You can watch a remake of this video here 👇 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ALL MUSIC USED IN VIDEO: 1.Reginald Dennis Johnson - Life's Incredible Again 2.Munzz - Sneaky Adventure 3.ModPonPonMusic - Suicide Mouse 4.Tammythederp (T. S.) - SUICIDE MOUSE 5.REPULSIVE - REPULSIVE - Cry Of The Unheard 6.Tails Romer - Sonic.exe - HILL ACT 1 7.Dimrical - it's just a burning memory but much sadder 8.REPULSIVE - Kyomi's Lullaby 9.REPULSIVE - REPULSIVE - Starvation 10.REPULSIVE - REPULSIVE - Judah's Lullaby 11.Sonic.EXE - The Game OST Theme of Sonic.EXE Hill Act1.gym (...).mp3 12.SakiHarashi - Tili Tili Bom
places: 0:00 village 0:02 plains 0:06 night time forest 0:10 desert 0:13 mesa 0:17 tundra 0:20 mansion 0:23 pillagers outpost 0:31 mangrove swamp 0:41 small island 0:54 mountains 0:58 broken generation 1:03 canyons 1:07 very broken generation 1:16 very broken generation (x2) 1:24 ocean 1:36 far lands 1:45 old minecraft version with herobrine
@Raitre Well, you see, the image of that world is the picture where Herobrine was first sighted. Today, everyone sees characters like Herobrine or even Slenderman as a funny meme, but I remember the days like 2012 or 2013 when everyone was still scared of it, including myself.
Story time: I once got a spawn that was on a roughly 20 block wide island. I swam for real life days and days until I found a jungle that was about 2000 blocks from spawn. Mind you...this was BEFORE they added swimming and guess what. The jungle was on a island too...
For those who don't know the last one it's the seed that was found Herobrine, an user spawned into the seed and found Herobrine and took a screenshot, then he posted on the internet and an user called "Herobrine" said: "stop" and the message got deleted, in the versions 1.14-1.16 (i think) said: "Herobrine removed"
0:00 ok 0:02 ok 0:06 not possible in minecraft 0:10 must be villages and temples around 0:13 wow, beautiful biome 0:17 spawned here with eternal winter and body temperature mods. Warm water saved me, so it was a lucky spawn. 0:20 wow, a rare seed 0:23 free loot 0:31 yay, new biome 0:41 cool for challenges 0:54 what a beautiful generation 0:58 cool seed 1:03 wow, a VERY rare seed 1:07 another one 1:16 yep, also good for screenshots 1:24 haha, created water superflat world my bad 1:36 awesome landscapes 1:45 okay, that's the only one place where we are doomed Result: 99% of minecraft spawn places are awesome
00:00 Village 00:02 plains 00:06 night time forset 00:10 Derset 00:13 mesa 00:16 tundra 00:19 mansion 00:22 illager outpost 00:31 twilight forset 00:40 small island 00:54 mountains 00:58 broken world 01:02 canyos 01:07 very broken world 01:15 very broken world (2×) 01:23 sea 01:35 far land ( there is an one entity who live there ) 01:45 minecraft version old wih entity ( the name entity is herorbrine )
assuming you're on hardcore mode, many of these spawn locations are survivable, (although creepy.) you just got to keep a cool head and play extremely carefully. and hope you've got friends on multiplayer mode to help. the following are REALLY scary and bad: 0:09 through 0:18 are untenable, your only chance is to escape and come back later better-equipped. you'd better hope you can go in one direction to find your way out of those biomes, and kill fish (iceberg ocean) and rabbits (desert) every chance you get so you don't starve to death. (the mesa at 0:13 MIGHT, have some trees, grass, dirt, and water in a nearby oasis or river for you to get started, but living there will be pain.) 0:44 is *really* bad. you can only swim and kill fish and hope to find a mainland with trees to get started. Take sand, dirt, and seagrass with you so you've at least got some emergency shelter-building whenever the seafloor is high and nighttime approaches. everything from 0:56 to 1:22 is somewhat unnerving, but, provided you're not *spawning* that high in the air and immediately falling to your death, _could_ be survived with some immense farming and geo-landscaping. if you *are spawning* in midair, aim for the water and hope you don't hit the ground and insta-die. good luck. 1:24 nope. screw that. 1:39 I don't like the far lands, but at least there's a nearby tree _juuuust_ inside the build limit to help you get started so you can make the arduous journey away from the world's extreme edge.
You make it sound like Minecraft is a difficult game. You spawn in a forest at night? Just get to the top of a tree, sharpish and wait till day. You end up in the ocean? Retrieve some materials from the bottom and need pole underwater until you can make a little island. Then get your bearings and swim in one direction until you find land. You hunger bar doesn't deplete that fast so you'll survive. Also with the more dangerous places, just run outside of the aggro range (which is a piece of piss) and go somewhere else. And what are you on about mountains? They're my favourite place to be because of the challenge. In fact my favourite form of generation in amplified. Survival worlds in that are a lot of fun.
0:00 Village (A village with villagers, added in Beta 1.8 or 1.9) 0:02 Plains (Normal plains. Existed like in every minecraft version) 0:06 Spruce Forest (Added during beta) 0:10 Desert (Biome. Added in Alpha, used to have rivers but they got removed in 1.6 or 1.7) 0:13 Mesa (Also Biome, dont remember when it was added) 0:17 Ice Spikes (Biome with only ocean and ice) 0:20 Illager Mansion (A structure with many hostile mobs added in 1.11) 0:23 Pillager Outpost (A structure with Pillagers added in 1.14) 0:30 Twilight Forest (A Legendary Minecraft Mod) 0:41 Small Island Without Trees (doesnt need explanation) 0:54 Mountains (Biome added in Alpha. However the image shows a construction made by players, minecraft generation made mountains are different) 0:58 i dont know 1:03 Canyons (Though they have ores, if you fall into them without water bucket ur dead) 1:07 I saw something simmilar in like X = 1000000000000 of a Bedrock Editiion world. However it didnt have quartz or water, so it isnt it 1:15 A very very broken generation, with only 1 chunk repeating alot of times. Didnt saw it, however i dont decline its possible 1:23 Ocean with no islands nearby (Actually possible, once happened to me) 1:36 The Far Lands (used to be border of the world in Beta versions. Further you go in them, more they are cursed and more it lags and heats ur pc. Modern versions run them perfectly normal, they was replaced with World Barrier at 1.0.0, however you can still download a map with them and check them out, since Far lands was at X = 12,000,000, while modern wrold barrrier is at X = 23,000,000,000 1:45 Herobrine's first appearance (Herobrine is a myth (or not since i saw him myself twice). This is 12-year-old screenshot with his first appearance)
0:00 A village, you found a village with things you can take, or you can even live there! 0:02 Normal spawn everyone already must've have. 0:06 Wait, why is it night, when you just spawned..? Huh? 0:10 Desert, i mean, not that bad, you can find a village, or a desert temple with food and OP things 0:13 Badlands, not much to find here, but there is alot of gold in alot of mineshafts containing wood 0:17 Icelands, you can find a broken ship, or just find another biome 0:20 You can just run away, or go there, and find things, you can mine normally, what do i tell you... 0:23 Outpost, you can rush it, and go fast take that things, there can be really good things, but dangerous to go there without things 0:31 Uhhh i do not know that biome, but you can just find another biome? 0:41 I know that pain, but there are always another islands with resources 0:54 If youre spawned on the mountains, just go down, if you're spawned down, just play normally??? 0:58 Badly loaded game, i can know that pain, you can't play like that, you need a new one. 1:03 Looks like a world from loading screen, or am I wrong? Anyway looks like a normal world, just weirdly generated, but you can play? 1:07 Very oddly generated world, looks like some haunted world already? But it may only be a stupid generation, just play 1:16 This is a very weird generation, this is not normal already, it's probably a haunted world, or your generation was just too unlucky 1:24 What do you want to do here? Find another biome? I wish a good luck, this looks long 1:36 You should add it to canny, not uncanny, these are an old version generations, only 1 guy found it, it took him 10 years. It's epic 1:45 Minecraft beta seed, this seed was cursed for having herobrine. Herobrine is a curse itself, he is a creepypasta in minecraft.
0:00 Village 0:03 Plains 0:06 Forest(At Night) 0:10 Desert 0:13 Mesa 0:17 Tundra 0:20 The Mansion 0:23 Pillager Outpost 0:30 Twilight Forest(Actully A Mod) 0:41 Island 0:54 Mountains 0:58 Broken Gerneration 1:03 Canyons 1:08 Broken Generation+ 1:16 Broken Generation++ 1:24 Ocean 1:37 That Things’ Layer/Farlands(Yes the entity’s name is “That Thing”) 1:45 H3R0BR!ÑĘ’$ |@¥3R Note: Spanning inside of an ocean is not even possible
0:00 Village 0:03 Plains 0:06 Forest at night 0:10 Desert 0:14 Mesa 0:17 Tundra 0:20 Woodland Mansion 0:23 Pillager Outpost 0:31 Twilight Forest (Mods) 0:41 Small Island 0:54 Mountain Biome 0:58 Broken Generation 1:03 Canyons 1:07 Very Broken Generation 1:16 HEVILY Broken Generation 1:25 Ocean 1:36 T H E F A R L A N D S 1:45 ...
@Alin ∙ Sussy baka I still remember the days that characters like Herobrine or even Slenderman were characters where the mere sight of them would make our blood run cold and an ice chill would flow down our spine…
one of my favorite minecraft worlds ever was on bedrock where I was spawned into an ocean with no land, ended up building in awesome underwater base that even went up above into self made sky island, most was made with cobblestone or glass, eventually I did find a small island with an oak tree not very far away so I got wood and built with that, there also happened to be a mushroom island only a thousand blocks or so away so I would say it was actually a very fun spawn.
For those who don’t know just in case if you don’t know the last picture: it is a picture of somebody spawning in fog and if you spawn in fog, that means your in herobrines area/territory. And if you get caught by herobrine, your gonna have the worst Minecraft consequences ever!
1:45 its russian song Text: Tili-Tili Boom Close your eyes quicker someone walks outside the window and knocks on the doors On russian: Тили-тили бум Закрой глпза скорее Кто-то ходит за окном И стучится в двери
I don’t care if I’m late at this comment but also why does that song even exist if people listen to this song in a loop they won’t be able to sleep (not the low pitch version)
1.Village you can get stuff at starter 2.Plain as normal 3.Forest at Night Hostile mob can spawn 4 desert no tree at there 5 badland no tree and mountain that is badland 6 ice berg ice often thaw and hostile mob can spawn there 7 woodland mansions you are in danger cause illager seek to kill you but you can get good stuff 8 pillager outpost pillager shoot u
9 twilight forest mob can spawn rapidly and silently 10 small island (no tree) I am alone forever no boat from it if you find shipwreck you lucky 11. High mountain would die from cold mountain 12. Chunk bug Ummmm..... What the hell 13 ravine if you spawn below ravine you are nothing can do And mob can kill you 14 chunk bug What the hell 15 repeating biome Nooo there no wood can obtained
16 ocean There is no wood you are in danger bc drowned throw trident 17 farland You stay here it impossible to speedrun and hard to beat becuz it move harder 18 biome with herobrine You got prank by herobrine
1:47 its a russian language "Тили тили бом, закрой глаза скорее, ктото ходит за окном и стучится в двери" "Tili tili bom, close your eyes, something roaming behind the window and knocking door"
На последнем кадре там поется на русском "Тили-Тили-Бом". Всё в замедленном действии, но это так. Привет из России, кстати. Запомните правило одно: упоминание русских призывает русских. Наслаждайся переводом Google :D
00:59 once is spawned here but I was so young I could not understand what is it I found a place under that has too much iron and 1 iron golem I’m not lying
0:11 I had a spawn like this when I was playing with a friend, I don’t remember how far we traveled, I only remember the intense amount of sand, dead bushes, and a weird lack of mobs (yes mobs would spawn but there was barely any for a game on normal difficulty) after 15 minutes we both died of starvation and just gave up
0:00 village 0:02 plains 0:06 night time forest 0:10 desert 0:13 mesa 0:17 tundra 0:20 mansion 0:23 pillagers outpost 0:31 twilight forest 0:41 small island 0:54 mountains 0:58 broken generation 1:03 canyons 1:07 very broken generation 1:16 very broken genereation x2 but more broken 1:24 ocean 1:36 far lands 1:45 old minecraft but with herobrine seed
0:59 - I saw something like that once, when i tried to move world from very old version of Minecraft to a newer one. Chunk generator gone mad and some chunks became "ocean" in a middle. Also, there were other anomalies (for example, i couldn't find any castles with End portals, and villages was very strange) after that 1:08 - it looks like "world edge" on bedrock edition, instead of Far Lands from Java (1:36) 1:16 - try reinstalling Minecraft maybe?
about the mountains or the square bad-made word? I will answer you for both words: If you spawn in the mountains, some of them are just rock without trees or grass or things that help you to eat, create weapons or built a house for the first night (with dirt), so you are forced to walk until you find a tree or an animal If you spawn on this weird word, well, you may die if you fall from this high, but if you normally spawn, I think you're right, it is not so uncanny, it has trees, water, animals etc.
I agree with @@georgeserbezis4704 when we spawn on top of a mountain like that. However, I find spawning in the valley as is shown in the picture there to be uncanny as well since it's too dark due to the lack of sunlight, allowing hostile creatures to spawn.
You can watch a remake of this video here 👇
1.Reginald Dennis Johnson - Life's Incredible Again
2.Munzz - Sneaky Adventure
3.ModPonPonMusic - Suicide Mouse
4.Tammythederp (T. S.) - SUICIDE MOUSE
5.REPULSIVE - REPULSIVE - Cry Of The Unheard
6.Tails Romer - Sonic.exe - HILL ACT 1
7.Dimrical - it's just a burning memory but much sadder
8.REPULSIVE - Kyomi's Lullaby
10.REPULSIVE - REPULSIVE - Judah's Lullaby
11.Sonic.EXE - The Game OST Theme of Sonic.EXE Hill Act1.gym (...).mp3
12.SakiHarashi - Tili Tili Bom
Why there are no sound at phase 9?
0:00 village
0:02 plains
0:06 night time forest
0:10 desert
0:13 mesa
0:17 tundra
0:20 mansion
0:23 pillagers outpost
0:31 mangrove swamp
0:41 small island
0:54 mountains
0:58 broken generation
1:03 canyons
1:07 very broken generation
1:16 very broken generation (x2)
1:24 ocean
1:36 far lands
1:45 old minecraft version with herobrine
wtf is the twilight forest
@@huylo246 ok
Oh… that’s why the last seed sucks
Bro farlands is good
The 0:31 part is actually good
When you spawn in a place where theres no animals, you know it's already uncanny
Huh,no replies?
Huh,no replies?
Well, not really. If you found seeds and a river, you can make some food
You can make farm by picking up a seeds from grass
only the animals make me feel safe
that last one makes any veteran players blood run cold
Well, you see, the image of that world is the picture where Herobrine was first sighted. Today, everyone sees characters like Herobrine or even Slenderman as a funny meme, but I remember the days like 2012 or 2013 when everyone was still scared of it, including myself.
@@oznelnavnaekal6679 Yea, I was a veteran from 2011 and that still creeps me out like shit
started in like 2019 and everytime I see it the blood in my arms becomes cold
yes, its marked me quite thoroughly xd
Story time: I once got a spawn that was on a roughly 20 block wide island. I swam for real life days and days until I found a jungle that was about 2000 blocks from spawn. Mind you...this was BEFORE they added swimming and guess what. The jungle was on a island too...
Did it even have anything
@@sirmonkeybananathe4296 Herobrine
This World is not worth it why waste time for it
Means you spawned at the watter place from minecraft
Bro why did you keep that world-💀
For those who don't know the last one it's the seed that was found Herobrine, an user spawned into the seed and found Herobrine and took a screenshot, then he posted on the internet and an user called "Herobrine" said: "stop" and the message got deleted, in the versions 1.14-1.16 (i think) said: "Herobrine removed"
Don't the patch notes say "Herobrine removed" everytime as an eater egg?
@@MetzliEater Egg?lol
@@KhanKush *easter
Hehehe, there was an S mising 😅
@@Metzli Or to cover up the real Herobrine being removed ;)
They said herobrine removed because many people fought herobrine was real and developers wanted to clarify that herobrine wasnt real
To be honest, If you could actually spawn in the Far Lands, consider yourself lucky since you gotta travel 12 million blocks to see them
0:00 ok
0:02 ok
0:06 not possible in minecraft
0:10 must be villages and temples around
0:13 wow, beautiful biome
0:17 spawned here with eternal winter and body temperature mods. Warm water saved me, so it was a lucky spawn.
0:20 wow, a rare seed
0:23 free loot
0:31 yay, new biome
0:41 cool for challenges
0:54 what a beautiful generation
0:58 cool seed
1:03 wow, a VERY rare seed
1:07 another one
1:16 yep, also good for screenshots
1:24 haha, created water superflat world my bad
1:36 awesome landscapes
1:45 okay, that's the only one place where we are doomed
Result: 99% of minecraft spawn places are awesome
You forgot one, the caves, they're truly horror, the sounds their makes. Ouch!
My favorite, island with no other land visible and no trees or animals
Based positive takes
@@Henrique____ impossible
1:52 The herobrine spawn....
These uncanny memes are low key terrifying
I agree. Also, it's nighttime where i am :D
Nah, they are not
@@atanaZion they think it is so b quiet
@@atanaZion I hope you piss, shit, fart, barf, vomit, cough, sneeze, and hiccup at the same time.
@@satanslittleprince Lmaooo
The most scariest spawn is 0:07 because you don't normally spawn in a created just now singleplayer world at night.
Let alone multiplayer worlds.
yes, its only possible spawn at night in multiplayers servers
00:00 Village
00:02 plains
00:06 night time forset
00:10 Derset
00:13 mesa
00:16 tundra
00:19 mansion
00:22 illager outpost
00:31 twilight forset
00:40 small island
00:54 mountains
00:58 broken world
01:02 canyos
01:07 very broken world
01:15 very broken world (2×)
01:23 sea
01:35 far land ( there is an one entity who live there )
01:45 minecraft version old wih entity ( the name entity is herorbrine )
Who live in far land?
@@Nothing-for-no-reason farman
@@Nothing-for-no-reason Black man
It glitches if u come closer
@@lobopidaomimde6969 farman?
Copied comment
assuming you're on hardcore mode, many of these spawn locations are survivable, (although creepy.) you just got to keep a cool head and play extremely carefully. and hope you've got friends on multiplayer mode to help.
the following are REALLY scary and bad:
0:09 through 0:18 are untenable, your only chance is to escape and come back later better-equipped. you'd better hope you can go in one direction to find your way out of those biomes, and kill fish (iceberg ocean) and rabbits (desert) every chance you get so you don't starve to death.
(the mesa at 0:13 MIGHT, have some trees, grass, dirt, and water in a nearby oasis or river for you to get started, but living there will be pain.)
0:44 is *really* bad. you can only swim and kill fish and hope to find a mainland with trees to get started. Take sand, dirt, and seagrass with you so you've at least got some emergency shelter-building whenever the seafloor is high and nighttime approaches.
everything from 0:56 to 1:22 is somewhat unnerving, but, provided you're not *spawning* that high in the air and immediately falling to your death, _could_ be survived with some immense farming and geo-landscaping. if you *are spawning* in midair, aim for the water and hope you don't hit the ground and insta-die. good luck.
1:24 nope. screw that.
1:39 I don't like the far lands, but at least there's a nearby tree _juuuust_ inside the build limit to help you get started so you can make the arduous journey away from the world's extreme edge.
What about 2:01?
@@nolanwoodrow8747 2:01 ALT F4 ALT F4 WORK DAMNIT
Oh ok now i see and agree with that.
You're a fast thinker, atleast
You make it sound like Minecraft is a difficult game. You spawn in a forest at night? Just get to the top of a tree, sharpish and wait till day. You end up in the ocean? Retrieve some materials from the bottom and need pole underwater until you can make a little island. Then get your bearings and swim in one direction until you find land. You hunger bar doesn't deplete that fast so you'll survive.
Also with the more dangerous places, just run outside of the aggro range (which is a piece of piss) and go somewhere else.
And what are you on about mountains? They're my favourite place to be because of the challenge. In fact my favourite form of generation in amplified. Survival worlds in that are a lot of fun.
0:00 Village (A village with villagers, added in Beta 1.8 or 1.9)
0:02 Plains (Normal plains. Existed like in every minecraft version)
0:06 Spruce Forest (Added during beta)
0:10 Desert (Biome. Added in Alpha, used to have rivers but they got removed in 1.6 or 1.7)
0:13 Mesa (Also Biome, dont remember when it was added)
0:17 Ice Spikes (Biome with only ocean and ice)
0:20 Illager Mansion (A structure with many hostile mobs added in 1.11)
0:23 Pillager Outpost (A structure with Pillagers added in 1.14)
0:30 Twilight Forest (A Legendary Minecraft Mod)
0:41 Small Island Without Trees (doesnt need explanation)
0:54 Mountains (Biome added in Alpha. However the image shows a construction made by players, minecraft generation made mountains are different)
0:58 i dont know
1:03 Canyons (Though they have ores, if you fall into them without water bucket ur dead)
1:07 I saw something simmilar in like X = 1000000000000 of a Bedrock Editiion world. However it didnt have quartz or water, so it isnt it
1:15 A very very broken generation, with only 1 chunk repeating alot of times. Didnt saw it, however i dont decline its possible
1:23 Ocean with no islands nearby (Actually possible, once happened to me)
1:36 The Far Lands (used to be border of the world in Beta versions. Further you go in them, more they are cursed and more it lags and heats ur pc. Modern versions run them perfectly normal, they was replaced with World Barrier at 1.0.0, however you can still download a map with them and check them out, since Far lands was at X = 12,000,000, while modern wrold barrrier is at X = 23,000,000,000
1:45 Herobrine's first appearance (Herobrine is a myth (or not since i saw him myself twice). This is 12-year-old screenshot with his first appearance)
You did not see him twice as Herobrine is completely fictional.
@@314rft he shouldn't be though. They should add him as a boss and a terrifying mob. Its about time he gets put back in the game.
Hey do you notice that chicken's eye?
@@awakensaitama.2840 nope
1:38 this would be more canny rather then uncanny because this is really rare
@SCP-3812 "A Voice Behind Me" Animation Studios Bruh You Didn't Click The Channel
@SCP-3812 "A Voice Behind Me" Animation Studios Wow You Do It .
But do you know the "farlands monster"
Let’s just appreciate how beautiful his Minecraft looks
0:00 A village, you found a village with things you can take, or you can even live there!
0:02 Normal spawn everyone already must've have.
0:06 Wait, why is it night, when you just spawned..? Huh?
0:10 Desert, i mean, not that bad, you can find a village, or a desert temple with food and OP things
0:13 Badlands, not much to find here, but there is alot of gold in alot of mineshafts containing wood
0:17 Icelands, you can find a broken ship, or just find another biome
0:20 You can just run away, or go there, and find things, you can mine normally, what do i tell you...
0:23 Outpost, you can rush it, and go fast take that things, there can be really good things, but dangerous to go there without things
0:31 Uhhh i do not know that biome, but you can just find another biome?
0:41 I know that pain, but there are always another islands with resources
0:54 If youre spawned on the mountains, just go down, if you're spawned down, just play normally???
0:58 Badly loaded game, i can know that pain, you can't play like that, you need a new one.
1:03 Looks like a world from loading screen, or am I wrong? Anyway looks like a normal world, just weirdly generated, but you can play?
1:07 Very oddly generated world, looks like some haunted world already? But it may only be a stupid generation, just play
1:16 This is a very weird generation, this is not normal already, it's probably a haunted world, or your generation was just too unlucky
1:24 What do you want to do here? Find another biome? I wish a good luck, this looks long
1:36 You should add it to canny, not uncanny, these are an old version generations, only 1 guy found it, it took him 10 years. It's epic
1:45 Minecraft beta seed, this seed was cursed for having herobrine. Herobrine is a curse itself, he is a creepypasta in minecraft.
1:36 you know, there are entity who live these
1:36 A World famous Minecraft youtuber aka Yessmartiepie also found this in his new Himlands series Go and watch in his channel
Badlands spawn is pain because you will just starve there
@@therandumx808 there is loads of delicious food
Herobrine: *scariest and worst spawn*
I'd welcome him as a friend from the old days of MC
Absolutely loved this video. Amazing work.
0:00 Village
0:03 Plains
0:06 Forest(At Night)
0:10 Desert
0:13 Mesa
0:17 Tundra
0:20 The Mansion
0:23 Pillager Outpost
0:30 Twilight Forest(Actully A Mod)
0:41 Island
0:54 Mountains
0:58 Broken Gerneration
1:03 Canyons
1:08 Broken Generation+
1:16 Broken Generation++
1:24 Ocean
1:37 That Things’ Layer/Farlands(Yes the entity’s name is “That Thing”)
1:45 H3R0BR!ÑĘ’$ |@¥3R
Note: Spanning inside of an ocean is not even possible
We all know the last one is bad because of Herobrine being spawned
0:00 Village
0:03 Plains
0:06 Forest at night
0:10 Desert
0:14 Mesa
0:17 Tundra
0:20 Woodland Mansion
0:23 Pillager Outpost
0:31 Twilight Forest (Mods)
0:41 Small Island
0:54 Mountain Biome
0:58 Broken Generation
1:03 Canyons
1:07 Very Broken Generation
1:16 HEVILY Broken Generation
1:25 Ocean
1:36 T H E F A R L A N D S
1:45 ...
Don't copy my comment T_T
@@Tord_Larss0n I didn't know the names of some of them
@@skfje oh okay
1:45 Herobrine
0:00 just a village
0:03 plains
0:06 dark forest
0:09 desert
0:13 badlands (mesa)
0:17 glaicer
0:20 manison
0:24 pillagers outpost
0:31 twilight forest (swamp)
0:41 stranded island
0:54 snow mountains
0:58 squared world (broken)
1:03 ravine
1:07 broken generation
1:16 broken generation again
1:24 ocean
1:37 far lands creature (creepy pasta)
1:46 the version of herobrine
1:37 is not the farlands creature, its the farlands
0:41 happened to me, and I was like “where the hell is the mainland?”
0:06 Word of advice, if you ever get in this situation, climb into a tree
1:46 at this point, i'd be more scared of mr incredible than herobrine
@@AMVENGENCE-dj5nt Tili Tili Bom Distorted
@Alin ∙ Sussy baka
I still remember the days that characters like Herobrine or even Slenderman were characters where the mere sight of them would make our blood run cold and an ice chill would flow down our spine…
one of my favorite minecraft worlds ever was on bedrock where I was spawned into an ocean with no land, ended up building in awesome underwater base that even went up above into self made sky island, most was made with cobblestone or glass, eventually I did find a small island with an oak tree not very far away so I got wood and built with that, there also happened to be a mushroom island only a thousand blocks or so away so I would say it was actually a very fun spawn.
Spawn in middle ocean = subnautica
@@robertinho4982 A dude with SpongeBob pfp that answer a dude with Patric pfp 💀
The most frightening one imo is the one that shows at Phase 15. The thought of just things being copy paste in real life scares me
which one is 15
For those who don’t know just in case if you don’t know the last picture: it is a picture of somebody spawning in fog and if you spawn in fog, that means your in herobrines area/territory. And if you get caught by herobrine, your gonna have the worst Minecraft consequences ever!
Me who uses creative mode for all the places: *canny music intensifies*
I am new player, can you say me what is this word and why it is canny for you? For me, it seems neutral.
@@georgeserbezis4704 you can find a lot of items like diamonds or irons
@@raz_2042 wow nice! Does this place still exist in minecraft?
@@georgeserbezis4704 yes but its rare to find one
1:45 its russian song
Tili-Tili Boom
Close your eyes quicker
someone walks outside the window
and knocks on the doors
On russian:
Тили-тили бум
Закрой глпза скорее
Кто-то ходит за окном
И стучится в двери
I don’t care if I’m late at this comment but also why does that song even exist if people listen to this song in a loop they won’t be able to sleep (not the low pitch version)
1:37 I’d actually be the most canniest because the farlands are rare
The farlands were only there in beta because there was no border
Far Lands are part of minecraft creepypastas
The farlands were real
0:00 : Village
0:03 : Plains
0:06 : Forest at nighttime
0:10 : Dessert
0:14 : Mesa
0:17 : Glaciers
0:20 : Mansion
0:24 : Pillager Outpost at nighttime
0:31 : Another Forest
0:41 Tiny Island in the middle of the ocean
0:54 : Realistic Mountains
0:58 : Broken Chunks
1:03 : Ravines
1:08 : Corrupted world
1:16 : Another Corrupted world
1:24 : Ocean
1:37 : Farlands
1:45 : Herobrine
De la mitad para abajo no todos son malos
Incluso son increíbles
Your Minecraft spawn:
Erebus dimension💀💀💀
As a fellow Minecraft player, I can tell you this is true
1:38 нет, этот спавн наоборот желанный, его, настолько невероятный, терять не хочется.
Dats half true
Я так не думаю, это выглядит страшно
@@tinuvielx Там после этого ничего нету, это предел Майнкрафта.
@@Dhhsowd Я знаю, но разве это не выглядит страшно?
@@tinuvielx Да там после дальних блоков просто ничего уже нету
1:47 - Кто не понял, на этом фото в первые был замечен ХЕРОБРИН. 1:47 - Who did not understand, in this photo, HEROBRINE was first noticed.
0:58 That's a straight up curse from Notch himself
POV: You are on CREATIVE
EDIT: 1:55 Where is Herobrine? 🧐
Hey! Near to spawn mansion is good
1.Village you can get stuff at starter
2.Plain as normal
3.Forest at Night
Hostile mob can spawn
4 desert no tree at there
5 badland no tree and mountain that is badland
6 ice berg ice often thaw and hostile mob can spawn there
7 woodland mansions you are in danger cause illager seek to kill you but you can get good stuff
8 pillager outpost pillager shoot u
9 twilight forest mob can spawn rapidly and silently
10 small island (no tree)
I am alone forever no boat from it if you find shipwreck you lucky
11. High mountain would die from cold mountain
12. Chunk bug
Ummmm..... What the hell
13 ravine if you spawn below ravine you are nothing can do
And mob can kill you
14 chunk bug
What the hell
15 repeating biome
Nooo there no wood can obtained
16 ocean
There is no wood you are in danger bc drowned throw trident
17 farland
You stay here it impossible to speedrun and hard to beat becuz it move harder
18 biome with herobrine
You got prank by herobrine
1:36 why is that like the worse one and it is 12,000,000 blocks from spawn in Minecraft 1.7.3 💀
1:47 its a russian language
"Тили тили бом, закрой глаза скорее, ктото ходит за окном и стучится в двери"
"Tili tili bom, close your eyes, something roaming behind the window and knocking door"
Ah sweet! Manmade horrors beyond my comprehension!
@@kinanamen4734 it's a lullaby
@@RubyChocoCookie 💀💀💀💀 the Germans and the Russians need to chill
@@shreyasbhat0506 yea, imagine tili tili bom playing in ukraine before the war starts.
And sees herobrine
0:41 Me paso algunas veces :,)
На последнем кадре там поется на русском "Тили-Тили-Бом". Всё в замедленном действии, но это так. Привет из России, кстати. Запомните правило одно: упоминание русских призывает русских. Наслаждайся переводом Google :D
Это правда)
I dont think ive ever seen Mr. Incredible become less canny and it scares me
0:00 Village
0:03 Plains
0:06 Night Forest (Dark Forest)
0:10 Desert
0:13 Mesa
0:17 Ice Spikes
0:20 Woodland Mansion
0:24 Pillager Outpost
0:30 Twilight Forest
0:41 Small Island without Trees
0:54 Mountain
0:58 Ocean Chunks
1:03 Canyons
1:07 Weird Minecraft world
1:15 Really Broken Minecraft Generation
1:23 Ocean without islands
Nobody tell Mr. Incredible he can just make a new world he's gonna go CRAZY
i loaded in a fresh survival world just to spawn right on top of a woodland mansion
Notice the chicken's face ☠️
nghe cái nhạc đếu ngủ đc =))
El macho 🧐🍷.
00:59 once is spawned here but I was so young I could not understand what is it I found a place under that has too much iron and 1 iron golem I’m not lying
1:43 you are only just so lucky that you spawned on the farlands, now you can stream and be famous
1:45 Modified Alpha 1.0.16_02 for development reasons, so pretty weird to find on the normal game. Still, i would shit my pants if i saw him...
how to survive the last one:
you can't😭
You dont
They don't even get bad until 0:41.
0:31 Sonic.EXE Part 1
1:16 Sonic.EXE Part 2
1:24 Sonic.EXE Part 3
1:37 Sonic.EXE Part 4
Enjoyed watching your video!
0:11 I had a spawn like this when I was playing with a friend, I don’t remember how far we traveled, I only remember the intense amount of sand, dead bushes, and a weird lack of mobs (yes mobs would spawn but there was barely any for a game on normal difficulty) after 15 minutes we both died of starvation and just gave up
0:49 fr islands are the WORST spawn
next mr incredible becoming uncanny: your pickaxe
the farlands is actually good since there are some trees and farlands is REALLY FAR thats why its called the "far"lands
0:21 is good,not bad bro!
Impressive! Thanks for the video.
0:31 Sounds Like Sonic Exe Green Hill Song😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.
1:16 Sounds Like Sonic Exe Green Hill Song Luig Group😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀.
Lol it's funny when he does the Sonic exe thingy!😂
0:00 village
0:02 plains
0:06 night time forest
0:10 desert
0:13 mesa
0:17 tundra
0:20 mansion
0:23 pillagers outpost
0:31 twilight forest
0:41 small island
0:54 mountains
0:58 broken generation
1:03 canyons
1:07 very broken generation
1:16 very broken genereation x2 but more broken
1:24 ocean
1:36 far lands
1:45 old minecraft but with herobrine seed
I’ve spawned in a couple places like this, Scared the crap out of 2-5 year old me
If you don't understand the last one, you have never been on the internet
and they live under a rock
0:54 thats very good spawn thank
sonic.exe music
0:31 - tails
1:17 - tails
1:26 - Dr. eggman
1:39 - Sonic majin
almost all are spawned in the middle: WHAT'S WHAT?!
the last Spawn: I'm scared
worst place to spawn is in a lavapool in a small island
1:20 when you get a spawn like this entity 303 is in your world😩😩🤯😳😳😨😱😱😱
I like how the 10th phase was unintentionally silent because of how disappointing the spawn is.
0:53 you said this is uncanny but this is beautiful
There is no trees and food players can die
Imagine spawning in front of the jeepers creepers truck 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳 jeepers creepers where'd you get those eyes?
People who don't know: what's the strang in this place 🤨
People who know: Herobrin ☠️💀
1:24 song name please
Robotnik's lab theme
Sonic.EXE Robotnik stage
Aka sonic exe theme reverse
0:44 i had a spawn like this😂😂😂😂
0:15 I know its a rare biome but spawning in it is pain
When a spawn in a swamp I always rejoin 💀
Cuando apareces en un lugar sin animales ahí sentis lo que es mala suerte me paso y aun asi hice un survival tecnico..
1:38 for those who don't know: this is the farmlands and if you get here you might crash or see HEROBRINE
You know the last one I saw Herobrine not gonna lie look very closely.
Yeah, I saw it
0:59 - I saw something like that once, when i tried to move world from very old version of Minecraft to a newer one. Chunk generator gone mad and some chunks became "ocean" in a middle. Also, there were other anomalies (for example, i couldn't find any castles with End portals, and villages was very strange) after that
1:08 - it looks like "world edge" on bedrock edition, instead of Far Lands from Java (1:36)
1:16 - try reinstalling Minecraft maybe?
only minecraft gamers understand😶🌫
Why there no music in phase 10?
0:38 creaking and parece garden presiction
people who are new: the last ones gotta be a joke. veterans: -Run!-
0:57 I don’t understand what is uncanny about this one
about the mountains or the square bad-made word?
I will answer you for both words:
If you spawn in the mountains, some of them are just rock without trees or grass or things that help you to eat, create weapons or built a house for the first night (with dirt), so you are forced to walk until you find a tree or an animal
If you spawn on this weird word, well, you may die if you fall from this high, but if you normally spawn, I think you're right, it is not so uncanny, it has trees, water, animals etc.
I agree with @@georgeserbezis4704 when we spawn on top of a mountain like that.
However, I find spawning in the valley as is shown in the picture there to be uncanny as well since it's too dark due to the lack of sunlight, allowing hostile creatures to spawn.
@TIR64 yeah I know man, probably the L key wasn't pressed enough.
Ah ok
stage -1: village
regular: plains
stage 1: forest at night
stage 2: dessert
stage 3: mesa
stage 4: tundra
stage 5: mansion
stage 6: outpost
stage 7: twilight forest
stage 8: small island
stage 9: extreme hills
stage 10: slightly corrupted world
stage 11: canyons
stage 12: corrupted world
stage 13: very corrupted world
stage 14: ocean
stage 15: far lands
stage 16: pre-classic world with herobrine
How do I get into herobrine world
Cool house 0:22
That's not a house its mansion living by illager inside
It's much worth to see a farlands because it is the most rarest biome in minecraft
1:45 ostia me imagino que ese spawn este en la 1.19
My spawn was next to the mountain and my world got a creepypasta I think and phase 29 is the sound
0:13 the mesa biome is rare if you spawn in a mesa biome your lucky!
Dude I will have to walk a lot to acutally get trees so yes it's a bit unlucky but ya it's lucky to spawn there.
That's my favorite biome
@@neoswagtwigofthetwignation9778 θr į$ įτ
bud is so uncanny that he turned into troll face💀