I went to conventions for 2 years and the things I learned: 1. The bag your carrying around should be as light as possible 2. Look at everything at the dealers hall before buying 3. Bring a phone charger 4. Bring your makeup along 5. Figure out where the bathrooms are
As a homestuck cosplayer, It absolutely INFURIATES me when people throw buckets at people. First off, Buckets aren't funny. In the comic they are an absolutely terrifying symbol. And secondly, THROWING A LARGE METAL OBJECT AT SOMEONE IS NOT FUNNY, NOR IS IT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY???? I cosplay Gamzee, who carries around pies often. As a prop, one year I brought a pie with me. People litterally cowered in fear, because they had had experiences with a Gamzee cosplayer in the past, throwing pies at people. THAT ISNT OKAY! First off, that is INCREDIBLY rude and disrespectful, also, YOU WILL RUIN THEIR COSPLAYS!!! I can't believe people actually do things like that.
I went to Sakura Con for 2 years already. Heres things I learned. - Keep medical supplies at the ready. - Plan your cosplay 2 months ahead of time. - Being with friends is better than being alone. - Bring snacks in your bag. - And yes, do look at the schedule and see what events you want to attend! My friends and I go through this every time at Sakura Con so far. That way, if theres one I wanna do and my other friends wanna do another event, we can always meet up later and know where we are. - Use cash only! Only use your card if you must. - And yes, do respect others. I always ask for pictures before taking it and one compliment can go a long way. I hope I can go to Sakura Con again this year. It will be my 3rd year if I can.
normally there are a bunch of homestucks at the convention. But spoiler! most of them aren't bad! the whole "bucket" ordeal is kinda looked down upon in our community. Also don't have to cosplay at your first convention. and N E V E R touch another persons cosplay E V E R without asking them first.
#12. Always have a first aid kit as well. It may seem over the top, but you never know what will happen at conventions. Especially in crowded areas. #13. Always plan what you're carrying with you during the con ahead of time. #13.5. Do not plan to carry too much. On a normal scale, this allows for more room to carry any unexpected purchases or other things that one might carry. On a whole other scale, though, you don't know what will happen to change your circumstances. I'm always the one that carries the extras, since I'm used to carrying a big, heavy bag all the time (I have a lot of textbooks). However, last year I fell down a flight of stairs right as I was leaving for the con, and threw my back out. That alone was a miserable experience, but carrying my heavy messenger bag most of the day before we could get into the hotel room made a difference between having a bad back for a month or two and still having some problems carrying my textbooks now, over 10 months later. #14. Be wary of mystery box/bag purchases. Especially if you're underage or particularly uncomfortable with certain content, ask the dealer before you purchase anything that you cannot see. A good dealer will tell you if there is questionable content or not, and if not will usually agree to replace it if it is particularly explicit. #14.5. As such, check said items before leaving the con! Not just opening the box/bag to see what's inside, but check any books for age ratings, movies/animes for content and age ratings, and open any packages (carefully) to check what's inside. If I knew this last year, I would have a particularly normal anime dvd, and not a yuri-hentai riddled series paired with panties that came out of a limited edition box that didn't indicate any of this =_=
I as a Homestuck would like to apologize for the terrible experiences people have had with us involving buckets. We are not all monsters that need to be locked up. At worst we are devoted to an unhealthy extreme and these people often have reasons for attaching to it like this. I am as devoted as I am because I have bipolar disorder as well as sensory issues and it was hard for me to make friends or even explain some of my feelings before Homestuck. But I am still reasonable enough to understand that people don't like having things thrown at them and have stopped members of groups I've gone to cons with from throwing buckets before. I'm going to end this like an apology sandwich and once again say, I'm sorry.
As an ex home stuck, I totally agree. One of the things that made me leave the fandom were the rude people that harassed others at cons. Most home stuck cosplayers are cool at cons, but there's ALWAYS that one group for some reason.
And it is NOT OK to start touching or messing with peoples cosplay without asking. I went to a con as Hange from AoT and I had made the 3D maneuvering gear which took 2 month to complete so I'm not gonna let anyone touch that shit, and this woman with her two kids stops me and my friends in the halls to ask my questions (which I was totally up to answering any questions people had) and you could definitely tell this was the first convention she had been to and she was only there because her kids were there so I can't get that mad but still, as we were talking she just randomly starts taking the swords (which were sheathed and made out of foam board) out and messing with them almost breaking them and then she tried to put them back also almost breaking them. I would have been perfectly ok with it if she ask if she could see the swords and held them delicately but ugh........ I almost had a heart attack......
TGE HYDRATION THING IS VERY IMPORTANT OH MY GOD I went to a con, and it was my first big con, it being Metro Con. I was super excited, it was a surprise gift from my mum and her bf. They picked me up fresh from a sleepover, going straight to the con. This fact is important; ONE HOUR OF SLEEP DOES NOT WORK!! ESPECIALLY IF YOURE A TEENAGER!! Now you might think you're invincible when it comes to all night err, but walking up and down stairs, running around, even walking, is energy consuming stuff. Anyways, I didn't eat of drink throughout the entire con, this is such a big no-no, ESPECIALLY to people (like myself) who faint easily. Now, I didn't faint (a miricle!!) but I had much worse. I got what I call a "convention hangover". Basically, the day after all the fun, when you're back at home, all hell breaks loose. I was throwing up, I had the worst migraine, and it just sucked. So please, darling cosplayers, eat, drink, sleep, you forget the basic human needs when having fun. Here's a simple simple set of rules for cons; 1 shower a day 2 water bottles a day 3 meals a day (If you have asthma) 4 inhalers, just in case, or more if you have a serious asthmatic problem, or if you have a breath restraing cosplay, such as corsets or chest binds (Ladies) 5 PMS protectors, tampons, pads, what ever it is you use 6 mini packets of candy, or 6 pieces of gum. The sugar helps you stay awake and happy 7 tons of respect 8 hours of sleep 9 short foot breaks, approxamately 10 10 dollar bills, or less. This depends, but I wouldn't bring too much money, and not in big sizes or in plastic. It's easier for vendors, and 10's are easy to break
my first con was last year.. i had slept for 30 minutes the entire night because i couldnt sleep.. people were wanting to take pictures.. but i was so out of it my sister had to tell me what they wanted XD worst experiance ever.. though this year i plan to sleep more.
Eyyy I go to metrocon too :3 it was cool the first time I went. Some guy was announcing he bought a bunch of water in bulk and was giving it out for free to con goers who didn't have on hand. I WAS SO FREAKIN THIRSTY
I was at comiccon Belfast today and the one thing I found was if someone smiles at you even if you don't know them smile back because cosplayers are some of the nicest people in the world so you will get smiles so don't be the one with the most amazing cosplay but the worst personality
My personal tip is; make friends! Also if you're with someone you already know. A friend of mine has been cosplaying longer than me, but she hasn't made any other friends apart from the people she always goes with, because she sticks with them. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd still say, make your own plans and don't always follow each other around. Cosplay is great for making friends who like the same stuff.
im just imagining someone like sliding up to a cosplayer and gently placing a small printed picture of a bucket in their hand like 'please. take it.' i cri evrytim
It was only my first cosplay and I'm going to be doing much more this year, but at Supercon last summer I learned: -if your group wants split up for a while entertain the thought! I kept my friends in place more than I wanted to because I can easily spend an hour debating whether or not to buy something... It's fun to meet up and talk, but if you guys would have more fun doing your own thing then maybe try it out -plan ahead of time! I already love planning myself, but it really helped when none of my friends knew what to do and were pretty lost. -If you're going to cosplay, start it at least a month early.! I put together my first cosplay within a few weeks before the convention, but my friend ended up having to do hers last minute, and trust me, it can be a pain not to have a great variety of options because you wait! -plan the bag your bringing. If you're bringing a backpack, choose one that can hold what you need, and isn't too bulky for you. I brought a rather large Pokemon backpack and it... Didn't go with my Aizawa costume so well. This year I'm going to bring a purse and smaller backpack, and avoid buying larger things unless they're a plushie! Trust me, if you're going to be walking around all day in rainboots like I did, it makes a difference. -if you're staying for more than one day, plan your purchases! I tried it out at my first con, and it really helps! I only bought a few things I really wanted the first day, counted my money, and found out of a 300 dollar budget I'd only spent 90 tops. This gave me a chance to go back and buy other stuff I had passed by the next day and really get the things I wanted without missing out! It might just be me, but I love budgeting so this one came pretty naturally to me... -plan for that autograph you want to be late I ended up missing out on an autograph from Froppy's (BNHA) eng dub voice actor because she was over twenty minutes late (no offense to her). If you really want that autograph, plan to stand in line for a while! I'm going to be taking a shot at Mario's voice actor this year and Bowser's and god do I know it's going to be packed... -You're fine not cosplaying! It was just a thing I wanted to point out, but don't feel pressured to cosplay, or even wear a fandom shirt! No one expects you to have a meticulously crafted costume, as long as you're having fun you're good!
My cosplay partner/best friend and I went to a relatively obscure Anime convention in 2015 for our first con. Because it was small, it was pretty easy to swallow but we made a lot of first timer mistakes. We fangirled quite a bit and we often forgot to eat resulting in con plague for about two weeks.
I wish I had listened to MangoSirene when going to a convention! I ended up being too overwhelmed and excited that I missed almost all of the panels I wanted to go to! Next con I'll be going to, Shutocon in Lansing, I'll definitely slow my roll and take a look at the programs before I go off and run arouns like the hyperactive derp I am.
From my own experience when you pick up your badge you get a book that has panel schedules in it as well as a map of the convention center. Don't throw away that book.
I've been to a few cons, only because I just started two years ago, but I've had a lot of stuff happen. Here's one word of advice I get from seeing it happen to a group of people before: Look through the rules of the convention on their websites and make sure to follow them, because the authorities can kick you out if you are causing trouble. And I usually follow the buddy system where I have at least one person that I actually know with me at all times so in case something goes wrong, we'll have an easier time getting help or contacting someone. Lastly, I have to say: don't hook up at conventions! (this one is not from experience, but I've been told by many other people) You may find someone that you actually really like or something, but you and the other person are most likely all excited and happy for the con so neither of you are thinking perfectly clear. If you really want to hang out with them, ask them for a phone number or other way of communication and talk to them after the con. You can meet them at a later date when you are in your right mind so you don't make any bad choices.
I've only been to a con twice, but i can tell sometimes you can buy stuff for you cosplay at a convertion Example: i was busy on my SnK cosplay, i only needed the green cape, at the convention, i saw (and bought) the green cape and completed my SnK cosplay
Unless a cosplayer is busy, relaxing for a bit, in a deep conversation with someone or eating, DONT BE SHY TO ASK FOR PHOTOS. I only started asking cosplayers for photos a con I was at yesterday and everyone was so nice ! it's a bit scary at first but I promise they take it as a compliment. But obviously if they refuse the photo please respect that.
My first con I'm going to is Comic Con SLC in September and I'm really excited, but I'm kinda freaking out. I've never cosplayed before but I really want to. I also don't hAve any friends that cosplay, or even LIKE anime. I'm afraid that I won't hAve a fun time because I won't have any friends, and that I won't make any friends while I'm there.
Just go for it!! Honestly, the exact same thing happened to me when I cosplayed as england from hetalia axis powers. I begged my friend to go with me as france, but she told me anime was for losers, especially going to conventions and co splaying. Go go go go go go go!!!!! It doesn't matter what people think. As long as you're having fun, nothing matters
I'm going to my very first Con soon, and I just hope I can make cosplay friends by being a good cosplay friend, myself (being respectful and outgoing and kind to others at the Con).
i recently went to an mcm in manchester and i was intending to cosplay fem prussia from hetalia, however everyone there who knew hetalia and actually noticed i was cosplaying hetalia called me fem iceland, and i was just like ._. oh. but i passed it off by just pretending i was meant to be iceland all along and things went ok, and i met a sweden for like 5 seconds...next comic con i'm being england and i am definitely not procrastinating on my costume so i cant buy official cosplay, cause i couldn't find a blue coat for prussia so i ended up wearing a purple one and that was what caused confusion :/
Trust me Hetalia fans are hard to find in Britain! I live 20 minutes by train followed by a twenty minute walk from the Cardiff train station...and I'm going by train in a full aot cosplay...to the only major con in Wales!!! I have some feeling I will be stared at...a lot!
Okay so, I came to this playlist to learn more for a Homestuck cosplay, and I was thinking about the cosplay when you mentioned Homestuck and I almost flipped my shit when you said not to throw buckets at HS cosplayers because it was really unexpected.( ^∇^)
I have a tip If you are wearing heels please make sure to bring another pair of shoes with you >_< I know you dont want to seem inaccurate but on the first day of con I wore heeled boots and the second day it was hard to walk cause my feet hurt so bad!
Always check the weather before the con it helps to know! It once rained at one of the conventions (not hard normal) and I had to run to my hotel and bet everybody jackets or a poncho
Guys I watch this like 20 times before I went to my first con this summer, IT HELPS this is a very useful video that I think alot of people should watch before their first con. It's informative so please people, take a couple minutes to watch this
My first really big con is gonna be this summer at AnimeExpo at the Los Angeles convention center. I have only ever been to one, and it was really small and for comics, but this... I am so scared. Thankfully, I live in LA, so I dont have to book hotels and whatnot. I am planning to attempt cosplay, but I am scared for my life considering how young I am ( 2 years). Hopefully, I can do it. I'm suppose to go with a friend, but we are both pretty young so.. Were scared. Like, really. ;-; tips?
THE BUDDY SYSTEM IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. SERIOUSLY. Stick with your friend the entire time. You both can watch out for each other. If you're purposely going to separate for awhile, make sure you keep in touch until its time to meet up again. ~Keep an eye out for con staff/volunteers/security. They'll usually wear something to denote that they're the staff (like a different badge or a vest) so you know who to go to if you're in trouble. They're there to make sure the con runs smoothly and safely! ~Trust your gut instinct. If you're getting weird vibes from someone, best to get yourself outta there. If someone's making you feel uncomfortable and possibly unsafe, dont be afraid to tell them to BACK THE HELL OFF. Go to the staff to tell them what's up and they'll help you. ~Dont just leave with some random stranger to some isolated spot. You wouldnt do this out on the street and a con is no different! ~If you're on the young side, make sure a parent/guardian is aware of where you are and what you're doing. Just give a quick call or text every few hours or so. ~If someone asks you for a hug and you're not comfortable with that, just say so. Cosplayers in general mind their manners with that, and respect it if someone does not want a hug or a pic taken. Mind you, this goes for you too if you want a picture of someone or a hug! ;) ~Try to stick close to the con area, especially if you're a little unfamiliar with the area. Hope this helps!
Anime Expo will be my very first con this summer too~! :D And yes it will also be my first time cosplaying. Don't be scared~! Although you may want to bring along someone who's a bit older just to be safe.
1. I didn't have a problem last year due to what I was cosplaying, but this year I'm going in ballroom style (ish?), and I don't know how I'm supposed to carry anything I buy/bring that wouldn't ruin the image to my cosplay. 2. How do you deal with public transport when you have an extremely puffy dress? 3. How do you use the washroom without ruining your cosplay? 4. Do people usually make stops back to their hotel room to readjust/fix their cosplay? I lived nearby enough that I didn't need a hotel room, but I spent the day with a tangled wig and smudged makeup (washrooms are warzones). 5. If I wear a dress that drags on the ground, how do I keep it from becoming dirty? I'm wearing so much that it's impossible to carry the skirt around.
***** thank you so much for the tips! The only issue is that my petticoat is part of my dress (to save up on money and time), so if I take it off, I'll be left wearing half a "dress" and my undies lol. its designed similar to ariel's and cinderella's dresses, where the petticoat is the "under" dress, and I'm sewing a separate skirt that drapes along the dress.
Robin Lee Just to confirm, your top drapery is separate and not being sewn directly to the underdress/petticoat? If so, just wear leggings or pants during transport and put on the petticoat when you get there (leggings take up barely any space in a con bag/purse, plus, it's fairly easy to slip off leggings once the petticoat's on or you can leave them on if you don't mind the extra heat)
Comic Girl Cosplay see this is why I love asking people online questions. I've never thought of leggings, and that's actually quite perfect, thank you :) And yes, my top skirt is separate.
I'm going to my first actual con next spring. I'm going to Acen and I'm so excited! Like I've been to cosplay meetups and gatherings before but never an actual con and I can't wait!
Thank you so much for uploading this video XD I'm going to my very first con this weekend and I'm so excited but I'm terribly nervous about costume malfunctions and I've had no idea what to expect so this lessened my worries and helped prepare me and helped to give me an idea of what to prepare for the con ^_^
Last year I was so busy planning EVERYTHING for my little group that once we were at the hotel and I had to change into my normal clothes I had forgotten to pack eyerything. I only had a bathing suit and cosplay to wear all weekend, so yeah. Make a list, it really helps.
I'm really new when it comes to cosplaying, so your video series has really helped me a LOT! I was wondering if you'll be making a video about posing for pictures at cons and how to handle being attacked when you have a really awesome costume. That would really be helpful, as I'm making my first really good cosplay(s) and wearing them in March to MegaCon :)
crap, I was happily watching your video and then you explained your shirt and I had a mini heart attack. Those are my favourites! Love you even more now!
Iv watched soooo many cosplay tutorials since i found out ill be going to my first, soon. You are by far the best. You're funny, honest, and down to earth. I like you! Hope I don't sound creepy, but i will watch more of your vids!
My first con is going to be San Diego Comic Con. I know its a bad idea to start with a major con like that but I'm so ready and excited for it! I'll be cosplaying Korra (from Legend Of Korra) at the con.
To organize costumes: I lay out the entire costume first. Clothing,belts,footwear,socks/tights,badges,swords/wands,wig/wig cap/hair supplies+ MAKEUP. Everything that is small gets put ina large ziploc bag which I label with a Sharpie marker (i.e. "Kenpachi"), then the bag goes into a clear storage bin (or suitcase, if you are flying to the Con). The clothing gets put in the garment bag. I do this about a month in advance so that I have time to find/purchase/make anything missing.
I would say a big tip is to either get a hotel room or drive with people you know. For anime midwest, my friend and I lived about under an hour away so we carpooled with someone we both knew from school and their family. This was a terrible idea. The girl's family was late, we got there at their house to carpool at 9am like we were told, we weren't out the door until 10:45am. The ride was absolute hell with little ones screaming and the mom not knowing where to park her big van that sat 10 people. Friday night we had already ate at the convention and they had asked if we wanted to eat dinner with them, we said no. At about 10pm we were told we were leaving so we expected they had already eaten and they were just picking us up. No, we went to a Denny's and didn't order anything and had to sit there. The one girl ordered pancakes with strawberries and found that the strawberries were on top of the pancakes and she refused to eat it (this girl is 16 years old) and they had to make it again, basically adding another 30 minutes to our 'sitting at dennys' time. On saturday, 3 more people were added and one was on the floor the whole way. They did the same dinner thing to us again and made us leave very early at 9pm which they made us wait 30 minutes in the lobby for them to find everyone and bring the car around. Long story short, make sure you are carpooling with the right people if you are carpooling. The best thing is to just get a hotel if you can. Honestly this was the worst con experience I've had but probably because I did not cosplay due to personal issues over the year that popped up. So I'd also say cosplay can make it a much better experience.
Cosplay Island is a great site for UK cosplayers where you can see what other users are going as to what cons, how popular cons are, and there is a section for buying/selling items, tutorials, discussions and such. I say this as a fellow first time cosplayer, it's helped me find some local minor cons to start off with rather than launching into the expensive far away ones. Happy cosplaying!
If you are wanting to go to an autograph signing for a guest at a convention, be there one to two hours in advance, otherwise you get stuck in a long line and sometimes you don't end up getting that said guests autograph.
Likewise, its also not okay to be really rude to someone if they're asking a really nice and not screaming/yelling question. I saw an Asuka cosplayer once while we were in an elevator if there was a Kaworu and Shinji around, just asking "Oh I love your cosplay, is there a Kaworu and Shinji with you somewhere?" and then she proceed to laugh at me and call me a weeaboo, rolling her eyes and walking away.
A problem with living in the western part of Australia is that there is only cons once at the start of the year one in the middle of the year and one at the end of the year.
I'm going to my first con later this year and I've been watching a lot of these videos for tips and stuff. I'm going as a Homestuck character, and I have to say I didn't know that some people threw buckets at each other? I'm sorry, but I laughed really hard. I mean, why would that ever seem like a good idea??
Thank you so much for this! I'm going to my first con next week (Canterlot Gardens, a local MLP:FiM con) and I am super excited. I'm cosplaying Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon3) and I can't wait. My friends are probably gonna get sick of final test shots of my cosplay.
I'm going to Sabotencon this September and it's not my first time cosplaying at a big con, but I'm trying to take this one rEALLY seriously. Loved the video too!
I hate that some people have been treated badly by homestuck cosplayers but seriously I have had several friends decide against going to any convention in homestuck cosplay even though they want to because they get mistreated by other con goers because of the actions of a minority and it really puts me of going to my first con knowing that people are going to hate me simply because I'm in the fandom because of people throwing buckets, yeah it's a dick move for sure but it's a minority that's like saying every Muslim is a member of Islamic state, they aren't. Please people stop hating a whole fandom of cosplayers because of the actions of a few
Awwe, i'm sorry about that :( But as long as you have fun! I got sick my first time two, and even lost my voice at the con, but it was totally worth it haha Hope you enjoy the rest of your con :)
One time Is make sure you reserve a hotel ahead of time because you can always look in a good rate. Also some hotels even offer features like convention or AAA discounts. Also if the hotel offers stuff like Free Wifi, Free Breakfast, and Microwave and Fridge, because it will be useful and help you save a bunch of money, also research the area and bring a map just incase you you get lost. Have some more but those are a few good ones that I can think off.
For food, I find rice and gatorade to be useful. Usually I would bring rice in a plastic container I bought from the 99 cents store, so I won't be sad if i lose the container.Basically, any food in the grain area can keep your stomach satisfied longer than just fruits alone.
Thank you so much for the tips! :D It makes me a little bit happy to know somethings before going to a con with my only friend that loves to cosplay. C:
Great tips. I quite love this video and agree with all things mentioned. # 10: I think this goes along with what many are now calling the "Cosplay =/= Consent" for those people who think it's ok to just run up and punch and or kiss without even asking first. So I am very glad that this was mentioned. # 11: Yes! Also, I would recommend stocking up on safety pins of many sizes to add to your sewing kit. When things can't be fixed quite that easily, at least most of the times they can be pinned together without showing much. My first con -- my sister stepped on my dress twice and the second time she nearly tore off a whole layer of my skirt, luckily I was able to just safety pin it back in place from underneath. Also, # 4 works best going both ways. I have a bad habit of never forgetting anything when going /to/ a location ...just when coming home -- I tend to leave at least something. I recommend keeping the list with you and checking it off both times. (To and Returning)
Ok, this is super helpful. I went to my first con ever as just myself, and... well, I haven't gone to any more since. But my friends and I really want to start cosplaying(more Homestucks over here~!) and I was really kinda scared... I still am, but less!!! Thanks for the good video!
One of the most important things I learned about going to a convention is choosing who you go with wisely. Don't try to invite as many people as you can to get a cheaper room rate or just to be nice. Don't invite people if you can't stand being around them for 60 hours. The first time I went to a convention, I went with a really bossy friend who took control of the group of people we went with. We fought over how to spend our time, and since she was the loudest, she always won. My friends regretting not going to a lot of panels they wanted to go to. Then last year we took another bigger group to the same con (more than ten people). We expected there to be some divides in the grouping, but two members of our party thrived on drama and made part of the experience miserable for everyone else. Their personalities clashed with the rest of us. They weren't interested in the con itself and instead they were out late, partying, drinking, and made some... ahem, friends. Sure, you could be that kind of person, but out of respect for yourself and the people you go with, make sure you invite and go with people who are interested in the same things you are. If someone else really wants to go, but you don't want them to go with you, they'll find their own way. Otherwise, they can wait until they're an adult. Don't let your pity ruin your experience. Lot's of my friends have learned this the hard way. If it is your first time going to a convention, this is extremely important. Go only with good friends and cherish your first convention! It'll be exciting, and there will be lots to take in, but try not to regret your VERY FIRST convention! The more you go to after, the more you'll get a hang of what a convention is. And Mango is absolutely right -- go to a more local, smaller convention (top of ~3,000 or less) to get the hang of it your first time, to learn what panels you'll have a chance to go to in the future. Example -- at every convention, there will probably be a Homestuck panel, and if you're short on time and not that big of a fan, you can skip it without too much guilt. If there is however a more narrow panel topic with a higher level of personal interest, you'll know when to skip out on time in the dealer's room and head to that panel instead. This way when you go to the 10,000+ conventions, you won't be completely overwhelmed by the volume of things to do. It's a learning curve, and you'll have to figure these things out for yourself, but as long as you can leave your first convention without regrets, it'll be a great experience.
I'd say another important tip is to prioritise comfort. If you're doing a full foam armor cosplay, put ice packs or something (I'd recommend getting one of the gel ones, so you can still easily move) under it so you don't overheat. If you can, I've also heard stories of people doing the same with dry ice with vents to create steam/smoke effects.
I've never been to a con convention, and I hope you can answer these few questions! 1) How much money do you spend at he least when you're buying your tickets and everything? 2) Besides from you're ticket to get in the con, do you have to buy other tickets to get into rooms where special guests are answering questions, dealer rooms? etc? 3)If all you buy is your registration and con ticket to get in, and nothing else, what would you still have access to if you do have to buy other tickets? Thx
On bringing food to conventions, my friends and I we found a really cool way to make foods such as the quick microwaveable Yakisoba. A lot of hotel rooms don't have microwaves, nor do they allow you to bring in one. We simply used the coffee machine. We would pour water into it and allow it to "boil" and then once it was done we just poured it into our food, and it was just as good as microwaving it!
Baby powder is a cheap alternative I use it a lot! Just don't over do it. If you have bangs, dusting it on your forehead and combing it through your bangs will work nicely, make sure you have a fine comb though because at first it will make your bangs white till you comb it in.
The diving headfirst thing depends on the con. my first was Metrocon, the biggest con in florida. It's pretty big and gets bigger every year, but it was a great experience for me just because I like the hype. If you're easily overwhelmed, definitely go to a smaller con and work upwards.
At 5:24 that reminded me of this one time at the con when my friend and i were cosplaying Homestuck and she was dave (i was not their i was in the dealer room) and she was going to a Homestuck photo shoot and everyone was in like a huge clump and their was like 10 bros behind her and then they throw there Cals at her and the funny thing is they were planing this behind her and they were being really loud so when they throw the Cals she puts up her hands and blocks them she didn't appreciate it
Extra tips ^^ It's ok to hug or "glomp" people or a character u really like, but make sure u ASK that person first!!! Also, it's ok to act like ur character but, as she said xD don't falcon punch people! (btw I love these videos! Even tho I am an experienced cosplay, I enjoy seeing what other pro cosplays are saying and this is really great advise and I wish I had someone like you telling me all this wen I started cosplaying)
To navigate the Dealer's Hall--you are almost always better off doing a sweep of the entire hall before you make a single purchase. It's not unusual to find things cheaper at one booth.You also may find something you like a lot better later in the day, but you've already spent your $50 so you're outta luck.The exception to this is if you need a very specific thing to finish a cosplay (like a wig or an accessory)--in which case you want to find it and buy it as soon as possible (b4 it sells out).
I just went to my first con, Animethon Edmonton. It was massive; when i got their i had no idea how to act or be. I'm glad i had friend to cling onto till i was comfortable. We did share a tiny dorm and we did fight alot... and i was always to entertained i forgot to eat and drink to! other then that the convention was awesome and i miss it. :D
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this! I am going to my first con EVER in June (AnimeNEXT in NJ) and I am excited and CRAZY nervous! this is so helpful! thank you!
Hey Mango Sirene, I've watched a bunch of your videos. I am a photographer and interested in some of the photo shoots and how the photographer sets up a photo shoot or do they just pull you aside and ask for a photo? I would love to hear you talk about it since you get some beautiful photos in your costumes!
At my last con, my cosplay partner and I carried around a huge bag of repair stuff for our cosplays (which are mecha-ish huge cosplays so basically paint, super glue, tape), and it turned out to be pretty damn useful to other cosplayers as well who needed it. Bring. Repair. Kits. I can't stress that enough.
Thank you so much for all the advice, earlier in September I went to Nan Desu Kan with my manga group. Many of the things that I was warned about happened to me. I almost passed out from dehydration/ hunger, causing me to be really jittery. (Bad thing was people thought I was in Character.) One thing that you neglected to mention: Wear comfortable shoes with support. I ran around the convention A lot, and my feet decided to die later that evening, so i missed something pretty neat.
I went to Kumoricon last summer and i learned that you should ALWAYS keep a drawstring bag with you! Them sell them at the cons in the main entrance for really cheap. You never know when you will be collected things from different panels. Also the main book and pamphlet and stuff you'll need to carry in a decent bag not those ones that they give out with the pamphlets and stuff. Thank you MangoSirene your videos are very helpful!!!! ^-^
Packing lists = super important. There's been too many cons I went to without one only to realize I forgot a piece of my costume. Last one was a year ago. Took a nap on the way up, got to the hotel we were staying in and woke up as we pulled up in the parking lot with the words 'I FORGOT MY WIG'
my first con is in two weeks and its ONI CON so im not really sure what to expect but this really helped a lot. i feel like ill be a bit more prepared now
I was at my 2nd convention a few days ago and cosplayed for the first time. It was really fun, and I cosplayed as Derpy from mlp which was a simple costume. I plan on cosplaying as Harley Quinn next year since I suddenly got obsessed w/ her. It'll be more complex, but I'm hyped for it :D
To add onto the whole water bottle tip, bring one with a pop top. It is so much easier to work with. You don't have to worry about twisting the cap on and off every time you want a drink, and there is no chance of you losing the lid. And remember to refill it whenever you get a chance. I've had friends get jealous when we are in the middle of the dealer's room, and I'm the only one with any water because the nearest water fountain is 3 rooms away.
Ha, A-kon was my first anime convention, only stayed there for a few hours and then became very overwhelmed. Though last year I actually went and stayed all three days, and doing the same this year. I had a lot of fun, but that first time going to that huge place was just...woooah. Starting out at asmaller convention is a good idea.
there aren't any local conventions where i live. but i wish wishthere were. ive really never been to a con and a think i might need to wait a couple years anyway, but the closest con to me is in new orleans orleans,la and it would take a long time to get there..
I'm going to Ohayocon! I went last year and fell in LOVE! I've always been a fangirl raised reading comics, watching anime, playing video games, and pretending to be superheros with my brother. But I never went to a convention until last year, and it was AMAZING! I had so much fun, but I didn't dress up and felt left out because everyone dressed up was having so much fun. This year I am going to be pinkie pie from my little pony lol
After my last convention, I knew I had to make a list of things to bring. I was so excited to go this convention, I forgot the most important item...a wig cap. I was freaking out when I got there, I made my mom go to every local store and there was a single store with wig caps! I was so glad when I found a table at the con with wigs and wig caps being sold ;3;
I went to conventions for 2 years and the things I learned:
1. The bag your carrying around should be as light as possible
2. Look at everything at the dealers hall before buying
3. Bring a phone charger
4. Bring your makeup along
5. Figure out where the bathrooms are
As a homestuck cosplayer, It absolutely INFURIATES me when people throw buckets at people. First off, Buckets aren't funny. In the comic they are an absolutely terrifying symbol. And secondly, THROWING A LARGE METAL OBJECT AT SOMEONE IS NOT FUNNY, NOR IS IT ACCEPTABLE IN ANY WAY???? I cosplay Gamzee, who carries around pies often. As a prop, one year I brought a pie with me. People litterally cowered in fear, because they had had experiences with a Gamzee cosplayer in the past, throwing pies at people. THAT ISNT OKAY! First off, that is INCREDIBLY rude and disrespectful, also, YOU WILL RUIN THEIR COSPLAYS!!! I can't believe people actually do things like that.
I learned from a mistake I made at a con so here is my tip:
xD I can agree with that from experience as well
I went to Sakura Con for 2 years already. Heres things I learned.
- Keep medical supplies at the ready.
- Plan your cosplay 2 months ahead of time.
- Being with friends is better than being alone.
- Bring snacks in your bag.
- And yes, do look at the schedule and see what events you want to attend! My friends and I go through this every time at Sakura Con so far. That way, if theres one I wanna do and my other friends wanna do another event, we can always meet up later and know where we are.
- Use cash only! Only use your card if you must.
- And yes, do respect others. I always ask for pictures before taking it and one compliment can go a long way.
I hope I can go to Sakura Con again this year. It will be my 3rd year if I can.
MiyuChan Sakura-con is the best,, been going since i was 8
normally there are a bunch of homestucks at the convention. But spoiler! most of them aren't bad! the whole "bucket" ordeal is kinda looked down upon in our community. Also don't have to cosplay at your first convention. and N E V E R touch another persons cosplay E V E R without asking them first.
#12. Always have a first aid kit as well. It may seem over the top, but you never know what will happen at conventions. Especially in crowded areas.
#13. Always plan what you're carrying with you during the con ahead of time.
#13.5. Do not plan to carry too much. On a normal scale, this allows for more room to carry any unexpected purchases or other things that one might carry. On a whole other scale, though, you don't know what will happen to change your circumstances. I'm always the one that carries the extras, since I'm used to carrying a big, heavy bag all the time (I have a lot of textbooks). However, last year I fell down a flight of stairs right as I was leaving for the con, and threw my back out. That alone was a miserable experience, but carrying my heavy messenger bag most of the day before we could get into the hotel room made a difference between having a bad back for a month or two and still having some problems carrying my textbooks now, over 10 months later.
#14. Be wary of mystery box/bag purchases. Especially if you're underage or particularly uncomfortable with certain content, ask the dealer before you purchase anything that you cannot see. A good dealer will tell you if there is questionable content or not, and if not will usually agree to replace it if it is particularly explicit.
#14.5. As such, check said items before leaving the con! Not just opening the box/bag to see what's inside, but check any books for age ratings, movies/animes for content and age ratings, and open any packages (carefully) to check what's inside. If I knew this last year, I would have a particularly normal anime dvd, and not a yuri-hentai riddled series paired with panties that came out of a limited edition box that didn't indicate any of this =_=
I as a Homestuck would like to apologize for the terrible experiences people have had with us involving buckets. We are not all monsters that need to be locked up. At worst we are devoted to an unhealthy extreme and these people often have reasons for attaching to it like this. I am as devoted as I am because I have bipolar disorder as well as sensory issues and it was hard for me to make friends or even explain some of my feelings before Homestuck. But I am still reasonable enough to understand that people don't like having things thrown at them and have stopped members of groups I've gone to cons with from throwing buckets before. I'm going to end this like an apology sandwich and once again say, I'm sorry.
one year later and i agree
As an ex home stuck, I totally agree. One of the things that made me leave the fandom were the rude people that harassed others at cons. Most home stuck cosplayers are cool at cons, but there's ALWAYS that one group for some reason.
Trinity Goldsmith yeah it’s really a hit or miss. you can either find a super nice homestuck group or just a cringe, rude one.
And it is NOT OK to start touching or messing with peoples cosplay without asking. I went to a con as Hange from AoT and I had made the 3D maneuvering gear which took 2 month to complete so I'm not gonna let anyone touch that shit, and this woman with her two kids stops me and my friends in the halls to ask my questions (which I was totally up to answering any questions people had) and you could definitely tell this was the first convention she had been to and she was only there because her kids were there so I can't get that mad but still, as we were talking she just randomly starts taking the swords (which were sheathed and made out of foam board) out and messing with them almost breaking them and then she tried to put them back also almost breaking them. I would have been perfectly ok with it if she ask if she could see the swords and held them delicately but ugh........ I almost had a heart attack......
I went to a con, and it was my first big con, it being Metro Con. I was super excited, it was a surprise gift from my mum and her bf. They picked me up fresh from a sleepover, going straight to the con. This fact is important; ONE HOUR OF SLEEP DOES NOT WORK!! ESPECIALLY IF YOURE A TEENAGER!! Now you might think you're invincible when it comes to all night err, but walking up and down stairs, running around, even walking, is energy consuming stuff. Anyways, I didn't eat of drink throughout the entire con, this is such a big no-no, ESPECIALLY to people (like myself) who faint easily. Now, I didn't faint (a miricle!!) but I had much worse. I got what I call a "convention hangover". Basically, the day after all the fun, when you're back at home, all hell breaks loose. I was throwing up, I had the worst migraine, and it just sucked. So please, darling cosplayers, eat, drink, sleep, you forget the basic human needs when having fun. Here's a simple simple set of rules for cons;
1 shower a day
2 water bottles a day
3 meals a day
(If you have asthma) 4 inhalers, just in case, or more if you have a serious asthmatic problem, or if you have a breath restraing cosplay, such as corsets or chest binds
(Ladies) 5 PMS protectors, tampons, pads, what ever it is you use
6 mini packets of candy, or 6 pieces of gum. The sugar helps you stay awake and happy
7 tons of respect
8 hours of sleep
9 short foot breaks, approxamately
10 10 dollar bills, or less. This depends, but I wouldn't bring too much money, and not in big sizes or in plastic. It's easier for vendors, and 10's are easy to break
my first con was last year.. i had slept for 30 minutes the entire night because i couldnt sleep.. people were wanting to take pictures.. but i was so out of it my sister had to tell me what they wanted XD worst experiance ever.. though this year i plan to sleep more.
Eyyy I go to metrocon too :3 it was cool the first time I went. Some guy was announcing he bought a bunch of water in bulk and was giving it out for free to con goers who didn't have on hand. I WAS SO FREAKIN THIRSTY
((Thank you about the Homestuck and glomping mentions last con I was at I cosplayed as well
I was at comiccon Belfast today and the one thing I found was if someone smiles at you even if you don't know them smile back because cosplayers are some of the nicest people in the world so you will get smiles so don't be the one with the most amazing cosplay but the worst personality
My personal tip is; make friends! Also if you're with someone you already know. A friend of mine has been cosplaying longer than me, but she hasn't made any other friends apart from the people she always goes with, because she sticks with them. Nothing wrong with that, but I'd still say, make your own plans and don't always follow each other around. Cosplay is great for making friends who like the same stuff.
I don't throw buckets I hand them a picture of a bucket instead
+Shadow_Wolf God.....
im just imagining someone like sliding up to a cosplayer and gently placing a small printed picture of a bucket in their hand like 'please. take it.' i cri evrytim
FalcorTheFuckDragon TRIGGERED
Its not ok to go up to an America cosplayer and ask him if he wants a burger
(I know from experience)
Or go up to a South Italy cosplayer and pull their curl/hang on them and start fondling that cosplayers curl. If they say you can, go ahead.
XD or shove a tomato in Spain's face. Or start speaking Spanish really quickly
Or go up to an iceland cosplayer and pester them to call you big brother (I cosplay norway yet I'm also polite)
BTT Tomates That was my first cosplay mistake. I pulled a Canada's curl, but I was relatively young, so he understood, haha.
It was only my first cosplay and I'm going to be doing much more this year, but at Supercon last summer I learned:
-if your group wants split up for a while entertain the thought!
I kept my friends in place more than I wanted to because I can easily spend an hour debating whether or not to buy something... It's fun to meet up and talk, but if you guys would have more fun doing your own thing then maybe try it out
-plan ahead of time!
I already love planning myself, but it really helped when none of my friends knew what to do and were pretty lost.
-If you're going to cosplay, start it at least a month early.!
I put together my first cosplay within a few weeks before the convention, but my friend ended up having to do hers last minute, and trust me, it can be a pain not to have a great variety of options because you wait!
-plan the bag your bringing.
If you're bringing a backpack, choose one that can hold what you need, and isn't too bulky for you. I brought a rather large Pokemon backpack and it... Didn't go with my Aizawa costume so well. This year I'm going to bring a purse and smaller backpack, and avoid buying larger things unless they're a plushie! Trust me, if you're going to be walking around all day in rainboots like I did, it makes a difference.
-if you're staying for more than one day, plan your purchases!
I tried it out at my first con, and it really helps! I only bought a few things I really wanted the first day, counted my money, and found out of a 300 dollar budget I'd only spent 90 tops. This gave me a chance to go back and buy other stuff I had passed by the next day and really get the things I wanted without missing out! It might just be me, but I love budgeting so this one came pretty naturally to me...
-plan for that autograph you want to be late
I ended up missing out on an autograph from Froppy's (BNHA) eng dub voice actor because she was over twenty minutes late (no offense to her). If you really want that autograph, plan to stand in line for a while! I'm going to be taking a shot at Mario's voice actor this year and Bowser's and god do I know it's going to be packed...
-You're fine not cosplaying!
It was just a thing I wanted to point out, but don't feel pressured to cosplay, or even wear a fandom shirt! No one expects you to have a meticulously crafted costume, as long as you're having fun you're good!
My cosplay partner/best friend and I went to a relatively obscure Anime convention in 2015 for our first con. Because it was small, it was pretty easy to swallow but we made a lot of first timer mistakes. We fangirled quite a bit and we often forgot to eat resulting in con plague for about two weeks.
I wish I had listened to MangoSirene when going to a convention! I ended up being too overwhelmed and excited that I missed almost all of the panels I wanted to go to! Next con I'll be going to, Shutocon in Lansing, I'll definitely slow my roll and take a look at the programs before I go off and run arouns like the hyperactive derp I am.
From my own experience when you pick up your badge you get a book that has panel schedules in it as well as a map of the convention center. Don't throw away that book.
I've been to a few cons, only because I just started two years ago, but I've had a lot of stuff happen. Here's one word of advice I get from seeing it happen to a group of people before:
Look through the rules of the convention on their websites and make sure to follow them, because the authorities can kick you out if you are causing trouble.
And I usually follow the buddy system where I have at least one person that I actually know with me at all times so in case something goes wrong, we'll have an easier time getting help or contacting someone.
Lastly, I have to say: don't hook up at conventions! (this one is not from experience, but I've been told by many other people) You may find someone that you actually really like or something, but you and the other person are most likely all excited and happy for the con so neither of you are thinking perfectly clear. If you really want to hang out with them, ask them for a phone number or other way of communication and talk to them after the con. You can meet them at a later date when you are in your right mind so you don't make any bad choices.
I've only been to a con twice, but i can tell sometimes you can buy stuff for you cosplay at a convertion
Example: i was busy on my SnK cosplay, i only needed the green cape,
at the convention, i saw (and bought) the green cape and completed my SnK cosplay
Thank you so much for addressing the bucket issue. I've seen it too many times, when a homestuck cosplayer is harassed by people with buckets.
Unless a cosplayer is busy, relaxing for a bit, in a deep conversation with someone or eating, DONT BE SHY TO ASK FOR PHOTOS. I only started asking cosplayers for photos a con I was at yesterday and everyone was so nice ! it's a bit scary at first but I promise they take it as a compliment. But obviously if they refuse the photo please respect that.
My first con I'm going to is Comic Con SLC in September and I'm really excited, but I'm kinda freaking out. I've never cosplayed before but I really want to. I also don't hAve any friends that cosplay, or even LIKE anime. I'm afraid that I won't hAve a fun time because I won't have any friends, and that I won't make any friends while I'm there.
Just go for it!! Honestly, the exact same thing happened to me when I cosplayed as england from hetalia axis powers. I begged my friend to go with me as france, but she told me anime was for losers, especially going to conventions and co splaying. Go go go go go go go!!!!! It doesn't matter what people think. As long as you're having fun, nothing matters
This is so true!
I'm going to my very first Con soon, and I just hope I can make cosplay friends by being a good cosplay friend, myself (being respectful and outgoing and kind to others at the Con).
i recently went to an mcm in manchester and i was intending to cosplay fem prussia from hetalia, however everyone there who knew hetalia and actually noticed i was cosplaying hetalia called me fem iceland, and i was just like ._. oh. but i passed it off by just pretending i was meant to be iceland all along and things went ok, and i met a sweden for like 5 seconds...next comic con i'm being england and i am definitely not procrastinating on my costume so i cant buy official cosplay, cause i couldn't find a blue coat for prussia so i ended up wearing a purple one and that was what caused confusion :/
Trust me Hetalia fans are hard to find in Britain! I live 20 minutes by train followed by a twenty minute walk from the Cardiff train station...and I'm going by train in a full aot cosplay...to the only major con in Wales!!! I have some feeling I will be stared at...a lot!
Okay so, I came to this playlist to learn more for a Homestuck cosplay, and I was thinking about the cosplay when you mentioned Homestuck and I almost flipped my shit when you said not to throw buckets at HS cosplayers because it was really unexpected.( ^∇^)
I have a tip
If you are wearing heels please make sure to bring another pair of shoes with you >_< I know you dont want to seem inaccurate but on the first day of con I wore heeled boots and the second day it was hard to walk cause my feet hurt so bad!
Always check the weather before the con it helps to know! It once rained at one of the conventions (not hard normal) and I had to run to my hotel and bet everybody jackets or a poncho
*tear up* you...are offical the best cosplay-mentor ever! You even know some of the best syfy shows!!!!
Guys I watch this like 20 times before I went to my first con this summer, IT HELPS this is a very useful video that I think alot of people should watch before their first con. It's informative so please people, take a couple minutes to watch this
My first really big con is gonna be this summer at AnimeExpo at the Los Angeles convention center. I have only ever been to one, and it was really small and for comics, but this...
I am so scared. Thankfully, I live in LA, so I dont have to book hotels and whatnot. I am planning to attempt cosplay, but I am scared for my life considering how young I am ( 2 years). Hopefully, I can do it. I'm suppose to go with a friend, but we are both pretty young so.. Were scared. Like, really. ;-; tips?
THE BUDDY SYSTEM IS YOUR BEST FRIEND. SERIOUSLY. Stick with your friend the entire time. You both can watch out for each other. If you're purposely going to separate for awhile, make sure you keep in touch until its time to meet up again.
~Keep an eye out for con staff/volunteers/security. They'll usually wear something to denote that they're the staff (like a different badge or a vest) so you know who to go to if you're in trouble. They're there to make sure the con runs smoothly and safely!
~Trust your gut instinct. If you're getting weird vibes from someone, best to get yourself outta there. If someone's making you feel uncomfortable and possibly unsafe, dont be afraid to tell them to BACK THE HELL OFF. Go to the staff to tell them what's up and they'll help you.
~Dont just leave with some random stranger to some isolated spot. You wouldnt do this out on the street and a con is no different!
~If you're on the young side, make sure a parent/guardian is aware of where you are and what you're doing. Just give a quick call or text every few hours or so.
~If someone asks you for a hug and you're not comfortable with that, just say so. Cosplayers in general mind their manners with that, and respect it if someone does not want a hug or a pic taken. Mind you, this goes for you too if you want a picture of someone or a hug! ;)
~Try to stick close to the con area, especially if you're a little unfamiliar with the area.
Hope this helps!
InuMiroLover thank you! ^-^
see you there lol. it is also my first time attempting a big cosplay
Anime Expo will be my very first con this summer too~! :D And yes it will also be my first time cosplaying. Don't be scared~! Although you may want to bring along someone who's a bit older just to be safe.
See you there :) I'll be in a Lizzie cosplay from Black Butler :P
1. I didn't have a problem last year due to what I was cosplaying, but this year I'm going in ballroom style (ish?), and I don't know how I'm supposed to carry anything I buy/bring that wouldn't ruin the image to my cosplay.
2. How do you deal with public transport when you have an extremely puffy dress?
3. How do you use the washroom without ruining your cosplay?
4. Do people usually make stops back to their hotel room to readjust/fix their cosplay? I lived nearby enough that I didn't need a hotel room, but I spent the day with a tangled wig and smudged makeup (washrooms are warzones).
5. If I wear a dress that drags on the ground, how do I keep it from becoming dirty? I'm wearing so much that it's impossible to carry the skirt around.
***** thank you so much for the tips! The only issue is that my petticoat is part of my dress (to save up on money and time), so if I take it off, I'll be left wearing half a "dress" and my undies lol. its designed similar to ariel's and cinderella's dresses, where the petticoat is the "under" dress, and I'm sewing a separate skirt that drapes along the dress.
Robin Lee Just to confirm, your top drapery is separate and not being sewn directly to the underdress/petticoat? If so, just wear leggings or pants during transport and put on the petticoat when you get there (leggings take up barely any space in a con bag/purse, plus, it's fairly easy to slip off leggings once the petticoat's on or you can leave them on if you don't mind the extra heat)
Comic Girl Cosplay see this is why I love asking people online questions. I've never thought of leggings, and that's actually quite perfect, thank you :)
And yes, my top skirt is separate.
I'm going to my first actual con next spring. I'm going to Acen and I'm so excited! Like I've been to cosplay meetups and gatherings before but never an actual con and I can't wait!
last year when my mom and i went to anirev my mom went more crazy in the dealer room than i did
Thank you so much for uploading this video XD I'm going to my very first con this weekend and I'm so excited but I'm terribly nervous about costume malfunctions and I've had no idea what to expect so this lessened my worries and helped prepare me and helped to give me an idea of what to prepare for the con ^_^
I'm going to AnimeExpo this July! It's my first Con and I'm really nervous. I'm going to be cosplaying as Lizzie from Black butler!
Last year I was so busy planning EVERYTHING for my little group that once we were at the hotel and I had to change into my normal clothes I had forgotten to pack eyerything. I only had a bathing suit and cosplay to wear all weekend, so yeah. Make a list, it really helps.
I'm really new when it comes to cosplaying, so your video series has really helped me a LOT! I was wondering if you'll be making a video about posing for pictures at cons and how to handle being attacked when you have a really awesome costume. That would really be helpful, as I'm making my first really good cosplay(s) and wearing them in March to MegaCon :)
Thanks for the tips. I might be going to my first con in November, probably just saturday, but this video was really helpful.
I think I'm in love with your shirt :D And I'm really liking your Colsplay 101 series - it's very helpful :D
My first Con was last may it was the MCM Expo in London it was effing Amazing!
crap, I was happily watching your video and then you explained your shirt and I had a mini heart attack.
Those are my favourites!
Love you even more now!
Iv watched soooo many cosplay tutorials since i found out ill be going to my first, soon. You are by far the best. You're funny, honest, and down to earth. I like you! Hope I don't sound creepy, but i will watch more of your vids!
thurk you! Cant wait to go to my first con and panel in may!!!
I love your videos!!!!! These tips helped me ALOT thank you!!!
the bucket thing! yes! Those really hurt! omg and your shirt is amazing!
Those were some great tips Sirene, thanks for sharing them with us.
My first con is going to be San Diego Comic Con. I know its a bad idea to start with a major con like that but I'm so ready and excited for it! I'll be cosplaying Korra (from Legend Of Korra) at the con.
To organize costumes: I lay out the entire costume first. Clothing,belts,footwear,socks/tights,badges,swords/wands,wig/wig cap/hair supplies+ MAKEUP. Everything that is small gets put ina large ziploc bag which I label with a Sharpie marker (i.e. "Kenpachi"), then the bag goes into a clear storage bin (or suitcase, if you are flying to the Con). The clothing gets put in the garment bag. I do this about a month in advance so that I have time to find/purchase/make anything missing.
I would say a big tip is to either get a hotel room or drive with people you know. For anime midwest, my friend and I lived about under an hour away so we carpooled with someone we both knew from school and their family. This was a terrible idea. The girl's family was late, we got there at their house to carpool at 9am like we were told, we weren't out the door until 10:45am. The ride was absolute hell with little ones screaming and the mom not knowing where to park her big van that sat 10 people. Friday night we had already ate at the convention and they had asked if we wanted to eat dinner with them, we said no. At about 10pm we were told we were leaving so we expected they had already eaten and they were just picking us up. No, we went to a Denny's and didn't order anything and had to sit there. The one girl ordered pancakes with strawberries and found that the strawberries were on top of the pancakes and she refused to eat it (this girl is 16 years old) and they had to make it again, basically adding another 30 minutes to our 'sitting at dennys' time.
On saturday, 3 more people were added and one was on the floor the whole way. They did the same dinner thing to us again and made us leave very early at 9pm which they made us wait 30 minutes in the lobby for them to find everyone and bring the car around.
Long story short, make sure you are carpooling with the right people if you are carpooling. The best thing is to just get a hotel if you can. Honestly this was the worst con experience I've had but probably because I did not cosplay due to personal issues over the year that popped up. So I'd also say cosplay can make it a much better experience.
Cosplay Island is a great site for UK cosplayers where you can see what other users are going as to what cons, how popular cons are, and there is a section for buying/selling items, tutorials, discussions and such. I say this as a fellow first time cosplayer, it's helped me find some local minor cons to start off with rather than launching into the expensive far away ones. Happy cosplaying!
If you are wanting to go to an autograph signing for a guest at a convention, be there one to two hours in advance, otherwise you get stuck in a long line and sometimes you don't end up getting that said guests autograph.
Likewise, its also not okay to be really rude to someone if they're asking a really nice and not screaming/yelling question. I saw an Asuka cosplayer once while we were in an elevator if there was a Kaworu and Shinji around, just asking "Oh I love your cosplay, is there a Kaworu and Shinji with you somewhere?" and then she proceed to laugh at me and call me a weeaboo, rolling her eyes and walking away.
+Sinnamon Roll probably thought she was better than everyone and just wanted to be a total prick for no reason. Hate people like that.
A problem with living in the western part of Australia is that there is only cons once at the start of the year one in the middle of the year and one at the end of the year.
I'm going to my first con later this year and I've been watching a lot of these videos for tips and stuff.
I'm going as a Homestuck character, and I have to say I didn't know that some people threw buckets at each other? I'm sorry, but I laughed really hard. I mean, why would that ever seem like a good idea??
Thank you so much for this! I'm going to my first con next week (Canterlot Gardens, a local MLP:FiM con) and I am super excited. I'm cosplaying Vinyl Scratch (DJ Pon3) and I can't wait. My friends are probably gonna get sick of final test shots of my cosplay.
I just started laughing when she said about the buckets.
I'm going to Sabotencon this September and it's not my first time cosplaying at a big con, but I'm trying to take this one rEALLY seriously. Loved the video too!
I hate that some people have been treated badly by homestuck cosplayers but seriously I have had several friends decide against going to any convention in homestuck cosplay even though they want to because they get mistreated by other con goers because of the actions of a minority and it really puts me of going to my first con knowing that people are going to hate me simply because I'm in the fandom because of people throwing buckets, yeah it's a dick move for sure but it's a minority that's like saying every Muslim is a member of Islamic state, they aren't. Please people stop hating a whole fandom of cosplayers because of the actions of a few
Awwe, i'm sorry about that :( But as long as you have fun! I got sick my first time two, and even lost my voice at the con, but it was totally worth it haha Hope you enjoy the rest of your con :)
One time Is make sure you reserve a hotel ahead of time because you can always look in a good rate. Also some hotels even offer features like convention or AAA discounts. Also if the hotel offers stuff like Free Wifi, Free Breakfast, and Microwave and Fridge, because it will be useful and help you save a bunch of money, also research the area and bring a map just incase you you get lost. Have some more but those are a few good ones that I can think off.
For food, I find rice and gatorade to be useful. Usually I would bring rice in a plastic container I bought from the 99 cents store, so I won't be sad if i lose the container.Basically, any food in the grain area can keep your stomach satisfied longer than just fruits alone.
Thank you so much for the tips! :D It makes me a little bit happy to know somethings before going to a con with my only friend that loves to cosplay. C:
Great tips. I quite love this video and agree with all things mentioned.
# 10: I think this goes along with what many are now calling the "Cosplay =/= Consent" for those people who think it's ok to just run up and punch and or kiss without even asking first. So I am very glad that this was mentioned.
# 11: Yes! Also, I would recommend stocking up on safety pins of many sizes to add to your sewing kit. When things can't be fixed quite that easily, at least most of the times they can be pinned together without showing much. My first con -- my sister stepped on my dress twice and the second time she nearly tore off a whole layer of my skirt, luckily I was able to just safety pin it back in place from underneath.
Also, # 4 works best going both ways. I have a bad habit of never forgetting anything when going /to/ a location ...just when coming home -- I tend to leave at least something. I recommend keeping the list with you and checking it off both times. (To and Returning)
Ok, this is super helpful. I went to my first con ever as just myself, and... well, I haven't gone to any more since. But my friends and I really want to start cosplaying(more Homestucks over here~!) and I was really kinda scared... I still am, but less!!! Thanks for the good video!
One of the most important things I learned about going to a convention is choosing who you go with wisely. Don't try to invite as many people as you can to get a cheaper room rate or just to be nice. Don't invite people if you can't stand being around them for 60 hours.
The first time I went to a convention, I went with a really bossy friend who took control of the group of people we went with. We fought over how to spend our time, and since she was the loudest, she always won. My friends regretting not going to a lot of panels they wanted to go to.
Then last year we took another bigger group to the same con (more than ten people). We expected there to be some divides in the grouping, but two members of our party thrived on drama and made part of the experience miserable for everyone else. Their personalities clashed with the rest of us. They weren't interested in the con itself and instead they were out late, partying, drinking, and made some... ahem, friends.
Sure, you could be that kind of person, but out of respect for yourself and the people you go with, make sure you invite and go with people who are interested in the same things you are. If someone else really wants to go, but you don't want them to go with you, they'll find their own way. Otherwise, they can wait until they're an adult. Don't let your pity ruin your experience. Lot's of my friends have learned this the hard way.
If it is your first time going to a convention, this is extremely important. Go only with good friends and cherish your first convention! It'll be exciting, and there will be lots to take in, but try not to regret your VERY FIRST convention! The more you go to after, the more you'll get a hang of what a convention is.
And Mango is absolutely right -- go to a more local, smaller convention (top of ~3,000 or less) to get the hang of it your first time, to learn what panels you'll have a chance to go to in the future. Example -- at every convention, there will probably be a Homestuck panel, and if you're short on time and not that big of a fan, you can skip it without too much guilt. If there is however a more narrow panel topic with a higher level of personal interest, you'll know when to skip out on time in the dealer's room and head to that panel instead. This way when you go to the 10,000+ conventions, you won't be completely overwhelmed by the volume of things to do. It's a learning curve, and you'll have to figure these things out for yourself, but as long as you can leave your first convention without regrets, it'll be a great experience.
I'd say another important tip is to prioritise comfort. If you're doing a full foam armor cosplay, put ice packs or something (I'd recommend getting one of the gel ones, so you can still easily move) under it so you don't overheat. If you can, I've also heard stories of people doing the same with dry ice with vents to create steam/smoke effects.
I've never been to a con convention, and I hope you can answer these few questions!
1) How much money do you spend at he least when you're buying your tickets and everything?
2) Besides from you're ticket to get in the con, do you have to buy other tickets to get into rooms where special guests are answering questions, dealer rooms? etc?
3)If all you buy is your registration and con ticket to get in, and nothing else, what would you still have access to if you do have to buy other tickets?
On bringing food to conventions, my friends and I we found a really cool way to make foods such as the quick microwaveable Yakisoba. A lot of hotel rooms don't have microwaves, nor do they allow you to bring in one. We simply used the coffee machine. We would pour water into it and allow it to "boil" and then once it was done we just poured it into our food, and it was just as good as microwaving it!
This is so helpful. I'm thinking about going to a few cons this summer.
Thanks for the help, I'm going to a geekfest near my town. I needed help to go and what I would need help to do my cosplay, thanks for the help. :D
Baby powder is a cheap alternative I use it a lot! Just don't over do it. If you have bangs, dusting it on your forehead and combing it through your bangs will work nicely, make sure you have a fine comb though because at first it will make your bangs white till you comb it in.
The diving headfirst thing depends on the con. my first was Metrocon, the biggest con in florida. It's pretty big and gets bigger every year, but it was a great experience for me just because I like the hype. If you're easily overwhelmed, definitely go to a smaller con and work upwards.
At 5:24 that reminded me of this one time at the con when my friend and i were cosplaying Homestuck and she was dave (i was not their i was in the dealer room) and she was going to a Homestuck photo shoot and everyone was in like a huge clump and their was like 10 bros behind her and then they throw there Cals at her and the funny thing is they were planing this behind her and they were being really loud so when they throw the Cals she puts up her hands and blocks them she didn't appreciate it
Extra tips ^^
It's ok to hug or "glomp" people or a character u really like, but make sure u ASK that person first!!! Also, it's ok to act like ur character but, as she said xD don't falcon punch people! (btw I love these videos! Even tho I am an experienced cosplay, I enjoy seeing what other pro cosplays are saying and this is really great advise and I wish I had someone like you telling me all this wen I started cosplaying)
To navigate the Dealer's Hall--you are almost always better off doing a sweep of the entire hall before you make a single purchase. It's not unusual to find things cheaper at one booth.You also may find something you like a lot better later in the day, but you've already spent your $50 so you're outta luck.The exception to this is if you need a very specific thing to finish a cosplay (like a wig or an accessory)--in which case you want to find it and buy it as soon as possible (b4 it sells out).
Really sensible stuff, yet it all needed to be said. Especially #9!
I just went to my first con, Animethon Edmonton. It was massive; when i got their i had no idea how to act or be. I'm glad i had friend to cling onto till i was comfortable.
We did share a tiny dorm and we did fight alot...
and i was always to entertained i forgot to eat and drink to!
other then that the convention was awesome and i miss it. :D
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this! I am going to my first con EVER in June (AnimeNEXT in NJ) and I am excited and CRAZY nervous! this is so helpful! thank you!
Don't accept blue liquid from strangers
In my case it was absinthe
I did in the morning XD
My first con was comic con...
I'm brave?
Yes. Yes you are.
yeah when I went to a con I got thirsty a lot and drank my water and it would help so much while waiting for a panel or show
Hey Mango Sirene, I've watched a bunch of your videos. I am a photographer and interested in some of the photo shoots and how the photographer sets up a photo shoot or do they just pull you aside and ask for a photo? I would love to hear you talk about it since you get some beautiful photos in your costumes!
I was eating macaroni and cheese at the beginning of this video. Coincidence?
I think not!
Illuminati confirmed.
At my last con, my cosplay partner and I carried around a huge bag of repair stuff for our cosplays (which are mecha-ish huge cosplays so basically paint, super glue, tape), and it turned out to be pretty damn useful to other cosplayers as well who needed it. Bring. Repair. Kits. I can't stress that enough.
Thank you so much for all the advice, earlier in September I went to Nan Desu Kan with my manga group. Many of the things that I was warned about happened to me. I almost passed out from dehydration/ hunger, causing me to be really jittery. (Bad thing was people thought I was in Character.)
One thing that you neglected to mention: Wear comfortable shoes with support. I ran around the convention A lot, and my feet decided to die later that evening, so i missed something pretty neat.
I went to Kumoricon last summer and i learned that you should ALWAYS keep a drawstring bag with you! Them sell them at the cons in the main entrance for really cheap. You never know when you will be collected things from different panels. Also the main book and pamphlet and stuff you'll need to carry in a decent bag not those ones that they give out with the pamphlets and stuff. Thank you MangoSirene your videos are very helpful!!!! ^-^
Where did you get your bedspread! I love it! sorry for the tangent. n_n
OMG where did you get your awesome shirt? I'm loving your videos!
Packing lists = super important. There's been too many cons I went to without one only to realize I forgot a piece of my costume. Last one was a year ago. Took a nap on the way up, got to the hotel we were staying in and woke up as we pulled up in the parking lot with the words 'I FORGOT MY WIG'
WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SHIRT?! All shows I'm obsessed with. Need it.
my first con is in two weeks and its ONI CON so im not really sure what to expect but this really helped a lot. i feel like ill be a bit more prepared now
I was at my 2nd convention a few days ago and cosplayed for the first time. It was really fun, and I cosplayed as Derpy from mlp which was a simple costume. I plan on cosplaying as Harley Quinn next year since I suddenly got obsessed w/ her. It'll be more complex, but I'm hyped for it :D
To add onto the whole water bottle tip, bring one with a pop top. It is so much easier to work with. You don't have to worry about twisting the cap on and off every time you want a drink, and there is no chance of you losing the lid. And remember to refill it whenever you get a chance. I've had friends get jealous when we are in the middle of the dealer's room, and I'm the only one with any water because the nearest water fountain is 3 rooms away.
I'm going to my first Con this year and I'm a little nervous so this helped me a lot, thank you :)
Ha, A-kon was my first anime convention, only stayed there for a few hours and then became very overwhelmed. Though last year I actually went and stayed all three days, and doing the same this year. I had a lot of fun, but that first time going to that huge place was just...woooah. Starting out at asmaller convention is a good idea.
Hahaha! comicon at San deigo was my first convention...and I loved it!
I took a huge leap going to a major con... I loved it!!!!! :D It was probably one of the greatest experiences of my life :) just thought I'd share
there aren't any local conventions where i live. but i wish wishthere were. ive really never been to a con and a think i might need to wait a couple years anyway, but the closest con to me is in new orleans orleans,la and it would take a long time to get there..
I'm going to Ohayocon! I went last year and fell in LOVE! I've always been a fangirl raised reading comics, watching anime, playing video games, and pretending to be superheros with my brother. But I never went to a convention until last year, and it was AMAZING! I had so much fun, but I didn't dress up and felt left out because everyone dressed up was having so much fun. This year I am going to be pinkie pie from my little pony lol
After my last convention, I knew I had to make a list of things to bring. I was so excited to go this convention, I forgot the most important item...a wig cap. I was freaking out when I got there, I made my mom go to every local store and there was a single store with wig caps! I was so glad when I found a table at the con with wigs and wig caps being sold ;3;