagrees.
They aren't raising their child. They are feeding and housing him.
Whoever the "we" are, they sound like lazy pigs raising same.
Free range children I call them
They are going to raise obese, stupid children, who can't deal with reality.
"feeding" is a big word...
As an elementary school teacher, these people terrify me. Do you know how difficult teaching is normally, let alone if the kid has never heard no before?
Which is why I risk hellish fury to stand up to parents on this, it's your kid and you can raise them how you like...but in my classroom that hippie lunacy does not fly.
Sorry but I have to share my experience. I recieved a phone call from my son's teacher the other night. I was almost expecting her tell me she was concerned about my son because he is quiet and kinda anti social... but no.. she said I just want you guys to know that you are such good parents. So many of my students blatantly tell me NO when I ask them to do something but your son is so polite and anytime I ask him to do something he says OK and does it. Made me feel quite good about my parenting 😂
Teachers need a pay raise
@@tylersoto7465agree 100%
@@BoudicaisbackI’m proud of you guys, keep it up seriously 😊
In my region the teachers are educating the child of a supervisor in the education department. The child is completely spoilt rotten and the teachers feel powerless.
Do not give your children a cell phone.
It would be good if it was law that you have to be 16 or older to own a smartphone...if kids need a phone to keep in touch there are phones without internet access that they can use. The smartphone is destroying society, although I like my phone I can still see the damage they are doing all around me.
A kid doesn’t need a cell phone before the age of 13.
@@MaskOfCinder A kid doesnt need a cell phone
@@defectiveindustries I had terribly overprotective parents growing up, and the only thing that allowed me to reach the outside world and learn new things was the internet. A kid doesn't "need" a cellphone. They need good parents. Good parents know what decisions to make in order to keep their child safe. Some children can handle technology at a younger age, but the question is addiction, I agree.
@@MaskOfCinderAge 13 is far too young, when they shove LGBTQ filth down their throat at every turn.
That video is heartbreaking. The kid is so innocent and they are setting him up for disaster.
True story, I had a acquaintance who only served her kid processed food, because she didn’t want him to have to eat anything he didn’t like. He came down with an autism like disorder where he would just freeze up, like a robot running out of batteries. Eventually it was determined it was diet related. That was my suspicion all along. It was a messed up form of child abuse. Just as dangerous.
I knew a woman who along with her husband raised a son just like what was described in that video. Today that boy (a man now) is very dysfunctional. He's depressed, very overweight, angry, and basically a horrible person. Very, very sad. And yet his parents don't think any of that is their fault. Unbelievable.
Apple don’t fall far from the tree. If they don’t look like that on the outside, it’s definitely on the inside.
I know that family too. I believe his name is Dudley..
@@biffm.2806 that’s a double set up for failure. That parenting style, and that God awful name.
@@biffm.2806Dudley Dursley
@@biffm.2806 Harry Pottah
Honestly I’m tired of bad parenting going viral. Why can’t examples of good parenting go viral?
Good parents don’t want to go viral
Because it's normal and expected thus not a spectacle that provokes derision and/or disgust.
The algorithm is controlled intentionally.
Because no normal and healthy person puts their family lives on stupid Tiktok
I worry about the world our kids and grandkids are going to be left with. It’s scary as hell.
The primary reason I (at age 36) have to forgo having children is because I don't want my children growing up in modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. There are other factors too, but that's the main one because they have already destroyed my generation (the millennials) and I already worry about my young niece and nephew.
@@Eric19877That’s not to mention that our generation was heavily influenced by social media, particularly MySpace in the mid - late 2000’s.
Our idea of a good television show is throwaway reality tv, complete with toilet humor, drama queens and fake relationships. Filmed in Los Angeles, where idiot directors and producers can drop us with the tip of a hat.
Our college education was already subverted. I went to college, ended up with a bachelor’s degree in Business only to find it didn’t net me anything. I have earned more money from jobs that didn’t consider my business degree then those jobs that considered it.
And now we have Gen Alpha, the kids my generation is raising, who are already turning into spoiled brats who lack any conception of reality. We believed in Santa Claus, but I wasn’t spoiled with hoards of gifts. I had to earn what I got.
Now college is more expensive than ever, it’s more useless than ever, and our job market is filled top to bottom with diversity hires. Now I’m afraid to say anything for fear of being fired by HR department over a nonsensical comment.
Our entire system needs to go.
Key word is LEFT. If we have grandchildren, they will be Marxists.
I think thats their whole goal.
It is always scary. Have faith that providence will provide a path. Be humble before the Lord and trust Him to guide us.
There are some parenting tips I see online that do see good. One I saw was giving your child limited choices like Matt mentioned. Example: “hey kid, we have to either was the dishes or fold the laundry. Would you rather was the dishes or fold the laundry?” This gives the child a choice but still a choice you want them to make.
My friend still remembers when her father made her wash the dishes but not her brother which she felt was very unfair.
@@WindTurbineSyndromewomen are supposed to do the dishes. I'm kidding 😂
Boundaries are VERY important when raising kids. My sister had a young daughter who rebelled at being told to do necessary my sister would give her the following choice, for example: "Do you want to have your bath BEFORE dinner or AFTER dinner?" In other words, the bath was not an option! But it gave my young niece a sense of having some control over her daily routine and life. Worked like a charm. She is now a lovely young lady and pediatric nurse. Thank you Matt :))
My three year old is already outsmarting that NLP phrasing. So he gets the option of having mama or papa helping him. He knows he better chooses mama while he can.
Some people don't deserve to be parents.
For instance the Alphabet people.
@@herbiehusker1889 Agreed!
Yes democrats!
Mr Walsh apparently completely disagrees as he has stated in previous videos that people need to get married & have kids.
This woman is raising her child to spite all the times she was told NO by her own mother.
I know several kids that were raised like this. They are all now mentally ill adults who can barely function in society.
I witnessed one in my own family, too, unfortunately.
Those parents are a bunch of liars. You damn well know that when it's time to take the kid to the doctor to get shots, and the kid says "no," it's ignored.
I agree. Total liars. They probably spoil him rotten, but the idea they never say no is just ridiculous.
Good. All vaccines are nothing but poison.
Yep agreed. They certainly say "No" when he reaches out to touch the hot stove or when he wants to run across the busy parking lot without looking.
This is one instance where the kid is right. Don’t give your baby shots!
@@wilfredneumann3413Just let it die from the measels?
A lot of the parents in NYC leave their kids with really abusive nannies. See it every day, horrible. It makes me realize why so many grow up to be psychopaths.
I saw a little 3 yr old being abused by a caregiver on way to subway I said something she laced into me very aggressive. She ran into people she knew on subway. I went up to them to say what I had witnessed and to tell the parents.
@@WindTurbineSyndrome . Yes, the bullies can get very aggressive when you say something. I try to talk to the child in a calm way. It is great you let the friends know.
Her "strategy" is the antithesis of parenting.
That kid is gonna grow up very messed up.
Gonna be an asshole, to put it bluntly.
My parents both went out of their way to adopt my little sister and I from China. Adopted at different times from different biological parents, but still. I'm insanely thankful and grateful that my parents had a beautifully healthy balance of discipline and leniency. I was taught to work for what I want, we were limited screentime, eat healthy, and most importantly, be thankful for what I have.
That kid is gonna end up in prison.
Edit; By work I meant little chores such as cleaning up our toys or helping sweep a room for a dollar. Now chill.
Future prisoner... My thoughts exactly!
Kids should NOT work; Work is for ADULTS. Kids are not stupid, they know that adults work, Parents are the carers and PROVIDERS!
@ThemisPapaioannou you do understand that for most kids work is doing chores or cleaning up after themselves right? Parents are supposed to teach their kids to work for what they want not to just hand it to them
@@ThemisPapaioannouBring back child labor!
No, it will be worse. They will never be able to retire bc they will have to raise one of his kids, or him staying there until they are dead.
I was raised very much like that kid. A lack of discipline as a child makes it very difficult to not be hedonistic as an adult.
Thanks for being honest 🙏
At least you have self awareness
@nickca6104 I'd like to see the stats on children raised like this and drug addiction when they grow up. I suspect we'd see a strong correlation.
@@edpoe1108 Biden family
Nothing Matt has said should be controversial or even surprising to even people who are not parents. It’s simply common sense. It’s consistent with the definition of parenting.
Well said Cowboy!
lol my daughter has had her own phone since she was 7 , she has a bedtime on school nights but that's about it . she eats mostly whatever she wants . she's on the middle school soccer team isn't obese and is a very well adjusted and healthy 11 year old. matt is right in most things , but on this one he's just wrong !
@@Mouthy_Trucker Consequences do not always come immediately. Come back to this post when she is 22. Maybe sooner. Discipline, no phone exposure and learning to accept no from authority figures are important. Even the designers of tech products do not give it to their own children.
@@2780-l2k my oldest is 18 and in college for nursing , she has a brand new car she bought herself and carries an average bank balance of 18 grand, my middle has a job at the same nursing home her sister worked at all through school and bought her own car is on high honors in school just like my other two daughters ... my kids are all well adjusted but i am just not a helicopter parent!
Alot of parents in the nineties started this crap. Participation trophies, not giving kids consequences etc. We are now seeing the results of this in, especially Gen Z. This will not end well for any of us.
My mother always said. "I'm your mother not your friend. My job is to groom you into a respectful member of society"
I thank her for that
Did you ever rebel against her as a teen?
I miss the times when grandparents used to spoiled kids once in a while.
Now parents are, 24/7
It makes my mom so happy that all the grandkids know that going to her house means they get ice cream. She loves spoiling them and she has earned that joy by the years and years of hard work she put in raising us. These parents are turning their kids into brats and they are taking away one of the most joyful parts of the grandparent/grandchild relationship.
@@samantha9446 oh no , we've passed brats, modern society and media is raising complete and potentially dangerous narcissists.
Lol do people really care about kids being spoiled? There’s a way to spoil and still not create a brat. Let’s focus on real problems ,like parents beating their children or parents molesting their kids, or parents who are so drugged up the kid doesn’t have anything at all and stares at needles everyday,or parents who bully their kids. Are we really worried about spoiling when kids out here are being r*ped? I’d much rather my kid be a spoiled brat than dead or trying to commit, or them becoming the abusers. Let’s think about the real problems and not kids having it good. Good for them, stop being bitter you didn’t get shit in your past lol everybody who is so worried about others children who have it good are worrying on the wrong problems. Go out and focus on victims of domestic assault and s*xual assault for children if you’re so worried about a kid becoming messed up. Become a foster parent if you’re worried about kids becoming messed up, I’ll warn you though kids in the system aren’t there for some spoiling, they’re more than likely in the system because of surviving and hustling at around 14 because they’re parents are addicts and only care about the drug. I’m sure these kids would love to be spoiled. Go in the system and see what kids REALLY go through, it’ll open your mind up a lot more and you won’t care about such trivial things that aren’t even problems.
@@Moonlight-řæven it is a real problem, did you like not ever see Charlie and the Chocolate factory?
But you are absolutely free to call out tiktokers who film themselves beating children.
@@Moonlight-řæven The whataboutism is incredible. "I can't worry about changing this light-bulb because I need to prioritize renovating the porch". This is the logic that is being used here. One is not related to the other at all, yet you drag your own muddle-minded comment here talking about nothing related to the video. You only use it as a springboard to bring up your own issues.
Please don’t send him to public school - he’s gonna be a nightmare for the teacher and his classmates😳
Don't send him anywhere else either. Who wants that in a private school that parents pay extra for?
Don't put him in a homeschool co-op either. He'd get kicked out of ours if he refused to listen and respect the volunteer teachers.
That was my comment exactly. I had a child like this. You can’t have 20 kids doing whatever they want in a classroom. And the kids do enjoy themselves when there are classroom rules and expectations for behavior.
That is why the rules for public schools need to be changed. About day 2 in the public school I grew up in this kid gets his ass kicked by another kid. Public school used to be able to give you a reality check.
He's going to get bullied for sure
This kids gonna have a tough time in life when he leaves his bubble and discovers the world won't cater to him and you can't just say no to everything.
Yeah in school when he isn’t allowed to take soda
Diabetes and Heart disease don't cut slack either just because your idiot "parent" let you eat whatever trash you wanted since infanthood. I feel sorry for this kid.
Oh but Democrats will encourage and reward everyone like him for no other reason than to give them affirmation, creating a block of useful idiots that will blindly give them their vote and riot on command.
I have a 23 year old niece raised like that by Leftist parents. To list some results, she's never held a job or got a driver's license, and still lives with parents.
Some people don’t enter the real world ever in their lives.
Can we all take a moment to appreciate Matt Walsh here? While every one of us would instantly know how wrong that parent is, Matt has a unique ability to express why better than the rest of us ever could.
You should see the push back I get when I tell other adults (even parents) that I can't do something because my child's bed time is at 7pm every night (except holidays). I might as well have told them 'I can't do the fun thing you want because I have a puppy kicking appointment scheduled.'
In my experience children who aren't given boundaries will do whatever they can do to establish boundaries. They will start to behave badly trying to establish where the line is. Whereas children who are given boundaries grow up feeling secure, taken care of and loved. Seems like a simple enough decision to me.
A friend of mine years ago raised his kid to follow his feelings. Later, he confided that he raised a monster. He was a trained counselor. What did he expect?
I suspect that he didn't "expect" at all. He clearly isn't the kind of person who thinks very far ahead. Probably a crappy chess player, lol.
Then these types of parents drop off their children to childcare workers like me and force us to deal with their bad (taught) behavior, then get mad at us for telling them no 😁👍
These children grow up without the ability to emotionally regulate and it’s terrifying, exhausting and saddening all at the same time
The parents are just setting these poor kids up for failure at this point, I am absolutely horrified for our future generations. And I'm a gen z.
Boundaries tell a child they are loved and cared for.
" Mommy Im going to go play in traffic !! "
"A well disciplined child is a well loved child."- Wise words from my mother. It's absolutely true. Pleasant children are loved by all.
@@SabbaticusRex ... and a Pokemon tattoo.
These kind of parents are setting up their kids for failure...
I was raised like the kid in this video. Throughout my life I have struggled to connect with others. I have struggled to maintain jobs. I have struggled to leave my comfort zone. I was so used to just being given what I wanted as a child, so that when I started to face the dark realities of the world I wasn't mentally prepared at all.
How did you cope?
How are now?
Self control is a BEAUTIFUL fruit of the Holy Spirit.
It’s terrible when parents neglect their children, and then just buy them things as a way to compensate for it nothing can compensate for a parents attention for young children
Dear Matt, I have worked as a pediatric speech therapist for 23 years. I have seen a lot of changes in that time. None of them good. I meet children and their families who are much like the one you posted all the time. Even if I can get the child talking, their behavior is out of control. The hardest part is that parents are being told that all of the child’s frustrations will end when they talk! Yet these children continue to be very disregulated and problems continue.
My husband and I believe in structure, rules and guidance. We raised three kids this way. They are adults now. However, raising kids “the right way” gets terribly challenged in a backwards world where wrong is right. Discipline has taught my kids good lessons, but it is such a struggle when the world rewards bad behavior and punishes the good guy. Wish us luck.
My friend's grandson is very late to talking raised during COVID he was left alone all the time with a stay at home dad who did minimal toileting, feeding, but didn't interact with child much. The two yr old is now developmentally delayed spends hours pretending to drive a car and the father reads or watches computer screen and the mother works full time. Parents who don't interact with single child are asking for delayed speech.
I had a neighbor who parented her two daughters this way. She literally couldn't leave them with anyone (to run errands on her own, travel etc.) because no one would have them .. even their own grandmother. Their behaviour was so terrible that she was stuck with them and couldn't take a break which is fair tbh.
Great reward!!!
She deserves what taught them, HELL FOR HER 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Imagine how many people are gonna have to suffer from being around that child and that child’s parents. Imagine how much that *child* is going to suffer in the future…
If I was such a child my understanding very quickly would be ; ' Well .. my own parents don't love me . They don't care what happens to me . They aren't looking out for me . I am on my own . There is something wrong with me ? Why don't they love me and only love themselves ? '
I hope a kind hearted normal human being with a soul find these kids , an uncle , an aunt , a teacher , a friend -- and gives them what the parents are too afraid and selfish to . Before they are broken forever .
@@SabbaticusRexProverbs 13:24 "If you don’t correct your children, you don’t love them. If you love them, you will be quick to discipline them." (ERV)
Refusing to say no and discipline your child should be felony child abuse, resulting in loss of parental rights imo.
@@trevie7589 Yes, but America is the country of freedom, so the laws would never change to make that illegal, sadly.
@@Drud I think freedom has been abused in this country tbh. 😤
This is called "Permissive Parenting" or "Indulgent Parenting" or child neglect. The effects on the child are well-documented and include low achievement, increased aggression, inability to manage time/emotions/habits, depression, increased likelihood of delinquency and substance abuse, worse academic performance, poor impulse control, worse social skills, more likely to be overweight. I call it child sacrifice, child exploitation for the sake of making a buck (or "fame"). It likely destroys the child's chances of success and happiness in life.
These parents are really just being lazy. It's as you say Matt, parenting is in essence helping to eliminate the confusion and uncertainty inherent to being a new soul. That is a big responsibility, and it requires effort and conviction. So by telling their children that it's all up them, they are effectively shifting this massive burden off of themselves, and onto their children. When you look at it like that it seems downright abusive!
Path of minimal resistance. Society just thinks that everything even slightly painful or hard, is wrong and has to be eliminated
Education is hard, sports as well and everything with a greater benefit is hard
There was a time when no one cared how children felt. Now, in modern times, we've overcorrected and decided children should not experience any negative emotion. Modern parents go to great lengths to make sure their child never suffers even when it's not in the best interest of the child.
So true.
And worse, they teach their kids that they should be ruled by their emotions. The opposite is true. We shouldn't let our emotions govern our actions. We should let our actions bring about our emotions. Do what is right and good, and *then* you will feel right and good.
Yeah but where do we go from here I mean your not suggesting we go back to old-school parenting right?
@@Tast-1934. the right answer would be somewhere in the middle of the extremes?
I hope these "parents" are saving for, not just his therapy, but for his lawyer.
These people are damning their child to a future of loneliness or becoming an abuser. By not learning to respect a parent saying, "No," you don't learn that other people matter just as much as you. I knew plenty of kids whose parents spoiled them & they were the kids who took my stuff or demanded to play with my toys & would cry until the teachers would get angry at ME for "not sharing" when what they were actually angry about was that they couldn't give the smack upside the head the kid NEEDED. He was saying it about dogs,but I think it's even more applicable for kids when Don Sullivan said, "when you say that you _spoil_ your dog, what you really mean to say is that you're __RUINING_ your dog." Like animals, kids need boundaries. Those boundaries teach them that other people need to be respected, too, that their rights are just as important as yours. If you want to be respected, you need to respect others.
I enjoy true crime and I can bet I'll be hearing about him in an episode in a few years
Correction: if you want to be respected, then you need to respect yourself first. Respecting others is a natural consequence of this.
That child will have zero friends & never have a longterm partner being raised like that. Those parents are forever ruining his relationships with others because no one will want to put up with a severely spoiled person who is always used to having his way & not having to do difficult but necessary things. Poor kid... it's gonna be lonely.
Everything you said about parenting and child-rearing is 100% true. I tell my children (and have told them ever since they were born) that my job as a mother is to teach them everything they need to know so they can function in society one day. That included disciplining them, giving them boundaries, setting expectations, and teaching them that there really is a right/wrong/good/bad. I taught them these things because I love them. It wasn't easy to discipline them, especially when they cried. It broke my heart to see them sad, but I love my children too much to not teach them. The truth is many will speak into their lives, but I had to make sure that my voice was the loudest. They listen to me because I built a relationship with them, and they trust me. They may not like or appreciate having boundaries and discipline, nor do they always agree with them, but they understand that they are there to ensure they will learn and understand our values so as to succeed in life. They have understood this better as they have gotten older.
My sister-in-law once scolded me for disciplining my oldest child when she was a toddler. She told me not to "break her spirit." I told her that I didn't plan to break her spirit. But two things: 1) when that spirit is directed right at me, it will get "broken." 2) Even if I wanted to break her spirit, I couldn't. That is a God-instilled energy that is part of her core makeup. Instead, I told my sister-in-law that I was trying to harness her spirit and direct it toward something productive that would help her grow into the person God had created her to be.
And it paid off! This harnessing has given my daughter the freedom and discernment to fully be who she was created to be, and as a result, she now has the tools to function beautifully in society. She graduated from high school last year and is attending a Christian college. She has so much awareness of herself and those around her that she is able to successfully navigate relationships of all different types. I'm so proud of her as I watch her process through different opportunities and "storms" that she encounters. She possesses maturity and confidence, and I'm not the only one who sees it. Peers and teachers acknowledge her confidence and ability to handle whatever gets thrown at her. She's got it! My two other children are growing and thriving in the exact same way, and I look forward to seeing them soar once they are on their own. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.
I wasn’t forced to do anything as a kid (though I did have lots of love which I’m grateful for) and not having structure and boundaries has affected my whole life till this day. I wasn’t sure how to manage my space/home or personal hygiene. I find it difficult to manage my time and resources so I’m always late and overspending. I have a terrible relationship with food. I have had great trouble controlling and dealing with my emotions. I’ve somehow made a “successful” life but it wasn’t easy to create and it’s not easy to maintain. I feel sorry for the kids cause this does not serve them at all.
I know exactly what you mean. When you're a kid you're jealous of the kid with lenient parents, as an adult it's the complete opposite. Right now it feels like I basically have to be a parent to myself even though I'm completely dysfunctional in many of the ways you described.
She's creating an emotionally stunted child. The moment he comes against someone who says no, he won't be able to cope, no emotional resiliance.
Rapist in the making cause he will not understand the concept of consent from a potential sexual partner.
Child set up to fail in the real world
Does she even do things with her kid? Or does she just scroll through TikTok all day? Considering this TikTokified parenting it seems like it. Give your kids some attention and discipline and put your phone down.
Being a good parent is one of the hardest jobs in the world. If parenting is easy, meaning you don’t fight or have to push your kids to do things they don’t want. Then you are parenting incorrectly. Kids are always pushing boundaries because that is how they learn. It’s up to is as parents to make sure they don’t cross the boundaries that can either hurt them today or hurt them in the future. Last point: best parenting advice I ever received. “Your goal as a parent is not to be friends with your kids but turn your kids into adults you want to be friends with.”
My moms best friend raised her daughter like this. She has become the most insufferable, miserable, nasty, and meanest woman I’ve ever met. She screams at her own mother in front of everyone, calling her every name in the book. Apparently she’s married, but her husband spends every minute of his free time golfing with his buddies.
My wife and I are thinking about having kids soon. However, seeing that kids like these will grow up to be our potential kids' classmates and colleagues..horrifies us.
"Kids need structure, boundaries, routine and guidance". Absolutely true! But Matt forgot the most important thing ; they need a good rolemodel. Someone who teaches/leads by example from a very early age (at least when they start to crawl, touch, explore etc) So many people seem to think that the 'real' parenting starts at the teen years .... The first 7 years of a childs life are the most crucial and will set the foundation.
Being the parent that wont say no to there child means that the child will never learn what that word means.
He'll learn someday. Probably from a cop.
Exactly, he will grow up to people pleaser and do what others want all the time. Everyone looks at it like he will be a horrible person because he isn't made to do anything but 9/10 kids grow up to not understand the word no in many toxic ways. As I don't agree with many things this mother does, I agree with a couple things. Not everyone does everything right or wrong. There is no right or wrong, it is only ones perspective.
@@cristasattler9216 Romantic relationships (and/or sexual encounters), suffer the consequences of poor parenting and sibling relationships.
@@2780-l2k childhood trauma does. One has to be right within self before they can do right by another. Energy attracts energy, period.
@@cristasattler9216 I was just disagreeing with “There is no right or wrong”. The current state of society would show otherwise.
This video spoke to my heart. I grew up in an environment without structure, and without guidance. I have been so lost throughout my life. Growing up, I wasn't as mature as most other kids. Throughout my life I have been deeply depressed, deeply anxious, and hedonistic. I also was not taught how to control myself as a child, so I lack self-control as an adult. Over the past few years I have been trying to put my life in order. I have been making some progress, but it's very hard.
Praying for you my friend! I know from experience it is so hard to learn how to function as an adult, instead of throughout childhood the way it is supposed to go.
I wish you good luck, and I wish your parents had given you structure and boundaries because that’s what kids need to feel secure and loved. I’m disappointed that they didn’t do their job and have made you suffer the consequences of their poor decisions.
I can totally relate....
Hello brothers and sisters. I would just like to recommend that everyone read the book ‘Raising Warriors: Preparing Your Children For a Godly Life’. Reading that book was the best desicion I ever made.
I've two children under ten. The both have phones but they don't have free access or social media. I believe we need to introduce them to the world that they're going to live in. Give them street smarts. Show them where the predators live, a little at a time. I also keep them at home and homeschool. Satan has control of America.
I’m currently working as a preschool teacher at a daycare and I can testify to the fact that some parents nowadays tend to be overindulgent and I’ve come across various kids who act like they’ve never been told “no” a day in their lives
I grew up not spoiled, but I was certainly not disciplined. I always used to be jealous of my friends cause they got grounded and I did not.
I struggle to this day. I AM getting better finally, after many years.
Matt is very correct about this. My parents divorced when I was 3 and I had a very unstructured childhood, with a decent amount of abuse thrown in there as well (from a family friend -- not from parents). I have suffered tremendously with anxiety and attention issues as an adult. My identity is malformed because I was never able to develop real interests as a child and pursue them, or learn a real set of values and put them into practice.
I have accepted that it's going to take years to unfuck my brain at this point, but one thing is for sure -- I will do everything I can to ensure my young daughter is not doomed to this fate.
In the last year + of getting to understand Matt's views, I could not be more appreciative for his important presence in society today. He helped me learn to articulate my views on these very sensitive topics, Thank you for the sanity, clarity , honesty , God Bless you and yours.
I have a friend who raised his kid that way. He has had all kinds of situations with no coping mechanisms. He had not finished anything that he has started. Now, playing video games in dad's basement and working 4 hours a week at a local coffee shop.
One thing I’ve learned as a parent of four grown children, no parenting style works for all kids. Kids are unique and a parent who can recognize the differences and adjust accordingly are few and far between. Does the child know they’re loved unconditionally? I think that determines a lot of the outcome.
In addition to the points Matt makes ...
I consume a lot of true crime content, the kids who end up killing their parents or partners when they cannot get what they want or get caught in webs of lies are always raised this way - this is a recipe for disaster if the entitled narcissistic kid has any violent tendencies.
We'll be certainly be hearing about him on true crime podcasts in a few years
I watch a lot of true crime too and it's so true. Spoiling kids is very very dangerous...
I really hope we can come back here in 15 years or so and see how this kid turns out. Someone make this a scheduled return.
We'll likely read about him in the news- in the crimes report.
This woman clearly had a childhood where she didn’t get what she wanted and never learnt why. Now she just is over indulging
Delayed gratification is a simple topic to explain to a child. If you want dessert, you must eat dinner, even if it's not what you want/your favorite. You do what you have to do to get to the sweet treat.
This is the best segment you've done to date Mr. Walsh. Clam, rational, unshakable logic. As a parent struggling with teens who do not agree, I needed to hear this today.
My mother always told me I was very intelligent, very smart, very bright - told me I could already read at an adult level, didn't need to do my reading homework - her comments and attitude hugely disadvantaged me.
You have to praise the EFFORT, the JOURNEY. Don't just label your kid as gifted - it's all about the hard work.
As a burntout "gifted" child myself PLEASE normalize not constantly praising your child's intelligence it did me so so wrong
@@Quingle_ same here
Parents today are children in adult bodies, so I'm not surprised that the kid wears the pants in the family.
Disney Adults . Forever Children . Arrested Development . Exactly right ... never taught responsibility , common sense , morality , sacrifice , honor - NONE OF IT . . Their heads are pure mush .
I felt very sad for this child. He doesn't have parents that care about him.
There was a Twilight Zone episode where a lifelong criminal is killed in a shootout with Police and upon discovering he is in the afterlife with a Man identifying himself as his Guide, is given anything and everything he wants all times-Heaven apparently. After a while his euphoria fades however, becoming bored, restless, and eventually tormented by the thought of an eternity of this since he is already completely numbed by the excess.
"Look, I don't deserve Heaven" he tells his Guide. " Just send me to the other place"
"What made you think this was Heaven?" The Guide responded. "This is the other place."
I remember watching one of your older videos where you mentioned that "No" should not be an option for kids. And that stuck with me. I am a mom now, and I realize how important it is to have the power to say "No" as a parent.
Why does the parents get to say "no" but the kid doesn't?
Really enjoy your cultural commentary, Matt. It's needed more than ever in today's day and age
In my experience, the people who parent this way had very controlling and often abusive childhoods where their emotional needs were ignored completely. These parents, in response, swing in the opposite direction.
100% this is my experience ... I have a friend raising her son kinda like this.... She thinks he is on the spectrum or something but it's just like no... you just never disciple him and he knows he owns you 😂 .....
Yes! That was my mom....
Then they should not become parents until they sort themselves out, hopefully with intensive therapy, since they are damaging their own children just as significantly, sometimes in the same irreversible manner, by "swing[ing] in the opposite direction." Parenting is about balance, not the extreme.
I'm so glad you said that! What a compassionate take on this situation. Sometimes parenting can be healing, but if that healing takes precedent over meeting your child's needs, you need to change direction.
This parent is setting their kid up to be a monster who will turn on them.
Hopefully, it will _ONLY_ be them.
They are raising their kids to be full of themselves.
This kid is going to end up in prison.
Or in a pine box early.
@@talia8581A coffin for anyone wondering.
Nah he will,probably be a politician.
@mikepalmer2219 why not both?
Just the bedtime thing alone is a disaster. I have seen many of my friends make that mistake before the child is school age and it becomes a nightmare to try to get them on any kind of schedule.
I don't have children but that's what I was thinking.
Then the parents will expect someone else to handle the problems I imagine....feel sorry for this child and for his future teachers.
My cousins’ son used to stay up late with the parents, but when he was ready to start school they got him on a bedtime schedule and he sticks with it. Extended or busy weekends can be tough to get back in the routine, but he’s pretty self responsible and knows his limits.
If mom or dad are busy working on something, he’ll get himself ready for bed and just say goodnight to them. Or he’ll just crash wherever they’re at.
The food is a huge mistake parents make today. Parents believe it is better for children to eat whatever ever they want whenever they want than to have children NOT eat... I developed a lot of health problems later in life that forced me to learn how to make basically everything from scratch, abandon 99% of what is in the stores, and appreciate the benefit of intermittent fasting even if for a short period of the day and not eating all the time.
This has carried to my children because I don't want them to have the health problems I have. I had a child that would barely eat when younger siblings were eating three times the amount she would eat, so I worked with a nutritionist who put her on a very strict diet designed to help her digestive discomfort disappear. My critics said I was a horrible parent because of how restrictive I was. But they couldn't deny that the dietary therapy did shrink her bloated tummy and drastically increased her appetite for healthy foods. She went from barely eating to eating a lot of healthy foods. Were there days at the beginning that she was eating even less at the beginning? Yes, because she wasn't used to the new foods my nutritionist told me to give her and she was asking for junk food, but it is more worth it to me for her to not have a bloated stomach and to finally eat the healthy food she needs to grow. She has started growing again and caught up to where she needs to be. She is very healthy now. All of my children do not have the health problems their friends have or I had at their age. Two of my children have never even had a stomach bug. All of them have never had ear infections, and that is because I worked with a good nutritionist who taught what foods to make for my children and what foods to restrict my children from.
I discovered intermittent fasting, and it is awesome! I also am eating much healthier, and have lost 16 pounds. Changing my diet, minimum exercise did the trick. Ten pounds to go and I feel so much better! Great job mom!
Yeah... And that's love? What a waste of life.
Those people are just bad and lazy parents. It takes effort to be a good parent. It takes effort to give a kid boundaries, structure, routines, healthy food, limits on what they want, etc. Those people do not care about their child if they don’t set limits and boundaries. It’s sickening.
What if the child says *no* to coming out of a busy street? What if he says *no* to a life giving medicine or vax? What if he says *no* when asked to get off dads ladder to the roof? Does no mean no then? How about if he refuses to hand over the Clorox he found and wants to drink it? These parents are not parenting at all.
Raising children in ANY age is difficult; hence, the supreme importance of scripture:
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” ==Proverbs 22:6
My dad used to be a school resource officer and was called often to peoples homes (usually single moms) who can’t get their kid to go the school. He always told me he wanted to ask them the question “you didn’t control your kid when he was 5, what makes you think you’re gonna get him to listen to you now that he is bigger and stronger than you?”
They are setting him up to fail. Someday he will cross paths with someone that won’t bow down to this insufferable individual. Shame on the parents!
In my opinion the hardest thing of parenting now is that both parents have to work full-time and often overtime for less financial security than former generations got to enjoy with only one working full-time.