Ryan Rigsby exactly... the 1918 pandemic was literally the largest pandemic in modern times and it killed more people than the war. It diminished like 1/3 the worlds population and the craziest part was it effected younger people 20s-40s the most. This pandemic will pale in comparison, as long as the proper precautions are taken. I had to distance my self from my family, they don’t like it but it’s what needs to happen. My mom is in her 60s and lives with my grandfather in his 80s. You might not even know your sick when you are in your 20s like me and I have a 3 yr old walking Petri dish for a son. He catches anything and everything and although he may not get super sick from it my older family members could easily die from it. Hopefully we never see another pandemic in our lifetime like this
In the Bhagavad-gītā Lord Krishna says that success in any undertaking depends on five factors: the place; the doer; one’s various senses, like the eye and ear; the different kinds of endeavor; and finally daiva. Daiva may be taken to mean destiny or fate, which is another way of saying one’s karma. And finally it refers to the hand of the Supreme, the divine controller of all time and events. The ignorant person who imagines “Success depends only on me” cannot, Krishna says, see things as they are. The race cannot always be to the swift, the battle always to the strong, because time and events lie beyond our control. Behind all events are the workings of karma, of destiny, and behind the workings of destiny, behind time itself, is the original cause of everything, the divine will of the Supreme. From Vanity Karma (page 203) th-cam.com/video/RUHPLM9XPKk/w-d-xo.html
We need to stop travel between state lines and cities. Keep the food and necessary supplies shipping but NO ONE should be traveling for meetings, visiting friends/family, recreation, or vacation. We need to enforce quarantines of especially hot zones and high risk individuals while also supplying them with food and economic relief. We need to start mass producing masks and other personal protective equipment immediately and have a plan to get them to everyone.. No one should be in public without a mask minimally. Enough of these "suggestions" and "voluntary quarantines" that never work. It's not enough.
Common- My strategy is to stay out of the public, and wait until the warm weather arrives, which will be 2 or 3 weeks. The heat is the only thing that will save us and stop this virus. Then when winter rolls back around, maybe we'll be better prepared to fight it. This virus caught everyone in the world by surprise. It caught us with our pants down.
Normal people: stays at home Coronavirus infected people: We’re going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship.... Dont get mad, I acknowledge the sensitivity of this situation
This is a really trying time guys. I wish you come out of this soon. Don't loose heart and spirit. Like everything this too shall pass. Just standby and stay safe.
@@mohammadwasilliterate8037 4% is the average, if you only count the cases where there is an outcome you get 6% and that is still the average it is about 16% to 21% for older people.
Technically is 10x more deadlier BUT in china suddenly stoped they have 20 cases a day in they huge population so we can hope it will be the same in europe in a month or two
JaCk MeOff Dont compare it to China. Their extreme forces on people suspecting to be coronavirus positive were/are much greater and intense than Western countries. This would last much much longer in the US than China.
Italy- You are in my thoughts during this difficult time. My heart goes out to all affected by this virus. We are awaiting here in the US. My advice-STAY HOME!!!
송송송파를 there are a massive percente of elders here. Plus we can’t adopt your system because in Europe there are privacy and freedom laws. I don’t know if you understood what I’m saying. Btw the first case here in Italy was German. Not even Chinese.
Yun Fu No. they talked it down when it was in China before the explode in Europe. Which had lead the world guard down for some time. I have been following this months ago.
it is a regular virus, not more n not less.... Funny, the new does not mention it, older people die because the immune system is weak. Even young people die because over stretching themself from the civilization pressure. How about drug overdose...
@Dark Abyss yes and no. Always orderly people suffering more. Age over 65-70 immune system is weaken from the younger age n that is normal. Also after age 70's every days are souvenir. But we don't need extra circus from the governments n the media. Find the solution and move on... Life is very simple... We reproducing ourselves. One day I die as well and the best think in this, I won't remember for one nothink's after when my ass is burning into gas chamber. LOL. No baggages.
If the leaders of WHO notified every country of the seriousness of the coronavirus and urged every country to take precotions when the coronavious broke out in China in January, hundreds of thousands of virus infected should have been saved. Those current leaders of WHO should take the responsibility and resigned at this moment so that the appropriate officials can replace them and protect millions of people from being infected.
For those who don't know, grain mixed with water, disinfecting works ..... Your well-being is important to me, stay healthy and keep it up .... Thank you!
4 ปีที่แล้ว +1
This is my problem with this "lockdown". Now stick with me here....... Imagine a 10ft by 10ft square. 6 inch walls all the way round... inside this 10ft square box you have channels leading too little tiny rooms with doors you can seal shut. Now imagine slowly filling that 10ft square box up with trickling water. The compartments would slowly fill up right. So if you then sealed the compartments that weren't touched by the water but carried on filling the box up, they would stay dry, but when you stopped pouring in the water..... though the compartments would remain dry while the doors were sealed, the water would STILL remain there. No matter if you waited 1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks or whatever. As soon as you open the doors, it would rush in. That is the same with this! We all lock ourselves away, hide, no work, no socializing, no nothing. When we all come back out, the virus will still be around..... it won't just suddenly go "Oh, all the people to infect have fucked off! I'll just cease too be", it is a load of bullshit.
1820: outbreak 1 1920: outbreak2 2020:outbreak 3 Look at the pattern every outbreak happens when the end number is 20 I think that really means something
I think you're a fear monger. And you mean pandemic, not outbreak. There have been plenty of pandemics that lasted for spans of years that did not include a year ending in 20. Don't waste your time trying to connect dots that aren't there.
Andy Stegner Medical care in Europe are comparable to the US. We made the mistake of starting quarantine too late here in Europe meanwhile we had the chinese model. Don’t make the same mistake.
This also includes those with weak immune systems. We have a Mayo Clinic here, the children’s hospital, cancer patients. People have to take this seriously.
Families live together in the US, too. Perhaps not in large cities where we are currently seeing our numbers, but in smaller towns. By area that is the majority of our country.
TTLt106 Jesus proves you wrong 👉 *BIBLE PROVES JESUS WAS A MUSLIM.* 👈 *LANGUAGE* 👍 Hebrew, Aramaic & Arabic share the same "root" language which is known as "common semetic"/ "dialect". Moses spoke; Hebrew Jesus spoke; Aramaic Muhammad spoke; Arabic The name for "God" is the same; MOSES - Hebrew- ELAH / ELOAH JESUS - Aramaic- ALAH / ALAHA MUHAMMAD - Arabic- ALLAH Abrahamic Greeting "Peace Be Upon You" MOSES- Hebrew- Shālôm ʻAlêḵem JESUS- Aramaic- Shlama Alekhun MUHAMMAD- Arabic- Salam Alekum In Hebrew, Jesus is; YESHUA In Aramaic, Jesus is; EASHUA in Arabic, Jesus is; EESA The letter "J" is NOT in the Hebrew alphabet. The Romans Latinized the His name from the Aramaic name "EASHUA" to JESUS to convert Him into a Roman. Then, they added "CHRIST" from the Greek language which means "MESSIAH" in Hebrew. What language do you speak❓ *LAWS;* Don't eat pork. 👍 Leviticus 11:7 And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. Leviticus 11:24 “‘You will make yourselves unclean by these; whoever touches their carcasses will be unclean till evening. Whoever picks up one of their carcasses must wash their clothes, and they will be unclean till evening. Leviticus 11:43 "Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Do not make yourselves unclean by means of them or be made unclean by them. I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves along the ground. I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy." Mathew 5:17-19 JESUS said; *"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (The Torah) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.* *For truly I tell you, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH DISAPPEAR (Judgement Day), not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (The Torah) until everything is accomplished.* *Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.* *Bible says if you eat pork or follow anyone who eats pork, you go to HELL!!!* Isaiah 66:17 "Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of PIGS, rats and other unclean things--they will meet their end together with the one they follow," declares the LORD. Matthew 5:20 JESUS said; *For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly NOT enter the kingdom of heaven.* *Look, JESUS says you have to be BETTER and MORE RIGHTEOUS than the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law.* *How can a Christian who doesn't follow the Laws be better than a Jew?* Matthew 19:16-17 *Now behold, one came and said to Him (Jesus), “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”* *So He (Jesus) said to him, “Why do you call Me (Jesus) good? No one is good but One, that is, God (Allah). BUT IF YOU WANT TO ENTER INTO LIFE, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS.* Do you eat pork❓ *CIRCUMCISION* 👍 Genesis 17:10-14 *THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS AFTER YOU, THE COVENANT YOU ARE TO KEEP: EVERY MALE AMONG YOU SHALL BE CIRCUMCISED. You are to undergo circumcision, and IT WILL BE THE SIGN OF THE COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND YOU. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner-those who are not your offspring. Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”* Luke 2:21 On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named JESUS, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived. Are you circumcised❓ *FASTING* 👍 Matthew 4:2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, He (JESUS) was hungry. Matthew 6:16 JESUS said; "When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. Do you fast❓ *ABLUTION* 👍 *and Moses and Aaron and his sons used it to wash their hands and feet. They washed whenever they entered the tent of meeting or approached the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses.* Exodus 40:31-32 *Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped:* then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat. 2 Samuel 12:20 Do you preform ablution ❓ *PRAYER* 👍 THE JEWS HAVE A FORM OF WORSHIP. Matthew 26:39 “He (JESUS) went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed to God (ALLAH). Genesis 17:3 “Then ABRAHAM fell on his face, and prayed to God (ALLAH) (talked with him.") Numbers 20:6 “So MOSES and AARON went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and they fell on their faces and prayed to God (ALLAH). Joshua 5:14 Then JOSHUA fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and prayed to God (ALLAH) Do you pray the same❓ JESUS CONFIRMS HE IS A MUSLIM IN ORIGINAL ARAMAIC GOSPEL; Luke 6:40 - In ARAMAIC JESUS said; "Ein talmeed na'leh 'al rabbo; shekken kal adam she'MUSHLAM yihyeh k'rabbo." Translation in English: "No student can be above his teacher, but everyone that is a MUSLIM, can be as his teacher." IF JESUS CAME TO THE JEWS, THEY WOULD REJECT HIM. IF JESUS CAME TO THE MUSLIMS WE WOULD ACCEPT HIM BECAUSE HE IS A MUSLIM. MUSLIMS SPEAK THE CLOSEST DIALECT TO JESUS. MUSLIMS FOLLOW THE LAWS JESUS FOLLOWED. MUSLIMS PRAY EXACTLY LIKE JESUS. MUSLIMS BELIEVE JESUS IS THE MESSIAH. IF JESUS WENT TO THE CHRISTIANS, HE WOULDN'T FEEL COMFORTABLE. HE DOSNT SPEAK ENGLISH, HE DOSNT EAT PORK AND HIS FORM OF WORSHIP IS DIFFERENT. AND IF THATS NOT ENOUGH, THEY DONT EVEN KNOW HIS NAME. THE CHRISTIANS WOULD HAVE TO TEACH JESUS ENGLISH AND CHRISTIAN FORM OF WORSHIP. THEN THE CHRISTIANS WOULD FORCE FEED JESUS PORK. WHY WOULD JESUS WANT TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THAT?
TTLt106 Jesus proves you wrong *JESUS PRAYED LIKE A MUSLIM* Matthew 26:39 *“He (JESUS) went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed to God (ALLAH).* 👍 th-cam.com/video/zVzD1JlRaGI/w-d-xo.html This is how JEWS and MUSLIMS pray as taught by father Abraham. This is how JESUS (Jews) prayed.
TTLt106 Jesus proves you wrong *THE LAST NINE WORDS OF JESUS IN ARAMAIC* th-cam.com/video/WqNdAdHd330/w-d-xo.html *Elahi, Elahi lama sabachthani* 👍 *(Elah = God, I = My)* My God My God why have YOU forsaken ME. (i) אלה ישׂראל *(Elah Yisrael),* God of Israel (Ezra 5:1) (ii) אלה ירושׁלם *(Elah Yerushelem),* God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19) (iii) אלה שׁמיא *(Elah Shemaya),* God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23) (iv) אלה אבהתי *(Elah-avahati),* God of my fathers, (Daniel 2:23) (v) אלה אלהין *(Elah Elahin),* God of gods (Daniel 2:47) (vi) אלה *(Elah)* Deut. 32:15; 2 Chr. 32:15; Neh. 9:17; Ezr. 5:1, 11; 6:14; 7:12, 19, 21, 23; Dan. 2:18, 23, 28, 37, 44f, 47; 3:15, 28f; 6:8, 13.
@@hootarosetagaya5570 America has some of the best hospitals, but there is no "system" of which to speak. It will be a major disaster here, especially in NYC. Those hospitals have already been shockingly overcrowded for years.
People aren't staying home. We are congregating at the grocery stores, drug stores, discounted stores like Costco, Sams Club, Walmart, Target, Dollar Trees, etc, etc. I went to Wholefood today and it looked like to me the entire world was there. I had never seen such a crowded Wholefood in my entire life, not even during Christmas shopping. Many of us probably were already exposed to the virus today at Wholefood. We were rubbing shoulders at the narrow aisles filled with shoppers and restocking staff and their pallets. We were breathing in each other's breath. The irony for me is, I took the chance to go there to only get a gallon of milk, a box of cereal and a bottle of juice, just because Amazon Fresh that I had been relying on for so many weeks, had stopped delivery and order processing now. It wasn't easy to get in and out fast due to the long lines at checkout and the longer navigation time to get to the few items due to the crowd. I tried to spend the least time in the store as much as I could, but it was still much too long than I normally did. Why can't we shop normally like before so as to keep the store spacious and airy like before and the checkout time short like before..? We are just helping to spread the virus, not fighting it. Amazon Fresh needs to fix its system because I surely don't want to go to the store to get another gallon of milk next week. But then if I got infected today, I would be hooked up to the IV and I wouldn't need to go to the store to buy milk anymore. Instead of only obsessing about testinig, right now, people need to calm down and go back to shopping normally. There is no cure. The only treatment is to wait and deal with the symptoms as they arise. The less crowded the grocery stores are, the less infectied cases will be created. Testing isn't going to stop the crowd at the grocery stores everyday when people are dead set on flling up every inch of their yard, basement and garage. will it? We need to help our elderly relatives and neighbors shop for groceries and leave them at their doors. Tell them not to get to the grocery stores. I saw so many old pepole there in the store today. They shouldn't be there.
My mom died from a mysterious pneumonia that struck her all of a sudden on Thanksgiving 2019. The doctors said it was the flu but now I'm not really sure because the whole family got flu shots and still got sick.
Isaiah 26 Come, My people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, and will no more cover her slain. Obviously everyone loves life and afraid to die! But why would you want to die when you have a chance to live? Religions, governments, science, and media have already told you what they think about this worldwide catastrophe. Now, listen to the prophecies in the words of God about the future of this world. The words of God is not a made-up-Book; Jewish prophets wrote them. The country Israel is fighting for their existence so that they can tell the world that the Lord God is real. They met the Lord God face to face. It is written in the prophecy that this world will be destroyed with the broom of destruction and replace it with the Kingdom of God where the people will live in it for an everlasting life without suffering, sickness, and death but only joy and peace, mansions are free, natural food grow abundantly everywhere even without farmers, mothers will not suffer sleepless nights from taking care of their newborn babies; infants will grow up into young children in just a few days, children will long enjoy their childhood life for a hundred years before they turn into teenagers, sun will give its lights as the seven days but sweet to the eyes to look upon, and streets are filled with aged people with young looks. If you want to be a part of the Kingdom of God, then, please, listen: This is Gabriel, an angel of the Lord. The Lord Jesus sent me in this last day to speak to the inhabitants of the world to repent from living sinful life while there is still a time. The Lord God is holy and no unholy people can enter His Kingdom! The Lord God sent His servant Moses to teach on how a worldly and pagan man can become holy as the Lord God. The Lord God also sent His Son the Lord Jesus to teach on how a holy man can become perfect. He taught the Jews to obey the Law of Moses with love and mercy for their brothers. It is not hard to live holy life if you only love life. If you can go to school for many years in order to get financially stable though it is only a temporal life, will you not do it for everlasting peace, joy, and prosperity? Living holy life means abstaining from all worldly conducts and religious beliefs and teachings, like Abraham who separated himself and his people from the rest of the world. Today, if you hear the voice of God, then open the Books of the Law of Moses, read, and obey them with humble heart, have faith in the Lord Jesus, fear the Lord God, and love the poor and the sick and help them without fear. They are your righteous deeds that will save you from the end-time destruction, death, and hell sentence! Psalms 50 Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver: Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who ORDER HIS CONDUCT ARIGHT I will show the salvation of God. Jeremiah 6:19 Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people- The fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My Law, but rejected it. We, children of Zion, are in the process of building Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, that will teach the righteous life based on the Law, Prophets, and Testimony of the Lord Jesus free of charge. Righteousness of God stops the sins from the mind and heart before acting them. Mount Zion is the place where the Lord Jesus shall arrive and reign on His people. If you want to donate from the heart for the establishment of Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, with the temple, please contact Us. Obadiah 1:17 But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. The Spirit and the bride, Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem Church of the Firstborn
I have not been outside since October 12 when I had a appointment with the doctor and probably will leave the house one more time in 2020 late. I am crippled and can not move much. If I get this virus I will probably die.
Trajectory of Coivd-19 cases: major countries Very sharp increase (doubling every 2 days): China, Korea, Italy, Iran, Spain Sharp increase (doubling every 2.5 days): France, Germany Moderate increase (doubling every 3 days): US, UK Slow/flattened increase (doubling every 10 days): Japan Tests performed per million: Italy: 1421 UK: 451 France: 99 Japan: 81 NZ: 71 US: 42 Canada: n/a Germany: n/a (as of 13 May) Source: ourworldindata.org
It's really sad to see doctors and nurses get sick and die from this virus. You spend your life 8-10 years studying your medical profession, then suddenly you'll die from this virus within a month or week.
I believe her math is off. At least from what other sources are reporting. They are saying there has been a 29-34% daily increase in cases in every other country and she said every week the cases double. At her rate that's only a 10% daily increase 🤔
The rapid rate of spread could be showing that we are wrong about the mode of transmission. It is possible that the virus is transmitted more by air than we are currently thinking. 👀👀👀
Corona was a huge issue in China, Japan and Korea since January and February. I think Europe had enough time to prevent this disaster. Southern Europe already lost the golden time for control the virus...
Europe has paid too high a price for globalisation and large scale immigration. We have made ourselves vulnerable to external diseases, conflicts and terrorism that we are not culturally used to or ready to deal with.
A main issue is travel.. they shut down travel out of the US but they should have cut travel out of states period a month ago.. most these new cases popping up here in area that didn’t have any are from people traveling out of state and picking it up somewhere else.. people can’t afford to stay home and not work.. Lots aren’t taking things seriously and just keep traveling.. shut down traveling out of state now!
And people thought 2019 was the worst year.
Umbuko DaJuko It was not the worst year though
2010s in general was the worst decade.
Virus started in December 2019,but the Chines government hide the ttuth and its too late now. spread everywhere.Lord have mercy on us
Vishrut Bhanot 2019 was still the worst year 2020 was bad because of a virus and other things but that’s it
2020 said "Here, hold my Corona."
2020 goal- Try to survive
This is 20/20, the long running tv show btw
Hunger games
This is awesome
Sounds cool
crazy 2020. Iran usa,kobe death, coronavirus .and it’s just the start of the year .
Eventually everyone wil be elderly people, think about that if you were treated this way.
Andrew yang!? Oh no Alan wang. False alarm guys.
in what way? Everyone is receiving the care they need, unfortunately we didn't close our borders in time and that was stupid.
So true I recently lost my father and just have my mom. She has type 2 I'm doing what I can to protect her she's all I have.
@@jamesmiller4515 Andrew Wang. Yang's sidekick
Our seniors are everything. They were there for us thought our life. 🥺🙏
2020: we will have flying car
Reality: everyone is fighting for toilet paper😂
Watch: Pornstars and Coronavirus (COVID-19)
You have to have at least 100 rolls of paper to cure the virus. It's a strong bug.
Hi im sorry but why all of them buying a toilet paper toiletbpaper is not helping u can wash your hand and buy alcohol hayss think people think
Keep yourself from coronavirus th-cam.com/video/1mhrzhgofTs/w-d-xo.html
Use water instead
My heart and prayer go out to all those people that are dying 🙏🙏🙏
My thoughts are with those who will struggle to survive and those who have made it into a better afterlife because of the pandemic.
im dying
F1ck your prayers! God doesn't exist. Prayers don't work. Period.
@@walkersmith2791 may peace be upon you sir
1920s: roaring twenties
2020s: coughing twenties
Viliam Kocák that’s BRILLIANT!!
they did have have the 1918 Flu pandemic which is much worse than this
You know how it goes; If you don't cough, you don't get off 💨
Ryan Rigsby exactly... the 1918 pandemic was literally the largest pandemic in modern times and it killed more people than the war. It diminished like 1/3 the worlds population and the craziest part was it effected younger people 20s-40s the most. This pandemic will pale in comparison, as long as the proper precautions are taken. I had to distance my self from my family, they don’t like it but it’s what needs to happen. My mom is in her 60s and lives with my grandfather in his 80s. You might not even know your sick when you are in your 20s like me and I have a 3 yr old walking Petri dish for a son. He catches anything and everything and although he may not get super sick from it my older family members could easily die from it. Hopefully we never see another pandemic in our lifetime like this
Europe: on lockdown
My teacher: EvERyOne write the homework and put it on messenger..
Andrej Nikolov amzn.to/38YO49f protect yourself!
In the Bhagavad-gītā Lord Krishna says that success in any undertaking depends on five factors: the place; the doer; one’s various senses, like the eye and ear; the different kinds of endeavor; and finally daiva. Daiva may be taken to mean destiny or fate, which is another way of saying one’s karma. And finally it refers to the hand of the Supreme, the divine controller of all time and events. The ignorant person who imagines “Success depends only on me” cannot, Krishna says, see things as they are. The race cannot always be to the swift, the battle always to the strong, because time and events lie beyond our control. Behind all events are the workings of karma, of destiny, and behind the workings of destiny, behind time itself, is the original cause of everything, the divine will of the Supreme.
From Vanity Karma (page 203)
Teachers are the worse we all gonna die and all of them saying do your homework like wtf stop being a stupid teacher
I don’t think the USA is doing enough. There not taking this seriously
We need to stop travel between state lines and cities. Keep the food and necessary supplies shipping but NO ONE should be traveling for meetings, visiting friends/family, recreation, or vacation. We need to enforce quarantines of especially hot zones and high risk individuals while also supplying them with food and economic relief. We need to start mass producing masks and other personal protective equipment immediately and have a plan to get them to everyone.. No one should be in public without a mask minimally.
Enough of these "suggestions" and "voluntary quarantines" that never work. It's not enough.
@Asunda Speed my doctor gave me vitamin D3 and D2 like 2 months ago so i could take them for 3 months because my system was sooo down.
We need martial law I cannot stress this enough people need to stay home
Common- My strategy is to stay out of the public, and wait until the warm weather arrives, which will be 2 or 3 weeks. The heat is the only thing that will save us and stop this virus. Then when winter rolls back around, maybe we'll be better prepared to fight it. This virus caught everyone in the world by surprise. It caught us with our pants down.
Look at what my fucked up country sweden is doing! They want us all to get The virus
I really thought 2020 was gonna be better. Stay safe everyone:(
Taj Mahal is closed now coz of foreign tourists who are bringing COVID19 in INDIA .
School,Malls, Cinema hall,gyms are closed till 31 march
I think, they will increase the time of the lock down of these things as we get close to 31st March.
F’ing Ivanka brought the Plague with her to India!!!
India will have so many cases because of there 1 billion people population.
your neighbor is china
@@spitfire3797 nope bro there is only 88 cases found of virus
And 12 were recovered
So there is only 76 infected
In only 3 weeks
Pray for world 🙏😇 God bless you all... stay strong 😇
Normal people: stays at home
Coronavirus infected people: We’re going on a trip in our favourite rocket ship....
Dont get mad, I acknowledge the sensitivity of this situation
,😂😂😂😂😂so true
Ruben Pereira amzn.to/38YO49f protect yourself!
@@sahilsomsagar9870 old joke
@@anonymoususer8036 nah people are still travelling 😁😂😂😂😂seriously
This is a really trying time guys. I wish you come out of this soon. Don't loose heart and spirit. Like everything this too shall pass. Just standby and stay safe.
Even for those that do catch it the mortality rate is 4%, so don't be over dramatic dumbass.
@@mohammadwasilliterate8037 4% is the average, if you only count the cases where there is an outcome you get 6% and that is still the average it is about 16% to 21% for older people.
This aged poorly
And some people still say it is just a bad flu
Technically is 10x more deadlier BUT in china suddenly stoped they have 20 cases a day in they huge population so we can hope it will be the same in europe in a month or two
@@ivaylosavov3760 By now China was to be projected with 2 million cases by now.
JaCk MeOff Dont compare it to China. Their extreme forces on people suspecting to be coronavirus positive were/are much greater and intense than Western countries. This would last much much longer in the US than China.
Samuel Mbengu i am Chinese, and I don’t trust their number
Italy- You are in my thoughts during this difficult time. My heart goes out to all affected by this virus. We are awaiting here in the US. My advice-STAY HOME!!!
Hi Candace, thank you for the support❤️
I didn't take your advice and I was fine.
If Italy has leading Health system and failing then we all know America going to let us down. "GodSpeed"
Well you still have fema camps with incinerators. Stay strong
@@user-hs6uw9lr2v but the quarantine is working in Italy. We were late in the early stage of the pandemic though, you're right
@@user-hs6uw9lr2v I agree.
송송송파를 there are a massive percente of elders here. Plus we can’t adopt your system because in Europe there are privacy and freedom laws. I don’t know if you understood what I’m saying. Btw the first case here in Italy was German. Not even Chinese.
@@ariannapomella7456 I'm not racist. I just know America will do much worse than Italy. America's party hasn't even begun.
WHO is little too late to give us serious warnings.
Yun Fu No. they talked it down when it was in China before the explode in Europe. Which had lead the world guard down for some time. I have been following this months ago.
Yun Fu BS they should just tell us the truth from China. Please stop your BS. Who are you?
Not really, if you did your due diligence you would have known.
Warrior Tder Europe needs to listen!! They are America’s ally and we desperately need them to get on board as we are trying.
Warrior Tder I’ve been following this for months also. Europe must step up their game.
God bless doctors 🤲🤲
There are so many people brushing this off like it’s the common cold or something
it is a regular virus, not more n not less.... Funny, the new does not mention it, older people die because the immune system is weak. Even young people die because over stretching themself from the civilization pressure. How about drug overdose...
Leo Horse that’s not true
@Dark Abyss yes and no.
Always orderly people suffering more. Age over 65-70 immune system is weaken from the younger age n that is normal. Also after age 70's every days are souvenir. But we don't need extra circus from the governments n the media. Find the solution and move on...
Life is very simple...
We reproducing ourselves.
One day I die as well and the best think in this, I won't remember for one nothink's after when my ass is burning into gas chamber. LOL.
No baggages.
The video segment that you say "South Korea" is not "south Korea" but "Taiwan." at 1:50 min.
Americans don't know the difference I guess 🙄
Leave it to the media to lie
Plz guys all start to pray pray nd let this corono virus go out from this world.. nd let this people get well soon.
Cz they did not stay alert in the beginning 🙄
Everyone loves Italy. The number 1 country Americans want to visit.
Nurses save lives 👍❤️
J Mich paramedics too
If the leaders of WHO notified every country of the seriousness of the coronavirus and urged every country to take precotions when the coronavious broke out in China in January, hundreds of thousands of virus infected should have been saved. Those current leaders of WHO should take the responsibility and resigned at this moment so that the appropriate officials can replace them and protect millions of people from being infected.
but i think 50.000 people will be dead
Hope humanity survives ,
Love , from Antarctica :)
Probably lab-engineered from Antarctica. A place no one would ever bother to question.
I'm just a tech support at the weather station here lol.
I'll move to Antarctica then. No coronavirus there.
Plague Inc. gone too far
For those who don't know, grain mixed with water, disinfecting works ..... Your well-being is important to me, stay healthy and keep it up .... Thank you!
This is my problem with this "lockdown".
Now stick with me here.......
Imagine a 10ft by 10ft square.
6 inch walls all the way round... inside this 10ft square box you have channels leading too little tiny rooms with doors you can seal shut.
Now imagine slowly filling that 10ft square box up with trickling water.
The compartments would slowly fill up right.
So if you then sealed the compartments that weren't touched by the water but carried on filling the box up, they would stay dry, but when you stopped pouring in the water..... though the compartments would remain dry while the doors were sealed, the water would STILL remain there. No matter if you waited 1 week, 4 weeks, 8 weeks or whatever.
As soon as you open the doors, it would rush in.
That is the same with this! We all lock ourselves away, hide, no work, no socializing, no nothing.
When we all come back out, the virus will still be around..... it won't just suddenly go "Oh, all the people to infect have fucked off! I'll just cease too be", it is a load of bullshit.
Dr Fauchi is too busy being polite to come out and be direct and honest
2:11 *So your gunna pay my bills?*
I believe in the name of the Lord Jesus everything will disappear in an instant, I believe in all His miracles.Amen🙏
This won't dissappear and certainly not in an instant
1820: outbreak 1
1920: outbreak2
2020:outbreak 3
Look at the pattern every outbreak happens when the end number is 20 I think that really means something
Mr. Drop Nob Aussie carrot .20+20+20=60 2060🤔 outbreak 4 .?
I think you're a fear monger. And you mean pandemic, not outbreak.
There have been plenty of pandemics that lasted for spans of years that did not include a year ending in 20. Don't waste your time trying to connect dots that aren't there.
Spanish flu was in 1918 not 1920 idiot
Prayers for Europe
I dare all the girls to take cool whip pies to the face and put the video on youtube!!
We also have generations of families living together. Alot of kids being raised by grandpartents too. Hurry get millitary running now!!!!
Im stuck at home in Madrid now, stay safe
Miguel Alves 👍
Why isn’t the cities/counties closing down all the beaches?
Using stats that are 6 and 8 years old comparing # of doctors vs population?!? Come on ABC, that's just sloppy journalism
Andy Stegner Medical care in Europe are comparable to the US. We made the mistake of starting quarantine too late here in Europe meanwhile we had the chinese model. Don’t make the same mistake.
Great video, keep it up!
This also includes those with weak immune systems. We have a Mayo Clinic here, the children’s hospital, cancer patients. People have to take this seriously.
Awwww I feel bad but…
Stay strong!
A more realistic analysis/standpoint from ABC.
Nice report .
Families live together in the US, too. Perhaps not in large cities where we are currently seeing our numbers, but in smaller towns. By area that is the majority of our country.
Exactly, and there are a lot of singles in italian large cities...
The world might be ending, but at least no taxes!
Cheer up, taxes and bills have been freezed in Italy, other countries will follow
God please heal around the world from Philippines 🙏🇵🇭🌍
Plauge inc. straight up.
*No hope for Pope.*
Jesus proves you wrong
Hebrew, Aramaic & Arabic share the same "root" language which is known as "common semetic"/ "dialect".
Moses spoke; Hebrew
Jesus spoke; Aramaic
Muhammad spoke; Arabic
The name for "God" is the same;
Abrahamic Greeting "Peace Be Upon You"
MOSES- Hebrew- Shālôm ʻAlêḵem
JESUS- Aramaic- Shlama Alekhun
MUHAMMAD- Arabic- Salam Alekum
In Hebrew, Jesus is; YESHUA
In Aramaic, Jesus is; EASHUA
in Arabic, Jesus is; EESA
The letter "J" is NOT in the Hebrew alphabet.
The Romans Latinized the His name from the Aramaic name "EASHUA" to JESUS to convert Him into a Roman.
Then, they added "CHRIST" from the Greek language which means "MESSIAH" in Hebrew.
What language do you speak❓
*LAWS;* Don't eat pork. 👍
Leviticus 11:7
And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.
Leviticus 11:24
“‘You will make yourselves unclean by these; whoever touches their carcasses will be unclean till evening. Whoever picks up one of their carcasses must wash their clothes, and they will be unclean till evening.
Leviticus 11:43
"Do not defile yourselves by any of these creatures. Do not make yourselves unclean by means of them or be made unclean by them. I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy. Do not make yourselves unclean by any creature that moves along the ground. I am the Lord, who brought you up out of Egypt to be your God; therefore be holy, because I am holy."
Mathew 5:17-19
JESUS said;
*"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law (The Torah) or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.*
*For truly I tell you, UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH DISAPPEAR (Judgement Day), not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law (The Torah) until everything is accomplished.*
*Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven.*
*Bible says if you eat pork or follow anyone who eats pork, you go to HELL!!!*
Isaiah 66:17
"Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of PIGS, rats and other unclean things--they will meet their end together with the one they follow," declares the LORD.
Matthew 5:20
JESUS said;
*For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly NOT enter the kingdom of heaven.*
*Look, JESUS says you have to be BETTER and MORE RIGHTEOUS than the Pharisees and the teachers of the Law.*
*How can a Christian who doesn't follow the Laws be better than a Jew?*
Matthew 19:16-17
*Now behold, one came and said to Him (Jesus), “Good Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may have eternal life?”*
*So He (Jesus) said to him, “Why do you call Me (Jesus) good? No one is good but One, that is, God (Allah). BUT IF YOU WANT TO ENTER INTO LIFE, KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS.*
Do you eat pork❓
Genesis 17:10-14
*THIS IS MY COVENANT WITH YOU AND YOUR DESCENDANTS AFTER YOU, THE COVENANT YOU ARE TO KEEP: EVERY MALE AMONG YOU SHALL BE CIRCUMCISED. You are to undergo circumcision, and IT WILL BE THE SIGN OF THE COVENANT BETWEEN ME AND YOU. For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised, including those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner-those who are not your offspring. Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be an everlasting covenant. Any uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from his people; he has broken my covenant.”*
Luke 2:21
On the eighth day, when it was time to circumcise the child, he was named JESUS, the name the angel had given him before he was conceived.
Are you circumcised❓
Matthew 4:2
After fasting forty days and forty nights, He (JESUS) was hungry.
Matthew 6:16
JESUS said;
"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.
Do you fast❓
*and Moses and Aaron and his sons used it to wash their hands and feet. They washed whenever they entered the tent of meeting or approached the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses.*
Exodus 40:31-32
*Then David arose from the earth, and washed, and anointed himself, and changed his apparel, and came into the house of the Lord, and worshipped:* then he came to his own house; and when he required, they set bread before him, and he did eat.
2 Samuel 12:20
Do you preform ablution ❓
Matthew 26:39 “He (JESUS) went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed to God (ALLAH).
Genesis 17:3 “Then ABRAHAM fell on his face, and prayed to God (ALLAH) (talked with him.")
Numbers 20:6 “So MOSES and AARON went from the presence of the assembly to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and they fell on their faces and prayed to God (ALLAH).
Joshua 5:14
Then JOSHUA fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and prayed to God (ALLAH)
Do you pray the same❓
Luke 6:40 - In ARAMAIC
JESUS said;
"Ein talmeed na'leh 'al rabbo; shekken kal adam she'MUSHLAM yihyeh k'rabbo."
Translation in English: "No student can be above his teacher, but everyone that is a MUSLIM, can be as his teacher."
Jesus proves you wrong
Matthew 26:39 *“He (JESUS) went a little farther and fell on His face, and prayed to God (ALLAH).* 👍
This is how JEWS and MUSLIMS pray as taught by father Abraham.
This is how JESUS (Jews) prayed.
Jesus proves you wrong
*Elahi, Elahi lama sabachthani* 👍
*(Elah = God, I = My)*
My God My God why have YOU forsaken ME.
(i) אלה ישׂראל *(Elah Yisrael),* God of Israel
(Ezra 5:1)
(ii) אלה ירושׁלם *(Elah Yerushelem),* God of Jerusalem (Ezra 7:19)
(iii) אלה שׁמיא *(Elah Shemaya),* God of Heaven (Ezra 7:23)
(iv) אלה אבהתי *(Elah-avahati),* God of my fathers, (Daniel 2:23)
(v) אלה אלהין *(Elah Elahin),* God of gods (Daniel 2:47)
(vi) אלה *(Elah)*
Deut. 32:15; 2 Chr. 32:15; Neh. 9:17; Ezr. 5:1, 11; 6:14; 7:12, 19, 21, 23; Dan. 2:18, 23, 28, 37, 44f, 47; 3:15, 28f; 6:8, 13.
that's terrible...
atleast mankind is talking about survive rather than wars
Omg bro this was trauma.I remember wondering if Covid would ever end.
Hopefully get safely
We should stay positive in those hard times guys!!! Look at those lifeguards that are real role-models th-cam.com/video/20gdjVKRIeU/w-d-xo.html
Italy's healthcare system is not the best at all. Not even close.
It's terrible
Japanese one is the best. hehehe.
From Tokyo
@@hootarosetagaya5570 America has some of the best hospitals, but there is no "system" of which to speak. It will be a major disaster here, especially in NYC. Those hospitals have already been shockingly overcrowded for years.
We, Japanese, have some of the best hospitals, too.
Bernie 2024
Germany number 1 they have the lowest number of deaths in relation to infections
if y'all come out to your local mall I think 3 stores are still open
One of them sells the coronavirus
the ro .. infection rate from 1 person is 6.6 ... and thats the low estimate ... and thats really really bad
People aren't staying home. We are congregating at the grocery stores, drug stores, discounted stores like Costco, Sams Club, Walmart, Target, Dollar Trees, etc, etc. I went to Wholefood today and it looked like to me the entire world was there. I had never seen such a crowded Wholefood in my entire life, not even during Christmas shopping. Many of us probably were already exposed to the virus today at Wholefood. We were rubbing shoulders at the narrow aisles filled with shoppers and restocking staff and their pallets. We were breathing in each other's breath. The irony for me is, I took the chance to go there to only get a gallon of milk, a box of cereal and a bottle of juice, just because Amazon Fresh that I had been relying on for so many weeks, had stopped delivery and order processing now. It wasn't easy to get in and out fast due to the long lines at checkout and the longer navigation time to get to the few items due to the crowd. I tried to spend the least time in the store as much as I could, but it was still much too long than I normally did. Why can't we shop normally like before so as to keep the store spacious and airy like before and the checkout time short like before..? We are just helping to spread the virus, not fighting it. Amazon Fresh needs to fix its system because I surely don't want to go to the store to get another gallon of milk next week. But then if I got infected today, I would be hooked up to the IV and I wouldn't need to go to the store to buy milk anymore. Instead of only obsessing about testinig, right now, people need to calm down and go back to shopping normally. There is no cure. The only treatment is to wait and deal with the symptoms as they arise. The less crowded the grocery stores are, the less infectied cases will be created. Testing isn't going to stop the crowd at the grocery stores everyday when people are dead set on flling up every inch of their yard, basement and garage. will it?
We need to help our elderly relatives and neighbors shop for groceries and leave them at their doors. Tell them not to get to the grocery stores. I saw so many old pepole there in the store today. They shouldn't be there.
My mom died from a mysterious pneumonia that struck her all of a sudden on Thanksgiving 2019. The doctors said it was the flu but now I'm not really sure because the whole family got flu shots and still got sick.
Hold on, ABC. You mention South Korea in 1:50 but show Taiwanese personnel instead. How misleading.
Bring it
Isaiah 26
Come, My people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; Hide yourself, as it were, for a little moment, until the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity; The earth will also disclose her blood, and will no more cover her slain.
Obviously everyone loves life and afraid to die!
But why would you want to die when you have a chance to live? Religions, governments, science, and media have already told you what they think about this worldwide catastrophe. Now, listen to the prophecies in the words of God about the future of this world. The words of God is not a made-up-Book; Jewish prophets wrote them. The country Israel is fighting for their existence so that they can tell the world that the Lord God is real. They met the Lord God face to face. It is written in the prophecy that this world will be destroyed with the broom of destruction and replace it with the Kingdom of God where the people will live in it for an everlasting life without suffering, sickness, and death but only joy and peace, mansions are free, natural food grow abundantly everywhere even without farmers, mothers will not suffer sleepless nights from taking care of their newborn babies; infants will grow up into young children in just a few days, children will long enjoy their childhood life for a hundred years before they turn into teenagers, sun will give its lights as the seven days but sweet to the eyes to look upon, and streets are filled with aged people with young looks.
If you want to be a part of the Kingdom of God, then, please, listen: This is Gabriel, an angel of the Lord. The Lord Jesus sent me in this last day to speak to the inhabitants of the world to repent from living sinful life while there is still a time. The Lord God is holy and no unholy people can enter His Kingdom! The Lord God sent His servant Moses to teach on how a worldly and pagan man can become holy as the Lord God. The Lord God also sent His Son the Lord Jesus to teach on how a holy man can become perfect. He taught the Jews to obey the Law of Moses with love and mercy for their brothers. It is not hard to live holy life if you only love life. If you can go to school for many years in order to get financially stable though it is only a temporal life, will you not do it for everlasting peace, joy, and prosperity? Living holy life means abstaining from all worldly conducts and religious beliefs and teachings, like Abraham who separated himself and his people from the rest of the world. Today, if you hear the voice of God, then open the Books of the Law of Moses, read, and obey them with humble heart, have faith in the Lord Jesus, fear the Lord God, and love the poor and the sick and help them without fear. They are your righteous deeds that will save you from the end-time destruction, death, and hell sentence!
Psalms 50
Now consider this, you who forget God, lest I tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver: Whoever offers praise glorifies Me; And to him who ORDER HIS CONDUCT ARIGHT I will show the salvation of God.
Jeremiah 6:19
Hear, O earth! Behold, I will certainly bring calamity on this people- The fruit of their thoughts, because they have not heeded My words nor My Law, but rejected it.
We, children of Zion, are in the process of building Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, that will teach the righteous life based on the Law, Prophets, and Testimony of the Lord Jesus free of charge. Righteousness of God stops the sins from the mind and heart before acting them. Mount Zion is the place where the Lord Jesus shall arrive and reign on His people. If you want to donate from the heart for the establishment of Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem, with the temple, please contact Us.
Obadiah 1:17
But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
The Spirit and the bride,
Mount Zion, the Heavenly Jerusalem
Church of the Firstborn
How long has everyone been locked inside? I haven't been out since March 9th
I can’t from the 22 of February
And I’m italian😓
I have to work here in norway..
I have not been outside since October 12 when I had a appointment with the doctor and probably will leave the house one more time in 2020 late. I am crippled and can not move much. If I get this virus I will probably die.
@@johngreen3543 Jeez man, how old r ya
Trajectory of Coivd-19 cases: major countries
Very sharp increase (doubling every 2 days): China, Korea, Italy, Iran, Spain
Sharp increase (doubling every 2.5 days): France, Germany
Moderate increase (doubling every 3 days): US, UK
Slow/flattened increase (doubling every 10 days): Japan
Tests performed per million:
Italy: 1421
UK: 451
France: 99
Japan: 81
NZ: 71
US: 42
Canada: n/a
Germany: n/a
(as of 13 May) Source: ourworldindata.org
DadeReamer The US isn’t doing what we should be doing in terms of testing. It is going to hurt us not help us.
It's the matter of life and death, stay at home and be dicipline. Don't abuse your freedom.
Plz get more nurse nd doctor to ur country to treat them....
Dr Vinay Kumar 🙏
I don’t want to see the economic outcome of this
"Queda't a casa" at the start of the video is Catalan.
It's really sad to see doctors and nurses get sick and die from this virus. You spend your life 8-10 years studying your medical profession, then suddenly you'll die from this virus within a month or week.
So Sad. Nobody Honest and admitting it kills all ages young and healthy!! 😷
I have bronchiectasis..am i prone of getting coronavirus
Guess who has coronavirus? ME
Guess who's still going out? ME
Guess who’s a douche? YOU lol
God safe the people please 😔😔😔
very sad...
I believe her math is off. At least from what other sources are reporting. They are saying there has been a 29-34% daily increase in cases in every other country and she said every week the cases double. At her rate that's only a 10% daily increase 🤔
The clip @1:50 is originated from Taiwan, not South Korea.
sliu723 그래
Stop the world I want to get off.
The rapid rate of spread could be showing that we are wrong about the mode of transmission. It is possible that the virus is transmitted more by air than we are currently thinking. 👀👀👀
It is transmitted through the air via droplets.
Italy had 368 deaths in 24H yesterday
And yet they are sitting in a networking station with no gloves or masks... where is their level of precaution?! FOH
Corona was a huge issue in China, Japan and Korea since January and February. I think Europe had enough time to prevent this disaster. Southern Europe already lost the golden time for control the virus...
February : All asians have corona virus!
March : Pray for italy🙏
they spent whole golden time discriminating asians
Listen we as people need to take action not the government.Put your lives into your own hands and take precautionary measures.
People need to live in their Jobsite, so little contact with other people
This is why they need to issue a mandatory national quarantine right now...what are they waiting for..
I pity the health care providers.
I understand, and I too agree, and the United States of America should as well, as all others, God speed and bless amen. 🇺🇳🇺🇸🇦🇹🇬🇧🏳️🌈🇺🇸🇻🇮🇻🇦🇮🇹🇺🇳
Scary stuff
What does lockdown mean?
So you are not allowed to leave house without permission. All non essential shops, theaters, schools will be closed. Public gatherings are prohibited.
I was walking my dog and I saw a french car and I immediately stop breathing.
Use your pension and retirement statements as toilet paper
0:50 ow look it’s the guy who can’t stop congratulating China
Europe has paid too high a price for globalisation and large scale immigration. We have made ourselves vulnerable to external diseases, conflicts and terrorism that we are not culturally used to or ready to deal with.
we will go down in history stay well all
What do people with dialysis do on lockdown?
Wish England was on a full lockdown
A main issue is travel.. they shut down travel out of the US but they should have cut travel out of states period a month ago.. most these new cases popping up here in area that didn’t have any are from people traveling out of state and picking it up somewhere else.. people can’t afford to stay home and not work.. Lots aren’t taking things seriously and just keep traveling.. shut down traveling out of state now!
Yo 2020 horrible first Kobe pop now this smh
What the f😨😨😨