That Pulsar was the former 3075 with Arriva North West, we ended up sending a load of 61, 12 and 13 plate Pulsars elsewhere after getting a load of ADL Enviro 400s including Midlands and the Shires
There is nothing wrong with liking E200s. I'm same I do like my E200s. Gone off E300s as there ageing now and gone off streetlites. E200s r my favs along with mmcs and B9s.
Aylesbury bus station is SO Gloomily
That Pulsar was the former 3075 with Arriva North West, we ended up sending a load of 61, 12 and 13 plate Pulsars elsewhere after getting a load of ADL Enviro 400s including Midlands and the Shires
I may be going m. But i am sure ive seen Route Beanded deckers on the 289 in the past????
New Volvo Evora's coming for the X20
They have received them and being sprayed before entering service in the coming weeks.
There is nothing wrong with liking E200s. I'm same I do like my E200s. Gone off E300s as there ageing now and gone off streetlites. E200s r my favs along with mmcs and B9s.
Give me a double decker over any single