JH is on to something here. Have been playing 50 years and this channel lock is incredible. I figure within next few weeks I will truly trust it on the golf course with all my shots. It may finally make me change from Yogi only!!!
Trevino did hit a 'push' shot ball flight.. but he didn't play the ball as far back as his trail foot at address.. and as a result, he hit his share of drags and pull shots ... but as you say he did pretty well with what he did .. I wonder how good he would have been if he had worked out that an extreme back positioning of the ball at address and more closed shoulders at impact would have eliminated his pulled and dragged shots .. which cost him dearly in some tournaments. I rate Trevino in the top 5 all-time great ball strikers I have seen.. maybe even in the top 3 .. cheers JH
Your comment about practice with purpose is SO SO important. Almost all who go hit balls as weekly players have no idea what they are going to range for. They go warm up on range before game, hit too many balls and then have no idea what they are doing once they hit the course...therefore failure. As a Yogi disciple since 1981, I loosen up some but hit few or no balls before I play. I just stretch and get my body ready. I already know and trust what I have believed in for years. I do the same on the course. SEE, FEEL, TRUST. NO practice swing just like Yogi. Although am almost 73, I still do it and am no longer scratch or better player, but still come close to shooting my age many times. Yes, I do have a few games in the 80s to mid 80s at times, but that is golf...even with the pros! I use the driving range hone my target practice. I ALWAYS hit to target and I know what the exact distance is for every club! Guys I play with have NO IDEA....guess who wins almost always...me! Seldom do I hit the same club twice in a row on range unless that club has caused me issues on the course. I do hit multiple wedges in a row, but to different distances. What I find so great about channel lock is that when my rhythm may be a little off with my yogi, I then go to more channel lock as my go to fix and wow what a savior I have found in it. I find I now hit almost 100% channel lock for my driver and hit it 30 yards longer, and have not missed a fairway in my past 2 rounds. Guys I have played with for 40 years have no idea what I am doing and when they ask, I tell them but they don't seem to care. OK with me...I just keep collecting! Thank you JH for your great videos!
Hi William, I have had very good players that I know who struggle with shot consistency just totally refuse to even try Channel Lock because they are so brainwashed by traditional/conventional swing mechanics .. none of them can hit 3 shots in a row that are really similar .. I show them 20 in a row of the same consistency and they still say things like ..' No one of any note has ever swung like that so it can't be any good'... they don't get it that no one has ever known about the process before now. Channel Lock will forge its own acceptance by its 'indisputable' performance superiority... its the only golf swing that can be totally supported by empirical performance testimonial... apply the protocol correctly and you get the suggested result... can't be a better testament to the protocols capability than that. cheers JH
Totally understand. I have a saying "Ultimate knowing is experiencing, all else is just conjecture." I believe in learning and you can only do it if you experience it. May not be for you, if not, that is OK...at least you tried it. Have no regrets and love my experience so far with channel lock. I truly believe it will be a part of my game for the rest of my life. No stress on my body either, it seems.
Hi William, In the international field of sciences a considered proven 'Theory' is one that produces a result that is consistently the same... 'consistent' being the benchmark for approval of said theory. I have in the last 2 days 'proven' my Channel lock 'theory'... I have hit in excess of 1500 shots with irons and woods and have not hit 'any' that started left ...not 'one' ... the swing is now for me is a 'repeater' of an extraordinary level...it is an 'auto pilot' setting procedure now .. the Protocol is now locked down cerebrally and it just applies itself exactly the same every time .. I couldn't set up wrongly if I tried to ... so strongly does the Protocol apply itself now. Today was the most amazing day I have ever experienced hitting golf balls .. I totally 'knew' I couldn't hit the ball any way other than the 'same' every time ... Yogi talked about the 'Infallible Mental Routine' .... I now have that with my Channel Lock Protocol... I have never experienced the euphoric state that I did today with my Golf Swing... I felt 'machine' like ... it was just an incredible experience. cheers JH
I don't have to tell you...practice with purpose in verifying your theory is what you did. You and I both know now it works. I am still perfecting and will play today with my gambling group, and expect to collect again due to the consistency of my yogi/channel lock game I now have. Playing new course today so probably won't shoot my age, but who knows! Will keep you posted.
With ulnar deviation , ten finger grip and the shoulder back cock the swing looks like Moe, but the protocols make it teachable. I understand the Moe did not feel his swing could be learned. Moe went into the 'channel' by sliding his elbow around his chest but kept his shoulders close to the foot alignment and that made his swing harder to repeat for me. Thanks Seth I noticed the same thing. Love these guys and how they have created a teachable swing, which Moe just couldn't due to his autism. Moe was a total genius, in my eyes but not a teacher!
Hey JH, This is great stuff as usual bud. It's starting to make sense. Been watching your videos for few months now going to try the channel lock soon will let you know how I get on cheers mate
Fascinating stuff Mr JH .. may I ask ? .. I understand the ball starting right but If you are swinging in to out, how do you prevent a hook or big draw .. (or how do you hit it straight?) I tried out the move (or my interpretation of it) recently whilst golfing in Poland and whilst I hit quite solid it mostly had a big draw or hook I am a 4 hcp in NE Scotland and my biggest fault is taking the club inside too flat and inside my hands tooo quickly on the backswing .. which results in too steep a downswing Any thoughts ? Tips to avoid / eliminate? Very grateful for all your insights & videos !! Best wishes Craig McGill
Hi Craig, The swing path whilst 'in to out' is not dramatically in to out after you have adjusted the address alignment as I have shown ... the general shape of the shots are straight to a slight draw .. the worst is a slight 'push'. If you are experiencing significant shot shape results like a big push draw you just have not aimed far enough left as a compensatory address adjustment alignment which means your in to out attack path is too extreme and you have too much closure on the club face at impact. The way to test that is simply to open the club face incrementally until the hard push draw becomes a straight big push.. you then simply keep aligning incrementally left with your body until the big straight push becomes a straight shot. You really need to watch the videos and take on the explanations I espouse ... it's not easy to digest in a couple of viewings .. but its just geometry settings of address and the maintenance of closed shoulders at impact with a back foot ball positiong... If you apply the Channel Lock protocol correctly you will never have a 'steep' attack angle to the ball... the closed shoulders ensure a high lead shoulder into impact which cannot manifest a steep attack angle on the ball ... invariably players trying Channel Lock really just don't get the ball far enough back at address and commit enough to the closed shoulders at impact ... If you setup with the ball off your trail foot or just behind it and then set the club to the ball with the shaft as vertical as possible and then just take the club straight 'rearwards' back from the ball ( not sideways) you will see it very hard to get the club head going low and around your body..it wants to track in a straight line which takes the club 'up' not 'around' in the backswing. The swing requires a lot of commitment to the exact mechanics of the protocol which just take a fair bit of working out... but the good thing is the Protocol is an infallible mechanism when correctly applied. cheers JH
JH, in response to your comments to Craig, my question to you is “Does’t applying the proper mechanics to any golf swing methodology result in hitting the ball strait?” The mechanics of a traditional golf swing with the ball center, if followed, will produce a strait ball flight. The same holds true with channel lock. So if you have learned the mechanics of a particular golf swing, then what is the advantage of your CH protocol over any other protocol for a different swing? What I am finding after multiple viewings of your videos and many weeks of working out your protocol to CH, is that, just like any protocol, tweaks must be made to get the ball to go strait. I can make the ball slice or fade or go strait in CH and it has everything to do with the direction of my backswing. I can also top the ball, or chunk it into the ground at impact which I have done with the traditional golf swing too. So it just seem like you have to learn the protocol for any golf swing you are trying to perfect, and it is no different with Channel Lock. So I’m really wondering what the big advantage of learning the Channel Lock protocol over any other type of protocol for a different swing (such as the traditional swing, or the A Swing).
Hi Ralph, You can learn a conventional set of swing mechanics and be able to hit the ball straight..on occasions...the problem being with a ball positioned to the lead side of the center of the body the chances of keeping the shoulders square to closed at impact consistently is very difficult...no one in the history of golf has ever been able to do it. With the ball placed as far back as I advocate with Channel Lock at address the shoulders have to be closed at impact because of the timing of the swing path being so early in the downswing phase of the attack to the ball. Its a matter of 'propensity' elimination... the more forward a ball is positioned at address the more potential propensity there is for the shoulders to be open at impact ...to prove the mechanics of Channel Lock to yourself.. just setup with the ball positioned of your trail foot little toe at address with maybe a 9 iron or alike and take the club back with a good shoulder turn then just keep the lead shoulder closed and fire the club head at the ball ... the club has to track in to out to the ball ..the club cannot track out to in with a closed shoulder line..its just 'forced' body geometry alignment at impact. You have to learn the CL swing by way of small shots and committing to keeping the lead shoulder closed at impact with the extreme back positioned ball at address... if you apply the protocol mechanics correctly the ball cannot 'start' other than slightly in to out of the intended target direction..any big variations of 'slightly' are are simply incorrect ratios of geometry application. When you say you can top or chunk the ball with CL like any other swing protocol that is only a resultant of 'you' not applying the protocol 'correctly'..its not a fault of the actual protocol ...clearly you have to tweak the protocol to suit individual requirements..but the general overall geometry application is non negotiable. chjeerrs JH
I know I'm a little late with this video JH, but have I got it right in saying that it's open feet with closed shoulder (back cock) aimed at the target so fire the club at the target?
Hi Martin, The club is always fired 'across' the target line away from the target .. in to out as a path direction .. the 'clubface' is released towards the target though .. you have to hit into out in order to maintain closed shoulders at impact in order to 'start' the ball in the 'same' direction every time ... I have evolved into a closed stance at address these days because I have worked out my targeting direction requirements to the extent I automatically aim to the left of my target line and the closed stance/shoulders just fire the club the required amount across the target line .. If you set up with an open stance foot line and blackcock the shoulders they should be pointing a bit across the target line to the right .. if you are a right-hander .. cheers JH
Because the swing path with the CL swing is always a bit in to out your shot shape will will always be normally always a slight draw or a straight push ..the amout of draw or push is just dependant on the amount of face angle open or closed you are applying to the in to out attack path of the club. A Fade for me is just aiming further left than I would for a straight push shot and just opening the club face a bit more than normal. Personally I would prefer to to just straight push the ball to the target than impart any curvature on the ball flight.. Cheers JH
@@1atomicgolf found answer to my question about fade. Pretty much what i thought. one hole that has tight window and moves right. I'll play around with opening club face. Last night in Monday night league. Hit best hybrid out of trees. Needed to draw it and closed face with channel lock. beautiful 235 draw hit green rolled off back. Proceeded to hit it in forehead then almost chip in 2nd pitch get mad and miss one footer for bogey. DB. But that channel lock helps with start lines and knowing i'm not going left is HUGE.
The face alignment has become innately automatic now and I am clearly making the required face setting automatically unconsciously ... the check point of the correct amount of face alignment at address is simply the result of your ball flight... if its too far to the right of your target starting( right handed player) the face is too open etc... your own personal face settings have to be practiced in to place. cheers JH
So basically an open stance with ball played back... this looks like the early golfers like Vardon and in the early 1900s... they seemed to stand open to the shot.
Hi Steve, Remember a 'footline' has nothing to do with or can influence the delivery path of the clubhead to the ball at impact ... the only thing that can deliver the clubhead to the ball are the hands/arms.. and they are dictated direction wise by the shoulder alignment at impact ... Invariably open or closed footlines are only to help with torque creation in the backswing or help with lack of flexibility in the backswing... guys like Nicklaus and Trevino who had open foot lines delivered their clubheads into the ball from in to out at impact .. Trevino in fact had the saying .. ' I aim 'left' with my feet.. and hit 'right' with my arms/hands".. With the Channel Lock swing you cannot have 'open' shoulders at impact because it negates the whole purpose of the swing protocol which is to guarantee a specific 'starting' direction of the golf ball post impact .. which is slightly away from the target line from an 'in to out' delivery line at impact. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the so-called 'open stance' and how generally people think it means the whole 'body' is aligned to the left at address ( if you are a right-hander that is )... you would only do that if you intended to hit a 'cut' type ball flight shot ...in order to hit a draw shot the club has to deliver itself to the ball from 'in to out' at impact .. that cannot happen if the shoulders are open at impact .. the CL swing because it incorperates a back foot ball position at address could not be applied effectively from open shoulders at impact .. you could never start the ball from in to out from an open shoulder girdle at impact. If you played the ball off your back foot and had a normal open body shoulder alignment at impact its just a normal prone to drag or pull shot shape type golf swing .. .. so CL is not just a ..' Back foot positioned ball and 'open' stance golf swing'.. not remotely like that .its a swing that creates a specific closed shoulder alignment at impact .. and that cannot happen from an open body alignment at impact . cheers JH
JH is on to something here. Have been playing 50 years and this channel lock is incredible. I figure within next few weeks I will truly trust it on the golf course with all my shots. It may finally make me change from Yogi only!!!
Great video JH. That's what Trevino did too, play the ball back, open the stance and push it...and it worked out pretty well for him.
Trevino did hit a 'push' shot ball flight.. but he didn't play the ball as far back as his trail foot at address.. and as a result, he hit his share of drags and pull shots ... but as you say he did pretty well with what he did .. I wonder how good he would have been if he had worked out that an extreme back positioning of the ball at address and more closed shoulders at impact would have eliminated his pulled and dragged shots .. which cost him dearly in some tournaments.
I rate Trevino in the top 5 all-time great ball strikers I have seen.. maybe even in the top 3 ..
cheers JH
Your comment about practice with purpose is SO SO important. Almost all who go hit balls as weekly players have no idea what they are going to range for. They go warm up on range before game, hit too many balls and then have no idea what they are doing once they hit the course...therefore failure. As a Yogi disciple since 1981, I loosen up some but hit few or no balls before I play. I just stretch and get my body ready. I already know and trust what I have believed in for years. I do the same on the course. SEE, FEEL, TRUST. NO practice swing just like Yogi. Although am almost 73, I still do it and am no longer scratch or better player, but still come close to shooting my age many times. Yes, I do have a few games in the 80s to mid 80s at times, but that is golf...even with the pros! I use the driving range hone my target practice. I ALWAYS hit to target and I know what the exact distance is for every club! Guys I play with have NO IDEA....guess who wins almost always...me! Seldom do I hit the same club twice in a row on range unless that club has caused me issues on the course. I do hit multiple wedges in a row, but to different distances.
What I find so great about channel lock is that when my rhythm may be a little off with my yogi, I then go to more channel lock as my go to fix and wow what a savior I have found in it. I find I now hit almost 100% channel lock for my driver and hit it 30 yards longer, and have not missed a fairway in my past 2 rounds. Guys I have played with for 40 years have no idea what I am doing and when they ask, I tell them but they don't seem to care. OK with me...I just keep collecting! Thank you JH for your great videos!
Hi William,
I have had very good players that I know who struggle with shot consistency just totally refuse to even try Channel Lock because they are so brainwashed by traditional/conventional swing mechanics .. none of them can hit 3 shots in a row that are really similar .. I show them 20 in a row of the same consistency and they still say things like ..' No one of any note has ever swung like that so it can't be any good'... they don't get it that no one has ever known about the process before now.
Channel Lock will forge its own acceptance by its 'indisputable' performance superiority... its the only golf swing that can be totally supported by empirical performance testimonial... apply the protocol correctly and you get the suggested result... can't be a better testament to the protocols capability than that.
cheers JH
Totally understand. I have a saying "Ultimate knowing is experiencing, all else is just conjecture." I believe in learning and you can only do it if you experience it. May not be for you, if not, that is OK...at least you tried it. Have no regrets and love my experience so far with channel lock. I truly believe it will be a part of my game for the rest of my life. No stress on my body either, it seems.
Hi William,
In the international field of sciences a considered proven 'Theory' is one that produces a result that is consistently the same... 'consistent' being the benchmark for approval of said theory.
I have in the last 2 days 'proven' my Channel lock 'theory'... I have hit in excess of 1500 shots with irons and woods and have not hit 'any' that started left ...not 'one' ... the swing is now for me is a 'repeater' of an extraordinary level...it is an 'auto pilot' setting procedure now .. the Protocol is now locked down cerebrally and it just applies itself exactly the same every time .. I couldn't set up wrongly if I tried to ... so strongly does the Protocol apply itself now.
Today was the most amazing day I have ever experienced hitting golf balls .. I totally 'knew' I couldn't hit the ball any way other than the 'same' every time ... Yogi talked about the 'Infallible Mental Routine' .... I now have that with my Channel Lock Protocol... I have never experienced the euphoric state that I did today with my Golf Swing... I felt 'machine' like ... it was just an incredible experience.
cheers JH
I don't have to tell you...practice with purpose in verifying your theory is what you did. You and I both know now it works. I am still perfecting and will play today with my gambling group, and expect to collect again due to the consistency of my yogi/channel lock game I now have. Playing new course today so probably won't shoot my age, but who knows! Will keep you posted.
At first it looks like you are hitting the ball off the back foot, but to the chest and shoulders it's in the centre..... intriguing
With ulnar deviation , ten finger grip and the shoulder back cock the swing looks like Moe, but the protocols make it teachable. I understand the Moe did not feel his swing could be learned. Moe went into the 'channel' by sliding his elbow around his chest but kept his shoulders close to the foot alignment and that made his swing harder to repeat for me. Thanks Seth I noticed the same thing. Love these guys and how they have created a teachable swing, which Moe just couldn't due to his autism. Moe was a total genius, in my eyes but not a teacher!
Hey JH, This is great stuff as usual bud. It's starting to make sense. Been watching your videos for few months now going to try the channel lock soon will let you know how I get on cheers mate
Fascinating stuff Mr JH .. may I ask ? ..
I understand the ball starting right but If you are swinging in to out, how do you prevent a hook or big draw .. (or how do you hit it straight?)
I tried out the move (or my interpretation of it) recently whilst golfing in Poland and whilst I hit quite solid it mostly had a big draw or hook
I am a 4 hcp in NE Scotland and my biggest fault is taking the club inside too flat and inside my hands tooo quickly on the backswing .. which results in too steep a downswing
Any thoughts ? Tips to avoid / eliminate?
Very grateful for all your insights & videos !!
Best wishes
Craig McGill
Hi Craig,
The swing path whilst 'in to out' is not dramatically in to out after you have adjusted the address alignment as I have shown ... the general shape of the shots are straight to a slight draw .. the worst is a slight 'push'.
If you are experiencing significant shot shape results like a big push draw you just have not aimed far enough left as a compensatory address adjustment alignment which means your in to out attack path is too extreme and you have too much closure on the club face at impact.
The way to test that is simply to open the club face incrementally until the hard push draw becomes a straight big push.. you then simply keep aligning incrementally left with your body until the big straight push becomes a straight shot.
You really need to watch the videos and take on the explanations I espouse ... it's not easy to digest in a couple of viewings .. but its just geometry settings of address and the maintenance of closed shoulders at impact with a back foot ball positiong...
If you apply the Channel Lock protocol correctly you will never have a 'steep' attack angle to the ball... the closed shoulders ensure a high lead shoulder into impact which cannot manifest a steep attack angle on the ball ... invariably players trying Channel Lock really just don't get the ball far enough back at address and commit enough to the closed shoulders at impact ...
If you setup with the ball off your trail foot or just behind it and then set the club to the ball with the shaft as vertical as possible and then just take the club straight 'rearwards' back from the ball ( not sideways) you will see it very hard to get the club head going low and around your body..it wants to track in a straight line which takes the club 'up' not 'around' in the backswing.
The swing requires a lot of commitment to the exact mechanics of the protocol which just take a fair bit of working out... but the good thing is the Protocol is an infallible mechanism when correctly applied.
cheers JH
Cheers JH .. off to the range tonight to experiment !
JH, in response to your comments to Craig, my question to you is “Does’t applying the proper mechanics to any golf swing methodology result in hitting the ball strait?” The mechanics of a traditional golf swing with the ball center, if followed, will produce a strait ball flight. The same holds true with channel lock. So if you have learned the mechanics of a particular golf swing, then what is the advantage of your CH protocol over any other protocol for a different swing? What I am finding after multiple viewings of your videos and many weeks of working out your protocol to CH, is that, just like any protocol, tweaks must be made to get the ball to go strait. I can make the ball slice or fade or go strait in CH and it has everything to do with the direction of my backswing. I can also top the ball, or chunk it into the ground at impact which I have done with the traditional golf swing too. So it just seem like you have to learn the protocol for any golf swing you are trying to perfect, and it is no different with Channel Lock. So I’m really wondering what the big advantage of learning the Channel Lock protocol over any other type of protocol for a different swing (such as the traditional swing, or the A Swing).
Hi Ralph,
You can learn a conventional set of swing mechanics and be able to hit the ball straight..on occasions...the problem being with a ball positioned to the lead side of the center of the body the chances of keeping the shoulders square to closed at impact consistently is very difficult...no one in the history of golf has ever been able to do it.
With the ball placed as far back as I advocate with Channel Lock at address the shoulders have to be closed at impact because of the timing of the swing path being so early in the downswing phase of the attack to the ball.
Its a matter of 'propensity' elimination... the more forward a ball is positioned at address the more potential propensity there is for the shoulders to be open at impact ...to prove the mechanics of Channel Lock to yourself.. just setup with the ball positioned of your trail foot little toe at address with maybe a 9 iron or alike and take the club back with a good shoulder turn then just keep the lead shoulder closed and fire the club head at the ball ... the club has to track in to out to the ball ..the club cannot track out to in with a closed shoulder line..its just 'forced' body geometry alignment at impact.
You have to learn the CL swing by way of small shots and committing to keeping the lead shoulder closed at impact with the extreme back positioned ball at address... if you apply the protocol mechanics correctly the ball cannot 'start' other than slightly in to out of the intended target direction..any big variations of 'slightly' are are simply incorrect ratios of geometry application.
When you say you can top or chunk the ball with CL like any other swing protocol that is only a resultant of 'you' not applying the protocol 'correctly'..its not a fault of the actual protocol ...clearly you have to tweak the protocol to suit individual requirements..but the general overall geometry application is non negotiable.
chjeerrs JH
are your shoulders aligned parallel or closed to the target line?
Hi Greg,
At final address alignment, the shoulders are closed to the target line .. how much depends on individual shot shape requirements.
cheers JH
I know I'm a little late with this video JH, but have I got it right in saying that it's open feet with closed shoulder (back cock) aimed at the target so fire the club at the target?
Hi Martin,
The club is always fired 'across' the target line away from the target .. in to out as a path direction .. the 'clubface' is released towards the target though .. you have to hit into out in order to maintain closed shoulders at impact in order to 'start' the ball in the 'same' direction every time ...
I have evolved into a closed stance at address these days because I have worked out my targeting direction requirements to the extent I automatically aim to the left of my target line and the closed stance/shoulders just fire the club the required amount across the target line ..
If you set up with an open stance foot line and blackcock the shoulders they should be pointing a bit across the target line to the right .. if you are a right-hander ..
cheers JH
@@1atomicgolf got it now, cheers JH.
How would you go about gently fading a shot using this method? I'm either bullet straight or soft draw on the majority of shots
Because the swing path with the CL swing is always a bit in to out your shot shape will will always be normally always a slight draw or a straight push ..the amout of draw or push is just dependant on the amount of face angle open or closed you are applying to the in to out attack path of the club.
A Fade for me is just aiming further left than I would for a straight push shot and just opening the club face a bit more than normal.
Personally I would prefer to to just straight push the ball to the target than impart any curvature on the ball flight..
Cheers JH
@@1atomicgolf found answer to my question about fade. Pretty much what i thought. one hole that has tight window and moves right. I'll play around with opening club face. Last night in Monday night league. Hit best hybrid out of trees. Needed to draw it and closed face with channel lock. beautiful 235 draw hit green rolled off back. Proceeded to hit it in forehead then almost chip in 2nd pitch get mad and miss one footer for bogey. DB. But that channel lock helps with start lines and knowing i'm not going left is HUGE.
JH, do you still grip the club square and point the face along the target line? Thanks! Skipper
The face alignment has become innately automatic now and I am clearly making the required face setting automatically unconsciously ... the check point of the correct amount of face alignment at address is simply the result of your ball flight... if its too far to the right of your target starting( right handed player) the face is too open etc... your own personal face settings have to be practiced in to place.
cheers JH
Are you the voice for the Geico Gecko?
I'm not... but I could be if the money was right...
cheers JH
So basically an open stance with ball played back... this looks like the early golfers like Vardon and in the early 1900s... they seemed to stand open to the shot.
Hi Steve,
Remember a 'footline' has nothing to do with or can influence the delivery path of the clubhead to the ball at impact ... the only thing that can deliver the clubhead to the ball are the hands/arms.. and they are dictated direction wise by the shoulder alignment at impact ...
Invariably open or closed footlines are only to help with torque creation in the backswing or help with lack of flexibility in the backswing... guys like Nicklaus and Trevino who had open foot lines delivered their clubheads into the ball from in to out at impact .. Trevino in fact had the saying .. ' I aim 'left' with my feet.. and hit 'right' with my arms/hands"..
With the Channel Lock swing you cannot have 'open' shoulders at impact because it negates the whole purpose of the swing protocol which is to guarantee a specific 'starting' direction of the golf ball post impact .. which is slightly away from the target line from an 'in to out' delivery line at impact.
There is a lot of misunderstanding about the so-called 'open stance' and how generally people think it means the whole 'body' is aligned to the left at address ( if you are a right-hander that is )... you would only do that if you intended to hit a 'cut' type ball flight shot ...in order to hit a draw shot the club has to deliver itself to the ball from 'in to out' at impact .. that cannot happen if the shoulders are open at impact .. the CL swing because it incorperates a back foot ball position at address could not be applied effectively from open shoulders at impact .. you could never start the ball from in to out from an open shoulder girdle at impact.
If you played the ball off your back foot and had a normal open body shoulder alignment at impact its just a normal prone to drag or pull shot shape type golf swing .. .. so CL is not just a ..' Back foot positioned ball and 'open' stance golf swing'.. not remotely like that .its a swing that creates a specific closed shoulder alignment at impact .. and that cannot happen from an open body alignment at impact .
cheers JH
Did you invent this Channel Lock idea?
Sure Did..
cheers JH