little fact- the npc talks about guns being discovered by the renegade (close to elysium) also, the files show info about ammo, gun ammo- maybe they have something to do.
We don't know if it will be added to the game or for a sort of horde mode because I the most of the time the virals are hard to kill because well they fast , they can even jump at you and Im lot very reactive to it - let's see what happen
Honestly Elysium wouldn’t do much to redeem the game. If it’s as copy and paste as the main city is with its buildings and activities then it will add virtually nothing new to the game besides having an empty area to jump around in.
@@Mitch_Conner75926 i mean we've already memorized villedor and central loop so we'll most likely have funner chases in elysium without knowing whats in there + maybe water towers and electrical stations
@@whopperjrcroissant Ehh kind of kills the vibe when I have to go purposely activate the chase in order to start one and they can barely keep up. As for the water towers and power stations not really any point to them and they’re all copy and paste as well.
Man I kinda wish we were in a universe where the game came out, and met everyone's expectations. With the darker, grtitter setting, a story that has actual big changes, even in side quests, and more immersive things there, like animals, hunting, and realistic npc personalities. But hey, we still got a pretty great game, that will only improve over time because the dedication Techland has to this game, and their fan base. Who knows, maybe in this five year plan, the game will change drastically, and be much more like what fans envisioned. So far, Techland has done great job listening to the community, and changing things we want!
Something I said before, somewhere in paralel universe the game came out like Techland promised, like we saw in E3 18/19, the game plays really good, is inovative,really scary, just like zombie apocalypse should be.
I agree with everything except the hunting bit. I dont get why people want hunting so much. Animals? Sure. But hunting? Hunting doesn’t fit in with the gameplay at all. It feels like a super weird contrast to the parkour and kill-whoever-you-want (almost) combat.
Im still very interested in an Elyseum DLC and I believe many people agree. And I'm almost done with the 2nd quest in Elyseum. Remember that Tymon said that there would be no returning characters and we still got Spike. Thanks for this video, Oni.
I didn’t really care about any of the characters in the first game. In fact it’s as if they didn’t learn a damn thing from the first game and continued it into the second game, all the people from the tower are basically forgotten after you move into the second act of it lol.
@@PresAlexWhit do you know if someone is trying to remake the elysium map? I heard about it a while ago on Reddit I think but haven’t seen anything in a while
No? They literally advertised the new Verizon of dying light should have seen it coming that some of the cool stuff in e3 not gonna come back it how game development work
It's probably totally harmless, but in the very early days of DL2 I had a segment of my map textured in (as if explored, kind of) up in the top right-ish around where Elysium appears on the drawn maps around the city. It's no longer present, but may be worth noting
That's interesting, but it's probably just a simple glitch, considering this location was supposed to be in the game, but didn't make it so there would be some remnant of it in DL2.
Elysium sounds like a lot of potential. The last couple of days I played Dying Light again. It was like coming home. It just works. What Techland did really well was making the world feel lived in. Felt good again to walk towards a zombie and jump and kick him like you also could in Dead Island. Aiden is not so flexible.
Dying Light felt like a continuation and an upgarde to the Dead Island games. Dying Light 2 hasn't really done the same for me but I have high hopes the game will continue to change and improve. Techland is a great company.
@@larrymanns364 I hope they'll make good decisions. It's rather like this. Imagine you're used to drive a Mustang GT350. And then they give you a BRZ. And then you say "I hope over time they'll make it better." It will be better. But it will never be a GT350. Because they're building upon a lesser platform.
did you guys even upgrade to ps5 yet or still i last gen and gonna stick with it so you can complain more about techland saying the ps4 is too damn buggy and unoptimized. get the freakin ps5 version bruh mine plays with out a single problem coming from those complainers on there last gen.
The words he used to "confirm Elysium isn't coming" were very carefully chosen. It won't be coming "as we know it from the data mines" because it'll be fully developed, polished, and expanded beyond what original remnants are in the code. He wasn't saying it's not coming, he was saying what we've seen is nothing compared to what coming.
Im running on hopium believing this Besides, the same dude previously announced of no returning characters and yet we have Spike appearing twice, now Tolga and Fatin, and some picture of old DL1 characters like Ezgi in the bazaar's walls...
I have a feeling alongnside elyesium was also the option to side with the renegades, in the early trailers and E3 stuff it seemed implied you could join them, giving you three factions to join, which i was so excited for 😭
I just don’t understand how can make this absolutely beautiful, insane looking city, filled with so much stuff and just say “nah we wanna take it out”. Did they think we wouldn’t like it? Did they think they could do better? Because they obviously didn’t. People would be SO happy if we got elysium I don’t know why they don’t give it to us
In the original Dying Light, you can see The Countryside from Old Town. If you were to somehow go out of bounds, you'd see it was a barebones render, similar to other areas of Harran where we never set foot in - the curved harbor near the slums, for instance, or the tall skyscrapers that are lit up. I think, and this is my optimism showing, that the reason why Elysium looks so janky when going out of bounds is that it will be either a separate map entirely - like The Countryside - or that it will be fully rendered once they patch it in, like the Harran Stadium. It may not be exactly as the demo was, but I think that the developers are either keeping it as a surprise, OR they will add it in just for fan service like they did with the whole 'how Harran's electricity runs' Easter Egg with zombies running in wheels. During the interview, he seemed to hesitate and backtracked a bit when he said 'well, not never,' so we'll see.
I don't really think it needs to be exactly the same, but the architecture they had in the E3 demo looked so cool. The big arch, the circular streets around it, the giant windmills, the building construction with the slopes and french inspired design, that one flooded street that almost made it look like venice, and some of the concept art like the mall just looked so cool. As well as the peacekeeper citadel. There were so many good ideas that it would be a MASSIVE shame to never make use of them. I liked the following but with DL2's parkour system, I think another urban environment would benefit the game more. According to the maps you can find of it in game, its bigger than central loop, but for a DLC, honestly I don't really even need it to be that big. Central loop is already HUGE. And besides, with all the dialogue already in the game mentioning it, it just makes so much sense. And even if it didn't have all those theoretical breadcrumbs, it just seems so much more compelling to me than a lot of other ideas.
is it just me or does it feel like dying light 2 should have giving us cutseens that shows us just how Badass adien could be like am I the only who remembers how cool it was when crane cut off rais hand throughout the game we are constantly being told how much stronger and durable aiden is compared to other people but the game doesn't give a lot of moments to show he is and I hate the way how they decided to start off an encounter by aiden getting hit it feels lazy
Dude aiden is USELESS in some cutscenes, especially with how often aiden gets punched in cutscenes. He becomes this absolute combat god in game but then lets himself get decked at the start of so many fights
@hooded rotter 1. They used audio file from the first game for the trailers 2. The VA actually smashed his role as Aiden he sounds much more human and emotional than crane. Won't lie tho he does sound a bit whiny though
I will say, though, that as much as I am enjoying Dying Light 2, I did make a return to the original to get reacquainted with the lore and story and, I have to be honest, Harran feels so much more cemented and immersive than Villedor. I mean, Villedor's gorgeous, with the greenery and the very 'Life After People' feel, but it feels almost depressing somehow. I think because with the first game, the outbreak had only just happened so Harran was still filled with the human culture that existed there. The souks, the half eaten food, the imagery of a people forced suddenly to abandon their homes. Villedor, in contrast, has been in a state of decay for over a decade and it shows in every interior. Even the people we encounter mirror that state. It makes sense from a narrative point of view and I'm not complaining about it, but they definitely hit the nail on the 'this is the depressing future' head.
I hope Elysium will come with these executions, Water problem's, getting down with a knife on a poster like how it was shown in the trailer but i need to remember that i shouldn't make my expectations too high and i should always expect disappointment as it has been with many things but i still have hope
@@you-5-iver804 so true man. Being completely honest, dying light 2 is a letdown completely and its only a shell of what I really expected when it claimed that it would have over 500 hours of content.
Glad someone said something about the npc mentioning elysium. I honestly would love it if they decide to finish and put elysium in the game. Even if it's the last thing they do before releasing 3. I'm trying not hold out hope for it. Easier said than done. Really wanted to explore that citadel and climb up to it's highest point to enjoy the view.. It would be a shame if they don't do it. But I can accept it, I'll still play. Looking forward to chapter one, and soon after the dlc in September.
While I understand why they decided to build an area to show off what they WANTED the game to look like, they really should have stated it explicitly that the world we saw wasn’t necessarily going to show up in the final game and that it was only what it was; a showcase.
Fun fact: Techland still can fulfill player's expectations and own promises of impactful choices if they decide to give it a shot and restore Elyseum along with it's quests. Or at least with writers that focus on life in dead city, not some long lost relatives, sardines &garlic challenges and space chickens. Huge impactful choices are easier to do if made in smaller area like Old Villedor. There is still hope for such DLC. As Tymon said regarding more content, we just have to show them we really want it.
I think Elysium was created just to show off the game, like you said, and was there, as you said, to show what they wanted the game to look like. And like tymon said, it was there to demo stuff. I also think it was there to show us the game without spoiling what the actual map would look like.
They did it with the first game too, if you look at the 12 minute gameplay demo of DL from 2013 you will see the map has way more vegetation, buildings, better animations etc
Yeah, it was essentially a vertical slice of a concept for investors. But it was kinda disguised slyly as 'Elysium is apart of the game. This is what you're being sold' chicanery.
There’s something similar to the arena part with Aiden as mentioned in the video, didn’t Kyle crane get kidnapped by Rais, and was forced to fight waves of zombies in something like a arena.
if they dont include elysium in some way it will probably kill part of the player base as many people are looking forward to it, it would be a mistake to not add it in some form to the game
if they gonna make elysium area unlocked in future dlc. they might be make from other character perspective since aiden already left villedor in end of DL2, maybe someone like lawan, or hakon or other brand new villedor survivor? or just make dlc where aiden continue his journey as pilgrim after main quest as direct continuation story of DL2
It’s about time they put a new location I knew they was going to add one eventually because I looked at the map and you could like scroll really far out of bounds and I’m like damn they have all that space that you cant explore
The Peacekeepers confused me in the retail release since I recalled them having more of a knightly aesthetic in the E3 footage rather than the ragtag band of soldiers we got in the final product.
Pretty sure that Elyseum got scraped because of the false accusations towards Chris Avelone. If that hadnt happened, i bet dying light 2 would be a very different game right now (in a good way)
I feel like they must do it at some point, its just a great idea that doesn't require that much brainstorming because it already has a foundation, however i am hyped for the upcoming dlcs/content, thanks for the coverage oni keep it up!
If they dont use Elysium i still believe they may add a new area similar to how they did with dying light 1 down the line they could even use those horses as transport or something cant wait to see. But i do think they should add a bit more animal life around like a stray cat here and there or dog maybe a few rabbits doting about as you would think they would be about still.
I do doubt you'll see this but in the brocast misson one of the peacekeepers that Aiden was talking to describe these infected that hanged from the roofs he was describing something like the ceiling was hanging with rags or close to something like that it's in the beginning of the brodcast mission when you talk to the 5 peacekeepers
Seeing what we could have had compared to what we have now makes me depressed. I mean I love Dying Light 2 but it could've been LOADS better if they put more love into it. But.. it'll only get worse under the leadership of Tencent. I sincerely hope Techland prove me wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
It would be a dumb idea to not include Elysium. They have assets from e3 they can use and everybody wants it and is expecting it. Who knows maybe Tymone is trolling us again like how he said "no returning charecters from DL1". I sure hope that is the case.
Thanks bro for posting this video and content about the Elysium cuz I really didn't know much about dying light too cuz I only bought dying light one I bought dying light the following and all the other DLCs on the original dying light and all that but thank you for posting this video and giving us information about the Elysium and I hope guns and ammo returns because it's so hard to kill certain zombies dying light 2 is one of the funnest games out there by far but yeah thank you for posting the video and giving us information about this and thanks for the information that guns and ammo might be introduced to dying light too because it's so hard to kill the volatiles and three four five other different types of zombies and game but your overall just thank you for this information and for posting this video this was huge help thank you so much this helped me out a lot but yeah think you bro this huge help no I have some valuable information I really do hope they do introduce ammo and guns and dying light too cuz it's so hard to kill like most of them the mutated zombies but yeah thank you so much I will also continue watching your content but yeah thanks this was a huge help
I was playing the game and saw the castle and was wondering why you couldn't reach it, it seems I'm not the only one who had seen the castle in the distance
I literally just beat the game yesterday and as the credits were rolling it had an error and kicked me to the PlayStation menu. I reloaded the game and all of my save files are gone. That experience left me feeling empty inside.
I feel like if they truly didn't plan on Elysium being a thing then they would've went and taken out those buildings out of the game. Surely they knew people might see the buildings considering we have the VNC tower which lets you see area far beyond the city when your at the top
I feel like its going to return. Dont get me wrong I'm not putting all my hopes in one basket and all... But theres no way they would keep it on the map and make mention of Elysium if they didnt want it out there. Even on the collectors edition map it asks you to continue the nightrunners journey and thats written over the spot where Elysium is. Imagine the nightrunners being a larger group and due to some type of tunnel collapsing during the bombs they were seperated, or maybe those in Elysium need more help and the nightrunners couldnt get there? What if they make it darker? More mutated infected or thats where the survivors and bandits are? That would be crazy.
Loved the video! I wanted to talk about the upcoming DLC "Bloody Ties", In the trailer they say that the upcoming dlc will take place in an opera building. And u can see on the maps that Elysium indeed got an opera building!
You seem to have the ear of tech land. What I would really like to see is the breakdown of accessories such as Grenada and C4 to get batteries. Even if you lost half of the batteries in the process. Batteries are so rare. I have over 450 hours NG+++ and I have 60 batteries. Also, no Ultramarathon has popped. Ask for a tracker.
Talking of Crane got me thinking.. why is there no construction site or construction cranes in the game? Would make for an awesome parkour setting.. especially having a quest where you move a crane to get access to a location.. I'm sure I haven't seen anything of the sort 🤔
It still doesn’t make any sense that the 2019 demo was supposed to show off what they wanted the game to look like but then the game looked nothing like the demo and then they say that nothing from the demo is gonna come back 😕 I still remember watching that demo and being so excited and willing to wait however many more years for them to perfect it so it definitely sucks to hear tymone say nothing from it will make a comeback
Im not gonna lie i really want to see elysium back in dying light 2 because in my opinion that area it's better than old villedor or central loop but i will be a 50 and 50 because i dont want to get to exited but let's hope it becomes true and it makes a return in a 1 year or 2
I never even knew what Elysium was until this video. I don't care for a new map since I am actually happy with the map we got, don't get it twisted more map is good but if it doesnt show up I won't throw a tantrum. What I do actually want to see is cut content re-added. As you mentioned modders have already made it possible for cut content to be accessed in the game so I don't see why Techland can't just add the most popular mods into the game it could very well breathe new life into the game.
Because it mods? I mean the lead developer already mention in the interviews if they gonna add cut content they probably gonna recreate or redo and you know it cut content it the stuff that the dev thing it not gonna work even if you guys probably gonna disagree
That's how game development works. When you end up cutting your original plan for a piece of content, you don't want all the time and money invested in it to go to waste. You repurpose assets, re use mechanics, and make something new like legos. You recoop some of the cost of creation, and hopefully you end up with a better end product.
First thing, your quality of content has skyrocketed, second. I think a lot of people need to see this video, there is so much confusion about what is happening with elysium and the surrounding area, especially the demo. It was created to look like a cinematic to entice you into the game when it releases, it was not supposed to be satisfying to play, but rather watch. I think the first dlc will be elsewhere, with the second dlc potentially being a note on a whiteboard somewhere in techland headquarters. It feels like they had the world of the game set out before the main story was actually developed, people talking about Elysium could just be left in the game from old ideas of it being the third area however, times changed and having the release around the corner they wanted to focus on more important aspects first, and focus on Elysium later.
Will there be a balance mode added to ps5 since Xbox has it aswell well. Why is it not added in yet. Would be really nice to play with higher resolution while on 60 FPS on the ps5
The old gameplay looks so much better. I would have preferred a tiny 3x smaller map but one thats actually full of threats and content, the paraglider and designing the game around it completely destroyed the world design.
It really would be a good idea for them to do something like this I know you said to kill the Elysium idea and just wipe it clean but just like a zombie it doesn't want to stay dead.
The problem for me is the demo looked like a much better game than what we got. Obviously it was a small demo and not a massive game and the release is pretty okay and fun to play, but it could have been sooo much more.
It's because the writer at the time: Chris Avellone got fired because of 2 cunt woman on twitter made false accusations about him that got him fired from techland the dum dums. They had to rewrite the story after this leading to the rushed mess we have now.
They don’t matter. Their extent is “you can choose A or B but no matter what you’ll end up at the same place doing the exact same thing besides a minor cutscene change” lol.. it’s the illusion of an RPG. Hell it gets even worse when you get the VNC tower and if you play through the 3 choices you’ll see all the characters have you do the exact same thing afterwards, you’ll go activate another radio tower, for all of them lol.. not even including the horribly massive plot holes you’ll encounter when you get to that point.
There’s literally only a few choices that have genuine consequences and that too it only impacts the story and not really how the game looks. What a shame after all this hype about choices and consequences they gave us the most average, watered down choice and consequences a game could give.
its not even a 3d building. its just a bunch of 2d objects overlayed in a smart way to give that illusion to the player when you look over at the area.
I was willing to wait patiently and follow the development of the game through all 5 promised years, but the moment Tymon said so confidently that Elysium would not return,I lost all hope and interest. That's a number one thing majority of players want to see and experience and it's so nonchalantly brushed off as possibility ...
We all waited since 2018 for what they originally promised but idk man I’m just really sad, angry and depressed that we were given a complete downgrade to everything that was originally advertised.
I just hope it's not another Hellraid in the sense that they'll just stick us in the PK castle and have us deal with things in it 🙈 hate, hate, HATE indoor maps that require me to commit to a single location and limit my route options
I was able to find some PK soldiers (and a commander I think) talking while looking at a table with a map and then stopped talking when they saw me and said this is PK official business or mission something like that.
That was definitely a Easteregg for us to find so I believe there is a reason for it…. No dev,ceo, or executive is allowed to come out and say “yeah this is our future content ______” they have to have press and get people excited so more people buy it’s how it works can’t change it but we are allowed to speculate. It’s part of the fun let’s just not have to high of hopes I myself try not to think about future dlc so no matter what I don’t get disappointed!!!
I also want more of the chemicals to go away. There’s big office looking buildings with green on them and there gray, maybe bigger then the central loop, anyways I want to be able to visit them but looking at e3 2019, I kinda want to delete the game. It makes me regret buying it: so much was lost .
@1:30 This should've been stated when they originally showed this off. We ALL believed this was a lot of completed work. SO they really weren't working on it as long as they claim. Seems like they only started work on this in late 2019 / early 2020. Plays games like Horizon Forbidden west: You can feel everything from the first game then you can really feel all the new that was added to the game. Everything was there that made me love the first game. Then they just added more on top of it. Why techland and other companies don't do this? Is beyond me. Wasted resourced and wasted hype showing us a product we will never get. *edit. I truly believe we are still in "early access" for this game..
Then we should have gotten a release dates in 2018 if you said most of this stuff is complete. In fact most game dev always shown concept of what the game supposed to be at launch. edit horizon forbidden west state of the play gameplay reveal that entries scenario is not even in the game lmao. In fact I don’t think dying light 2 is a early access game since most of the mechanics in e3 primary 2019 is still in the game(either downgrade or the same)
@@americanpatriot8996 I think it's easier to jump while running when games like dying light/dying light 2 use the right back button. And also most first person parkour games like mirrors edge uses the same button layout.
The zombie textures dont even load on my game along with a few other bugs so ehh.. i cant really play [post day1 patch] but i still like the game a lot. Cant believe they released it with so many bugs
Hey I got a theory. At the start of the game Spike or Aiden mentions something about a place called New Paris. Could that be a future dlc location or the location of a third game?
It could be the 1st dlc I feel like because in the following we can see old town but barely see the slums in elysium I think we can still see them also and I think in the interview he did say something about a dying light 2 the following I think and that's kinda similar but the map is smaller so they might make it bigger but probably won't be a dlc
Whatever they do I just hope the next story dlc makes the zombies and aiden’s struggle to be human the main antagonist like the following was for dying light 1 because that was some of the best story telling I’ve ever seen.
the horde part that you are talking is apparently for a mission that involves kurt. when you first talk to kurt he says that you're trying to kill him for some lady he knows. well so far everyone assumes it lawan hes talking about but they'd be wrong. who he is talking about is supposed to be some lady named astrid that lives in a part of elyseum with his son. she took over his people that kurt talks about and banished him. that is supposedly where kurts son is. i watched a vid from a data miner and that is what they found.
there is also a wiki page you can look up for the whole history of harran and villedor as the cities were being built. i think the peacekeeper citadel is supposed to be castle villedor mentioned in the wiki page. its the only castle like building seen so far.
1:14 fuck.. Now that i look at it.. I do kinda miss this whole dark/grey theme, vibe they were showing back at E3. I mean don't get me wrong, i'm happy with the final product. But i think, idk, i think this feels just right
i was so mad when played with mission car and so dissapointment that it wasnt even close to the trailer back in the day and from this good parkour long scene that i hope for like escaping from arena vs demolisher in dying light 1 we got just timer with 3 minutes to catch up where car went or just find where it went.
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little fact- the npc talks about guns being discovered by the renegade (close to elysium) also, the files show info about ammo, gun ammo- maybe they have something to do.
We don't know if it will be added to the game or for a sort of horde mode because I the most of the time the virals are hard to kill because well they fast , they can even jump at you and Im lot very reactive to it - let's see what happen
@@fabiowillot6763 this is why u should always max ur UV light and flares
Honestly Elysium wouldn’t do much to redeem the game. If it’s as copy and paste as the main city is with its buildings and activities then it will add virtually nothing new to the game besides having an empty area to jump around in.
@@Mitch_Conner75926 i mean we've already memorized villedor and central loop so we'll most likely have funner chases in elysium without knowing whats in there + maybe water towers and electrical stations
@@whopperjrcroissant Ehh kind of kills the vibe when I have to go purposely activate the chase in order to start one and they can barely keep up. As for the water towers and power stations not really any point to them and they’re all copy and paste as well.
Man I kinda wish we were in a universe where the game came out, and met everyone's expectations. With the darker, grtitter setting, a story that has actual big changes, even in side quests, and more immersive things there, like animals, hunting, and realistic npc personalities.
But hey, we still got a pretty great game, that will only improve over time because the dedication Techland has to this game, and their fan base. Who knows, maybe in this five year plan, the game will change drastically, and be much more like what fans envisioned. So far, Techland has done great job listening to the community, and changing things we want!
Something I said before, somewhere in paralel universe the game came out like Techland promised, like we saw in E3 18/19, the game plays really good, is inovative,really scary, just like zombie apocalypse should be.
Damn bro... Same!
This comment makes me depressed.
I agree with everything except the hunting bit. I dont get why people want hunting so much. Animals? Sure. But hunting? Hunting doesn’t fit in with the gameplay at all. It feels like a super weird contrast to the parkour and kill-whoever-you-want (almost) combat.
@@DashLashBoy Cause it does fit in the game universe where there’s no food outside of farming or hunting lol.
Im still very interested in an Elyseum DLC and I believe many people agree. And I'm almost done with the 2nd quest in Elyseum. Remember that Tymon said that there would be no returning characters and we still got Spike. Thanks for this video, Oni.
Yeah and spike got Servant Redford's voice from Bad Company, (1&2).
I didn’t really care about any of the characters in the first game. In fact it’s as if they didn’t learn a damn thing from the first game and continued it into the second game, all the people from the tower are basically forgotten after you move into the second act of it lol.
What do you mean you’re done with the second quest in elysium? There is no elysium
@@_BIGSteve I dug through the files alot last year and provided Oni with cut content that was supposed to be in Elyseum.
@@PresAlexWhit do you know if someone is trying to remake the elysium map? I heard about it a while ago on Reddit I think but haven’t seen anything in a while
I'm a huge dying light fan but basically it seems we were sold a lie.
No? They literally advertised the new Verizon of dying light should have seen it coming that some of the cool stuff in e3 not gonna come back it how game development work
If you don’t expect anything you wont be disappointed. I enjoyed the game but sold due to needing the money but now imma get it again and play.
@@waynej9238that's a horrible way to use money...
It's probably totally harmless, but in the very early days of DL2 I had a segment of my map textured in (as if explored, kind of) up in the top right-ish around where Elysium appears on the drawn maps around the city. It's no longer present, but may be worth noting
That's interesting, but it's probably just a simple glitch, considering this location was supposed to be in the game, but didn't make it so there would be some remnant of it in DL2.
Elysium sounds like a lot of potential.
The last couple of days I played Dying Light again. It was like coming home. It just works. What Techland did really well was making the world feel lived in. Felt good again to walk towards a zombie and jump and kick him like you also could in Dead Island. Aiden is not so flexible.
Dying Light felt like a continuation and an upgarde to the Dead Island games. Dying Light 2 hasn't really done the same for me but I have high hopes the game will continue to change and improve. Techland is a great company.
@@larrymanns364 I hope they'll make good decisions. It's rather like this. Imagine you're used to drive a Mustang GT350. And then they give you a BRZ. And then you say "I hope over time they'll make it better." It will be better. But it will never be a GT350. Because they're building upon a lesser platform.
did you guys even upgrade to ps5 yet or still i last gen and gonna stick with it so you can complain more about techland saying the ps4 is too damn buggy and unoptimized. get the freakin ps5 version bruh mine plays with out a single problem coming from those complainers on there last gen.
The words he used to "confirm Elysium isn't coming" were very carefully chosen. It won't be coming "as we know it from the data mines" because it'll be fully developed, polished, and expanded beyond what original remnants are in the code. He wasn't saying it's not coming, he was saying what we've seen is nothing compared to what coming.
I hope Ur right
Im running on hopium believing this
Besides, the same dude previously announced of no returning characters and yet we have Spike appearing twice, now Tolga and Fatin, and some picture of old DL1 characters like Ezgi in the bazaar's walls...
2 years later i gave up hope
Yeah it ain't coming.
This is kinda off-topic, but I really like the editing and scripting for this video. Great job!
Thank you. I am trying to push more of these types of videos rather than quick news
@@OniZombies that’s great to hear!
I have a feeling alongnside elyesium was also the option to side with the renegades, in the early trailers and E3 stuff it seemed implied you could join them, giving you three factions to join, which i was so excited for 😭
I just don’t understand how can make this absolutely beautiful, insane looking city, filled with so much stuff and just say “nah we wanna take it out”. Did they think we wouldn’t like it? Did they think they could do better? Because they obviously didn’t. People would be SO happy if we got elysium I don’t know why they don’t give it to us
In the original Dying Light, you can see The Countryside from Old Town. If you were to somehow go out of bounds, you'd see it was a barebones render, similar to other areas of Harran where we never set foot in - the curved harbor near the slums, for instance, or the tall skyscrapers that are lit up. I think, and this is my optimism showing, that the reason why Elysium looks so janky when going out of bounds is that it will be either a separate map entirely - like The Countryside - or that it will be fully rendered once they patch it in, like the Harran Stadium. It may not be exactly as the demo was, but I think that the developers are either keeping it as a surprise, OR they will add it in just for fan service like they did with the whole 'how Harran's electricity runs' Easter Egg with zombies running in wheels. During the interview, he seemed to hesitate and backtracked a bit when he said 'well, not never,' so we'll see.
I don't really think it needs to be exactly the same, but the architecture they had in the E3 demo looked so cool. The big arch, the circular streets around it, the giant windmills, the building construction with the slopes and french inspired design, that one flooded street that almost made it look like venice, and some of the concept art like the mall just looked so cool. As well as the peacekeeper citadel. There were so many good ideas that it would be a MASSIVE shame to never make use of them.
I liked the following but with DL2's parkour system, I think another urban environment would benefit the game more. According to the maps you can find of it in game, its bigger than central loop, but for a DLC, honestly I don't really even need it to be that big. Central loop is already HUGE.
And besides, with all the dialogue already in the game mentioning it, it just makes so much sense. And even if it didn't have all those theoretical breadcrumbs, it just seems so much more compelling to me than a lot of other ideas.
is it just me or does it feel like dying light 2 should have giving us cutseens that shows us just how Badass adien could be like am I the only who remembers how cool it was when crane cut off rais hand throughout the game we are constantly being told how much stronger and durable aiden is compared to other people but the game doesn't give a lot of moments to show he is and I hate the way how they decided to start off an encounter by aiden getting hit it feels lazy
Dude aiden is USELESS in some cutscenes, especially with how often aiden gets punched in cutscenes. He becomes this absolute combat god in game but then lets himself get decked at the start of so many fights
@hooded rotter 1. They used audio file from the first game for the trailers
2. The VA actually smashed his role as Aiden he sounds much more human and emotional than crane. Won't lie tho he does sound a bit whiny though
I will say, though, that as much as I am enjoying Dying Light 2, I did make a return to the original to get reacquainted with the lore and story and, I have to be honest, Harran feels so much more cemented and immersive than Villedor. I mean, Villedor's gorgeous, with the greenery and the very 'Life After People' feel, but it feels almost depressing somehow. I think because with the first game, the outbreak had only just happened so Harran was still filled with the human culture that existed there. The souks, the half eaten food, the imagery of a people forced suddenly to abandon their homes. Villedor, in contrast, has been in a state of decay for over a decade and it shows in every interior. Even the people we encounter mirror that state. It makes sense from a narrative point of view and I'm not complaining about it, but they definitely hit the nail on the 'this is the depressing future' head.
I hope Elysium will come with these executions, Water problem's, getting down with a knife on a poster like how it was shown in the trailer
but i need to remember that i shouldn't make my expectations too high and i should always expect disappointment as it has been with many things but i still have hope
Those arent posters those r billboards
In some other dimension some lucky gamers got the 2018-2019 version of Dying Light 2 at launch
Fucking hate how devs bait and switch us like this. When can we get back to the times where we get what we expected
@@you-5-iver804 so true man. Being completely honest, dying light 2 is a letdown completely and its only a shell of what I really expected when it claimed
that it would have over 500 hours of content.
A dimension without a covid pandemic perhaps?
Glad someone said something about the npc mentioning elysium.
I honestly would love it if they decide to finish and put elysium in the game. Even if it's the last thing they do before releasing 3.
I'm trying not hold out hope for it. Easier said than done.
Really wanted to explore that citadel and climb up to it's highest point to enjoy the view.. It would be a shame if they don't do it. But I can accept it, I'll still play.
Looking forward to chapter one, and soon after the dlc in September.
when you restore water in the church mission, the man and woman npc talk about elysium also.
@@Painkyller nice catch. I think I vaguely remember this.
While I understand why they decided to build an area to show off what they WANTED the game to look like, they really should have stated it explicitly that the world we saw wasn’t necessarily going to show up in the final game and that it was only what it was; a showcase.
Fun fact: Techland still can fulfill player's expectations and own promises of impactful choices if they decide to give it a shot and restore Elyseum along with it's quests. Or at least with writers that focus on life in dead city, not some long lost relatives, sardines &garlic challenges and space chickens.
Huge impactful choices are easier to do if made in smaller area like Old Villedor. There is still hope for such DLC. As Tymon said regarding more content, we just have to show them we really want it.
Bloody Ties is the arena and DLC2 would be outside the the city so maybe not sadly
I think Elysium was created just to show off the game, like you said, and was there, as you said, to show what they wanted the game to look like. And like tymon said, it was there to demo stuff. I also think it was there to show us the game without spoiling what the actual map would look like.
They did it with the first game too, if you look at the 12 minute gameplay demo of DL from 2013 you will see the map has way more vegetation, buildings, better animations etc
Yeah, it was essentially a vertical slice of a concept for investors. But it was kinda disguised slyly as 'Elysium is apart of the game. This is what you're being sold' chicanery.
There’s something similar to the arena part with Aiden as mentioned in the video, didn’t Kyle crane get kidnapped by Rais, and was forced to fight waves of zombies in something like a arena.
if they dont include elysium in some way it will probably kill part of the player base as many people are looking forward to it, it would be a mistake to not add it in some form to the game
They don’t care lol. They think everyone wanted more parkour challenges as if 70% of the side quests weren’t parkour challenges disguised as quests 😂
@@Mitch_Conner75926 nah lol
E3 version looks more finished than Actuall dl2
Man I want e3 2019 map format so bad
if they gonna make elysium area unlocked in future dlc. they might be make from other character perspective since aiden already left villedor in end of DL2, maybe someone like lawan, or hakon or other brand new villedor survivor? or just make dlc where aiden continue his journey as pilgrim after main quest as direct continuation story of DL2
DLC2 would be outside the the city so sadly no Elyseum
It’s about time they put a new location I knew they was going to add one eventually because I looked at the map and you could like scroll really far out of bounds and I’m like damn they have all that space that you cant explore
The Peacekeepers confused me in the retail release since I recalled them having more of a knightly aesthetic in the E3 footage rather than the ragtag band of soldiers we got in the final product.
Pretty sure that Elyseum got scraped because of the false accusations towards Chris Avelone. If that hadnt happened, i bet dying light 2 would be a very different game right now (in a good way)
I feel like they must do it at some point, its just a great idea that doesn't require that much brainstorming because it already has a foundation, however i am hyped for the upcoming dlcs/content, thanks for the coverage oni keep it up!
I was Looking Forward to Dying light 2 for so long, was ready for my next favourite game of all time. I'm praying the dlc is better
If they dont use Elysium i still believe they may add a new area similar to how they did with dying light 1 down the line they could even use those horses as transport or something cant wait to see. But i do think they should add a bit more animal life around like a stray cat here and there or dog maybe a few rabbits doting about as you would think they would be about still.
What I missed the most is to get in a buggie and cruise around something dying light 2 don't have.
I do doubt you'll see this but in the brocast misson one of the peacekeepers that Aiden was talking to describe these infected that hanged from the roofs he was describing something like the ceiling was hanging with rags or close to something like that it's in the beginning of the brodcast mission when you talk to the 5 peacekeepers
Idk if they were just talking about Normal infected or what but it got me really Intrigued
Seeing what we could have had compared to what we have now makes me depressed. I mean I love Dying Light 2 but it could've been LOADS better if they put more love into it. But.. it'll only get worse under the leadership of Tencent. I sincerely hope Techland prove me wrong, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
Didn't age well
Funny enough the arena was true which is bloody ties tho
It would be a dumb idea to not include Elysium. They have assets from e3 they can use and everybody wants it and is expecting it. Who knows maybe Tymone is trolling us again like how he said "no returning charecters from DL1". I sure hope that is the case.
Thanks bro for posting this video and content about the Elysium cuz I really didn't know much about dying light too cuz I only bought dying light one I bought dying light the following and all the other DLCs on the original dying light and all that but thank you for posting this video and giving us information about the Elysium and I hope guns and ammo returns because it's so hard to kill certain zombies dying light 2 is one of the funnest games out there by far but yeah thank you for posting the video and giving us information about this and thanks for the information that guns and ammo might be introduced to dying light too because it's so hard to kill the volatiles and three four five other different types of zombies and game but your overall just thank you for this information and for posting this video this was huge help thank you so much this helped me out a lot but yeah think you bro this huge help no I have some valuable information I really do hope they do introduce ammo and guns and dying light too cuz it's so hard to kill like most of them the mutated zombies but yeah thank you so much I will also continue watching your content but yeah thanks this was a huge help
I was playing the game and saw the castle and was wondering why you couldn't reach it, it seems I'm not the only one who had seen the castle in the distance
I literally just beat the game yesterday and as the credits were rolling it had an error and kicked me to the PlayStation menu.
I reloaded the game and all of my save files are gone.
That experience left me feeling empty inside.
Elysium could’ve been so fucking cool. Those trailers make it look fucking phenomenal. I’d do anything to play that E3 demo
I feel like if they truly didn't plan on Elysium being a thing then they would've went and taken out those buildings out of the game. Surely they knew people might see the buildings considering we have the VNC tower which lets you see area far beyond the city when your at the top
I agree
Im sad that they removed the map changing with time
on the map it actually says old embers
embers in sector 0 remember?
Answer 1 yeaf later : no, Elyseum access still closed^^
Funny, I had just thought to myself "I wish Oni would make another Dying Light 2 DLC video." Thanks Oni! You too Danny.
I feel like its going to return. Dont get me wrong I'm not putting all my hopes in one basket and all... But theres no way they would keep it on the map and make mention of Elysium if they didnt want it out there.
Even on the collectors edition map it asks you to continue the nightrunners journey and thats written over the spot where Elysium is. Imagine the nightrunners being a larger group and due to some type of tunnel collapsing during the bombs they were seperated, or maybe those in Elysium need more help and the nightrunners couldnt get there?
What if they make it darker? More mutated infected or thats where the survivors and bandits are? That would be crazy.
Loved the video! I wanted to talk about the upcoming DLC "Bloody Ties", In the trailer they say that the upcoming dlc will take place in an opera building. And u can see on the maps that Elysium indeed got an opera building!
You seem to have the ear of tech land. What I would really like to see is the breakdown of accessories such as Grenada and C4 to get batteries. Even if you lost half of the batteries in the process. Batteries are so rare. I have over 450 hours NG+++ and I have 60 batteries. Also, no Ultramarathon has popped. Ask for a tracker.
Talking of Crane got me thinking.. why is there no construction site or construction cranes in the game? Would make for an awesome parkour setting.. especially having a quest where you move a crane to get access to a location.. I'm sure I haven't seen anything of the sort 🤔
I would CRUSH an arena challenge. I’m soooo on-board with that train! Let’s do it! ARENA!!
The bar was set pretty high with The Following when it comes to DLCs. I'll be surprised if they even come close to that amount of content in DL2.
It still doesn’t make any sense that the 2019 demo was supposed to show off what they wanted the game to look like but then the game looked nothing like the demo and then they say that nothing from the demo is gonna come back 😕 I still remember watching that demo and being so excited and willing to wait however many more years for them to perfect it so it definitely sucks to hear tymone say nothing from it will make a comeback
If u want darker setting just wait for rain , old villedor while its raining is hella creepy
Or just turn the gamma all the way down to 0.
Im not gonna lie i really want to see elysium back in dying light 2 because in my opinion that area it's better than old villedor or central loop but i will be a 50 and 50 because i dont want to get to exited but let's hope it becomes true and it makes a return in a 1 year or 2
I never even knew what Elysium was until this video. I don't care for a new map since I am actually happy with the map we got, don't get it twisted more map is good but if it doesnt show up I won't throw a tantrum. What I do actually want to see is cut content re-added. As you mentioned modders have already made it possible for cut content to be accessed in the game so I don't see why Techland can't just add the most popular mods into the game it could very well breathe new life into the game.
Because it mods? I mean the lead developer already mention in the interviews if they gonna add cut content they probably gonna recreate or redo and you know it cut content it the stuff that the dev thing it not gonna work even if you guys probably gonna disagree
Well we know techland always listens to the community so I think it's coming, one day, or another
That's how game development works. When you end up cutting your original plan for a piece of content, you don't want all the time and money invested in it to go to waste. You repurpose assets, re use mechanics, and make something new like legos. You recoop some of the cost of creation, and hopefully you end up with a better end product.
We need the e3 outfit
That e3 2018 outfit look sheeesh
even the geometry of the 2018 demos and the map look the same
First thing, your quality of content has skyrocketed, second. I think a lot of people need to see this video, there is so much confusion about what is happening with elysium and the surrounding area, especially the demo. It was created to look like a cinematic to entice you into the game when it releases, it was not supposed to be satisfying to play, but rather watch. I think the first dlc will be elsewhere, with the second dlc potentially being a note on a whiteboard somewhere in techland headquarters. It feels like they had the world of the game set out before the main story was actually developed, people talking about Elysium could just be left in the game from old ideas of it being the third area however, times changed and having the release around the corner they wanted to focus on more important aspects first, and focus on Elysium later.
Will there be a balance mode added to ps5 since Xbox has it aswell well. Why is it not added in yet. Would be really nice to play with higher resolution while on 60 FPS on the ps5
PS5 isn’t as powerful compared to the Series X
The old gameplay looks so much better.
I would have preferred a tiny 3x smaller map but one thats actually full of threats and content, the paraglider and designing the game around it completely destroyed the world design.
Not to be a negative Nancy but I'm disappointed and I based my expectations of of what I saw and heard from Techland, not off hype.
Great video Oni! Thank you 😊!
It really would be a good idea for them to do something like this I know you said to kill the Elysium idea and just wipe it clean but just like a zombie it doesn't want to stay dead.
The problem for me is the demo looked like a much better game than what we got. Obviously it was a small demo and not a massive game and the release is pretty okay and fun to play, but it could have been sooo much more.
Is it just me or did anyone else want what they first had in e3 I feel like the choices in this game don’t really matter
It's because the writer at the time: Chris Avellone got fired because of 2 cunt woman on twitter made false accusations about him that got him fired from techland the dum dums. They had to rewrite the story after this leading to the rushed mess we have now.
They don’t matter. Their extent is “you can choose A or B but no matter what you’ll end up at the same place doing the exact same thing besides a minor cutscene change” lol.. it’s the illusion of an RPG. Hell it gets even worse when you get the VNC tower and if you play through the 3 choices you’ll see all the characters have you do the exact same thing afterwards, you’ll go activate another radio tower, for all of them lol.. not even including the horribly massive plot holes you’ll encounter when you get to that point.
There’s literally only a few choices that have genuine consequences and that too it only impacts the story and not really how the game looks. What a shame after all this hype about choices and consequences they gave us the most average, watered down choice and consequences a game could give.
@@kbains8422 I don’t think the choices and consequences are that bad. At least it gave us some pretty cool path and consequences
You're definitely not the only one
how do we know that the arch building isn't just a leftover from e3
its not even a 3d building. its just a bunch of 2d objects overlayed in a smart way to give that illusion to the player when you look over at the area.
I was willing to wait patiently and follow the development of the game through all 5 promised years, but the moment Tymon said so confidently that Elysium would not return,I lost all hope and interest. That's a number one thing majority of players want to see and experience and it's so nonchalantly brushed off as possibility ...
We all waited since 2018 for what they originally promised but idk man I’m just really sad, angry and depressed that we were given a complete downgrade to everything that was originally advertised.
I just hope it's not another Hellraid in the sense that they'll just stick us in the PK castle and have us deal with things in it 🙈 hate, hate, HATE indoor maps that require me to commit to a single location and limit my route options
I was able to find some PK soldiers (and a commander I think) talking while looking at a table with a map and then stopped talking when they saw me and said this is PK official business or mission something like that.
That was definitely a Easteregg for us to find so I believe there is a reason for it…. No dev,ceo, or executive is allowed to come out and say “yeah this is our future content ______” they have to have press and get people excited so more people buy it’s how it works can’t change it but we are allowed to speculate. It’s part of the fun let’s just not have to high of hopes I myself try not to think about future dlc so no matter what I don’t get disappointed!!!
I also want more of the chemicals to go away. There’s big office looking buildings with green on them and there gray, maybe bigger then the central loop, anyways I want to be able to visit them but looking at e3 2019, I kinda want to delete the game. It makes me regret buying it: so much was lost .
I actually flew all the way out to that castle. It actually looked pretty complete up close minus any interior Stuff. and no, none of it was solid.
@1:30 This should've been stated when they originally showed this off. We ALL believed this was a lot of completed work. SO they really weren't working on it as long as they claim. Seems like they only started work on this in late 2019 / early 2020. Plays games like Horizon Forbidden west: You can feel everything from the first game then you can really feel all the new that was added to the game. Everything was there that made me love the first game. Then they just added more on top of it. Why techland and other companies don't do this? Is beyond me. Wasted resourced and wasted hype showing us a product we will never get. *edit. I truly believe we are still in "early access" for this game..
Then we should have gotten a release dates in 2018 if you said most of this stuff is complete. In fact most game dev always shown concept of what the game supposed to be at launch. edit horizon forbidden west state of the play gameplay reveal that entries scenario is not even in the game lmao. In fact I don’t think dying light 2 is a early access game since most of the mechanics in e3 primary 2019 is still in the game(either downgrade or the same)
I feel like they will introduce a seperate skill tree in one of the dlcs that focuses on aidens volatile/mutation abilities
Arena war would be very fun like in Far Cry 4 where you earn mastery with each weapon in the game by winning in the arena with it.
Bloody Ties is the arena and DLC2 would be outside the the city so sadly no Elyseum
You want to know the biggest issue I have -- the button layout. Who the hell uses right back for Jump ????????
No one exactly
They did that so you can still turn while you are jumping
@@arandomperson275 that makes no sense cause you can still run and jump in CoD
@@americanpatriot8996 I think it's easier to jump while running when games like dying light/dying light 2 use the right back button. And also most first person parkour games like mirrors edge uses the same button layout.
@@americanpatriot8996 but I'm not great at explaining things but I just think it's easier
i just want the Elysium old villador it's to repetitive same buildings everywhere but Elysium looks more complex.
I remember this game. I had a lot of fun with it.
Appreciate the video. Still miss knife slide.
Will be updated for cross platforms for dying light 2 ?
Well done !
The zombie textures dont even load on my game along with a few other bugs so ehh.. i cant really play [post day1 patch] but i still like the game a lot. Cant believe they released it with so many bugs
What console you playing on?
@@waynej9238 ps4
Hey I got a theory. At the start of the game Spike or Aiden mentions something about a place called New Paris. Could that be a future dlc location or the location of a third game?
we need that habillity of slidding down the publicity while cutting it
It could be the 1st dlc I feel like because in the following we can see old town but barely see the slums in elysium I think we can still see them also and I think in the interview he did say something about a dying light 2 the following I think and that's kinda similar but the map is smaller so they might make it bigger but probably won't be a dlc
Hear me out. The using the knife to descend like from the demo would be nice in dlc
4:40 where is this location
DL1 oli area from the following
Good video!
i thought that for so long because i would watch the trailer and there are parts from it i dont remember seeing in the game
I hate seeing that castle. Everytime I see it I wanna find away over. It's torture.
Ask for elyseum and get bloody ties😐
Bloody Ties is the arena and DLC2 would be outside the the city so sadly no Elyseum
Whatever they do I just hope the next story dlc makes the zombies and aiden’s struggle to be human the main antagonist like the following was for dying light 1 because that was some of the best story telling I’ve ever seen.
Dlc 1 trailer takes place in the opera house, Elysium has a location called Opera?
the horde part that you are talking is apparently for a mission that involves kurt. when you first talk to kurt he says that you're trying to kill him for some lady he knows. well so far everyone assumes it lawan hes talking about but they'd be wrong. who he is talking about is supposed to be some lady named astrid that lives in a part of elyseum with his son. she took over his people that kurt talks about and banished him. that is supposedly where kurts son is. i watched a vid from a data miner and that is what they found.
there is also a wiki page you can look up for the whole history of harran and villedor as the cities were being built. i think the peacekeeper citadel is supposed to be castle villedor mentioned in the wiki page. its the only castle like building seen so far.
1:14 fuck.. Now that i look at it.. I do kinda miss this whole dark/grey theme, vibe they were showing back at E3. I mean don't get me wrong, i'm happy with the final product. But i think, idk, i think this feels just right
True. Hopefully they bring it back in a dlc or two
Orla Castle is definitely going to be a DLC location
i was so mad when played with mission car and so dissapointment that it wasnt even close to the trailer back in the day and from this good parkour long scene that i hope for like escaping from arena vs demolisher in dying light 1 we got just timer with 3 minutes to catch up where car went or just find where it went.
2 or 3 years ago was the downfall of Dying Light 2. But it’s being restored.