Lennox 19W88 4 prong transformer failed. Bought another and with a picture of the original, I plugged into the same prongs from the picture I took, it worked as I tested the fan, a/c, & heater. Turned on a/c later and it shut down. again. I turned off the power and unplugged the transformer, it was SO HOT! Any thoughts or is an A/C Tech my only option?
What could cause a transformer to go out every single year in the summer? Each year I’m replacing the transformer as it goes bad when it gets too hot out. never fails to go bad each single year
Great video bro 👍🏽
Was this for a heat pump
bro that black wire to the mother board is it connected on PR 1 ? and same question to the white wire ...... thank u
Lennox 19W88 4 prong transformer failed. Bought another and with a picture of the original, I plugged into the same prongs from the picture I took, it worked as I tested the fan, a/c, & heater. Turned on a/c later and it shut down. again. I turned off the power and unplugged the transformer, it was SO HOT! Any thoughts or is an A/C Tech my only option?
You have a low voltage short, I don’t know your skill level with a meter so hard to say
Wow, I learned something new
Right on brother...
What could cause a transformer to go out every single year in the summer? Each year I’m replacing the transformer as it goes bad when it gets too hot out. never fails to go bad each single year
Wrong type got installed before so same wrong one keeps going in. Or lightning zapping it.
Clickbait I clicked video cause I thought you were Billy Bob Thorton