I remember reading a long time ago that when Constantine decided that Catholicism would be the state religion of the Roman Empire and the New Testament was put together by the Council of Nicaea which was the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, held in 325 CE. His mother went to Jerusalem and during that trip, she was able to find not only the place and date of Jesus' birth but the cross upon which he was crucified. I would never denounce the Bible but I do have a lot of questions about the special council that made the decision as to what would and would not be included in the Bible. The Shepherds may very well have been tending their flocks by night but they would not have been in the hill country in the dead of winter. Also if Christ was born in Bethlehem, and Joseph was indeed of the family of David, I would think that he would have a couple of dozen relatives where he could stay rather than a barn. In accordance with Jewish Law a Man would not be allowed in the room where a woman was giving birth because it was considered Un-Clean. I have long since given up on the Catholic church, but never on God.
Jesus was born in the year 41 BC at the start of the Father's Sabbath day. For he was to watch over the Father's children on his day of rest. Woe to the that may mislead the children of the of the Father in Heaven.
Next chapter. Luke 2:42. Everyone misses this. A better reader pointed it out to me. On a visit to Jerusalem with His parents to celebrate Passover He CAME TO BE twelve. Case closed. Case opened: Paul: to the Greeks the smarties the cross is foolishness. Possibly April 1st.
You have to use the Biblical calendar. The 6th month is the month of Elul (Aug/Sept) just before Tishri (Sept/Oct) when the Fall Feasts occur. We are told in Luke it was the 6th month (Elul) when the angel came to Mary AND that Elizabeth was then "in" HER 6th month of pregnancy. That means Elizabeth would be in her 9th month in Kislev (Nov/Dec) and very likely had John the Baptist at Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which is why John repeatedly said he was not THE LIGHT -- that Jesus was. People knew John's birth was supernatural given his mother was past childbearing age and what occurred with Zechariah nit speaking 9 months. To also be born on a significant date for the Jews (Temple rededication) it is no wonder he was questioned by the religious leaders. But John, like us, was to point to THE LIGHT of the world. We also know Mary was pregnant when she went to see Elizabeth given Elizabeth's prophecy over her and Mary stayed with Elizabeth 3 months-- which would mean right up until the birth was to occur so that means Mary was pregnant BY the 9th month which is Kislev (Nov/Dec). How far along, we aren't told but if she became pregnant right after the angel told her (in Elul, 6th month) then Jesus would be born in the month of Sivan (3rd month) and it's HIGHLY LIKELY he was born on Shavuot/Pentacost given it was that day the Lord gave us His written Word, and that day the Holy Spirit of God came down and indwelled believers -- two of the most important dates in history God GAVE GIFTS TO US -- and would be consistent that the BEST GIFT, His Son, our Savior, the "WORD made FLESH" was also on that same day. Sivan is in May/June. The 50th day from FIRSTFRUITS. Jesus fulfilled the LAW. He was full of the Spirit. He was the Law/Word/Spirit wrapped in flesh which is why John 1:14-18 describes Him that way: And the WORD became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For THE LAW was given THROUGH MOSES (at Sinai on Pentacost); grace and truth were realized THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him. Dates on scripture are not randomly chosen. The church would soon be "birthed" the SAME DATE when the HELPER, the Spirit of God, was sent to indwell believers! The 3 most significant GIFTS from God all GIVEN on the same date: His Word, His Son, His Spirit. We read the Word. We saw/touched the Word made flesh. And His Spirit came to indwell us given we each now ARE the Temple of God. Jesus is the Chief and Precious Cornerstone and we are living stones of His spiritual Temple as 1st Peter 2:5 says: You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ❤ God repeats significant dates -- both good and bad (like 9th Av). We are to recognize them for their meaning/significance. He tells us far more in His Word than we grasp if we pay attention to the DETAILS. ❤
Jesus return soon! Amen
Great reminder, we worship Jesus and not the date. Thank you
As always, great study!
I remember reading a long time ago that when Constantine decided that Catholicism would be the state religion of the Roman Empire and the New Testament was put together by the Council of Nicaea which was the first ecumenical council of the Christian church, held in 325 CE. His mother went to Jerusalem and during that trip, she was able to find not only the place and date of Jesus' birth but the cross upon which he was crucified. I would never denounce the Bible but I do have a lot of questions about the special council that made the decision as to what would and would not be included in the Bible. The Shepherds may very well have been tending their flocks by night but they would not have been in the hill country in the dead of winter. Also if Christ was born in Bethlehem, and Joseph was indeed of the family of David, I would think that he would have a couple of dozen relatives where he could stay rather than a barn. In accordance with Jewish Law a Man would not be allowed in the room where a woman was giving birth because it was considered Un-Clean. I have long since given up on the Catholic church, but never on God.
Jesus was born in the year 41 BC at the start of the Father's Sabbath day. For he was to watch over the Father's children on his day of rest. Woe to the that may mislead the children of the of the Father in Heaven.
Next chapter. Luke 2:42. Everyone misses this. A better reader pointed it out to me. On a visit to Jerusalem with His parents to celebrate Passover He CAME TO BE twelve. Case closed. Case opened: Paul: to the Greeks the smarties the cross is foolishness. Possibly April 1st.
Strange that a heart is only given to the ones who agrees with his babble.
You have to use the Biblical calendar. The 6th month is the month of Elul (Aug/Sept) just before Tishri (Sept/Oct) when the Fall Feasts occur. We are told in Luke it was the 6th month (Elul) when the angel came to Mary AND that Elizabeth was then "in" HER 6th month of pregnancy. That means Elizabeth would be in her 9th month in Kislev (Nov/Dec) and very likely had John the Baptist at Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which is why John repeatedly said he was not THE LIGHT -- that Jesus was. People knew John's birth was supernatural given his mother was past childbearing age and what occurred with Zechariah nit speaking 9 months. To also be born on a significant date for the Jews (Temple rededication) it is no wonder he was questioned by the religious leaders. But John, like us, was to point to THE LIGHT of the world. We also know Mary was pregnant when she went to see Elizabeth given Elizabeth's prophecy over her and Mary stayed with Elizabeth 3 months-- which would mean right up until the birth was to occur so that means Mary was pregnant BY the 9th month which is Kislev (Nov/Dec). How far along, we aren't told but if she became pregnant right after the angel told her (in Elul, 6th month) then Jesus would be born in the month of Sivan (3rd month) and it's HIGHLY LIKELY he was born on Shavuot/Pentacost given it was that day the Lord gave us His written Word, and that day the Holy Spirit of God came down and indwelled believers -- two of the most important dates in history God GAVE GIFTS TO US -- and would be consistent that the BEST GIFT, His Son, our Savior, the "WORD made FLESH" was also on that same day. Sivan is in May/June. The 50th day from FIRSTFRUITS. Jesus fulfilled the LAW. He was full of the Spirit. He was the Law/Word/Spirit wrapped in flesh which is why John 1:14-18 describes Him that way: And the WORD became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. John testified about Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me has a higher rank than I, for He existed before me.’” For of His fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace. For THE LAW was given THROUGH MOSES (at Sinai on Pentacost); grace and truth were realized THROUGH JESUS CHRIST. No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him.
Dates on scripture are not randomly chosen. The church would soon be "birthed" the SAME DATE when the HELPER, the Spirit of God, was sent to indwell believers! The 3 most significant GIFTS from God all GIVEN on the same date: His Word, His Son, His Spirit. We read the Word. We saw/touched the Word made flesh. And His Spirit came to indwell us given we each now ARE the Temple of God. Jesus is the Chief and Precious Cornerstone and we are living stones of His spiritual Temple as 1st Peter 2:5 says: You also, as living stones, are being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. ❤ God repeats significant dates -- both good and bad (like 9th Av). We are to recognize them for their meaning/significance. He tells us far more in His Word than we grasp if we pay attention to the DETAILS. ❤