The COUGARS success this year is Jay Hill 100% ... The defense has put A-Rod in a high percentage success! If A-Rod doesn't start pulling his weight BYU could end up 9-3 .... A-Rod has got to figure out (RUNNING THE BALL) & stay out of 2nd and 3rd & long or our COUGARS are going to lose all their remaining games including the bowl game???
I agree with all that. My only defense of ARod is that he's done some good things that have resulted in success. But yes, I think this offense has the tools to be much better.
What does BYU need to do to beat ASU?
The COUGARS success this year is Jay Hill 100% ... The defense has put A-Rod in a high percentage success! If A-Rod doesn't start pulling his weight BYU could end up 9-3 .... A-Rod has got to figure out (RUNNING THE BALL) & stay out of 2nd and 3rd & long or our COUGARS are going to lose all their remaining games including the bowl game???
I agree with all that. My only defense of ARod is that he's done some good things that have resulted in success. But yes, I think this offense has the tools to be much better.
Maybe score an offensive touchdown or 2.
That would be nice.