07/12/20 "The Parable of the Talents" | Sermon

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ต.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 35

  • @oswaldmgaya8935
    @oswaldmgaya8935 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    There is great reward in taking risks for Jesus.

  • @Souljanyne15
    @Souljanyne15 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I pulled up a Sermon because of a Dream I Had. Love ur Sermon. It was as about Talents, and I was given a hook tu a song! I am a Song writer. I was telling another Artist this, but God was telling me it was for Me!

  • @MaudePoison
    @MaudePoison 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This was REALLY A WORD! I was definitely blessed by this. I feel we take certain things too literally! But listening to this opened my eyes. I've definitely not been taking my life seriously nor living abundantly! Everyday we wake up is a blessing and an investment! Living every moment is an investment and I'm definitely going to use my time wisely to show off for Jesus! Thank you for this!

  • @waynel389
    @waynel389 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The talent =the gospel /grace gift of God. When you listen the gospel you received accept it and share it or you reject it.

  • @lelitamonterde6713
    @lelitamonterde6713 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    AMEN,very important to me is obey the Word of GOD,the love of GOD to share even to feedings the children's and youth

  • @rameshbarma7945
    @rameshbarma7945 14 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Blessed sermon brother. Also, bit rectification about the comparison of one talent. It might be of big value but verse 21 and 23 says, “you were faithful over few things”. So, might be relevant with the historical context but it doesnot match the scripture I think. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I am also learning. 😊

  • @guillermocruz5710
    @guillermocruz5710 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Preaching this parable at my church today and what an awesome word this is. Glad I picked this topic and feel so blessed hearing your perspective on it. God is good!

  • @paulthomasshepherd5156
    @paulthomasshepherd5156 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I believe that the talents represented the GIFT of belief as in "Without me you can do nothing," (John 15:5}. and then it is to see what you do with that gift (evangelism). As to put more in the Master's bank is a metaphor of His barn or storehouse as also in scripture. As an aside here, I have been told that we have the WILL to believe. We don't! What we do have is the WILL to want to believe, and to some that is dependent upon what they hear from those who have been given the GIFT to believe, and whether those who have been given the gift of belief (talent or talents.

  • @lelitamonterde6713
    @lelitamonterde6713 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love this parable.that why i ask GOD to renovate my opportunity house to used again to feeding the children's even if i start may ka brgy sta.cruz g.l Siargao.i pray also to touch the heart who love helping me for children's and youth ministry trust GOD for me while i live

  • @sano2031
    @sano2031 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much m really blessed
    May God bless you

  • @Myown185
    @Myown185 ปีที่แล้ว

    I do have talent; I should use all of my talents; all of my talents should give me more than a lot of money so that I can more than pay all of my bills; I should not embarrass anyone; everyone should reap what they sow; I should be able to buy everything that I want; I should afford everything that I want; I should not be unemployed; and I should not be unemployable. Amen.

  • @radigass
    @radigass 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The only point I disagree with is the point on risk. The Christian life is not about risk but Faith. Risk leads to failure. Faith leads to growth.

  • @donnagaribaldi9072
    @donnagaribaldi9072 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think most people miss the real message of this parable, which is a rather uncomfortable one. I think the key to understanding it is in the description of the Master given by the servant who buried his talent. He calls him a hard man who reaps where he did not sow. In other words the Master is an oppressive crook, so, by burying the talent, the servant refuses to further the Master's criminal works, even though he knows he will be punished. So, Jesus is identifying with the outcast not the Master. Jesus' messages are ALWAYS radical! There would be no need to describe the Master in this way if the parable was simply about investing money wisely or developing talents etc. It is about standing up against oppression as was the whole life of Jesus - oppression by the Romans, the Pharisees, the rich and powerful, etc.

    • @mshopey32
      @mshopey32 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That falls. The third servant was sent to hell

  • @jamestruett2694
    @jamestruett2694 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I'm sorry to say this but your explanation of the parable of the talents is wrong. How do you get into heaven? Not by investing in living for Jesus. But only by believing in Jesus. For some belief comes easy, for others its hard but whoever you are we all have one way to walk to believe in Jesus. Walk by faith. And faith has to be established. That is why Jesus taught us to walk in His Way, only this doctrine teaching has been lost over the centuries since the killing of the saints in the second century. But God lnew this and Jesus said, when I return will I find anyone of faith?' That is why we were given this prophecy of Isa.30:20-21,25
    Have you learned how to walk in the Way in/of Jesus to find the truth and the love of God NEEDED for your filling of your measure of faith? Thats what you need to share in your teaching. The Way in/of Jesus. For a talent is simply a measure of faith.

    • @Drumaddict23
      @Drumaddict23 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I just know that free grace is true and how it has nothing to do with our works; but I can't figure out how to make sense of those trusting in works as slothful. How do you make sense of it? No one preaching free grace seems to have done a teaching on Matthew 25 so I'm hoping someone can enlighten me on here

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Drumaddict23 grace to receive the Hol Spirit is free of works but not free of intention. Sincerely asking whether by prayer or by seeking an answer to repentance, will cause you to be saved but with salvatiom comes an answer to your repentance. A truth of why you sin a sin or an anger. In that truth is a revealed Way of love that you have to submit to walking in, Abiding in until you are transformed to become One in love and One with love as the love enters your heart of faith. When full it will be sufficient to your belief in Jesus.

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@Drumaddict23 the works of faith are that that fills our faith. The slothful works are doing good as the gospel teaches but are really what the gospel witnesses to that you have found in repentance. The fruit of belief. The knowledge of God's Righteousness and God's Love needed to believe.

  • @crossing3790
    @crossing3790 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    There is no gnashing of teeth nor outer darkness for any born again believers.
    The first two had faith and the third did not. The third was a non believer.

  • @rededwards3479
    @rededwards3479 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am a Stock Market Investor..I also grew up having SERVANTS and know EXACTLY what mother paid them.
    Here's my interpretation of this parable. The SERVANT(Poor person, cook, janitor, maid, house keeper, handicapped, Ex-prisoner, immigrant, refugee, etc) that RECEIVED 5 TALENTS(Money) went out and TRADED(Stock Market) with the SAME(Money) and made 5 MORE(doubled his money). The SERVANT(Poor person, cook, janitor, maid, house keeper, handicapped,
    immigrant, refugee, etc) that RECEIVED 2 TALENTS(Money) did LIKEWISE(TRADED) and made 2 more. the SERVANT(Poor person, cook, janitor, maid, house keeper, handicapped, immigrant, refugee, etc) that RECEIVED 1 TALENT(Money) Buried his(Did NOT Trade). The Parable is a GIFT to the POOR. a GUIDE for the POOR and a WARNING to the POOR. How
    did the SERVANT know how to TRADE...the MASTER taught them how to TRADE..he took them down to the stock market and showed them...you don't just know how to TRADE someone has to TEACH you ..and the REASON they went out and TRADED with the SAME is because they SAW their masters SUCCESS in the STOCK market where one could double, triple, quadruple
    their money. The Master that gave them that sum of TALENTS knew they could never make any kind of living on the Salary they received so he EXPECTED them to go out and TRADE with the SAME(stock market). Think about it...March 2020 during the height of the Pandemic was the best time to have INVESTED...Marriott Hotel FELL to $45 a share, Wendys to
    $6.83, WTER $0.44, Apple $57, MGM $9, AMRS $1.33, NIO $2, etc...NOW look at all these stocks history today, quadruple, doubled, 3000%, 4000%, etc. You see all this MASSIVE Poor and Misery around the Globe ..if these POOR were taught to TRADE stocks their LIVES would be very different! They could take their Meager earnings and INVESTED it. They would have seen the Crash of March 2020 as a Buying opportunity Instead of Misery....But their MINDS and NOT tuned in ..that right beneath their
    noses TRILLIONS of dollars TRADE..and the Parable is saying that AMONG the SERVANT(poor) are 5 and 2 TALENTED Servants, there is a PORTION of MONEY set aside for them but they have to TRADE. TRADING is a Vehicle out of POVERTY for MASSES....the SERVANTs doubled their MONEY. See all those people crossing the border to get into the US ..IF they were
    taught to TRADE they would not be crossing like that..they would be DRIVING their cars legally across the boarder. When you LEARN how to TRADE wisely you have MIND Change, an attitude change..but when you DONT trade the little money you have just is NEVER enough and you panic, worry, then CRIME such as stealing, Cheating, robbing, and all those Wicked behaviors that afflict the poor start happening. Then you end up in Jail and have to pay fines and fees, penalties and restitution and EVEN WHAT YOU HAVE WILL BE TAKEN FROM YOU! Whats amazing about this parable is the GAINS made by those 2 servants were EQUAL 100% GAIN. All the SERVANT with 1 TALENT had to do was make 1 more and his percentage gain would be EQUAL. and in the stock market PERCENTAGE GAIN is what many use to decide what STOCK to purchase...why buy AMZN for $3220 when I
    can buy NIO for $2 and it go to $67 a share. 67 x $3220 = $215,740. LEARN to TRADE wisely. Now there is a ANOTHER important FIND about this Parable that I wont share yet but PROVES this story is about the STOCK MARKET. Until then ..LEARN to TRADE if you had invested back in MARCH 2020 you would be sitting pretty today. Churches need to TEACH TRADING
    to their young people..Make it Mandatory Learning in CHURCH. Happy Trading Christians!

    • @frankgordon8829
      @frankgordon8829 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maybe you should put your email address so all the poor people contact you so they can be faithful (ones who traded on Wall St.) before the Lord. And...of course you get paid whether THEY win or lose! What a deal!

  • @jackloke493
    @jackloke493 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Work hard for God's agenda.

  • @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist
    @Believe_on_the_LordJESUSChrist 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    how to know what is my talent?

    • @redskyalice2529
      @redskyalice2529 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The talent is the "assets" God has given us according to our ability (which is our skills, ability or what we define as talent today). The take away is what do we do with what we've got? If we have a car, do we give a lift to someone who doesn't have one? In church, do we say to ourselves, what can I do here to further God's Kingdom? Or do we compare ourselves to others and say we're not good enough or that God hasn't given us anything.
      So the parable is clearly about stewardship and what we do before the coming of Jesus and for which we will be accountable. The talent God has given you could be your health, your house, your job, your intellect - use it for the glory of God because it is God we gave it to us in varying measure. God bless!

  • @threeheavensmusic
    @threeheavensmusic 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Please consider that talents AKA Bible gold is knowledge. It has to be earned (tons of reading)and knowledge can be traded 1)Jesus is the resurrection…now of the just and unjust. It can take awhile to see it. In other words how I see it is you were dead in sin and trespasses but made alive through the blood of Christ.”unless you drink that blood their is no life in you” easiest to see in the spiritual resurrection of just Stephen and the unjust Jews who lied about how much they sold their property for…..that’s only a church operating in divine order, so your saved by receiving the spirit. 2) baptism of fire is a baptism of suffering that all apostles underwent(can you drink the cup I drink). 3)as we understand it you’ll just go back to the earth if you die or screw up to bad 4)you’ll be resurrected if you have the spirit to a new earth led by a Jewish ministry in roughly 1000 years.
    The last one is at the limit of my ability to see. (I’m pushing my pay grade alittle)
    Godbless! If you don’t see it put it on a shelf.

  • @bronsonvai1750
    @bronsonvai1750 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @jennifergriffin3690
    @jennifergriffin3690 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This man spoke English for about 30 minutes and never explained the meaning of the parable? Why? He doesn’t know and he hides his ignorance by using many words that leaves his audience unfulfilled. Read Matt 13 and see why this hired hand is lost.

  • @jamestruett2694
    @jamestruett2694 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Repentance is not the sinners prayer...the talents are are not what you do with your life. The sinners prayer does not save you. Faith is not practiced till it is found.
    Your entire sermon was totally blind to the meaning it reveals

    • @charlespayne5826
      @charlespayne5826 ปีที่แล้ว

      Please pray for understanding

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlespayne5826 the sinners pray is only valid if God determines you are sincere in your desire to know Jesus. But only God can make the call
      Most who say the prayer are not saved, yet the lie that they are is wrong.
      The talents are not life skills but are representative of our measures of faith. Faith is empty until filled and when it is full of the knowledge we perish for the lack of, then it gives us the reason for belief in Jesus and the Father.
      You do not believe in Jesus before salvation and you do not believe by faith before salvation. And if you receive the Holy Spirit after praying the sinners prayer you still don't believe by faith untill you fill your faith up with the knowledge found with the help of the Holy Spirit and the help of spiritual insights from the Father. So do you know how to fill up your Faith's measure of knowledge? Do you know what that specific knowledge is? Faith without works is dead...do you know what the works are?
      You can only fill your faith by walking in the Way in/of Jesus. Do you know how to walk in the Way in/of Jesus? All 7 steps!?
      The I'll pray for YOU to gain understanding.

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charlespayne5826 so I I tell you the true understanding and you say nothing. All you can say is something snobbish.and not even try to share the understanding you act like you know.. like Jesus said if you tell a man begging for food and tell him go and be fed, but give him nothing to eat. Your words are meaningless.
      At least I laid the trap and of the 3 responses you pick the snobby one, yet I give you the bread of truth and you dont even say thanks . Your an egotistical snob.

    • @sweetsue6177
      @sweetsue6177 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not entire. Your faith has to have some fruit... but you can not do anything good for God and not for yourself without understanding the Gospel and knowing God and His will.
      The talents are faith in the Gospel and believing God.

    • @jamestruett2694
      @jamestruett2694 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sweetsue6177 yes talents are the fruit of faith which gives you a proven reason to believe. But what is that proven reason based on? Knowledge... The same knowledge that we perish for the lack of. ...the knowledge of God's Righteousness and the knowledge of God's Love. The truth you find in repentance reveals God's love in truth and when you walk in the Way of love in truth and abide it will transform you to become One. Now your heart is faith filled and belief is grasped in understanding. We don't see Jesus but we see the love of the Father he reveals. Hence if the love is real, so is he who reveals.