v. M. Varga's teeth are the single most disturbing part of the series. This is coming from a series where people are burned alive, minced, drowned, and forced to watch as friends and family die. A show where civilians are mowed down with a grease gun. A show where a policeman is forced to shoot his best friend on the orders of a mafia boss. A show where a man is tied to a home appliance and shot while he can't do a thing. A show where Lorne Malvo's hair becomes white halfway through the season. Yet it is V. M. Varga's hair that stayed with me.
I know it was an honorable mention, but Lester setting his second wife up with the coat and the hoodie deserved to be on that list. That was dark as hell.
I’m pretty sure Malvo taping down Dennis to that stairmaster and tricking the police into shooting him was way darker than him talking to an old dude in a diner.
Lou is not just an "old dude". He witnessed the Massacare At Sioux Falls and faced off with a psychotic serial killer. So yes it is considered among the darkest scenes in the show.
While Malvo was terrifying , Varga made me so uncomfortable. Like some kind of slippery demonic creature that just attaches itself to you. Freaks me out
When Lester sent his 2nd wife to be killed, that one really struck me. Her character was a purely good hearted woman and never deserved to die. Still remains as being one of the saddest scenes I’ve scene in a show
Yes! I think for me, the principle of them illustrating SO MANY TIMES, the true randomness of life, the moral relativism vs. the absolutes we're taught and tend to believe in, etc, was just FANTASTIC. It's FAR different to see this repeatedly in this show's story arcs than to read it in philosophy books, etc, IMO.
They should’ve explained why it was so dark. If Lester had just minded his business both of them would have gotten off Scott free but instead 3 more people are unexpectedly killed in the elevator right after the unnecessary clip in this list. 🤦🏽♀️
Ay idk why but when I finished season 1 on Netflix I didn’t want to watch the other seasons cause I was like “holy fuck it can’t get better than that” but might go back n watch season 2 n 3 is it worth it
I thought his death was pretty disturbing too. Being buried alive in hot asphalt. The score that was playing in the background was haunting too which added a certain dread to thst scene.
I don't know if it was just me, but when Malvo killed all the mafia right in front of the FBI agents, I laughed my ass off. Best moment in the whole show
The way it was done so cold-bloodedly with SO little planning, like she had a BUNCH of ideas like this ready to go if needed was freaking awesome to me, re insight into the character.
Lorne Malvo: Because some roads you shouldn’t go down. Because maps used to say, “there be dragons here.” Now they don’t. But that don’t mean the dragons aren’t there
That quiet, but VERY capable menace. SUPER dark. I thought Hanze had this in SPADES. Sometimes with just a look. Much like the villain in "No Country for Old Men". Quiet, but implacable coupled with being VERY capable.
How Lester sending his 2nd wife to die isnt number 1 and just a "honorable mention" is BEYOND me, that was INSANE And is there a character ever created better than Lorne Malvo and how billy Bob portayed him? my god, set the tone for the WHOLE series, just amazing
When Lorne Malvo single-handedly takes out that entire building filled with mobsters, that was easily one of the most badass scenes from anything I've ever seen. The way they shot it was clever, too. On the one hand it was probably cheaper to film, because you really don't see anything. Rather, you hear it instead, which is arguably even more effective because you can just imagine it all happening in any way you like.
Peggy wasn't shocked by the flying saucer because the flying saucer is what caused her to hit the guy in the first place. She was driving, saw the UFO, crashed into the guy, and drove home because she was shocked by the UFO. Her hitting the guy wasn't what put her into shock, that's not why she just casually drove home. It was the UFO which was the craziest thing she had ever seen in her life up to that point and she started questioning her own sanity
Swango getting beaten within an inch of her life, recovering and making moves to get some very well deserved vengeance and yet still taking a bullet to her head in the end is definitely the most depressing ending this show has ever had and it's not nearly discussed enough. It makes my skin crawl and while I actually really enjoy S3 and would argue that it's somewhat underrated, that part is so bleak it borders on mean-spirited. Shock for the sake of shock.
I thought the scene where Kirsten Dunst hits the guy with her car, then drives home with him hanging out of the windshield, then just parks the car in the garage was pretty dark. Because then she just goes about her evening, making dinner like nothing happened at all. A person would have to have a pretty empty soul to do that.
This was just Excellent! I don't do it a lot (despite the constant begging by so many videos), but I liked and subscribed because you EARNED it. GREAT insights into deeper meaning that I missed, like Malvo representing the devil (convincing re the "Since the Garden of Eden" line, which I missed the real meaning of when watching this. (I think I saw lots of meaning, but missed a lot too. I'm a science/math geek, NOT a philosopher, re talent, and I'm definitely on the spectrum. I love the Fargo series and go back to it now and then, and from this I think I see that my brain was tickled by a variety of things my subconscious knew were powerful, but I didn't consciously grasp. So, THANKS.
man, this tv series really teach us how good people can be consumed by their dark side? We all have a dark side but balance is the only way to protect ourselves.
Theres a lot more to it . - Yuri and Meemo throwing that old man off the balcony - Hanzee killing one kitchen brother - Malvo letting off Mr wrench - Thaddeus Mobley beating Howard Zimmerman - Bill’s monologue about the world - Varga sticking his schlong in Sy’s mug - Bear killing Simone - Malvo tying Doug down , leading him to get shot down by police - Stavros’ kid and his bodyguard in the crash - The whole forest fight (Swango and Wrench vs Varga’s Goons) and the aftermath when Yuri meets God and starts seeing illusions - Betsy accepting her fate throughout the end of Season 2 , especially when Karl tries to motivate her by comparing her to John McCain - Anything that happens to Sy , like literally he is Varga’s bitch
I'm not going to argue about these choices - they're all pretty good, but the one that I think about the most is one nobody has mentioned yet - in the first season when Wrench and Numbers casually and calmly dropped the nasty guy through the ice to die. The poor hapless typewriter guy in season two dying under a dump truck full of hot asphalt might be even worse.
The Kitchen Brothers - omg, I remember them f---ers! And the Native American tracker/assassin Hanzee Dent hands down one of the scariest characters since Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh. Oh, and the brilliant Billy Bob Thornton as Malvo. Funny and scary as f--k in equal measure. I truly believe he's the Devil in the show.
I live in North Dakota, and while there are a LOT of good people here, the statement; "Your very unfriendly, you're just so polite about it", is an absolute fact. It's particularly true on the east side of the State. The west side of the State they're more likely to completely ignore you unless there's a reason to interact. When I first moved here, 21 years ago, people would absolutely recoil at any attempt at extroverted kindness. A smile and a wave, would most often illicit a, "Who the Hell are you and why are you talking to me" look, somewhere between stoic and disgusted. They do eventually warm up to you, and I actually like their stoic honesty over the fake, smiling nice you experience in other parts of the country.
I think assuming all niceness is fake is a mistake. It really depends. In lots of small towns in my state of KY, for example, there are a lot of simple, God fearing people who are basically nice (not necessarily real smart, but you can't have it all). In my life, being basically nice works fine for a good 99% of interactions. And lots of times, like with employees at places you want service, it is productive. Occasionally not, but one can always adapt if needed on occasion.
Bear shooting his niece in the woods has to be an honorable mention at least. That scene was heart-wrenching. I also agree with the fact that the sounds of Nicki Swango being beaten off scene, while Ewan Macgregor was watching in horror was awful. As well as the many other scenes mentioned. Fargo is top-tier.
This made it very clear to me, that season 1 was the best by far in many ways. Most authentic, best characters and casting, weird storyline which was simple and complex at the same time, craziness, humor and so on. Legendary quotes and dialogues stuck in my mind for years right now. Last season was a major disappointment to me, but season 1 might be my favorite tv show ever.
Or you don't, respectfully. Dark doesn't HAVE to be explicit at all. A lot of the power is the MENACING, the foreboding, the awareness of the potential of powerful evil, IMO. Just equating violence with darkness just cheapens it way to much. Again, respectfully, and IMO. (Look at the definition).
@@jagmaharesi2486: But the idea is it clearly could be updated, if the final two seasons (which I just found out about and haven't seen yet) warrant that.
He was cowardly playing defense. He didn't KNOW Malvo was there, but rightfully thought he might well be. It was bad, but I think it was more about fear than blatant evil (such as outright murder).
I honestly think this particular list was probably really difficult to make just because… how do you rank darkness in one of the darkest comedies ever..? I can definitely forgive it for listing things that I just yelled at my phone saying “Wait, really?? Why is that ranked??” There’s so much darker they could’ve delved into: Lester’s first kill, Peter and the Wolf (where it’s revealed that Varga is bulimic), Milligan’s depressing demise into the corporate machine, Yuri’s brief talk with Paul (Santa Claus) in the bowling alley, Emmit accidentally killing Ray, Milo’s shower of literal blood, Peggy admitting in the cop car how pointless life is without success… etc. etc. etc. Also (of course) the fuckin MEAT GRINDER in season 2. That was legit a brief horror flick right there… It’s a dark fucking show that you still laugh at. I personally think its nooks-and-crannies of darkness are really unrankable. Mainly because they geniously hide the most unstomachacheable with immediate humor and irony right around the corner.
You nailed #1. Another honorable mention could be in season 1 when the 2 hit men looking for Malvo put the loud mouth bar patron through a hole in the ice.
I think the death of the bronzer guy was easily the darkest moment in the whole show for me. Sure he’s a little dim but got he didn’t deserve what he got in such a brutal way.
One of the best and most underrated series. Each season has great memorable characters and unique storylines. The dark moments and dark humor are trademarks of this series.
Jesus, the next thing you'll be preaching is defund the police. Tone it down a notch. Or you're vanilla face? That comment was certainly grossly vanilla. Get weird just once...try it. Sissy...
Interesting picks, they seem more for showing the potential of the show to be dark and entering in dangerous territory more like the actual darkest moments. Still I like them I dont know if anyone is going to read this but I love "Fargo" so much i could not help to make my own personal picks, those scenes that you can take out of context and convice anyone that this is a horror show: 10) Ray's tragically comic death and Varga's appearing in the scene preparing a cover up with this eerie line: “I'm so rarely seen. Maybe I don't even exist.” (S03E06) 9) The innocent guy being framed for Yuri's murder of his girlfriend in East Berlin (S03E01) 8) Paul Murrane makes Yuri faces his crimes before his death in the bowling alley (S03E08) 7) Etherilda blowing her birthday candles with Mr. Snowman next to her (S04E06) 6) Yuri and Meemo brutally beating up Nikki offscreen showing Sy horrified expression (S03E05) 5) Ed Blumquist disposing Rye Gerhardt's body in the meat grinder (S02E02) 4) Malvo listening the tapes of one of his corrupted victims as we can clearly hear said victim, who's life has been completely ruined by Malvo, commiting suicide (S01E09) 3) The Elevator Scene (S01E09) 2) Lester sends Linda to her death (S01E09) 1) Nikki and Wrench being chased by Yuri in the dark woods (S03E08) HONORABLE MENTION: VM. Varga's grotesque depiction of bulimia as a metaphor for compulsive consumism
I think this show is easily the most well crafted TV show alongside Breaking Bad, of the last decade. I am infatuated with Fargo. Love Mindhunter and Hannibal as well
Just because you value superficiality more doesn't mean everyone needs to. I find intensely plotting and menacing behavior darker than the final violence depicted.
literally darkest moment for me by FAR was the brutal murder of don chumph - i mean, death by swat team? holy fuck. and the music that plays in the background???? it's horrifying and over the top cruel.
I would have put the elevator scene from S1 on here. When Lester goes back to Malvo in Vegas. That’s one of my favorite scenes of the the ENTIRE series.
The moment that truly haunts me is when Deafy spots Zelmare at the train station in Season 4... The face she makes is cartoonish but sinister AF! Zelmare has my vote for the scariest character on the show.
Billy bob will always take home the prize as it was the first. But each season has been as dark as the first, in my opinion. V.M Varga to me has been the most menacing and evil for so many reasons. Mainly the extreme compulsive eating and vomiting
Yes, it was a dark moment indeed when I first became aware that the makers of Fargo either don't know how a pistol cycles or just decided not to have them do so in the show for some other reason.
I can't believe they didn't have the scene from season 2 at the body shop with Hanzee and Sonny. Even tho there was no violence, that was such a chilling story from Hanzee.
sometimes I see top tens of shows I haven't seen and I am like "I didn't miss anything" but now I can't believe that there was a show with such a great cast and story I am so going to see this series
What do YOU think is the darkest "Fargo" moment? Let us know in the comments!
Hi watchmojo love the videos
2 days ago.
Thank you watchmojo that made my day :D
Honestly Chief Vern getting shot in the 1st episode might not have been "dark" but definitely had ne at the edge of my seat!
v. M. Varga's teeth are the single most disturbing part of the series. This is coming from a series where people are burned alive, minced, drowned, and forced to watch as friends and family die. A show where civilians are mowed down with a grease gun. A show where a policeman is forced to shoot his best friend on the orders of a mafia boss. A show where a man is tied to a home appliance and shot while he can't do a thing. A show where Lorne Malvo's hair becomes white halfway through the season. Yet it is V. M. Varga's hair that stayed with me.
I know it was an honorable mention, but Lester setting his second wife up with the coat and the hoodie deserved to be on that list. That was dark as hell.
That was number 1 for me, hated lester so much for that
@@poodleman3356 same
That scene really got to me too. That was WAY too dark. After that I immediately hated Lester forever
That’s number 1 by a mile for me. Only scene I clearly remember still. Have to watch the series now.
Especially after she opens up to him. It was probably one of the darkest moments for me
I’m pretty sure Malvo taping down Dennis to that stairmaster and tricking the police into shooting him was way darker than him talking to an old dude in a diner.
That was so horrifying when I watched it. Made my stomach hurt. 😬 That definitely should have been on the list.
Nah the dinner scene was tense big-time
Lou is not just an "old dude". He witnessed the Massacare At Sioux Falls and faced off with a psychotic serial killer. So yes it is considered among the darkest scenes in the show.
Dennis XD
because of the implication
While Malvo was terrifying , Varga made me so uncomfortable. Like some kind of slippery demonic creature that just attaches itself to you. Freaks me out
It was his rat teeth. And his habit of barfing after eating.
The performance of David thewlis was Mind blowing!!!
Yeah really awkward, especially since he looks like some sort of weasel.
Fr and him throwing up
It was his money, knowledge and connections that scared me.
When Lester sent his 2nd wife to be killed, that one really struck me. Her character was a purely good hearted woman and never deserved to die. Still remains as being one of the saddest scenes I’ve scene in a show
That exact moment is when i hopped off the Lester support train
Fargo is my favourite series ever, the writing, the characters, the atmosphere, the comedy and the stories are all incredible.
Did you ever watch Bates Motel? It is super good too!
This and boardwalk is my fav
Good for you. Series was pretty darn good.
I also like Bates Motel
Yes! I think for me, the principle of them illustrating SO MANY TIMES, the true randomness of life, the moral relativism vs. the absolutes we're taught and tend to believe in, etc, was just FANTASTIC. It's FAR different to see this repeatedly in this show's story arcs than to read it in philosophy books, etc, IMO.
I'm surprised the Malvo elevator scene didn't make it on the list.
Lester, is this what you want?
That should of made it too, easily, good call, one of the most jaw dropping scenes ive ever seen lol
Um, it was on the list
@@williamkoppos7039 You’re right - I can’t understand why Lester said yes.
@@JollyGraham i think Lester was not expect what Malvo would do. he just think he's interrupting him and anoying him.
They should’ve explained why it was so dark. If Lester had just minded his business both of them would have gotten off Scott free but instead 3 more people are unexpectedly killed in the elevator right after the unnecessary clip in this list. 🤦🏽♀️
Season 1 of Fargo is probably my favourite thing ever on TV.
Ay idk why but when I finished season 1 on Netflix I didn’t want to watch the other seasons cause I was like “holy fuck it can’t get better than that” but might go back n watch season 2 n 3 is it worth it
@@vivomontana1026 season 3 is my favorite but they are definitely worth it
@@vivomontana1026 s2 way better than s1
@@goromakisan263that’s ur opinion
@@vivomontana1026 to me season 2 is the best so yeah. :)
Nicki Swango in Fargo 3 getting beaten off screen was stomach churning.
That was terrible.
100% this.
Yes yes when I watched it first time it was very disturbing.
Made me cry. I hated that shit
i thought they were going to kill her off
Burying the typewriter guy alive counts as pretty dark to me.
In hot asphalt, no less! 😬😬😬
With his tie sticking out of the and like a tombstone
that was kind of goofy tbh
Scariest death in the entire first four seasons.
I thought his death was pretty disturbing too. Being buried alive in hot asphalt. The score that was playing in the background was haunting too which added a certain dread to thst scene.
I don't know if it was just me, but when Malvo killed all the mafia right in front of the FBI agents, I laughed my ass off.
Best moment in the whole show
Keye and peel shit talking in the parking lot 😂😂
Lorne Malvo is King throughout the whole series.
Hell yea
I quit watching Fargo after season one.
Varga would give em a run for his money
I was upset that he killed all those people just to be foiled by Lester bitch ass 🤔 how
Lorne Malvo is the greatest Fargo character ever
Love Mike Milligan as well
Varga miiligan hanzee malvo lester are soms of the best characters of television of all time
Followed CLOSELY by Mike Milligan, 2 outstanding characters and portayals by Billy bob and Bokeem
@@fsylla69 Twas Brillig!
Death by Air conditioner in season 3 was pretty brutal
The way it was done so cold-bloodedly with SO little planning, like she had a BUNCH of ideas like this ready to go if needed was freaking awesome to me, re insight into the character.
Lorne Malvo: Because some roads you shouldn’t go down. Because maps used to say, “there be dragons here.” Now they don’t. But that don’t mean the dragons aren’t there
Awesome , also "we used to be Apes you know"
Malvo is one of my favourite villains of all time
Same him and Mike Millagen
@@Myron1629 Preach
Lester sending Linda to her death HAS to be it for me. Its the first time i felt sick to my stomach watching something.
I laughed my ass off when Martin Freeman's character killed his wife with a hammer. It's almost like a Three Stooges skit.
@@WatchMojo whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop...naaaaahhhh
VM Varga scared the hell out of me in season 3, I was simply amazed at David Thewlis's performance
i mean for simply being the friend with the cleft a-hole, hes come quite far.
That quiet, but VERY capable menace. SUPER dark. I thought Hanze had this in SPADES. Sometimes with just a look. Much like the villain in "No Country for Old Men". Quiet, but implacable coupled with being VERY capable.
one of the consistent themes throughout fargo : even the smallest evil you’ve done catches with you in the end
How Lester sending his 2nd wife to die isnt number 1 and just a "honorable mention" is BEYOND me, that was INSANE
And is there a character ever created better than Lorne Malvo and how billy Bob portayed him? my god, set the tone for the WHOLE series, just amazing
+++ should be top-1, wtf mojo
Maybe not number 1 but.... it damn sure belongs on the list above at least one instance of "Lou Solverson has a tense conversation."
When Gus kills Malvo. The answer to Malvo's riddle, the wolf metaphor, and Malvo's dead gaze was dark af. Malvo won.
unreal scene
Turning Rye Gerhardt into chuck round and narrowly having his fingers found by Lou Solverson is a pretty grim moment in the series for me.
Is it just me or does Mike Milligan not get enough credit. He is literally the best character in the show.
I love Milligan’s presence and demeanor - not sure I like him better than Malvo’s character though. They’re both amazing regardless.
Myself, I’d have to vote for Varga as being the worst villain of all. He was just so mysterious and creepy beyond belief…
It is suppose .The story hints at the racist He faced without saying it even though it did say it.
The darkest moment is when Varga spunks in a mug and makes the guy drink it
Never saw but gotta agree.
He actually urinated in the mug
@@jasp3rjeep13 pretty sure all he did was just dip his genitals in the mug and then made the guy drink with it. No urine or anything
This. The powerlessness is just.... haunting. You have to comply or die, and even if you survived rebelling, your family dies. Its just horrible
@@ColombianThunder no i was correcting Brother Sheamus's info, not saying that David Thewlis (the actor) actually did that
When Lorne Malvo single-handedly takes out that entire building filled with mobsters, that was easily one of the most badass scenes from anything I've ever seen. The way they shot it was clever, too. On the one hand it was probably cheaper to film, because you really don't see anything. Rather, you hear it instead, which is arguably even more effective because you can just imagine it all happening in any way you like.
Peggy wasn't shocked by the flying saucer because the flying saucer is what caused her to hit the guy in the first place. She was driving, saw the UFO, crashed into the guy, and drove home because she was shocked by the UFO. Her hitting the guy wasn't what put her into shock, that's not why she just casually drove home. It was the UFO which was the craziest thing she had ever seen in her life up to that point and she started questioning her own sanity
Yeah, no. She just had a shallow, empty soul.
😏 that breakdown 💯💪🏽
Swango getting beaten within an inch of her life, recovering and making moves to get some very well deserved vengeance and yet still taking a bullet to her head in the end is definitely the most depressing ending this show has ever had and it's not nearly discussed enough. It makes my skin crawl and while I actually really enjoy S3 and would argue that it's somewhat underrated, that part is so bleak it borders on mean-spirited. Shock for the sake of shock.
Orietta mayflower is something else also the actress definitely deserves some awards she was down right psychotic !!
I know!! Her character was compelling. She's in war and peace, and in Endeavour, first season, too. If interested.
@@Babesinthewood97 thank you I’ll check it out !!
Jessie Buckley
Yes I couldn’t stand her character due to the actress’s amazing performance. Her accent and wow the walk. 🙌🏽
I thought the scene where Kirsten Dunst hits the guy with her car, then drives home with him hanging out of the windshield, then just parks the car in the garage was pretty dark. Because then she just goes about her evening, making dinner like nothing happened at all. A person would have to have a pretty empty soul to do that.
That was exactly based on a true event in the 90s. Chante Mallard drunk driving case.
I love Hanzee he was incredible
This series have awesome, well written and complex antagonists... All of them are awesome..
Another great character in a list of great Fargo characters, they have a knack for it
@@homelander5499 How do you NOT have MIKE MILLIGAN on this list lol
Fargo is waay underrated, it is really the best tv series ever.
This was just Excellent! I don't do it a lot (despite the constant begging by so many videos), but I liked and subscribed because you EARNED it.
GREAT insights into deeper meaning that I missed, like Malvo representing the devil (convincing re the "Since the Garden of Eden" line, which I missed the real meaning of when watching this. (I think I saw lots of meaning, but missed a lot too. I'm a science/math geek, NOT a philosopher, re talent, and I'm definitely on the spectrum.
I love the Fargo series and go back to it now and then, and from this I think I see that my brain was tickled by a variety of things my subconscious knew were powerful, but I didn't consciously grasp.
Everytime I get into an elevator with somebody I know who has seen Fargo, I ask them "Is THIS what you want?"
LMAO, i should try that, see if they run
man, this tv series really teach us how good people can be consumed by their dark side? We all have a dark side but balance is the only way to protect ourselves.
Well put
Billy Thornton is such an INCREDIBLE actor
👏Great video....there really more than 10 of course ....Great Keep the topics....
Theres a lot more to it .
- Yuri and Meemo throwing that old man off the balcony
- Hanzee killing one kitchen brother
- Malvo letting off Mr wrench
- Thaddeus Mobley beating Howard Zimmerman
- Bill’s monologue about the world
- Varga sticking his schlong in Sy’s mug
- Bear killing Simone
- Malvo tying Doug down , leading him to get shot down by police
- Stavros’ kid and his bodyguard in the crash
- The whole forest fight (Swango and Wrench vs Varga’s Goons) and the aftermath when Yuri meets God and starts seeing illusions
- Betsy accepting her fate throughout the end of Season 2 , especially when Karl tries to motivate her by comparing her to John McCain
- Anything that happens to Sy , like literally he is Varga’s bitch
Vm Varga has the best line "the problem with the world is not that there is evil but that there is good because if there wasn't who would care"
You can say the same, if you use the word "good" instead of "evil"
@@andiratze9591: Ah. Shades of moral relativism. Such a fascinating concept, and so valid by the time you're getting old.
Do a funniest moments list for Fargo!!
Love this show, and this is a great round up of "moments".
Any scene that involves Loren Malvo is dark. End of story.
Who's your favourite story line? Mine is Rabbi Milligan, plus Oraetta Mayflower and Josto. The end was almost beautiful.
That nurse was fucked up right to the end. Talking bout
"Can you shoot him first so I can watch"?
When I saw Number 2 I thought this should be number 1!! BUT DAMMMNNN NO.1 Deserves it...😂😂
I'm not going to argue about these choices - they're all pretty good, but the one that I think about the most is one nobody has mentioned yet - in the first season when Wrench and Numbers casually and calmly dropped the nasty guy through the ice to die. The poor hapless typewriter guy in season two dying under a dump truck full of hot asphalt might be even worse.
The Kitchen Brothers - omg, I remember them f---ers! And the Native American tracker/assassin Hanzee Dent hands down one of the scariest characters since Javier Bardem's Anton Chigurh. Oh, and the brilliant Billy Bob Thornton as Malvo. Funny and scary as f--k in equal measure. I truly believe he's the Devil in the show.
I was about to say, if the intimidation of Gus wasn't #1, I was gonna revolt.
Love that line about "there be dragons". 😮
I live in North Dakota, and while there are a LOT of good people here, the statement; "Your very unfriendly, you're just so polite about it", is an absolute fact. It's particularly true on the east side of the State. The west side of the State they're more likely to completely ignore you unless there's a reason to interact. When I first moved here, 21 years ago, people would absolutely recoil at any attempt at extroverted kindness. A smile and a wave, would most often illicit a, "Who the Hell are you and why are you talking to me" look, somewhere between stoic and disgusted. They do eventually warm up to you, and I actually like their stoic honesty over the fake, smiling nice you experience in other parts of the country.
I think assuming all niceness is fake is a mistake. It really depends. In lots of small towns in my state of KY, for example, there are a lot of simple, God fearing people who are basically nice (not necessarily real smart, but you can't have it all).
In my life, being basically nice works fine for a good 99% of interactions. And lots of times, like with employees at places you want service, it is productive. Occasionally not, but one can always adapt if needed on occasion.
Thank you for giving this series the love it deserves
Bear shooting his niece in the woods has to be an honorable mention at least. That scene was heart-wrenching. I also agree with the fact that the sounds of Nicki Swango being beaten off scene, while Ewan Macgregor was watching in horror was awful. As well as the many other scenes mentioned. Fargo is top-tier.
The darkest character was Hanzee Dent especially when he gutted out the evil old bag while looking into her eyes…..
This made it very clear to me, that season 1 was the best by far in many ways. Most authentic, best characters and casting, weird storyline which was simple and complex at the same time, craziness, humor and so on. Legendary quotes and dialogues stuck in my mind for years right now. Last season was a major disappointment to me, but season 1 might be my favorite tv show ever.
What is the reason why you don't like season 4?
For me, 1 and 2 were BOTH great -- different, but great. I didn't like the 3rd one as well, but it certainly had its moments.
How do you not have the elevator scene on here, not even an honorable mention? I don't think Watchmojo knows what dark means
Or you don't, respectfully. Dark doesn't HAVE to be explicit at all. A lot of the power is the MENACING, the foreboding, the awareness of the potential of powerful evil, IMO.
Just equating violence with darkness just cheapens it way to much. Again, respectfully, and IMO. (Look at the definition).
Love the Fargo appreciation, but why make this list half-way through season 4?
So they can make another list of 10 more dark moments in Fargo lol
It didn't have that many dark moments
@@jagmaharesi2486: But the idea is it clearly could be updated, if the final two seasons (which I just found out about and haven't seen yet) warrant that.
Lester sending his second wife to her death was the moment that made me hate Lester.
It made everyone hate him.
He was cowardly playing defense. He didn't KNOW Malvo was there, but rightfully thought he might well be. It was bad, but I think it was more about fear than blatant evil (such as outright murder).
Season 5 had some moments that would be on this list for sure.
I honestly think this particular list was probably really difficult to make just because… how do you rank darkness in one of the darkest comedies ever..?
I can definitely forgive it for listing things that I just yelled at my phone saying “Wait, really?? Why is that ranked??”
There’s so much darker they could’ve delved into: Lester’s first kill, Peter and the Wolf (where it’s revealed that Varga is bulimic), Milligan’s depressing demise into the corporate machine, Yuri’s brief talk with Paul (Santa Claus) in the bowling alley, Emmit accidentally killing Ray, Milo’s shower of literal blood, Peggy admitting in the cop car how pointless life is without success… etc. etc. etc.
Also (of course) the fuckin MEAT GRINDER in season 2. That was legit a brief horror flick right there…
It’s a dark fucking show that you still laugh at. I personally think its nooks-and-crannies of darkness are really unrankable. Mainly because they geniously hide the most unstomachacheable with immediate humor and irony right around the corner.
I couldnt stop after season 1 so ive watched them all like a junkie
Great analysis of the best series is probably also the darkest moment congratulations
You nailed #1. Another honorable mention could be in season 1 when the 2 hit men looking for Malvo put the loud mouth bar patron through a hole in the ice.
Finally covering my favorite tv show
I think the death of the bronzer guy was easily the darkest moment in the whole show for me. Sure he’s a little dim but got he didn’t deserve what he got in such a brutal way.
Goodbye Dennis Reynolds
Absolutely loved Mike...great bad guy!
One of the best and most underrated series. Each season has great memorable characters and unique storylines. The dark moments and dark humor are trademarks of this series.
To the one reading this have a good day
Jesus, the next thing you'll be preaching is defund the police. Tone it down a notch.
Or you're vanilla face? That comment was certainly grossly vanilla. Get weird just once...try it. Sissy...
Interesting picks, they seem more for showing the potential of the show to be dark and entering in dangerous territory more like the actual darkest moments. Still I like them
I dont know if anyone is going to read this but I love "Fargo" so much i could not help to make my own personal picks, those scenes that you can take out of context and convice anyone that this is a horror show:
10) Ray's tragically comic death and Varga's appearing in the scene preparing a cover up with this eerie line: “I'm so rarely seen. Maybe I don't even exist.” (S03E06)
9) The innocent guy being framed for Yuri's murder of his girlfriend in East Berlin (S03E01)
8) Paul Murrane makes Yuri faces his crimes before his death in the bowling alley (S03E08)
7) Etherilda blowing her birthday candles with Mr. Snowman next to her (S04E06)
6) Yuri and Meemo brutally beating up Nikki offscreen showing Sy horrified expression (S03E05)
5) Ed Blumquist disposing Rye Gerhardt's body in the meat grinder (S02E02)
4) Malvo listening the tapes of one of his corrupted victims as we can clearly hear said victim, who's life has been completely ruined by Malvo, commiting suicide (S01E09)
3) The Elevator Scene (S01E09)
2) Lester sends Linda to her death (S01E09)
1) Nikki and Wrench being chased by Yuri in the dark woods (S03E08)
HONORABLE MENTION: VM. Varga's grotesque depiction of bulimia as a metaphor for compulsive consumism
My favorite show of all time, 3 season is a masterpiece..
1 and 2 are tough to top, but i got such a soft spot for Season 3 too
I think this show is easily the most well crafted TV show alongside Breaking Bad, of the last decade. I am infatuated with Fargo. Love Mindhunter and Hannibal as well
Mindhunter was right up there too. I think doing that content without much explicit violence was impressive.
Yes, malvo talkin to an old guy is darker than him killing all the people he spent months with just because lester said “yes”
Just because you value superficiality more doesn't mean everyone needs to. I find intensely plotting and menacing behavior darker than the final violence depicted.
literally darkest moment for me by FAR was the brutal murder of don chumph - i mean, death by swat team? holy fuck. and the music that plays in the background???? it's horrifying and over the top cruel.
I like how this channel showed one of the show's biggest spoiler moments BEFORE the spoiler warning actually comes up. Yeesh!
Fargo season 1, and especially season 2, are two of the best seasons of television ever created.
I dont know who I'm scared of more, Malvo or Hanzee
Or Mike millagen
Malvo….hands down
I would have put the elevator scene from S1 on here. When Lester goes back to Malvo in Vegas. That’s one of my favorite scenes of the the ENTIRE series.
The moment that truly haunts me is when Deafy spots Zelmare at the train station in Season 4... The face she makes is cartoonish but sinister AF! Zelmare has my vote for the scariest character on the show.
Billy bob will always take home the prize as it was the first. But each season has been as dark as the first, in my opinion. V.M Varga to me has been the most menacing and evil for so many reasons.
Mainly the extreme compulsive eating and vomiting
I thought they left out the most darkest but to my surprise it was at first
No mention of Milligan and the Kitchen twins terrifying Sheriff Larrson out in the woods?
Season 1 my fav
Loved billy Bob
Fargo >>> True detective
I agree but they're close
Yes, it was a dark moment indeed when I first became aware that the makers of Fargo either don't know how a pistol cycles or just decided not to have them do so in the show for some other reason.
"you are dancing with the wrong girl", is my all time favourite.
Love billy bob thornton
Ya’ll should do top 10 Fargo characters, this show has some of the best written tv characters iv ever seen
Literally binge watched all 4 seasons just so I could watch this vid unspoiled...🤣🤣🤣🤣
Every time Malvo was on the screen was Fargo's darkest moment.
Can you do top 10 Flash Villains who might appear in the DCEU?
Malvo freaked me out bad enough.... when he duck tapped that guy to the exercise machine, what a horrible way to die....
Can never drink something handed to me in a mug ever again...
Season one and two were amazing.
Three was ehhhh was I still liked it
Haven't started four yet
Gonna wait until it's over and binge it all
Massacre at the diner was for me the darkest.
Great show didn't even watch an episode until about Oct or Nov. but every season and every episode is 🔥
Malvo, Malvo, and more Malvo.....
V.M. Varga: Lawful Evil
Hanzee Dent: Neutral Evil
Lorne Malvo: Chaotic Evil
I can't believe they didn't have the scene from season 2 at the body shop with Hanzee and Sonny. Even tho there was no violence, that was such a chilling story from Hanzee.
How is the mug scene with VARGA not even in the top 10???
Oreata did not misinterpret what josto was saying. not at all. they were totally on the same page.
Should do a top 10 characters amongst all the seasons
sometimes I see top tens of shows I haven't seen and I am like "I didn't miss anything" but now I can't believe that there was a show with such a great cast and story I am so going to see this series