WEBINAR 405 - Where Do You Live?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.ย. 2024
  • This video was originally broadcast on Sunday, July 31, 2022 at www.unclov.org/webinars. Join Malcolm every week for a new video. Thanks for watching!
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ความคิดเห็น • 13

  • @sellappanpalaniappan5602
    @sellappanpalaniappan5602 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Awesome - Jesus abiding in the Father and we abiding in Jesus! So, so good! Thanks Malcom for this inspiring message.

    @JCB.PSALM_23_KJV ปีที่แล้ว

    God's Goodness Brother.💜✝️🙏

  • @user-hz6kq5ob8l
    @user-hz6kq5ob8l 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you so much, Malcolm! I have my home in the Holy trinity and Heaven is now, at the right moment! Wow! I am always with my Father whether I have my body or not!

    • @russman1958
      @russman1958 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Heaven is both now and later.
      we cannot ignore that there is a later “then”we shall see him face-to-face.
      I appreciate the enormous amount of teaching from Malcolm and revealing gods love but sometimes I feel like it’s a one-sided when it comes to things about heaven & other.
      there’s always another side of the coin it’s not all one sided.
      God is here & now but he is also there in heaven.
      We cannot say he’s just here and not out there because he is out there. He is both!
      And yes we are alive in Christ “now” but then, later after death we shall see him face-to-face.
      We are not face-to-face now in it’s truest sense that it can be.
      “then” we will have a new body etc.
      if this life is all there is then that’s a horrible thought as 99% of Christians are struggling, worried, anxious, dealing with difficulties most of their lives.
      I know it is spiritual to say that Christ is our life now and that he is with us now but the reality is not many folks can live out there union with Jesus here on this earth and our earthly body because of things listed above.
      We as believers are to be looking for his return not content on this earth.
      We are strangers this is not our home.
      I understand that Christ is our life and we are alive him right now but in all honesty we don’t live in that experience 100% because of
      Our humanity, our world that is against God.
      It would be nice to make it clear that there is a heaven and this earth is not all there is.
      How discouraging that would be to all the lonely hurting people in this world.

    • @lisalu46
      @lisalu46 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@russman1958 I have to agree. Yes we are alive in Christ daily as He lives and dwells in us, but the hope of seeing Him face to face and the ceasing of the struggles of fleshy life and burdens that we must bear this side of heaven will in no way compare to the glory we shall experience when we see Him face to face and experience the shedding of these earthly vessels. “For me to live is Christ, to die is gain.” Because then we shall see Him Face to Face!
      1 Cor 13:12 That will be much more Glorious!! But for now to live IS Christ!! ALOHA KEAKUA!♥️🌺

  • @Scottydye
    @Scottydye 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I'm slowly learning that God is my loving father. Thank you Malcolm. One thing I would love to hear from you is what you believe about afterlife.

  • @DoDayDem
    @DoDayDem 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Oh I love all the background information that Malcolm gives us. Wish I lived in Bandera, Texas.

  • @allume..1524
    @allume..1524 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Amen finally the language that speaks to my Spirit...Malcolm ...endless possibilities ❤️🦋

  • @aggelostsioupros3772
    @aggelostsioupros3772 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you very much from Greece could you please answer what do these verses mean psalms 2.9 isaias 11.4 and apocalypse 12.5 in which period are the writers referring to and what do they mean

  • @jamessikes6700
    @jamessikes6700 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Malcolm may I suggest that JOHN THE disciple Jesus Loved was not John Zebedee of the 12 Disciples but was John Mark also known as Lazarus the Brother of Mary Magdalene who's father was Simon the Leper also known as Simon the Pharisee and Nicodemus. John 12:14 & 13:2 indicates that Judas Iscariot was also the Son of Simon the Leper, Pharisee, Known as Nicodemus; a Chief Ruler of the Jews seated on the Sanhedrin Council for the Tribe of Benjamin. The tribe of Benjamin was given the Blessing of Dividing the Spoil or Wealth of the Nation to the Poor and Needy by Jacob in Genesis 49:27. May I also suggest the Young Rich Ruler of Mark 10:17- 22 was John Mark and that the Leper Healed in Mark 1:40- 45 was Simon the Leper, Pharisee = Nicodemus the Father of John Mark. The Bethany Family were the First Ripe Fig Fruits of the New Covenant present at the Bethany Supper of Resurrection. Also Nathanael of John 1:43-51 who's Name means Given of God was John Mark the other Disciple of John the Baptist who Diligently followed Jesus in the New Testament Bible. The Importance of the Fig Fruit is it is the Only Tree Fruit that blossoms from the Inside outward by way of a winged wasp laying her Eggs to begin the process. A type of the Anointing of the Feminine Spirit of Holiness. There are Two Suppers recorded in the Gospels for a very good reason: the First Bethany Supper unto Resurrection through the Christ Anointing of the New and Better Covenant and the Second LAST Supper of the the Old Covenant that had found it's completeness and was no longer Needed. If a Person is part of the Bethany Family and Diligently Seeks to give Rise to Love and Good Works daily they TOO are A Beloved Disciple and a member of the Beloved Family who Bring forth the Divine Fruit of Righteousness in Thoughts, Words, and Deeds continually. The Mystery of the Gospel is Christ Jesus in you the Hope of Glory and in reality is MY-STORY , MY MISSED STORY of Who GOD the FATHER IS and Who I am in Relation to Him. Malcolm I think Our Father for you and May He give you many more years in the Physical Body to Bless and encourage His People with Divine LOVE as you are doing. AMEN

    • @wendellst2266
      @wendellst2266 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      You have written some very thought provoking things, particularly about the identity of these disciples. I’m wondering your foundation for your suggestions.
      Also, I hear you contrasting the Bethany supper with the “last” supper? That is so interesting. Anything you can point to that explores that thought further?
      The juxtaposition of those “suppers” warms my heart. There was a third supper however, with the two on the road to Emmaus, am I not correct?
      Thanks! I surely do agree the blessing that our brother Malcolm is to the body.

    • @jamessikes6700
      @jamessikes6700 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@wendellst2266 Dear Brother when it was revealed to me the meaning of the Name Bethany and the fact a Name reveals the Character of some thing or someone Wisdom and Understanding of the Bible Message became Clear. Example; Replace the word Name with Character as in there is no other Character wherein you can be saved or go to all nations and Baptize them in the Character of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and a new perspective arises. The Character Name of Bethany is two fold; the first is House of affliction and the second is House of Figs. When considering the Gospel's to me it is clear those who where Healed of their afflictions because of Gods Grace through Faith alone were the Lords true Disciples who were willing to follow Him at all cost. Example; Note what Mark 10: 21 say's about the young Rich Ruler = Then Jesus beholding him LOVED HIM and said to him; One Thing you lack, go your way and sell whatsoever you have and give to the poor and only then will you have treasure in Heaven. The Disciple Jesus LOVED Lazarus = John Mark. Example two Mark 1: 40-45 The Leper Cleansed Note verse 41 and Jesus Moved with Compassion touched him and he was made Clean. It is a Fact the first Gospel written was Mark and could it be Mark is in fact John Mark also known as Lazarus the first Beloved Disciple Jesus Raised from the Dead. Mark 1: 29- 34 The House Jesus entered after leaving the physical synagogue was the House of Simon; Could this Simon be Simon the Leper and could Simon's Wife be Martha the Sister of Mary who Jesus cast out unclean spirits. As you read Marks Gospel you see Marks Good New Story is a Family Affair. Matthew 12: 46-50 Clearly shows the true Spiritual Family consists of those who are Anointed with the Christ Consciousness within and those who are willing to present them self as Living Sacrifices Daily in the Secret Place of the Most High in Prayerful Meditation. Psalms 91 As for the Emmaus Supper in Luke 24 it is the True Lord's Supper that takes place in Spirit and Truth and is not a Physical Meal as was the Last Pass over Supper. Most Christians fail go inward in the Secret Place and have personal Communion Face to Face with the Lord in his Spirit Form as did the Two Disciplined Disciples on the Emmaus journey. Read Hebrew 9:28 and note Jesus came the first time in Physical Form to deal with sin but Appears the second time unto Salvation any time you will allow Him To set with you in communication Communion in common unity Daily. The Bible promise is you will receive Divine Wisdom and Understanding, Counsel and Power, Knowledge and Fear of the LORD when the Mystery of the Christ Anointing is In You The Hope Of Glory so Go to your Inner Being and you will find the Answers. Isaih 11:1-4 Colossians 1:26-27 Glad to be of Help. Grace faith hope and Divine charity to you AMEN

  • @FroehleVideos
    @FroehleVideos 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To KNOW our SEAMLESS UNION with the FATHER! 🤍🤍🤍