It's very interesting what you did blending the washes. I did something similar a while ago painting a tree trunk to simulate mold tones, but I did not think of that technique for Hatchet's cape. Kudos!
Thanks Jorge. Yeah washes blend really well because of how thin they are so wet blending is super easy. And with the way they let what's under them still show through it made it perfect for the scratched leather effect. Glad you liked it :)
Your videos are inspiring. This is my second mini to paint and following your tutorials made it come out great. I didn't feel up to the leather technique so I used washes instead.
Hey Joanna. Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad you found the video useful. And there's plenty of time to have a go at painting leather and other textures and techniques, so like you did, just keep it simple for yourself until you're confident with the basics. Then start trying some techniques that take a bit more skill. I'd love to see how your mini came out if you're happy to share it? If you are, just post it to Twitter or Instagram and tag me in it. Happy painting and welcome to the hobby :)
Hey Lucas. Thanks for the comment :) For the moment, JotL has been put to the side because the two characters that we're playing as have been painted, so I'm doing minis from other games (I'm painting Bloodborne at the moment) but I'd definitely like to go back and do the other characters at some point.
Best Hatchet I’ve seen yet. Great job
Wow thanks! Glad you liked it :)
Agreed! Waiting on the last 2 😁
It's very interesting what you did blending the washes. I did something similar a while ago painting a tree trunk to simulate mold tones, but I did not think of that technique for Hatchet's cape. Kudos!
Thanks Jorge. Yeah washes blend really well because of how thin they are so wet blending is super easy. And with the way they let what's under them still show through it made it perfect for the scratched leather effect. Glad you liked it :)
Your videos are inspiring. This is my second mini to paint and following your tutorials made it come out great. I didn't feel up to the leather technique so I used washes instead.
Hey Joanna. Thanks so much for the comment. I'm glad you found the video useful. And there's plenty of time to have a go at painting leather and other textures and techniques, so like you did, just keep it simple for yourself until you're confident with the basics. Then start trying some techniques that take a bit more skill.
I'd love to see how your mini came out if you're happy to share it? If you are, just post it to Twitter or Instagram and tag me in it. Happy painting and welcome to the hobby :)
These tutorials are absolutely awesome! Will you still be doing videos for the Voidwarden and Demolitionist or are these off the painting table? :-D
Hey Lucas. Thanks for the comment :) For the moment, JotL has been put to the side because the two characters that we're playing as have been painted, so I'm doing minis from other games (I'm painting Bloodborne at the moment) but I'd definitely like to go back and do the other characters at some point.