Family Guy premiered in 1999 after the Superbowl and between 1999-2003 the show had been cancelled and renewed at least twice. The final time when the Fox Network wanted to renew Again. MacFarlane made Fox pay thru the nose to renew the show a final time. Reportedly MacFarlane got a boatload of $$$$$ from Fox to keep Family Guy on their network.
Family Guy premiered in 1999 after the Superbowl and between 1999-2003 the show had been cancelled and renewed at least twice. The final time when the Fox Network wanted to renew Again. MacFarlane made Fox pay thru the nose to renew the show a final time. Reportedly MacFarlane got a boatload of $$$$$ from Fox to keep Family Guy on their network.
2:51 meow
5:22 introducing the hide & seek