@@prestonjefferson3349ACCORDING TO PAUL!!!!! BIBLE IS NOT THE WORDS OF GOD. --------------------------------------------------------- 1 corinthians 16:21-- I Paul am writing all these with my own hands. 1 corinthians 7:12!!! I don't have command from God but am giving my own ideas. 1 corinthians 7:25!! I don't have direct commands from God but am writing my own opinions. HOW CAN SOMEONE WRITE HIS OWN IDEAS IN THE SO CALLED HOLY BOOK OF GOD??? Pls note. Even Jesus didn't give his own ideas. See John 12:49. SO what about Paul,?? 2 corinthians 12:7 Paul is a messenger of Satan to torment people. A WOLF IN SHEEPS CLOTHING. AND PAUL DIDN'T MEET JESUS. On the road. Because Jesus said. If anyone tells u here is christ he is there. Don't listen to him. See Mathew 24:25-26 BUT CHRISTIANS HAVE BEEN CORRUPTED BY SELF ACCLAIMED APOSTLE PAUL. Paul is Saul . Saul struggled with David's ministry Same as Paul /Saul incarnate struggled to distort Jesus ministry . Jesus the son of David. David vs Saul. Jesus vs Paul Life of Jesus was overshadowed by David. David was rescued in many assassination same applies to Jesus. OUR DUTY AS A MUSLIMS IS TO LIBERATE THEM FROM THE HANDS OF PAUL/SAUL A LIAR, HYPOCRITES. Paul was controlled by Satan. 1 Thessalonian 2:18 JESUS WARNED. Mathew 5:19!!! If anyone disobey the laws and tells others not to obey shall be least in the kingdom of God. NOW PAUL HAS CORRUPTED CHRISTIANS. LETS ALL MUSLIMS LIBERATE THE LOST SHEEPS WHO ARE STILL LOST. AND PAUL LED THEM FURTHER ASTRAY. Paul has corrupted them in the name of Jesus As Jesus said some will come using his name and lead many astray. NOW PAUL DECLARED HIMSELF TO BE A FATHER OF CHRISTIANS. 1 corinthians 4:15! Meanwhile Jesus said You have only One Father who is in heaven. Paul declared himself to be a teacher. While Jesus said. Don't call anyone as a teacher. Mathew 23:8. U CAN SEE THERE HOW PAUL INTOXICATED YOU WITH A SWEET LIES. JESUS SAID GREET EACH OTHER WITH PEACE BE UPON HIM. Mathew 10:5 Pall said greet each other with kiss. 1 corinthians 16:20 PAUL TOLD CHRISTIANS TO DENY CIRCUMSCISION. Same Paul was circumcising people. Acts 16:3 HYPOCRITES. JESUS SAID BY DOING THE WILL OF GOD. You u will BE SAVED. Mathew 7:21 PAUL SAID!! Just confess that Jesus died and was raised from death u will be saved. ROMAN 10:9 SO WHOM SHOULD WE OBEY?? JESUS OR PAUL??? Jeremia 8:8 how can u say we know the laws when your false teachers have twisted them,? QURAN 2:78! And there are some unlettered folks among them who knew not scriptures except hearsay but write scriptures with their own hands to purchase a small gain therin. So woe to them. ------------- LAST BUT NOT LEAST SACRIFICING A SON IS A PAGANS RITUALS. See JEREMIA 19:5!!! Deautronomy 12:30-31 and 18:9-10 SO PAUL HAS SENT CHRISTIANS ASTRAY!!,INTO PAGANS HANDS Timothy Clark but u will say now. U don't believe in paul. Why are you quoting from him some other time. So doesn't a judge use the words of a criminal to implicate himself? Biggest mistake of Paul he tried to persuade pagans/gentiles. To believe in God. By following their pagans ideologies. So Paul followed . God in human form was a pagans ideology. Acts 14:11. Firstly they called Paul and Barnabas as Gods. Really these are Gods came to us in flesh. When they directed them to Jesus .they immediately called Jesus as God in human form. And Paul followed the same way.to Christians. Meanwhile true believers when they saw Jesu's performing miracle's . they were awe struck with fear. And glorified God who gave such authority to men. Matthew 9:8. Meanwhile Paul Left gentiles Christians glorifying Jesus instead of God Almighty
@H K Phooey Yet he makes perfect sense and not one of your scholars could prove him wrong to his face. A 7 year old Muslim can confidently debate a priest.
These TEN POINTS are a WARNING both to beloved Muslims and Christians who mistakenly believe that Allah of the Qur’an and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the Bible are the SAME God (as claimed in QS 29:46) and since Allah of the Qur’an also claims to have sent the Torah and Gospels. It requires a level of self-deception for anyone to believe that the two are the same God. Between the two religions, there are themes which seem to be similar to each other but in reality they do not compliment or correct each other. One is an imitation of the other so that it uses it's stolen credibility to REJECT the other. It is no surprise that the Qur’an strictly forbids Muslims from being allies with Jews and Christians (Al-Maidah 5:51). The term "Abrahamic religions" is a deceptive political term: the two are not sister religions but are enemies, very hostile and are in opposition to each other. The Bible, 600 years earlier, prophetically identified Islam as an Antichrist religion by stating: "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son." I John 2:22 When one removes the politics around the two religions of Islam and Christianity, one is left with the following 10 truths: 1. The God of the Qur'an and the God of the Bible are NOT one and the same God. One is Satan disguised as the true God. Although Allah of the (Qur’an QS 7:54) and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) both strongly claim to have created the earth and the universe and to be all knowing, forgiving, compassionate etc, one of them is claiming and lying because there can only be ONE true God who is creator of the earth and the universe. The other is Satan claiming the attributes of the true God because Satan disguises himself as God and desires to be worshiped as God. 2. Don't be deceived. There is no error, contradiction or corruption in the THEOLOGY of the two religions. Their theologies are very clear, consistent, well developed and well preserved: (A)The Bible consistently and intentionally teaches that Jesus is the Son of God (confirmed by the angel Gabriel) who was crucified, even though the Bible may have been translated to the many different languages of the world, or even though there may be many English versions or updates of the Bible. The theology still remains unchanged despite real or imagined textual differences in some places. (B) Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God but a prophet (this news being delivered 600 years later ironically by the "same" angel "Jibreel") and was not crucified. This is consistent and intentional throughout the Qur'an, even though there are holes in the Standard Islamic Narrative of the perfect preservation of the Qur'an from Day 1, considering that there were over 2000 variations in the earliest but incomplete (only parts of Surahs 18-20) Birmingham manuscript of the Qur'an. 3. In Jewish scripture, God is referred to as the "God of Israel" and although God has a difficult relationship with the Jews, he does not disown them. To them he reveals his glory, the law (of Moses) and his word (through the prophets of Israel). To them he makes promises and an everlasting holy covenant with (Genesis 35:12, Psalm 105: 6-11).They are God’s chosen nation and in the end, Jews will be SAVED (Isaiah 45:17) and in a prophecy of the last days, the Almighty God will set out to DESTROY all the nations that attack Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-9). BUT Allah of the Qur’an calls for Muslims NOT to be allies with the Jews (and Christians) [QS 5:51] and in the Islamic end times, the hadiths narrate that Allah’s armies, led by the Mahdi will be killing Jews! This is one among a number of clearly disturbing and satanic narratives from the religion of Islam because Satan is jealous of the holy covenant God has with Israel and the real reason why the Antichrist (not the fictional one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal) or the Mahdi will seek to kill Jews is not the false Islamic claim that Jews will be part of the army of the fictional one-eyed Dajjal. That is pure fiction and satanic deception! The real reason is that the Antichrist will be set against the holy covenant which God has with Israel (Daniel 11:28). Beloved Muslims, why would the true God of Israel want Muslims to wage a genocide against the nation of Israel which he has a holy covenant with? In Saheeh Muslim (2922), it is narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: “The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.” Indeed, Muslims already have the Spirit of antichrist dwelling in them (1 John 4:2-3), not only because they deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God come in the flesh but it is every true Muslims desire that Israel, the nation God has a holy covenant with, be DESTROYED and that the Mahdi, with the support of Islamic nations of the Final Caliphate or groups such as the black flags of khorasan, will attack and not rest until they are set up in Jerusalem! There are two Gods here: one will destroy the nations that seek to attack Jerusalem and kill God's chosen people while the other will raise nations that will seek to attack Jerusalem and kill the Jews. Do you still refuse to see the imitation and Satan's opposition to God's will? 4. SINNING. What do the two say about sinning? The God of the Bible says: “For I am the LORD your God; sanctify yourselves therefore, and BE YE HOLY; for I am holy..” Leviticus 11:44 Tanakh Hebrew Bible Further, the book of Proverbs says the following about God:"The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves him who pursues righteousness. Proverbs 15:9 God loves those who pursue holiness and righteousness because in His holiness, sin is an abomination to Him. BUT Allah of the Qur’an says: "By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin, Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek forgiveness from Allah and He would forgive them." Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2749, Grade: Sahih SAME GOD? The God whom your values identify with, between Allah of the Qur’an and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, on the above issue of sin, is your choice which will determine whether you go to hell or heaven. 5. ADULTERY About adultery, Jesus said: “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Matthew 5:27-28 Sahih Muslim 2657 b Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) as saying: "Verily Allah has fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in, and which he of necessity MUST COMMIT. The adultery of the eye is the lustful look, and the adultery of the tongue is the licentious speech, the heart desires and yearns, which the parts may or may not put into effect." These two attitudes to adultery are as opposite to each other as light is to darkness. Does the true God ever encourage one to commit adultery and sin? 6. THE HOUSE OF GOD: one is a satanic imitation of the true House of God. In Christianity, the house of God is spiritual and is the fulfillment of prophecy of Jewish scripture of the Son of God who would build and be set over the house and kingdom of God FOREVER. The temple built by Solomon (destroyed in 586BC by the Babylonians) was physical and a shadow of the spiritual temple to come. Jesus Christ built the house/temple/church (not a building but the collective of believers). In the church of God, each believer is a living stone or building block and when the believers are joined together they grow into a holy temple in which God dwells in the spirit. Christians don't have to face any direction in prayer because God no longer dwells in a house made with hands. More than 600 years before Muhammad kissed the Black Stone, Jesus Christ was already recognized as the spiritual CORNERSTONE of the hose of God, the church. He EXPIATES SINS, is seated on the RIGHT HAND of God and INTERCEDES for us. In Islam the Kaaba is the physical house of God with the Hajr e aswad (Black stone) as its CORNERSTONE. Touching the Black Stone is an "EXPIATION OF SINS", Muhammad called the Hajr e aswad 'yamin-Allah' (the RIGHT HAND of God) and it will be given two eyes and a tongue to INTERCEDE on the day of judgment. Billions of people are condemning themselves to hell every day for choosing to prostrate themselves to a stone (the biggest case of identity theft and IDOLATRY ever since the creation of the world) over Jesus Christ . 7. The concept of Jannah of Islam and the Heaven of Christianity are not from the same God. One consists of many virgins, sex and rivers of wine. The other says there is Joy, Peace and Righteousness but NO virgins, sex or rivers of wine. One is an illusion created by Satan and the other is the true afterlife. The reality is that if a Muslim strongly believes in his god and satisfies the 5 pillars of Islam and a Christian believes in Jesus as the crucified Son of God and does the will of God, only one of them will enter the true heaven. The other will go to hell. Only Satan will deceive you into believing that there are MANY PATHS to HEAVEN because he wants you to remain satisfied in the wrong path you are in so that you can surely perish. The true God will not teach that there are many paths because he is a jealous God and will not share his glory with Satan nor will he teach "for you is your religion and to me is my religion" (QS 109:6) because God desires that ALL men be saved and it is not ok for his creation to be lost into a false religion.
8. While both of these well-established religions of Christianity and Islam teach to do righteous deeds and not to sin, both religions cannot be true at the same time. One is false and the other is true. Why? Because Satan is disguised as an angel of light and his servant(s) are disguised as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) and knows very well that by teaching you not to sin and doing righteous deeds like giving to the poor, praying etc, he will easily deceive you into thinking that he is the true God and then you will pray to him and worship him. He knows that praying to him and worshiping him as God is IDOLATRY and the true God will condemn you to HELL for IDOLATRY. Satan will not deceive you by revealing a book which requires you to kill, steal or commit evil acts. That would be stupid of Satan, right? For Satan to snatch you away from the true God, he knows he must set up a religion of "righteous deeds" which closely imitates the religion of the true God, just like a fake $100 bill must be like the original bill inorder to deceive the receiver. Satan will even speak negative of himself inorder to make you truly believe that he is not Satan but God. Satan is the master of deception. 9. THE SPECIAL NAME OF GOD. The God of Israel appears to Moses as a burning bush and says this of his NAME to Moses:“Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my NAME FOREVER, and thus I am to be REMEMBERED THROUGHOUT ALL GENERATIONS'. Exodus 3:15. In the same incident with Moses in the Qur'an 20:11-14, Allah of the Qur’an negligently avoids introducing himself through the special name of God and instead only says, "verily I am Allah"! Where is the Exodus 3:15 name of God in the Qur'an other than Qur'an 2:133 which incorrectly adds Ismael's name to the name of God? QS 29:46 IS THE BIGGEST THEFT OF THE IDENTITY OF GOD by Allah of the Qur’an. 10. What the Bible says Satan, the Antichrist and the False prophet will do in the end times is exactly what the Qur'an and hadiths say Allah of the Qur’an, the Mahdi and Prophet Isa will do in the end times. It fits like a jigsaw puzzle. For example; A. In Bible prophecy, the Antichrist invades and fights the Jews in Israel in the end times AND in Islamic hadith prophecy, the Mahdi (assisted by groups such as the black flags of khorasan) invades Israel and fights the Jews (who are claimed will be taking sides with the one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal). B. The Beast from the Earth in the book of Revelation (Chapter 13:10-18) will deceive DISBELIEVERS into receiving the MARK of the beast on the forehead (or right hand). God will CONDEMN those who receive the mark of the beast to burn in HELL. In Islam, the Beast from the Earth referred to in the Qur'an and hadiths will mark BELIEVERS on the forehead. Those who have this MARK of the beast will be WELCOMED by Allah of the Qur’an in HEAVEN. Same God?? Correction or Opposition? Final Revelation or Final Rejection or Final Deception? QS 29:46 IS A BIG . The two Gods are not the same God. BEING BORN AND INDOCTRINATED INTO ONE OF THESE TWO RELIGIONS DOES NOT NECESSARILY MAKE YOUR RELIGION TRUE. YOU WILL SURELY PERISH! HOW CAN YOU VERIFY WHETHER THE RELIGION YOU WERE BORN INTO IS THE FALSE OR TRUE RELIGION? One effective way to VERIFY which one is true/false is by studying and identifying at least FIVE PROPHECIES of the Messiah from the prophets of old (Jewish Old Testament) because they were written much earlier than the Qur'an and the New Testament and therefore DO NOT FAVOR either Islam or Christianity (you can find the Messianic prophecies simply by googling, for example, for Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament (OT). [There is no other scripture or book in the universe where you will find the prophecies of the Messiah except in the OT] Use any website of your choice and choose FIVE PROPHECIES OF YOUR CHOICE). Then compare those FIVE prophecies with ATTRIBUTES of Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament and with Jesus (Isa) the prophet of the Qur'an. Messiah means "the annointed one". The Messianic prophecies WILL give you answers as to: A. What the Messiah was annointed to do. B. What the relationship between the Messiah and God is If the prophecies of the Messiah from Old Testament scripture match with Prophet Isa of the Qur'an and NOT with Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament, then Islam is TRUE and Christianity is FALSE. If the prophecies of the Messiah match with Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament and NOT with Isa the prophet of the Qur'an, then Christianity is TRUE and Islam is FALSE. The result of this simple activity will be the difference between you spending eternity in HELL or in HEAVEN. NOTE: there are many prophecies of the Messiah from the OT. If anyone claims to have "REFUTED" your five prophecies of the Messiah, then the burden is on them to provide you with any five prophecies of the Messiah. If, after the many obvious differences of the two Gods demonstrated here, you still believe that the two Gods of Islam and the Bible are the SAME God, then it's either you are foolish indeed or Satan, in his "holy book", has already deceived you into believing that he is the same God of the Bible and the Qur'an. May the true God lead you to the truth. Blessings!
"Comparing Quran with the bible is just like comparing apples with a SALAD" I died laughing on this 🤣🤣🤣 That was so perfect and amazing example Thanks Leroy
That’s nonsenses Jesus said that no one else will come after him and those coming we’re going to change his words that’s what Jesus prophecies and happened when Islam was created and the Vatican
Quran is Kalammullah = only Allah word ....for Prophet is Hadith...(word from prophet Muhammad SAW eyewitness from very2 closed companions to him)...compared to Bible...every each word or writen mix all kind everything in 1 volume bible
Holy Quran is a straight forward book, having no compromises on any issue., no question marks? No ambiguities! just straight and plain truth. No fear Weather somebody likes it or not.
Brother Ahmad Deedat had tremendous knowledge & command about Quran & Bible. I appreciate his contributions for removing & pointing out misunderstanding between Quran & Bible
he's referring to his debate with jimmy swaggart where he dared him to read a biblical verse for $100 (book of Ezekiel, chapter 23) .... it's called the great debate, the actual name of the debate was "is the Bible the word of God" , you won't be able to react to it as it's far too long but you certainly should watch it.
Bro this video is from the debate of Jimmy swaggart vs ahmed deedat "IS BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD" first you watch the whole debate and afterthat you will come to know everything.
2) Why does the speaker in the Qur'an itself swear that : "This is the word of a noble messenger" and that this messenger is "possessor of power WITH the Lord of the throne" (Surah 81:19-20) and that Muhammad is the servant of this messenger and possessor of power(a title belonging to God) And in a similar narration in Surah an-Najm 53:1-10 Muhammad was called the servant of this so called possessor of power messenger (verse 10) The translators had to quickly corrupt the Qur'an by adding words that it refers to Allah whereas the whole verses have been about this messenger and "your companion" who received inspiration from him.
In Ezekiel 26 we can see in astonishing detail how the city of Tyre was to be destroyed, how it would be torn down, and how its debris would be thrown into the sea. When Alexander the Great marched on that area, he encountered a group of people holed up in a tower on an island off the coast near there. He could not cross the sea, so he could not fight those in the tower. Rather than wait them out, the proud conqueror had his army throw stones into the sea to build a land bridge to the tower. It worked. His army crossed the sea and overthrew the occupants of the stronghold. But where did he get so much stone? The rocks that were used for the land bridge were the leftover rubble from the city of Tyre . . . its stones cast into the sea!
He was referring to pornography in the Bible to read as a $100 challenge and the other debater at first didn't read it as challenge but after when from one of audience poked him to read again then he eventually red it 60mph ....
The Porn part. Deedat misinterpreted and lied about is in the Book of Songs. He said it was porn. Later in another video Deedat said its about prophet Mohammed. The word as he expressed it is Mohammedeeeeen, the way Deedat expressed it. First porn then prophet Mohammed. Mohammedeen is a Hebrew word got to do with the romantic discription between a husband who desires his wife because he misses her and he can't wait to tackle her romantically. No his so called students like Ziaker Naik don't use this book to provide anything. They failed because of the internet and other tools of modern technology. Everything these people like Naik, Mohammed Hijab, Yasir Qadi and many more so called scholars are fighting and disagreeing with each other because of Yasir Qadi said that there are holes in the standard narratives of the Quran. Some Islam scholars are say that there should be 17000 verses in the Quran but we know that there are less than 7000 verses in the Quran. Then last, a lady by the name of Atun brought 36 different Quran and there are variations in them. A Muslim man punched her later on in the year. Mohammed Hijab is threatening none believer by wanting to rape their wives and do bodily harm if any goes against the teaching or even with proof of what was said is wrong. Hijab wants to kill and harm people. That's peace.. Wow what a way to show peace and tolerance. We must learn to agree to disagree. We are here to help each other and live in Love and peace
Only 3 Thing Any Ummah brought With them intheir HeirAfter,,1. His Amal Jariah& Sadakah,, 2,The Prayers and Doa Off their Solleh Offspring,,, But Most Value is the Knowledge and Teaching of Whom that Arwah Pass By to This Dunia That Beneffit To Whole UMMAH TO SEE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH AND GREATFULL OFF ALLAH & ISLAM
One major difference relates to the languages used. The Quran was directly transmitted in one language ,Arabic but the original language of transmission for the various books of the Bible could be up to 4 languages which are related or otherwise. This is further complicated by translation into major languages before further translation into vernacular or native languages for missionary work . Until today the Quran is still in Arabic and the same text is used by all Muslims irrespective of denominations. No one is reading the Bible in its original languages because you cannot find the copies of the Bible written in their original languages. Errors of multiple translations and reproduction will accordong to the laws of statistics alone place the intergrity of the Bible much below that of the Quran as evidenced from recent studies done by impartial scholars.
For a muslim to use the bible as argument is reasonable because we believe Jesus (as) as a messenger. But for Christians to use the Quran as argument is very weak when they didnt believe that the Quran is true and it came after the bible. Especially in case of proving the divinity of Jesus.
@H K Phooey And prove it how quran is WRONG in that story and prove it those other scriptures and those claims of anyone from history which says the OPPOSITE CORRECT story (According to you it's correct ) is really CORRECT?? and also prove which Muslims says that a particular scripture is corrupted just because it has a different version of story from the story which. Is in Quran" uncorrupted, you yourself claim that the Quran corrects the Bible. Don't make PATHETIC comment shamelessly when you can't prove it with any single evidence
@@jzfg758 Assalamualaikum brother😊 there's a wisdom why commentors like them exist.. don't worry & don't give them the reaction they expect from us muslims (may Allah increase our imaan), this type of lure is what was known as the *waswas* (retreating/insinuating whisper) What is *waswas* (retreating/insinuating whisper)? It was narrated in al-Saheehayn, also from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The Shaytan comes to one of you and says, *‘Who created such and such? Who created such and such?’ Until he says, ‘Who created your Lord?!’* If that happens to any of you, let him seek refuge with Allah and put a stop to these thoughts.” islamqa.info/en/answers/12315/suffering-from-waswas-insinuating-whispers-of-the-shaytan-about-the-essence-of-allah 'I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytaan (Devil)' 'In the name of Allah, the Especially Merciful, The Entirely Merciful' 'And Allah had already taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and We delegated from among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, "I am with you. If you establish prayer and give zakah and believe in My messengers and support them and loan Allah a goodly loan, I will surely remove from you your misdeeds and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieves after that has certainly *strayed from the soundness of the way."* (Surah Al Ma'idah [Table Spread], Verse 12) legacy.quran.com/5/12 'So for their breaking of the covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard. *They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded.* And you will still observe *deceit among them,* except a few of them. But *pardon* them and *overlook [their misdeeds].* Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good. (Surah Al Ma'idah [Table Spread], Verse 13) legacy.quran.com/5/13 Just forgive them, may Allah S.W.T have mercy on these people. Brother, don't let Shaytaan influence you in his lure and degrade you down to his level..(while he laughs in the unseen) Don't entice the whispers of Iblis because he love it when there's conflict among us (Adam's progeny) Remember how arrogant Iblis was when he was told to bow to our Father, the first prophet Adam [AS]. When he refused to bow to him, he refused to bow to us.. Because in his logic, he is *better* than human, don't follow his footstep. Remember our origin & be aware of Allah S.W.T. Allah S.W.T is teaching us patience through these people. 'Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves *[even] after the truth has become clear to them.* So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.' (Surah Al Baqarah [The Cow], Verse 109) legacy.quran.com/2/109 Have patience, put your trust in the Almighty & His plan. let Allah S.W.T deal with them. If they love to debate, let them have it, their *ultimate* debater will be *Lord of Creations* Himself, on that day all truth will prevail (Day of Reckoning). (I'll leave this here, hope it benefits) th-cam.com/video/wuhFCf6eifE/w-d-xo.html Salam.
@Taj Abdullah 'And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their *wishful thinking,* Say, "Produce your *proof,* if you should be truthful." (Surah Al Baqarah [The Cow], Ayat 111) legacy.quran.com/2/111 'They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah , and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to *worship one God;* there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.' (Surah At Tawbah [Repentance], Ayat 31) legacy.quran.com/9/31 'They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, *"O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord."* Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has *forbidden him Paradise,* and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.' (Surah Al Maidah [Table Spread], Ayat 72) legacy.quran.com/5/72 'They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the third of three." And there is *no god except one God.* And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment. (Surah Al Maidah [Table Spread], Ayat 73) legacy.quran.com/5/73 Prophet Isa/Jesus [AS] affirms the verses above with *clear declaration.* *Greatest Commandment* *'Hear, O Israel:* The LORD *our God,* the *LORD is one.'* (Deuteronomy 6:4) - New International translation. biblehub.com/deuteronomy/6-4.htm *One Not Three.*
One question though! does that mean any historian back in the days can write his own bible? is that why we have many versions of the bible? and how that could effect the way christians believe in it since human could make mistakes or interpretate some of the things according to thier own understanding? does that makes christains the followers of the bilble author (not jesus) ? in other words as Ahmed dedat mentioned i could read some versions of the bible and chose to believe in the copy that fits my desires and understanding? well how can I know then that what i have chosen to believe in is the correct bible?
The 100 dollar reference is from the debate between Jimmy Swaggart and Sheikh Deedat from the previous night...in which Sheikh Deedat said he will give 100 Dollars to any one who can read the lines from Bible Ezeikel where the lines contain explicit and graphic sexual content, which Sheikh Deedat argued that if this Bible is the word of God then a normal bashful person would never dare to read in front of his mother or sister...so Jimmy Swaggart went ahead and read those lines out right in front of every one....and Sheikh Deedat had to pay him 100 dollars....see the whole debate it's quite illuminating
A bitter pill to swallow… but it’s the truth and nothing but the truth, brother Leroy….. In Shaa Allah ( If Allah wills ) you may learn more and more. ISLAM ☪️ is an open book.
There is nowhere in the entire NT, where God Himself says that God revealed the NT. There is nowhere in the entire NT, where God Himself have given a title of prophets to those NT authors. So in short 99.8 percent of NT is mere human production maybe .2 percent of NT is God's words which was given to Jesus (pbuh).
The biggest difference is one is written with the absolute truth by the eye witnesses who we're actually there, the other was written some seven centuries later and doesn't tell you how to be correctly saved through Jesus.
@Farhan With all due respect there are two types of Muslim, who has it right Shia/Sunni? Why are there Hadith added, why was Quran not sufficient? Why Muslims argue or debate what is haraam or what is halal, why isn't it cut and clear to nobody can argue? All of Islam is based on IF one man received revelation correctly from one angel who says he was Gabriel. Hebrews 12:2 Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus wrote the bible man penned it and that's valid enough for me; bible was written 40years after the facts not over 700. Over 45000 documents regarding Jesus says the bible is accurate. We don't need his disciples accounts in the events of his crucifixion it is well documented by the Roman's who actually crucified him if you look at Roman history, plus the bible documents it. Mark 15:39 And when the centurion (Roman Guard) which stood over Him saw that He cried out and gave up the Ghost he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.. in other words many claimed to be but this one was God. Mathew 4:17 eyewitnesses heard the voice of God from Heaven clarify Jesus is His beloved Son; and I believe those who we're there and heard God Himself speak. Mathew 28:19 Go ye therefore and teach the nations (the bible) baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and the name of Father Son Holy Spirit is YHWH. It's like water ice steam same exact ingredient but the three serve a different function just like the Godhead 3 in 1 but if you are not spirit filled you cannot see it understand this. Too many people look at things one way only when you have to look at the natural or physical and also Spiritual or you clearly miss it because you are blind to the truth. John 10:30 even Jesus says I and the Father are One as in one in the same person but you need to see in the natural and spiritual or you miss it. Even Quran says Q5:68 Farhan you have nothing to stand on unless you observe the torah (old testament bible) the Gospel (new testament bible) and what has been revealed to you by the Lord (Jesus also called Immanuel meaning God with us as in Jesus is God). Believe what you want or what man taught you I am not taught by man but by the Holy Spirit who is the true teacher and Power of God. I pray you have an encounter with Jesus like Paul did and from that point on he knew the truth and preached Christ and Him Crucified for Salvation and then there's also Sanctification that many churches don't teach and that's why they closed last year when man said to close and that my friend is fear doubt and unbelief. Even much of Islam listened to man and not God as mosque closed and even now not many are allowed to Mecca and instead of standing up and following Islam properly they listen to man and not Allah. Only true believers don't close their doors or listen to man they listen to God. I want you to know I have respect for you and what you believe and wish you peace and many blessings throughout your life. I have my reasons from personal experience why I put my faith in the power of the blood of the Risen Christ and know where I will spend eternity I don't need to wonder did I pray enough or fast enough or do enough good deeds to make it to paradise because I just know the moment I received Christ as Saviour.
the difference is in Quran Allah calls a Muslim his slave n to fear him. Whereas in HOLY BIBLE GOD CALLS ALL PEOPLES HIS CHILDREEN N NOT TO FEAR ANYTHING.
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LEROY what u didn't understand is that even w/ the words of the Creator in the bible, are not ALL his words.
@Jomy Mathew I will answer your question as best i can, May our Creator guide and forgive me, if i make any mistake. i used to be a Christian by the way, I studied Comparative Religion. Jesus PBUH did many Miracles. No Prophet which includes Jesus A.S. was able to perform any Miracle without The Most High' permission, Moses A.S. couldn't split the sea without the Creator. I used to be a Christian so i know the bible the good and the bad, it's Historicity, and in the bible Jesus A.S. said BY MY OWN HANDS I CAN'T DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE FATHER (not biological), this is true of all Prophets, Including our existence and capabilities and that backs our logic if we Reason, now what the Church preaches that's another story. Jesus A.S. didn't write anything in the bible, The Good News was the revelation (not a book) given to him but it wasn't the new testament called the bible as for example ACCORDING TO, ACCORDING TO, ACCORDING TO. Any of the Teachings of Jesus A.S. was word of mouth but there was no standard or method to make sure his teachings were preserved, we have one fragment written down in the 1st Century and that is the size of a credit card that was found but everything else that was written down was 400 some odd years A.D. which we uncovered with anonymous names, they slapped on names of the Disciples of Jesus A.S. to make it acceptable for cannon. U must understand Over time if there isn't a method of ensuring preservation of scripture the true message can get lost and it did, the Church fathers filled in the gaps and u could imagine the corruption over time, it's why there are many discrepancies and even the concept God don't agree on who God is, the Torah says God is one, no partners just ask a Jew about the Old Testament and the New Testament which is not the Injeel by the way says God is 3 in 1 yet he is one, that's Problematic and even in the new testament concepts overlap and contradict. If we shut our brain off than really it wouldn't matter what religion u follow, worship a chair. It is natural to believe God is one, that is truly our natural disposition, even an agnostic can understand that, a child can come to that conclusion, It's so natural like our reflexes that if u was on a remote Island, never any contact u could come to the conclusion an Intelligent Creator created us. To teach this Trinity which was man made, our minds and souls have to wrestle this , so much so that we have to suspend our faculties in order to believe in it and that's without talking about the Miracles, who God is. The MIRACLES are not the most Important thing, It's the Revelations from our Creator that's Important, Miracles were only a tool to get your attention, more relevant to that period of that time, to let the people know that this Message is from God, that what they are witnessing before their very eyes could not be done by a human, this power was given by God' permission, so they listen. God knows his Creation, it's why Miracles was used. The only Miracle you can touch & feel is not flashy it's not inspired but the actual words of God, preserved, The Qur'an. None of the other Miracles we can interact with, except this one, the Greatest Miracle, the Qur'an. sorry it's long but this is the short version.
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@Jomy Mathew The problem with the bible, is it's reliable? If you know the Historicity of it, u can't rely on it and your trying to provide evidence from an unreliable source, for example the line ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that was an interpolation and a fabrication, people believed that to be true for years and died trusting in it until bible scholars compared manuscripts and realized that the verse was a lie, it was added IN to support the Trinity narrative. some bibles put it back in for the backlash. SO U KEEP IN MIND, ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST THE ONENESS OF GOD FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT IS A CONTRADICTION AND THAT'S THE SMOKING GUN ON THE TRINITY OR GOD HEADHEAD. I've done the research the old fashion way, the library, i don't want to write a book but the info is out there, u gotta do the work.
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@Jomy Mathew I know Jesus A.S. never said he was God in the bible, but the Church did, by making him a part of a Trinity, the Church made him Devine, Making him an ONLY son. The church Teachings. People put words in the mouth of Jesus A.S. that he didn't say and so how can u be for certain, even bible scholars attest to this. I didn't leave Christianity without testing it first.
@Jomy Mathew the topic was on jesus but you switch to muhammad bad things he did in his life to prove what? Jesus never even address mary as "mother" instead she calls her "woman" What type of son is that? You will even find him calling people "you adulterous,sinners,bad humans" He ordered to go "kill all the people you find without exception the babies/infant woman man nurses etc Any logical open mind people will know a true god dont do that.(only fiction god do that) Christian has the same question in every debate."muhammad marry a 6yr old" But thats not in quran.thats in hadith.and there are many hadiths.in one book her age is 9.other 11 but mostly of them says 14yr old.but christians see and pick the only book that says she was 9 to suits them and fit their agenda.next time when you lie,try to be more convincing.. By the way mary was 12 when she birth jesus.so she was pregnant at 11yr old Does that mean god was a pedo? Grow up kid..all points you made will fit the islamphobe..nothing bring doubt to islam.but as for christianity the belief is man made.jesus was real but the religion is 100% fabricated
We would like more Biblical vs Quran comparison. I would conclude the same about the quran (some of it is the word of God). Thank you again for the non-biased video review.
Dears non muslims You must read about islam You must read how intelligent and pure islam is in comparison with every other religion You must read about the life of our prophet Muhammad and how he lived and you must understand the difference between his time and ours You must open your hearts before your eyes to see the truth Alah (god) is one and only He is the almighty god He is not a man or in the body of man He is higher than us He see everything and know everything İnside your heart or mind Please read about islam and give your self the chance to worship god in the way that his prophet jesus pbuh did And dont believe what others say about islam Specially the one who judge islam by the weak muslims
ACCORDING TO QURAN, BOTH OF HOLLY BOOK IN THE PAST TORAH AND INJIL HAD BEEN CHANGED. (ALBAQARAH:79) " Woe, then, to those who write out the Scriptures with their own hands and then, in order to make a trifling gain, claim: “This is from Allah.” Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they thus earn". - These observations relate to their rabbis. They were not content with misinterpreting the Word of God. They also interjected into it their readings of the Scriptures and their explanatory comments thereof, stories from their national history, superstitious ideas and fancies, philosophical doctrines and legal rules. The result was that the Divine and the human became inextricably mixed. They claimed, nevertheless, that the entire thing was divine! Every historical anecdote, the interpretation of every commentator, the doctrine of every theologian, and the legal deduction of every jurist that managed to find its way into the Bible became the 'Word of God'. It was thus obligatory to believe in all that, and every deviation from it became tantamount to deviation from the true faith.
We have the most oldest and complete bible on earth that is directly translated to ancient Geez language from greek Hebrew and Aramaic so our bible is enough for the world
Assalamalakum Leuroy(sorry for the spelling mistake) Please react to the ""ten promised paradise"" playlist from "islamic guidance" channel It is very emotional Pleasee
Leroy, here's that challenge that Deedat gave to Swaggart th-cam.com/video/zZm2q50KVYA/w-d-xo.html And here's Swaggart accepting it at 60mph th-cam.com/video/8IebAyMplgE/w-d-xo.html
@shajib Khan. Was the bible the Word of God? If it was ,you said God word cannot corrupt? When and how then it became corrupt? Are you telling me God has no power over his word? Think again and remove your ignorance.
I feel pity for all abdools bcoz in Quran it says every Muslim is slave of Allah. it also says the greatest relation between Allah n a Muslim is the relation of slave n master. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Leroy Brother I really like your videos , and the way you are studying different religion along with Islam . But I noticed that there are some hate preacher in the comment section spreading hates and lies about Islam just to make funs and to win useless Arguments . What's your opinion for this people .
Have you ever seen a spirit-filled believer claiming that the Bible has mistakes? Anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit has no authority to speak about the Bible or try to interpret it
When Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, as at that time there were only 4 people on Earth that is (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel) Bible said, Cain killed Abel and was cursed by God, leaving only three people on Earth tat is *(Adam, Eve, Cain). But accordingto the Bible, Cain travelled to a Town called Nod and married and gave birth to Children with her. My question is which other Human did Cain marry since Adam & Eve were the only people created by God! Was there another creation that were not told about? Please I need your answer...
Adam and Eve are mythical figures. As a Christian I do not take the Bible literally. I think evolution is OK. Adam and Eve symbolise the moment when humanoids became self conscious, the moment when they became persons, able of choosing between right and wrong, and consequently of sinning.
How do you know the name of the town called nod if there has been no one living in there before Cain relocated there....and more over the bible never mentioned how long Cain stayed there before getting a wife and neither did the bible say hr got married immediately he got there.....stop using longic
The bible doesnt give empirical details about events to the fullness ,so sometimes the most important are been selected, Adam and definitely had other children apart from Cain and Abel and mind you the bible traces a particular blood line which is the blood line of Jesus.
We love Jesus according to Quran. The first secular constitution Was written by Mohammad saw Whatever in The skies and on earth All Are created by Only one almighty almerciful Allah Breaking humanity and sharing with Allah Are great sin. Allah Will push them to hell which Are full of fire.
jesus says love your enemies, mohamad says erase those who do not believe in allah and his prophet.. big difference there. jesus didnt ask his followers to kiss stones, but muhamad kissed and fondled stones like a good pagan
@@Marahimazal7643 did allah tell you that? no one christian believes in what you infer. jesus says dont worship any graven image, he didnt say to stifle art or imagination. didnt muhamad your child predator prophet says kissing and fondling the black stone will erase sin and on judgement day the black stone will have a mouth and tongue and will witness for you the deeds you have done. allah is so stupid he depends on a stone to do his work.
Comparing the bible and the koran They both tell that when you do good, you go to heaven. And when you do bad, you go to hell. Both tell that hell is not a desirable place to be. But the bibles heaven is full of grace., while korans heaven is full of virgins
Kjv is the closes to the original. Dear brothers and sisters, he said the Bible is about porn. He is talking about the book of songs about the romance between a husband and his wife. And then in his later video he said that prophet Mohammed is in this book of songs. In another video he admitted that he can not speak Arabic. Then in Isiah 42: 1 - - - Ahmed Deedat and some modern scholars say the it is Talking about prophet Mohammed.. As we read from verse 1 you will come across, that he will not bruse a twig, he will not sin, he will kill, etc. Who burnt and cut the palm trees in the desert? Who sinned and who killed people? I urge all of you that are in this group to read the Seven Sleepers and the Legends of the Jews,, then read in which book you will see most of these stories are written. Modern scholars are saying there should be 17000 verses but we have less than 7000 verses. We must thank modern technology and the internet and the sources of the old scholars in exposing the lies of these liars, it can be Christian/Islamic, Hindu, etc,,, leaders, teachers, Pastors, Imams teaching, lies. Jesus's miracles are recorded in the Bible and the Quran. In the Quran Jesus created/fashioned a bird from mud/clay, Jesus blow into the bird, it came alive and Jesus let it fly away. Jesus the creator/God is the creator. In the Quran Jesus spoke when he was two days old. Wow.....God Jesus healed the blind, Islamic text. Jesus raised the dead.. Ziaker Naik a so called scholar of Deedat is doing the same thing by misquoting and not reading the whole context thus misleading us by their lies. God is Almighty, God is the Creator of of all things.. Jesus created the bird.. Thus He is God. Jesus said, "I am The Way and The Truth and The Life" is this not part of the 99 names of Allah???? Yes it is.... Ruk or Rok Allah. Is not Jesus Ruk?? In the book of Mary in the Quran, is not Jesus called the Word of God? PROCEEDING FROM GOD? IS not Jesus called the Holy Son? Who is Jesus's father? When I read the Bible I see the stories and parables explanating it's context. The stories about men married to many women and having so many side kicks/women. They committed adultry. Was God happy with them and did God asked or commanded them to sin or have multiple partners.? No God in the Bible did not ask them to sin, yet they that sinned asked God to to forgive them. God in the Bible didn't ask Lot to sin, and allow Lot to have multiple sleeping partners. Lots daughters sinned against their father and God. They slept with their father because all the people from Sodam and Gomorrah were destroyed by God Himself because of their sins, so Lots daughters made him very drunk and they slept with him to carry on the population. The girls thought that if they don't have children, then humanity would be lost forever. God in the Bible did not ask or did he give permission for His disciples or Apostle or prophets to remove wives from their husband so that they could just sleep with them and just disgard them like tissue after the pleasure of and satisfaction. Salvation came when they asked for forgiveness and if they carried on with their sinful ways than it was their own fault for their actions. Meaning hell you go, for going against God. God is a just God.
Listening to sir ahmad deedat always increases my knowledge and faith in Islam.
No words can describe the beauty of our book..quran.
The bible is the true word of God!
@@prestonjefferson3349ACCORDING TO PAUL!!!!!
--------------------------------------------------------- 1 corinthians 16:21-- I Paul am writing all these with my own hands.
1 corinthians 7:12!!! I don't have command from God but am giving my own ideas.
1 corinthians 7:25!! I don't have direct commands from God but am writing my own opinions.
Pls note. Even Jesus didn't give his own ideas. See John 12:49.
SO what about Paul,??
2 corinthians 12:7 Paul is a messenger of Satan to torment people.
Because Jesus said. If anyone tells u here is christ he is there. Don't listen to him. See Mathew 24:25-26
Paul is Saul .
Saul struggled with David's ministry
Same as Paul /Saul incarnate struggled to distort Jesus ministry .
Jesus the son of David. David vs Saul. Jesus vs Paul
Life of Jesus was overshadowed by David.
David was rescued in many assassination same applies to Jesus.
Paul was controlled by Satan. 1 Thessalonian 2:18
Mathew 5:19!!! If anyone disobey the laws and tells others not to obey shall be least in the kingdom of God.
Paul has corrupted them in the name of Jesus
As Jesus said some will come using his name and lead many astray.
1 corinthians 4:15!
Meanwhile Jesus said You have only One Father who is in heaven.
Paul declared himself to be a teacher.
While Jesus said. Don't call anyone as a teacher. Mathew 23:8.
Pall said greet each other with kiss. 1 corinthians 16:20
Same Paul was circumcising people. Acts 16:3
PAUL SAID!! Just confess that Jesus died and was raised from death u will be saved. ROMAN 10:9
Jeremia 8:8 how can u say we know the laws when your false teachers have twisted them,?
QURAN 2:78! And there are some unlettered folks among them who knew not scriptures except hearsay but write scriptures with their own hands to purchase a small gain therin. So woe to them.
See JEREMIA 19:5!!!
Deautronomy 12:30-31 and 18:9-10
Timothy Clark but u will say now. U don't believe in paul.
Why are you quoting from him some other time.
So doesn't a judge use the words of a criminal to implicate himself?
Biggest mistake of Paul he tried to persuade pagans/gentiles. To believe in God. By following their pagans ideologies.
So Paul followed .
God in human form was a pagans ideology. Acts 14:11.
Firstly they called Paul and Barnabas as Gods. Really these are Gods came to us in flesh.
When they directed them to Jesus .they immediately called Jesus as God in human form. And Paul followed the same way.to Christians.
Meanwhile true believers when they saw Jesu's performing miracle's . they were awe struck with fear. And glorified God who gave such authority to men. Matthew 9:8.
Meanwhile Paul Left gentiles Christians glorifying Jesus instead of God Almighty
One word can describe the beauty of Quran is Miracle
May Allah ﷻ grant Shaykh Ahmed Deedat Jannatul Firdaus. Ameen!
Ameen Ameen Ameen Yaa RAABBI
My brother, May GOD guide you to right path
Love from Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Wow Sheekh Ahmed Deedat was exceptional in his speech May Allah Grant Him The highest Paradise (Jannatul Firdaous)❤️
@H K Phooey Yet he makes perfect sense and not one of your scholars could prove him wrong to his face. A 7 year old Muslim can confidently debate a priest.
May ALLAH make us struggling and striving for logically proven religion
And grant us all Jana tu alfirdous
Ameen Ameen Ameen Yaa RAABBI
These TEN POINTS are a WARNING both to beloved Muslims and Christians who mistakenly believe that Allah of the Qur’an and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the Bible are the SAME God (as claimed in QS 29:46) and since Allah of the Qur’an also claims to have sent the Torah and Gospels. It requires a level of self-deception for anyone to believe that the two are the same God.
Between the two religions, there are themes which seem to be similar to each other but in reality they do not compliment or correct each other. One is an imitation of the other so that it uses it's stolen credibility to REJECT the other. It is no surprise that the Qur’an strictly forbids Muslims from being allies with Jews and Christians (Al-Maidah 5:51). The term "Abrahamic religions" is a deceptive political term: the two are not sister religions but are enemies, very hostile and are in opposition to each other. The Bible, 600 years earlier, prophetically identified Islam as an Antichrist religion by stating:
"Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."
I John 2:22
When one removes the politics around the two religions of Islam and Christianity, one is left with the following 10 truths:
1. The God of the Qur'an and the God of the Bible are NOT one and the same God. One is Satan disguised as the true God. Although Allah of the (Qur’an QS 7:54) and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob of the Bible (Genesis 1:1) both strongly claim to have created the earth and the universe and to be all knowing, forgiving, compassionate etc, one of them is claiming and lying because there can only be ONE true God who is creator of the earth and the universe. The other is Satan claiming the attributes of the true God because Satan disguises himself as God and desires to be worshiped as God.
2. Don't be deceived. There is no error, contradiction or corruption in the THEOLOGY of the two religions. Their theologies are very clear, consistent, well developed and well preserved:
(A)The Bible consistently and intentionally teaches that Jesus is the Son of God (confirmed by the angel Gabriel) who was crucified, even though the Bible may have been translated to the many different languages of the world, or even though there may be many English versions or updates of the Bible. The theology still remains unchanged despite real or imagined textual differences in some places.
(B) Islam teaches that Jesus is not the Son of God but a prophet (this news being delivered 600 years later ironically by the "same" angel "Jibreel") and was not crucified. This is consistent and intentional throughout the Qur'an, even though there are holes in the Standard Islamic Narrative of the perfect preservation of the Qur'an from Day 1, considering that there were over 2000 variations in the earliest but incomplete (only parts of Surahs 18-20) Birmingham manuscript of the Qur'an.
3. In Jewish scripture, God is referred to as the "God of Israel" and although God has a difficult relationship with the Jews, he does not disown them. To them he reveals his glory, the law (of Moses) and his word (through the prophets of Israel). To them he makes promises and an everlasting holy covenant with (Genesis 35:12, Psalm 105: 6-11).They are God’s chosen nation and in the end, Jews will be SAVED (Isaiah 45:17) and in a prophecy of the last days, the Almighty God will set out to DESTROY all the nations that attack Jerusalem (Zechariah 12:1-9).
BUT Allah of the Qur’an calls for Muslims NOT to be allies with the Jews (and Christians) [QS 5:51] and in the Islamic end times, the hadiths narrate that Allah’s armies, led by the Mahdi will be killing Jews!
This is one among a number of clearly disturbing and satanic narratives from the religion of Islam because Satan is jealous of the holy covenant God has with Israel and the real reason why the Antichrist (not the fictional one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal) or the Mahdi will seek to kill Jews is not the false Islamic claim that Jews will be part of the army of the fictional one-eyed Dajjal. That is pure fiction and satanic deception! The real reason is that the Antichrist will be set against the holy covenant which God has with Israel (Daniel 11:28). Beloved Muslims, why would the true God of Israel want Muslims to wage a genocide against the nation of Israel which he has a holy covenant with?
In Saheeh Muslim (2922), it is narrated from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah said: “The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Indeed, Muslims already have the Spirit of antichrist dwelling in them (1 John 4:2-3), not only because they deny that Jesus Christ is the Son of God come in the flesh but it is every true Muslims desire that Israel, the nation God has a holy covenant with, be DESTROYED and that the Mahdi, with the support of Islamic nations of the Final Caliphate or groups such as the black flags of khorasan, will attack and not rest until they are set up in Jerusalem!
There are two Gods here: one will destroy the nations that seek to attack Jerusalem and kill God's chosen people while the other will raise nations that will seek to attack Jerusalem and kill the Jews.
Do you still refuse to see the imitation and Satan's opposition to God's will?
4. SINNING. What do the two say about sinning? The God of the Bible says:
“For I am the LORD your God; sanctify yourselves therefore, and BE YE HOLY; for I am holy..”
Leviticus 11:44 Tanakh Hebrew Bible
Further, the book of Proverbs says the following about God:"The way of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, but he loves him who pursues righteousness.
Proverbs 15:9
God loves those who pursue holiness and righteousness because in His holiness, sin is an abomination to Him.
BUT Allah of the Qur’an says:
"By Him in whose hand is my soul, if you did not sin, Allah would replace you with people who would sin and they would seek forgiveness from Allah and He would forgive them."
Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 2749, Grade: Sahih
The God whom your values identify with, between Allah of the Qur’an and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, on the above issue of sin, is your choice which will determine whether you go to hell or heaven.
About adultery, Jesus said:
“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Matthew 5:27-28
Sahih Muslim 2657 b
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) as saying:
"Verily Allah has fixed the very portion of adultery which a man will indulge in, and which he of necessity MUST COMMIT. The adultery of the eye is the lustful look, and the adultery of the tongue is the licentious speech, the heart desires and yearns, which the parts may or may not put into effect."
These two attitudes to adultery are as opposite to each other as light is to darkness. Does the true God ever encourage one to commit adultery and sin?
6. THE HOUSE OF GOD: one is a satanic imitation of the true House of God.
In Christianity, the house of God is spiritual and is the fulfillment of prophecy of Jewish scripture of the Son of God who would build and be set over the house and kingdom of God FOREVER. The temple built by Solomon (destroyed in 586BC by the Babylonians) was physical and a shadow of the spiritual temple to come. Jesus Christ built the house/temple/church (not a building but the collective of believers). In the church of God, each believer is a living stone or building block and when the believers are joined together they grow into a holy temple in which God dwells in the spirit. Christians don't have to face any direction in prayer because God no longer dwells in a house made with hands. More than 600 years before Muhammad kissed the Black Stone, Jesus Christ was already recognized as the spiritual CORNERSTONE of the hose of God, the church. He EXPIATES SINS, is seated on the RIGHT HAND of God and INTERCEDES for us.
In Islam the Kaaba is the physical house of God with the Hajr e aswad (Black stone) as its CORNERSTONE. Touching the Black Stone is an "EXPIATION OF SINS", Muhammad called the Hajr e aswad 'yamin-Allah' (the RIGHT HAND of God) and it will be given two eyes and a tongue to INTERCEDE on the day of judgment.
Billions of people are condemning themselves to hell every day for choosing to prostrate themselves to a stone (the biggest case of identity theft and IDOLATRY ever since the creation of the world) over Jesus Christ .
7. The concept of Jannah of Islam and the Heaven of Christianity are not from the same God. One consists of many virgins, sex and rivers of wine. The other says there is Joy, Peace and Righteousness but NO virgins, sex or rivers of wine. One is an illusion created by Satan and the other is the true afterlife.
The reality is that if a Muslim strongly believes in his god and satisfies the 5 pillars of Islam and a Christian believes in Jesus as the crucified Son of God and does the will of God, only one of them will enter the true heaven. The other will go to hell. Only Satan will deceive you into believing that there are MANY PATHS to HEAVEN because he wants you to remain satisfied in the wrong path you are in so that you can surely perish. The true God will not teach that there are many paths because he is a jealous God and will not share his glory with Satan nor will he teach "for you is your religion and to me is my religion" (QS 109:6) because God desires that ALL men be saved and it is not ok for his creation to be lost into a false religion.
8. While both of these well-established religions of Christianity and Islam teach to do righteous deeds and not to sin, both religions cannot be true at the same time. One is false and the other is true. Why? Because Satan is disguised as an angel of light and his servant(s) are disguised as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:14-15) and knows very well that by teaching you not to sin and doing righteous deeds like giving to the poor, praying etc, he will easily deceive you into thinking that he is the true God and then you will pray to him and worship him. He knows that praying to him and worshiping him as God is IDOLATRY and the true God will condemn you to HELL for IDOLATRY. Satan will not deceive you by revealing a book which requires you to kill, steal or commit evil acts. That would be stupid of Satan, right? For Satan to snatch you away from the true God, he knows he must set up a religion of "righteous deeds" which closely imitates the religion of the true God, just like a fake $100 bill must be like the original bill inorder to deceive the receiver. Satan will even speak negative of himself inorder to make you truly believe that he is not Satan but God. Satan is the master of deception.
The God of Israel appears to Moses as a burning bush and says this of his NAME to Moses:“Say this to the people of Israel: ‘The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ This is my NAME FOREVER, and thus I am to be REMEMBERED THROUGHOUT ALL GENERATIONS'. Exodus 3:15.
In the same incident with Moses in the Qur'an 20:11-14, Allah of the Qur’an negligently avoids introducing himself through the special name of God and instead only says, "verily I am Allah"!
Where is the Exodus 3:15 name of God in the Qur'an other than Qur'an 2:133 which incorrectly adds Ismael's name to the name of God? QS 29:46 IS THE BIGGEST THEFT OF THE IDENTITY OF GOD by Allah of the Qur’an.
10. What the Bible says Satan, the Antichrist and the False prophet will do in the end times is exactly what the Qur'an and hadiths say Allah of the Qur’an, the Mahdi and Prophet Isa will do in the end times.
It fits like a jigsaw puzzle. For example;
A. In Bible prophecy, the Antichrist invades and fights the Jews in Israel in the end times AND in Islamic hadith prophecy, the Mahdi (assisted by groups such as the black flags of khorasan) invades Israel and fights the Jews (who are claimed will be taking sides with the one-eyed Al-Maseeh Al-Dajjaal).
B. The Beast from the Earth in the book of Revelation (Chapter 13:10-18) will deceive DISBELIEVERS into receiving the MARK of the beast on the forehead (or right hand). God will CONDEMN those who receive the mark of the beast to burn in HELL.
In Islam, the Beast from the Earth referred to in the Qur'an and hadiths will mark BELIEVERS on the forehead. Those who have this MARK of the beast will be WELCOMED by Allah of the Qur’an in HEAVEN.
Same God?? Correction or Opposition? Final Revelation or Final Rejection or Final Deception? QS 29:46 IS A BIG . The two Gods are not the same God.
One effective way to VERIFY which one is true/false is by studying and identifying at least FIVE PROPHECIES of the Messiah from the prophets of old (Jewish Old Testament) because they were written much earlier than the Qur'an and the New Testament and therefore DO NOT FAVOR either Islam or Christianity (you can find the Messianic prophecies simply by googling, for example, for Messianic prophecies in the Old Testament (OT).
[There is no other scripture or book in the universe where you will find the prophecies of the Messiah except in the OT]
Use any website of your choice and choose FIVE PROPHECIES OF YOUR CHOICE).
Then compare those FIVE prophecies with ATTRIBUTES of Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament and with Jesus (Isa) the prophet of the Qur'an.
Messiah means "the annointed one". The Messianic prophecies WILL give you answers as to:
A. What the Messiah was annointed to do.
B. What the relationship between the Messiah and God is
If the prophecies of the Messiah from Old Testament scripture match with Prophet Isa of the Qur'an and NOT with Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament, then Islam is TRUE and Christianity is FALSE.
If the prophecies of the Messiah match with Jesus the Son of God of the New Testament and NOT with Isa the prophet of the Qur'an, then Christianity is TRUE and Islam is FALSE. The result of this simple activity will be the difference between you spending eternity in HELL or in HEAVEN.
NOTE: there are many prophecies of the Messiah from the OT. If anyone claims to have "REFUTED" your five prophecies of the Messiah, then the burden is on them to provide you with any five prophecies of the Messiah.
If, after the many obvious differences of the two Gods demonstrated here, you still believe that the two Gods of Islam and the Bible are the SAME God, then it's either you are foolish indeed or Satan, in his "holy book", has already deceived you into believing that he is the same God of the Bible and the Qur'an.
May the true God lead you to the truth. Blessings!
Well said ."When Caravan moving ,the dog start barking"!!!
"Comparing Quran with the bible is just like comparing apples with a SALAD"
I died laughing on this 🤣🤣🤣
That was so perfect and amazing example
Thanks Leroy
Leroy is a hypocrite liar...
@@TruthSeeker574 you are liar
@@TruthSeeker574 you don't have the right to judge someone you don't really know.
@@TruthSeeker574 Open your eyes and mind and ponder.... and hopefully God will show you the truth
Go read about “sahih al bukhari 5133”
I love the way you show the truth about islam.. Big respect for you brother. May the truth always be with you🙏
We would like more of Ahmed deedat.
That’s nonsenses Jesus said that no one else will come after him and those coming we’re going to change his words that’s what Jesus prophecies and happened when Islam was created and the Vatican
Give me proof.
@@abdihalimyusufmohamed8903 😂😂 you are asking something which is not present anywhere 😉
@@QuranicMoments hahaha😂
Hahahaha...this ignorant guy is a joke
Quran is Kalammullah = only Allah word ....for Prophet is Hadith...(word from prophet Muhammad SAW eyewitness from very2 closed companions to him)...compared to Bible...every each word or writen mix all kind everything in 1 volume bible
want more of Ahmad dedaat
I am learning so much from this channel ...
I appreciate you and your work
I love to learn
Mee too
@@yami4910 then learn evolution👊
Sheik Ahmeed Deedat is my inspiration. Rest in peace, grandpa 🙏
Ameen Ameen Ameen Yaa RAABBI
They have it in one volume, that is hilarious.
Your knowladge about islam is good because you knew more and more
This one is a very good video... very clear explanation of different between Bible and Quran.
Ahmad Deedat is an amazing schooler. I really like your wonderful reaction, thanks
Beautiful explanation, keep it up Bro.. 👍🏻❤️
👍Brilliant video brother ‘ please do more videos of Ahmed Deedat. 👋Later !
Subhanallah... There's more BEAUTY IN ISLAM.. Masha Allah...
Everyone knows the truth from deep down, let him decide for himself.
The thing is u can't digest truth!
@@asifmolvi7630 ¹1
Sir deedat was the one who bought a revolution in dawaha field
He (mr. Deedat) make it so clear and can be easy to understand, thanks to share. Hope make a benefit to everyone who watch this video
May ALLAH give you jannah firdous Ahmed Deedat Amin
👏 wow.. enough knowledge from Dedaat
Sir.its very informative narration about bible sir.i didn't know before.
May Allah protect you and your family
Holy Quran is a straight forward book, having no compromises on any issue., no question marks? No ambiguities! just straight and plain truth. No fear Weather somebody likes it or not.
Insha Allah you will get your answers on judgement day! I have fullfilled my responsibility after highlighted the truth! May God bless us all!
@H K Phooey average anti-theist
Matthew 3:17 a voice from heaven said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased." about Jesus
I pray to Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala to guide me & you brother. Amin
Ameen Ameen Ameen Yaa RAABBI
Thank you bro. I'm learning a lot here
Brother Ahmad Deedat had tremendous knowledge & command about Quran & Bible. I appreciate his contributions for removing & pointing out misunderstanding between Quran & Bible
May Allah grant him Jannatul-Firdous. Amin( Engr Mir Qadir Khan, Alberta,Canada.
Leroy Kenton bring more and more Deedat videos ,we enjoy alot,and learn more
Who don't want to accept the truth will never get to the truth...
Truth is always JESUS, he is eternal life and he is eternal God, please don't Reject JESUS.
@@DevarajRaja-g6g You just follow jesus instead of following the stupid charch.
Simple and easy to understand frot Ahmed deedat, may Almighty Allah forgive his shortcomings
he's referring to his debate with jimmy swaggart where he dared him to read a biblical verse for $100 (book of Ezekiel, chapter 23) .... it's called the great debate, the actual name of the debate was "is the Bible the word of God" , you won't be able to react to it as it's far too long but you certainly should watch it.
He's 100% right ❤️
You can’t get enough of Islam!!!!
Lots of Ahmed Deedat!
Beautiful comparison bro! Apples with Salad, in salad there is apple as well as other fruits, sugar and ice cream! could be vegetables too!
More of Ahmad deedat pls
Bro this video is from the debate of Jimmy swaggart vs ahmed deedat "IS BIBLE THE WORD OF GOD"
first you watch the whole debate and afterthat you will come to know everything.
The speaker is in small screen and the quite one is in big focus, what a job!
You understand brother I love ur videos may Allah guide you
RAXIIMU LAAHU Sheikh Ahmed Deedat
2) Why does the speaker in the Qur'an itself swear that :
"This is the word of a noble messenger" and that this messenger is "possessor of power WITH the Lord of the throne" (Surah 81:19-20) and that Muhammad is the servant of this messenger and possessor of power(a title belonging to God)
And in a similar narration in Surah an-Najm 53:1-10 Muhammad was called the servant of this so called possessor of power messenger (verse 10)
The translators had to quickly corrupt the Qur'an by adding words that it refers to Allah whereas the whole verses have been about this messenger and "your companion" who received inspiration from him.
Allahumma sholli ‘ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ‘ala ali sayyidina Muhammad..
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah,
Allahu Akbar...
They have it all in one volume 😆😆 hilarious
In Ezekiel 26 we can see in astonishing detail how the city of Tyre was to be destroyed, how it would be torn down, and how its debris would be thrown into the sea. When Alexander the Great marched on that area, he encountered a group of people holed up in a tower on an island off the coast near there. He could not cross the sea, so he could not fight those in the tower. Rather than wait them out, the proud conqueror had his army throw stones into the sea to build a land bridge to the tower. It worked. His army crossed the sea and overthrew the occupants of the stronghold. But where did he get so much stone? The rocks that were used for the land bridge were the leftover rubble from the city of Tyre . . . its stones cast into the sea!
He was referring to pornography in the Bible to read as a $100 challenge and the other debater at first didn't read it as challenge but after when from one of audience poked him to read again then he eventually red it 60mph ....
The Porn part. Deedat misinterpreted and lied about is in the Book of Songs. He said it was porn. Later in another video Deedat said its about prophet Mohammed. The word as he expressed it is Mohammedeeeeen, the way Deedat expressed it. First porn then prophet Mohammed. Mohammedeen is a Hebrew word got to do with the romantic discription between a husband who desires his wife because he misses her and he can't wait to tackle her romantically. No his so called students like Ziaker Naik don't use this book to provide anything. They failed because of the internet and other tools of modern technology.
Everything these people like Naik, Mohammed Hijab, Yasir Qadi and many more so called scholars are fighting and disagreeing with each other because of Yasir Qadi said that there are holes in the standard narratives of the Quran. Some Islam scholars are say that there should be 17000 verses in the Quran but we know that there are less than 7000 verses in the Quran. Then last, a lady by the name of Atun brought 36 different Quran and there are variations in them. A Muslim man punched her later on in the year. Mohammed Hijab is threatening none believer by wanting to rape their wives and do bodily harm if any goes against the teaching or even with proof of what was said is wrong. Hijab wants to kill and harm people. That's peace.. Wow what a way to show peace and tolerance.
We must learn to agree to disagree. We are here to help each other and live in Love and peace
well spoken bro
Only 3 Thing Any Ummah brought With them intheir HeirAfter,,1. His Amal Jariah& Sadakah,, 2,The Prayers and Doa Off their Solleh Offspring,,,
But Most Value is the Knowledge and Teaching of Whom that Arwah Pass By to This Dunia That Beneffit To Whole UMMAH TO SEE AND ACKNOWLEDGE THE TRUTH AND GREATFULL OFF ALLAH & ISLAM
He's referring to this
(Ezikiel 23:20)
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
thanks leroy
One major difference relates to the languages used. The Quran was directly transmitted in one language ,Arabic but the original language of transmission for the various books of the Bible could be up to 4 languages which are related or otherwise. This is further complicated by translation into major languages before further translation into vernacular or native languages for missionary work .
Until today the Quran is still in Arabic and the same text is used by all Muslims irrespective of denominations.
No one is reading the Bible in its original languages because you cannot find the copies of the Bible written in their original languages.
Errors of multiple translations and reproduction will accordong to the laws of statistics alone place the intergrity of the Bible much below that of the Quran as evidenced from recent studies done by impartial scholars.
Subhana lwah may God Grant him Jannat Ahmed amin.
One of true wisdom
More of ahmed deedat pls!
he was refering to his debate with jimmy swaggart
Passed Ahmad Deedad still a life
Mr. Deedat was refering to the debate between him and Mr Jimmy swaggit 😄😄😄😄👉👉👉👉👉
Whether you accept it or not, Quran is the last revelation of God “ALLAH” and prophet Muhammad SAW is the last messenger of ALLAH….
For a muslim to use the bible as argument is reasonable because we believe Jesus (as) as a messenger.
But for Christians to use the Quran as argument is very weak when they didnt believe that the Quran is true and it came after the bible.
Especially in case of proving the divinity of Jesus.
@H K Phooey
And prove it how quran is WRONG in that story and prove it those other scriptures and those claims of anyone from history which says the OPPOSITE CORRECT story (According to you it's correct ) is really CORRECT??
and also
prove which Muslims says that a particular scripture is corrupted just because it has a different version of story from the story which. Is in Quran" uncorrupted, you yourself claim that the Quran corrects the Bible.
Don't make PATHETIC comment shamelessly when you can't prove it with any single evidence
@@jzfg758 Assalamualaikum brother😊
there's a wisdom why commentors like them exist.. don't worry & don't give them the reaction they expect from us muslims (may Allah increase our imaan), this type of lure is what was known as the *waswas* (retreating/insinuating whisper)
What is *waswas* (retreating/insinuating whisper)?
It was narrated in al-Saheehayn, also from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “The Shaytan comes to one of you and says, *‘Who created such and such? Who created such and such?’ Until he says, ‘Who created your Lord?!’* If that happens to any of you, let him seek refuge with Allah and put a stop to these thoughts.”
'I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Shaytaan (Devil)'
'In the name of Allah, the Especially Merciful, The Entirely Merciful'
'And Allah had already taken a covenant from the Children of Israel, and We delegated from among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, "I am with you. If you establish prayer and give zakah and believe in My messengers and support them and loan Allah a goodly loan, I will surely remove from you your misdeeds and admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieves after that has certainly *strayed from the soundness of the way."*
(Surah Al Ma'idah [Table Spread], Verse 12)
'So for their breaking of the covenant We cursed them and made their hearts hard. *They distort words from their [proper] usages and have forgotten a portion of that of which they were reminded.* And you will still observe *deceit among them,* except a few of them. But *pardon* them and *overlook [their misdeeds].* Indeed, Allah loves the doers of good.
(Surah Al Ma'idah [Table Spread], Verse 13)
Just forgive them, may Allah S.W.T have mercy on these people.
Brother, don't let Shaytaan influence you in his lure and degrade you down to his level..(while he laughs in the unseen)
Don't entice the whispers of Iblis because he love it when there's conflict among us (Adam's progeny)
Remember how arrogant Iblis was when he was told to bow to our Father, the first prophet Adam [AS].
When he refused to bow to him, he refused to bow to us..
Because in his logic, he is *better* than human, don't follow his footstep.
Remember our origin & be aware of Allah S.W.T.
Allah S.W.T is teaching us patience through these people.
'Many of the People of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves *[even] after the truth has become clear to them.* So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers His command. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.'
(Surah Al Baqarah [The Cow], Verse 109)
Have patience, put your trust in the Almighty & His plan.
let Allah S.W.T deal with them.
If they love to debate, let them have it, their *ultimate* debater will be *Lord of Creations* Himself, on that day all truth will prevail (Day of Reckoning).
(I'll leave this here, hope it benefits)
@Taj Abdullah
'And they say, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is [merely] their *wishful thinking,* Say, "Produce your *proof,* if you should be truthful."
(Surah Al Baqarah [The Cow], Ayat 111)
'They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah , and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to *worship one God;* there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.'
(Surah At Tawbah [Repentance], Ayat 31)
'They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the Messiah, the son of Mary" while the Messiah has said, *"O Children of Israel, worship Allah , my Lord and your Lord."* Indeed, he who associates others with Allah - Allah has *forbidden him Paradise,* and his refuge is the Fire. And there are not for the wrongdoers any helpers.'
(Surah Al Maidah [Table Spread], Ayat 72)
'They have certainly disbelieved who say, " Allah is the third of three." And there is *no god except one God.* And if they do not desist from what they are saying, there will surely afflict the disbelievers among them a painful punishment.
(Surah Al Maidah [Table Spread], Ayat 73)
Prophet Isa/Jesus [AS] affirms the verses above with *clear declaration.*
*Greatest Commandment*
*'Hear, O Israel:* The LORD *our God,* the *LORD is one.'*
(Deuteronomy 6:4) - New International translation.
*One Not Three.*
One question though! does that mean any historian back in the days can write his own bible? is that why we have many versions of the bible? and how that could effect the way christians believe in it since human could make mistakes or interpretate some of the things according to thier own understanding? does that makes christains the followers of the bilble author (not jesus) ? in other words as Ahmed dedat mentioned i could read some versions of the bible and chose to believe in the copy that fits my desires and understanding? well how can I know then that what i have chosen to believe in is the correct bible?
thk u for u know is not book of God
Want to know than who wrote the Qur'an and why quran gives important to Jusus and Mariam in the Qur'an...
The 100 dollar reference is from the debate between Jimmy Swaggart and Sheikh Deedat from the previous night...in which Sheikh Deedat said he will give 100 Dollars to any one who can read the lines from Bible Ezeikel where the lines contain explicit and graphic sexual content, which Sheikh Deedat argued that if this Bible is the word of God then a normal bashful person would never dare to read in front of his mother or sister...so Jimmy Swaggart went ahead and read those lines out right in front of every one....and Sheikh Deedat had to pay him 100 dollars....see the whole debate it's quite illuminating
Very nice brother 🇵🇰🇵🇰❤️❤️
that chapter salmon and gamorah
A bitter pill to swallow… but it’s the truth and nothing but the truth, brother Leroy…..
In Shaa Allah ( If Allah wills ) you may learn more and more. ISLAM ☪️ is an open book.
There is nowhere in the entire NT, where God Himself says that God revealed the NT.
There is nowhere in the entire NT, where God Himself have given a title of prophets to those NT authors.
So in short 99.8 percent of NT is mere human production maybe .2 percent of NT is God's words which was given to Jesus (pbuh).
Perfect! 👍
The biggest difference is one is written with the absolute truth by the eye witnesses who we're actually there, the other was written some seven centuries later and doesn't tell you how to be correctly saved through Jesus.
@Farhan With all due respect there are two types of Muslim, who has it right Shia/Sunni? Why are there Hadith added, why was Quran not sufficient? Why Muslims argue or debate what is haraam or what is halal, why isn't it cut and clear to nobody can argue? All of Islam is based on IF one man received revelation correctly from one angel who says he was Gabriel. Hebrews 12:2 Jesus the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus wrote the bible man penned it and that's valid enough for me; bible was written 40years after the facts not over 700. Over 45000 documents regarding Jesus says the bible is accurate. We don't need his disciples accounts in the events of his crucifixion it is well documented by the Roman's who actually crucified him if you look at Roman history, plus the bible documents it. Mark 15:39 And when the centurion (Roman Guard) which stood over Him saw that He cried out and gave up the Ghost he said, Truly this man was the Son of God.. in other words many claimed to be but this one was God. Mathew 4:17 eyewitnesses heard the voice of God from Heaven clarify Jesus is His beloved Son; and I believe those who we're there and heard God Himself speak. Mathew 28:19 Go ye therefore and teach the nations (the bible) baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and the name of Father Son Holy Spirit is YHWH. It's like water ice steam same exact ingredient but the three serve a different function just like the Godhead 3 in 1 but if you are not spirit filled you cannot see it understand this. Too many people look at things one way only when you have to look at the natural or physical and also Spiritual or you clearly miss it because you are blind to the truth. John 10:30 even Jesus says I and the Father are One as in one in the same person but you need to see in the natural and spiritual or you miss it. Even Quran says Q5:68 Farhan you have nothing to stand on unless you observe the torah (old testament bible) the Gospel (new testament bible) and what has been revealed to you by the Lord (Jesus also called Immanuel meaning God with us as in Jesus is God). Believe what you want or what man taught you I am not taught by man but by the Holy Spirit who is the true teacher and Power of God. I pray you have an encounter with Jesus like Paul did and from that point on he knew the truth and preached Christ and Him Crucified for Salvation and then there's also Sanctification that many churches don't teach and that's why they closed last year when man said to close and that my friend is fear doubt and unbelief. Even much of Islam listened to man and not God as mosque closed and even now not many are allowed to Mecca and instead of standing up and following Islam properly they listen to man and not Allah. Only true believers don't close their doors or listen to man they listen to God. I want you to know I have respect for you and what you believe and wish you peace and many blessings throughout your life. I have my reasons from personal experience why I put my faith in the power of the blood of the Risen Christ and know where I will spend eternity I don't need to wonder did I pray enough or fast enough or do enough good deeds to make it to paradise because I just know the moment I received Christ as Saviour.
the difference is in Quran Allah calls a Muslim his slave n to fear him. Whereas in HOLY BIBLE GOD CALLS ALL PEOPLES HIS CHILDREEN N NOT TO FEAR ANYTHING.
LEROY what u didn't understand is that even w/ the words of the Creator in the bible, are not ALL his words.
pretty sure he got that xD
@Jomy Mathew I will answer your question as best i can, May our Creator guide and forgive me, if i make any mistake. i used to be a Christian by the way, I studied Comparative Religion. Jesus PBUH did many Miracles. No Prophet which includes Jesus A.S. was able to perform any Miracle without The Most High' permission, Moses A.S. couldn't split the sea without the Creator. I used to be a Christian so i know the bible the good and the bad, it's Historicity, and in the bible Jesus A.S. said BY MY OWN HANDS I CAN'T DO NOTHING WITHOUT THE FATHER (not biological), this is true of all Prophets, Including our existence and capabilities and that backs our logic if we Reason, now what the Church preaches that's another story. Jesus A.S. didn't write anything in the bible, The Good News was the revelation (not a book) given to him but it wasn't the new testament called the bible as for example ACCORDING TO, ACCORDING TO, ACCORDING TO. Any of the Teachings of Jesus A.S. was word of mouth but there was no standard or method to make sure his teachings were preserved, we have one fragment written down in the 1st Century and that is the size of a credit card that was found but everything else that was written down was 400 some odd years A.D. which we uncovered with anonymous names, they slapped on names of the Disciples of Jesus A.S. to make it acceptable for cannon. U must understand Over time if there isn't a method of ensuring preservation of scripture the true message can get lost and it did, the Church fathers filled in the gaps and u could imagine the corruption over time, it's why there are many discrepancies and even the concept God don't agree on who God is, the Torah says God is one, no partners just ask a Jew about the Old Testament and the New Testament which is not the Injeel by the way says God is 3 in 1 yet he is one, that's Problematic and even in the new testament concepts overlap and contradict. If we shut our brain off than really it wouldn't matter what religion u follow, worship a chair. It is natural to believe God is one, that is truly our natural disposition, even an agnostic can understand that, a child can come to that conclusion, It's so natural like our reflexes that if u was on a remote Island, never any contact u could come to the conclusion an Intelligent Creator created us. To teach this Trinity which was man made, our minds and souls have to wrestle this , so much so that we have to suspend our faculties in order to believe in it and that's without talking about the Miracles, who God is. The MIRACLES are not the most Important thing, It's the Revelations from our Creator that's Important, Miracles were only a tool to get your attention, more relevant to that period of that time, to let the people know that this Message is from God, that what they are witnessing before their very eyes could not be done by a human, this power was given by God' permission, so they listen. God knows his Creation, it's why Miracles was used. The only Miracle you can touch & feel is not flashy it's not inspired but the actual words of God, preserved, The Qur'an. None of the other Miracles we can interact with, except this one, the Greatest Miracle, the Qur'an. sorry it's long but this is the short version.
@Jomy Mathew The problem with the bible, is it's reliable? If you know the Historicity of it, u can't rely on it and your trying to provide evidence from an unreliable source, for example the line ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, that was an interpolation and a fabrication, people believed that to be true for years and died trusting in it until bible scholars compared manuscripts and realized that the verse was a lie, it was added IN to support the Trinity narrative. some bibles put it back in for the backlash. SO U KEEP IN MIND, ANYTHING THAT GOES AGAINST THE ONENESS OF GOD FROM THE OLD TESTAMENT IS A CONTRADICTION AND THAT'S THE SMOKING GUN ON THE TRINITY OR GOD HEADHEAD. I've done the research the old fashion way, the library, i don't want to write a book but the info is out there, u gotta do the work.
@Jomy Mathew I know Jesus A.S. never said he was God in the bible, but the Church did, by making him a part of a Trinity, the Church made him Devine, Making him an ONLY son. The church Teachings. People put words in the mouth of Jesus A.S. that he didn't say and so how can u be for certain, even bible scholars attest to this. I didn't leave Christianity without testing it first.
@Jomy Mathew the topic was on jesus but you switch to muhammad bad things he did in his life to prove what?
Jesus never even address mary as "mother" instead she calls her "woman"
What type of son is that?
You will even find him calling people "you adulterous,sinners,bad humans"
He ordered to go "kill all the people you find without exception the babies/infant woman man nurses etc
Any logical open mind people will know a true god dont do that.(only fiction god do that)
Christian has the same question in every debate."muhammad marry a 6yr old"
But thats not in quran.thats in hadith.and there are many hadiths.in one book her age is 9.other 11 but mostly of them says 14yr old.but christians see and pick the only book that says she was 9 to suits them and fit their agenda.next time when you lie,try to be more convincing..
By the way mary was 12 when she birth jesus.so she was pregnant at 11yr old
Does that mean god was a pedo?
Grow up kid..all points you made will fit the islamphobe..nothing bring doubt to islam.but as for christianity the belief is man made.jesus was real but the religion is 100% fabricated
We would like more Biblical vs Quran comparison. I would conclude the same about the quran (some of it is the word of God). Thank you again for the non-biased video review.
I loved it when you said- Quran is The Apple and the Bible is the Salad!!🤪
@Jomy Mathewhuh wake up bible is toilet
@Jomy Mathew when you are mentioning mahamed brush your teeth he is a big man
Dears non muslims
You must read about islam
You must read how intelligent and pure islam is in comparison with every other religion
You must read about the life of our prophet Muhammad and how he lived and you must understand the difference between his time and ours
You must open your hearts before your eyes to see the truth
Alah (god) is one and only
He is the almighty god
He is not a man or in the body of man
He is higher than us
He see everything and know everything İnside your heart or mind
Please read about islam and give your self the chance to worship god in the way that his prophet jesus pbuh did
And dont believe what others say about islam
Specially the one who judge islam by the weak muslims
ACCORDING TO QURAN, BOTH OF HOLLY BOOK IN THE PAST TORAH AND INJIL HAD BEEN CHANGED. (ALBAQARAH:79) " Woe, then, to those who write out the Scriptures with their own hands and then, in order to make a trifling gain, claim: “This is from Allah.” Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they thus earn".
- These observations relate to their rabbis. They were not content with misinterpreting the Word of God. They also interjected into it their readings of the Scriptures and their explanatory comments thereof, stories from their national history, superstitious ideas and fancies, philosophical doctrines and legal rules. The result was that the Divine and the human became inextricably mixed. They claimed, nevertheless, that the entire thing was divine! Every historical anecdote, the interpretation of every commentator, the doctrine of every theologian, and the legal deduction of every jurist that managed to find its way into the Bible became the 'Word of God'. It was thus obligatory to believe in all that, and every deviation from it became tantamount to deviation from the true faith.
Protect yourself from hellfire and your home members (QURAN)
We have the most oldest and complete bible on earth that is directly translated to ancient Geez language from greek Hebrew and Aramaic so our bible is enough for the world
Assalamalakum Leuroy(sorry for the spelling mistake)
Please react to the ""ten promised paradise"" playlist from "islamic guidance" channel
It is very emotional Pleasee
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد
Leroy, here's that challenge that Deedat gave to Swaggart
And here's Swaggart accepting it at 60mph
Yes, I want leroy to react to this videos.
Bible has been change many time...include 50000 error...God books cant be error..look at Quran 1400 years not a word has been change...
@shajib Khan. Was the bible the Word of God? If it was ,you said God word cannot corrupt? When and how then it became corrupt? Are you telling me God has no power over his word? Think again and remove your ignorance.
React more on Ahmed deedat ❤️🔥
Bible has been changed many times.
I feel pity for all abdools bcoz in Quran it says every Muslim is slave of Allah. it also says the greatest relation between Allah n a Muslim is the relation of slave n master. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
No book Quran de mahoma
Leroy Brother I really like your videos , and the way you are studying different religion along with Islam .
But I noticed that there are some hate preacher in the comment section spreading hates and lies about Islam just to make funs and to win useless
Arguments . What's your opinion for this people .
@Taj Abdullah Jazak Allah Khairn
@Tabari Muhammad hey have you done your prayer ?
Yes he did. He told me he performed two ayaat in salaatul quraan XD XD XD. Tabari muhammad is no muslim. Just a bastard troll with no knowledge.
I think this debate with Jimmy swaggart
Have you ever seen a spirit-filled believer claiming that the Bible has mistakes? Anyone who does not have the Holy Spirit has no authority to speak about the Bible or try to interpret it
Christian Biblical scholars speak about it and interpret it and note that it has mistakes.
When Adam and Eve gave birth to Cain and Abel, as at that time there were only 4 people on Earth that is (Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel) Bible said, Cain killed Abel and was cursed by God, leaving only three people on Earth tat is *(Adam, Eve, Cain). But accordingto the Bible, Cain travelled to a Town called Nod and married and gave birth to Children with her. My question is which other Human did Cain marry since Adam & Eve were the only people created by God! Was there another creation that were not told about?
Please I need your answer...
Adam and Eve are mythical figures.
As a Christian I do not take the Bible literally. I think evolution is OK.
Adam and Eve symbolise the moment when humanoids became self conscious, the moment when they became persons, able of choosing between right and wrong, and consequently of sinning.
How do you know the name of the town called nod if there has been no one living in there before Cain relocated there....and more over the bible never mentioned how long Cain stayed there before getting a wife and neither did the bible say hr got married immediately he got there.....stop using longic
@@dennisyoung5423 I'm trying to clear the air, hence I feel, Adam and Eve are not the first ones to be created on Earth.
The bible doesnt give empirical details about events to the fullness ,so sometimes the most important are been selected, Adam and definitely had other children apart from Cain and Abel and mind you the bible traces a particular blood line which is the blood line of Jesus.
@@dennisyoung5423 There would be a possibility of people before Adam and eve.
AlQuran is a manual book for All mankind.
We love Jesus according to Quran. The first secular constitution Was written by Mohammad saw
Whatever in The skies and on earth All Are created by Only one almighty almerciful Allah
Breaking humanity and sharing with Allah Are great sin. Allah Will push them to hell which Are full of fire.
jesus says love your enemies, mohamad says erase those who do not believe in allah and his prophet.. big difference there.
jesus didnt ask his followers to kiss stones, but muhamad kissed and fondled stones like a good pagan
Just like christians make the idol of Jesus on cross and worship him in church........pagan christianty.
@@Marahimazal7643 did allah tell you that? no one christian believes in what you infer. jesus says dont worship any graven image, he didnt say to stifle art or imagination. didnt muhamad your child predator prophet says kissing and fondling the black stone will erase sin and on judgement day the black stone will have a mouth and tongue and will witness for you the deeds you have done. allah is so stupid he depends on a stone to do his work.
Comparing the bible and the koran
They both tell that when you do good, you go to heaven. And when you do bad, you go to hell.
Both tell that hell is not a desirable place to be.
But the bibles heaven is full of grace., while korans heaven is full of virgins
Kjv is the closes to the original.
Dear brothers and sisters, he said the Bible is about porn. He is talking about the book of songs about the romance between a husband and his wife. And then in his later video he said that prophet Mohammed is in this book of songs. In another video he admitted that he can not speak Arabic.
Then in Isiah 42: 1 - - - Ahmed Deedat and some modern scholars say the it is Talking about prophet Mohammed.. As we read from verse 1 you will come across, that he will not bruse a twig, he will not sin, he will kill, etc. Who burnt and cut the palm trees in the desert? Who sinned and who killed people? I urge all of you that are in this group to read the Seven Sleepers and the Legends of the Jews,, then read in which book you will see most of these stories are written. Modern scholars are saying there should be 17000 verses but we have less than 7000 verses.
We must thank modern technology and the internet and the sources of the old scholars in exposing the lies of these liars, it can be Christian/Islamic, Hindu, etc,,, leaders, teachers, Pastors, Imams teaching, lies. Jesus's miracles are recorded in the Bible and the Quran.
In the Quran Jesus created/fashioned a bird from mud/clay, Jesus blow into the bird, it came alive and Jesus let it fly away. Jesus the creator/God is the creator. In the Quran Jesus spoke when he was two days old. Wow.....God
Jesus healed the blind, Islamic text. Jesus raised the dead..
Ziaker Naik a so called scholar of Deedat is doing the same thing by misquoting and not reading the whole context thus misleading us by their lies.
God is Almighty, God is the Creator of of all things.. Jesus created the bird.. Thus He is God.
Jesus said, "I am The Way and The Truth and The Life" is this not part of the 99 names of Allah???? Yes it is....
Ruk or Rok Allah.
Is not Jesus Ruk??
In the book of Mary in the Quran, is not Jesus called the Word of God? PROCEEDING FROM GOD? IS not Jesus called the Holy Son? Who is Jesus's father?
When I read the Bible I see the stories and parables explanating it's context. The stories about men married to many women and having so many side kicks/women. They committed adultry. Was God happy with them and did God asked or commanded them to sin or have multiple partners.? No God in the Bible did not ask them to sin, yet they that sinned asked God to to forgive them.
God in the Bible didn't ask Lot to sin, and allow Lot to have multiple sleeping partners. Lots daughters sinned against their father and God. They slept with their father because all the people from Sodam and Gomorrah were destroyed by God Himself because of their sins, so Lots daughters made him very drunk and they slept with him to carry on the population. The girls thought that if they don't have children, then humanity would be lost forever.
God in the Bible did not ask or did he give permission for His disciples or Apostle or prophets to remove wives from their husband so that they could just sleep with them and just disgard them like tissue after the pleasure of and satisfaction.
Salvation came when they asked for forgiveness and if they carried on with their sinful ways than it was their own fault for their actions. Meaning hell you go, for going against God. God is a just God.
I hope you will convert to Islam . Inshallah