These look lovely. The more I see of these card kit models, the more I like them. The country station kit particularly, would look lovely on a 1930s LMS branch line layout I'm currently building.
That was great to watch. Thank you indeed, you've sold me on buying these kits for my first layout project. The models look really beautiful. Especially the country stations and waiting room models.
wow,KATO OO gauge! I have used loads of N gauge Metcalfe kits on my N gauge kato tracked layout. They are brilliant. Very easy to use, incredibly cheap and versatile. Nice video. Thanks
I have to admit that I do like building the Metcalfe kits, I get a lot of enjoyment from them and they are dead easy to build too, I should think that about 89% of my buildings on my layout are Metcalfe. Great overview video of some of the range of buildings that Metcalfe have on offer...........Graham
hmm feell a bit strange about the custom platform width as Im not sure I could consistently cut the same width for each piece! I can imagine the width varying by a mm or two and that would really annoy me!
There are a few factors in diy railroad layouts. One resource I found which successfully combines these is the Jareks hobby club (google it if you're interested) definately the most useful plan i've heard of. look at the super info .
Beautiful kits that are really good to put together.
These look lovely. The more I see of these card kit models, the more I like them. The country station kit particularly, would look lovely on a 1930s LMS branch line layout I'm currently building.
That was great to watch. Thank you indeed, you've sold me on buying these kits for my first layout project. The models look really beautiful. Especially the country stations and waiting room models.
wow,KATO OO gauge! I have used loads of N gauge Metcalfe kits on my N gauge kato tracked layout. They are brilliant. Very easy to use, incredibly cheap and versatile. Nice video. Thanks
nicely made kits and well presented video
I have to admit that I do like building the Metcalfe kits, I get a lot of enjoyment from them and they are dead easy to build too, I should think that about 89% of my buildings on my layout are Metcalfe. Great overview video of some of the range of buildings that Metcalfe have on offer...........Graham
Glad I came across this video. These Metcalfe kits are sturdier than I thought.
Interesting review. I've never made any myself but I do have one or two that have been given to me. Very adaptable.
Super video can't wait to get the country station
These kits are very sturdy and strong. Most important, very easy to built.
The bits at the ends of the roof peaks, are called finials. :)
Great models for the money have a few house on my layout cheers Kevin
those are really impressive.
How many platform kits did you have there?
Did you make all those platforms from one kit?
hmm feell a bit strange about the custom platform width as Im not sure I could consistently cut the same width for each piece! I can imagine the width varying by a mm or two and that would really annoy me!
There are a few factors in diy railroad layouts. One resource I found which successfully combines these is the Jareks hobby club (google it if you're interested) definately the most useful plan i've heard of. look at the super info .
You can buy interiors as well which I intend to do
From where I get this I can order ??
Metcalfe do a signal box interior kit
''Superquick'' more realistic in my view
Metcalfe do sell signal box interiors
Colour is not consistent
Very bad for your trains to run on carpet.
They're on raised roadbed...
Metcalfe is my last name