As Alhaitham main, I would like to thank Cap for saving my sanity. Alhaitham seems complicated on paper but once you actually know what you're doing, it's pretty easy, you won't even think about when to do what attack. If only people were more willing to read or listen.
*Pull off 6 consecutive instances of rain blades with Alhotman. You don’t need to count seconds. Just look for visual clues. Here’s how to maintain 3 mirrors:* 1. Cast Burst (Q) with zero mirrors. He’ll get a refund of 3 mirrors. 2. Do normal attacks (don’t do charged attacks at this point), and procc 2 instances of rain blades. 🔰🔰 3. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades, cast his Tap Skill (E) to maintain 3 mirrors. Do not do Press/Hold Skill. 4. Do normal attacks again (don’t do charged attacks) and procc 2 more instances of rain blades. _(Total of 4 rain blades at this point)._ 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 5. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades again, now you can do a charged attack to maintain 3 mirrors. 6. Do normal attacks to procc another 2 instances of rain blades. _(Total of 6 consecutive rain blades at this point)_ 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 7. And then you can just spam his infused attacks until his mirrors run out, or switch to your other characters. It takes practice and familiarity to do this. So be patient. But once you nail this, i guarantee you the satisfaction is awesome!! 🤘
he's the most fun out of Sumeru for sure. His gameplay just feels ridiculously fast, strong, and satisfying. And his charge attack giving you dendro is what makes him even better.
ok then why didn't mention the umbrella sword? yeah iron sting is better in aoe but in single target it has more percentage buffs, they're pretty similar tho but on average umbrella is just a little bit better
@@anthonycrayne2835 hell yeah man!!I’ve been using him not stop. Burn melt with nahida tohma and bennet is super fun and I’ve hit over 230k charge attacks in abyss with it
Cap the absolute GOAT teaching Moga how to actually play some of the better characters on his account! I really enjoyed this vid it was way more simple and to the point compared to the absolutely chaotic Eula video which I was looking forward to but didn't enjoy as much. I wouldn't mind a series on the channel of Moga revisiting certain characters with Cap ngl
I never get bored looking at Alhaitham…His NA are so smooth, using his E to plung ( you don’t need to go up too high anyway ) or his burst-like I just never get bored using him! 🥰
*Pull off 6 consecutive instances of rain blades with Alhaitham. You don’t need to count seconds. Just look for visual clues. Here’s how to maintain 3 mirrors:* 1. Cast Burst (Q) with zero mirrors. He’ll get a refund of 3 mirrors. 2. Do normal attacks (don’t do charged attacks at this point), and procc 2 instances of rain blades. 🔰🔰 3. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades, cast his Tap Skill (E) to maintain 3 mirrors. Do not do Press/Hold Skill. 4. Do normal attacks again (don’t do charged attacks) and procc 2 more instances of rain blades. _(Total of 4 rain blades at this point)._ 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 5. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades again, now you can do a charged attack to maintain 3 mirrors. 6. Do normal attacks to procc another 2 instances of rain blades. _(Total of 6 consecutive rain blades at this point)_ 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 🔰🔰 7. And then you can just spam his infused attacks until his mirrors run out, or switch to your other characters. It takes practice and familiarity to do this. So be patient. But once you nail this, i guarantee you the satisfaction is awesome!! 🤘
Visual cues are indeed better since you can't really monitor the seconds during fights. An even simpler version of this would be: 1) Q 2) 2 rain swords 3) E 4) 2 rain swords 5) one charged attack 6) 2 rain swords 7) Switch characters 8) Repeat
I'm so used to playing AlHaitham atp that the thought that he might be a 'hard' char for other people is kinda funny to me 😅I usually just use visual cues; "no more swords raining down on enemies? Man has 2 stacks - time to refresh with E or charge attack".
I retired my geo team when I got Alhaitham. He's been my main ever since. He's great and much easier to play than all the theory-crafters indicated going in to pulling for him.
To extend upon Cap's advices, Alhaitham's rotation revolves around keeping up 3 stacks of his mirrors: Q: 0 -> 3 stacks 2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed) E: 2 -> 3 stacks 2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed) CA: 2 -> 3 stacks 2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed) Buffs should have expired, so you can swap off here. All 6 waves of mirrors maintain 3 stacks. The rotation is fairly strict as pressing E or doing CA too early / late can result in 1-2 attacks without max stacks. Still, the rotation order is pretty easy to keep track of, since you can count the number of waves instead of counting how many seconds have passed.
Or if you wanna play simple just do 1 rotation with only Q 3 stack till 0, and one rotation with press E + plunging till 0 stack. Yes you will lose some damage from mirrors, i know, but it’s an easy way to start learning the mirrors stacks. Also you can just using the visual cue of raining swords. Basically every 2 rain of swords you lose 1 stack, so it’s: Q -> 2 rain -> E -> 2 rain -> charged attack -> 2 rain -> restart rotation
@@alexleonhart92 The scaling of the mirrors means that doing it this way will lose you so much damage. 3 mirrors is so much more damage than 2, much less 1
Alhaitham-Nahida combo is GOD TIER. Dealers choice whether you go hydro, electro or soup. You'll be wrecking the joint. He works with other dendro too though, if you want/need Nahida on the other team (or simply don't have her. If you don't, I'd get on that). Dendro has made so many of my other units semi obsolete. Hoping Fontaine revives ice units, as my Ayaka could use some field time 😅🤞🏻
i would say his rotation goes like Q> auto until 2 projectile> E >auto until 2 projectile> CA >auto until project tile> switch [you can change E & CA places]
yeah that's how i play him as well, idk if maybe Cap's rotation is specific for spread only teams which i never play (i usually do quickbloom Alhaitham) :o i was really intimidated by AlHaitham's rotation at first and i DEFINITELY don't do it perfectly but it's fun
Alhaitham main here. I probably can add or answer your questions. His rotation is rather simple imo. Unfortunately or fortunately, the one and only most important Haitham teammate as for now is (IMO) Kuki with either 4pc Deepwood/Tenacity for buffing in quicken team (I'd go for Tenacity if there's already a Deepwood applier) or use 4pc Gilded/Deepwood/Paradise for hyperbloom team. Kuki is the most important teammate for visual indicator to repeat the rotations either you're in Hyperbloom or pure Quicken team. Quicken variation (Kuki, Alhaitham, Yae/Fischl, Nahida/Baizhu) R1 = Kuki skill > Nahida/Baizhu skill + burst > Yae/Fischl skill > Haitham burst and use his NA until Kuki skill disappear > R2 R2 = Kuki skill > Nahida/Baizhu skill and/or burst if the burst is active > Yae/Fischl skill or burst depends who ur using > Alhaitham skill immediately to plunge attack > NA until kuki skill disappear > R1/R2 Depends if your burst is active or not. Hyperbloom variation (Kuki, Alhaitham, Xingqiu/Yelan, Nahida/Baizhu), their rotation is also the same as the Quicken team, instead of Yae/Fischl just change it to Xingqiu/Yelan use their burst, don't forget to change Kuki Artifact with the most optimal artifact you have ;) I don't agree or disagree with Capt statement to use Alhaitham CA occasionally to replenish his mirror stacks, because usually I use his skill to plunge attack immediately to have his 3 mirror stacks in the next rotation. If I use the CA somewhere in R1 I might not get all 3 stacks in R2. It's not all about keeping the mirror stacks but it's about how smart you use it. In my experience I'm mostly using the R2 rotation than R1 rotation. I only used the R1 rotation for extra damage or if I somehow fkd up the rotation lmao. Feel free to correct me or add anything I missed in the replies.
depends on what rotation you do. maybe this is a rotation Moga's doing is specific for spread teams but when i've played in him quickbloom, i think it's recommended to spread the E and charged attack stack gain so his uptime for 3 stacks is longer. so i actually HATE when i accidentally hold his E and he plunges. maybe my rotation is wrong but i've seen people do it that way, and it's how i play alhaitham and everything dies :'D
@@ctran1955 by holding it, you get 3 mirror stack attack 2 times, but by tapping and charge attacking you get 3 mirror stack 1 time and that's dps loss
I remember accidentally getting him and thinking "Oh dendro keqing neat ig." He quickly became my highest dps unit. Even compared to my triple crowned Cyno with sig weapon.
Yeah I'd like to see you add Cap to your God modes. This video felt different in a way. It felt like a God mode but just two dude shootin' a convo you know. Brilliant job to you both. Great vibe on this video.
I have him build and everything but never played him for a long time. Watching this again makes me want to play him again just like the time he first came out, thanks 👍
Al's pretty chill to play, while still making sure you keep your brain on. The summary of his combo is simple: Q > NA until 3 stacks appear > NA until a stack disappears > E > NA until a stack disappears > CA > NA as long as the stacks persist The combo that gives him the maximum 3-stack uptime is: Q > NA until 3 stacks appear > NA until 2 3-stack projection > E > NA until 2 3-stack projection again > CA > Consume all your stacks (you can switch Alhaitham out as early as you see he doesn't do 3-stack projection anymore, then you can start repeating your rotation) Take note: This only applies if you constantly hit the enemy so you can constantly proc the projections. If the enemy dashes away or smth similar, most probably you'll run out of time to trigger 2 3-stack projections. Just keep in mind that stacks reduce every 4s, so if you feel that it has been pretty long, you can advance the combo by using E/CA. Have fun playing Alhaitham :>
cap isn't teaching moga optimal rotation for Alh. This how his rotation should look like: /Q > attack/wait/swap for 2s > NAs for ~4s > E > attacks for ~4s > CA > attacks for ~4s\ . U don't randomly or occasionally do CA, you do CA or E to get back to 3 mirrors. and u restart rotation after u used up all 6 3 mirrors attacks. Also Spread team doesn't use Kuki, u use Fischl or Yae
@@masajus1 I do agree baizu is better for healing but I don't have him. I use kuki with 4 piece Deepwood and full EM build and she works just fine in my opinion and she doesn't need energy like beidou. I run both kuki and fischl sometimes too.
yep, a caveat of that would be maintaining his hp. so, building healers like kuki and yaoyao are necessary. a shielder like zhongli would be great as well.
Dude. THANK you for this video! I'm a completionist and God AH and LoFI (his weapon) and a great gilded set but didn't know how to play him and benched him too. Zhongli + Nahida + Kuki got me the easiest Floor 12 clear of my life when I was struggling! Thank you!
As ai haitham enjoyer,I like it, just wait 3mirror 2times proc after ulti,then CA and then wait 3 mirror 2times proc then keep e for next rotation if running with kuki
@@masajus1why not use E first to get it back on cooldown faster? In case you want to use that to set up the next rotation instead of another ultimate. If you solely rely on his burst you have to have it back on cooldown every single time
@@masajus1 true, but having E back to start the next rotation is good to instantly get full mirrors. I honestly don’t build any energy recharge at all on him and usually the second rotation I don’t have the burst back but using E again to do a shorter rotation still results in a ton of damage and is probably how most players would want to use him
My biggest regret was not c6ing Alhaitham I’ve got him at c4 r3 and this mans damage output has spoiled me dude almost single handedly carries whatever team I put him in. He’s definitely one of my most favorite dendro units
Optimal alhaitham rotation imo: burst for 3 stacks, do 2 sword rains, charge attack to keep 3 stacks, do another 2 sword rains, use his e to top off his stacks last time, 2 more rain swords, switch off.
the way I keep track of his mirror stacks when you're at 3 stacks, after 2 instances of the swords raining down is when you'll lose a stack, so after 2 instances do EITHER skill or charged, then after another 2 instances you do the skill/charged you didn't use earlier, and that keeps him at 3 stacks for 6 instances of the raining swords :)
is it just me or is the rotation that guy taught him super weird? like shouldn't you do his burst, then do skill/charged attack when you lose the 3rd mirror, then charged attack/skill when you lose the 3rd mirror again?
Alhaitham is top tier dps for sure. I like messing around with my artifacts a lot, so one time I switched alhaitham’s sands with hutao. and forgot to switch back, I lost a lot of em and the 4 set bonus and when I used him in the abyss and I still managed to 9 star floor 12, I didn’t even noticed he was on hp sands until after I cleared the abyss and noticed his hp was at 28k.
@@yntao his best artifact set is 4pc GD or Marecheusse if he's played with Furina. for best teams it's Al, an electro like Kuki for hyperbloom or Fischl for quicken, any Hydro off fielder and a flex dendro(Nahida/Baizhu are his best ones.).
u probbaly would nee some sort defensive option, shield or healer, instead of raiden (she does nothing in this team), u better off using Beidou or Zhongli
if you use nahida on the matrix overseer instead of trying to destroy the totums it’s much faster if you look for her flower mark and go directly to it and attack, it’ll instantly deactivate
What I do is when u use Q, you only use ur E or charge attack after 2 rotations of your mirrors attacks, the rain swords that fall down. Then u use ur skill or charge attack to refresh the stacks, so after your rotation you would have 6 mirror attacks which is big dps if you r facing a tough enemy
AlHaitham is so strong especially r1 that even if you don’t play him optimally it feels ok. However his skill cool down is off putting if you don’t do his correct rotations bc it feels so long. People have mentioned the correct rotation, and so I’m pretty surprised Cap didn’t show him the right rotation, considering he liked Childe and Childes team, I’d argue, is harder to pull off (I still refuse to build Childe for that reason lol). AlHaitham quickbloom is even easier since hyperbloom will make up for most mistakes.
I'm happy that my sister pulled Alhaitham on my acc when his rerun week, and well he came on my another 50/50.. and for now I've kinda mastered him now esp on spiral abyss and melting bosses fast.
Ok here's the gist: 1. Get up all off field support effects 2. Burst with him first if you have it. 3. Use his skill when he goes down to 1 or 0 mirrors. 4. Repeat
This video is really good but there are a few small nitpicks i have: 1. using baizhu here is a comfort pick i assume but using fischl here would be better, if shes not used already. Even though you cant proc her a4 much she still does really good single target damage. (especially that the chapter is called "best alhaitham teams") 2. 12:23 it actually doesnt matter how fast you attack, simons parts do have hp 3. alhaithams cons are actually really bad comparing to other 5 stars and if you wanna increase his damage getting nahidas c2 is WAY better just because you pretty much always want to run nahida with him.
I tend to find using burst, then skill, then CA is the best rotation You see the sword rains, he does one roughly every 2 seconds and since each mirror lasts 4 seconds that means he gets 2 sword rains per 3 mirror stack Basically, ult, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, skill, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, charged attack, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, swap off That’s a 12-13 second on field, not bad
That's the one I use, much easier to pilot. Prefers units with longer duration though (e.g. Raiden over Kuki). The advantage of the split rotation here is shorter rotation refresh, and requires less ER since burst every other rotation.
You can also use Alhaithams burst then swap to kuki and use her skill and you'll be able to swap back to Alhaitham in time to get his mirrors. Only if you have good ping tho.
I am an Itto/ Alhaitham main and i have to say that he is rather easy to play if you get used to his style. I totally approve this video, good job moga and cap! Persoanlly now, I really like the teamcomp Zhongli (replaced with yelan or raiden in abyss if needed), Alhaitham, Nahida and Kuki, a team that has made me obtain 32/36 stars in the abyss totally f2p. I have dedicated a lot of time and effort into his build and talents but its totally worth it in my opinion. Also i dont even have him on a 4pc, i have him 2pc deepwood 2pc gilded dreams and it honestly works fine (and im not going to change it too), so dont worry if you dont have a 4pc set for him.
Idk if he’s had a rerun or not, but I pulled him when he first came out and I wanted him so bad. Then my phone ran out of storage and I can’t play anymore 😔
After Alt burst you need to wait for 2 projection attacks than use his skill and wait for 2 projection attacks then use his charged attack and do 2 mirror attacks all of these attacks will be 3 mirror and when you finally get back to Alt his cooldowns will be ready
Before watching: I never actually watched an Alhaitham guide because I experienced him on my friend's account before I pulled for mine, her kit isn't that complicated for my experience. My rotation goes- Nahida QE - Xingqiu EQ/E - Kuki E - Alhaitham Q I don't use Alhaitham's E when he uses Q because I do N3C anyway and the C would just add the stack I need to pretty much complete his rotation. I save the E when his Q is unavailable. Hold E + fast plunge = Instant 3 Mirrors. It wouldn't last as long as the Q but it does the work for me. Idk how wrong am I until I watch this video.
Awasome showcase, the only think that i could NITPICK, is that you should have uses kuki right before alhaitham, but it doesn't matter cus you were doing the shorter version of his rotations, so its aight
Wishlist ASTRA: Knights of Veda on Steam!
@@Devilboy_1029 unlisted and then published it later
@@captnbluehat Good to know, as a brand new YT creator! Just started a channel btw :)
WHen you read scripts for sponsors it feels very wrong
As Alhaitham main, I would like to thank Cap for saving my sanity.
Alhaitham seems complicated on paper but once you actually know what you're doing, it's pretty easy, you won't even think about when to do what attack. If only people were more willing to read or listen.
I have alhaitham nahida but no beizho or kuki and I struggle without defensive option lol I have dori and yao yao maybe I could level them
@@edwinlawrence6763Zhongli is a probably best defensive option for him
@@edwinlawrence6763please do NOT level Dori 🤣, on a more serious note I think you should invest in fischl and yao yao and put them in your team
Its almost like once you actually know what your doing, YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING and so its easy because you KNOW?? 😭😭
*Pull off 6 consecutive instances of rain blades with Alhotman. You don’t need to count seconds. Just look for visual clues. Here’s how to maintain 3 mirrors:*
1. Cast Burst (Q) with zero mirrors. He’ll get a refund of 3 mirrors.
2. Do normal attacks (don’t do charged attacks at this point), and procc 2 instances of rain blades.
3. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades, cast his Tap Skill (E) to maintain 3 mirrors. Do not do Press/Hold Skill.
4. Do normal attacks again (don’t do charged attacks) and procc 2 more instances of rain blades. _(Total of 4 rain blades at this point)._
🔰🔰 🔰🔰
5. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades again, now you can do a charged attack to maintain 3 mirrors.
6. Do normal attacks to procc another 2 instances of rain blades. _(Total of 6 consecutive rain blades at this point)_
🔰🔰 🔰🔰 🔰🔰
7. And then you can just spam his infused attacks until his mirrors run out, or switch to your other characters.
It takes practice and familiarity to do this. So be patient. But once you nail this, i guarantee you the satisfaction is awesome!! 🤘
This character is literally insane gameplay wise and attractive. 2 in 1 package
he's the most fun out of Sumeru for sure. His gameplay just feels ridiculously fast, strong, and satisfying. And his charge attack giving you dendro is what makes him even better.
@@escapetherace1943 agreed. I was suprised at the amount of dendro dog he was doing simultaneously. His infusions are crazy
This first comment here is the exact reason why I got him
and amazing story
all blame on me
6.9k likes and we will do ayato.
cap is the male nation savior. childe, alhaitham and now ayato.. truly a hero we deserve
Oh nah Cap pls don't tell me our beloved Moga doesn't know how to play Ayato 😭
ok then
why didn't mention the umbrella sword? yeah iron sting is better in aoe but in single target it has more percentage buffs, they're pretty similar tho but on average umbrella is just a little bit better
@@SleepyKurisu i would not be surprised if it was the case
Alhaitham slaps. Don't regret pulling for him at all.
Yep him and wanderer are my 2 favorite characters in the game to play right now
And I think wriothesley is going to join them now after seeing his kit, he looks so damn fun
@@tehCostHD wrio is really fun character to play.
@@anthonycrayne2835 hell yeah man!!I’ve been using him not stop. Burn melt with nahida tohma and bennet is super fun and I’ve hit over 230k charge attacks in abyss with it
Good job Cap! Keep up the good work on making him play other characters.
Not only play other characters but also play them correctly 💀🤌
@@protagkun8859 true true
Cap the absolute GOAT teaching Moga how to actually play some of the better characters on his account! I really enjoyed this vid it was way more simple and to the point compared to the absolutely chaotic Eula video which I was looking forward to but didn't enjoy as much.
I wouldn't mind a series on the channel of Moga revisiting certain characters with Cap ngl
I never get bored looking at Alhaitham…His NA are so smooth, using his E to plung ( you don’t need to go up too high anyway ) or his burst-like I just never get bored using him! 🥰
*Pull off 6 consecutive instances of rain blades with Alhaitham. You don’t need to count seconds. Just look for visual clues. Here’s how to maintain 3 mirrors:*
1. Cast Burst (Q) with zero mirrors. He’ll get a refund of 3 mirrors.
2. Do normal attacks (don’t do charged attacks at this point), and procc 2 instances of rain blades.
3. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades, cast his Tap Skill (E) to maintain 3 mirrors. Do not do Press/Hold Skill.
4. Do normal attacks again (don’t do charged attacks) and procc 2 more instances of rain blades. _(Total of 4 rain blades at this point)._
🔰🔰 🔰🔰
5. When you see the 2nd instance of rain blades again, now you can do a charged attack to maintain 3 mirrors.
6. Do normal attacks to procc another 2 instances of rain blades. _(Total of 6 consecutive rain blades at this point)_
🔰🔰 🔰🔰 🔰🔰
7. And then you can just spam his infused attacks until his mirrors run out, or switch to your other characters.
It takes practice and familiarity to do this. So be patient. But once you nail this, i guarantee you the satisfaction is awesome!! 🤘
thats probably too complicated for Moga, all he knows how to play(kinda off) is his raiden hyper and Itto
Honestly just switch after the 6 rain blades cause the off field support abilities probably ran out as well
@@bread8294 hence.. “or switch to your other characters”
@@masajus1 yep, which is why Cap had to over-simplify his teachings.
Visual cues are indeed better since you can't really monitor the seconds during fights. An even simpler version of this would be:
1) Q
2) 2 rain swords
3) E
4) 2 rain swords
5) one charged attack
6) 2 rain swords
7) Switch characters
8) Repeat
seeing that Moga had no idea Kazuha's held skill pulled in enemies that much I'm not surprise he was struggling with Alhaithm...
I was so confused, I still cannot believe after…. 2? Years of Kazuha and he never knew his hold skill pulled in so many enemies.
I love Alhaithams basic animations that’s the only reason I want him
I'm so used to playing AlHaitham atp that the thought that he might be a 'hard' char for other people is kinda funny to me 😅I usually just use visual cues; "no more swords raining down on enemies? Man has 2 stacks - time to refresh with E or charge attack".
I retired my geo team when I got Alhaitham. He's been my main ever since. He's great and much easier to play than all the theory-crafters indicated going in to pulling for him.
R we the same? I retired my Itto team after I got Haitham lol
me who just decided to level 90 my alhaitham: *a gift from the gods*
To extend upon Cap's advices, Alhaitham's rotation revolves around keeping up 3 stacks of his mirrors:
Q: 0 -> 3 stacks
2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed)
E: 2 -> 3 stacks
2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed)
CA: 2 -> 3 stacks
2 waves of mirrors later: 3 -> 2 stacks (4 seconds have passed)
Buffs should have expired, so you can swap off here. All 6 waves of mirrors maintain 3 stacks. The rotation is fairly strict as pressing E or doing CA too early / late can result in 1-2 attacks without max stacks. Still, the rotation order is pretty easy to keep track of, since you can count the number of waves instead of counting how many seconds have passed.
This ! I believe that's what Cap left out when he said he simplified the rotation.
Or if you wanna play simple just do 1 rotation with only Q 3 stack till 0, and one rotation with press E + plunging till 0 stack. Yes you will lose some damage from mirrors, i know, but it’s an easy way to start learning the mirrors stacks.
Also you can just using the visual cue of raining swords. Basically every 2 rain of swords you lose 1 stack, so it’s:
Q -> 2 rain -> E -> 2 rain -> charged attack -> 2 rain -> restart rotation
@@Kizeha_Huks Imo he really shouldn't have done that. Saying "you should CA occasionally" really just makes things more confusing lol.
This is what I use and it's really efficient too bad cap didn't mention this
@@alexleonhart92 The scaling of the mirrors means that doing it this way will lose you so much damage. 3 mirrors is so much more damage than 2, much less 1
Everytime I use Alhaitham I can feel his power coming inside of me
Bro really did 670k and said "decent" 💀
I know pay2win r different breeds
His quickbloom team is absolutely insane, I love it!
this needs to be a series fr. cap is absolutely hilarious with moga 😂
Alhaitham-Nahida combo is GOD TIER. Dealers choice whether you go hydro, electro or soup. You'll be wrecking the joint. He works with other dendro too though, if you want/need Nahida on the other team (or simply don't have her. If you don't, I'd get on that). Dendro has made so many of my other units semi obsolete. Hoping Fontaine revives ice units, as my Ayaka could use some field time 😅🤞🏻
Yeah, my Alhaitham Nahida team just melts most bosses so I started using them less now lmao
@@msolomon9499 Yeah, I also only have mid artifacts for both of them and they do the thing anyway 👍🏻 Love that they perform so well at c0
I use xinqui for that extra diffence and stagger resistance.
@@Batman44456 agreed, I run Alt+Nahida+Raiden+Xinqiu, hyperbloom carry all the way
@@msolomon9499 i do kuki , nahida alt and xinqui.
i would say his rotation goes like
Q> auto until 2 projectile> E >auto until 2 projectile> CA >auto until project tile> switch [you can change E & CA places]
yeah that's how i play him as well, idk if maybe Cap's rotation is specific for spread only teams which i never play (i usually do quickbloom Alhaitham) :o i was really intimidated by AlHaitham's rotation at first and i DEFINITELY don't do it perfectly but it's fun
I think it’s best to do E first because then you’ll get the cooldown back faster. Since the charge has no cooldown use it last
@@ctran1955 I play spread and this rotation works pretty good since all his mirror s hits the enemies
@@tehCostHD yeah I always use e first cause by the team you switch back to him the CD would be over
@@Blaze......777 exactly. And then you can start the combo with E instead of burst if you need to
Alhaithem has been my main from his first banner. He is great…..
Alhaitham main here. I probably can add or answer your questions. His rotation is rather simple imo. Unfortunately or fortunately, the one and only most important Haitham teammate as for now is (IMO) Kuki with either 4pc Deepwood/Tenacity for buffing in quicken team (I'd go for Tenacity if there's already a Deepwood applier) or use 4pc Gilded/Deepwood/Paradise for hyperbloom team. Kuki is the most important teammate for visual indicator to repeat the rotations either you're in Hyperbloom or pure Quicken team.
Quicken variation (Kuki, Alhaitham, Yae/Fischl, Nahida/Baizhu)
R1 = Kuki skill > Nahida/Baizhu skill + burst > Yae/Fischl skill > Haitham burst and use his NA until Kuki skill disappear > R2
R2 = Kuki skill > Nahida/Baizhu skill and/or burst if the burst is active > Yae/Fischl skill or burst depends who ur using > Alhaitham skill immediately to plunge attack > NA until kuki skill disappear > R1/R2 Depends if your burst is active or not.
Hyperbloom variation (Kuki, Alhaitham, Xingqiu/Yelan, Nahida/Baizhu), their rotation is also the same as the Quicken team, instead of Yae/Fischl just change it to Xingqiu/Yelan use their burst, don't forget to change Kuki Artifact with the most optimal artifact you have ;)
I don't agree or disagree with Capt statement to use Alhaitham CA occasionally to replenish his mirror stacks, because usually I use his skill to plunge attack immediately to have his 3 mirror stacks in the next rotation. If I use the CA somewhere in R1 I might not get all 3 stacks in R2. It's not all about keeping the mirror stacks but it's about how smart you use it.
In my experience I'm mostly using the R2 rotation than R1 rotation. I only used the R1 rotation for extra damage or if I somehow fkd up the rotation lmao.
Feel free to correct me or add anything I missed in the replies.
Also one thinv. Always hold E. It allows him to plung and give him 3rd mirror without having to charge attack
depends on what rotation you do. maybe this is a rotation Moga's doing is specific for spread teams but when i've played in him quickbloom, i think it's recommended to spread the E and charged attack stack gain so his uptime for 3 stacks is longer. so i actually HATE when i accidentally hold his E and he plunges. maybe my rotation is wrong but i've seen people do it that way, and it's how i play alhaitham and everything dies :'D
@@ctran1955 by holding it, you get 3 mirror stack attack 2 times, but by tapping and charge attacking you get 3 mirror stack 1 time and that's dps loss
Oh I do Q > charge > E it's Enough to get his max mirror attack 6 times in a rotation and it's smoother than hold E
@@ooo1o8o1 yes, when using Q it's the optimal rotation, when you don't have Q, holding E and plunging results in more dps
if you do q > na until 2 mirror > e > na until 2 mirror > e until 2 mirror you just tap it and dont hold
4:30 Massanori!
The man!
The myth! the legend!
No just the man..
Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network
No way man only just realized how busted kazuka is 💀
Imo Alhaitham is the best c0 dps in the game rn
I remember accidentally getting him and thinking "Oh dendro keqing neat ig." He quickly became my highest dps unit. Even compared to my triple crowned Cyno with sig weapon.
Him learning Kazuha was a gift.
Dope video. Bring Cap around more often. Perfect duo. 😂
A tip for alhaitham is to use cookie e after pressing alts burst and then switch back to him
Cyno waiting to be revisited just like alhaitham
I have every character and most of them fully built and Alhaitham, Kuki, Nahida and Yelan has been my absolute favorite team for quite a while now
Yeah I'd like to see you add Cap to your God modes. This video felt different in a way. It felt like a God mode but just two dude shootin' a convo you know. Brilliant job to you both. Great vibe on this video.
Moga discovering that Kazuha held E exists caused me intense psychic damage.
I have him build and everything but never played him for a long time. Watching this again makes me want to play him again just like the time he first came out, thanks 👍
you did Alhaitham so dirty last time, I really hope Cap knocks some sense (build and team comp knowledge) into you this video ':))
saw cap in the title, knew it'd be gold
Never realised I've been playing quickbloom with him using that exact team
Back to school: Genshin Lessons 🤌🤌
Al's pretty chill to play, while still making sure you keep your brain on.
The summary of his combo is simple: Q > NA until 3 stacks appear > NA until a stack disappears > E > NA until a stack disappears > CA > NA as long as the stacks persist
The combo that gives him the maximum 3-stack uptime is: Q > NA until 3 stacks appear > NA until 2 3-stack projection > E > NA until 2 3-stack projection again > CA > Consume all your stacks (you can switch Alhaitham out as early as you see he doesn't do 3-stack projection anymore, then you can start repeating your rotation)
Take note: This only applies if you constantly hit the enemy so you can constantly proc the projections. If the enemy dashes away or smth similar, most probably you'll run out of time to trigger 2 3-stack projections. Just keep in mind that stacks reduce every 4s, so if you feel that it has been pretty long, you can advance the combo by using E/CA.
Have fun playing Alhaitham :>
cap isn't teaching moga optimal rotation for Alh. This how his rotation should look like: /Q > attack/wait/swap for 2s > NAs for ~4s > E > attacks for ~4s > CA > attacks for ~4s\ . U don't randomly or occasionally do CA, you do CA or E to get back to 3 mirrors. and u restart rotation after u used up all 6 3 mirrors attacks. Also Spread team doesn't use Kuki, u use Fischl or Yae
who says you can't use kuki lmao she works just fine with alhaitham comps
@@leslielopez6075 Fischl or Beidou is infinitely better than kuki in spread teams, especially then u play another healer like Baizu
if only he used quickbloom then kuki would actually be good here
@@masajus1 I do agree baizu is better for healing but I don't have him. I use kuki with 4 piece Deepwood and full EM build and she works just fine in my opinion and she doesn't need energy like beidou. I run both kuki and fischl sometimes too.
Yeah he seems amazing without constellations because Nahida C2 is generally better than having his own constellations for him lol
I really needed this for mine 😭, love the vids btw!
Harbinger of dawn is a great sword for him too, and it's 3*.
yep, a caveat of that would be maintaining his hp. so, building healers like kuki and yaoyao are necessary. a shielder like zhongli would be great as well.
@@blastzd only if you have skill issue
@@qwertysysysyysysysyzz sure bruv, just dodge there 24/7 without attacking
It's nice to see him play Alhaitham right this time but my head keeps telling me this is just a Nahida C3 showcase with a sexy dude onscreen xD
even with c0 Nahida man is insane DPS, if u play him optimally
@@masajus1 Didn't say he is bad, I play him myself and he's great.
But you can't deny that Nahida is doing some heavy lifting in this showcase xd
Dude. THANK you for this video! I'm a completionist and God AH and LoFI (his weapon) and a great gilded set but didn't know how to play him and benched him too. Zhongli + Nahida + Kuki got me the easiest Floor 12 clear of my life when I was struggling! Thank you!
As ai haitham enjoyer,I like it, just wait 3mirror 2times proc after ulti,then CA and then wait 3 mirror 2times proc then keep e for next rotation if running with kuki
this is most optimal rotation
@@masajus1why not use E first to get it back on cooldown faster? In case you want to use that to set up the next rotation instead of another ultimate. If you solely rely on his burst you have to have it back on cooldown every single time
@@tehCostHD if u cant bust off cooldown, than get more ER :D also his CA prock also has cooldown (12s)
@@masajus1 true, but having E back to start the next rotation is good to instantly get full mirrors. I honestly don’t build any energy recharge at all on him and usually the second rotation I don’t have the burst back but using E again to do a shorter rotation still results in a ton of damage and is probably how most players would want to use him
My biggest regret was not c6ing Alhaitham I’ve got him at c4 r3 and this mans damage output has spoiled me dude almost single handedly carries whatever team I put him in. He’s definitely one of my most favorite dendro units
“Haha, murd3r, yay!” Forever going to be my daily quote
moga actually learning how to optimally play characters no way 🤯🤯
Optimal alhaitham rotation imo: burst for 3 stacks, do 2 sword rains, charge attack to keep 3 stacks, do another 2 sword rains, use his e to top off his stacks last time, 2 more rain swords, switch off.
moga’s learning!! woohoo 🎉
the way I keep track of his mirror stacks
when you're at 3 stacks, after 2 instances of the swords raining down is when you'll lose a stack, so after 2 instances do EITHER skill or charged, then after another 2 instances you do the skill/charged you didn't use earlier, and that keeps him at 3 stacks for 6 instances of the raining swords :)
yep, that's what i do, its way easier to keep track of the stacks that way than looking at the mirrors
is it just me or is the rotation that guy taught him super weird? like shouldn't you do his burst, then do skill/charged attack when you lose the 3rd mirror, then charged attack/skill when you lose the 3rd mirror again?
Thx a lot! Really needed it
Alhaitham is top tier dps for sure. I like messing around with my artifacts a lot, so one time I switched alhaitham’s sands with hutao. and forgot to switch back, I lost a lot of em and the 4 set bonus and when I used him in the abyss and I still managed to 9 star floor 12, I didn’t even noticed he was on hp sands until after I cleared the abyss and noticed his hp was at 28k.
whats his best build and team?
@@yntao his best artifact set is 4pc GD or Marecheusse if he's played with Furina. for best teams it's Al, an electro like Kuki for hyperbloom or Fischl for quicken, any Hydro off fielder and a flex dendro(Nahida/Baizhu are his best ones.).
If I had Alhaitham (as a f2p account btw) I would make a team with Alt DPS, Raiden E support, Fischl E support, and Nahida E + Q!
u probbaly would nee some sort defensive option, shield or healer, instead of raiden (she does nothing in this team), u better off using Beidou or Zhongli
But remember,@@masajus1 I'm f2p and this is a team I'd make using the characters I have. I sadly dont have Zhongli or Beidou
Video starts at 1:59 🧚♀🌿
Me was here! Also i love ur videos with cap im sure this is gonna be amazeballs
if you use nahida on the matrix overseer instead of trying to destroy the totums it’s much faster if you look for her flower mark and go directly to it and attack, it’ll instantly deactivate
my second triple crown character after Itto !!WORTH IT
What I do is when u use Q, you only use ur E or charge attack after 2 rotations of your mirrors attacks, the rain swords that fall down. Then u use ur skill or charge attack to refresh the stacks, so after your rotation you would have 6 mirror attacks which is big dps if you r facing a tough enemy
AlHaitham is so strong especially r1 that even if you don’t play him optimally it feels ok. However his skill cool down is off putting if you don’t do his correct rotations bc it feels so long. People have mentioned the correct rotation, and so I’m pretty surprised Cap didn’t show him the right rotation, considering he liked Childe and Childes team, I’d argue, is harder to pull off (I still refuse to build Childe for that reason lol). AlHaitham quickbloom is even easier since hyperbloom will make up for most mistakes.
how is he surprised by Kazuha’s held e😭
I'm happy that my sister pulled Alhaitham on my acc when his rerun week, and well he came on my another 50/50.. and for now I've kinda mastered him now esp on spiral abyss and melting bosses fast.
whe i looked at cap's discord image on the bottom left, i thought it was the retracing bolide set image😂
the captions said "pig muglets" idk what its on but want some of it
My favorite part is when he says it’s haithing time get back Kaveh I’m going to haith
He's my main.. He's busted,
You didn't do him justice in your first video.
Ok here's the gist:
1. Get up all off field support effects
2. Burst with him first if you have it.
3. Use his skill when he goes down to 1 or 0 mirrors.
4. Repeat
Cap when Alhaitham is like me when Fischl
actually when you messed up the combo i was mad too 🤣
Did u say crushed their skulls
Moga:.......alright 😂😂😂😂😂
Friendship lv. 1 on Alhaitham is a CRIME 😭😭😭
This video is really good but there are a few small nitpicks i have:
1. using baizhu here is a comfort pick i assume but using fischl here would be better, if shes not used already. Even though you cant proc her a4 much she still does really good single target damage. (especially that the chapter is called "best alhaitham teams")
2. 12:23 it actually doesnt matter how fast you attack, simons parts do have hp
3. alhaithams cons are actually really bad comparing to other 5 stars and if you wanna increase his damage getting nahidas c2 is WAY better just because you pretty much always want to run nahida with him.
I tend to find using burst, then skill, then CA is the best rotation
You see the sword rains, he does one roughly every 2 seconds and since each mirror lasts 4 seconds that means he gets 2 sword rains per 3 mirror stack
Basically, ult, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, skill, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, charged attack, normal attack until you see your second sword rain, swap off
That’s a 12-13 second on field, not bad
That's the one I use, much easier to pilot. Prefers units with longer duration though (e.g. Raiden over Kuki).
The advantage of the split rotation here is shorter rotation refresh, and requires less ER since burst every other rotation.
you can use E or charge attack once he have 2 mirrors to maintain 3 mirrrors
When I discovered the zhongli raiden nahida and alhaitham team, Spiral abyss was so much easier even until now.
I LOVE Alhaitham he’s so fun to play with
You can also use Alhaithams burst then swap to kuki and use her skill and you'll be able to swap back to Alhaitham in time to get his mirrors. Only if you have good ping tho.
whats his best build and team?
"What's up moglets?!" love cap
A lot of cc don’t use him they say he’s clunky
Me: skill issue
Awesome gifts!! I love macarons, they are such a chic treat!! 💜💜 did you share with mama Marvelous? Which was her favorite??
I didn't know I'd get uncomfortable watching Alhaitham charge attack lol
would absolutely love seeing cap on future god modes
I am an Itto/ Alhaitham main and i have to say that he is rather easy to play if you get used to his style. I totally approve this video, good job moga and cap!
Persoanlly now, I really like the teamcomp Zhongli (replaced with yelan or raiden in abyss if needed), Alhaitham, Nahida and Kuki, a team that has made me obtain 32/36 stars in the abyss totally f2p. I have dedicated a lot of time and effort into his build and talents but its totally worth it in my opinion. Also i dont even have him on a 4pc, i have him 2pc deepwood 2pc gilded dreams and it honestly works fine (and im not going to change it too), so dont worry if you dont have a 4pc set for him.
Idk if he’s had a rerun or not, but I pulled him when he first came out and I wanted him so bad. Then my phone ran out of storage and I can’t play anymore 😔
After Alt burst you need to wait for 2 projection attacks than use his skill and wait for 2 projection attacks then use his charged attack and do 2 mirror attacks all of these attacks will be 3 mirror and when you finally get back to Alt his cooldowns will be ready
E into plunge give full mirror then charge atm to refresh. Burst should be back on second rotation then start with burst
And you can do it even better if you use a skill or a charged attack after every two rainsword
Moga finally learned to play Alhaitham 😭😭
I still want another hyperbloom video
13:46 "its a C0 Al-Haitham as well"
Cool, now show Nahida
Before watching: I never actually watched an Alhaitham guide because I experienced him on my friend's account before I pulled for mine, her kit isn't that complicated for my experience. My rotation goes- Nahida QE - Xingqiu EQ/E - Kuki E - Alhaitham Q
I don't use Alhaitham's E when he uses Q because I do N3C anyway and the C would just add the stack I need to pretty much complete his rotation. I save the E when his Q is unavailable. Hold E + fast plunge = Instant 3 Mirrors. It wouldn't last as long as the Q but it does the work for me. Idk how wrong am I until I watch this video.
There is no way his Yelan was built properly for floor 11
I've literally benched most of my favorite characters after getting Alhaitham. He makes me not want to play anyone but him lol
jesus those numbers are CRAZY.
Awasome showcase, the only think that i could NITPICK, is that you should have uses kuki right before alhaitham, but it doesn't matter cus you were doing the shorter version of his rotations, so its aight