If you have clothes hanging in your wardrobe that you haven't worn but you can't let go of them, wear them tomorrow. Wearing them is the only way to work out if you love or hate the item. If you don't love it, donate it.
My problem is that I "declutter" things I think still have value and think I'm able to sell, but I never get to the point where I sell them. They just sit in boxes waiting for me to get to them. And all the while I'm stuck deciding if they are worth my time selling them or just donating them. I'm also a victim of one in one out rule in a situation where I haven't the space for the item in the first place. I think the hardest part of decluttering is the mental part of deciding and following through.
💯 % the act of donating + disposing isn't hard, it's the emotions we attach to objects that have no emotions that holds us up. I have a free resource available to help train your brain in letting go -- there are 3 audios in here, train your brain to let go, train your to get stuff done and train your brain to declutter. Hope it helps! miadanielle.com/train-your-brain
That's how I filled my basement. Worse, even, I told my mom and a few friends that I was going to sell stuff on FB and they brought their stuff for me to sell, too. I ended up having to pay Just Junk a lot of money to empty the basement when I sold my house and ran out of time to deal with it. No more basement. No more problem.
You should try Thread up! I put stuff in a bag or box and ship it off to them. I get money back from things that will sell and they donate the rest to women's shelters.
@@readwithmenatalee That sounds great! Sadly I think we don't have it here where I live. We have other selling apps, but I think they require you doing the curating yourself.
Your stuff is worth nothing. What has value is your time and attention. Donate the stuff and get on with your life. When your housekeeping time is cut to a fraction you'll have time for more important things like socializing or family or hobbies, or those books you've been wanting to read. If you want to see how much your stuff is really worth, visit your local flea market. The vendors there bid on abandoned storage units and sell the stuff for a tiny fraction of their original value. I buy beautiful quality clothes there for $1, sometimes with the tags still on, because they're a few years out of style.
I was raised in a hoarded home. This video was so validating! Hiding things or stuffing things in totes, scraping everything into your child's closet... building storage buildings for the overflow is NOT decluttering or cleaning. At some point you have to start letting go of things, especially if it's basically trash in your life. Determining what is useful and not is a much needed skill.
I was also raised in a hoarded house. I wonder if you have clutter anxiety like I do. Clutter, disorder and dirty surfaces (hoarder houses are almost always filthy) trigger an actually panic response. I have a hard time tolerating day to day messes, the way that most people do. I live in an old house with tiny closets and friends have commented, how can you stand such tiny closets? But I think they're huge because they're filled with all the things that I actually use, not warehousing piles of "just in case" stuff.
@@lisalamphier1410 I don't know if I'd call it anxiety but I do feel icky when I see things start to become cluttered. We also live in a very tiny home. I'm sorry you had to live in a hoard. Yes, my home growing up was very dirty. I was blamed for it so my anxiety shows up as ideas that I'm not clean or I'm lazy. Growing up and taking control of my own home was such a relief though.
@@DollfieMew Yes, I was blamed for the mess, along with my siblings, but of course the hoard became worse after we left home. One child became an adult hoarder, and the rest of us are neat-nicks, and have something that looks a bit like PTSD around housekeeping. We have crazy housekeeping stories. I had a melt down over wooden spoons because I had too many and couldn't decide which ones to keep. My brother refurbished his living room and then left it empty for years, not even furniture, because he loved the way it looked.
@@lisalamphier1410 It really is hard to make decisions sometimes. I always have to talk it through, listing the pros and con's to each item before getting rid of it. Conversations like that were impossible with my Mom since in her mind everything was incredibly valuable. I find some weird satisfaction that I can reason on each items value on my own. I was in therapy for many years for ptsd. I can understand the stress around the subject, since as kids we had no real control over the housekeeping. I have no idea what my family's condition is now.
THANK YOU for pointing out the minimalist lifestyle and aesthetic are two different things. I have a maximalist style, I have lots of décor and I love it because each thing is something I love and it makes me happy to see. Lots of pictures and art on the walls, lots of stuff on shelves, books galore, etc etc. It makes me feel happy and comfy. However my actual lifestyle is more on the minimalist end; I still do my very best to be mindful of only keeping the things that serve a purpose - whether that purpose is purely functional or if it's purpose is bringing me joy. Not bringing in things that I have no use for or on a whim, not keeping things for the sake of keeping them. If I own something it's because it adds something positive to my life.
I really like how you define clutter. It’s not that some item has no VALUE, it’s more that the item has no immediate or current use for me or my household. When I continue to hold on to that (perfectly good) item, thinking I’ll use it “some day,” I’m preventing someone else from getting use out of it NOW. And that’s too close to hoarding in my mind, notwithstanding the selfish aspect of keeping it, or insecurity, etc.
What great insights you had during this video Jesse 🙌 Something along the lines of "one mans junk is another mans treasure". You are preventing someone who is would LOVE to own the item from having it and holding onto that energy in your home. Has this inspired some action in your space? Keep sharing your thoughts, I love the breakthroughs you're having here on my channel 🤗
The advice of not telling people you're getting rid of stuff is spot on. I've noticed that my less-well-off friends will love hearing I'm taking stuff to donate. They ask to go through the stuff first. I say yes. They wind up taking home stuff they don't need just because it's free. So, in that regard, all I accomplished was burdening my friends with my cast-off clutter. Now, I only talk about my donation trips after the fact.
We've all been there ... I loved my $20 big bag of clothes that held no value or joy for me ... and now I only tell my 16-year-old I'm getting rid of something IF I know she'll love it... Free doesn't always mean we have to take it on 🙅♀️ Great job observing your situation and making meaningful changes 🙌
You are absolutely correct, I had a big bag of items I had declutter, some which I thought my parents might use, but then I remember that they already have an overstuffed house and that some day I will have to clear it and decided that donating it to charity was a much better solution.
Mixed feelings about this. Especially if you think they’re “less well off”, it’s impossible to know for sure what they need, or what’s an upgrade for THEM, or what brings them some joy just for offering variety or novelty that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. It used to be so discouraging to see friends with superior goods talking about donating, selling, or even throwing out items because they OWNED TOO MUCH - they were too privileged (and I wouldn’t have it any other way!) to have any conception of how I felt. I have more disposable income now, but I still rarely buy new things because of perfectly good items other people gave me that I’ve cheerfully given a new lease on life! If it’s your child, you know best. If it’s your friend, please just assume they know best. Sometimes it’s ok to let it be someone else’s problem, as long as they’re the ones signing up for it!!!
@@EspressoLaine I wrote "they don't need it" because I know for a fact they don't actually need it. I didn't guess. My friend now has four blue skirts and two toasters. She only uses one of those blue skirts. And she doesn't eat toast. But she won't get rid of the unused items because of a scarcity mindset that plagues poor people. I learned from my mistakes.
@@WayToVibe I certainly have no qualms getting rid of junk! 💚 But for nicer items, I’m personally delighted for any friend to decide for themselves if my stuff can be a blessing in whatever way *they* feel they need; it’s none of my business whether I think they need it or not unless it’s actively harming them (Hoarders TV, anyone? 😂)
This is the first time I've come across your channel. VERY useful video. I can see where I have actually decluttered and see where I have clearly NOT decluttered by only storing, organizing and rehoming mostly. I also love that you distinguished clutter and visual clutter. When I have visual clutter I can't resolve or it repeats often, it is always because there is clutter where that stuff sitting out really belongs. Visual clutter for me is a clue to deeper clutter.
YES!!! I love hearing this Vikki 🙌 Sounds like you had some profound breakthroughs watching this. If you'd like to take another pass at your clutter with these new insights, I have this free checklist to help you out: miadanielle.com/checklist Let me know how your new mindset translates to less clutter around your home 🤗
Super guilty of rehoming and organizing!! I am great at Tetris and am impressed at my abilities at each go, only to realize in the end not much actually went to the donation bin. In my head decluttering is so easy, but practically speaking it's easier said than done. I am making progress and being far more definitive than I used to be, as I realize I was making the process far more difficult on myself than it needed to be. Before a decluttering session, I remind myself: the feeling of space and freedom is far more valuable to me than the stuff I own.
It's all a process, and you're learning all the time. Taking steps to getting there like you are is what matters. Progress over perfection. You are definitely right that it can be easier said than done. Instead of looking at ALL the change that needs to happen, perhaps consider what ONE small meaningful step you could take today to get closer to your desired goal. Not the whole picture, or even the next milestone... but one small seemingly insignificant thing you can do today, it helps 🤗
For 20 years I was thinking I was organizing my stuff. I would buy additional new plastic storage bins. When I actually got into minimalism, I donated a ton of plastic bins because all of the contents were donated or thrown away. In fact, I don't think I've even acquired a new container because I have a lot fewer items in my possession. The entire thought process of minimalism versus organizing is so different. Great video reminder.
Thanks for sharing your experience Elizabeth! Isn't it interesting how once we work on our mindset, the need for things we thought we needed (or the things we thought we needed to organize all that stuff), just goes away. How has the change impacted you? 20 years is a long time to hold onto a thought process and then let it go...
@@MiaDanielle It has been dramatic! The empty spaces, the intentionality of living... it has been a great form of therapy since I have complex chronic illness, which ebbs and flows, but minimalism is so concrete! It is a gift to remove the aspirational items, or crappy memories of things.
On the swapping, it’s crazy how getting myself upgrades on things I truly use frequently and enjoy has lead to me decluttering so much other stuff simultaneously. With Thanksgiving weekend, I am doing the holiday meal but then after that I’m spending the weekend getting more items gathered up to then remove them from my home come Monday before work hopefully. My last trip for donations was a good 8 boxes, admittedly some oddly shaped items and things that I couldn’t pack too tightly, but still a huge dent.
What a great observation to have! When we focus on what we love, it seems that all the unimportant stuff (the mental and physical clutter), just seems to fall away. And way to go, not fall into the trap of rehoming them to the garage 🙌
Really good clarification- I am a minimalist- and it’s obvious when I open closets, drawers and cupboards but I enjoy books, art and cozy furniture with cushions and throws. My decor isn’t cluttered but it’s not the minimalist aesthetic. I have (&love) a bright red washer and dryer set that are part of the entry to my apartment. Probably gives the aesthetic minimalists the heebie jeebies!😂
YES!!!! You are living the whole "you don't HAVE to get rid of the things you love to be a minimalist" concept. Sounds like you are mastering it and making it work for you and your space -- if the red washer/dryer brings you joy, that's even better 😉
Lol. Reminds me of a design game I played once. Nobody voted for my bold red wall. I was like ugh. 🙄🙄 I don’t play that game anymore tho. Lol. I feel the same way. Same for my red fridge and red couch and red and white rug and my “French country bedroom.” Along with a lot of black and white stuff to bounce off the red and little splashes of turquoise. Lol. I love bold color pops and high contrast so long as I’m not trying to go to sleep in there. 😅😅 Now I’m jealous. I want a red W/D also. Lolol. 🤣🤣
But the minimalists do not luve there. I am a maximalist; colors, patgerns, heirlooms, knick-knacks and hobby supplies (I refurbosh old dollhouses). And yes, a minimalist (or my friend who is diagnosed with OCD) do get a little affected... but they are visiting. I love the things I have. Enjoy the energy of my home - but my mindset is minimalism. Dont buy things I wont use or love. Refurbish/recycle/up-cycle in-stead of buying new, etc.
I get it. My spouse and I and our dog who is large, live in a 300sqfoot space and I'm a minimalist so is he. But it doesn't look like it because we have so many furniture and items crammed in this little space, it still looks spacious to others like when we have guests they're surprised of how little we have. However, to me as a minimalist, I feel like I can do more downsizing. So far we're working on financial minimalism so materialistic stuff will be more on going.
Thanks for sharing Rosemary! It's interesting how things unfold like that, isn't it? First it's integrating with one component of minimalism, but then you realize how much freedom, intention, and joy it brings you that it can't help but bleed into other areas of your life! Keep sharing you journey 🤗
I have a masters degree in rehoming items 😂😂😂 In the name of organizing of course 😅 After a while I started decluttering because I realized that this need to come up with new ways of organizing my stuff was because I had too much stuff. I have done a pretty good job at it, but I still have too much stuff. My financial situation has been a bit of an obstacle to decluttering not so much because I spent money on the items, but more because if I did need to replace it later, I can’t afford to do so. But I’m going to continue with the decluttering and just remind myself that if it doesn’t add value to my life now, it is probably then not something I would want to get back in my house later on. So just get it out and reap the benefits of a simpler house and life 🎉❤
Great video Mia. In my research online it does indeed seem there is misunderstanding about what decluttering is, especially in terms of organising and cleaning/tidying. So happy you addressed this!
Thank you so much for the video, Mia ! I’ve been married for 17 years and it’s been hard for me donate wedding gifts that I never used. I can’t believe you have a 16 y ( me, too) . You look so young 😊! Happy holidays!
Wow! 17 years is a long time to NOT to use something. Have you explored the thoughts that are holding you back from making this move? Thank you, Happy holidays to you too 🥰
@@MiaDanielle Yes, I keep thinking I am going to have a fancy dinner party one day 😂. However, I just end up using Chinet plates and solo cups when we have a big family gathering! I guess I have to get over feeling guilty because some of those items were kinda pricey. I appreciate you helping me reflect on the reason I am a baby hoarder 😂 ( that’s what my husband call me , lol!)
Best info for my life!! Thank you, thank you! I get so caught up in thinking I'm decluttering...when I'm just relocating, or sharing with other family members, or storage, or our cabin!! Or scraping, or swapping! Such an eye opener. Mindset ✅ changer! 🎉❤
HUGE breakthrough Stephanie! I think this is why people do feel hopeless and just tend to give up. Relocating never really solves the problem, just pushes it off for another time. I hope this allows you to take inspired action in your home 🤗
@@MiaDanielle yes! I have an enormous load of treasures headed for the thrift store right now, and boxes 📦 for my family to get involved as well. Thank you for your reply along with your beautiful content. So happy to have found your channel 💕 and get to know you!
I know a few people in my Scout troop who store things for the annual rummage sale. I am grateful that they are organized enough to do this. It may not be decluttering, but these things are gone for the sale. I refer to clutter as anything that is not decorative or functional in its current location. I also checked out my food storage containers and removed any broken or orphaned items. They went into my recycling bin with the trash company.
Yes. In the past couple of months I have been decluttering my storage shed…donating it all to the senior resale shop. Even a great deal of the sentimental stuff. Stuff that has been in the family for a generation or two, but I have never used, will never use, and has no meaning to my daughter whatsoever. Let someone else have it who might possibly use it.
I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff. I have a lot of hobbies and interests and a lot of stuff, most of it really does get used though. I just have a small space. I know I have to let things go, I have a collectors mindset in that I always feel like I need every possible thing but obviously I know I can get plenty of value out of my hobbies with less than everything. But it's hard because I love the things 🥲 but I'm working on it. I'm not interested in minimalism, I just need to be able to close my drawers and fit everything into it's place so I don't feel like I'm going crazy surrounded by piles of stuff and overflowing drawers I can barely dig through to use the things. I've done better in 2022 though and I'm hoping to really do well with managing my collecting and organizing my small space in 2023. I want to be able to walk into my room and feel relieved not stressed! Every little bit of progress makes me feel like I can breathe a little easier.
Remember... don't get rid of things that you LOVE or USE! Sounds like you have several hobbies that have "things" that are needed to enjoy your time and get the job done, and that's OK. In this instance, organization might be more helpful to you. I am not sure what your hobbies are, but there may be a tool/item out there of better value that might replace a few of those items successfully? Are there broken/unused items in those drawers that could be tossed out? Take that as a win. You're only ever in competition with yourself and if you've improved your life in 2022 and have a plan in place for 2023, you're a lot further along than you think 🤗 Good luck, and come back and share your wins with us, I am rooting for you 🎉
It's OK to LOVE the second shops -- you can get great value buying second hand. Sounds like maybe the decluttering part isn't quite the problem... but rather some mindset / limiting beliefs blocking you from your goals! I have some great articles/videos/freebies on the psychology portion of decluttering if you're interested in working through these 🤗 Train Your Mind to Be Clutter Free audios: miadanielle.com/train-your-brain Destroying limiting beliefs: miadanielle.com/destroy-limiting-beliefs-around-clutter/ When you want to declutter but can't: th-cam.com/video/5vQlHY-2xME/w-d-xo.html
I wonder if they should just call what I’m into something like simplification. Lol. But also I like the lady who did the bugs. Such as if you like things hidden, you’d enjoy less visual clutter. If you’re a visual person, you wouldn’t enjoy that. Or defining if you’re micro or macro. Knowing who and how we are goes a long way. Bcuz I know I’m mostly micro and hidden myself, I know this style/setup would work for me. I was very happy to learn that you don’t necessarily have to part with things you love. My one friend who has a massive doll collection was wrestling with this idea and I said well you only need to “get rid” of them when you have no need for them anymore. I like to work on my thought processes first so by the time I get to the actual stuff, I’m more aware of what is obvious clutter and what isn’t. I noticed also that I’d make a pass at something and not get it and later on I was like I just don’t want this anymore and on the second pass I knew exactly why. Lol. I think I have a harder time with costly things. I finally told myself try it and if you use it a couple of times then you’ve gotten your money’s worth. And also then you’ll know better if you really like it or not. Some things also I saw that I liked the idea of them on paper but not so much in my reality. So I had to examine things like lying to myself saying I like a thing when I really don’t. Lol. I also think having things l love looking at isn’t clutter either even if they’re just sitting there looking pretty. 😬 (But I do put them behind the curio glass Bcuz I don’t want to be dusting things all the time and I don’t want the cats breaking them lol). Well that got long. 😅😅
The mental component is the biggest obstacle to overcome. Coming to the situation with awareness and clarity will definitely help you achieve your desired outcome. It's amazing to hear that you're already there observing and sharing with others. And YES!!! Don't get rid of it if you love it ❤️
@@MiaDanielle Lol. Thanks! Well I guess for me that had to be the focus anyways Bcuz where I had to start with the mental stuff was “decluttering” a whole host of users and abusers out of my life. I found myself neck deep in a crowded shark tank as a small minnow pretty much. I reckon I just eventually transferred that to things and stuff. Also the same tho. Takes awhile for stuff to “sink in.” And Bcuz all this work wouldn’t do you much good if you kept letting abusers hang around anyways. Some of my stuff was like entitled abusers. I was sitting there telling some of my stuff like “who tf do you really think you are tho? Get tf OUT of my house you jerk off *!?#%^!!” 😅😅 Pardon my French. Lol. Well anyways. It’s like that sometimes. Idk “rage purge” lol.
Love the rehoming comments. So good and most difficult with someone whose love language is gifts. And every piece has meaning because of who gave the piece. Would you recommend taking pictures and creating a digital photo book and trying to have them relinquish some of the pieces. It’s hard when it’s family.
We LOVE our digital picture frames that cycle through our most cherished moments. It's hard when it comes to those around you as you just want to support them. It's important to note that we can't control others, only ourselves! Suggesting digital look books is a fantastic idea and alternative. I hope they go for it! Let us know how it goes.
Sounds like my ex, moving stuff from one room to another and then being proud that she decluttered that room... Not me, I'm in the proces of removing stuff out of my house. Already done the kitchen and it feels so good.
Brilliant! I think this is so importens and so confusing for some people. I am a minimalist at heart but not in my home decor. As I live in Sweden I see both arkitecture, lifestyle & homedecore that are minimalistic. But seldom somewhere with all three. ❤️❤️❤️
I would add a 6th way : you put everything you want to declutter in a donation box, but you procrastinate in getting the box to the donation center. And you end up with boxes sitting in your entryway or the back of your car for months. I'm very familiar with this one 😄😄😄
Hahah 😂! Another great one! Have you explored possibly scheduling donation pickups to workaround your busy schedule? Depending on where you live that could be a helpful option. Put it all in a box and wait for someone to pick it up for you 🙌
You CAN do both! They're just different things. But getting the organizing done while you are decluttering achieves two things at once. That's a great way to maximize your time!
If I am using or otherwise enjoying something and want to change things up or upgrade or swap something out, it is not clutter unless I keep the original item too. If I adhere to the one-in one-out rule then I don't think swapping is clutter.
Hi Julie, a common misconception is that you have to get rid of the things you love. If you love it, if you use it, if it brings you joy, KEEP IT! Don't get rid of it. Upgrading if you're getting a lot of use out of an item and get rid of the old item, is decluttering! There is some grey area 🤗
When I would help my Mother in Law "finally" get her living space decluttered, i would realize in the end that all we had done was relocate it to another spot in the room. After several times, the vision of a washing machines came to mind. you have 10 items in tge washing machine, you run the cycle, and when you are done you still have those 10 items, they are just in a different shape. And all we did, everytime was the rehome . We moved stuff out to the shed, or moved things to a shelf in the same room. It was so futile, and I resented the time spent trying. I dont anymore, I really understand her fear of loss, and how she looked at her things as valuable, to her.
My mother's rationale for not getting rid of clutter was often, "But you paid good money for it!" - so I asked her if it would be ok to get rid of something if I paid 'bad money' for it. By the way, I have yet to hear about the difference between 'good money' and 'bad money'. :D
What a great alternative approach! Thanks for sharing! Money doesn't hold emotion, it isn't inherently good or bad 😉 if you ever hear the answer, I would love to know too haha!
Mia, I just moved in with my girlfriend, and she has so much clutter. We have moved stuff into different rooms to make space, but she won't get rid of things. She gets so angry when I tell her we need to de-clutter to make this room more efficient. I know her cleaning stress would be much easier if we decluttered. How do you speak to someone and tell them they need to declutter without that person getting angry?
Hi Brett, Thanks for reaching out and commenting! Welcome to the channel, I hope you get lots of useful advice + tips here 🤗 I recorded this video, When Your Partner Won't Declutter... and there are 5 tips to help you get started. Let me know how it goes. Your partners anger might stem from situations you might not be aware of that require some communication, common ground + compromise (as with many things that pop up in relationships 😉). th-cam.com/video/pVAND1uWUCA/w-d-xo.html Come back and let us know how it went!
That's amazing Danice, we all have to start somewhere are just START! Were you able to declutter? Find any hidden treasures that add value to your life?
@@MiaDanielle We actually declutter every year. This year I donated a dozen coats to the needy. The attic contains dozens of books the libraries can sell to help them stay alive and healthy to the community. No hidden treasures. Just stuff.
First time viewer 🎉, Im not sure how I ended up here BUT your vibe made me stay and finish the video. Your explanation is so well said! I do not consider myself a minimalist and DEFINITELY do not have a minimalist home BUT I do not have clutter… I think that makes sense lmao… If I do not use it, I do not own it. I have hobbies; woodworking, embroidery and sewing. all for which I own many devices for, they all have their place and they are all used. and it is ok 😊 thank you for this video
Welcome to the channel Luisa, so glad you stopped by 🤗 Sounds like you have spent a lot of time assessing your space & making it functional for you! With everything having it's own spot, seems like you've avoided a lot of visual clutter too 😉
Omg yes!!! I've got a really old laundry basket that went through 2 moves since 2013 (yes, I'm really that lazy/procrastinate-y) plus a storage unit. It's falling apart due to the weight because it's mostly papers which are the bane of my existence! Laundry baskets, boxes, even old grocery bags...I'm antsy to start going through it all but I'm waiting until after Christmas so things are less hectic and I (hopefully) don't get so overwhelmed. Doom boxes is the best description ever btw
HELP ME 😭 i'm 19 and living at home, and recently i began decluttering my room to hopefully create a simpler life for myself (mental illnesses are fun /sar) but my mum keeps: - going through my trash bags and taking stuff out to keep. - guilt tripping me into keeping things i'd rather get rid of ("you do realise how expensive that was right?", "... but that was your deceased great grandmother's?", or even just disapproving looks). - insisting that we sell most of my stuff rather than donating which frustrates me so so much because that equals EVERYTHING i've decluttered so far (including a TV, +100 books, 6 pairs of shoes, art supplies etc.) HAS TO STAY IN MY ROOM. - wanting to approve of everything i'm wanting to get rid of. while i'm "decluttering" my room is literally just getting more and more messy and i'm getting so discouraged because of it :( if anyone has ANY advice please please reply! i'm trying so hard to practise letting go but i'm starting to doubt myself :/
Do you drive? Take the stuff to your donation center on your own? Take the trash out on trash day so she doesn't have time to go through it. Let her keep stuff you don't want but try to negotiate it leaving your room. You're learning how to live the life you want but she still gets to live the way she wants to.
You can take pictures of the things you want to declutter and post to "no buy" groups online. People can come and pick it up when your family isn't home. You don't even have to talk to anyone in person, you can arrange for them to pick up from your porch.
Hahaha what you call "re-homing", my friends and I call "shifting sh**". You avoided making a decision on whether or not an item is being used on a regular basis; instead, you simply moved it somewhere else. It's still taking up residence in your house and not serving a purpose 😆
I consider some stuff decluttered even if it's in boxes in my house if: it's books and I am waiting for more books to add so I don't have to pay for shipping to my chosen second hand books website, it's clothes that I uploaded to my chosen second hand website and I am waiting for it to be bought, if it's a broken item/ disfunctional electric item that I need to store away until I have enough items to order a bulk trash transport (I don't know if this is a thing elsewhere but in my country, the local council sends out trucks that collect waste that cannot go into the general trash cans)
The fact I can fill up a trashbag or even a couple of them and still have no space in my room makes me feel like I need both of these types of minimalism. Maybe if I make a list of things I absolutely want to keep decor wise then I can toss the rest. Same thing with clothes I suppose. Idk, I hate visual clutter and knowing I have so much crap that doesn't get used
Hi Clarity! Thanks for stopping by and sharing. I have a few resources that might help you get started in the best direction. In no particular order (although some mindset work with audio brain training first might help you be better prepared for the worksheets). First, start with some of these brain trainings 💪 You get 3 free audios. One to help train your brain to let stuff go, one to train your brain to get stuff done, and one to train your brain to declutter. miadanielle.com/train-your-brain You can also review the 4-Step Checklist To Declutter Your Stuff miadanielle.com/checklist And, Declutter Your First Room Cheatsheet miadanielle.com/cheatsheet Let me know if any of these help you move beyond your current stage and help clear things up for you. 🤗
I even need to be careful about decluttering useful items to my grown children who both already have clutter issues. If I'm making their clutter problem worse, how is that useful?
We just moved out of our rental house and into another. Each have very different designs. A lot of the decor that we used on flat surfaces in the first house cannot be used here because we don’t have so many flat surfaces. This means that I now have items that I can no longer use. :( We’re still not finished unpacking, so maybe something will pop up. But, as of now, I like the way the house is decorated. It’s sparse and clean. :) BTW: when is the baby due? How are you feeling? Hugs from a mom of two teens in Southern California. :)
Thanks for the love Kristin 🥰! Baby was delivered safe & sound last Monday! Sounds like a great opportunity to reassess your space goals & what you truly need to create a functional living space 🙌
I "transferred ownership" of several pairs of trousers of my son's that he didn't want and were in great condition, to my husband BUT I tossed several pairs of my husband's old trousers.
Sounds like some basics that needed replacing AND held value for the receiver! It's OK to rehome within your home if it adds value or will upgrade something frequently worn/used -- and you did end up decluttering what was no longer in functioning state, that is a win 🙌!
Well, POTENTIALLY. For me, organizing works because WHILE organizing, I find stuff that I judge can go out. And the place looks less cluttered. So this in fact gets rid of both types of clutter.
I feel so attacked. 😅 I did get a storage unit recently because we're living in a furnished apartment and I wanted to remove some of the furniture that we aren't using but it's not ours so we can't get rid of. I also put a bunch of baby items/clothes in the storage unit because we want another baby, but we don't have rooms for 2 years worth of baby clothes in the house. I am planning on donating all the baby clothes after the next baby grows out of them though!
My ex used to re-home things that I would gather together before I could bring it to the donation center. (He would do this with broken things for the trash too) when we moved, we needed 4 dumpsters to dispose of all the trash after doing that for 12 years. This is your cautionary tale. Don't re-home things. 🙂
@@MiaDanielle no. He would still distribute the things I was trying to get rid of. However, we're divorced now so I have an area that I put things that will leave the house to declutter until I have a whole load to go. It's not a short trip because I live in a rural area.
hahaha #sorrynotsorry. It's just called something different. Cleaning is still cleaning and that's great. Perhaps you're doing some visual decluttering ... which is a bit more like cleaning up. But cleaning + decluttering are just two different things.
The greatest tragedy of displacing things from your home to another's is that you will forget about it. All those things you didn't feel ready to give up will slip from your mind once they're out of sight. Twenty years ago, my aunt from the city gave my father some things to hold onto when she moved to a new apartment. They ended up forgotten for my entire lifetime and now are quite worthless. It's better to declutter and donate now, because if you're willing to hide something away somewhere you can't reach, you might as well give it away entirely.
Thanks for sharing your perspective Rowan! Perhaps if the items slipped from the mind, they were items ready to be decluttered anyways? I think many people are surprised at what happens when they store things, noticing how unimportant (or perhaps how REALLY important) the item really was in the first place 🤗
Great video! I just came across your channel and love minimalist content…but hold on! Did you say you have a 16 year old daughter?!! You probably get this a lot but you do not look old enough to have a 16 year old. Omg you look amazing!!
Yes I do! I have a 16 year old, a 14 year old AND a newborn! Thank you for the kind words 🥰 I hope you find more of what you're looking for as you go through the videos.
You don't have to (nor should you) get rid of anything that you use or love... if it's a hobby you enjoy and indulge in, please keep it 🤗 Maybe in this instance organization might support your goals more if you're actively using the items/tools.
Great video. Wonderfully clear. And nice designs/frames behind you. Pleeease hang them straight!! 🤭🤔 when not straight, they do err on the side of clutter…
Just got to say you definitely do not look old enough to have a sixteen year old daughter, even if you had her very young. What great genes she will inherit!
TL:DR Decluttering is not the same as tidying up. Decluttering is when you permanently remove stuff from your space. Tidying up is putting visual mess into a specific home within the space.
Not necessarily true -- visual clutter exists within many people's home (regardless of sentimental belongings around or not) 😉 If you love it, don't get rid of it. Simple as that!
Every time we go to our in laws they give us shit.... And we pretty much just take it to goodwill. I'm more of a counter scraper... Right into the trash can.
It might have been more thoughtful in your situation for them to go directly to goodwill! Way to go not keeping the clutter in your home and donating it to a place where someone can benefit from it or is excited about it 🙌
If you have clothes hanging in your wardrobe that you haven't worn but you can't let go of them, wear them tomorrow. Wearing them is the only way to work out if you love or hate the item. If you don't love it, donate it.
Such a great suggestion.
Or at least try it on. The answer might come to you instantly.
My problem is that I "declutter" things I think still have value and think I'm able to sell, but I never get to the point where I sell them. They just sit in boxes waiting for me to get to them. And all the while I'm stuck deciding if they are worth my time selling them or just donating them. I'm also a victim of one in one out rule in a situation where I haven't the space for the item in the first place.
I think the hardest part of decluttering is the mental part of deciding and following through.
💯 % the act of donating + disposing isn't hard, it's the emotions we attach to objects that have no emotions that holds us up.
I have a free resource available to help train your brain in letting go -- there are 3 audios in here, train your brain to let go, train your to get stuff done and train your brain to declutter. Hope it helps! miadanielle.com/train-your-brain
That's how I filled my basement. Worse, even, I told my mom and a few friends that I was going to sell stuff on FB and they brought their stuff for me to sell, too. I ended up having to pay Just Junk a lot of money to empty the basement when I sold my house and ran out of time to deal with it. No more basement. No more problem.
You should try Thread up! I put stuff in a bag or box and ship it off to them. I get money back from things that will sell and they donate the rest to women's shelters.
@@readwithmenatalee That sounds great! Sadly I think we don't have it here where I live. We have other selling apps, but I think they require you doing the curating yourself.
Your stuff is worth nothing. What has value is your time and attention. Donate the stuff and get on with your life. When your housekeeping time is cut to a fraction you'll have time for more important things like socializing or family or hobbies, or those books you've been wanting to read. If you want to see how much your stuff is really worth, visit your local flea market. The vendors there bid on abandoned storage units and sell the stuff for a tiny fraction of their original value. I buy beautiful quality clothes there for $1, sometimes with the tags still on, because they're a few years out of style.
I love organizing and re organizing. It relaxes my busy brain. Not sure why people would call it decluttering though. 🤷🏻♀️
This! 👍
I’m the same way. I really find it pleasing, satisfying and cathartic.
😂I do the same. My doctor says it's because of my OCD but I find it fun.
@@rosemarywilliams9969 same. But I call them my quirks ☺️
Cause it lulls you into thinking it's not clutter haha
I was raised in a hoarded home. This video was so validating! Hiding things or stuffing things in totes, scraping everything into your child's closet... building storage buildings for the overflow is NOT decluttering or cleaning. At some point you have to start letting go of things, especially if it's basically trash in your life. Determining what is useful and not is a much needed skill.
Thanks for sharing!!
I was also raised in a hoarded house. I wonder if you have clutter anxiety like I do. Clutter, disorder and dirty surfaces (hoarder houses are almost always filthy) trigger an actually panic response. I have a hard time tolerating day to day messes, the way that most people do. I live in an old house with tiny closets and friends have commented, how can you stand such tiny closets? But I think they're huge because they're filled with all the things that I actually use, not warehousing piles of "just in case" stuff.
@@lisalamphier1410 I don't know if I'd call it anxiety but I do feel icky when I see things start to become cluttered. We also live in a very tiny home. I'm sorry you had to live in a hoard. Yes, my home growing up was very dirty. I was blamed for it so my anxiety shows up as ideas that I'm not clean or I'm lazy. Growing up and taking control of my own home was such a relief though.
@@DollfieMew Yes, I was blamed for the mess, along with my siblings, but of course the hoard became worse after we left home. One child became an adult hoarder, and the rest of us are neat-nicks, and have something that looks a bit like PTSD around housekeeping. We have crazy housekeeping stories. I had a melt down over wooden spoons because I had too many and couldn't decide which ones to keep. My brother refurbished his living room and then left it empty for years, not even furniture, because he loved the way it looked.
@@lisalamphier1410 It really is hard to make decisions sometimes. I always have to talk it through, listing the pros and con's to each item before getting rid of it. Conversations like that were impossible with my Mom since in her mind everything was incredibly valuable. I find some weird satisfaction that I can reason on each items value on my own. I was in therapy for many years for ptsd. I can understand the stress around the subject, since as kids we had no real control over the housekeeping. I have no idea what my family's condition is now.
THANK YOU for pointing out the minimalist lifestyle and aesthetic are two different things. I have a maximalist style, I have lots of décor and I love it because each thing is something I love and it makes me happy to see. Lots of pictures and art on the walls, lots of stuff on shelves, books galore, etc etc. It makes me feel happy and comfy. However my actual lifestyle is more on the minimalist end; I still do my very best to be mindful of only keeping the things that serve a purpose - whether that purpose is purely functional or if it's purpose is bringing me joy. Not bringing in things that I have no use for or on a whim, not keeping things for the sake of keeping them. If I own something it's because it adds something positive to my life.
You've definitely embodied the core values 🥰 I'm glad this video resonated with you and you could see yourself in what I was describing!
I really like how you define clutter. It’s not that some item has no VALUE, it’s more that the item has no immediate or current use for me or my household. When I continue to hold on to that (perfectly good) item, thinking I’ll use it “some day,” I’m preventing someone else from getting use out of it NOW. And that’s too close to hoarding in my mind, notwithstanding the selfish aspect of keeping it, or insecurity, etc.
What great insights you had during this video Jesse 🙌
Something along the lines of "one mans junk is another mans treasure". You are preventing someone who is would LOVE to own the item from having it and holding onto that energy in your home.
Has this inspired some action in your space?
Keep sharing your thoughts, I love the breakthroughs you're having here on my channel 🤗
The advice of not telling people you're getting rid of stuff is spot on. I've noticed that my less-well-off friends will love hearing I'm taking stuff to donate. They ask to go through the stuff first. I say yes. They wind up taking home stuff they don't need just because it's free. So, in that regard, all I accomplished was burdening my friends with my cast-off clutter. Now, I only talk about my donation trips after the fact.
We've all been there ... I loved my $20 big bag of clothes that held no value or joy for me ... and now I only tell my 16-year-old I'm getting rid of something IF I know she'll love it...
Free doesn't always mean we have to take it on 🙅♀️
Great job observing your situation and making meaningful changes 🙌
You are absolutely correct, I had a big bag of items I had declutter, some which I thought my parents might use, but then I remember that they already have an overstuffed house and that some day I will have to clear it and decided that donating it to charity was a much better solution.
Mixed feelings about this. Especially if you think they’re “less well off”, it’s impossible to know for sure what they need, or what’s an upgrade for THEM, or what brings them some joy just for offering variety or novelty that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford. It used to be so discouraging to see friends with superior goods talking about donating, selling, or even throwing out items because they OWNED TOO MUCH - they were too privileged (and I wouldn’t have it any other way!) to have any conception of how I felt. I have more disposable income now, but I still rarely buy new things because of perfectly good items other people gave me that I’ve cheerfully given a new lease on life!
If it’s your child, you know best. If it’s your friend, please just assume they know best. Sometimes it’s ok to let it be someone else’s problem, as long as they’re the ones signing up for it!!!
@@EspressoLaine I wrote "they don't need it" because I know for a fact they don't actually need it. I didn't guess. My friend now has four blue skirts and two toasters. She only uses one of those blue skirts. And she doesn't eat toast. But she won't get rid of the unused items because of a scarcity mindset that plagues poor people. I learned from my mistakes.
@@WayToVibe I certainly have no qualms getting rid of junk! 💚 But for nicer items, I’m personally delighted for any friend to decide for themselves if my stuff can be a blessing in whatever way *they* feel they need; it’s none of my business whether I think they need it or not unless it’s actively harming them (Hoarders TV, anyone? 😂)
This is the first time I've come across your channel. VERY useful video. I can see where I have actually decluttered and see where I have clearly NOT decluttered by only storing, organizing and rehoming mostly. I also love that you distinguished clutter and visual clutter. When I have visual clutter I can't resolve or it repeats often, it is always because there is clutter where that stuff sitting out really belongs. Visual clutter for me is a clue to deeper clutter.
YES!!! I love hearing this Vikki 🙌 Sounds like you had some profound breakthroughs watching this. If you'd like to take another pass at your clutter with these new insights, I have this free checklist to help you out: miadanielle.com/checklist
Let me know how your new mindset translates to less clutter around your home 🤗
4:52 I would interpret "re-homing" as giving things a new home, either selling, donating or giving away for free to another person
Super guilty of rehoming and organizing!! I am great at Tetris and am impressed at my abilities at each go, only to realize in the end not much actually went to the donation bin. In my head decluttering is so easy, but practically speaking it's easier said than done. I am making progress and being far more definitive than I used to be, as I realize I was making the process far more difficult on myself than it needed to be. Before a decluttering session, I remind myself: the feeling of space and freedom is far more valuable to me than the stuff I own.
It's all a process, and you're learning all the time. Taking steps to getting there like you are is what matters. Progress over perfection. You are definitely right that it can be easier said than done. Instead of looking at ALL the change that needs to happen, perhaps consider what ONE small meaningful step you could take today to get closer to your desired goal. Not the whole picture, or even the next milestone... but one small seemingly insignificant thing you can do today, it helps 🤗
@@MiaDanielle I like that, thank you :)
For 20 years I was thinking I was organizing my stuff. I would buy additional new plastic storage bins. When I actually got into minimalism, I donated a ton of plastic bins because all of the contents were donated or thrown away. In fact, I don't think I've even acquired a new container because I have a lot fewer items in my possession. The entire thought process of minimalism versus organizing is so different. Great video reminder.
Thanks for sharing your experience Elizabeth! Isn't it interesting how once we work on our mindset, the need for things we thought we needed (or the things we thought we needed to organize all that stuff), just goes away. How has the change impacted you? 20 years is a long time to hold onto a thought process and then let it go...
@@MiaDanielle It has been dramatic! The empty spaces, the intentionality of living... it has been a great form of therapy since I have complex chronic illness, which ebbs and flows, but minimalism is so concrete! It is a gift to remove the aspirational items, or crappy memories of things.
On the swapping, it’s crazy how getting myself upgrades on things I truly use frequently and enjoy has lead to me decluttering so much other stuff simultaneously. With Thanksgiving weekend, I am doing the holiday meal but then after that I’m spending the weekend getting more items gathered up to then remove them from my home come Monday before work hopefully. My last trip for donations was a good 8 boxes, admittedly some oddly shaped items and things that I couldn’t pack too tightly, but still a huge dent.
What a great observation to have! When we focus on what we love, it seems that all the unimportant stuff (the mental and physical clutter), just seems to fall away. And way to go, not fall into the trap of rehoming them to the garage 🙌
Really good clarification- I am a minimalist- and it’s obvious when I open closets, drawers and cupboards but I enjoy books, art and cozy furniture with cushions and throws. My decor isn’t cluttered but it’s not the minimalist aesthetic. I have (&love) a bright red washer and dryer set that are part of the entry to my apartment. Probably gives the aesthetic minimalists the heebie jeebies!😂
YES!!!! You are living the whole "you don't HAVE to get rid of the things you love to be a minimalist" concept. Sounds like you are mastering it and making it work for you and your space -- if the red washer/dryer brings you joy, that's even better 😉
Lol. Reminds me of a design game I played once. Nobody voted for my bold red wall. I was like ugh. 🙄🙄 I don’t play that game anymore tho. Lol. I feel the same way. Same for my red fridge and red couch and red and white rug and my “French country bedroom.” Along with a lot of black and white stuff to bounce off the red and little splashes of turquoise. Lol. I love bold color pops and high contrast so long as I’m not trying to go to sleep in there. 😅😅 Now I’m jealous. I want a red W/D also. Lolol. 🤣🤣
But the minimalists do not luve there.
I am a maximalist; colors, patgerns, heirlooms, knick-knacks and hobby supplies (I refurbosh old dollhouses).
And yes, a minimalist (or my friend who is diagnosed with OCD) do get a little affected... but they are visiting.
I love the things I have. Enjoy the energy of my home - but my mindset is minimalism.
Dont buy things I wont use or love.
Refurbish/recycle/up-cycle in-stead of buying new, etc.
People confuse the minimalist life with not having color or just neutral colors at home, when in fact, you can have color and be a minimalist too.
I get it. My spouse and I and our dog who is large, live in a 300sqfoot space and I'm a minimalist so is he. But it doesn't look like it because we have so many furniture and items crammed in this little space, it still looks spacious to others like when we have guests they're surprised of how little we have. However, to me as a minimalist, I feel like I can do more downsizing. So far we're working on financial minimalism so materialistic stuff will be more on going.
Thanks for sharing Rosemary! It's interesting how things unfold like that, isn't it? First it's integrating with one component of minimalism, but then you realize how much freedom, intention, and joy it brings you that it can't help but bleed into other areas of your life! Keep sharing you journey 🤗
I have a masters degree in rehoming items 😂😂😂 In the name of organizing of course 😅 After a while I started decluttering because I realized that this need to come up with new ways of organizing my stuff was because I had too much stuff. I have done a pretty good job at it, but I still have too much stuff. My financial situation has been a bit of an obstacle to decluttering not so much because I spent money on the items, but more because if I did need to replace it later, I can’t afford to do so. But I’m going to continue with the decluttering and just remind myself that if it doesn’t add value to my life now, it is probably then not something I would want to get back in my house later on. So just get it out and reap the benefits of a simpler house and life 🎉❤
Great video Mia. In my research online it does indeed seem there is misunderstanding about what decluttering is, especially in terms of organising and cleaning/tidying. So happy you addressed this!
Great distinction between lifestyle and aesthetic
Glad you think so!
At least for me, I clean, rehome, organize, and declutter all in one go a lot of the time. So I just call it cleaning.
Thank you so much for the video, Mia ! I’ve been married for 17 years and it’s been hard for me donate wedding gifts that I never used. I can’t believe you have a 16 y ( me, too) . You look so young 😊! Happy holidays!
Wow! 17 years is a long time to NOT to use something. Have you explored the thoughts that are holding you back from making this move?
Thank you, Happy holidays to you too 🥰
@@MiaDanielle Yes, I keep thinking I am going to have a fancy dinner party one day 😂. However, I just end up using Chinet plates and solo cups when we have a big family gathering! I guess I have to get over feeling guilty because some of those items were kinda pricey. I appreciate you helping me reflect on the reason I am a baby hoarder 😂 ( that’s what my husband call me , lol!)
Best info for my life!! Thank you, thank you! I get so caught up in thinking I'm decluttering...when I'm just relocating, or sharing with other family members, or storage, or our cabin!! Or scraping, or swapping! Such an eye opener. Mindset ✅ changer! 🎉❤
HUGE breakthrough Stephanie! I think this is why people do feel hopeless and just tend to give up. Relocating never really solves the problem, just pushes it off for another time.
I hope this allows you to take inspired action in your home 🤗
@@MiaDanielle yes! I have an enormous load of treasures headed for the thrift store right now, and boxes 📦 for my family to get involved as well. Thank you for your reply along with your beautiful content. So happy to have found your channel 💕 and get to know you!
I know a few people in my Scout troop who store things for the annual rummage sale. I am grateful that they are organized enough to do this. It may not be decluttering, but these things are gone for the sale. I refer to clutter as anything that is not decorative or functional in its current location.
I also checked out my food storage containers and removed any broken or orphaned items. They went into my recycling bin with the trash company.
Yes. In the past couple of months I have been decluttering my storage shed…donating it all to the senior resale shop. Even a great deal of the sentimental stuff. Stuff that has been in the family for a generation or two, but I have never used, will never use, and has no meaning to my daughter whatsoever. Let someone else have it who might possibly use it.
What a great mindset to have Rebecca!! 🤗 Seems like you're busy making change! Do you feel lighter as a result?
Called out on the boxes I put "away"" yesterday instead of going through them first.
It's not too late to pull them out and take a look through them!
I can't believe I found an amazing video like this that was only posted three weeks ago!
Welcome, happy to have you here 🤗 What were your biggest takeaways?
I have such a hard time getting rid of stuff. I have a lot of hobbies and interests and a lot of stuff, most of it really does get used though. I just have a small space. I know I have to let things go, I have a collectors mindset in that I always feel like I need every possible thing but obviously I know I can get plenty of value out of my hobbies with less than everything. But it's hard because I love the things 🥲 but I'm working on it. I'm not interested in minimalism, I just need to be able to close my drawers and fit everything into it's place so I don't feel like I'm going crazy surrounded by piles of stuff and overflowing drawers I can barely dig through to use the things.
I've done better in 2022 though and I'm hoping to really do well with managing my collecting and organizing my small space in 2023. I want to be able to walk into my room and feel relieved not stressed! Every little bit of progress makes me feel like I can breathe a little easier.
Remember... don't get rid of things that you LOVE or USE! Sounds like you have several hobbies that have "things" that are needed to enjoy your time and get the job done, and that's OK. In this instance, organization might be more helpful to you. I am not sure what your hobbies are, but there may be a tool/item out there of better value that might replace a few of those items successfully? Are there broken/unused items in those drawers that could be tossed out?
Take that as a win. You're only ever in competition with yourself and if you've improved your life in 2022 and have a plan in place for 2023, you're a lot further along than you think 🤗 Good luck, and come back and share your wins with us, I am rooting for you 🎉
I’m so guilty of #4 😅
I love secondhand shops and it’s hard to not buy/trade some new-to-me goods after selling off my clutter 😬
It's OK to LOVE the second shops -- you can get great value buying second hand.
Sounds like maybe the decluttering part isn't quite the problem... but rather some mindset / limiting beliefs blocking you from your goals!
I have some great articles/videos/freebies on the psychology portion of decluttering if you're interested in working through these 🤗
Train Your Mind to Be Clutter Free audios: miadanielle.com/train-your-brain
Destroying limiting beliefs: miadanielle.com/destroy-limiting-beliefs-around-clutter/
When you want to declutter but can't: th-cam.com/video/5vQlHY-2xME/w-d-xo.html
I wonder if they should just call what I’m into something like simplification. Lol. But also I like the lady who did the bugs. Such as if you like things hidden, you’d enjoy less visual clutter. If you’re a visual person, you wouldn’t enjoy that. Or defining if you’re micro or macro. Knowing who and how we are goes a long way. Bcuz I know I’m mostly micro and hidden myself, I know this style/setup would work for me.
I was very happy to learn that you don’t necessarily have to part with things you love. My one friend who has a massive doll collection was wrestling with this idea and I said well you only need to “get rid” of them when you have no need for them anymore. I like to work on my thought processes first so by the time I get to the actual stuff, I’m more aware of what is obvious clutter and what isn’t. I noticed also that I’d make a pass at something and not get it and later on I was like I just don’t want this anymore and on the second pass I knew exactly why. Lol.
I think I have a harder time with costly things. I finally told myself try it and if you use it a couple of times then you’ve gotten your money’s worth. And also then you’ll know better if you really like it or not. Some things also I saw that I liked the idea of them on paper but not so much in my reality. So I had to examine things like lying to myself saying I like a thing when I really don’t. Lol.
I also think having things l love looking at isn’t clutter either even if they’re just sitting there looking pretty. 😬 (But I do put them behind the curio glass Bcuz I don’t want to be dusting things all the time and I don’t want the cats breaking them lol). Well that got long. 😅😅
The mental component is the biggest obstacle to overcome. Coming to the situation with awareness and clarity will definitely help you achieve your desired outcome. It's amazing to hear that you're already there observing and sharing with others.
And YES!!! Don't get rid of it if you love it ❤️
@@MiaDanielle Lol. Thanks! Well I guess for me that had to be the focus anyways Bcuz where I had to start with the mental stuff was “decluttering” a whole host of users and abusers out of my life. I found myself neck deep in a crowded shark tank as a small minnow pretty much. I reckon I just eventually transferred that to things and stuff. Also the same tho. Takes awhile for stuff to “sink in.” And Bcuz all this work wouldn’t do you much good if you kept letting abusers hang around anyways. Some of my stuff was like entitled abusers. I was sitting there telling some of my stuff like “who tf do you really think you are tho? Get tf OUT of my house you jerk off *!?#%^!!” 😅😅 Pardon my French. Lol. Well anyways. It’s like that sometimes. Idk “rage purge” lol.
Love the rehoming comments. So good and most difficult with someone whose love language is gifts. And every piece has meaning because of who gave the piece. Would you recommend taking pictures and creating a digital photo book and trying to have them relinquish some of the pieces. It’s hard when it’s family.
We LOVE our digital picture frames that cycle through our most cherished moments.
It's hard when it comes to those around you as you just want to support them. It's important to note that we can't control others, only ourselves! Suggesting digital look books is a fantastic idea and alternative. I hope they go for it! Let us know how it goes.
Mia, This is a really good video! It Clarified Much for me- I am going to Review it Several times. Thank you
Amazing Anji! What kind of clarity did it help you achieve, I would love to know!
Sounds like my ex, moving stuff from one room to another and then being proud that she decluttered that room...
Not me, I'm in the proces of removing stuff out of my house. Already done the kitchen and it feels so good.
Brilliant! I think this is so importens and so confusing for some people. I am a minimalist at heart but not in my home decor. As I live in Sweden I see both arkitecture, lifestyle & homedecore that are minimalistic. But seldom somewhere with all three. ❤️❤️❤️
I would add a 6th way : you put everything you want to declutter in a donation box, but you procrastinate in getting the box to the donation center. And you end up with boxes sitting in your entryway or the back of your car for months.
I'm very familiar with this one 😄😄😄
Hahah 😂! Another great one! Have you explored possibly scheduling donation pickups to workaround your busy schedule? Depending on where you live that could be a helpful option. Put it all in a box and wait for someone to pick it up for you 🙌
Wow! This is what I needed to know. Thank you.
I defiantly organize while trying to declutter.
You CAN do both! They're just different things. But getting the organizing done while you are decluttering achieves two things at once. That's a great way to maximize your time!
Mia, this is such a great video!! Amazing points. Thank you🩷
Glad it was helpful!
Thank you for one of the best decluttering topic I've seen! Honest and brilliant :)
Wonderful definition clarity and examples! Thank you!
If I am using or otherwise enjoying something and want to change things up or upgrade or swap something out, it is not clutter unless I keep the original item too. If I adhere to the one-in one-out rule then I don't think swapping is clutter.
Hi Julie, a common misconception is that you have to get rid of the things you love. If you love it, if you use it, if it brings you joy, KEEP IT! Don't get rid of it. Upgrading if you're getting a lot of use out of an item and get rid of the old item, is decluttering!
There is some grey area 🤗
What a nice education and helpful video! Thank you.
Glad it was helpful! What was your biggest takeaway?
When I would help my Mother in Law "finally" get her living space decluttered, i would realize in the end that all we had done was relocate it to another spot in the room. After several times, the vision of a washing machines came to mind. you have 10 items in tge washing machine, you run the cycle, and when you are done you still have those 10 items, they are just in a different shape. And all we did, everytime was the rehome . We moved stuff out to the shed, or moved things to a shelf in the same room. It was so futile, and I resented the time spent trying. I dont anymore, I really understand her fear of loss, and how she looked at her things as valuable, to her.
My mother's rationale for not getting rid of clutter was often, "But you paid good money for it!" - so I asked her if it would be ok to get rid of something if I paid 'bad money' for it. By the way, I have yet to hear about the difference between 'good money' and 'bad money'. :D
What a great alternative approach! Thanks for sharing!
Money doesn't hold emotion, it isn't inherently good or bad 😉 if you ever hear the answer, I would love to know too haha!
Great video Mia!!!
Mia, I just moved in with my girlfriend, and she has so much clutter. We have moved stuff into different rooms to make space, but she won't get rid of things. She gets so angry when I tell her we need to de-clutter to make this room more efficient. I know her cleaning stress would be much easier if we decluttered. How do you speak to someone and tell them they need to declutter without that person getting angry?
Hi Brett,
Thanks for reaching out and commenting! Welcome to the channel, I hope you get lots of useful advice + tips here 🤗
I recorded this video, When Your Partner Won't Declutter... and there are 5 tips to help you get started. Let me know how it goes. Your partners anger might stem from situations you might not be aware of that require some communication, common ground + compromise (as with many things that pop up in relationships 😉). th-cam.com/video/pVAND1uWUCA/w-d-xo.html
Come back and let us know how it went!
My attic has a ton of stuff I forget we have. My husband and I spent some time going through the stuff.
That's amazing Danice, we all have to start somewhere are just START! Were you able to declutter? Find any hidden treasures that add value to your life?
@@MiaDanielle We actually declutter every year. This year I donated a dozen coats to the needy. The attic contains dozens of books the libraries can sell to help them stay alive and healthy to the community. No hidden treasures. Just stuff.
Loonette from The Big Comfy Couch needs to watch this.
Fresh and interesting idea!
First time viewer 🎉, Im not sure how I ended up here BUT your vibe made me stay and finish the video. Your explanation is so well said! I do not consider myself a minimalist and DEFINITELY do not have a minimalist home BUT I do not have clutter… I think that makes sense lmao… If I do not use it, I do not own it. I have hobbies; woodworking, embroidery and sewing. all for which I own many devices for, they all have their place and they are all used. and it is ok 😊 thank you for this video
Welcome to the channel Luisa, so glad you stopped by 🤗 Sounds like you have spent a lot of time assessing your space & making it functional for you! With everything having it's own spot, seems like you've avoided a lot of visual clutter too 😉
Counter scraping = doom boxes, mine are laundry baskets.
Omg yes!!! I've got a really old laundry basket that went through 2 moves since 2013 (yes, I'm really that lazy/procrastinate-y) plus a storage unit. It's falling apart due to the weight because it's mostly papers which are the bane of my existence! Laundry baskets, boxes, even old grocery bags...I'm antsy to start going through it all but I'm waiting until after Christmas so things are less hectic and I (hopefully) don't get so overwhelmed. Doom boxes is the best description ever btw
Let us know how it goes once you start decluttering Katie! Doom boxes be gone come 2023!
i'm 19 and living at home, and recently i began decluttering my room to hopefully create a simpler life for myself (mental illnesses are fun /sar) but my mum keeps:
- going through my trash bags and taking stuff out to keep.
- guilt tripping me into keeping things i'd rather get rid of ("you do realise how expensive that was right?", "... but that was your deceased great grandmother's?", or even just disapproving looks).
- insisting that we sell most of my stuff rather than donating which frustrates me so so much because that equals EVERYTHING i've decluttered so far (including a TV, +100 books, 6 pairs of shoes, art supplies etc.) HAS TO STAY IN MY ROOM.
- wanting to approve of everything i'm wanting to get rid of.
while i'm "decluttering" my room is literally just getting more and more messy and i'm getting so discouraged because of it :(
if anyone has ANY advice please please reply! i'm trying so hard to practise letting go but i'm starting to doubt myself :/
Do you drive? Take the stuff to your donation center on your own? Take the trash out on trash day so she doesn't have time to go through it.
Let her keep stuff you don't want but try to negotiate it leaving your room. You're learning how to live the life you want but she still gets to live the way she wants to.
i don't have a license so that's unfortunately not an option :( i tried explaining to her why i'm decluttering but she just won't listen
@@lauraloves If you have a friend with a license ask if they can help you drive it to a thrift shop for you.
You can take pictures of the things you want to declutter and post to "no buy" groups online. People can come and pick it up when your family isn't home. You don't even have to talk to anyone in person, you can arrange for them to pick up from your porch.
When you DO move out, simply leave behind all the stuff she is forcing you to keep, it will then be HER problem to deal with.
Hahaha what you call "re-homing", my friends and I call "shifting sh**". You avoided making a decision on whether or not an item is being used on a regular basis; instead, you simply moved it somewhere else. It's still taking up residence in your house and not serving a purpose 😆
Exactly 😂 If it's not leaving, it's clutter and taking up space mentally!
Hard truths. I love it.
I consider some stuff decluttered even if it's in boxes in my house if:
it's books and I am waiting for more books to add so I don't have to pay for shipping to my chosen second hand books website,
it's clothes that I uploaded to my chosen second hand website and I am waiting for it to be bought,
if it's a broken item/ disfunctional electric item that I need to store away until I have enough items to order a bulk trash transport (I don't know if this is a thing elsewhere but in my country, the local council sends out trucks that collect waste that cannot go into the general trash cans)
I would agree with you. You've made the decision to let it go and you have a system and plan in place to follow through.
When I clean I still consider it decluttering dust and grime 🤣
If it gets the job done 😂 that is a great way of reframing a chore many people DON'T like!
The fact I can fill up a trashbag or even a couple of them and still have no space in my room makes me feel like I need both of these types of minimalism. Maybe if I make a list of things I absolutely want to keep decor wise then I can toss the rest. Same thing with clothes I suppose. Idk, I hate visual clutter and knowing I have so much crap that doesn't get used
Hi Clarity! Thanks for stopping by and sharing.
I have a few resources that might help you get started in the best direction. In no particular order (although some mindset work with audio brain training first might help you be better prepared for the worksheets).
First, start with some of these brain trainings 💪 You get 3 free audios. One to help train your brain to let stuff go, one to train your brain to get stuff done, and one to train your brain to declutter.
You can also review the 4-Step Checklist To Declutter Your Stuff
And, Declutter Your First Room Cheatsheet
Let me know if any of these help you move beyond your current stage and help clear things up for you. 🤗
I even need to be careful about decluttering useful items to my grown children who both already have clutter issues. If I'm making their clutter problem worse, how is that useful?
Great self-awareness to have Gwen!
We just moved out of our rental house and into another. Each have very different designs. A lot of the decor that we used on flat surfaces in the first house cannot be used here because we don’t have so many flat surfaces. This means that I now have items that I can no longer use. :( We’re still not finished unpacking, so maybe something will pop up. But, as of now, I like the way the house is decorated. It’s sparse and clean. :) BTW: when is the baby due? How are you feeling? Hugs from a mom of two teens in Southern California. :)
Thanks for the love Kristin 🥰! Baby was delivered safe & sound last Monday! Sounds like a great opportunity to reassess your space goals & what you truly need to create a functional living space 🙌
@@MiaDanielle Will you introduce the baby to us? I want details! Babies are beautiful! :)
@@MiaDanielle Congratulations!
@@MiaDanielle congratulations ❤️
I recommend rotating décor if you have a space to store some seasonal or other décor.
I "transferred ownership" of several pairs of trousers of my son's that he didn't want and were in great condition, to my husband BUT I tossed several pairs of my husband's old trousers.
Sounds like some basics that needed replacing AND held value for the receiver! It's OK to rehome within your home if it adds value or will upgrade something frequently worn/used -- and you did end up decluttering what was no longer in functioning state, that is a win 🙌!
Yes !😊
Well, POTENTIALLY. For me, organizing works because WHILE organizing, I find stuff that I judge can go out. And the place looks less cluttered. So this in fact gets rid of both types of clutter.
Not everyone is able to do that and keep the two separate within the same process! Good job 🙌
Someone clearly put it out. Most video is I see is about rearranging stuff rather than de cluttering
Such a big misconception! "Organizing" by nature, is NOT decluttering!
Idk I very often see people picking heaps of stuff to donate or to recycle. "A hoarder's heart" youtube channel is making a huge decluttering.
Counter Scrapping is a necessity for productivity for my adhd brain.
I feel so attacked. 😅 I did get a storage unit recently because we're living in a furnished apartment and I wanted to remove some of the furniture that we aren't using but it's not ours so we can't get rid of. I also put a bunch of baby items/clothes in the storage unit because we want another baby, but we don't have rooms for 2 years worth of baby clothes in the house. I am planning on donating all the baby clothes after the next baby grows out of them though!
My ex used to re-home things that I would gather together before I could bring it to the donation center. (He would do this with broken things for the trash too) when we moved, we needed 4 dumpsters to dispose of all the trash after doing that for 12 years. This is your cautionary tale. Don't re-home things. 🙂
Yikes, that sounds rough! Did things get easier after you disposed of things and started over?
@@MiaDanielle no. He would still distribute the things I was trying to get rid of. However, we're divorced now so I have an area that I put things that will leave the house to declutter until I have a whole load to go. It's not a short trip because I live in a rural area.
I would like to know your hair colour 😍
Daaaaang that last one felt personal. Not even sort of cleaning? Cmon
hahaha #sorrynotsorry. It's just called something different. Cleaning is still cleaning and that's great. Perhaps you're doing some visual decluttering ... which is a bit more like cleaning up. But cleaning + decluttering are just two different things.
The greatest tragedy of displacing things from your home to another's is that you will forget about it. All those things you didn't feel ready to give up will slip from your mind once they're out of sight. Twenty years ago, my aunt from the city gave my father some things to hold onto when she moved to a new apartment. They ended up forgotten for my entire lifetime and now are quite worthless. It's better to declutter and donate now, because if you're willing to hide something away somewhere you can't reach, you might as well give it away entirely.
Thanks for sharing your perspective Rowan!
Perhaps if the items slipped from the mind, they were items ready to be decluttered anyways? I think many people are surprised at what happens when they store things, noticing how unimportant (or perhaps how REALLY important) the item really was in the first place 🤗
Great video! I just came across your channel and love minimalist content…but hold on! Did you say you have a 16 year old daughter?!! You probably get this a lot but you do not look old enough to have a 16 year old. Omg you look amazing!!
Yes I do! I have a 16 year old, a 14 year old AND a newborn! Thank you for the kind words 🥰 I hope you find more of what you're looking for as you go through the videos.
I think I'd have to give up some hobbies to declutter.
You don't have to (nor should you) get rid of anything that you use or love... if it's a hobby you enjoy and indulge in, please keep it 🤗 Maybe in this instance organization might support your goals more if you're actively using the items/tools.
Great video. Wonderfully clear. And nice designs/frames behind you. Pleeease hang them straight!! 🤭🤔 when not straight, they do err on the side of clutter…
Just got to say you definitely do not look old enough to have a sixteen year old daughter, even if you had her very young. What great genes she will inherit!
TL:DR Decluttering is not the same as tidying up. Decluttering is when you permanently remove stuff from your space. Tidying up is putting visual mess into a specific home within the space.
Exactly 🙌
People that are not sentimental don't have problems decluttering
Not necessarily true -- visual clutter exists within many people's home (regardless of sentimental belongings around or not) 😉 If you love it, don't get rid of it. Simple as that!
Idk these are no brainers. People would only call these decluttering if they were trying to avoid actually decluttering.
Every time we go to our in laws they give us shit.... And we pretty much just take it to goodwill.
I'm more of a counter scraper... Right into the trash can.
It might have been more thoughtful in your situation for them to go directly to goodwill! Way to go not keeping the clutter in your home and donating it to a place where someone can benefit from it or is excited about it 🙌
If people only knew. I have friends that thier business is storage units...and its worth 3 million dollars!
Rehoming. Oops. My bad. Ugh.
One moment at a time 🙏
tomato, toMATO, declutter means both disposing of and putting away, come on guys