5:55 "sometimes 200 or 300 years later." Nope, sorry, the last book to be written was Revelation/Apocalypse by John by the end of the first century. No new books in the New Testament were written after 100 AD.
At 7:08 In Christianity, Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath, and that we worship on the Lord's Day. And that we still rest on the Sabbath. That is from my research from reading the King James Version. P.S. Catholicism is Paganism, not True Monotheistic Christianity.
The story in exodus doesn't say that Moses parted the Red sea; that's an early mistranslation. The Hebrew words used are "yam sufh", which translates to "sea of reeds". I constantly see videos such as this get that wrong.
Monotheism does not have its roots in Egypt. All people on the earth are descendants of Noah after the flood. Therefore, the Egyptians got their monotheistic beliefs from the same place everyone else got them.
Qwasimoto Q Hagar a Egyptian slave girl her son Yishma'el "God pays attention" ADONAI sufas, He will be a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen. The roots of Islam derived from him not Yudism. BaRuach HaShem ☸
All messengers of Allah God from Noah to mohamad peace and blessings be upon all of them were sent by their Lord in order to worship him alone and they all invited people to monotheism so Monotheism didn't begin from Moses nor Jesus or even Mohamad but it was always the purpose of sending messengers to people, may Allah guide us to the straight path.
Yes in one of the hadith, there was over 124000 prophets were sended throughout all nations and Countries to Worship One God and Nabi Muhammad PBUH is the last seal of all Prophets.
Others, just for the record: >Druzism >Sikhism >Baha'i >Cheondoism >Caodaism >Some forms of indigenous/shamanistic religion >Wicca (really - ultimately the god and the goddess are two parts of one non-gendered supreme being/reality) > Samaritanism >Zoroastrianism >Atenism (still part of Rosicrucianism) *Some would say that Zoroastrianism is dualism, but only one of the two opposite entities are worshiped and sought *Some say that Hinduism is monotheistic - but in that it has hundreds (or more) of gods and goddesses and three separate Supreme Powers seems to refute this... Still all gods and goddesses are considered mere aspects, emanations, or avatars/atavisms of a supreme oneness... Even the Three Supreme Entities are considered ultimately ONE - technically "Henotheism."
Zoroastrians also worship gods called amesha spentas AKA zoroastrian angels but they aren't treated as gods in the same sense as the main god Ahura Mazda. It gets really tricky and confusing on determining whether zoroastrianism is truly monotheistic due to the treatment of zoroastrian angels. And Angra Mainyu isn't a god. He is an antigod.
You didn't really detail the history. You should go into the idea that Monotheism actually came out of polytheism. It is actually a really interesting subject; the way you have these multiple Gods and subsequent fanatics whom decide accordingly that their God is the true God and begin by attributing the feats of other Gods to their God. The feats of Marduk, Enlil and Enki were transferred to Yahweh for example, and the feats of Tiamat and again Enki and Enlil additionally were transferred to Satan.
im a catholic and i met an islam also, but for me i love and i respect all of religions in this world, because whether they are telling whos there god, i love them all also because i know! Only the god who made us all alive will also protect us to be happy and all caring for each others!
islam and judaism are the only strictly monotheist, even though sufis and orthodox do tawassul of saints not prophets. they still have tawheed. Xtians are close like zorastrians, but the trinity is associating partners with Allah [elohi] just like the magians use the fire for the same purpose some scholars said the magians were like or were ahlul kitabs [people of scripture]
james franklin ur confused by christian liturgy. in islam these characters and not deified at all! lucifer isnt even a fallen angel just a racist iblis. u clearly have not read the Qur'an never mind the hadith. i did agree with u in that christians associate partners with Allah. jews also commit shirk by saying they are one and the same with Allah [chosen ppl] and that he is in them. only muslims are on tawheed u need to do ur research man
There is a difference between unitarian monotheists (Jews and Muslims) and trinitarian monotheists (Christians). They all affirm there is only One God in all of existence (Christians and Jews call him Yahweh, Muslims call him Allah). Please read on this and inform yourself.
One problem with polytheism is that part of God's definition is omnipotence. Therefore if two Gods exist, what happens when God 1 wants X and God 2 wants not X? Either one is forced to copy the other, or they are both forced to copy a third thing. Also both would be omniscient and therefore completely aware of each other's thoughts. This might make them the same mind.
In zoroastrism ahura mazda the good god is aware of the evil god aharman or angri maiyun but he is not aware of the good god at first until ahura mazda reveals himself to him which aharman didnt like or accept,so they go to war with rach other,ahura mazda creates good animals and plants and aharman creates evil animals and bad plants etc.
gee wonder why god would say that the descendant of ishmael would be blessed as well, just for them to hate and harm their fellow brothers and sisters like cane n able and give jews n christians a hard time?
Monotheism as known in the West, i.e., the belief in a Most High God who is also the Creator, is a wrong conception. In order to prove this one has just to ask one question where does creation occurs? If it occurs in the Most High than at the moment of creation God changes and this begs the existence of a principle of his mutability greater than him. Which is impossible. If creation occurs outside of God, then added to him it will result in an entity greater than God which is also impossible. So true the true monotheism is the African one: the doctrine of a Supreme Being throning above lower divinities that are but his manifestations. This is a demonstrable scientific monotheism which can be proven this way: 1. The individual nature of this temporal universe implies the existence of an individual creator now the individual nature of the Creator, it cause. 2. The individual nature of this cause implies the existence of similar causes that are at least potentially creative. 3. In the hypothesis that each creation is included in its creator, there is a being that includes the some total all these creators. This being is thus the greatest possible being, i.e., the Most High. 4. The Most High is indivisible. Otherwise there might a principle of his divisibility greater than him, which is impossible. 5. As an manifestation of an individuality included in the indivisible God, each creator expresses the fullness of God in an individual manner. We call this fullness the Logos. This argument has been extended by our initiatory academy NZIL'ALOWA as to include all the essential doctrines of solar religion. Does the theism thus demonstrated correspond to the African one? Our answer is YES . In thus theism we have: a transcendent God, a creator, and a Logos acting in the creator. This corresponds to: * Ancient Egypt: Sole Lord, Atom, Ptah. Kôngo: Nzâmbi Ampûngu Tulêndo, Mbûmba Lowa, Mpina Nza Vodun: Nana Buluku, Mawu Lisa, and the fact that Mawu Lisa is make and femelle expresses the presence of the Logos in him. Etc. As explained by my academy NZIL'ALOWA, African traditional religion is in reality an EXACT SCIENCE. True monotheism and true religion came from Africa. The Western civilization distorted monotheism and made of this religion a mere speculation. Dr Luyaluka.
Nice video. Read all the comments and my friends +Enigma mnh, +zcholan,+laurence bellinger and I am from Sufism family and my thinking is before talking about weather Muslims are correct or christens… who comes from whom... That doesn’t matter the thing which matters is humanity and on the top of every Religion is The religion called humanity.... what Mohammad(Saw) were doing serving people, helping others, Giving respect to the poor people and on a top of that Honestly etc etc. What jesses were doing the same thing. We should learn from their life’s and tries to use in over day to day life. One thought in Hindi which I liked a lot “Karam ka hi nam Dhram hai(means Deeds is the name of religion)”. We are not thinking what makes them special there are many prophets or Son of God sanded by god but why we are following or I would say believing on few of them. Why so?? Only few? There are approximate 124000 prophet came but we hardly know few of them why so?? Because that few grate personality did that job which remaining couldn’t that’s why and we cannot follow everything what they were doing but at least something which we can do in our day to day life like Helping others, Telling truth, respecting elders as well as youngsters, helping poor people. I think this things are really important than talking about Religions. you all are correct on you way but i am thinking on that ways which i explaned..
Yishma'el cheim mems " Allah p'shat attention " B'RESHEET 16:11 He will be a wild donkey of a man, weh his hand against me'al anch me'al hand against him, livah his lifeh at odds weh allah his kinsmen. BaRuach HaShem ☸
And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): No,, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters. (135) Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. (136) That is the text of Qur'an chapter 2 , verses 135 and 136. Which clearly states Muslims follow the religious guides that are named above. Islam is not a new religion it is only a confirmation of the past ones . Only thing it made it clear , concise, and with no contradictions. Now those prophets/ guides / reformers / or democratic leaders : whatever you want to call them. Yes democratic leaders because they said there is only One One God and One Humanity, and no one is superior to the other but by good deeds, and to love one another as you want to be loved , that is democracy at its best. So now Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses and Jesus , what were they : Jews? Or Christians ? , We Muslims follow them .We MAKE NO DISTINCTION between any of them. That is the gist of Mohammed 's message. It is so UNIFYING. the masses, the traditions, and all, and it reforms us to a better humanity.
Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Purity) In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One. (Al-Ikhlas 112:1) "Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). (Al-Ikhlas 112:2) "He begets not, nor was He begotten; (Al-Ikhlas 112:3) "And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." (Al-Ikhlas 112:4)
@@chitrang2441 Is Islam a Disease? No, ISIS is a Disease. Please do not call Islam a Disease. Because if you said Judaism, You would be Destroyed by everyone, including myself
Judaism and Islam are monotheism religion except christianity is not monotheism religion. Because christian associated god as father and jesus as son of god.
Islam didn't come from Christianity. Christianity came from Judaism, but Christianity didn't start the religion Islam. Mohammad started Islam. Not Christians. Jewish people (Jesus, Peter, John, etc.) started Christianity hence the word 'Christ' meaning the messiah. "Jesus is the Christ." Sayings like that. Sometimes we ought to study the Old + New Testament and see what they actually say. Then actually study the quran. If we do that we wouldn't be ignorant of what these religious books teaches. After looking into the quran and the Bible (Old testament 'Torah' and the New Testament). The Quran contradicts the bible. The Christian book is like a sequel to the jewish book, yet the Muslim's book scraps the 2 previous books making a new religion, yet keeping the same characters. This is my analogy of these 3 monotheistic religion and their relations. What do you think of this?
Well now you have another contradiction. In the Torah and the Christian Bible it says that God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, yet in the Quran; it says that satan deceived Abraham to try to kill his son Isaac, but luckily he didn't because of God or an angel told him to stop. Which is it? Did God or did satan tell Abraham to kill his son? They're the same character, but with different conflicts. Which one is true? The Abraham in the Bible or the Abraham in the quran? You see there is a contradictory in the Jewish and Christian religious book to the Islam book.
zcholan First, Quran doesn't say Isaac was the one whom Abraham wanted to sacrifice. It was Ishmael. The full story in the Quran states that one night Abraham had a vision of him killing Ishmael, and he was well aware it was an order from God. In fact, that was a test from God to see how loyal Abraham was. Satan took the chance and formed into a man and began talking to Abraham and basically making him feel bad about how God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son, but as soon as Abraham made his mind and prepared to kill Ishmael, God sent down a big lamb to honor Abraham's loyalty and Abraham never killed his son. So, there is no contradiction. It's just how you interpret the story and perceive it.
The old testament says it was Isaac not Ismael. There's the contradiction. Oh I will never deny Jesus Christ as my Lord, king, God in the flesh, master, and savior. The Holy Spirit, the third person of God indwells in me and all Christ followers. I know you're little mahdi and 'Jesus' that tell Christians they were all wrong, but I tell you. When the real Jesus Christ comes back, the dead in Christ will rise first then the living in Christ will rise also into the clouds that we will meet our Lord and savior. Nothing will tear me apart from Jesus Christ, Whom is God in flesh. Crucified, killed, dead, and resurrected on the third day. I am a Christian. I have eternal life in Christ. Nothing can tear me apart from God's grace by my faith in Jesus Christ only atonement of my sins. Respect my belief. You can't say it's wrong because it's my belief. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and he's my Lord and savior.
zcholan "In the name of The God, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Say: Oh you who turn away I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. And I will not worship what you worship, Nor will you worship what I worship. Your way is yours, and my way is mine." Surah:109 That is my reply to you regarding your assumption that I don't respect your belief. I do. I have no right to disrespect what others believe in; that's what my religion teaches me. But as you spelled out what you think is going to happen, let me give you insight into what I believe is going to happen. I do believe God is one. I do believe that Jesus was a great man. In fact, he probably was among the greatest of those to ever walk on the face of the earth. I do believe he is the "Messiah". The word of God which was cast into the virgin Mary may God be pleased with her. But I don't believe in any way he was divine. I believe he was a great prophet, and that when the jews wanted to crucify him, God saved him and brought him to the heavens and he never died. God made it appear to them that he was crucified but he never was!. I believe towards the end of the world, he'll come back on the wings of two angels with water dropping down from his hair, so beautiful and that he will complete what he was sent for in the first place, that God is one and he is all powerful, all mighty, and so merciful that he wouldn't punish all mankind for a sin they never committed and to whom the only way of salvation is believing in his oneness. "Say: He is The God, the One and Only; The God, the Eternal, Absolute; He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him." To whom salvation is doing good deeds, refraining from sins, believing in him, in his messengers and prophets such as (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, John the baptist, Jesus, Muhammad), in his angels, in his books, in heaven, and hellfire. If you mull over it, you will notice your religion is named after Jesus christ, judaism after Judah. Both have gained their names from persons whereas Islam and muslims they point out more of a trait rather than merely a name. Islam simply means submission to God. So being a Muslim means you have submitted yourself to the one true God, hence we believe all the past prophets such as Abraham were Muslims simply because they submitted themselves to The God. Likewise, respect my belief.
Enigma mnh man, makes perfect sense...like i say Christ and God (Jehovah) aren't Christians...merely a title, it's more about the practice not the name...at least that was the intended purpose....Islam is a definition of a series of words like saying to "fast" means "an act of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time" so it's like saying Islam means "to submit to God"....I never thought about it like you put it, that, in essence....Jesus is a Muslim, a submissive servant of God...I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and like i have to tell folks look past the "name" and look at what's being defined....Jehovah's Witness, a person who testifies about God's glory, Jehovah...so thus in essence, like i tell people, by definition Jesus Christ was a Jehovah's Witness, in fact the ultimate witness to God's glory, since he's the only-begotten son according to the faith of Christianity...So in the same sense as people of my upbringing can call Jesus a Jehovah's Witness, so can members of Islam call him Muslim since these titles are tied in definition and principle, not a name of someone or moniker...not to be disrespectful....but i loved your reply, when one operates in spirit over religion, they tend to see the bigger picture in this thing called faith of a said God.
simple short and netral video, without flamming and blamming
nice job
Yeah. Too many internet atheists are just biased annoying idiots who are nothing but insults and present nothing new to the table.
@alshegaaa600 Thank you for the correction, I won't make that mistake again.
A small correction. It is IMAM which means leader, whereas IMAN means faith
All I need to say as a Muslim is thank you so much and i respect the effort❤️❤️
5:55 "sometimes 200 or 300 years later." Nope, sorry, the last book to be written was Revelation/Apocalypse by John by the end of the first century. No new books in the New Testament were written after 100 AD.
Which John ;,, oh yeah “ the other John “ ,,, well the real John please stand up , not you Mark ,, take a seat .
Very well done. Gonna recommend you to a few of my buddies. Keep on educating. Knowledge is power.
JEWS CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS SHOULD unite even though we are different
Imam is the leader
Iman means "believe"
What's that song on the opening ?, Sounds calming...
At 7:08 In Christianity, Jesus fulfilled the Sabbath, and that we worship on the Lord's Day. And that we still rest on the Sabbath. That is from my research from reading the King James Version.
P.S. Catholicism is Paganism, not True Monotheistic Christianity.
Cameron Kiesser Q Sh'mot 33:14 Yah'Adonai answered, " Set your mem at rest my presence will go with you, after all. BaRuach HaShem ☸✡✝🕎🛐🔯
Shabbat Tov
How did the Hebrews become monotheistic?
The story in exodus doesn't say that Moses parted the Red sea; that's an early mistranslation. The Hebrew words used are "yam sufh", which translates to "sea of reeds". I constantly see videos such as this get that wrong.
Monotheism has it ultimate roots in Egypt with Pharoah Ankhenaten.
Here4Years yes he believed in the god aten ankhne means worshipers of aten, i am from Egypt so i like to know my history
Monotheism does not have its roots in Egypt. All people on the earth are descendants of Noah after the flood. Therefore, the Egyptians got their monotheistic beliefs from the same place everyone else got them.
@@johndoss483 No awe or Gilgamesh? Being they are cryptomnesic in nature .
The bible says so. The servant's name was Haggai and she bore Abraham a son who was named Ishmael.
Qwasimoto Q Hagar a Egyptian slave girl her son Yishma'el "God pays attention" ADONAI sufas, He will be a wild donkey of a man, with his hand against everyone and everyone's hand against him, living his life at odds with all his kinsmen. The roots of Islam derived from him not Yudism. BaRuach HaShem ☸
Qwasimoto Q B'RESHEET 16:11-12
All messengers of Allah God from Noah to mohamad peace and blessings be upon all of them were sent by their Lord in order to worship him alone and they all invited people to monotheism so Monotheism didn't begin from Moses nor Jesus or even Mohamad but it was always the purpose of sending messengers to people, may Allah guide us to the straight path.
From Adam (AS ) to Muhammad (P.B.U.H)
Yes in one of the hadith, there was over 124000 prophets were sended throughout all nations and Countries to Worship One God and Nabi Muhammad PBUH is the last seal of all Prophets.
Great work, Thanks!
i spent 2 hours this morning watching your videos prior to the regents... i think i love you
I am amazed by your videos. I love them!
Others, just for the record:
>Some forms of indigenous/shamanistic religion
>Wicca (really - ultimately the god and the goddess are two parts of one non-gendered supreme being/reality)
> Samaritanism
>Atenism (still part of Rosicrucianism)
*Some would say that Zoroastrianism is dualism, but only one of the two opposite entities are worshiped and sought
*Some say that Hinduism is monotheistic - but in that it has hundreds (or more) of gods and goddesses and three separate Supreme Powers seems to refute this... Still all gods and goddesses are considered mere aspects, emanations, or avatars/atavisms of a supreme oneness... Even the Three Supreme Entities are considered ultimately ONE - technically "Henotheism."
Zoroastrians also worship gods called amesha spentas AKA zoroastrian angels but they aren't treated as gods in the same sense as the main god Ahura Mazda. It gets really tricky and confusing on determining whether zoroastrianism is truly monotheistic due to the treatment of zoroastrian angels. And Angra Mainyu isn't a god. He is an antigod.
@@frankbader7902 true points... thank you
Why is it considered that christanity id a monotheistic religion?
I liked the video. Just one thing Abraham's son had nothing to do with making the covenant. Just a note.
this holy good fucking video deserves definitely more attention
very well explained
You didn't really detail the history. You should go into the idea that Monotheism actually came out of polytheism. It is actually a really interesting subject; the way you have these multiple Gods and subsequent fanatics whom decide accordingly that their God is the true God and begin by attributing the feats of other Gods to their God. The feats of Marduk, Enlil and Enki were transferred to Yahweh for example, and the feats of Tiamat and again Enki and Enlil additionally were transferred to Satan.
u dumb boi
im a catholic and i met an islam also, but for me i love and i respect all of religions in this world, because whether they are telling whos there god, i love them all also because i know! Only the god who made us all alive will also protect us to be happy and all caring for each others!
Ah man, no shout out for the Yazidi?
luv your vids
my ancestors practised monotheistic religion i am very proud
islam and judaism are the only strictly monotheist, even though sufis and orthodox do tawassul of saints not prophets. they still have tawheed. Xtians are close like zorastrians, but the trinity is associating partners with Allah [elohi] just like the magians use the fire for the same purpose
some scholars said the magians were like or were ahlul kitabs [people of scripture]
james franklin ur confused by christian liturgy. in islam these characters and not deified at all! lucifer isnt even a fallen angel just a racist iblis. u clearly have not read the Qur'an never mind the hadith. i did agree with u in that christians associate partners with Allah. jews also commit shirk by saying they are one and the same with Allah [chosen ppl] and that he is in them. only muslims are on tawheed u need to do ur research man
There is a difference between unitarian monotheists (Jews and Muslims) and trinitarian monotheists (Christians). They all affirm there is only One God in all of existence (Christians and Jews call him Yahweh, Muslims call him Allah). Please read on this and inform yourself.
Also Mecca was “conquered” by prophet Muhammed with no violence
One problem with polytheism is that part of God's definition is omnipotence. Therefore if two Gods exist, what happens when God 1 wants X and God 2 wants not X? Either one is forced to copy the other, or they are both forced to copy a third thing.
Also both would be omniscient and therefore completely aware of each other's thoughts. This might make them the same mind.
In zoroastrism ahura mazda the good god is aware of the evil god aharman or angri maiyun but he is not aware of the good god at first until ahura mazda reveals himself to him which aharman didnt like or accept,so they go to war with rach other,ahura mazda creates good animals and plants and aharman creates evil animals and bad plants etc.
I think Zoroastrianism and Sikhism shud have been included
Its called the "imam" not the "Iman"
And what about Christian Orthodox? You don't even mention it.
gee wonder why god would say that the descendant of ishmael would be blessed as well, just for them to hate and harm their fellow brothers and sisters like cane n able and give jews n christians a hard time?
Judaism came from Saudi Arabia not from the Levant
read the book : the bible came from Arabia
Oh, if it's in a book it has to be right
Monotheism as known in the West, i.e., the belief in a Most High God who is also the Creator, is a wrong conception.
In order to prove this one has just to ask one question where does creation occurs? If it occurs in the Most High than at the moment of creation God changes and this begs the existence of a principle of his mutability greater than him. Which is impossible.
If creation occurs outside of God, then added to him it will result in an entity greater than God which is also impossible.
So true the true monotheism is the African one: the doctrine of a Supreme Being throning above lower divinities that are but his manifestations.
This is a demonstrable scientific monotheism which can be proven this way:
1. The individual nature of this temporal universe implies the existence of an individual creator now the individual nature of the Creator, it cause.
2. The individual nature of this cause implies the existence of similar causes that are at least potentially creative.
3. In the hypothesis that each creation is included in its creator, there is a being that includes the some total all these creators. This being is thus the greatest possible being, i.e., the Most High.
4. The Most High is indivisible. Otherwise there might a principle of his divisibility greater than him, which is impossible.
5. As an manifestation of an individuality included in the indivisible God, each creator expresses the fullness of God in an individual manner. We call this fullness the Logos.
This argument has been extended by our initiatory academy NZIL'ALOWA as to include all the essential doctrines of solar religion.
Does the theism thus demonstrated correspond to the African one? Our answer is YES .
In thus theism we have: a transcendent God, a creator, and a Logos acting in the creator. This corresponds to:
* Ancient Egypt: Sole Lord, Atom, Ptah.
Kôngo: Nzâmbi Ampûngu Tulêndo, Mbûmba Lowa, Mpina Nza
Vodun: Nana Buluku, Mawu Lisa, and the fact that Mawu Lisa is make and femelle expresses the presence of the Logos in him. Etc.
As explained by my academy NZIL'ALOWA, African traditional religion is in reality an EXACT SCIENCE. True monotheism and true religion came from Africa. The Western civilization distorted monotheism and made of this religion a mere speculation.
Dr Luyaluka.
Nice video. Read all the comments and my friends +Enigma mnh, +zcholan,+laurence bellinger and I am from Sufism family and my thinking is before talking about weather Muslims are correct or christens… who comes from whom... That doesn’t matter the thing which matters is humanity and on the top of every Religion is The religion called humanity.... what Mohammad(Saw) were doing serving people, helping others, Giving respect to the poor people and on a top of that Honestly etc etc. What jesses were doing the same thing. We should learn from their life’s and tries to use in over day to day life. One thought in Hindi which I liked a lot “Karam ka hi nam Dhram hai(means Deeds is the name of religion)”. We are not thinking what makes them special there are many prophets or Son of God sanded by god but why we are following or I would say believing on few of them. Why so?? Only few? There are approximate 124000 prophet came but we hardly know few of them why so?? Because that few grate personality did that job which remaining couldn’t that’s why and we cannot follow everything what they were doing but at least something which we can do in our day to day life like Helping others, Telling truth, respecting elders as well as youngsters, helping poor people. I think this things are really important than talking about Religions. you all are correct on you way but i am thinking on that ways which i explaned..
The Muslims believe that Abraham had a son with one of his servants and that that kid became the forefather of all Arabs. His name was Emanuel ;)
AbselutlyNobody Q Yishma'el
Yishma'el cheim mems " Allah p'shat attention " B'RESHEET 16:11 He will be a wild donkey of a man, weh his hand against me'al anch me'al hand against him, livah his lifeh at odds weh allah his kinsmen. BaRuach HaShem ☸
EL Derado is a seeming fit ,, or even EL Camino
By the way, muslim used to pray facing Jerusalem
Well thanks for the big warm fuzzy! Hope you kicked some regents ass. Geography...baby food!
Christianity is Trinity not monotheism.
And they say: Be Jews or Christians, then ye will be rightly guided. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): No,, but (we follow) the religion of Abraham, the upright, and he was not of the idolaters. (135) Say (O Muslims): We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. (136)
That is the text of Qur'an chapter 2 , verses 135 and 136.
Which clearly states Muslims follow the religious guides that are named above. Islam is not a new religion it is only a confirmation of the past ones . Only thing it made it clear , concise, and with no contradictions.
Now those prophets/ guides / reformers / or democratic leaders : whatever you want to call them. Yes democratic leaders because they said there is only One One God and One Humanity, and no one is superior to the other but by good deeds, and to love one another as you want to be loved , that is democracy at its best.
So now Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses and Jesus , what were they : Jews? Or Christians ? , We Muslims follow them .We MAKE NO DISTINCTION between any of them. That is the gist of Mohammed 's message. It is so UNIFYING. the masses, the traditions, and all, and it reforms us to a better humanity.
Surah Al-Ikhlas (The Purity)
In the Name of Allâh, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful
Say (O Muhammad (Peace be upon him)): "He is Allâh, (the) One. (Al-Ikhlas 112:1)
"Allâh-us-Samad (The Self-Sufficient Master, Whom all creatures need, He neither eats nor drinks). (Al-Ikhlas 112:2)
"He begets not, nor was He begotten; (Al-Ikhlas 112:3)
"And there is none co-equal or comparable unto Him." (Al-Ikhlas 112:4)
monotheism = a big ego in the sky
i thought this was a fortnite video
monotheism is one of the most stupid ideas humanity ever came up with
i appreciate your explanation of terrorism in islam. this shows me that your are aware of whats going on. extremely credible!! keep up the good work
You've got to be kidding... Lunatic
I meant to the commercial is ridiculous I thought I was writing on the commercial sorry
That's funny, cheers for clarifying
@Raymond Crittenden so are you like “ anti-wage “ . The church itself is tax free, so give & take take is @ play with everyday livelihood.
islam was and still is warfaing it never stopped
Islam is shit..disease
Is Islam a Disease? No, ISIS is a Disease.
Please do not call Islam a Disease.
Because if you said Judaism, You would be Destroyed by everyone, including myself
Judaism and Islam are monotheism religion except christianity is not monotheism religion. Because christian associated god as father and jesus as son of god.
its forms of god
Where's Scientology ? :)
3 yet one ????????????????? HOw monothestic???
Islam didn't come from Christianity. Christianity came from Judaism, but Christianity didn't start the religion Islam. Mohammad started Islam. Not Christians. Jewish people (Jesus, Peter, John, etc.) started Christianity hence the word 'Christ' meaning the messiah. "Jesus is the Christ." Sayings like that. Sometimes we ought to study the Old + New Testament and see what they actually say. Then actually study the quran. If we do that we wouldn't be ignorant of what these religious books teaches.
After looking into the quran and the Bible (Old testament 'Torah' and the New Testament). The Quran contradicts the bible. The Christian book is like a sequel to the jewish book, yet the Muslim's book scraps the 2 previous books making a new religion, yet keeping the same characters. This is my analogy of these 3 monotheistic religion and their relations. What do you think of this?
Well now you have another contradiction. In the Torah and the Christian Bible it says that God told Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac, yet in the Quran; it says that satan deceived Abraham to try to kill his son Isaac, but luckily he didn't because of God or an angel told him to stop. Which is it? Did God or did satan tell Abraham to kill his son? They're the same character, but with different conflicts. Which one is true? The Abraham in the Bible or the Abraham in the quran? You see there is a contradictory in the Jewish and Christian religious book to the Islam book.
zcholan First, Quran doesn't say Isaac was the one whom Abraham wanted to sacrifice. It was Ishmael. The full story in the Quran states that one night Abraham had a vision of him killing Ishmael, and he was well aware it was an order from God. In fact, that was a test from God to see how loyal Abraham was. Satan took the chance and formed into a man and began talking to Abraham and basically making him feel bad about how God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son, but as soon as Abraham made his mind and prepared to kill Ishmael, God sent down a big lamb to honor Abraham's loyalty and Abraham never killed his son. So, there is no contradiction. It's just how you interpret the story and perceive it.
The old testament says it was Isaac not Ismael. There's the contradiction. Oh I will never deny Jesus Christ as my Lord, king, God in the flesh, master, and savior. The Holy Spirit, the third person of God indwells in me and all Christ followers. I know you're little mahdi and 'Jesus' that tell Christians they were all wrong, but I tell you. When the real Jesus Christ comes back, the dead in Christ will rise first then the living in Christ will rise also into the clouds that we will meet our Lord and savior. Nothing will tear me apart from Jesus Christ, Whom is God in flesh. Crucified, killed, dead, and resurrected on the third day. I am a Christian. I have eternal life in Christ. Nothing can tear me apart from God's grace by my faith in Jesus Christ only atonement of my sins. Respect my belief. You can't say it's wrong because it's my belief. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh and he's my Lord and savior.
zcholan "In the name of The God, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Say: Oh you who turn away
I do not worship what you worship,
nor do you worship what I worship.
And I will not worship what you worship,
Nor will you worship what I worship.
Your way is yours, and my way is mine." Surah:109
That is my reply to you regarding your assumption that I don't respect your belief. I do. I have no right to disrespect what others believe in; that's what my religion teaches me. But as you spelled out what you think is going to happen, let me give you insight into what I believe is going to happen. I do believe God is one. I do believe that Jesus was a great man. In fact, he probably was among the greatest of those to ever walk on the face of the earth. I do believe he is the "Messiah". The word of God which was cast into the virgin Mary may God be pleased with her. But I don't believe in any way he was divine. I believe he was a great prophet, and that when the jews wanted to crucify him, God saved him and brought him to the heavens and he never died. God made it appear to them that he was crucified but he never was!. I believe towards the end of the world, he'll come back on the wings of two angels with water dropping down from his hair, so beautiful and that he will complete what he was sent for in the first place, that God is one and he is all powerful, all mighty, and so merciful that he wouldn't punish all mankind for a sin they never committed and to whom the only way of salvation is believing in his oneness. "Say: He is The God, the One and Only;
The God, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him." To whom salvation is doing good deeds, refraining from sins, believing in him, in his messengers and prophets such as (Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Moses, John the baptist, Jesus, Muhammad), in his angels, in his books, in heaven, and hellfire. If you mull over it, you will notice your religion is named after Jesus christ, judaism after Judah. Both have gained their names from persons whereas Islam and muslims they point out more of a trait rather than merely a name. Islam simply means submission to God. So being a Muslim means you have submitted yourself to the one true God, hence we believe all the past prophets such as Abraham were Muslims simply because they submitted themselves to The God. Likewise, respect my belief.
Enigma mnh man, makes perfect sense...like i say Christ and God (Jehovah) aren't Christians...merely a title, it's more about the practice not the name...at least that was the intended purpose....Islam is a definition of a series of words like saying to "fast" means "an act of willing abstinence or reduction from certain or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time" so it's like saying Islam means "to submit to God"....I never thought about it like you put it, that, in essence....Jesus is a Muslim, a submissive servant of God...I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness and like i have to tell folks look past the "name" and look at what's being defined....Jehovah's Witness, a person who testifies about God's glory, Jehovah...so thus in essence, like i tell people, by definition Jesus Christ was a Jehovah's Witness, in fact the ultimate witness to God's glory, since he's the only-begotten son according to the faith of Christianity...So in the same sense as people of my upbringing can call Jesus a Jehovah's Witness, so can members of Islam call him Muslim since these titles are tied in definition and principle, not a name of someone or moniker...not to be disrespectful....but i loved your reply, when one operates in spirit over religion, they tend to see the bigger picture in this thing called faith of a said God.
Jesus is the only truth.Everything is a lie from Hell..............