1. Turn off lights. 2. Shut eyes. 3. Focus entirely on random things in the music. 4. When your focus hits a part of the music that makes your forehead twitch or causes you to hear crackling, keep the focus on that part of the music and don't move it until it stops. 5. Repeat until you can astral project (indicating the third eye chakra has been cleared of blockage.)
Hi, I'm from Brazil. Every morning I have to wake up 22 minutes earlier to meditate listening to this sound before work. This is changing my life. Thanks a lot.
You are not defined by your past. The definition of what You Are, is decided by You. Right now. Through your actions, via your beliefs. Be the person you Choose to Be. Learn & grow. Fear no falling. Accept your failures as readily as you accept your successes. Accept All of Your Life. Your being, the beings of others, the world at large, every happening & possibility, and your every perception. Don't focus on what you want or don't want: you already innately know these things & they are always attached to focus of past or future. Focus on what IS, Right Now. From the point of accepting what Is, You stand infinitely ready & capable.
I listen to this every single night (with headphones) and project/picture how I want my life to be. My boyfriend and I plan to move to Nashville in a year, every night I picture how I want that down to the rug in the living room. Namaste.
i had an amazing experience , i was meditating with the sounds only , thinking about life and thanking everything for everything ... allot of love i felt and i had the chills like 7 times , some tears came out , and i heard my own voice thanking me for everything , telling me to remember after i heard that i just hug myself and felt huge love and suddenly in less than 10 secs the music started lowering and it was over. thank you very much for this track... if only people could give an important value to this.
Incredible! I'm going to start every day with this one. It's beautiful! It bathes you in light. Who are these people that keep sending us all this wonderful stuff for free? What do they want? SHARED CONSCIOUSNESS! It can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that will.
The best thing to meditate to, ever. This audio was an essential component to me realizing that I was a Buddhist. Put this on your ipod, go up into the mountains and just let it absorb you while you sit in still emptiness. The long-term effects are astoundingly real.
This made me dissociate the most from my body out of anything else i've ever listened to. Nearly left my physical form too. My head feels really warm now. This was probably the most relaxing experience for me ever :)
I do, although not everyday. I've listened to some of these soundtracks since 2011. Would prefer 20m uploads, especially that of the 'Awakening Intuition' instead of using yourepeat.
This video just puts me back into the 3rd Eye space. I recognise it from meditation and previous experiences. A sense of stillness just takes over. It doesn't frighten me, but at the same time it is -not- very inspiring, and I now have to awaken my solar plexus to get my moods back into the positive.
Source Vibrations' pineal gland video is among the best that have been created. It is no wonder it worked for you. I have tried nearly every pineal activation video on TH-cam, however. I can say that no one user seems to have an absolute monopoly on videos that "work". All users I have seen have some that work and some that do not. It is possible that it is subjective - no one video works for all people everywhere. Some glands may respond more to one video than another.
I agree ! This music and similar users on TH-cam are making giant leaps in helping humankind . I smoked a bit of weed then listening to certain tracks like this ,went outside and started having major influence on my surroundings like calling clouds,wind,rain,sunshine,rainbows,and others I won't mention.lol Keep up the great work !
I know what the background music is... Peter Gabriel and others... Passion... I used to listen to it and walk for miles every day, I was in a horribly depressed state, before Sertraline came out... It was the only way I could survive.... That was over 20 years ago... I am happy to say I made it through... Thanks for "knowing."
I can feel a physical vibration on my forehead and the center of my head. feels glorious. I feel like zenyatta ulting nonstop for 30 mins. Peace and tranquility my friends.
It felt so real, yet in a kind of weightlessness, that I could fully experience the sensations of sight, sounds, and smell, and motion, seeing the view to my left, the ocean, and to my right, the Banana River, smelling the pine needles and salt air, and hearing the whistling of the wind through the treetops. A friend told me he had observed me one night, rocking side to side, smiling wide, humming. It must have been the motion of the pines in the wind... it did that. Thank you so much!
Through headphones this is welcome I found, just laying back relaxing and letting my mind just let go....yes a wonderful experience and great deep sleep, most wonderful lucid type of dreams. I found this to be a great start to deep sleep when on night shift and trying to rest during the day. Many thanks for a great track and sound mix.
To the wonderful folks at Mountain Mystic; Thanks so much for the work you do in the world. Really great compositions with these frequencies. Blessings to you and your families. To everyone else! The planet is tuning to a higher frequency. Hope you're not afraid of heights!
Beautiful is the awakening. Heightened is the awareness. Clarity in vision. Love in heart. Comprehension of all that is, as is. As will be. As was. To end. To new beginning. New cycle. New consciousness. Inhale. Exhale. Tune in. Activate Kundalini. Synchronize mind, body, spirit. L♡VE
woah.. closed my eyes for a minute and started to drift, almost fell off my chair, so i rested my head on the desk, woke up 10 minutes later from seemed to be an entranced state.. that was epic!
Whether this really affects your pineal gland or not, all I know is that after listening to these vibrations I felt different , I felt more relaxed and calmed which does affect your body
Djmaleda... It's the sound frequencies that activate it. The visuals are just a bonus. Look into sound frequencies and their reactions on the body. Example? The Brown Noise. I've been doing this meditation while drifting to sleep to decalcify and reverse flouride damage of the pineal gland. I've been doing it for about 7 months. After 6 weeks straight I missed one night, and I noticed a difference in clarity of thought, and not to mention heightened senses. Research :) Namaste
My headache immediately stopped from this as well as my pineal gland - it doesn't hurt anymore. It fully activates the imagination. Just hope this in not meant to be new age stuff ..
This gave my body awareness of the rest of my body. My hands my limbs but most importantly something in center of the front part of my brain. Very interesting
I just felt the same thing. My focus was noticing my limbs and then seeing something in the front of my brain. Through my third eye. Idk what it means but I’m excited ✨
I listened to this for the first time today. And then one more time. Half way through the second listening, i remembered a photo of myself as a kid, and i told myself im coming home. Doesn't sound like much but for me it was quite emotional, some how getting a glimpse of something i had lost. Thank you
Stay very still. Close your eyes. Inhale: direct your mind to focusing all of your breath energy filling up a couple inches below your belly button. Breathe out slowly. Have headphones on, and try it out. You might see sensations while your eyes are closed, or fall in hypnotized sleep. I find this is relaxing to meditate on. After, I feel centered waking in a fully conscious state.
I don't know about anyone else listening to this while meditating but wow!! These sounds and meditation together really work! I started to actually see things without opening my eyes and I find myself in bed without even remembering I went to bed in the first place lol Mastering the mind is or trying to is an amazing experience!
Thought I'd give some feedback. This stuff works even better if listened to it continuously for consecutive days. To me it enhances more probability of lucy dreaming. Some intense vivid dreams
I love this the cricket chirps in background very effective. When I listen to this my whole head vibrates and meditating man it spreads through chest and body this is relaxing and so euphoric for me. I can lie down and meditate with this and I feel like I slept for hours.
This was the most beautiful, visual meditation I've ever had. I DID see colored lights dancing all around me and at the end of the video it said sound and light are one..whoa..awesome thanks
OMG! This is amazing! I accidentally opened 2 tabs from your channel, so I was playing 2 of your videos at once. They just mesh together! You can listen to them at the same time. I have never seen music work like that. HARMONY!
Knowledge is power, and power to a deep loneliness ... ignorance is the primary factor for happiness ... The guardians of truth protect the happiness of the people ...
Thirty years ago in college I had taken mushrooms and was thrown to the ground by the swift arrival of a sphere of indeterminable scale that emanated love and wisdom. The graphics here are reminiscent of its surface and brought me back to the feeling. I think the sound helped a lot, too! Thanks!
At the end of this meditation I can see each chakra colour clearly in my mind. Always starts at the top and goes down to my root chakra and then back up and out to the universe. This happens every time like with this meditation. This is not my imagination, I see the colours very clearly and bright even with a blanket over my face.
I experienced that too, at some level all colours become clear and i can see complex but beautiful structures and patterns...i dont know what it means but it feels right.
I sense myself going ever-inward to these deep and melodic sounds. Something of ancient yet ever-relevant Tibetan culture in their pulsing mandalas and deep, theta-wave inducing sounds. Thank you for sharing this magnificence with us.
I love this. Thank you for sharing it. I find that if you hum the ohm tone you hear in the background, it is even more effective, euphoric and relaxing. Makes me feel like I'm am levitating sometimes. No wonder the yogis think they can levitate. Lol
It's difficult to just call it the 'ohm' tone though, (I totally agree on the idea of it, by the way), it's complete speculation, but middle C seems like it would be a nice constant, cosmologically and whatnot. It'd be good to understand the frequencies and why they affect us in that certain way.
If you like this track, you might also enjoy Pineal Gland Calibration. We've tuned it to the A 432Hz diapason, dropped the carrier frequency and lowered the binaural beats to theta range making it even stronger.
I have to add that I agree with someone on here who said to make sure you are grounded in the lower chakras first. I have spent many years grounding, but this is truly an awesome sound meditation.
This is one of the best....By far that I have listened to. It gave me insight to write a new book. Inspires you, helps you, opens up your mind. Well done. Thank you.
In order of slowest wavelength to fastest wavelength: Epsilon, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda. Epsilon is coma-like, delta is sleep-like, theta is astral projection-like, alpha is relaxing in a tub, beta is you most of the time, gamma is you studying or engaging in actions of genius, lambda is neural overload or ascension. Hope this helps.
You're easily suggestable. Quite lucky as you could have someone give you sugar pills and tell you they'll do whatever you want. Of course you would have to believe them so it may take some trickery. Look out for hypochondria though.
Ok I did this about half an hour. I felt wonderfully light, as if I could fly. I have felt an incredible surge of energy since. I feel I could run a marathon, create a masterpiece, and music has taken on a magical fantastical quality. What fun! Is it the meditation? Who cares, but I will certainly be exploring more.
Still find i come back to you for the best, most amazing effective music for my soul.... you have a gift friend! When will you create more, please:) Hows your ascension treating you??
this was my first audio induced trip regarding the pineal gland, and simply put, amazing. I'm a musician, so to have tones and frequencies open me up like that is very special to me, thank you
can I convert that? all the sound are included in a MP3 or u need something more "hd" for that .... i know that MP3 dosen t have all the fregvences includet ... so ... how acurate its a converted MP3 from that ?
Now I've had so many dreams that happen exactly how I dreamt them. Even the dialogue is word. for. word. And that really scares me because I dream a lot, what dreams are actually going to happen and which aren't because I've dreamt about the end of this world. There were multiple moons or celestial objects lines in a circular manner around our moon. The tides were chaotic, floods happened, tanks and the military patrolled the streets, and a few people died. It was tragic, but in the end we pulled through relatively easily. Maybe there was some intervention to help us through it because I don't see us just fishing our way out of such a serious situation with relative ease. The stuff really scares me, and everyday now my head feels like it's suspended in air and it feels weightless. It feels like I'm stuck wherever I left from within my dream.
I've had these same dreams but the weird thing is I don't dream unless it's of some spiritual nature. I've had OBE's not on purpose. It was the most amazing and free experience. I mainly dream of loved ones in the other realm. And since my mom died, I now dream of her. But what got me is that weightless feeling you describe from your head. I have that daily also. I don't feel attached to this world. When I lay down to sleep, it's as if I feel floaty, or as I'm about to float, and that scares me because I feel that way every night.
I still dream the same dreams and they still actually happen, but I don't think of my crazy dreams are actually gonna happen 😂. Like I still dream of encounters with people and the shit they say is what they said In my dream, but the world ending or I'll end up in situations that happened exactly in my dream, but other than that i really don't think anything out of the ordinary is gonna happen. I probably sound a little bit insane 😅😅.
Very good point of view, now that you said that I feel that is my case ( that all I need is to relax and get in touch with my inner self) thank you for your comments. :)
@rubybaywater come join us brother, everyone is here. Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, god, socoyoñdesoś . this connection is universal. Why are All the rest of you attacking this man and his belief? when you are suppose to help guide. This connection and love is universal
I first started this when I was 13, and it was kinda weird. I'm 16 now, and things are just more, lucid now. I'm interested in esoterics, metaphysics, and things of that nature. Egyptian mysticism, rituals, and the real "Jewish" mysticism. It's so weird, like idiosyncratic almost. A strange world.
You just made my day! I am so inspired to hear about your interests. And it's not weird that you want to learn...learning is supposed to be one of the best part's of being human! Thank you for the smile on my face.
Wow after you feel a calmness can’t explain your brain body soul everything. I kept thinking of nature & places I wanted travel. But kept rising to clouds moving around earth floating in stars then at end was above circular flat galaxy like above looked flat then in front of sun getting warm at end beautiful white tunnel light. The colors were so vivid/vibrant. It kept me traveling universe. I mean I’m more calm like a lightness I’ve never felt. Well could compare cannabis. Anyway I just relaxed went flow & stayed calm. That’s key. Peace & love ❤
I can't begin to thank you enough for this creation. The visuals were breathtaking, and the sound lush and layered. The only thing better would be a good Kundalini session with wonderful people. This session is more accessible for my schedule, so thank you for the added convenience resulting from your labor.
i usually smoke ganja before meditation it really helps me not focus on the surrounding world and ive only been doing this for three weeks so im not that good at it but i try hard doh.
+MizuSeirei W Since we are all of one creator Grim is an aspect of self. Perhaps you should treat your self kinder. Stop calling your self an idiot. It's not the best self talk for a seeker on the path.
+The Nth Dimensions Grimlean is a reflection of you. Try to treat yourself kinder. No reason to call yourself names and treat your self with such disdain. Perhaps you could suggest to self some other additives self might use in meditation other than ganja. Perhaps Crystals or pyramids would enable Grim much greater than the ganja. Lets treat all our selves with love and respect. Sincerely-your reflection John
john lilly wrote a book in 1974 called the center of the cyclone an autobiography of inner space. he was an md. neurophysiologist and invented the isolation tank . he used it with lsd. the book describes these experiences and other inner space divinations .he had a profound love for us humans .he is probably watching this video with awe and appreciations . it is beautiful.
Holy WOW!!!!!! This is the closest recreation of the God realm that I've ever seen!!!! I felt like I was on DMT and Mushrooms, and I remembered experiencing this as a child!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!
Fate brought me here or the title is so convincing. After watching few minutes, fell asleep, intentionally, and was listening to the peaceful sound. Great work it is really well done. (I want to state that today, was a really great day, even tho I had to work, It was great. I will wait a week before watching to see what kind of karma one viewing has to offer.)
well i live in turkey and iam pretty sure that there where you live are also plants with dmt in it, you have to find someone who can extract the dmt from those plants into crystal forms. let me know about your first experience, since you start smokin it, you will question everything and you will find new answers, options, solutions. GOOD LUCK :D
the geometrical visuals are supposedly the language/alphabet of the universe. During an actual DMT trip they are the most beautiful overwhelming visual during the trip.
I have seen this type of thing when I close my eyes all my life. I enjoy it very much;I'm being lulled into a relaxing state by my own eyes. I can even tell the swirls of colours to change colour. The swirl may be green, then I tell it in my mind that I want it to turn yellow and it does! I can tell it to turn any colour even a bright white; it turns so bright it almost becomes too bright for my eyes. It doesn't change instantly ; it may take a few seconds. I thought all people had this ability
Eat mushrooms and listen to this with headphones. Life-changing. Especially if you've listened for a while. Headphones is best to pick up the different frequencies
I've been listening to binaural beats for a while and I will say that after listening to this one, the next day I was awakened. I faced a realization of myself that was very overwhelming. I understood that there was much about myself that I needed to changed. Now while it is possible that this is not the case for everyone I can say that it is with me.
For a time, I will be listening to this at least a few times a week, as a launch into longer pieces, leading into astral projection, and overnight sleep pieces of music, for lucid dreams, etc.. This site has high quality stuff, to be sure. Why and how is that so?
1. Turn off lights.
2. Shut eyes.
3. Focus entirely on random things in the music.
4. When your focus hits a part of the music that makes your forehead twitch or causes you to hear crackling, keep the focus on that part of the music and don't move it until it stops.
5. Repeat until you can astral project (indicating the third eye chakra has been cleared of blockage.)
Hmm ok ill try this thankyou so very much so grateful believe it i am brother whoever you are ❤ or woman or whatever thanks 🥰❤️
I quit smoking jan 3, after literally years of smoking. It's a whole new world out here w/o it!
Still not smoking?
@@Jimjammajay I was wondering that too. Also what does that have to do with this video lol
Hi, I'm from Brazil. Every morning I have to wake up 22 minutes earlier to meditate listening to this sound before work. This is changing my life. Thanks a lot.
You are not defined by your past.
The definition of what You Are, is decided by You. Right now. Through your actions, via your beliefs.
Be the person you Choose to Be. Learn & grow. Fear no falling. Accept your failures as readily as you accept your successes. Accept All of Your Life. Your being, the beings of others, the world at large, every happening & possibility, and your every perception.
Don't focus on what you want or don't want: you already innately know these things & they are always attached to focus of past or future.
Focus on what IS, Right Now.
From the point of accepting what Is, You stand infinitely ready & capable.
Damn u inspired me more then the sound track.. stay positive
I listen to this every single night (with headphones) and project/picture how I want my life to be. My boyfriend and I plan to move to Nashville in a year, every night I picture how I want that down to the rug in the living room. Namaste.
I hope it worked out for you.
It’s funny that i live in Nashville and you posted this 4years ago and I’m seeing it now!
i had an amazing experience , i was meditating with the sounds only , thinking about life and thanking everything for everything ... allot of love i felt and i had the chills like 7 times , some tears came out , and i heard my own voice thanking me for everything , telling me to remember after i heard that i just hug myself and felt huge love and suddenly in less than 10 secs the music started lowering and it was over. thank you very much for this track... if only people could give an important value to this.
Incredible! I'm going to start every day with this one. It's beautiful! It bathes you in light. Who are these people that keep sending us all this wonderful stuff for free? What do they want? SHARED CONSCIOUSNESS! It can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that will.
Thank you so much Billy Hamon. We are glad to connect. Warmly, Rhea
The best thing to meditate to, ever. This audio was an essential component to me realizing that I was a Buddhist. Put this on your ipod, go up into the mountains and just let it absorb you while you sit in still emptiness. The long-term effects are astoundingly real.
I search many years for this track and I Finally I found this. ❤😌😌✨
This made me dissociate the most from my body out of anything else i've ever listened to. Nearly left my physical form too. My head feels really warm now. This was probably the most relaxing experience for me ever :)
I feel like someone is massaging my brain and feel like floating. Very relaxing...thanks.
I have listened to this almost everyday for over three years now, I don't know what I'd do without it. Thank you.
Do you listen here on youtube?
I do, although not everyday. I've listened to some of these soundtracks since 2011. Would prefer 20m uploads, especially that of the 'Awakening Intuition' instead of using yourepeat.
This video just puts me back into the 3rd Eye space. I recognise it from meditation and previous experiences. A sense of stillness just takes over.
It doesn't frighten me, but at the same time it is -not- very inspiring, and I now have to awaken my solar plexus to get my moods back into the positive.
I fell asleep to this with my headphones on and had the most vivid dreams I've had in the longest time. I was actually an alligator.
Bra u trippin... i wasnt ready for the alligator part🤣🤣🤣. Do u
I wish I was an alligator.........
Source Vibrations' pineal gland video is among the best that have been created. It is no wonder it worked for you. I have tried nearly every pineal activation video on TH-cam, however. I can say that no one user seems to have an absolute monopoly on videos that "work". All users I have seen have some that work and some that do not. It is possible that it is subjective - no one video works for all people everywhere. Some glands may respond more to one video than another.
This session had my tongue, chest, and arms vibrating. Awesome peace.
Lol, I noticed that too.🥳
I agree ! This music and similar users on TH-cam are making giant leaps in helping humankind .
I smoked a bit of weed then listening to certain tracks like this ,went outside and started having major influence on my surroundings like calling clouds,wind,rain,sunshine,rainbows,and others I won't mention.lol
Keep up the great work !
A very sweet track, keep it up thank you
I know what the background music is... Peter Gabriel and others... Passion... I used to listen to it and walk for miles every day, I was in a horribly depressed state, before Sertraline came out... It was the only way I could survive....
That was over 20 years ago... I am happy to say I made it through... Thanks for "knowing."
I can feel a physical vibration on my forehead and the center of my head. feels glorious. I feel like zenyatta ulting nonstop for 30 mins. Peace and tranquility my friends.
It felt so real, yet in a kind of weightlessness, that I could fully experience the sensations of sight, sounds, and smell, and motion, seeing the view to my left, the ocean, and to my right, the Banana River, smelling the pine needles and salt air, and hearing the whistling of the wind through the treetops. A friend told me he had observed me one night, rocking side to side, smiling wide, humming. It must have been the motion of the pines in the wind... it did that. Thank you so much!
Through headphones this is welcome I found, just laying back relaxing and letting my mind just let go....yes a wonderful experience and great deep sleep, most wonderful lucid type of dreams. I found this to be a great start to deep sleep when on night shift and trying to rest during the day. Many thanks for a great track and sound mix.
To the wonderful folks at Mountain Mystic; Thanks so much for the work you do in the world. Really great compositions with these frequencies. Blessings to you and your families.
To everyone else!
The planet is tuning to a higher frequency.
Hope you're not afraid of heights!
Wowzalicious! Felt wonderful, light, floaty. Felt like I could leave my body at any moment. Of course, I'll try again! Thanks for this.
Same With me, i felt like im floating, think about microlife And then the Universe And me, floating, FAlling in the sky , amazing
Thankyou for this beautiful sentiment 😅
I feel so calm...
I wonder if those tardigrades live in a world of light and sound like this 😮
Beautiful is the awakening. Heightened is the awareness. Clarity in vision. Love in heart. Comprehension of all that is, as is. As will be. As was. To end. To new beginning. New cycle. New consciousness. Inhale. Exhale. Tune in. Activate Kundalini. Synchronize mind, body, spirit. L♡VE
woah.. closed my eyes for a minute and started to drift, almost fell off my chair, so i rested my head on the desk, woke up 10 minutes later from seemed to be an entranced state.. that was epic!
Whether this really affects your pineal gland or not, all I know is that after listening to these vibrations I felt different , I felt more relaxed and calmed which does affect your body
Djmaleda... It's the sound frequencies that activate it. The visuals are just a bonus. Look into sound frequencies and their reactions on the body. Example? The Brown Noise. I've been doing this meditation while drifting to sleep to decalcify and reverse flouride damage of the pineal gland. I've been doing it for about 7 months. After 6 weeks straight I missed one night, and I noticed a difference in clarity of thought, and not to mention heightened senses. Research :) Namaste
My headache immediately stopped from this as well as my pineal gland - it doesn't hurt anymore. It fully activates the imagination. Just hope this in not meant to be new age stuff ..
This gave my body awareness of the rest of my body. My hands my limbs but most importantly something in center of the front part of my brain.
Very interesting
The third eye
I just felt the same thing. My focus was noticing my limbs and then seeing something in the front of my brain. Through my third eye. Idk what it means but I’m excited ✨
Namaste ❤ from Australia... ✌
I've been listening to this with earbuds every night as I fall asleep. Persistence pays off!
First time i've meditated in years and I feel amazing now!
I listened to this for the first time today. And then one more time. Half way through the second listening, i remembered a photo of myself as a kid, and i told myself im coming home. Doesn't sound like much but for me it was quite emotional, some how getting a glimpse of something i had lost. Thank you
Stay very still. Close your eyes. Inhale: direct your mind to focusing all of your breath energy filling up a couple inches below your belly button. Breathe out slowly. Have headphones on, and try it out. You might see sensations while your eyes are closed, or fall in hypnotized sleep. I find this is relaxing to meditate on. After, I feel centered waking in a fully conscious state.
I don't know about anyone else listening to this while meditating but wow!! These sounds and meditation together really work! I started to actually see things without opening my eyes and I find myself in bed without even remembering I went to bed in the first place lol Mastering the mind is or trying to is an amazing experience!
Thought I'd give some feedback. This stuff works even better if listened to it continuously for consecutive days. To me it enhances more probability of lucy dreaming. Some intense vivid dreams
I Love Lucy dreaming, to be precise
I have been using this for meditation for literally 4 years. Thank you
I love this the cricket chirps in background very effective.
When I listen to this my whole head vibrates and meditating man it spreads through chest and body this is relaxing and so euphoric for me. I can lie down and meditate with this and I feel like I slept for hours.
Whoever made the atmosphere, they understand the sound, it's good I agree :)
Probably one of the best binaural beats on youtube or at least my personal favorite one. It always gave me good vibes and feelings : )
This was the most beautiful, visual meditation I've ever had. I DID see colored lights dancing all around me and at the end of the video it said sound and light are one..whoa..awesome thanks
That is a very Beautiful Meditation.your creative side has come to play with the rest of your thoughts very Beautiful
OMG! This is amazing! I accidentally opened 2 tabs from your channel, so I was playing 2 of your videos at once. They just mesh together! You can listen to them at the same time. I have never seen music work like that. HARMONY!
Knowledge is power, and power to a deep loneliness ... ignorance is the primary factor for happiness ... The guardians of truth protect the happiness of the people ...
I sooo LOVE this! I can feel the top of my head, third eye, and heart center vibrating. It reminds me of the HU chant. Awsome! :)
0:40 초 부터 훈련 시작!
Thirty years ago in college I had taken mushrooms and was thrown to the ground by the swift arrival of a sphere of indeterminable scale that emanated love and wisdom. The graphics here are reminiscent of its surface and brought me back to the feeling. I think the sound helped a lot, too! Thanks!
I smoked dmt with this song... and it was amazing, wonderful, beautiful, unbelievable...
+Eva Asher Just did it also,And I said amazing about 50x in the last 10 minutes.Best ever
+Eva Asher Hello Eva, im curious... what's dmt? Thanks
+Eva Asher Just did it again,but nowhere near like the first time
Hello... what is dmt?
Bhavin Shah Google it,Its not hard to make
OOOH! AHHH & a BIG THANK YOU for this magnificent gift!
Absolutely amazing, great for the self healing using Reiki too :)
Very happy I found this
At the end of this meditation I can see each chakra colour clearly in my mind. Always starts at the top and goes down to my root chakra and then back up and out to the universe. This happens every time like with this meditation.
This is not my imagination, I see the colours very clearly and bright even with a blanket over my face.
If you were too expand on this even more I would be appreciative of that!
I experienced that too, at some level all colours become clear and i can see complex but beautiful structures and patterns...i dont know what it means but it feels right.
Excellent DanandTrish. So glad you are enjoying the work. Warmly, Rhea
I sense myself going ever-inward to these deep and melodic sounds. Something of ancient yet ever-relevant Tibetan culture in their pulsing mandalas and deep, theta-wave inducing sounds. Thank you for sharing this magnificence with us.
I love this. Thank you for sharing it. I find that if you hum the ohm tone you hear in the background, it is even more effective, euphoric and relaxing.
Makes me feel like I'm am levitating sometimes. No wonder the yogis think they can levitate. Lol
read Tintin in Tibet....ha ha
It's difficult to just call it the 'ohm' tone though, (I totally agree on the idea of it, by the way), it's complete speculation, but middle C seems like it would be a nice constant, cosmologically and whatnot. It'd be good to understand the frequencies and why they affect us in that certain way.
Stunning! Extremly effective! Thank you so much 💠🔘👏
If you like this track, you might also enjoy Pineal Gland Calibration. We've tuned it to the A 432Hz diapason, dropped the carrier frequency and lowered the binaural beats to theta range making it even stronger.
thank you!
pineal gland célébration
Source Vibrations can't find it
Source Vibrations can u post the link plz?
I have to add that I agree with someone on here who said to make sure you are grounded in the lower chakras first. I have spent many years grounding, but this is truly an awesome sound meditation.
Excellent! grateful to you,,,,
This is one of the best....By far that I have listened to. It gave me insight to write a new book. Inspires you, helps you, opens up your mind.
Well done.
Thank you.
complitly satisfiedThanks to you
In order of slowest wavelength to fastest wavelength: Epsilon, Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Lambda.
Epsilon is coma-like, delta is sleep-like, theta is astral projection-like, alpha is relaxing in a tub, beta is you most of the time, gamma is you studying or engaging in actions of genius, lambda is neural overload or ascension.
Hope this helps.
Well turned it on and my heart felt like it was bursting out my chest...
happens to me too, dont worry. just breath.
You're easily suggestable. Quite lucky as you could have someone give you sugar pills and tell you they'll do whatever you want. Of course you would have to believe them so it may take some trickery. Look out for hypochondria though.
Helped my teething infant calm right down. A+ to you man! You're the hero we all deserve.
Harmonic Convergence... All points in Time and Space are connected.
Peace be with you all.
and with your spirit
Namaste my fellow spirit.
Thank you. I don't know what just happened but, thank you.
Your welcome. Rhea :)
Ok I did this about half an hour. I felt wonderfully light, as if I could fly. I have felt an incredible surge of energy since. I feel I could run a marathon, create a masterpiece, and music has taken on a magical fantastical quality. What fun! Is it the meditation? Who cares, but I will certainly be exploring more.
Every. Single. Day. For. The. Rest. Of. My. Life!!!
John Barron John, do you have the full length audio?
+John Barron i love seeing this comment. DR
This is excellent. Even better than the first one. Your videos are so provoking.
Love this. *subscribed*
Thanks :)
I felt something at the back of my head. It's like palpitating. And also, while meditating through this, I saw the morning sky as if I could reach it.
Still find i come back to you for the best, most amazing effective music for my soul.... you have a gift friend! When will you create more, please:) Hows your ascension treating you??
decension to inner self
Thank you AprilLuv
this was my first audio induced trip regarding the pineal gland, and simply put, amazing. I'm a musician, so to have tones and frequencies open me up like that is very special to me, thank you
Great Steve! Glad to hear. Warmly, Rhea
can I convert that? all the sound are included in a MP3 or u need something more "hd" for that .... i know that MP3 dosen t have all the fregvences includet ... so ... how acurate its a converted MP3 from that ?
Now I've had so many dreams that happen exactly how I dreamt them. Even the dialogue is word. for. word. And that really scares me because I dream a lot, what dreams are actually going to happen and which aren't because I've dreamt about the end of this world.
There were multiple moons or celestial objects lines in a circular manner around our moon. The tides were chaotic, floods happened, tanks and the military patrolled the streets, and a few people died. It was tragic, but in the end we pulled through relatively easily. Maybe there was some intervention to help us through it because I don't see us just fishing our way out of such a serious situation with relative ease.
The stuff really scares me, and everyday now my head feels like it's suspended in air and it feels weightless. It feels like I'm stuck wherever I left from within my dream.
i Dream that 3day ago!
armadillo platypus Yup.
I've had these same dreams but the weird thing is I don't dream unless it's of some spiritual nature. I've had OBE's not on purpose. It was the most amazing and free experience. I mainly dream of loved ones in the other realm. And since my mom died, I now dream of her. But what got me is that weightless feeling you describe from your head. I have that daily also. I don't feel attached to this world. When I lay down to sleep, it's as if I feel floaty, or as I'm about to float, and that scares me because I feel that way every night.
I still dream the same dreams and they still actually happen, but I don't think of my crazy dreams are actually gonna happen 😂. Like I still dream of encounters with people and the shit they say is what they said In my dream, but the world ending or I'll end up in situations that happened exactly in my dream, but other than that i really don't think anything out of the ordinary is gonna happen.
I probably sound a little bit insane 😅😅.
Very good point of view, now that you said that I feel that is my case ( that all I need is to relax and get in touch with my inner self) thank you for your comments. :)
@rubybaywater come join us brother, everyone is here. Jesus, Muhammad, the Buddha, god, socoyoñdesoś . this connection is universal. Why are All the rest of you attacking this man and his belief? when you are suppose to help guide. This connection and love is universal
+1 Akali Q. Keep spreading that universal love.
This is brilliant- thank you for creating and posting! light and sound are one...
I first started this when I was 13, and it was kinda weird. I'm 16 now, and things are just more, lucid now. I'm interested in esoterics, metaphysics, and things of that nature. Egyptian mysticism, rituals, and the real "Jewish" mysticism. It's so weird, like idiosyncratic almost. A strange world.
You just made my day! I am so inspired to hear about your interests. And it's not weird that you want to learn...learning is supposed to be one of the best part's of being human! Thank you for the smile on my face.
Aw you're welcome.
@@HollyC1111 back here 5 years later, still the same 🥲
Eine wundervolle Meditation. Vielen Dank. LG
whoa......That was a trip.......
Wow after you feel a calmness can’t explain your brain body soul everything. I kept thinking of nature & places I wanted travel. But kept rising to clouds moving around earth floating in stars then at end was above circular flat galaxy like above looked flat then in front of sun getting warm at end beautiful white tunnel light. The colors were so vivid/vibrant. It kept me traveling universe. I mean I’m more calm like a lightness I’ve never felt. Well could compare cannabis. Anyway I just relaxed went flow & stayed calm. That’s key. Peace & love ❤
That was fun
I can't begin to thank you enough for this creation. The visuals were breathtaking, and the sound lush and layered. The only thing better would be a good Kundalini session with wonderful people. This session is more accessible for my schedule, so thank you for the added convenience resulting from your labor.
i usually smoke ganja before meditation it really helps me not focus on the surrounding world and ive only been doing this for three weeks so im not that good at it but i try hard doh.
You are an idiot.
+The Nth Dimensions agreed...
+MizuSeirei W Since we are all of one creator Grim is an aspect of self. Perhaps you should treat your self kinder. Stop calling your self an idiot. It's not the best self talk for a seeker on the path.
+The Nth Dimensions Grimlean is a reflection of you. Try to treat yourself kinder. No reason to call yourself names and treat your self with such disdain. Perhaps you could suggest to self some other additives self might use in meditation other than ganja. Perhaps Crystals or pyramids would enable Grim much greater than the ganja. Lets treat all our selves with love and respect. Sincerely-your reflection John
Thank U & God bless U.
How do you start to feel something
That was amazing! Possibly one of the best meditations Ive had, thank you! Namaste!
Thanks Nick! Glad you enjoyed it. Warmly, Rhea
How do I know I am meditating. I just fall asleep and wake up 1-2 hrs later everytime
john lilly wrote a book in 1974 called the center of the cyclone an autobiography of inner space. he was an md. neurophysiologist and invented the isolation tank . he used it with lsd. the book describes these experiences and other inner space divinations .he had a profound love for us humans .he is probably watching this video with awe and appreciations . it is beautiful.
Holy WOW!!!!!! This is the closest recreation of the God realm that I've ever seen!!!! I felt like I was on DMT and Mushrooms, and I remembered experiencing this as a child!! WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!
Fate brought me here or the title is so convincing. After watching few minutes, fell asleep, intentionally, and was listening to the peaceful sound. Great work it is really well done. (I want to state that today, was a really great day, even tho I had to work, It was great. I will wait a week before watching to see what kind of karma one viewing has to offer.)
i smoked dmt to it, it was perfect !
where can you get dmt I been wanting some for spiritual growth
well i live in turkey and iam pretty sure that there where you live are also plants with dmt in it, you have to find someone who can extract the dmt from those plants into crystal forms. let me know about your first experience, since you start smokin it, you will question everything and you will find new answers, options, solutions. GOOD LUCK :D
I live in California
should be very easy for you bro :D
This is my favorite thing to listen to as I go to sleep at night! Thanks so much for providing the longer version... Namaste!
while listening to this I had thoughts of the pyramids and occasional triangle visuals, could anyone explain?
I'm not saying it's aliens, but it's aliens.
Michael Coker jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja
your seeing the geometry of the vacuum
the geometrical visuals are supposedly the language/alphabet of the universe. During an actual DMT trip they are the most beautiful overwhelming visual during the trip.
I have seen this type of thing when I close my eyes all my life. I enjoy it very much;I'm being lulled into a relaxing state by my own eyes. I can even tell the swirls of colours to change colour. The swirl may be green, then I tell it in my mind that I want it to turn yellow and it does! I can tell it to turn any colour even a bright white; it turns so bright it almost becomes too bright for my eyes. It doesn't change instantly ; it may take a few seconds. I thought all people had this ability
Eat mushrooms and listen to this with headphones. Life-changing. Especially if you've listened for a while. Headphones is best to pick up the different frequencies
+Anonymous use the dark Web
+Anonymous search on the internet what they look like and go find them ur self!
+Anonymous or ask college students
I've got a plug for you fam
Sound and visuals are excellent!
How do you know this
But that would defeat the purpose. It's all so deceptive...
I've been listening to binaural beats for a while and I will say that after listening to this one, the next day I was awakened. I faced a realization of myself that was very overwhelming. I understood that there was much about myself that I needed to changed. Now while it is possible that this is not the case for everyone I can say that it is with me.
l CLOUD l I completely agree, I had a incredibly life changing, out of body experience with this track and frequent it once in a while.
Robert Fazackerley I astral peoject sometimes especially while falling asleep to binaural beats
For a time, I will be listening to this at least a few times a week, as a launch into longer pieces, leading into astral projection, and overnight sleep pieces of music, for lucid dreams, etc.. This site has high quality stuff, to be sure. Why and how is that so?