How To Be An Extra (and not make everyone's lives annoying and miserable)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 76

  • @Salted_Fysh
    @Salted_Fysh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +179

    Vid is a bit old but here's some tips:
    1. When the AD goes out of their way to tell you that no photos are allowed and they don't want to see phones on the set, just listen. It saves everyone a lot of time and stress and keeps people happy.
    2. You already covered this a bit, but listen to directions and if the AD goes out of their way to explain the scene set-up to you, try to think on your feet. Take note of the camera locations, the actors pathing and general happenings and try to adjust your route and behavior to fit the scene. Rehearsals are your time to test things out. If it's wrong, somebody will tell you.
    3. Try to remember where you started, what you did and when you did it. Useful indicators are things like the actors doing certain actions or something like a particularly noticeable car passing by. You can use other extras as markers as well. If it's not too much of a mental strain, you can also count the timings in your head. All of this helps the crew get the shot they want and helps the editors edit.
    4. If you're given historical costumes, don't drop food on them and don't sit on the ground. Please?
    5. Bring a book. Extra work is a lot of waiting. Sometimes it's on set, sometimes it's at the base. It's part of the job. Just don't read the book on set.
    6. Don't eat off the crew table unless you're specifically told it's okay. The crew is there before you arrive and leaves after you are gone, they work very long hours on multiple days or weeks with little to no breaks and they are incredibly busy during the shoot. Yes, they may get better food and snacks, but there's a reason for that. And when the crew starts getting cranky, the already stress-laden mood on set definitely won't improve.
    7. When you need to go to the toilet, find one of the handlers who are responsible for you and tell them. They don't want to hunt around guessing where you are if you are suddenly needed on set.
    8. If it's a sunny day, stay in the shade. The make-up department will thank you for not suddenly looking like a lobster in between shots.
    9. Stay hydrated. Bring weather appropriate clothes for when you have to wait around.
    Might think of more later, but this is of the top of my hat.

  • @BuddyL
    @BuddyL 5 ปีที่แล้ว +240

    I've been an extra in San Francisco for over-a-decade now. I've been in films such as 'The Kite Runner', 'Steve Jobs', and far too many 📺 shows to name. I haven't been able to make it a full-time thing, but I still dig the experience.
    I won't into which celebs/directors were dicks (not here anyway), but I will say that on the set of 'Big Eyes', Amy Adams was SO NICE that it took us by surprise! We go in expecting the actors to be off-putting and that we're meant to NEVER interact with themout-of-scene, so Adams' niceness off-camera took us aback.😊 The Rock was similarly cool on the set of a Bay Area-set episode of 'Ballers'.👍🏿
    And your rules are good. If I may add another: do NOT have your 📱 on set unless EXPLICITLY told to do so as your background business. And even then - out it on SILENT!! Shots are ruined by that damn ringing!

  • @Mordengaard
    @Mordengaard 3 ปีที่แล้ว +132

    There's a tall ginger man who is an extra in the original Ghostbusters, and he stands out from the crowd so much not just because he's tall and ginger, but because he's definitely giving it 300%

  • @Itsolaskancke
    @Itsolaskancke 5 ปีที่แล้ว +196

    Hey! I’ve actually worked on quite a few films (as a stunt person) and I have some tips: 1 bring a coat! There’s gonna be hours of waiting and not moving. Make sure you stay warm. 2 have snacks and water. Not all sets are catered. 3 walk, don’t run. There are a lot of moving parts on a set, and colliding with them because you’re booking it can really halt the production, or be really dangerous! Be safe and happy out there!

  • @BrianShannow
    @BrianShannow 5 ปีที่แล้ว +81

    I've been an extra on and off for a good number of years now, these are all solid tips.
    There's been a number of people I've seen ejected from sets from being dribbling pisswizards, usually thinking they're the funniest person on set and not shutting up, taking photos of the set, carrying on a conversation as the director or crowd AD is giving general instruction, etc, fortunately in my experience these people don't tend to be plentiful as they never get asked back and for th emost part the kind of people that are happy to stand around often in freezing cold temperatures usually are the kind that can hold a conversation and keep their spirits up.
    I would add :
    - Personal Hygiene. Some deodorant and mints go a long way to making life more bearable.
    - Bring a book, and/or a battery bank for your phone. Even if you don't need it, you will make friends very quickly if someone is running out of power on their vape.
    - Gel insoles are the only thing in creation that make me consider the existence of higher powers. On set shoes from wardrobe will never fit properly, and standing about in them all day will make you want to piano wire your feet off above the ankles.
    - Don't bug/fanboy the actors between scenes, they're working, going over lines in their head and trying to stay in the zone. Bringing up some project they were in years ago that you loved them in can knock them out their headspace.
    - Cool as you might think it is to get near the front to be close to the camera, it's best to lurk a bit moe as getting 'featured' as person on street 17 means you're unlikely to be placed as background bar person 47 so you end up with less hours.
    - Caffeine is life. Get all the coffee you can, you'll need it. Also take any chance for a nap you can, 12 hour days are common and can make you want to die. I've slept in many odd places on set, under furs, on tables, across several barstools, on floors etc
    - Large crowds of people walk very slowly. Exploit this fact, and briskly make your way to the catering truck when meal time is called so that all the side dishes won't be gone when you get there.

  • @charlesprokopp276
    @charlesprokopp276 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    I'm an older guy who has a bit of a limp from a boyhood accident, necessitating the use of a cane. This makes me handy for background color. Unfortunately, the usual standing around for hours is hard for me. I hit upon the idea of replacing my regular cane with a "shooter's stick": a cane that folds out into a sort of one-legged stool. Problem solved, and from a moderate distance, the stick is not noticeably different from any other cane and won't steal focus.

  • @CaptainPeregrin
    @CaptainPeregrin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +66

    I got a credited (but unpaid) role as an extra in a movie that happened to be filming in the area. It was a couple chilly mornings in October with rather thin costumes, but there were also horses, so it evened out in my book. I showed up in at least 2 scenes in the final cut, including once when you got a good look at my face. My only tip is that if you end up in a period film, remember that you will most likely have to go without glasses xD

  • @fatcoyote2
    @fatcoyote2 5 ปีที่แล้ว +174

    I was an extra a couple times, which is odd because I am not an actor and never have been. I ran in circles, occasionally screaming whilst pretending I was being eaten by...things in swarms. And once, I ran across a puddle of water that was going to be CGI'ed to look like a much larger puddle of water.
    Bring socks (the puddle). Bring water. Bring shades & a sun-hat. Bring snacks, and some extras because someone else is going to passively-aggressively ask you to share. Bring a small bag to house everything in. Don't trust anyone else not to steal your stuff. Follow directions. And don't expect to be noticed, because if you do, you will, generally in a fairly negative fashion.

    • @JillBearup
      @JillBearup  5 ปีที่แล้ว +64

      I admit, I did actually laugh out loud in the supermarket queue at 'Bring socks (the puddle)' so thank you for that.

  • @melsborburgh
    @melsborburgh 3 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    I was a voluntary extra once on a low budget 17th-century drama short film (50 min.) that needed some low-life shipmates to fill the hull of a real ship (replica of a historical Dutch three-mast ship). It was around freezing temperature and even though I had packed some extra socks and such, I heard on the day itself that I would be walking around barefooted for the actual filming of the scenes.
    The plan was to be present in two scenes. The first would be running from something through the hull, the second was lazily sitting on the barrel of a cannon while watching some adult-themed pretend action was going on.
    During the filming of the second scene, I fell off the barrel during the second or third take because my co-extra next to me was supposed to pretend to throw an apple at my face (because my 'character' rejected doing the same adult-themed action with hers) and she accidentally did throw the apple, narrowly missing me. I managed to catch myself on some of the ropes hanging over my head. From there on, I had to fake fall of the barrel, because the director liked it. Much fun, but not the safest of stunts to repeat if you are not trained to do so. Especially as an extra.
    Because I wasn't very recognizable in the shots, I because a more fleshed-out character in the movie as well. Got the chance to work with some amazing people (some of which I still keep in contact with to this day), a very friendly dog and beautiful horses whose shoulders reached higher than my height at 6 foot... I even worked on some other projects with some of these people as well. Quite a lot of fun.

  • @rockerchickrox
    @rockerchickrox 5 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    Your logical fallacies video just popped up in my recommended tab the other day. It was the first video I saw of yours and so happy I found you!

    • @MrRickyWow
      @MrRickyWow 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Same here. I fell in love with her instantly.

  • @brianhiles8164
    @brianhiles8164 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I swear this story is absolutely true and complete:
    I have a friend who was a regular for extras work. In a well-known film, he was slathered with honey, to attract ants while playing dead in a ditch in the hot desert.
    He was eventually ignored. The heat was so fierce that for purposes of survival he grabbed a cold beer from the concession table. He was caught by the AD and immediately fired.
    He was forced to sue the production in court for the money they owed him and had refused to pay. At least this debacle ended well: the judge ruled that he be awarded twice what he was due.
    Lesson: bring your own water to desert locations.

  • @keithcurtis
    @keithcurtis 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Fun! I got to be an extra (a _literal_ spear carrier) in Army of Darkness. It was fun, but not a job I would like to do on a regular basis.

  • @kokokevin1800
    @kokokevin1800 5 ปีที่แล้ว +425

    I thought the title meant extra as in a person who is very extra

    • @MJ-cl8gr
      @MJ-cl8gr 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      "How to be extra but also tolerable"

    • @j.f.fisher5318
      @j.f.fisher5318 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly. Useful advice haha.

    • @lisatapp5785
      @lisatapp5785 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Me too

    • @MagicalM
      @MagicalM 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      same lol

    • @williamwallace234
      @williamwallace234 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yeah, me too I thought this was about how she nails being exentric and querky and somehow has friends

  • @Autoskip
    @Autoskip 3 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    I've been an extra twice - once as one of the two (that I know of) child extras on Heath Ledger's “Ned Kelly” (the other child extra was my sister), and once (twice?) in Charlottes Web - I was somewhere in the crowd at the fair, and actually spottable pushing through the crowd at the farm.
    Unfortunately, I was a child in both cases and, as a result, have no advice.

  • @theselectiveluddite
    @theselectiveluddite 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Well put Jill :) I was a 'shackled Kelly Sympathiser' in Heath Ledger's 2002 'Ned Kelly' movie; this meant being in real leg irons, chained to three guys in front, and three behind, for three to four hours, and walking up the main street of 'Gretta' about 30 times (and we had to walk back after each take...). My lovely wife still remembers how I limped in the door after that :) They were a very good production crew, who looked after you, fed and paid well. To that point I hadn't cut my hair in seven years...came home with Victorian short back and sides :D

  • @equinoxomega3600
    @equinoxomega3600 5 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    A very long time ago (when I was ~17-19) I occasionally worked as a production assistant at small/medium-size productions. It was a lot of fun and provided a good insight in the whole filming process. I typically was assigned as a direct assistant to the director, which often meant that I had to relay his instructions (mostly timing issues and minor rearrangements in their setup) to various extras, while he took care of the main cast. Although I also had to do less glamorous duties, such as trying to stop onlookers walking into the shot (or in one case: trying to stop somebody driving into a shot (unsuccessfully, although at least I managed to radio the director that a nutjob is coming, while jumping away to avoid getting run over myself)).

  • @spaci-1701
    @spaci-1701 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I've done some extra work here in Vancouver and, other than the awesome tips you've already mentioned, there are two other vital points.
    1- bring something to do. There's a LOT of waiting around and not all of your fellow extras will want to chat all day. Bring a book, homework, whatever that will keep you occupied but still able to hear calls from the crew.
    2 - if you only have a limited amount of time free to take an extra job, check with the casting crew before you accept it. A lot of times they only need you for a day, at others callbacks may be needed and if you won't be available later it can screw continuity and sometimes even force reshoots. Stuff happens and the pros get that but ask first if your time is limited.

    • @acebaker3623
      @acebaker3623 ปีที่แล้ว

      Is there a Company like Jill mentioned in the Video that works as a clearing house for extra work in Vancouver?

  • @jorivideos1836
    @jorivideos1836 5 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    Cool experience! I know a guy who's full time job is being an extra - but he only manages to pull this off because he lives very close to a big studio in Rio. They need extras daily.

  • @fatimagic1365
    @fatimagic1365 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    this was lowkey a fascinating watch for me because i'm so interested in random aspects of movie making. every little bit helps come together to make one deceptively easy-looking production.

  • @ErinHeartpenny
    @ErinHeartpenny 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I was an extra for a few years when I lived in Toronto. My tip is to answer the ad or casting call as soon as you get the msg/see the post. It’s usually first come first serve. Also make sure if they want someone with a car, and you have one, confirm that you are bringing it and don’t let them take advantage of you by saying you never brought one to set when u clearly did! Speaking from experience....
    Are we going to see a SYL for Extras??? Ricky Gervais’ hilarious show?

  • @jacobwright5542
    @jacobwright5542 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Oh, it was YOU who made that 'Logical Fallacy' video. I've been meaning to rewatch that for a while, now. Very useful info.

  • @AnastasiaCooper
    @AnastasiaCooper 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Hahaha I can only share the experience of almost becoming an extra (my teacher was friends with a director), but I was supposed to bring a boyfriend to kiss - and I had to tell them I didn't have one... lol (I told them in advance, so nobody got let down... except my self-esteem hahaha)

  • @jtheproducer5170
    @jtheproducer5170 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    "As opposed to... everybody doing all the jobs" hahahahah soooo true!

  • @TheInnerParty
    @TheInnerParty 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    You should be an actor. Or salesman. You have charisma. Consider I regularly watch your channel (everything consumed now! -- so proud), you speak on topics I mostly have little interest in, yet you get a significant percentage of my YT time.

  • @SamuelFurse
    @SamuelFurse 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I saw your logical fallacies video because scientsits are sharing it on facebook. We like things that are precise and useful but not pedantic or off putting. You acheived that :)

    • @JillBearup
      @JillBearup  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you very much!

    • @SamuelFurse
      @SamuelFurse 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Jill Bearup Thank you, too! On the subject of videos, I have an idea/want to request a thing. A review of Die Zauberfloete. I guess it’s quite whacky as possible subjects go, and not really the same genre as the subjects of many of your other videoes, but if you don’t know it already, I think you would like the subplot around Papageno and the themes about the role of women (and the consequences of them being treated as second best/not capable), as do I. There is a lot else in it as well those (e.g. enlightened absolutism) but I find it remarkable that it articulates a lot of the same issues around the role of women that we are still grappling with now.

  • @wrektile7647
    @wrektile7647 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    I’m disappointed that this didn’t end with “...But trust me on the sunscreen”.

  • @catherinejustcatherine1778
    @catherinejustcatherine1778 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Someone once showed me his collection of pictures of different bit parts he played (long before the days of any mobile digital technology). He had scores of paper photos. It was fascinating.

  • @floxy709
    @floxy709 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    the only time i was it happened during a school musical thing. i was a bird w no lines, but ive tried to compensate that with Gesturing. i love gesturing. i was an Extra extra bc others were doing nothing like that, just singing and swaying to the sides.

  • @biffstrong1079
    @biffstrong1079 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Played a deep background samurai in an Haruki Kadakawa japanese historical war picture. It was filmed in Morley Alberta. They picked us up at the University of Calgary and bussed us to location. We got dressed in our "armour" got handed weapons, sometimes a pike and were walked out to our positions in infantry blocks.
    Yes be on time and yes listen.
    You were late, you missed the bus and you were done.
    I'm a history buff, a movie buff and a japanese fan so I cannot begin describe how much fun it was to work on this movie.
    They were moving huge groups of people all day so yes listen to what you are told. Immense amount of standing around and then when they were filming there was a lot of very stationary standing around. Some marching too, tricky with the Pikes. They needed a lot of shots so I did this for three or four weeks. They started to lose extras as time went on , so I got to get a couple of my friends on the location as extras.
    They watered us like cattle from a water truck, three or four times a day and fed us a box lunch. I carried sunscreen with me the whole time.
    There one scene where the cavalry ran at a huge infantry block that was supposed to split in front of them and they didn't quite get the timing right. Terrifying.
    We did a night shoot with a burning building. We used to sing songs in the morning as we marched into position and my favourite was " Bravely Bold Sir Robin"
    Never lead to a career in acting but I loved my time as a red haired freckle faced Samurai. Though every time they made us change uniforms from black to red and blue to green it always felt like we were being traitors.

  • @mickaleneduczech8373
    @mickaleneduczech8373 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was a Civil War soldier extra in the movie 'Love', about a guy stuck on the International Space Station. It's a long story, but anyway...There was an aftermath shot of the battlefield, covered with dead bodies. So we're all being dead. Except for one kid who just could not stop looking around. I was told they finally just froze his head with special effects.

  • @kendramalm8811
    @kendramalm8811 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was an extra once for a TV movie; wedding scene for JFK & Jackie, one day's work inside a cathedral in fancy 50's clothes!

  • @Prestidigitoreum
    @Prestidigitoreum 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was an extra a few years back, it was a favour for a friend as the film he was working on was short on extras, so he invited about 10 of us to help out.
    I would recommend that you figure out some food beforehand. I'm not sure if it's common, but the main cast and crew had hot food waiting for them during our break and we got offered stale sandwiches. I declined.

  • @hanshermann8708
    @hanshermann8708 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Dear 2018 Jill. Don't worry about free evenings. They are ... overrated.

  • @Shindai
    @Shindai 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I've actually wanted to try being an extra for years, I've met four people who have been on Doctor Who and I want to be one of them :) I was in every school play in primary school and loved drama in high school before things Went Wrong so it'd be cool to get back into acting, I daresay I was alright at it ^_^

  • @UndeadHavoc1
    @UndeadHavoc1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I was actually debating trying to get into this a short while back. Sounds like iss something I could fairly easily manage owo

  • @j.f.fisher5318
    @j.f.fisher5318 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I thought at first this was called "How To Be Extra..." haha

  • @timothyearp631
    @timothyearp631 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The "31 logical fallacies in 8 minutes" video showed up in my suggested watching feed on TH-cam I liked it so I shared it on Facebook but that was the day after you put this video up. I am not on Reddit.

  • @rushinbushin
    @rushinbushin 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    All great tips! would also say bring a snack, bottle of drink, and your own spoon/tea/whatever cause there is ALWAYS at some point a shortage or the one thing you wanted goes walkies or they run out of hot water and some days it is gonna be in the 5 mins you have to eat on any set, even the good ones. Gonna reiterate warm stuff and sunblock too cause sunstroke followed by freezing your knees off in a late shoot makes for really miserable faces LOL. Oh yeah and the other thing is medical warning bracelets or chains or w/e because the crew might not have your info easily to hand if something dire happens

  • @arizonabay6231
    @arizonabay6231 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I never listen...not even to myself (Ha Ha), The optimal approach for me was assisting a talent agent. Not only did I make a few bucks from jobs I sent the talents to, I also could cherry pick the best opportunities. After some time you get "known" by the casting agencies and can squeeze your way into a perfect fit demographically

  • @justineck5664
    @justineck5664 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I got to shoot a scene where i played a career criminal who bought popcorn from a cub scout a few years ago. The mom said i actually made her feel uncomfortable.

  • @Ciborium
    @Ciborium ปีที่แล้ว

    Another example of "excellent" background artistry... In the "Jurassic World" film, during the scene of utter mayhem with CGI flying creatures attacking the park guests, there are a couple extras who are nonchalantly drinking their Starbucks and eating pastries.

  • @arghjayem
    @arghjayem 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3 were an extra in the 1999 Mummy? How old are you!?!?

  • @keyser1884
    @keyser1884 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I watched your logical fallacies video because TH-cam told me to (was not disappointed). Now I'm just trying to figure out where your accent is from - I'm guessing Northern Ireland originally but you've been living in England for years. I might need to watch more videos to confirm!

    • @robburgess4556
      @robburgess4556 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Interesting, TH-cam suggested the same video for me a few minutes ago and now I'm here watching this. Coincidence? 😎

    • @JillBearup
      @JillBearup  5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I THINK NOT! 😁

  • @peterbrickwood3204
    @peterbrickwood3204 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like the background.

  • @matthewdavies2057
    @matthewdavies2057 ปีที่แล้ว

    As a set medic allow me to say this from the crew's POV. Offering to sleep with any of us if we introduce you to the Director has been done to death so just don't do it. Trying to go stand near the Director so you can offer your input, or your inpud, has been done to death so do not do it. A "cattle call" is the term for an extra job offer for a reason. Do not confirm that animal reputation by offering to sleep with the Honey Wagon Teamster driver if he gets you near the Director. The Craft Services table of snacks is free but the huge M&M bowl is not your personal lunch entree that you can devour waiting for the Director to happen by. Yes, you can eat at the food truck free but only after the cast and crew to keep you from OFFERING TO SLEEP WITH THE CREW TO GET TO THE DIRECTOR. Am I overstating how much the crew dislikes extras? Not one bit. They often require security and a fenced in area to keep them from doing unbelievable things on set to be discovered. It's only funny the first few times you see it then it becomes sad and slightly depressing. That's why the crew dislikes the extras. And yes, I live near Hollywood CA.

  • @DarrenMalin
    @DarrenMalin 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    many moons ago I was a extra on the TV show 'the detectives' when they filmed a ep here on the Rock of Gibraltar. It was fun but I must have been 'good' because when it aired I was totally not in it lol ! seems I was on the cutting room floor. It was interesting to work for the BBC for a day all be it is a very small way.

    • @wartgin
      @wartgin 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's what happened to my mom when she was one of the stockholders for the "Greed is good" speech in The Wolf of Wall St.

  • @lonelyonpluto8126
    @lonelyonpluto8126 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I’m not the only one who immediately thought of bakugou when they saw the title?

  • @bradensorensen966
    @bradensorensen966 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I thought this said “How to be extra...”

  • @queeny5613
    @queeny5613 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @veaudor
    @veaudor 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I actually thought that Bearup is your real name. ;*)

    • @JillBearup
      @JillBearup  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      veaudor it is though 😄

    • @matthewdavies2057
      @matthewdavies2057 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@JillBearup That name could take you far because people will remember how to pronounce it right and there be riches and fame.

  • @Ghilannugs
    @Ghilannugs 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Forgot the most important one: bring something to pass the time while you're waiting