Lord, Send Your Angels [Live]

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
  • Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing Lord, Send Your Angels (feat. Candy Christmas, Kim Hopper and Charlotte Ritchie) [Live]. (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction is a violation of applicable laws. Manufactured by EMI Christian Music Group,

ความคิดเห็น • 114

  • @negra9818
    @negra9818 3 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Thank You my Blessed Redeemer!
    When I'm alone and the light slowly fades,
    cold with the night closing in,
    I Know the shadow of Almighty wings.
    Lord won't You send them again?
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    I'm so afraid of the dark.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Shield me, keep me,
    hold me safe in Your arms.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Sometimes the child inside of me cries
    with fear of the dangers unseen
    and question with answers I can't seem to find.
    Then You send Your angels to me.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    I'm so afraid of the dark.
    Lord, send your angels to watch over me.
    And wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Shield me, keep me,
    hold me safe in Your arms.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Won't You wrap me in sheltering arms?

    • @nrb7326
      @nrb7326 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you ❣️

    • @MD-hg9dq
      @MD-hg9dq ปีที่แล้ว

      Can relate as evidenced by the following sentences delineating how we use music to deal with spiritual attacks. The negative influences of this world are designed to make our heart sick through emotional & physical pain resulting in a given person turning to music as one source of comfort to the body. The painful realty of this existence gives rise to the birth of music in two forms, earthly & HEAVENLY. Earthly music speaks to the experiences of this world through the singer-song writer’s eyes. Oftentimes drug use (i.e. alcohol, smokes, marijuana, cocaine, opioids, benzos and propofol to name a few) is intertwined with the survival of an artist to deal with the pressure of performing in order to stay relevant in the music industry, and to serve as fuel for creativity. As a result, music celebrities develop a tendency to sin against their body, through excessive drug use, for not measuring up to or to satisfy the demands of their music. Any earthly joy they experience is darkened by the heavy burden of performing and the loss of privacy.
      The end users of their music become fans because the lyrics are relatable and the sound of the singer’s voice & rhythm helps them cope with the pains of this reality. Unfortunately, this band aid approach is only a time out from the hurt and in the meantime we are fortifying its wall with painful memories waiting in line. Who can save us from wounds that are silent, wordless and cruel all the while tearing us apart inch by inch on the inside, which could radically accelerate the demise of the human body? I will use caps as emphasis to show the honest reverence for GOD'S SOVEREIGNTY when writing about HEAVENLY music in the paragraphs below.
      That INVINCIBLE DIVINE be our HEAVENLY FATHER, WHO THROUGH HIS SON’S MISSION HAS INSPIRED believers to write songs that sing of HIS LIFE GIVING LOVE to deal with emotional & physical pain, economic instability, mortality and the emotional instability of others with the motive of winning over souls for HIS KINGDOM. The melody & theme of HEAVENLY music is hateful and intolerable to the devil, a spirit which causes us to be blinded of the effects of sin and is responsible for the woes of this world such as melancholy, anguish, tribulation and trial. These agitations of the soul create a heavy burden for the lost and could lead him or her to be hostile of songs that sing about GOD’S GLORY. This makes it clear that we cannot win the spiritual battle by our own strength. Moreover, on earth the devil has no equal.
      GOD has provided us with the ONE WHO CAN AND WILL LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt from a given sinner's heart if he or she (through faith) would open their understanding to Psalms (starting with the focus on Psalms 51:1-10 KJV), and hymns/songs giving praise to HIM for the purpose of being persuaded, converted and healed by the HOLY SPIRIT from within by transforming your body/temple into a meeting place for you and the KING OF THE AGES to commune as friends through the born again experience (repentance manifesting itself in a changed life). It is only here that the fears of tomorrow will diminish, the blessed assurance is given that you are HIS and HE LIVES. Once the blessed assurance is known in prayer (through the confession of wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, combine with admitting that JESUS CHRIST is LORD and believing in one’s heart that GOD raised HIM from the dead to deliver us from sin's guilt) the world can never take it away because the world didn’t give it to you.

  • @lesdud1
    @lesdud1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Just come home from hospital today after 2nd heart attack,and had to meet up with CANDY,this maybe years old,but it puts me at ease and relaxes my mind.Thankyou CANDY.

  • @phyllissmith6461
    @phyllissmith6461 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I have been SO BLESSED throughout my life by the BEAUTIFUL GIFT of music! When I really stop and think about the myriad of praise, prayer, thankfulness, sorrow, joy, fear, missing loved ones - or almost any emotion at all, I can think of a song that speaks to me on the subject. A truly beautiful and magnificent GIFT from our FATHER! THANK YOU FATHER GOD!

  • @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq
    @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I woke up at 3:15,how blessed I was to hear this beautiful lady sing,such a beautiful song.I needed this,Thank you, Jesus

  • @srajendraprasad915
    @srajendraprasad915 8 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Beautiful song by a beautiful person with a beautiful heart and a beautiful mission! Praise the Lord! Lord, Send Your Angels to watch over Candy Christmas!

  • @murugiahsm3065
    @murugiahsm3065 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank You for this Soulful song GOD's child❤ wishes from Tamilnadu India 🎉🎉

  • @timothygraham1080
    @timothygraham1080 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She is so dear to me. I wish she were still performing. ❤

  • @tanyamize7708
    @tanyamize7708 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I recently had to watch my Daddy die for a year. He passed away July 30th 2014 It was the same day 5 years after my Mother who passed away also July 30th 2009. I truly love this song because I feel in my heart when I get down and depressed that God sends Mama and Daddy as my angels. Thanks so much for such for singing such a beautiful and meaningful song

    • @MD-hg9dq
      @MD-hg9dq 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety.
      On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
      YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰
      YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
      If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
      They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
      They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
      Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
      LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
      LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌
      LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
      LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌
      If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
      Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
      O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰

  • @joannwood3151
    @joannwood3151 8 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    A beautiful song sung by a beautiful woman (inside and out)

    • @susaningram6360
      @susaningram6360 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mrs. Candy is gorgeous with a true heart for God!

    • @ABNERMD1
      @ABNERMD1 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@susaningram6360 Yes it is

    • @ABNERMD1
      @ABNERMD1 ปีที่แล้ว

      i think so too

  • @srajendraprasad2551
    @srajendraprasad2551 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    A beautiful young woman singing a beautiful song so beautifully! God bless her, her family and her ministry!!

  • @wanjirunganga-gichuhi876
    @wanjirunganga-gichuhi876 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Lord send your angels to watch over me. 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿

  • @ChristinaMarieAngelicque-vc3nx
    @ChristinaMarieAngelicque-vc3nx 10 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @beverlyannthacker
    @beverlyannthacker 10 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    There is a heavenly host that we can't see operating in the heavens and the earth.

  • @IonMusta
    @IonMusta 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @miretter330
    @miretter330 6 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    These three beautiful ladies....sing so well !!

  • @margaretpuckett1521
    @margaretpuckett1521 10 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Beautiful song. It's so moving, you find yourself praying it as she sings it.

  • @tammyhollandsworth6783
    @tammyhollandsworth6783 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Love candy Christmas, such a beautiful voice! The lord sure has blessed her life!

  • @CynthiaLangdonSue
    @CynthiaLangdonSue 10 ปีที่แล้ว +14


  • @MellenyPlaatjie
    @MellenyPlaatjie 9 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    When I'm alone and the light slowly fades
    Cold with the night closing in
    I know the shadow of almighty wings
    Lord won't you send them again
    Sometimes the child inside of me cries
    With fears of the dangers unknown
    And questions with answers I can't seem to find
    Then you send your angels to me
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    I'm so afraid of the dark
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    Wrap me in sheltering arms
    Shield me, Keep me
    Hold me safe in your arms
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    Wrap me in sheltering arms

  • @lesdud1
    @lesdud1 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just can't stop.listening to candy,one hell of a voice,next to my idol ELVIS,this young lady is next

  • @fireworks4332
    @fireworks4332 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    When I needed that one song to get me lifted up let me heal my broken 💔 this is a good song to listen . Sometimes that spirit is waiting to happen .

    • @MD-hg9dq
      @MD-hg9dq 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety.
      On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
      YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰
      YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
      If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
      They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
      They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
      Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
      LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
      LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌
      LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
      LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌
      If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
      Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
      O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰

  • @lesdud1
    @lesdud1 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have to play this everyday.Candys voice is top notch,plus she is a beautiful lady,to go with that beautiful voice.

  • @ginasharp7660
    @ginasharp7660 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow! What a beautiful song. I looked up to Candy when I saw her and the Hemphills in concert. My parents bought me a signed picture of her and I used to sing I came on business for the king in church! Love seeing her !

  • @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq
    @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq ปีที่แล้ว

    How touching,I can see the looks on the others faces,they feel the Lord's presence,bless you all,love all of you.

  • @tamarafierenczuk4284
    @tamarafierenczuk4284 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Piękny śpiew,piękna muzyka, tęsknię za powrotem Pana Jezusa, tam w niebie będziemy śpiewać naszemu Zbawicielowi na chwałę.Przyjdz Panie Jezu !

  • @tinaallen3558
    @tinaallen3558 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I Love This Song! I sung this with My Sister Sharron, Just us 2, On CD. My Mother in Law Ask me to Sing it At her Husband s Kenneth Allen Sr .Funeral, Will Always Remember this Song. Its My Testimony...🎶🎤🎹🎧🙌🙏💚💖💛Great Job!!

  • @janetacrabtree3721
    @janetacrabtree3721 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Oh yes Dear Lord do send Your Angels now to my Son ***** Sweet Holy Spirit is what I feel as she's singing this right now 03/14/2016 .. Oh Lord let not my trust in You waver Amen

  • @waynewilson8775
    @waynewilson8775 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Had this played at my wife's (Judy Wilson) funeral. Also had 3 other Gaither songs.

  • @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq
    @ElaineGlazeMonteaux-lj4lq ปีที่แล้ว

    Candy,sings from the ❤️ just love all your songs!!!

  • @sophiavanhansen
    @sophiavanhansen 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Beautiful song

  • @dawnhargrove526
    @dawnhargrove526 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Yes Lord always send your angels 😇 wrap me in sheltering arm... thank you Dear God, love you because you first loved me

  • @charlenedslton5315
    @charlenedslton5315 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was at that concert working for premier production. Candy is not only talented but so sweet in life. We miss her traveling with us

  • @jesusatstreetlevelrich9771
    @jesusatstreetlevelrich9771 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Beautiful ! Evil all around us but so is GOD's spirit !

  • @sesameetsel
    @sesameetsel 8 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    CANDY Christmas ?: Pretty woman who song with a beautiful voice and mélodies!

  • @lesdud1
    @lesdud1 ปีที่แล้ว

    It's like my goodnight theme listen to candy most nights,relaxation time when I hear it,such a great artist,and damn good looking.

  • @susanstockley6987
    @susanstockley6987 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God puts angels where we need them I really believe it

  • @Peterneuh
    @Peterneuh 10 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Don't worry about the angels. You, love GOD and believe in his mercy and power! God will send them when He wants. We have to concentrate us on the LORD and not on his servants.

  • @premalathamurugaiya5786
    @premalathamurugaiya5786 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My favourite song😇🤗 Greetings from India to All Dears🙏🙏🙏🙏✌✌

  • @marilynamburgey3282
    @marilynamburgey3282 9 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    A very good friend of mine...we fed the homeless under the bridge...

    • @rogersapilipinas1730
      @rogersapilipinas1730 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @janzurawiecki5225
      @janzurawiecki5225 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Wow.... So Beautiful Message and Melody. Thank you. Good Day Friend.... 🌹

  • @marystinson7
    @marystinson7 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I didn’t know she was Candy Christmas till today. Wonderful 🌺person🌺

  • @davidrice8823
    @davidrice8823 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The voices of angels singing about angels. Wow!!

  • @timwoodiwiss6902
    @timwoodiwiss6902 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I miss your heart felt renditions of such cherished hymns. You truly are able to reveal a tender, compassionate heart of our Heavenly Father. I wonder how many thousands of lives you have brought to experience Gods love and hope, someday they will express their heart felt thanks, before Gods throne.

  • @antoinettet.f.4350
    @antoinettet.f.4350 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Such beautiful Singing! Awesome - wish I could be there.... gorgeous! I love those voices! Toucing! God bless you and your beautiful voices!

  • @bonnieeeez914
    @bonnieeeez914 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Candie Christmas God bless you!

  • @jesib7526
    @jesib7526 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What BEAUTIFUL backup singing!!!

  • @lisacurry3624
    @lisacurry3624 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This song has been such a big part of my life. this was my mother's favorite song. we listened to it everyday . and I lost my mom my best friend and my hero December 2 to cancer life has not been. the same since I feel so lost without her. and still listen to this song everyday it keeps me feeling like she is here I love you mom and I Miss you so so much your baby girl we will be together again and I will wait for my time

    • @lisacurry3624
      @lisacurry3624 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +James yes we will be together again and I will wait until The Good Lord calls me home and I am sorry for your loss James

    • @lisacurry3624
      @lisacurry3624 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +James Thank you James and I will keep you in my prayers

    • @sisterwitness8532
      @sisterwitness8532 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Lisa Curry...I can honestly say I know how you feel. My Momma went to be with the Lord on Feb 5th, 2016...she was my best friend too. This has been the most intense grieving process I've ever gone through; she died in my arms and is the last of my immediate family. I'm very familiar with The Gaithers, but this is the first time I've heard this song; needless to say, it's having a huge impact on me as I listen to it. Father God, I come to you in prayer lifting not only Lisa up to you in prayer, but all those that are grieving the loss of their Momma, and anyone experiencing the loss of a precious loved one. Please send the Holy Spirit to provide comfort and peace as can only be given by You. Strengthen each and every one and help them hold onto Your promises that one day we'll be reunited together forever with You and never to be separated again. It's in the name of Jesus Christ, our Precious Lord & Saviour that I pray and ask these things. Amen. ~Maranatha~

    • @crystalroberts9105
      @crystalroberts9105 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Lisa Curry bless you!

    • @MD-hg9dq
      @MD-hg9dq 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety.
      On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
      YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰
      YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
      If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
      They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
      They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
      Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
      LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
      LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌
      LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
      LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌
      If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
      Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
      O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰

  • @koketsorangongo1479
    @koketsorangongo1479 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This a beautiful song. I can relate to it while singing along.

  • @carolthacker6940
    @carolthacker6940 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This song gives me a sense of peace because it explains the way I feel

  • @ChristinaMiller-ff4vj
    @ChristinaMiller-ff4vj 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @jossyamunyela542
    @jossyamunyela542 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I like the song, when I sleep l use to listen this song. God bless you ladies

  • @valriepitterson9162
    @valriepitterson9162 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    So peaceful what a wonderful song

  • @sarahmoore8249
    @sarahmoore8249 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great songs God bless you

  • @peggyrusikeedden5073
    @peggyrusikeedden5073 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Lord watch over me and my family always

  • @lesdud1
    @lesdud1 ปีที่แล้ว

    2023,but this is so long ago,cant stop playing this song,this beautiful voice

  • @sharonblack8169
    @sharonblack8169 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So very beautiful!!!!!❤️❤️

  • @francinemenu989
    @francinemenu989 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I'm alone and the light slowly fades
    Cold with the night closing in
    I know the shadow of almighty wings
    Lord won't you send them again
    Sometimes the child inside of me cries
    With fears of the dangers unknown
    And questions with answers I can't seem to find
    Then you send your angels to me
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    I'm so afraid of the dark
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    Wrap me in sheltering arms
    Shield me, Keep me
    Hold me safe in your arms
    Lord send your angels to watch over me
    Wrap me in sheltering arms
    quand je suis seule, que la lumière s'éteint doucement
    et que le froid vient avec la nuit tombante
    je connais l'ombre de tes puissantes ailes
    Seigneur, ne peux tu les envoyer à nouveau ?
    refrain :
    Seigneur envoie tes anges veiller sur moi
    j'ai si peur de l'obscurité
    Seigneur envoie tes anges veiller sur moi
    enveloppe moi et abrite moi dans tes bras
    protège moi souviens toi de moi
    tiens moi en sécurité dans tes bras
    Seigneur envoie tes anges veiller sur moi
    parfois quand l'enfant à l'intérieur de moi pleure
    devant la crainte des dangers inconnus
    et que je ne trouve pas de réponses à mes questions
    alors tu m'envoies tes anges
    refrain ...

  • @sharonblack8169
    @sharonblack8169 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful song by a beautiful lady

  • @georgehenkel7720
    @georgehenkel7720 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @simonemcnortoncampbelljama8529
    @simonemcnortoncampbelljama8529 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    She song this song beautifully 😇🙏

  • @tamarafierenczuk4284
    @tamarafierenczuk4284 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Revelation 3:11-12 Przyjdz Panie Jezu !!!

  • @bosse641
    @bosse641 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @welshchristian
    @welshchristian 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @sharonblack8169
    @sharonblack8169 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    So beautiful from all.🌹🌹

  • @harold14160able
    @harold14160able 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    i LOVE THIS Beautiful song, sang by Candy Christmas

  • @tokerknows
    @tokerknows 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome song

  • @josephokellookello2046
    @josephokellookello2046 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @daricemullens746
    @daricemullens746 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @elizabethmelidonis5192
    @elizabethmelidonis5192 3 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @skitzduh632
    @skitzduh632 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I love you guys

  • @irenemarmelstein6220
    @irenemarmelstein6220 8 ปีที่แล้ว

    Erg mooi!

  • @dianaharris8408
    @dianaharris8408 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Cany christman is a angel from heaven

  • @dieterprommegger500
    @dieterprommegger500 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    Ein Herrliches Lied.

  • @dianalovesongs
    @dianalovesongs 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    love it!

  • @anitaaliwonyamusoke9542
    @anitaaliwonyamusoke9542 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @donovansfunworld
    @donovansfunworld 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I bet God is happy with you 🙏🏽

  • @tamarafierenczuk4284
    @tamarafierenczuk4284 10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    PSALM 34:8-9. Amen !!!

  • @petervanvliet6235
    @petervanvliet6235 8 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @judithdemeester6630
    @judithdemeester6630 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    O Heer waak over mij en houd mij dicht in UW armen 🙏🏽
    Judith België

  • @djsitorus2195
    @djsitorus2195 5 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @joerowlett424
    @joerowlett424 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    God has sent His angles to watch over me many times. Next time I'd like to chat with them again.

  • @MD-hg9dq
    @MD-hg9dq 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    My objectives using wonderful words of life found in the attached prayer for unity is to encourage the disheartened and help the weak by being patient with everyone because our contract with life is brokered with fragility, sadness and anxiety.
    On a balcony of space STEPPED A PURE AND HOLY GOD. IN AWESOME SOLITUDE YOU STOOD ALONE. Not one faint star to give YOU light; just endless darkness, it was blackest night. But somehow in the darkness YOU COULD SEE.
    YOU SAW mountains high and lofty, YOU SAW valleys lush and green. YOU SAW babbling brooks, and wildflowers grow, YOU EVEN HEARD a robin sing. Then through YOUR COMPASSION STANDING OUT THERE IN YOUR TOMORROW, YOU SAW forum's visitors. 🥰
    YOU SAW them as sinners because there is no intrinsic righteousness in any of us due to Adam’s sin. YOU SAW them as they grew from a baby into adulthood due to YOUR HANDS OF MERCY. 🥰 YOU SAW them pursuing a career path for the purpose of obtaining the gains of the world not realizing that it is a loss compared to what YOU DID on the cross. YOU SAW them working long and laboring hard to receive the grace by justification even though YOU stated, "This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent."(John 6:29 KJV) YOU SAW the unwillingness to accept YOUR PLAN OF SALVATION THROUGH YOUR SON JESUS CHRIST. YOU SAW them living with the guilt of committing crimes to the heart. YOU SAW them enduring personal crisis. YOU SAW the weight of the burden on their hearts with each tribulation. YOU SAW them seeking comfort from the above mentioned topography, ONE OF THE MANY MARVELS YOUR PERFECT HANDS HAVE MADE. 👏👏👏 YOU SAW their worries about tomorrow.
    If their hearts were a window that they could look through, oh the pains and scars they would see. What a cruel fate the skin gives as a mask to the inward pain. But the skin couldn’t cover THE SUFFERING YOUR ONE AND ONLY SON BORED on the cross as PAYMENT for all our sins because HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS ALONE HAD THE MERIT TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR HOLINESS. Indeed, ONLY HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS IS SUFFICIENT TO SAVE us from this present evil world as evidenced by Mary's song of praise. "And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour." (Luke 1:46-47 KJV) Awesome thanks to YOUR GREAT PARDON for being easy on the heart. 🥰
    They have seen a lot of crazy things done in YOUR NAME. For example, the father of lies futile attempts to make crooked the right ways of the LORD to turn people away from faith in the WORKS OF JESUS CHRIST ALONE. How can anyone bear the thought of his or her life story detracting from the GLORY AND HONOR KNOWN TO BELONG TO CHRIST ALONE? As a consequence, YOU ARE A MYSTERY OF GREAT MYSTERY to them. Despite this conviction, YOU ARE MINDFUL of them as evidenced by the fact that YOUR JUDGEMENT is not speedy, allowing them to pursue the desires of the flesh.
    They are aware of hypocrisy in religious assemblies that like to be seen and heard. In addition, secular education teaches that there is no right and wrong, if GOD exists there is no way of relating to HIM, and moral standards shift according to the whims of fashion. Therefore, their minds are conditioned to question everything this world has to offer including “THY POWER THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE DISPLAYED.” They have accepted the heavy burden of dealing with the troubles of this life and seeks to know another way, YOU THE GREAT COMFORTER TO ALL who did receive YOU as their personal SAVIOR. Still, YOU have shown them NEW MERCY every day with each thought they make and each breath they take.
    Unfortunately, like the prodigal son, we are all guilty of wandering far from YOU LORD because the negative experiences of our lives tend to build roadblocks to the TRUTH. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them to identify the way, truth, and eternal life (that is YOU). Since to know and follow your SPIRIT is more exciting than any 007 movie, and YOU DELIGHT MAKING the ordinary into extraordinary. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST MAKE them understand that there is no way around YOUR TRUTH, and that there is something about YOUR NAME. As time marches on, JESUS CHRIST HELP them defeat in their minds what is false in YOUR EYES.
    LORD GUIDE their thoughts to know that the path of sin is hard on their hearts for the purpose of crying out to YOU to know the joy, peace of having the heavy burden LIFTED by THE GOD OF PEACE I AM, and ANCHOR their souls in THE HAVEN OF REST. In other words, LORD use the storms in their lives to get a hold of them to trust YOU and believe. In truth, YOU ARE THE JOY that seekest them through pain.
    LORD HELP their fainting hearts to believe that YOU, who was slain on the cross over 2000 years ago has the POWER TO CHANGE lives today through the INSTANTANEOUS GREAT FAVOR from GOD to the house of Israel made known in believers by YOU to make YOUR NAME EVERLASTING. 🥰 For as the statue liberates the citizens so the cross liberates the soul. ONLY YOU can calm the trouble waters of the mind when one admits to wanting salvation from one’s sinful nature, JESUS IS LORD, and believes in the heart that GOD RAISED HIM from the dead TO LIFT the heavy burden of sin's guilt away from the heart in accordance to YOUR WORD found in Psalm 51:1-10 KJV. 👏👏👏👏👏👏 O, the wonder of it all to experience within the flesh the feeling of a tree being cut back/pruned inorder for it to grow stronger and more beautiful after meditating on the words of said Psalm. 🥰🙌
    LORD MAKE them know that ONLY YOUR HOLY SPIRIT, through the experience of a new birth within believers, can prevent the family circle from being broken because THE HOPE OF ETERNAL LIFE YOU HAVE GRANTED means a chapter of their lives is decided. Creation sings the rebirth song for them yearly, through YOUR PROMISE of springtime, giving rise to the idea that by the mention of YOUR NAME flowers grow, and the desert blooms again. 🥰
    LORD GUIDE their understanding of words to use to come into YOUR PRESENCE with an honest reverence of WHO YOU ARE to experience the beauty that time can't erase YOUR WISDOM resting on their faces. LORD STRENGTHEN their determination to never waiver in efforts to search for YOU because the wages of sin is too high for anyone to pay. Additionally, THE KING OF KINGS is needed in their hearts to learn how to expand their capacity to love for YOU are LOVE in any language. 🥰 Once they learn to speak it with boldness through YOUR WONDERFUL COUNSELING all the world will hear, and know that LOVE is the language of their hearts. So LORD, KEEP KNOCKING on their doors until they let YOU in to know hardships and struggles will end with a GREAT CELEBRATION WITH YOU. 🥰🙌
    If one believes faith cannot be forced, YOU WILL GIVE that individual over to the stubborn heart to follow own counsel which will surely fail him or her to the extent that the punishment will last forever found in Psalms 81 NIV. Given this, I pray that YOU WILL MAKE that person see that this feeling is wasted for a world in which we become strangers as we age, gives us thrills instead of peace, aims to solve a problem but creates another, and unrest surges with each passing generation. Shed some light into their broken hearts for YOU ARE THE GREAT JEHOVAH, THE GOD THAT HEALETH thee.
    Lastly, LORD when they call on YOU in earnest prayer to come into their hearts to be born again, I pray that YOU WILL GIVE them the blessed assurance of their salvation because nothing breaks YOUR HEART, or tears YOU apart like when they cry from the trials of the devil who comes to slander, falsely accuse, steal, kill & destroy. Only by drawing nearer to YOU LORD will put them on a path to a glorious one way trip winding upward to YOU where pain is not welcome because the heart will never break anymore. For ONLY YOU UNDERSTANDS our tears since YOU LOOK at the heart, while humans look at the flesh.
    O LOVE that will not let them go. When they don't have the strength to try, and have cried all they can cry hear their hearts that need YOU more today than yesterday. Many thanks LORD for speaking TRUTH in our lives TO BLESS those who are not offended by THEE. LET YOUR WILL BE DONE because YOUR LOVE ALONE CONQUERS everything by WAITING for them to cease struggling, and finally surrender to YOUR EMBRACE to learn about YOUR LOVE AND PROMISE TO TAKE CARE of your children exquisitely. 🥰 Since... "at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore"... (Psalms 16:11 KJV), and the nail print for them to know YOU by answering the following question. How did CHRIST LOVE people into a relationship with HIM? 🥰

  • @BethHill-h1c
    @BethHill-h1c ปีที่แล้ว

    How can I find a soundtrack of this song,in three keys?can ot find it.

  • @trevors5216
    @trevors5216 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Not available in my country ?? Canada ?? Why ??

  • @athenamurphy1317
    @athenamurphy1317 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    McManusarlene87, it's the Gaither's Homecoming DVD's:

  • @roselineasante614
    @roselineasante614 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I'm alone and the light slowly fades,
    cold with the night closing in,
    I Know the shadow of Almighty wings.
    Lord won't you send them again?
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    I'm so afraid of the dark.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Shield me, keep me,
    hold me safe in Your arms.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Sometimes the child inside of me cries
    with fear of the dangers unseen
    and question with answers I can't seem to find.
    Then You send Your angels to me.
    Lord, send Your angels to watch over me.
    I'm so afraid of the dark.
    Lord, send your angels to watch over me.
    And wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Shield me, keep me,
    hold me safe in Your arms.
    Lord, send your angels to watch over me.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Wrap me in sheltering arms.
    Won't you wrap me in sheltering arms?

  • @MellenyPlaatjie
    @MellenyPlaatjie 9 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @oliviacastro2643
    @oliviacastro2643 10 ปีที่แล้ว

    Futbol gratis

  • @garyfrazier5371
    @garyfrazier5371 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    While I love this song, I am forced to click thumbs down because I am totally Deaf and
    no captions are offered.

    • @organist777
      @organist777 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Of course, you could Google the lyrics. ;-)

    • @carolemafotsing9987
      @carolemafotsing9987 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      May the LORD JESUS heal you right now

  • @briangreaves2442
    @briangreaves2442 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    res no lord if there was how come he letting the mps get a pay rice of 10 precent so that takes there pay to 74 ooo pounds a year and thay dont do no work for it only go to sleep and have fancy dinner partys its no right i would not pay them in buttons the poor get note only cuts so the mps can get more

    • @michaeldilts4046
      @michaeldilts4046 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Brian Greaves Because you won't try to better yourself and get training or go to school and that's not His fault its' yours. Yeah, it's all about you when you pray so put feet to your prayer, sign up for success in the future.

    • @janetacrabtree3721
      @janetacrabtree3721 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      It's plain Brian Greaves that you have never been on the road as a singer for you know not what you are speaking of it's so plain to see by your unlearned words

  • @briangreaves2442
    @briangreaves2442 9 ปีที่แล้ว

    t gets me if there is a god why dont he help the poor little kids of the world then and the poor little kids wot are sick why dont he make them better if there is one little kids wot have done no harm to no one and born with un well theres no god its just silly i think my girlfrend julie died only 39 lelf me to bring up our son sam on my by my self we miss julie so much if there is one wen i get up there he going to have a good thumping

    • @prestonthompson9848
      @prestonthompson9848 8 ปีที่แล้ว

      +Brian Greaves Because that is your responsibility.

    • @anitabrown3057
      @anitabrown3057 8 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      +Brian Greaves Contrary to what some people think, everything you experience is not your fault. This world we live in isn't fair. It does appear that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer...according to the worlds standards. And we all face unbearable hurt at times in our lives. I am sorry for your loss. Believe it or not, this world breaks Gods heart too. God never said that this life would be easy. Here are a few things He does promise. He DOES promise that this life is temporary...and...He WILL walk with us through it. What we experience here is not the end. It is only the beginning. Yet, what you believe and do now will have eternal significance. He does promise that those who cause harm to His little ones ...without repentance ...will receive their judgment. He will carry out His righteous judgment in His perfect time. He DOES promise His presence in the midst of our hurt. He DOES promise His love in the midst of worldy hate. He DOES promise His hope in the midst of the darkness we live in. The only condition is that we receive it. Then after this life, those who put their trust and faith in Christ WILL experience the life that God intended for us from the foundation of the world.... no more sickness, no more pain, no more struggles, no more death, no more tears. Give Him a chance to prove Himself. Don't ask for a specific sign. Don't ask for what you want. Just pour out your heart to Him. Tell Him how you feel. Then ask Him to reveal Himself. He will do it! When He does, you will experience a love and peace that make no sense in the midst of your situation. May you discover the true Love of God, the Saving Grace of Jesus and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

    • @sisterwitness8532
      @sisterwitness8532 8 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      +Anita Brown...beautifully stated! "Give Him a chance to prove Himself"...what a precious thing to say to someone. God Bless you dear sister in Christ Jesus.

  • @georgeschaumkel3075
    @georgeschaumkel3075 8 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great song...