And then he goes ahead telling him that neither of his blue-eyes could be targeted at 19:47 though the second one was summoned by azure-eyes and thus is not affected by the targeting protection... This guy is either the dumbest Blue-Eyes player ever or - what I think is more likely - a complete cheater -.-
18:35 azure eyes misses timing, Even if spirit eyes chains to the raigeki please mind the chain-links. If it went like Chain-link 1 raigeki Chain-link 2 spirit eyes Chain-link 2 spirit eyes resolves 1st, since highest chain summons azure eyes ( Trigger effect resolves after the chain) The last thing to happen is raigeki and destroys azure eyes and other crap. cheating is not cool yo.
Instantly liked the vid 36 seconds in when you put up the second card on the screen so we can read it. You don't understand how helpful and awesome that is and saves me time from looking up the card. A+ grade for the editing and effort, great replay keep it up
He should have tagged out the dragon spirit of white for the blue eyes in hand and attacked Virgil to let the Virgil stay on field was stupid and he couldn't soul charge for 2
You can't target the dragons that i currently control, which i explicitly told him when i read the card to him. All other dragons that were summoned afterward, he chose not to do anything. So i didn't say anything because i thought he would have a plan.
blue eyes is a cheater. he twin twist mausoleum before it could target maiden therefore no blue eyes. soul charge with spirit? sage with darklaw?? hes a idiot. and if u chain spirit to raigeki or dark hole raigeki resolves first before azure eyes effect. i would of smashed him.
great editing guys , i love how much fun the blue eyes player is having while playing most players i see are either very very serious (not a bad thing) or giant assholes that think they know everything
lol that was my first time playing BA. Decided to hop in the tournament and learn as I beat everyone lol but lost in the finals. Cheat or Not Great Game. Can't wait for Nats!!!!!
Vegeta jr Read the Text on Azure Eyes. The dragon type monsters you control when you summon it cannot be targeted or destroyed by cards effects until the end of the next turn after it is summoned.
I have a Burning Abyss Deck that I need help understanding, I only need 4 more cards to complete my Linoleum Rare Set. I was told that this deck relies on the passive play form playing with the graveyard, like a zombie deck. So, any suggestions from anyone? Not for sale either..
2 questions: 1) 23:10, he detaches for Dante, mills 3 and then banishes Blue Eyes. How? 2) 23: 46, he summons Calcab and sends him to the grave to bounce back the trap. How?
The deck's not that good, unless your matchup is pendulums, or something. We have monarchs and kozmo, which both wreck this deck and the new TCG exclusives will put up a goof fight as well.
I read an article about the OCG metagame and was surprised to see that Blue-Eyes is the strongest deck. Can somebody please explain to me which key cards for Blue-Eyes are not in the TCG yet?
I have one on eBay which is the play sets of all the shining victories cards which is £195, I'll be selling xyz cards and side for about £300 maybe so pretty expensive
Yes, technically he should have went dark law first and it would be fine though. It's okay cause blue eyes deeper and lost game one even though he had it. Should have went azure eyes got a second BEWD then went Lancelot and attacked for game.
19:50 blue eyes cheated, the second blue eyes which was special summoned that turn wasn't affected by the effect of the azure eyes so farfa could've blocked an attack
Very late comment, but if there weren't judges at this event then there should've been. The Blue Eyes player cheated multiple times and won because of that. I have no idea how in this comments section he claimed the Soul Charge play under Spirit Dragon, not even a minute into the video, was the first time that happened. Azure's effect to protect itself and the dragons on the same side of the field is an activated effect, not continuous. Azure cannot dodge non-targeting destruction if Spirit Dragon is chain link 2 to summon him. The Maxx "C" play at 20:07 is questionable. I understand the BA player summoned two monsters very fast and might not have been clear about what he normal summoned. You can see the Blue Eyes player drew Sage then White Stone. He put back Sage, despite being the incorrect card and shuffling his hand. Even though it didn't matter, he could've drawn a handtrap like Ghost Reaper and claimed it was in his opening hand. Horrible match.
I always find people who do that annoying shuffle of their hand are up to no good. Its two cards and they shuffle them back and forth like a maniac, not sure if just due to nerves of getting called out
Game 1 he should have use spirit dragon's effect to summon moonlight dragon to bounce Beatrice, so that Virgil won't even come out, but I guess he probably didn't have moonlight dragon in his extra deck
there are 2 ways to activate moonlight dragon's effect, one is when moonlight dragon is special summoned, you can bounce any special summoned monster, that's 1st one, the 2nd one is when a level 5 or higher monster is special summoned to your opponent's side of the field, you can also bounce it back. In the case of Beatrice, you can bounce it back using the moonlight dragon's 1st method.
Oh alright, i thought it was just lvl monsters. Sorry for the misinterpretation, still getting used to the deck. Thank you for the explanation, it will help me further improve playing the deck and with deck construction.
Agentc03 dragon ravine is indeed better but mausoleum is for targeting maiden and chaining her effect for blue eyes and maiden gains 800 for effect of mausoleum
BA is super hard to understand and remember when every card has an affect. Personal Experience..Besides, I'm scared to use mine because of it's worth and rarity among all decks of YuGiOh. He may be like me ad only plays it when he knows its super effective, but doing this is tragic because you barely get time in to understand the deck for what it is.
he also cheated with that azure eyes play. he told him it couldn't be destroyed until the end of the next turn. actually it could be at the time he lied.
Only 4:44 into it... He cheated with soul charge and made a worse board then he should of had... Could of had double spirit azure blue eyes, or crystal wing spirit 2 blue eyes... Probably other boards, he then misses game the next turn by not tributing the White dragon for the blue eyes in hand, could even banish ancient egg to add the vanilla back... Not even 1/6 through the video and in disappointed already
Adds field special then proceeds to use up the normal summon on maiden instead of using the additional summons from the field... This blue eyes player was utterly trash sorry to say :/
cheat. the proper play was felgrand fzero then make dark matter to attack twice for 5600 then with felgrand for 25 00. blue eyes guy didn't read his cards.
min 4:15 Azure should be destroyed because he was in you standby fase... and azure say that can not be destroyed until the end fase of the next turn! -.- i use blue eyes and this guy is cheat...
No lie, I have never ever lost to Blue Eyes before (even tho I run Metalfoe Yang Zings, so Blue Eyes is typically a bad match up for me haha) but at the same time I have never ever beaten a Burning Abyss player... So wierd.
too cheater blue eyes deck Blue eyes spirit dragon efect: 1 NEITHER PLAYER CAN SPECIAL SUMMON 2 or MORE MONSTERS AT THE SAME TIME.(min 0:55 he make a double special summon whit [SOUL CHARGE]and it´s a BLUE EYES SPIRIT DRAGON IN THE FIELD) how possible ??? 2.YOU CAN TRIBUTE THIS SYNCRO SUMMONED CARD: SPECIAL SUMMON 1LIGHT DRAGON_TYPE SYNCRO MONSTER FROM YOUR EXTRA DECK IN DEFENSE POSITION,EXCEPT "BLUE-EYES SPIRIT DRAGON",BUT DESTROY DURING THE END PHASE OF THIS TURN.(min 2:55 he tribute the Blue-eyes spirit dragon for one Azure-eyes silver Dragon but he don't destroy the syncro in the end of that turn.) How is possible????? Where it´s the judges!!!!!
the soul charge was illegal, but azure protects itself (and all other dragons) from being destroyed untll the end of the next turn after its summoned, so it wasn't destroyed
this is why Yu-Gi-Oh is shit now... once there were Monster, Trap and Spellcards with quite simple effects and holy.... some Beast with more than 2.5k attack was allready a scary beast. Every game took some time and you actually could enjoy it. Now it is like a overdose of speed, the first turn summons a billion Monsters, attack points have almost 0 influence since ever card has a billion effects, with effects to trigger even more effects.... and 1 Card wins a lost game....
game 3: ba player cheated by keeping scarm on the field when f0 was out im a man who eats sleeps and breathes ba so i know cheating with ba when i see it
you can only special summon 2 monsters. you cannot special more than that. thats blue eyes spirit effect. and besides the dude playing blue eyes . a really bad one. i would have won both games. and ive been playing blue eyes since maiden was out
you are correct, if we had replayed. I would have ended the board with crystal wing + spirit + a blue eyes monster. Which was infinitely batter than 2 spirits. I will learn that the next time seeing as i have changed the build to the galaxy version.
I’m glad the blue eyes player had the patience and courtesy to explain the effects of his cards. Shoutout to him.
You need to be nice to new players so more people can play the game
1:14 he literally said spirits effect of how you can't special 2 at once when just a couple of seconds earlier he did that soul charge play.
People like to cheat I guess.
forreal 😒
Yeah I noticed that too.
i honestly do not think he tried to cheat .. He is just plain stupid and should not play blue eyes what a disgrace
And then he goes ahead telling him that neither of his blue-eyes could be targeted at 19:47 though the second one was summoned by azure-eyes and thus is not affected by the targeting protection... This guy is either the dumbest Blue-Eyes player ever or - what I think is more likely - a complete cheater -.-
18:35 azure eyes misses timing, Even if spirit eyes chains to the raigeki
please mind the chain-links.
If it went like
Chain-link 1 raigeki
Chain-link 2 spirit eyes
Chain-link 2 spirit eyes resolves 1st, since highest chain summons azure eyes ( Trigger effect resolves after the chain)
The last thing to happen is raigeki and destroys azure eyes and other crap.
cheating is not cool yo.
Instantly liked the vid 36 seconds in when you put up the second card on the screen so we can read it. You don't understand how helpful and awesome that is and saves me time from looking up the card. A+ grade for the editing and effort, great replay keep it up
You guys did a great job making this game watchable. Subscribed!
He should have tagged out the dragon spirit of white for the blue eyes in hand and attacked Virgil to let the Virgil stay on field was stupid and he couldn't soul charge for 2
Hate when players hog the table with their own playmats sheesh. Brilliant editing btw. Possibly the best
thanks 😀
I like how the blue-eyes player "conveniently" leaves out information to his cards until it's too late to reply to their effects.
totally agreed
soemones playing toon deck in the background i always hear "cant be targeted and "comic hand" xD
Lol. At 27:51 It doesnt need to say send it to the graveyard to be banished. Its any card sent to the graveyard is banished instead.
blu eyes cheat, he can't special summon 2 monster with soul charge
your right. He should have Summon azure eyes first and then summon spirit but overall he still lose in game 1
You are correct, first time that happened in the tourney. I am sorry you had to see bad yu gi ohs.
+Trung Hieu Allen To next time quit hogging the table with your playmat. Poor guys playmat was falling off the table because you kept on shoving yours
+Trung Hieu Allen To and you lied to him too when he didn't know azure effect you said they can't be targeted
You can't target the dragons that i currently control, which i explicitly told him when i read the card to him. All other dragons that were summoned afterward, he chose not to do anything. So i didn't say anything because i thought he would have a plan.
what were the final xyz monsters that the blue eyes player summomed in game 3?
blue eyes is a cheater. he twin twist mausoleum before it could target maiden therefore no blue eyes. soul charge with spirit? sage with darklaw?? hes a idiot. and if u chain spirit to raigeki or dark hole raigeki resolves first before azure eyes effect. i would of smashed him.
great editing guys , i love how much fun the blue eyes player is having while playing most players i see are either very very serious (not a bad thing) or giant assholes that think they know everything
lol that was my first time playing BA. Decided to hop in the tournament and learn as I beat everyone lol but lost in the finals.
Cheat or Not Great Game.
Can't wait for Nats!!!!!
can we see a deck profile for the blue eyes.?
THAT BLUE-EYES PLAYER IS A CHEATER!!! You can't soul charge for 2 with spirit out and you can NOT sage with dark law out!
and he lied saying they can't be targeted
Azure Eyes does protect from targeting but ONLY for those 2 turns.
No scrub
Vegeta jr Read the Text on Azure Eyes. The dragon type monsters you control when you summon it cannot be targeted or destroyed by cards effects until the end of the next turn after it is summoned.
I saw that soul charge and said WTF!!
What am I missing here why'd he scoop at the end it was only 6300 on board?
25:55 why not scarm destroyed? miss play ?
24:00 calcab should not have died either.
how was scarm able to stay on field for the dark law play in game three if he controlled a non burning abyss monster, F0?
I have a Burning Abyss Deck that I need help understanding, I only need 4 more cards to complete my Linoleum Rare Set. I was told that this deck relies on the passive play form playing with the graveyard, like a zombie deck. So, any suggestions from anyone? Not for sale either..
please show us the blue eyes build
Do you have the Blue eyes decklist?
29:04 what card is that? It seems strong but never saw that someone please help?
Alsei (players left) or Galaxy Eyes Dark Matter (players right)?
blue-eyes deck profile plz?
Can u plzzzz make blue eyes chaos max Dragon profile
2 questions:
1) 23:10, he detaches for Dante, mills 3 and then banishes Blue Eyes. How?
2) 23: 46, he summons Calcab and sends him to the grave to bounce back the trap. How?
stillnotfamous 1) he milled card a allowing him to banish blue eyes
2) I dont know either xD
2) he milled that rhino card that allows u to send a fiend monster hence sending calcab he didnt summon it he just placed it on his mat
Blue-Eyes is going to be pretty scary with Alternative, hell it is even now.
Not really.
Armageddon Knight How "Not Really"?
The deck's not that good, unless your matchup is pendulums, or something.
We have monarchs and kozmo, which both wreck this deck and the new TCG exclusives will put up a goof fight as well.
Armageddon Knight I think you're highly underestimating the deck.
I'm not underestimating a darn thing.
I've been playing with the full power deck since January and it cannot compete with the good decks.
A monster special summoned by the effect "Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon" was destrotyed in the End Phase. Why does not happen?
spirit dragon doesn't do that azure eyes does
28:54 why did that guy move his destroyed card?
Fishing_Plague to straighten up his grave?
I read an article about the OCG metagame and was surprised to see that Blue-Eyes is the strongest deck. Can somebody please explain to me which key cards for Blue-Eyes are not in the TCG yet?
alternative blue eyes and other cards from the movie set.
Thank you for the answer :)
Keep up the good work, your content is awesome!
can you do a deck profile on the blue eyes
why the guy cheated multiple times
how expensive is that blue eyes deck? would appreciate the reply's from anyone.
I have one on eBay which is the play sets of all the shining victories cards which is £195, I'll be selling xyz cards and side for about £300 maybe so pretty expensive
How did the BA player summon Dark Law? Scarm would have destroy its self once F0 hit the field... Right?
Yes, technically he should have went dark law first and it would be fine though. It's okay cause blue eyes deeper and lost game one even though he had it. Should have went azure eyes got a second BEWD then went Lancelot and attacked for game.
how did ba dude make dark law game 3 if scarm was supposed to blow up when f0 hit the field
i guess it was cutted in edition..mask change was activated before than ss F0
Is there a reason the blue eyes player didn't tag out his spirit for bewd for game?
You can only tag out spirit for blue-eyes if your opponent controls a monster. If you're attacking directly with spirit on field, you can't tag out.
Seto Kaiba would be so proud knowing that his deck is going to be meta
Can beatrice summon virgil even if she attacked and got destroyed?
if she is in your posession yes.
I ashamed that he a blue eyes player
the chets cant soul charge for 2 when spirit dragon is out
Wow, the Blue Eyes Build was the Alternative for the Alternative :D
(i know that Blue Eyes Alternative was not avaible at this time)
why didnt he tribute his blue eyes spirit dragon for another azure eyes
0:56 he couldn't soul charge for two cuz spirit dragon effects both players
why he don't shot Broken Sword
You can summon more than 2 monsters while summoning Spirit Dragon with Soul Charge unless another one was in play.
19:50 blue eyes cheated, the second blue eyes which was special summoned that turn wasn't affected by the effect of the azure eyes so farfa could've blocked an attack
Very late comment, but if there weren't judges at this event then there should've been. The Blue Eyes player cheated multiple times and won because of that. I have no idea how in this comments section he claimed the Soul Charge play under Spirit Dragon, not even a minute into the video, was the first time that happened. Azure's effect to protect itself and the dragons on the same side of the field is an activated effect, not continuous. Azure cannot dodge non-targeting destruction if Spirit Dragon is chain link 2 to summon him. The Maxx "C" play at 20:07 is questionable. I understand the BA player summoned two monsters very fast and might not have been clear about what he normal summoned. You can see the Blue Eyes player drew Sage then White Stone. He put back Sage, despite being the incorrect card and shuffling his hand. Even though it didn't matter, he could've drawn a handtrap like Ghost Reaper and claimed it was in his opening hand. Horrible match.
can someone point me to a really good blue eyes deck profile? pls
go to the chanal seto kiba
samurai x1 has made the sickest blue eyes deck atm...
it's hilariously easy to play and veeeeery destructive
which one the regular blue-eyes or the chaos one?
+Serve n Tap Chaos One..
Chaos is way better
he had 2 ancients in graveyard. why didn't he use both of them to banish themselves and get alternative and a normal blue eyes to hand
Michael Huston Alternative was released 2 days before at the time they were dueling, and so expensive to buy xD
This is what happens when you give good cards to bad players
I always find people who do that annoying shuffle of their hand are up to no good. Its two cards and they shuffle them back and forth like a maniac, not sure if just due to nerves of getting called out
Double Blue Eyes Synchro Dragons first turn already, nice
so i do know every trick and combo with blue eyes
Game 1 he should have use spirit dragon's effect to summon moonlight dragon to bounce Beatrice, so that Virgil won't even come out, but I guess he probably didn't have moonlight dragon in his extra deck
you can't moonlight an xyz monster. they have no levels.
+Trung Hieu Allen To read the card properly you idiot
+Trung Hieu Allen To level is for condition to activate the effect. After activate, you can return any special summoned monster.
there are 2 ways to activate moonlight dragon's effect, one is when moonlight dragon is special summoned, you can bounce any special summoned monster, that's 1st one, the 2nd one is when a level 5 or higher monster is special summoned to your opponent's side of the field, you can also bounce it back. In the case of Beatrice, you can bounce it back using the moonlight dragon's 1st method.
Oh alright, i thought it was just lvl monsters. Sorry for the misinterpretation, still getting used to the deck. Thank you for the explanation, it will help me further improve playing the deck and with deck construction.
i like when theyre commentated over
Why do you run mausoleum it is bad and you have better cards
Agentc03 dragon ravine is indeed better but mausoleum is for targeting maiden and chaining her effect for blue eyes and maiden gains 800 for effect of mausoleum
blue eyes ultimate dragon at 28:00 would have been lit.
WTF y didn't he use ancient eff tho
did he really have to read virgil? if he played at the beginning of last year he should know BA inside and out lol
BA is super hard to understand and remember when every card has an affect. Personal Experience..Besides, I'm scared to use mine because of it's worth and rarity among all decks of YuGiOh. He may be like me ad only plays it when he knows its super effective, but doing this is tragic because you barely get time in to understand the deck for what it is.
Double Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon already, nice
What are those little calculators called? LOL
Duelculators. Big part of the anime.
blue eyes wass cheating with his speech patterns as well. made him tthink he couldnt attack
he also cheated with that azure eyes play. he told him it couldn't be destroyed until the end of the next turn. actually it could be at the time he lied.
Only 4:44 into it... He cheated with soul charge and made a worse board then he should of had... Could of had double spirit azure blue eyes, or crystal wing spirit 2 blue eyes... Probably other boards, he then misses game the next turn by not tributing the White dragon for the blue eyes in hand, could even banish ancient egg to add the vanilla back... Not even 1/6 through the video and in disappointed already
Didn't tag out spirit into moonlight... Or any other lights like spark... JeeeeeZz
Adds field special then proceeds to use up the normal summon on maiden instead of using the additional summons from the field... This blue eyes player was utterly trash sorry to say :/
He should of summoned dante instead of graff, and summon beatrice
Uh, the BA player cheated. He left Scarm on the field with F0 when he mask changed.
probably cutted in edition, mask change activated before ss fo
he couldn't summon two monsters with soul charge game 1 turn 1 because of his spirit that was on board. no one noticed though. cheating?
cheat. the proper play was felgrand fzero then make dark matter to attack twice for 5600 then with felgrand for 25 00. blue eyes guy didn't read his cards.
Blue Eyes player cheated hardcore
he needs more than one azure
First move already a mis-play. Can't SS 2+ monsters with soul charge. Bet he did that all tournament and no one caught it.
min 4:15 Azure should be destroyed because he was in you standby fase... and azure say that can not be destroyed until the end fase of the next turn! -.- i use blue eyes and this guy is cheat...
He could have tributed blue eyes spirit dragon for another synchro and attacked for game but that's none of my buisness
Blue-eyes Spirit Dragon summons the synchro monster in defense position.
Oh lol thanks for pointing that out to me
No problem :)
No lie, I have never ever lost to Blue Eyes before (even tho I run Metalfoe Yang Zings, so Blue Eyes is typically a bad match up for me haha) but at the same time I have never ever beaten a Burning Abyss player... So wierd.
Walking Corpse stop your fucking lieing
Most stereotypical nerd laugh I've ever heard
too cheater blue eyes deck
Blue eyes spirit dragon efect: 1 NEITHER PLAYER CAN SPECIAL SUMMON 2 or MORE MONSTERS AT THE SAME TIME.(min 0:55 he make a double special summon whit [SOUL CHARGE]and it´s a BLUE EYES SPIRIT DRAGON IN THE FIELD) how possible ???
2.YOU CAN TRIBUTE THIS SYNCRO SUMMONED CARD: SPECIAL SUMMON 1LIGHT DRAGON_TYPE SYNCRO MONSTER FROM YOUR EXTRA DECK IN DEFENSE POSITION,EXCEPT "BLUE-EYES SPIRIT DRAGON",BUT DESTROY DURING THE END PHASE OF THIS TURN.(min 2:55 he tribute the Blue-eyes spirit dragon for one Azure-eyes silver Dragon but he don't destroy the syncro in the end of that turn.) How is possible????? Where it´s the judges!!!!!
First you are correct second azure eyes protects itself
Destruction so that was not cheating
the soul charge was illegal, but azure protects itself (and all other dragons) from being destroyed untll the end of the next turn after its summoned, so it wasn't destroyed
+Richard Wen he should have used spirit effect to ss something else then soul charged smh.
this is why Yu-Gi-Oh is shit now... once there were Monster, Trap and Spellcards with quite simple effects and holy.... some Beast with more than 2.5k attack was allready a scary beast. Every game took some time and you actually could enjoy it.
Now it is like a overdose of speed, the first turn summons a billion Monsters, attack points have almost 0 influence since ever card has a billion effects, with effects to trigger even more effects.... and 1 Card wins a lost game....
The blue eyes player is cocky for no reason lol it's a kids card game
game 3: ba player cheated by keeping scarm on the field when f0 was out im a man who eats sleeps and breathes ba so i know cheating with ba when i see it
That Missplay from the Ba player
nice, blue eyes the new meta deck
Not even. Once we get the rest of the cards them maybe
blue eyes player opened the nuts the first round!
He lost though
+40441gogo didn't even use soul charge correctly
bad players, miss play, the players blue-eyes sage can't resolves its effect because dark law its in the field .
Porque eles fazem tanta pose para jogar? Serio chega a ser cancer ver eles jogando .-.
you can only special summon 2 monsters. you cannot special more than that. thats blue eyes spirit effect. and besides the dude playing blue eyes . a really bad one. i would have won both games. and ive been playing blue eyes since maiden was out
, you cant win with b.a or almost any other deck / without a back field for protection. ofc you lost with b.a , its me (metadream)dd3 from r.i.p dn.
I love blues eyes amazing
That noob he cant summon 2 with soul charge with spirit on field
you are correct, if we had replayed. I would have ended the board with crystal wing + spirit + a blue eyes monster. Which was infinitely batter than 2 spirits. I will learn that the next time seeing as i have changed the build to the galaxy version.
Honestly calling someone a noob on how they play a children's card game is pathetic lol
+Matt Hanstead honestly your life must suck and be boring asf!! u must be a virgin as well
nice video
koaki meiru dragon gg next match.
So many misplays for the burning abyss player..
thh scrub running blue eyes deck with out blue.sleeves disgrace to the name blue eyes
Good game
tournament? yeah right
blue eyes misplayed game 1 that's why he lost
He more than misplayed, his main and extra deck are shitty. Therefore, he;s just flat-out bad.
lol 😂
blue eyes player mega fail.
he cheated
1st view