Hi ! What tablets are you using ? Ive been researching alot for cheap multi-vitamins for discus but it seems the vitamins for humans are way too high in fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K and most of those vitamins have copper sulfate wich is toxic for fish. Can you please let me know wich tablets you use ? thank you
I watched a Jack Wattley discus video which is where the multi vits come from. This is a tweaked version, he suggests just standard multivits but you raise an interesting point.
Just add discus vitamins liquid or aqua dip vitamins for fish liquid works way better add tiny bit ove paprika power to ur discus mix don't put to much just couple ove pinches ur fine they will love it
I have tried 2 variants, squid meal, and standard white fish meal. It's super high in protein. I did worry the squid meal would include some red colouring but the fish like it. I have used krill meal previously but that will colour your fish.
Really good video mate you have given me some confidence to try it for my fish and like you said you know exactly what’s in it which is brilliant.
Amazing food and Discus!!!
Great video, thanks for sharing 😊
Can we Feed daily for beef heart sir ?
What you are doing for cleaning the tank,
Hello , thank you for the video.
I do use beff heart too , it's amazing.
But honestly I donot use Spanish I use Spirulina powder. What you think ?
Yes you can add spirulina powder too, its good for colours I believe.
Is there a particular multi vitamin?
They look very happy, how big is your aquarium?
this is 540 litres in total, im considering a larger one at the moment.
Hi ! What tablets are you using ? Ive been researching alot for cheap multi-vitamins for discus but it seems the vitamins for humans are way too high in fat soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K and most of those vitamins have copper sulfate wich is toxic for fish. Can you please let me know wich tablets you use ? thank you
I watched a Jack Wattley discus video which is where the multi vits come from. This is a tweaked version, he suggests just standard multivits but you raise an interesting point.
Just add discus vitamins liquid or aqua dip vitamins for fish liquid works way better add tiny bit ove paprika power to ur discus mix don't put to much just couple ove pinches ur fine they will love it
What is the fishmeal you use thanks
I have tried 2 variants, squid meal, and standard white fish meal. It's super high in protein. I did worry the squid meal would include some red colouring but the fish like it. I have used krill meal previously but that will colour your fish.
Was it ordered off Amazon ???
What tablet are those?
Theres a standard multi vitamin going in there