Why Don't You Talk To Your PARENTS Anymore?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ก.ย. 2024
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ความคิดเห็น • 120

  • @michaeloverton04
    @michaeloverton04 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    "All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids." - my parents.

  • @darthcravus
    @darthcravus 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +151

    As a wise man once said family don't start in blood. Don't end there either

    • @jessieselvey3320
      @jessieselvey3320 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      Blood makes you related. Loyalty makes you family.

    • @1ronic262
      @1ronic262 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Dean Winchester and Bobby Singer

    • @xanderunderwoods3363
      @xanderunderwoods3363 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

  • @mgen278
    @mgen278 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +196

    When I was in foster care (because of my egg donor) the shrink told me “You don’t have to talk to people or have them in your life because they’re related to you” …this was in the 1980’s, so very progressive thinking at the time & probably a big no-no for her to say to me. She had met my egg donor so I figured she knew what she was talking about. I haven’t spoken to my EG in 30+yrs & never regretted it. Family is the one you make with friends & other loved ones & you all have a family out there waiting for you❤ So if your relatives suck, drop them, for your own mental health & make your family 😊

    • @canisXpolaris
      @canisXpolaris 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      As the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb

    • @kimhohlmayer7018
      @kimhohlmayer7018 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Amen! Family are the people you love who love you back.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I can totally relate to this! One of my older sisters and I had a rough time getting along. My mom (not hers but we share the same dad) knew about these issues and told me to ask myself "If she wasn't my sister, would I be friends with her?". That put things into perspective. When I finally cut my toxic sister out of my life, it was an instant relief and I had wished I did it sooner.

    • @jackieraulerson2005
      @jackieraulerson2005 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Shrink steered you right.

    • @shaylenef21
      @shaylenef21 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It’s been hard but this is what I’m doing. 3 years no contact

  • @AutisticBearLover
    @AutisticBearLover 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +53

    I stopped talking to my “father” when he showed no emotion at all when I finally came out to him about csa. He just sat there, then said “Oh well don’t let it ruin you.”
    It broke me. It honestly hurt so much worse because when my little sister came out about her csa, he dropped everything and drove to another state to be with her. And although I’m grateful though he showed her actual comfort and support, it just hurt so much knowing that he would never do the same with me.
    I haven’t spoken to him since last May, and it’ll be nearly a full year since I cut him out of my life. I’ve been so much happier and feel better. Even remembered some old stuff that helps me feel better about cutting him out. But yeah, that was the final straw.

    • @joelheath2746
      @joelheath2746 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I’m sorry. That’s how my mom was. I hate when “parents” choose favorites, unless it’s all of their kids.

  • @18videowatcher41
    @18videowatcher41 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +106

    I no longer speak to my dad because he never paid what he was supposed to for child support, and bitched about having to pay at all. He would also always talk shit about my mom who was and still is amazing. I survived brain cancer at 15 and missed a year of school. After I went back, I also did online courses in order to catch up. Through hard work I was able to graduate on time. After my graduation ceremony he told me he was proud of me. I learned later from his at-the-time girlfriend, who was like a second mother to me, that he was surprised I graduated. Not that I graduated on time in spite of the setbacks I faced. But surprised that I graduated high school at all. And this coming from a guy who dropped out at 16. Then, when I was finally ready for university, I ask for financial assistance and sent him a copy of my acceptance letter. Which he then accused me of forging. Not only did I get in, but I managed to graduate with honors and get my undergraduate degree in psychology.

  • @JoeFabeets
    @JoeFabeets 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    18 years of abuse made me stop talking to my parents

  • @silverraigirideviluke
    @silverraigirideviluke 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +26

    My mother had already been a terrible person for a long time and we already had one big and several small falling outs before, but she always tried to reconnect with me, playing the nice mom. Though i long know by this point that it was never because she loved me, but rather because, like every man in her life, she could conveniently use me for her own benefit.
    heck, i once visited her for a weekend after not seeing her for months, and within 10 minutes she tried to convince me to help her move several dozen boxes out of her old apartment. No "how are you?", "might you help me?", or "i could do it myself, but you would be a great help". Just, a "we moved, we are planning to get our stuff today, come with".
    But the biggest falling out was when we were already strained with each other and hadnt spoken for a while. She invited me into a theme park, and i only agreed because i couldnt afford anything like that myself (i later found out she couldnt either, but thats a different story) and because i wanted to spend time with my half siblings.
    I thought at first that that was awfully nice of her, but it turns out, like always, she just wanted to use me, only paying me this time in a way. Because, while i liked hanging out with my young half siblings, she made it subtly a point that it was my job to take care of them while we were there, just so she could relax a bit.
    All over this time i noticed that my younger sister, at 12 years old, had a lot of money, while my younger brother had barely anything, which is caused by another terrible personality trait of my mothers, but thats again another story. However, even with me lending my brother a little bit, he still had barely anything.
    Which came to ahead, when my younger brother wanted to play a little water pistol game, but didnt have the money, and finally broke down crying. I tried to calm him down, but i am not really good at that kind of thing, so i instead tried to impart a life lesson onto him, which i hoped might help him in the future.
    Now, i didnt notice myself, but it seems i got louder in order to get through to my little brother, which might have made some people in the vicinity look at us funny. But this was apparently too much for my mother, who, like a little kid, turned and walked away, with no word to me, her daughter, or her crying son spoken, since the moment he started crying. Her reason? She felt embarrassed by all the people looking at us.
    This made me really, really angry, and i decided i have no desire to entertain this vile humans desires for relaxation anymore. So i didnt follow them and spent an hour alone in the park. To which she reacted like i was 12, and tried to scold, back then 23 year old, me for disappearing on her.
    That was the final nail in the coffin, i left the park, got a taxi and drove to our hotel with the intent to leave then and there. To which she tried to scold me again when i arrived, and tried to physically stop me from leaving the hotel room, after i packed my stuff, for almost 10 minutes, all the while telling me how much of an unreasonable child i still was, that i never grew up, etc.
    The worst part? the 10 minutes actually made the difference that i missed a bus, which made me then miss the last train to my hometown, meaning i either spent 7 hours freezing in a train station or went back to the hotel room. Now, i am sad that i had to, but i feel no shame using a terrible human being to ensure i didnt freeze the whole night and might possibly be robbed, so i went back, but made no attempt to interact with her, slept through the night and fthe next morning alone.
    Since then i dont talk to her anymore, except when i need legal documents from her. Which is also a funny little story, as, to me reminding her of her legal duty to provide the documents, she reacted by saying "i dont deal with blackmailers".
    The only two wins i got out of this are that it seems my life lesson actually got through to my little brother and he is doing better, or at least as good as possible in that terrible womans house. And that i forgot my towel in the hotel room, and upon going back to retrieve it, my mother got all teary eyed saying "ii knew youd come back", to which i replied "no, i just want my towel".

  • @ATruckCampbell
    @ATruckCampbell 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    Family is earned, not obligated.

  • @joelheath2746
    @joelheath2746 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    I gave up on my dad when I learn I was a means to an end, not that he was around more than a couple weeks over the last 42 years. And I gave up on my mom when she encouraged me to "self delete". Now I get to be the father I never had, my kids and I have a good relationship, and my wife is my rock.

  • @KissoneKinoma
    @KissoneKinoma 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    fresh out of the operating room from my life saving spinal surgery. my mother asks the surgeon. "when can he start cutting the grass again?" (we had a push mower that was not self propelled, with a large front and back yard with very heavy thick grass thats hard to cut and very steep hills) it because of that, i only talk to my parents when they call me. and i moved away to the other side of the country just to stay away from any family obligations. i also refuse to buy a house because in an apartment, i dont have to do yard work.

  • @poisonedivysaur
    @poisonedivysaur 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    They both told me to leave them alone and never speak to them again because I wouldn't follow their rules. They have both tried to contact me a lot since, and they still try to treat me like I'm a 5-year-old. I just no longer have the interest or energy to deal with there over bearings over controlling natures. That's the short version the long one is filled with lots of drugs and putting myself and my siblings in lots of danger. So yeah. Better off without them.

  • @brynntsitsho3759
    @brynntsitsho3759 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I don't speak to all three of my parents for a myriad of reasons. They were a polycule and I was abused in every single way you possibly could be. One is in federal prison but due to lack of evidence and "plausible deniability" my other two are still free. God knows what they're doing to my niece but there's not a whole hell of a lot I can do. I'm disabled and live with my fiance now, many states away. A lot of my disability comes from them and a bad hand of genetics. I've been like that it turns out my whole life and was expected to just keep throwing myself at everything. I've had a heart issue since I was a kid that went untreated because they labeled me a hypochondriac. On top of that they had me doing tons of athletic stuff and I had to be a top grade student. I was, I graduated early, I did all the things, I had tons of medals and trophies and plaques. Now I'm burnt out, on tons of medication to regulate a ton of stuff in my life but I live with someone who loves me and a cat who now lives in a better home. I still am haunted at times by the fact that many of the things I faced as a child are out on the internet, but weirdly thanks to the department of homeland security those things are used to track predators. It does make me feel better in a way. The Blood of the Covenant is Thicker than the Water of the Womb, it's true. The relationships you forge out in life are the most important. Some people are just luckier at making those relationships with their family.

  • @TheIronwil
    @TheIronwil 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    My mother was a violent alcoholic, and when I was 8 she told me she’d stood over me while I slept for about 5 hours with a gun, nerving herself up to shooting me in the head and then shooting herself. That was the last time I slept soundly for over 30 years. I had to live with her another 8 years until I was 16, and was constantly terrified to sleep after one of her screaming fits, which happened 2-3 times every week. She finally gave up drinking after a doctor told her she’d die if she drank anymore. I was in my 40’s at the time. Her behavior did improve, but I warned my wife she could and would turn on us in a blink. I was unfortunately correct, and she tried getting verbally abusive with my wife, which I will never tolerate. So I cut her off about 5-6 years ago. We’ll not speak again.

  • @TheIronwil
    @TheIronwil 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    My father threatened me physically a few times growing up, but he wasn’t violent like my mother was. I made the hard decision to move in with him when I was 16, as I couldn’t take my mother’s abuse anymore. She’d had a fit and destroyed the first love token (balloon on a stick) a girl had ever given me, and I just couldn’t tolerate her hitting me in the face all the time. While I no longer was struck in the face several times a week, my father had no liking or respect for me. He stated that outright. He kicked me out 3 days after my 18th birthday, and I spent months living on the streets and starving. There were a LOT of incidents where he was a total AH to me, but there wasn’t really a huge blowup that resulted in us not speaking. I realized one day that I hadn’t called him in awhile, and hadn’t heard from him either. I kept not calling, and he did the same. We didn’t speak the last 10 years or so of his life.

  • @Mavendow
    @Mavendow 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    My mother physically, psychologically, and chemically tortured me from the time I was a baby. Electricity, macrodosing, waterboarding, suffocation, beating, I could go on. She'd set up months-long plans where I'd get fun, meet people, build relationships, and then she'd organize things such that everyone would hate me and I'd blame myself. She'd always be there to catch me on the downside, of course. If I told anyone what was happening? She'd put me in a mental hospital. Sometimes the stories were unbelievable, so I understand why they took her side. She once painted an ENTIRE abandoned (rusty) playground with silver paint specifically so she could break my legs. It didn't work, but I was pretty badly hurt. Naturally, I visited the mental hospital not long after. At my fourth hospital stay, I bonded with a patient who was suffering from the same parental behavior. He used a towel on his neck. Starting in 2018, she cancelled my disability, made me lose $132,000, and then cut off my food. I ate 1 potato every 2-3 days for 41 days. In 2021 she spread the rumor I was a neonazi scam artist, then killed my cat.

    • @justinzarbo
      @justinzarbo 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7


    • @hayaq9991
      @hayaq9991 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Lord have mercy.. im sorry u had to go thru that

    • @virustheglitch9836
      @virustheglitch9836 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Your Mom should have been in the mental hospital instead of you

    • @Mavendow
      @Mavendow 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@hayaq9991 Thank you. The first step was re-learning how to talk and write (hence disability), so I've come a long way. It's been tough to do but getting out the pain through writing has been helpful. The fact that some few will listen to my ramblings is surprising to me considering I was unheard for so long. So, again, thank you.

    • @co-jt6gd
      @co-jt6gd หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@MavendowIs she dead yet? Have you called the police with the ample amount of evidence you have?

  • @matthewl.8601
    @matthewl.8601 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Mines easy. My dad dipped when I was 10. I put myself through school and college because my mom fell into a spiral of alcoholic tendencies. When I told him I graduated from college. I got a letter with a DNA test saying I was never his kid and everyone hid that from me. She died immediately after from organ failure from drinking And now I have 0 family.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      I'm so sorry to hear this, this isn't fair to you at all! I hope you have a support system in your life and other people you can trust. Friends can be family we choose!

    • @salbill4484
      @salbill4484 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      That's not true. I know what you mean but it's not true. Family are the people you decide are family, people you love and people that love you, without horrible conditions.
      I know it hurts dude but there are people out there.

    • @dragonfliesnh4204
      @dragonfliesnh4204 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@salbill4484 hopefully this is true for this person! Unfortunately not everyone has close friends to call them family. Many people do have at least one friend that is considered family. Like you said, we can choose who is our "adopted" family is.
      When I was a teen, I "adopted" my own Grammy as my biological one wasn't there for us growing up. She passed a few years ago and I miss her.

  • @vmrstl
    @vmrstl 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

    Story 4 how weak can you be to not be able to protect your kid from a monster. Idc what happened in your life be better and man up. A man protects not only his family but himself

  • @canisXpolaris
    @canisXpolaris 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Something I have learned in my years
    "Anyone can be a mother/father, it takes a 'woman/man' to be a mom/dad"

    @HRBART 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I was not treated fair.
    I was repeatedly left out of things.
    They stopped celebrating my birthday.
    The last straw was being told I didn't love them as much as they loved me.

  • @gabeD8366
    @gabeD8366 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I thank God for my mom every day, she stayed strong for me and my siblings when my dad went to jail, and showed us patience and love. Love you Mom

  • @one_ice_cold_chiq
    @one_ice_cold_chiq 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I've been NC with my mom for over six years. The "final straw" if you will was my meeting my husband. She spent my whole life telling me I'm too fat to have a man, too ugly, too whatever she felt at that moment. I had two bad relationships prior to him, abuse and cheating. She told me I deserved those men and the hurt. But my husband who has always treated me well and is a good dad, she blocked me out of jealously. This time when she wanted to talk again, I blocked her. My life was so peaceful without her in it telling me how much I suck. She's never met my kid and I'm certain she doesn't even know my husband's name. Best choice ever.

  • @chadnorris8257
    @chadnorris8257 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I almost stopped talking to my dad when I was younger. We didn't get along. It seemed like spending more than a day or so with him would end in some argument. So I decided the best thing to do was minimize my interactions with him. This eventually escalated to us not acknowledging each other at all.
    Mom had to get involve, and make us at least say hello to each other. Eventually we did start talking again a little, and our relationship is slightly improved. Although I wouldn't say we're friendly with each other either.

  • @GreenBoy9000
    @GreenBoy9000 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Parenthood isn't for everybody.

  • @Artsygamer482
    @Artsygamer482 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My Stepdad is the real man and hero to me. He stepped in and helped me and my Mom when no one else would. So it's true blood relation has nothing to do with family. It's love and respect for each other that makes you a family.

  • @stitch01
    @stitch01 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    My dad cheated on my mom, left the family, then years later when his "new" wife wanted him gone after giving her all the same trouble he used to give us, he forced himself back into the house which caused wild family drama. He's dead now if anyone was wondering. BBByyyyeeeee

  • @2ndtolastform
    @2ndtolastform 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Dad was always an abusive alcoholic. Kept in touch because "thats just what you do" until i was about 22, then had the epiphany that i am a grown adult and capable of choosing who is and is not in my life. Cut contact cold turkey, and hes never tried to reach out either

  • @ffxauron9278
    @ffxauron9278 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Mom from story 3 is an awesome mom. I don't say it often but she deserves a metal.

  • @RealAnimeBadGuy
    @RealAnimeBadGuy 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I stopped talking to my dad after my oldest was born. He was abusive to me and my sister growing up and I learned he was the same to my brother, pushing him to heavy drug use. I was able to speak to my dad one last time and told him to fuck off after laying out all the bullshit he has put us through and why I couldn’t have him in my son’s life. That was about 7 years ago now

    • @NickPorter-j2m
      @NickPorter-j2m 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      They call it grandpa for a reason. Your pa wasn’t very grand so he didn’t graduate to grandpa.

  • @user-tl8so4ry3r
    @user-tl8so4ry3r 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Story number 3 was beautiful. So proud of that woman

  • @shaylenef21
    @shaylenef21 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My dad made a stupid threat to my husband, then when my husband asked him if that was a threat he said yes. After being abused all of my life I finally called the cops on them and filed a police report. Haven’t talked to them since, even with people trying to track me down. I’m tired of being mistreated by them

  • @mztweety1374
    @mztweety1374 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My maternal grandmother was the same way. Never a kind word to say to or about anyone. After she passed I learned she was the youngest of 10 children in the 1930s in Arkansas. That is a terrible childhood for a black American.

  • @aLlawleit
    @aLlawleit 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I remember giving my father a hundred chances and retries but it was always on his time. I remember him abandoning me when I was 6 because I called my step dad "dad" I had to go looking for him, that abandonment festered for the longest time and when I sat him down when I was 27 and demanded an answer to why he abandoned me. I didn't even finish saying the word abandon before he cut me off and his words will be etched into my head until my last day "of course I did, once you called someone else dad I was through with you"

  • @ReaIHuman
    @ReaIHuman 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Some people don't deserve forgiveness.

  • @smorphous8928
    @smorphous8928 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Not me but had a friend stop talking to his parents, after they said they’ll give his college fund his 15 year old sister. The thing is that they had the money to put both their kids through college, they just favoured their daughter more. Which made her become spoiled the day she was born
    Last I checked my friend moved away to his grandparents and his sister is heavily diagnosed with narcissism.

  • @BoomyShakes
    @BoomyShakes 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Once my friend left his home because he couldnt take the neglect he said.
    Turns out he was forced to watch the siblings he had while his parents left to "party"

  • @ruddiko
    @ruddiko หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Most people experoence issues with their blood relatives, your experiences is actually not the norm. A lot of people dont see the toxicity until a 3rd party points it out and it unravels, it soesnt mean there was a good relationship, it justs mean some people got subjected to it with out fighting back either for survival or because it was so normalized it just goes over their heads

  • @sharissaconnell
    @sharissaconnell 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I was put up for adoption and the trauma i had was so bad i forgot what happened untill 3 weeks ago. Along with some other factors i haven't spoke to my adopted family or birth family for 8 years.
    I was given un countable excuses on my i was given up by both families.
    This one is my favorite
    Older bio sis : i was going to adopt you but your parents seened like good people.
    In reality she wanted my other sister
    Adopted parents: your records are in the salt mines so you wont be able to get them.
    All of that was lies because i got it all what happened to me .
    That is why i dont talk to family

  • @Netherwolf6100
    @Netherwolf6100 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My dad accused me of SAing my dog just days after he died. My sister convinced him of this because she was annoyed I was so upset I lost my best friend of 16 years and ghe rest of my family consoled me.
    I don't talk to him anymore and I'm only cordial with my sister because it would break my mother's heart if I disowned. However I've already steeled myself into doing so once my mother passes away. My sister is a toxic attention seeker, my dad is the same but also an entitled jerk where me and none of my other brothers talk to him anymore.

  • @BI-11y_TheStormTrooper
    @BI-11y_TheStormTrooper 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My mother decided to pick drugs, partying and other men over her children. My father tried but he ended up going down a spiral because of his broken back and eventually chose a bipolar manipulative woman over his own children. Im just letting them enjoy their own misery.

  • @TheMallachiv
    @TheMallachiv 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Mine is pretty easy to explain. My mother whenever she would get in an argument with you would just say the worst thing she could think of right out the gate, I don’t even think she wanted to”win” the argument or if she did in her mind how you win is by saying the most hurtful thing she could.
    No matter how small the argument. One day I got sick of it and told her off about it, told her this is why she has no friends and if she kept this up she wouldn’t always have me to push around either.
    She then doubled down and said she hoped I died before her. In a gutter because I was unstable , always would be and having a mental breakdown because I wasn’t taking my meds (I wasn’t and I hadn’t needed medication to regulate my emotions for over a year at that point but the fact that she would try to gaslight me like that was ridiculous).
    I then told her I was done, that she would never meet her grand kids and it was all her fault. Never looked back after that and I’m much happier now.
    Also this all started because she came over to my place to pick up something she had left at mine from dinner a week ago. She had a key to my place for emergencies and let her self in and slammed my door. Hard. And knocked some mail over. I asked her not to slam my door and that’s how we got to her telling me to die in a gutter.

  • @danielbrannon8371
    @danielbrannon8371 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My mother lied to me for nearly 30 years, despite everyone aside from me, my brother and my father knowing my brother was not child of my dad, she would regularly berate my dad, calling him a deadbeat for not being in our lives as he lived 4 states away. This made me be treated differently as my stepfather was jealous of my dad. My mother not only showed favoritism to my brother and sister by doing things like supporting them well into adulthood, while I was kicked out at 18, but sent the judge a letter when my own wife divorced me claiming i am a deadbeat.

  • @labyrinthgirl17
    @labyrinthgirl17 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I haven't spoken to my bio sperm donor (not worthy of being called a father) in over 12 years, and I don't ever plan to change that.

    • @jenniferhart559
      @jenniferhart559 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      "Sperm donor" always seemed a bit harsh for my mom, like it implies she's "breeding stock." I refer to mine as a "paternal unit," and haven't had anything to do with him for 20 years.

    • @labyrinthgirl17
      @labyrinthgirl17 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      To each their own. In my personal experience, he wasn't a parental unit, he was someone who donated the sperm that helped create me, and my siblings. Nothing more.

  • @shawnstarr8122
    @shawnstarr8122 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Both my parents have been married before they had gotten together, and the only reason they did get married was because my mom was pregnant with me, and I found out later that my dad was trying to force a miscarriage; throughout my life I had always felt like the other child that neither of them really wanted. BTW, I was conceived when my parents were drinking because my mother had gotten divorced even though she was still in deeply in love with her ex, and my dad liked to party. I also have 11 siblings, most of which are on my dad's side of the family

  • @DRourkey
    @DRourkey 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My dad spent 30 years harassing me and it ended when he texted me threats against law enforcement. Once they were threatened it got taken care of

  • @MrInitialMan
    @MrInitialMan 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I stopped talking to my dad one evening a couple weeks ago, after I got a call from the care facility he was in that he had passed away. Still talk to Mom, though.

  • @newtonmckenzie1263
    @newtonmckenzie1263 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    One parent in particular. Both missed my wedding. One apologised and feels really bad about it, We still talk. The other refuses to acknowledge anything is wrong. We do not speak

  • @colleenclement474
    @colleenclement474 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I only ever speak to them when absolutely necessary. My stepmother is a classic gaslighting narcissist. Need I say more?

  • @juansierrajr
    @juansierrajr 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    They died . . . .

    • @Khapnot
      @Khapnot 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Im sorry

    • @SewardWriter
      @SewardWriter 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I'm sorry, my dude. (HUG) May their memories be blessings.

    • @soulubilityofficial6635
      @soulubilityofficial6635 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      I’m sorry bro 😢

  • @mastercrow19
    @mastercrow19 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was abused by my adoptive dad. i, fortunately, no longer talk to him.

  • @cheshire_skatkat9093
    @cheshire_skatkat9093 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I quit talking to my mom at 25. It was a constant battle to talk to her on the phone and every time I called I could hear her in the background tell my siblings that she couldnt come to the phone because of x,y,z reasons. The last two times I called, both for fairly honest reasons, I would apologize profusely for calling. Then it just hit me, why the hell am I apologizing for calling my own damn mother? So I gave her what she wanted and cut all ties.

  • @rhyshall9461
    @rhyshall9461 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My "father" after years of being in and out of my life using material items and money as a way to express "love" threatened me via text on Christmas. I knew he was a POS and used to beat on my Mum, she forgave him and wanted me to do so as well. I told my mum and sister about the text and saw how afraid they were, I realised that wasn't the man I wanted to be and told him to get lost and that if I saw him in public he had however long it took to get an ambulance to him to defend himself. I haven't heard from him since

  • @deltacharlieecho4732
    @deltacharlieecho4732 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I talk to my dad almost daily but was forced to cut all one on one contact with my mother in 2019. Ever since I was a child my mother would argue with me over everything especially if she knew I was right. This would get worse as I got older to the point that my friends would make a point of having me over to their house for the entire weekend or whenever we had days off. Eventually when I started dating and I’d introduce girls I was serious with to my parents my mother would inevitably start a huge argument and try to one up me in front of my girlfriend while in the car. I was engaged twice and both of my ex fiancees told me this was something that was a major contributing factor in their breaking off the engagement or leaving me. I don’t mean that my mother would do this like once or twice a relationship, it was every single time my girlfriend was with me around my parents. Eventually had to just put an end to it.
    I see my mom when she visits with my dad but I refuse to call or visit her.

  • @mentallyunstable333
    @mentallyunstable333 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They are both passed on. Along with one sister and a brother. Have one brother left and I don’t speak to him either.

  • @SMCloud
    @SMCloud 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    dude this fucked me up, I have a speech impediment, they are hard, I have a lisp, it's not because I don't read or anything I have a natural gabe between my teeth, and a large tongue because I never shut up, so everytime I use and s I basically whistle, I went to a shitty school with shit teachers who told me that it was annoying and to stop doing it, so I started using a "the" instead of a "s" I'm almost 16 now and I still struggle around people with my speech impediment because not only is it hard to use an s but I avoid it because I don't wanna piss everyone off because I'm practically always whisteling. I hope they are all doing well, including the mum she may not really be a mother but she doesn't deserve the worst, she just never grew up and I think not having her kid in her life is enough. I'm talking about the first story for anyone wondering

  • @cgreen399
    @cgreen399 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The officer was played by James Williams went to HS with him and his wife. Nice guy!

  • @AwesomeFace2675
    @AwesomeFace2675 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My dad and I don’t have the best relationship. I was emotionally and verbally abused by him and my stepmom. I forgave her for everything but with my dad, I’m still not quite sure if I want to. I know he’s my dad and everything, but what I went through living with him, it’s a very tough call. When my little sister unexpectedly passed away last year, it was the first time I had ever seen him since 2009. But I approached him at her service and for the first time in years I hugged him. He’s definitely aged quite a bit, and I can still smell the cigarette smoke on him. It’s so strange to see him after all the time that’s passed, but I still don’t think I can forgive him for the past. My stepmom and I do speak, but she’s always busy and my stepsisters and I do speak now and then.

  • @ranias.387
    @ranias.387 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    the mom who had 7 kids drew the line when he threw a beer can? Not when he left you and 7 kids to fend for yourselves? 7 kids and a beer can later is where she drew the line……

  • @Michelle020892
    @Michelle020892 29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I hardly know my father, why would I talk to him? And I grew tired of being disappointed with my mother. These are my answers to the title question.

  • @jackieraulerson2005
    @jackieraulerson2005 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    All good choices.

  • @lowermichigan4437
    @lowermichigan4437 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Dad left his family for a girlfriend. He married her and had a kid. Not worth talking to.

  • @p-dog-6125
    @p-dog-6125 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    For me I cut off all three of my parents my mother it was after she got high when I left for thanksgiving to my father and step mothers which caused her to leave the front door open slightly so my then two year old brother got out of the house and walked down the road to the park that has a main road attached to it so a very serious chance of him getting hit by a car then there’s my father who was using and cheating on my step mother he was booted so I lived with my step mother till I was 23 were I got with my now fiancé she wanted me to keep paying her since she stopped working for 3ish years and was collecting caretaker checks from me (I’m disabled) when all she did 99% percent of the time was just laying in bed while I was paying 200 per check to help out even when I moved out she wanted me to keep paying but I finally snapped at her when she was constantly bitching about what my fiancé was doing on Facebook like her being sick pretty much getting into business that she needs to be nowhere near in so I cut her off as well but recently I’m speaking to my father again since he got clean and that’s how I see my other brother

  • @Kill3rrockstar
    @Kill3rrockstar 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My dad is a junkie who lives in a tent

  • @Hope.gb9826
    @Hope.gb9826 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My dad told me if I didn’t move out then I wouldn’t have gotten Gr*ped basically it’s my fault. That was it for me 😔

  • @adjwindu70
    @adjwindu70 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    S3: those mgtow people should hear this story.

  • @carjockey7
    @carjockey7 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I locked my parents very much but sadly what made me not talk to them it’s because of their deaf. Both of them passed away, but between both of them or was many years apart, so I have no parents to talk to. I am extremely sad for thank you for listening to me.

  • @Phantomcuffs
    @Phantomcuffs วันที่ผ่านมา

    The woman in the last story is an absolutely awful person. Why would you take every opportunity to Remind someone that they’re not family? Guarantee she’s the kind of person that if she had step kids, she would treat them like absolute garbage. People like that really make me start to understand why they used to burn witches

  • @tammyhanlon3057
    @tammyhanlon3057 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He beat me nearly to death when I was 13, on the day of my grandfather's (mom's dad) funeral.
    When I could stand up he escorted me to the road with a shotgun shoved against the back of my head and told me never to come back.

    • @one_ice_cold_chiq
      @one_ice_cold_chiq 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      F that guy. I'm so sorry. My dad died when I was 17. My mom told me she was going to send me and only me to foster care specifically so I could be SA"d by other girls with her hands around my neck. Yes she said that. My crime? Crying for my dad. I get it 😔

    • @tammyhanlon3057
      @tammyhanlon3057 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@one_ice_cold_chiq it's sort of sad that so many crazy people have kids. You'd think they could manage enough self awareness and empathy to at least skip literally creating victims.
      But, they don't. Here we are proving it.
      I'm glad you survived!!!

    • @one_ice_cold_chiq
      @one_ice_cold_chiq 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@tammyhanlon3057 you as well. I'm committed to not being the mom I had to my son.

  • @kentrellsanders5606
    @kentrellsanders5606 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    My Dad try to convince me to kill myself for the insurance money I was so done after that when was around 8 or 9 I didn't know what he was talking about so i never tried i ran away at 15 and got myself a roommate and apartment I'm 23 haven't spoken to him or my mom who was in on it i learned after she was dying of cov19 she wanted to go out with clean mind i guessing

  • @amberthesuperfox
    @amberthesuperfox 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Treated me poorly for years would come in the room and yell at me for no reason trip my art away and when I left to everyone it was for no reason

  • @ShadeamusPrime
    @ShadeamusPrime 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    i wont talk to my dad in a few months cause hell be dead

  • @tabibble8412
    @tabibble8412 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Jebus, that one story is half of the video.

  • @stevenhuntley8706
    @stevenhuntley8706 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    They broke into my house to feed my dog rat poison, he died vomitting blood.

  • @ackerjawaka4742
    @ackerjawaka4742 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    18 years of physical and mental abuse 😜

  • @sammythesquid
    @sammythesquid 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Stopped talking to my parents because they became far right qanon nut jobs.

  • @Daytruin
    @Daytruin 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    answer: i don't know why the first one left, but the other i suppose the final straw was CPS.

  • @erbewayne6868
    @erbewayne6868 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They passed.

  • @mankovitch1130
    @mankovitch1130 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    thought i had it worse

  • @kjemma
    @kjemma 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They died

  • @bjrnegillarsen1380
    @bjrnegillarsen1380 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I stopped talking to my parents after I had bled them dry, have no use for broke people when I can use my time finding new victims

  • @ericbess9141
    @ericbess9141 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Cause they are dead 😢

  • @natecoats2390
    @natecoats2390 3 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @mariewilliams3524
    @mariewilliams3524 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    All the stuff you want if you kiss you guys should really treat her good and when she retired you put some money in though 💲💲

  • @mojojojo560
    @mojojojo560 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My sister farted on me.

  • @hillbillyspud
    @hillbillyspud 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Out of curiosity, do you play the games in the background?

  • @DragonsRPretty
    @DragonsRPretty 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They knew I was autistic for over 20 years. They never told me.

  • @drunkbillygoat
    @drunkbillygoat 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    They died