Self-Control, Willpower, and Ego Depletion: Gradual Emergence of a Theory

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 มิ.ย. 2022
  • A recording of the May lecture, by one of the world's most respected and influential psychologists, Professor Roy F. Baumeister, entitled "Self-Control, Willpower, and Ego Depletion. "Self-Control, Willpower, and Ego Depletion: Gradual Emergence of a Theory." The lecture was part of the Invited Lecture Series in Psychology, organized by the WPiK with the finacial support of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities.
    More information on the series:
    Nagranie z majowego wykładu, jednego z najbardziej cenionych i wpływowych psychologów na świecie, prof. Roya F. Baumeistera pt. "Self-Control, Willpower, and Ego Depletion: Gradual Emergence of a Theory". Wykład odbył się w ramach Invited Lecture Series in Psychology, zorganizowanej przez WPiK przy finansowanym wsparciu Institute for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences and Humanities.
    Więcej informacji na temat serii wykładów:

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