Dr Sarah Bull on how a rapid diagnostic clinic for cancer symptoms helps speed up diagnosis

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ม.ค. 2025
  • In this episode of the Clinical Update podcast, Dr Sarah Bull talks to MIMS Learning editor Pat Anderson about her experience of running a diagnostic clinic for non-site specific symptoms suggestive of cancer.
    She describes how GPs make referrals to the clinic, what happens there and how the clinic can speed up cancer diagnosis.
    Through case studies, she presents learning points for GPs on when to consider referral to non-site-specific diagnostic services, and how to prevent patients from `falling through the net’.
    After listening to this podcast, healthcare professionals should be better able to:
    Recall why non-site-specific services are important
    Understand how to make a referral and which tests should be performed beforehand
    Recall on what happens in the clinic
    Reflect on the case studies presented
    You can access the website version of this podcast on MIMS Learning to make notes for your appraisal. MIMS Learning offers hundreds of hours of CPD for healthcare professionals, along with a handy CPD organiser.
    Please note: this podcast is presented by medical editors and discusses educational content written or presented by doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals on the MIMS Learning website and at live events.

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