Finding the American Dream in France

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2024
  • We came for a year and don't want to leave. This video is about why.
    Free move-to-France resource list with links to all the things (housing, car rental, international health insurance etc):
    About Us:
    We are an American family of 3 who moved to France for an extended stay adventure in 2022.
    We wanted to experience Europe as more than rushed tourists on a 10-day vacation. To dive into the culture, learn a new language, experience daily life, and truly know what it was like to work and live somewhere other than the US.
    In France, we set up a business, enrolled in a middle school, found housing, and even got our cat a European passport!
    While in the US preparing to leave, the information we found about staying in France for longer than a short vacation was directed at college students, young & single digital nomads, or retirees. Where was the useful information for families like us?
    With a year under our belts in France, we created Baguette Bound to pass on what we have learned. We hope to make it easier and inspire other families who are interested in experiencing a long stay in France with their families. Stay tuned for more information on French culture, local travel ideas, and the logistics of moving across the world.
    Contact us @
    Book a Consult:
    #movetofrance #france #americansinfrance #slowliving #expatinfrance #frenchlifestyle #baguettebound #frenchcountryside #frenchcountry #movingtofrance #americandream

ความคิดเห็น • 653

  • @JezaGaia
    @JezaGaia หลายเดือนก่อน +483

    I mean you work, you pay taxes, respect the law and the culture, why wouldn't we want you here ? You're very welcome to stay as long as you want to , welcome to France :)

    • @goofygrandlouis6296
      @goofygrandlouis6296 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +26

      I was about to write the same thing 😊
      Finally an immigration that's *actually* useful for the society, people productive.

    • @user-jn6bn3bw9w
      @user-jn6bn3bw9w 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

      @@goofygrandlouis6296je ne vois pas ce que vous sous-entendez, les bienfaits de la migration ont été bien nombreux, et ce n’est pas parce qu’il y’a certains problèmes de nos jours qu’il faut cracher dessus !

    • @Didier88600
      @Didier88600 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      @@user-jn6bn3bw9w C'est faux.... Le cout de l'immigration est connu que ce soit en morts ou en argent, logements, etc...

    • @user-jn6bn3bw9w
      @user-jn6bn3bw9w 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      @@Didier88600 mais celui de ses avantages est également connu, et les exemples sont si nombreux que l’on ne peut les compter sur le bout des doigts : rajeunissement de la population, apport d’individus qualifiés dans les métiers scientifiques etc

    • @vtvt6656
      @vtvt6656 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

      @@user-jn6bn3bw9w ...Et il y a probablement autant d'exemples opposés... Le pb n'est pas l'immigration (quand elle est légale) mais ce que nous souhaitons en faire d'un point de vue sociétale: Multiculturalisme (mais qui dans 90% des cas abouti au communautarisme et aux luttes inter-sectionnelles) ? Interculturalisme ? Immigration économique ? ou basée sur l'humanisme et les différents status de réfugiés ? etc ... Tant que la société française n'aura pas eu le droit de s'exprimer sur ces sujets qui la concerne pourtant en premier lieu, il y aura toujours des "malaises" ...

  • @fessedelynx9245
    @fessedelynx9245 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +172

    Some French people must watch your video, sometimes we forget that we are lucky to have what we have 😂 Very happy that you find a life that you love here, it's absolutely fantastic! I wish you the best ❤

    • @Jonathan_T
      @Jonathan_T 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Praise this comment

    • @thierrycambon116
      @thierrycambon116 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      You're right ! I did it (subscribed) and I love these videos ! It makes you think and realize the luck we have, french people, to live in such a beautiful country, yet still moan about anything ! Vous semblez être dans la région où beaucoup d'anglais aiment s'installer. Ne faites pas comme eux, apprenez la langue !

    • @alfgoto4592
      @alfgoto4592 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

      ce pseudo….

    • @chabirandjeanmarc7032
      @chabirandjeanmarc7032 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      en même temps Les USA question protection (sante...) c quand même pas extraordinaire. Certes en France nous avons certaines choses mais des personnes cherchent a casser tout ca pour etre comme aux usa

    • @Doomey-sportFr
      @Doomey-sportFr 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@chabirandjeanmarc7032 merci, j'allais moi aussi prévenir qu'il ne faut pas accepter tout sous prétexte qu'ailleurs c'est pire. La france est actuellement visée par des destructeurs.

  • @zlardos328
    @zlardos328 หลายเดือนก่อน +136

    Bienvenue en France,J espère que vous y serez très heureux.

    • @BaguetteBound
      @BaguetteBound  หลายเดือนก่อน +8


    • @bu2zy
      @bu2zy 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bienvenue en France, la vie n'est pas si mal chez nous ❤. Je m'abonne ça me permettra de vivre vos aventures et d'améliorer mon anglais en même temps.

    • @kacy5365
      @kacy5365 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Welcome ce pays est incroyablement beau et diversifié et le français râleurs bienvenue a vous

  • @RalphBrooker-gn9iv
    @RalphBrooker-gn9iv 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +150

    I’m a Brit. I came to France in 2008. Ex-forces I needed to decompress having found civvy street difficult to adjust. I learned to speak French, got a job in forestry maintenance (I love solitude and nature). I’m retired now. I love it here. There are things I miss. But the country is so diverse.

  • @ogamiitto8627
    @ogamiitto8627 หลายเดือนก่อน +195

    Bienvenue à toute la famille, je vous souhaite plein de bonheur chez nous, chez vous désormais !

  • @Meaulnes
    @Meaulnes 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +75

    Je suis maintenant retraité mais ai travaillé toute ma vie pour des sociétés américaines et ai vu des centaines d’américain venir en France pour travailler dans la société dans laquelle je travaillais. J’ai noté deux comportements fort différents après un an passé en France :
    - Certains américains après un an, ne parlaient toujours pas français, n’avaient que des amis anglophones et ne rêvaient que de retourner aux USA
    - La majorité, après un an, s’étaient magnifiquement intégrés à la vie française, en avaient adopté les coutumes, habitudes mais aussi les défauts bien souvent et ne souhaitaient qu’une chose : rester en Europe et ne jamais retourner aux États-Unis.
    Vous semblez faire partie de ce second groupe. Félicitations car vous êtes ouverts et perméables aux autres cultures.
    J’aime beaucoup la rigueur analytique de vos décisions et la planification qui l’accompagne.
    Vos vidéos sont quant à elles bien construites et fort instructives. Félicitations !
    I expect you now speak enough french to read and understand my comment.
    Your next TH-cam milestone is your 1st video in French. Every American expat that has a TH-cam channel does it at least once.

    • @northerngannetproject3147
      @northerngannetproject3147 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Au fond de la normandie j'au un voisin qui vient d'arizona... depuis 8ans... il sait toujours pas acheter une baguette 😁😁

    • @Vieux_rat75
      @Vieux_rat75 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@northerngannetproject3147 ça doit le dépayser, le climat est "un peu" plus humide...

  • @melchiorvonsternberg844
    @melchiorvonsternberg844 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

    German here. What can I say? Welcome home to Europe, where your ancestors once came from...

    • @exelmans8855
      @exelmans8855 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      France is France. Europe is irrelevant.

  • @paulchapoy992
    @paulchapoy992 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +64

    Peu de français se rendent compte du privilège que nous avons de vivre en France et il suffit que nous allions à l'étranger pour que l'on s'en rende compte. Bienvenue dans votre nouveau pays. je vous souhaite tout le bonheur du monde !!! 🇨🇵

    • @RalphBrooker-gn9iv
      @RalphBrooker-gn9iv 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

      C’est exacte. J’ai investi pleinement dans la culture française, appris à parler français, j’ai des liens avec l’armée de terre française (je suis ancien combattant britannique), je vis dans un tout petit hameau de rural. On fait des choses pour les autres, ils font des choses pour vous. C’est simple. Trop des anglaise qui ne parlent pas un mot de français (Dordogne). C’est honteux. En 2015 j’ai subi une ablation totale du rein droit, cancer. J’avais des symptômes inquiétants le lundi, je récupérais de l’opération en soins intensifs le week-end. Cinq jours plus tard! L’urologue annule ses vacances de ski. Je suis porte-drapeau pour le Souvenir Français. Et maintenant je passe mon temps en explorant ce pays si diverse. J’habite en Corrèze. Et je support même une équipe de rugby Fed 2, EVMBO. Ça me va bien. Hier j’ai un scan. Il faut comprend la vie politique française. Très différent du système britannique. C’eT bcp plus vif, plus engagé. Je ne suis par riche. Je loue un gîte mais c’est presque gratuit car je fait tant de travail au coin. I love this country. Merci d’avoir m’accueillir.

    • @paulchapoy992
      @paulchapoy992 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Bienvenue en France. Plus il y aura d'anglosaxons qui aprécieront notre culture et plus cela rapprochera nos liens déja étroits !
      Concernant le système politique, je ressens le même effet inverse, à savoir que j'ai du mal à comprendre la réticence des britaniques à s'engager et à se sentir pleinement européens. Je le respecte car probablement est-ce dù à l'état insulaire du RU mais j'aurais personnellement tendance à penser que dans ce monde tourmenté, l'union fait la force, mais les anglais tendent à se méfier des engagements et à se considerer un peu comme un peuple à part, ce que je regrette même si je peux le comprendre et le respecte. La France est infiniement plus politisée et idealiste que ne l'est le RU probablement plus pragmatique.

    • @thomaslacornette1282
      @thomaslacornette1282 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Et oui c'est tellement génial la France ses clodos et ses cassos en augmentation exponentielle, ses salaires bas (parmi les plus bas du monde occidental) et son immobilier avec des prix records. Ensuite c'est surement pas un privilège, tout ses droits ont été acquis à la sueur de leur front et au prix de leur sang par nos ancêtres et c'est pas avec ce genre de discours naïf qu'on va préserver ces acquis. La France c'est surtout génial pour les étrangers et les français riches qui n'habitent pas dans des coins qui n'ont plus grand chose de français. Pour les autres la France c'est autre chose.

    • @paulchapoy992
      @paulchapoy992 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Ce n'est pas un discours naïf, c'est mon opinion. Vous n'avez peut-être pas le même et je le respecte quand-même. Toujours la même question de savoir si on voit le verre à moitié-vide ou à moitié-plein !

    • @thomaslacornette1282
      @thomaslacornette1282 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@paulchapoy992Je vous respecte mais votre discours reste naïf. La france est un pays de vieux plus ou moins riches et de jeunes pauvres, et d'immigré pour la plupart pauvres, c'est clair que suivant la génération certains ont plus bu dans le verre que d'autres. Il y a tellement de pays en europe mieux que la france, vous dîtes que seul celui qui a voyagé connait sa chance mais je sais pas où vous avez voyager peut être que dans des pays du tiers monde. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il y a tjrs pire qu'on doit se considérer génial.

  • @spooftime9712
    @spooftime9712 หลายเดือนก่อน +84

    So happy that everything worked out for you.
    France is a great country. Of course there are always minor details that I miss from murica.
    But every year when I go back to visit my brother in portland and he can only take like 4 days off AND still has to answer his phone during his off time.
    I'm so happy that I can take 5 weeks off and the french law "droit à la déconnexion" where I don't even have to answer anything work related and just spend time with family.
    I wouldn't exchange it for anything in the world.

  • @tompell3032
    @tompell3032 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +62

    My wife is French. I am retired and my wife works online teaching French. Last year we moved to Normandy, France to be close to her parents. At the beginning it was hard adjusting, because everything moves rather slower here in France. But now we are loving it. We live in a tiny village surrounded by farmlands and forrested rolling hills. The views are spectacular. Land is so cheap (1 Euro per m2) that it costs more to build a fence around it than the land itself. They are less than 100 ppl spread over a very large area. There are only 3 houses/families in our immediate surroundings. Our food bills are low, because we can buy them straight from the farmers. Plenty of birds, deers, rabits, cows, goats, and chickens. There are apple, plum, pear and berries trees/vines growing on our land. My neighbors have even more. We don't have banana trees though 🙂 We are happy with paying more taxes for the priviledge of living here. There are several British expats in the village, so whenever i need to get a break from speaking French, I just go visit them.

    • @elyakel5682
      @elyakel5682 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Yeah i'm sorry as a french if you can't talk english, most french sucks at it
      But Bravo for learning french, it's always an honor when people learn french since it's one of the hardest language

    • @Eldiran1
      @Eldiran1 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      I (french) don' t want to be rude but i think it's normal to learn a bit a french if you live here. But i'm not saying it's easy by any mean.
      From what i've read, they seem to be happy and fulfill in the rural part of Normandy, and that all i could wish for them : )
      I want to show that more french can be welcoming that some can think. Maybe we don't chitchat that often compared to US citizen but when you get to know people, a lot of foreigner tell me that's it easier to make friend here.

  • @keithklein4538
    @keithklein4538 หลายเดือนก่อน +123

    My wife and I did the same thing 23 years ago. We became citizens in 2013. If you truly love it, this too will be yours! If I were to have any advice it would be integrate. Become involved in your community, join clubs, go to village functions, participate! You will meet people, make friends and most importantly, learn how this wonderful nation functions. Don’t worry about you level of French. Si vous pouvez comprendre cette phrase, vous êtes suffisamment compétent pour pour participer. And embrace the passion. We French are not quiet or meek, we complain, and raise our voices and protest when we deem it necessary necessary. But toujours le respect. I think that the motto of the republic is key: libertié: we are free to do as we please. égalité : my opinion counts as much as yours and vice verse. fraternité : we are, for better or worse, all in this together. Prendrez vos responsabilités, portez votre pierre à l’edifice , vivez pleinement le paradis français.
    I hope you succeed in your integration. France, and the French need to be reminded from time to time, that well not perfect, the life that has been constructed here has few equals, and no superiors. Vivre la France!

    • @BaguetteBound
      @BaguetteBound  หลายเดือนก่อน +16

      I love all this. 😍 And it feels true to all that we love about this place and look forward to. Thank you for the kind and encouraging words! 🇨🇵

    • @Tina-qp7py
      @Tina-qp7py หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      My college French is still there since I could read and understand your French. You make France sound so wonderful. I think I'll plan a trip for June.

    • @jorgegustavoortiz7717
      @jorgegustavoortiz7717 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      How BEAUTIFUL your message. I feel awesome too as I'm also moving to France in August... 🍷🙏🍷

    • @nox8730
      @nox8730 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

      Yeah, integrate, yeah. I mean, 80% of us are utterly fed up with uncontrolled and undesired, massive immigration, precisely because too many do not care to integrate. Do not assimilate. Do not shoulder what it means to be french and what it means to have 2 millenias of History to protect. Indeed, learning french is mandatory for that purpose. Being welcomed or not depends on this kind of thing.

    • @RasLion
      @RasLion 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      T'aurais pu écrire correctement quand même après tant d'années.....

  • @lohphat
    @lohphat 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    I lived in Paris 28 years ago and my goal is to get back and stay. I've continued my French studies so that I've maintained a B2 competence level and hope to achieve A2 in time.
    I'm at my last work commitment and I have enough resources to move.
    I too am tired of the dysfunction in the US due to the wealthy class buying off the legislature and judges for their own ends.
    The 2nd Amendment contains "well regulated militia" and NOT the word "own". The forced-birth movement by SCOTUS who LIED during their confirmation hearing about Roe v Wade that it was "settled law" and then overturned.
    These crazy Evangelicals seem to have no problem "bearing false witness" to get what they want.
    Going into debt slavery for an education or if you're sick is BARBARIC. The US has lost its way -- the corporations and cartels are now running the place.
    I want to live in peace with my neighbors and have access to modern fast trains and walkable cities and never need to own a car again in my life -- they're a money pit. I want to live in a modern country.
    The US national debt interest payments are now greater than the defense budget. That debt is held by the wealthy class as tax-free municipal bonds -- it's a tax-dodge racket and you and I can't play the game.
    As soon as I can line things up -- I'm outta here.

  • @scottw.7626
    @scottw.7626 หลายเดือนก่อน +100

    Loved your comment on paying taxes. I hear that a lot from videos of people living in Europe. They actually get something for what they pay. Here, we can pay high property taxes, sales taxes, and income taxes and look around and think, "Where does it all go." Healthcare is exorbitant, college debt inducing, the infrastructure below average, childcare expensive, etc. Americans are conned into believing we can't have nice things and if we did, we would go broke paying taxes. In return, we pay quite high taxes and see virtually nothing in return. At least the French think about quality of life, something that is long lost here. Enjoy!

    • @pierredebug17
      @pierredebug17 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

      Exactly. If you pay less tax but ends up paying for school fees and health insurance, in the end it is just money spent. What matters is not the tax rate, but what is left after paying for everything.

    • @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw
      @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      In France once you have your Carte Vitale, you are covered by state health insurance for medical procedures, operations etc. Extras like hospital hotel bills require mutuelle which is around 30 to 40 euros per month per person. Peanuts, in other words.

    • @Nap_is_back
      @Nap_is_back 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      « They actually get something for what they pay. » Like what? All I do is paying for the others and having nothing in return.
      France is up to its neck in debt, billions of euros in taxes are collected every year, but where do they go? France is super generous, France is a country of welfare recipients, a country that gives dough to the whole world but not to the people who work hard to keep this country alive for a while.
      We're taxed on everything, France is the most taxed country in the world, and for what? Paying for the studies of idiots who spit on this country all day long and blockade universities around March-April every year for anything and everything? Paying women who have 10 kids and don't look after them? Paying for the stay of so-called isolated minors at 50k euros/year/person when many French people are working and living on the streets or in their cars when they're lucky? Giving lots of money to people who have never worked or done anything for France and leaving pensioners who have contributed all their lives in misery? Paying for politicians who sell our country abroad piece by piece? Paying to use the motorway when we already pay for its maintenance with our taxes? Paying for free care for foreigners when the French have been forced for some years now to pay for private insurance because the Social Security system is reimbursing less and less for dental and ophthalmological care?
      I live in a department that's rich because of its proximity to Switzerland, but the roads are in poor condition, the road infrastructure and the towns aren't adapted to the 10,000 new people who move here every year.
      When I worked in France, I wasn't entitled to anything - I was 'too rich' for benefits, but too poor to do what I wanted. Today I work in Switzerland, I don't earn much compared with other people and I can't even afford to buy a flat because property prices are so high. And as I'm still saving a little in the hope that one day I'll be able to buy a flat, I can't do anything with the savings.
      My taxes pay for schools, day nursery, family allowances and various other forms of assistance, even though I'm not entitled to any, and I don't have any children. I even pay for other people's social security, their medicines and their care, even though my health insurance is in Switzerland and they reimburse me virtually nothing.
      So yes, sorry but as a French, I spend my time paying for others and I've never had anything in return. It’s not fair that people who work hard has to pay for others.
      And before you judge me, my brother is more of an extreme left-winger and I’m more of an extreme right-winger, so we don’t really have the same vision of social policy, but we think the same thing: we're fed up with paying for others.
      Hospitals, police stations, monuments, etc. are starved for resources. Our heritage is falling into ruin and not a day goes by without a fund being opened to save a castle or a church. Every day farmers commit su*c*de because they have no money and are exhausted from working for nothing. Businesses are closing down every day, people over 50 can't find work because they're "too old". But yes, it's wonderful in France.
      And I'm not going to talk about the lack of security, I could go on for hours.
      So don’t talk like living in France was a paradise, except if you live here for free.

    • @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw
      @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw 22 วันที่ผ่านมา

      "France is up to its neck in debt."
      EVERY Western country is "up to its neck in debt". The United States isn't "up to its neck". It's at the bottom of the ocean in debt. The US national debt is unrepayable. The US national debt is like the ocean above where the Titanic is now. And it GREW exponentially under Trump, the hero of all you right wingers. So if you think some right wing fruitloop like Le Pen will make things better, you'll see what happens if / when she becomes Madame La Presidente. Vladimir Putin will be dictating French foreign policy directly, and French taxpayers will be subsidising Russia. Putin gave / lent / endowed Le Pen with € 9 million to pay off the overdraft of her Front Nationale or whatever she calls it now, Rassemblement etc. She is completely in Putin's pocket.

    • @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw
      @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      Oh and by the way, castles and churches in England are supported by charities like the National Trust and organisations like English Heritage, which is a semi governmental semi charitable outfit, the old Ancient Monuments Commission. Haven't the French worked out how to do that yet ? Do you expect the government to do EVERYTHING for you ?

  • @palynodie5
    @palynodie5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Glad to have you! In fact it's sort of a welcome back, fellow european descendants ;)

  • @ThierryProduction
    @ThierryProduction 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    I just came around to your video, and I think you got what most of french people don't get. The way of living. Most of them don't have the slightest Idea of what we have here compared to a lot of countries. Of ourse we have, like any other countries, things that we dislike or wish to be better, but, at the end of the day, this country is a good place to live for all the reasons you told us.
    Welcome here, as we can hear the respect you have for this country and its culture, and thank you for sharing your experience with us.

  • @jaapster1273
    @jaapster1273 หลายเดือนก่อน +41

    Vive la France, welcome to Europe. The best gathering of nations to live.

  • @jorgegustavoortiz7717
    @jorgegustavoortiz7717 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Very inspiring guys... It makes me feel good as I am moving to France as well in August, 2024...🥂🙏🍷

  • @Zitat-ist-auch-nicht-mehr-das
    @Zitat-ist-auch-nicht-mehr-das 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +64

    En 1990, un ami américain, également médecin comme moi, m'a demandé pourquoi je ne voulais pas travailler et vivre aux États-Unis : un revenu plus élevé, des impôts plus bas, une maison propre, un bateau, un avion, etc. J'ai répondu que mon luxe était le système de santé allemand, pouvoir traiter tout le monde de manière optimale. De plus, on peut vivre en Allemagne sans voiture et quand même aller partout. De plus, la sélection de bons aliments est bien plus grande. La même chose s'applique sûrement à la France, au BENELUX, aux pays scandinaves, etc. Aujourd'hui, il regrette de ne pas être venu en Europe à l'époque.

    • @philv3941
      @philv3941 21 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      Et tu peux même avoir un bateau facilement et pour vraiment pas cher en france ou au nord de l'Allemagne, il sera plus petit, sera sûrement un voilier, mais c'est largement aussi cool - c'est moins frime qu'une vedette de 3x300cv en floride mais who cares ?

    • @thomaslacornette1282
      @thomaslacornette1282 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      L'Allemagne est bien mieux géré que la France. D'ailleurs on ne le dis plus trop mais l'Allemagne a soigné des centaines de malades français du covid et le système de santé Allemand est à notre époque bien meilleur que le français. Sur l'éducation et la retraite l'Allemagne est bien mieux aussi favorisant des parcours professionnalisant et quand les personnes sont âgées elles travaillent mais en tant que tuteurs.

    • @NanouPeb-vy3ug
      @NanouPeb-vy3ug 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@thomaslacornette1282 🤣🤣🤣 pour bien connaître l'Allemagne votre commentaire me fait sourire

    • @thomaslacornette1282
      @thomaslacornette1282 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@NanouPeb-vy3ug Au niveau des budgets oui c'est bien mieux géré. Quand aux rues la propreté etc... y'a pas photo. C'est ironique ou bien? J'ai dit quoi de drôle. Sans l'Allemagne l'euro ne vaudrait plus rien.

    • @jfkn5922
      @jfkn5922 19 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

      Mon pays est meilleur que le tien, nananinanere !
      C'est ça qui est drôle ! Kindergarten attitude 😂

  • @Lea-rb9nc
    @Lea-rb9nc หลายเดือนก่อน +28

    I came to France with a one year visa and that was in 2007... I have no intention of living anywhere else.

  • @julienlefevre8735
    @julienlefevre8735 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Bienvenue. Restez aussi longtemps que vous le voulez.

  • @laurent_supersonic
    @laurent_supersonic 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    France is lucky to have you. I hope you keep enjoying our beautiful country.

  • @bobbyfischer1534
    @bobbyfischer1534 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Welcome to France, I wish you the best !

  • @Charly201187
    @Charly201187 9 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Welcome to our country and we are thrilled to have you ! I don't wanna make the case just for France (as I am french) but many European countries are as good (if not better) as ours in creating a safe and enjoyable environment for families. Anyway we are happy that you chose France, a warm welcome to you !

  • @geoffoakland
    @geoffoakland 10 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I moved to France 8 years ago, best decision I ever made. Im about to move into a house with a view of the Pyrenees for well under 200k and less than 2k property tax. Much less stressed here than in the US

  • @wonder6789
    @wonder6789 หลายเดือนก่อน +30

    Exact same trajectory here. Whenever I return to the States I feel depressed, anxious, paranoid.

  • @yngvildrthevoracious
    @yngvildrthevoracious วันที่ผ่านมา

    Guys, I think it's amazing that you're staying. Also as someone with mixed opinions with families that feature their children on TH-cam, I feel like you've done a good job together about it, especially disabling comments on her videos and going on this journey of discovery as a family.

  • @pierredebug17
    @pierredebug17 หลายเดือนก่อน +27

    We in France take a lot of criticism for being lazy, 2h lunch, on strikes etc…but think about it, this is a small country and yet the economy is ok and standard of living pretty high. Something must be working. Also about taxes, you may pay less taxes in the US but if you need to pay additional fees for school or healthcare, this may not be a tax, but still a cost. Bienvenue à nos cousins américains.

    • @SurpriseMeJT
      @SurpriseMeJT หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Yes, in the US, you are "nickle and dimed" everywhere where the governmenent doesn't tax you. The wolves of the market place operate legal monopolies (insurance companies and healthcare) and in the end, the cost of living takes everything away. I make less money in France but somehow am able to save almost as much money and work less days out of the year.
      Something you simply cannot buy in the US is good quality food. Bread is not bread anymore and everything is sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. This way of life designed to steal your health for corporate profit. There is so little to like about American life anymore.

    • @Asa...S
      @Asa...S 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Small country..? With almost 68 million people? It's the 3rd biggest country in Europe (after Russia and Ukraine), based of size, and the 5th biggest country in Europe, based on population.
      Sure, small compared to the US, that's true, but you can hardly describe France as a _small_ country.

    • @Lostouille
      @Lostouille 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@Asa...S par rapport à d autres pays en superficie comme la Russie ou Le Brésil on est pas si "grands"

    • @Asa...S
      @Asa...S 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@Lostouille Sure, not compared to the biggest countries in the world.
      Doesn't make France a _small_ country though, it's still a lot bigger than the vast majority of countries. That is _actually_ small.

    • @davidmatet6236
      @davidmatet6236 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Si vous n'arrivez pas chez nous en terrain conquis, vous êtes les bien venu.
      A Rome, faites comme les Romains.

  • @user-xx6jg6vj7k
    @user-xx6jg6vj7k 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Merci pour votre respect de notre pays

  • @Spartiateism
    @Spartiateism 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    As a frenchman, thats bring good vibes ! Thanks 👌

  • @klaus2t703
    @klaus2t703 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +14

    German here. I would be fine to live in many countries. But I guess I would miss a lot if I moved to the US. Especially safety. Not only because of crime, but also because of the risk of becoming unemployed or really sick. And I´m sure I´d miss the more natural food.

    • @goofygrandlouis6296
      @goofygrandlouis6296 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yeah natural food is a big issue in the US.
      They sure do like their chemicals.

  • @NanouPeb-vy3ug
    @NanouPeb-vy3ug 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Excellent je suis heureuse pour vous, cela fait du bien d'entendre d'aussi jolis compliments sur la France, merci à vous

  • @isabellelemaire6794
    @isabellelemaire6794 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Soyez les bienvenues en France. Je suis ravie que notre mode de vie vous plaise. Profitez bien pour visiter les autres régions françaises qui sont, toutes, magnifiques.

  • @vevere5725
    @vevere5725 11 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Ça plaisir de savoir que notre pays n'est pas si mal que ça...

  • @fleur-jq6sd
    @fleur-jq6sd หลายเดือนก่อน +53

    Un couple charmant et rafraîchissement. La dame m'a fait rire quand elle a dit avoir vite quitter la préfecture de Bordeaux avec son titre de séjour en poche de peur que l'administration ne change d'avis 😊.
    Comme les français sont de gros râleurs avec leurs impôts, c'est intéressant de voir à quel point vous avez compris leur utilité.
    Maintenant il vous reste l'étape la plus dure : demander la nationalité 🇨🇵, car votre fille deviendra rapidement une vraie petite française.

    • @madjic-uc8hf
      @madjic-uc8hf 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Oui, c'est important si vous voulez participer à la vie politique du pays. C'est important de pouvoir voter là où vous vivez, là où vous payez vos imports, sinon les autres décident ce qu'on fait avec votre argent : "so unfair !" :-)
      Bienvenue en France !

    • @goofygrandlouis6296
      @goofygrandlouis6296 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      Les français ne sont pas râleurs, ils ont juste de la mémoire.
      Et avant, avec MOINS d'impôts, le service public était MEILLEUR.

    • @Vieux_rat75
      @Vieux_rat75 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@goofygrandlouis6296 En effet, ce qui fait protester de nombreux Français, ce n'est pas tant de payer des impôts, mais de ne plus voir les services associés. La vraie question : où va l'argent ?

  • @dogod20000
    @dogod20000 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Welcome in France and in Girondes, I'm really happy you like the life here... My Italian wife and I are living in Bordeaux and we too love the region and the life we have here. Hope to see you maybe one day!
    Welcome again!

  • @ianworley8169
    @ianworley8169 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    We bought our house in rural Portugal in 2002. After completing it's renovation within two years, we moved back to the UK to prepare financially for early retirement. We returned in our mid-50s in 2013. We have never been back and have zero intention of ever doing so again. The best thing we've ever done. No regrets.

  • @yourfavoritefrog
    @yourfavoritefrog 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Cela fait du bien de voir cette opinion de temps en temps.

  • @johnjeanb
    @johnjeanb 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Thank you for this great video. Frenchman here. I have worked in many countries: the USA (Atlanta, Chicago, LA), Canada (Toronto, China (Beijing Nanjing) and other places.
    I found marvelous people in all these countries and breathtaking places, but oh boy, each time I flew back to my home near Paris I was amazed by how beautiful things are (sorry this is not Chauvinism, not at all) but after a bit more than 6 months in Beijing (which worth seeing) and away from sand storms, deep freeze during winter, HUGE crowds, crazy pollution, after living / working in LA with it lovely Santa Monica, Berverly Hills, nice Pasadena, fantastic Yosemite and Sequoya national parks but with its HUGE traffic jams, the alerts of earthquakes and the local bank offering help for stranded people and the bolted and very expensive houses (past earthquakes), after many things it felt so good to be home even if it rains sometimes, even if people are on strike, etc. I think most French people don't understand the chance they have to live here.

  • @pinkunicorn3373
    @pinkunicorn3373 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Ce qui est intéressant, c'est de voir à quel point nous avons de la chance en France et que nous nous en rendons pas compte. Bienvenue à vous :)

  • @jeremiahreilly9739
    @jeremiahreilly9739 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    Six years in Switzerland and never going back.

    • @ericdurville6306
      @ericdurville6306 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you

    • @jeanyves5380
      @jeanyves5380 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      La Suisse est riche!😆

    • @jeremiahreilly9739
      @jeremiahreilly9739 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@jeanyves5380 …et belle!

    • @ArmandoD10S
      @ArmandoD10S 24 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Et c'est sûr comparé à la France​@@jeanyves5380

    • @user-bo6xk8ws7e
      @user-bo6xk8ws7e 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

      La suisse n'a rien à voir avec la france !! La suisse est un pays fermé.

  • @gaelh.6235
    @gaelh.6235 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I am frenchman.
    I understand your speech very well. That's exactly why I like to live in France. ❤
    Thank you for all these compliments.
    Enjoy !!!

  • @christyqabazard9158
    @christyqabazard9158 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    Ah!!! Congratulations on your decision to stay! We're so happy for you! We completely relate to what you were saying about the "American Dream". We live in northern California and while it's really beautiful here, it's become so expensive and anxiety producing -what you said about the stability of France really resonated with us. Nothing feels stable here in the US right now! We're planning to move to Nice in February and originally thought we'd do it just for a year, but after going for a few weeks last month, I have a feeling we may stay longer than expected as well.. You are a true inspiration for us - we absolutely love your content and deeply appreciate your willingness to share your journey with us. Congratulations again!

    • @BaguetteBound
      @BaguetteBound  หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Thank you! Good luck on your own journey!

  • @BR-kv5kj
    @BR-kv5kj 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    Bonjour Raina et Jason. Beaucoup d'amour pour vous, autant que vous aimez la France. J'aime aussi l'Amérique.
    As a French, my neighbours are strangers (dutch and from Switzerland) and I love it. Continue to make France more beautiful.

  • @moritzstiefel2135
    @moritzstiefel2135 หลายเดือนก่อน +20

    Welcome in France! So proud you like our/your (new) country so much.

    • @budawang77
      @budawang77 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      I'm Australian and I like France too. We have similar social advantages to France, but your country is respected as the country that invented the term "savoir vivre".

    • @Heimrik01
      @Heimrik01 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@budawang77 C'est tout à fait ça, le savoir vivre à la française ;-)

    • @charlottevairet3453
      @charlottevairet3453 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@budawang77Je suis Française, handicapée de naissance, quinquagénaire, et je trouve que nous avons bien du mal à concilier les termes "savoir-vivre" et le très politiquement correct "vivre-ensemble" : on peut avoir une bonne éducation et se moquer complètement de mettre en œuvre la devise de la République "Liberté Égalité Fraternité"
      ... jusqu'au jour où les problèmes arrivent...

    • @budawang77
      @budawang77 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@charlottevairet3453 C’est une belle devise quand même!

  • @DragonDinos70
    @DragonDinos70 หลายเดือนก่อน +42

    Je suis très heureux pour vous. Victor Hugo écrivit : «le plus lourd fardeau, c'est d'exister sans vivre», puissiez vous trouver en France ce que vous n'avez pas pu trouver ailleurs.
    J'espère que votre parcours ici ce passe bien, la France est une chance et vous avez raison de la saisir. Il y a tant d'aspect, et d'histoire à découvrir, de lieux à visiter, en partant de la pointe Bretonne et ses menhirs jusqu'à Strasbourg et son passé prussien, en passant par la cathédrale des Rois de France de Reims, du Nord avec ses terrils au Midi et son Ricard, des plages de Fécamp à la Côte d'Azur, de Lisieux à Lourdes, mais aussi de Tahiti à la Réunion!
    Et n'oublions pas que cette liberté existe au prix du sang, n'hésitez pas à aller au monument au mort de votre ville le 8 mai prochain pour la cérémonie sur la victoire contre l'Allemagne! :D
    Bienvenue chez les gaulois.
    En tout cas, j'aime beaucoup vos vidéos, j'ai hâte d'entendre les suivantes :D

    • @islandbreeze2102
      @islandbreeze2102 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Bravo! Quelle belle explication honorant ce merveilleux pays: la France !!

    • @fleur-jq6sd
      @fleur-jq6sd หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Et les châteaux de la Loire et les volcans d'Auvergne et le joli département de la Creuse et le lac des Seton. Oui bon d'accord je suis originaire de la région Centre 😊.
      N'empêche que notre pays est un très beau pays et vous avez raison de parler de l'outre-mer que certains ont tendance à oublier : les Antilles, la Réunion, la Polynésie française, la Nouvelle Calédonie, Saint Pierre et Miquelon.
      Les allemands ont un dicton qui dit à peu près ceci : heureux comme un dieu en France.

    • @thomasalbrecht5914
      @thomasalbrecht5914 26 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Salutations d’Allemagne. Le passé germanique de Strasbourg n’est pas tout à fait prussien, car elle est devenue française sous Louis XIV, qui n’arrêtait pas de faire la guerre aux voisins. Les inscriptions en allemand sur les maisons à colombages du centre historique ne datent pas d’après 1871 - elles ont l’âge des maisons, et la Prussie, elle était une région éloignée sur les rives de la mer baltique.

    • @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw
      @AndriyValdensius-wi8gw 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      On peut travailler pour vivre, comme en France, pas vivre pour travailler comme aux États-Unis ou en Angleterre. Aussi il faut dire que les impôts en Angleterre sont maintenant très hauts.

    • @jeanyves5380
      @jeanyves5380 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      Oui les yankies nous ont libéré. Enfin disons surtout qu'il ne faut pas oublier que beaucoup sont morts pour cela.
      Des très jeunes gens qui auraient du vivre leur vie. When i visited to the normandy cimeteries. I was chocqued to see so many graves.

  • @heathcliff1096
    @heathcliff1096 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Welcome to France ! I never understood the American social system which is very basic and hard for people. How is it possible for instance that there is no maternity leave, very few days off for a holiday to rest or that some people have to pick up between paying their health bill or fill up their fridge, it is very harsh and not a sign of a well-balanced and evolved society. Of course in France there are plenty of flaws but overall it is much better. Enjoy your new life and from what you just said I believe you are here for a long time !

    • @budapestkeleti6404
      @budapestkeleti6404 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      it is called laissez faire. And American people love it

  • @HrvatskaFR
    @HrvatskaFR 12 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I'm French, thank you so much for this video, i love my country too ! Thank you ! And welcome in france

  • @user-ie8zt2pr1w
    @user-ie8zt2pr1w 9 วันที่ผ่านมา

    very positive people with a relevant voice to hear. We are glad to have you in France.

  • @TriniGamesVI
    @TriniGamesVI 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    As an American living and studying in France for about 3 years who is uncertain about whether to stay or go back to the states, you guys have definitely offered some much needed clarity. Merci!

    • @wimschoenmakers5463
      @wimschoenmakers5463 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Just make sure you learn the language and fit into the French culture. You'll be fine then. Here in the Netherlands we also get flooded lately with Americans finding their 'American Dream' in our tiny 'socialistic' country.

  • @reneejenais
    @reneejenais หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    This message was so important for me to hear today, it reminded me of my own "why" as I am sorting my things for my own move to France in just a few months. À bientôt!

    • @danielcreveuil
      @danielcreveuil หลายเดือนก่อน

      Back to ancestors home ..welcome back home

    • @ogamiitto8627
      @ogamiitto8627 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Welcome !

    • @charlottevairet3453
      @charlottevairet3453 4 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Votre prénom "Renée" pourrait alors prendre tout son sens : re née !
      Vous avez l'air jeune ; j'espère que le changement vous réussira !

  • @nathaliecollerais8982
    @nathaliecollerais8982 20 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Bienvenus à vous dans notre joli pays. Vous avez vite compris comment nous fonctionnons. J'espère que vous y serez très heureux.

  • @jeanmakesgames
    @jeanmakesgames 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    To be fair, as a french man that has been living in the US and the UK, I completely understand your point. France is definitely better in terms of balance between life and work, relatively good healthcare (it has deteriorated quite a lot since 20 years but it's still pretty ok) and as you mentionned life here is not too expansive (you just need to be outside of Paris), so overall it's a pretty good deal :) Bienvenue! :)

  • @Gert-DK
    @Gert-DK 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +12

    Hi I am Danish.
    I saw the video title and I thought of my US-American friend. He says approx. the same as you. He found he's American dream here in Denmark, and the fact he didn't have to think of health care insurance, was very relieving for him. Unfortunately, I have lost contact with him. He is probably sitting in a little boat fishing.

    • @justlovelyaintit
      @justlovelyaintit 11 วันที่ผ่านมา

      He has no job so he must fish to get food on the table? 😢😢😢

  • @user-pd5pq5ck3i
    @user-pd5pq5ck3i 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hi, just found your channel. As an American who has lived in France for the last 3.5 years, and will be moving back this summer, I resonate with so much of what you are saying! I am already thinking of how we can get back here one day.

  • @stormrider69
    @stormrider69 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    Soyez les bienvenus en France.❤🇨🇵🇺🇸❤

  • @elsenm3965
    @elsenm3965 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Welcome to France, friends!

  • @theushistorian
    @theushistorian 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Retiring in the upcoming year and moving from California to France for many of the reasons you mentioned. I love California, but quality, affordable health care, slow living, healthy food, gun safety and so many other factors make the decision to move the right decision.

  • @golgotisme
    @golgotisme 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Hey guys, no worries about administration... it's always slow :)
    One advice, learn French, best way to be part of France ^^
    Bienvenue !!

  • @ejoekrkmz3504
    @ejoekrkmz3504 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

    the "à bientôt!" was perfect. You're on your way becoming full french! Bienvenu à votre famille!

  • @Ten_Piedad
    @Ten_Piedad 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Bienvenue à vous j’espère que vous vous sentez bien dans notre pays et que vous y passerez du bon temps
    Venez en Alsace goûter les flammekueche vous allez adorer !

  • @laurentlachand8102
    @laurentlachand8102 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    So nice to see that ,thank for cheering Bienvenue 🙏

  • @peterpain6625
    @peterpain6625 10 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Welcome to Europe. Hope everything works out perfectly. France has it's little hickups here and there but overall it's an awesome country with spectacular sights and people.

  • @SimpleScottishLiving
    @SimpleScottishLiving 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Love hearing the reasons why others are emigrating from the U.S. My family makes the permanent move to Scotland in less than two weeks, and your video reaffirms our decision. Looking forward to following your journey!

    • @budapestkeleti6404
      @budapestkeleti6404 8 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Scotland is a better choice than England. England wants to be more like the Americans, so they are destroying the cohesion of the society for paying 10 pounds less in taxes a month. Scotland has a crappie weather though

  • @J0HN_D03
    @J0HN_D03 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    Bienvenue et félicitations! 💙🤍❤

  • @nicolasherve205
    @nicolasherve205 6 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    happy for you! welcome to your new home!

  • @bradhabong5408
    @bradhabong5408 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Thanks to you for this video. The French themselves and some people whose distant roots are not French only criticize France. If the action of politicians is debatable, the quality of life and all the mechanisms put in place for years (unemployment insurance, social security, education...) have the merit of existing even if they are nibbled day after day in the name of liberalism. And I salute you when you say that you pay higher taxes than in the United States but at least, with these taxes, you have compensations that only high incomes can pay in other "modern" countries. Thanks for all this. Welcome in France 👍

  • @Zitat-ist-auch-nicht-mehr-das
    @Zitat-ist-auch-nicht-mehr-das 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    In 1990, an American friend, also a doctor like me, asked why I didn't want to work and live in the USA: higher income, lower taxes, own house, boat, airplane, etc. I replied that my luxury was the German healthcare system, being able to treat everyone optimally. Additionally, one can live in Germany without a car and still get everywhere. Also, the selection of good food is much larger. The same surely applies to France, BENELUX, the Scandinavian countries, etc. Today, he regrets not coming to Europe back then.

  • @berkeleyfuller-lewis3442
    @berkeleyfuller-lewis3442 3 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Hello, we love your channel. We're "demi-veillards" -- two married older guys who are STRIVING to complete all we need to do, to move to the Atlantic coast of Normandie. One of us has "lived" in France for over a year -- across 11 vacations, some 6 weeks long. That one (me) speaks pretty good French and we've done MASSIVE research on how to get there, including already having built superb "dossiers." So wish us luck, because we are coming! Your channel is very encouraging.

  • @Malevodjia
    @Malevodjia 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Hi and thanks for the video.
    I'm a native French, living in Paris but raised in a small village.
    Happy to see you feel right here in France!
    Hope you can stay here as long as you wanted, and people will welcome you.
    I can't tell how much important it is here in France about your point about paying taxes and what you get in return, you know like, public school, healthcare, retirement etc etc.
    Foreigners don't always understand why there is so much Strikes here in France, well it is often for all those things I mentionned right above.
    I think your next milestone (beside learning French more and more) is to go to a strike 🤣.
    Jokes aside, enjoy your life here in France.
    (not fluent in English, so, sorry for the mistakes)

  • @couli1807
    @couli1807 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Welcome to France. I'm sure your decision was not an easy one but I doubt you will ever regret it. Having lived in the US myself I can totally understand your aspiration for a better quality of life, less stress, more free time, etc. You mentioned health insurance and (almost) free education here in France - and in Europe in general - and people usually do not understand how this lack of "basic security" in the US can be stressful, especially for a family. And in less time than needed to cross the US you can enjoy and discover so many different languages, cultures and landscapes across Europe. All the best to you and your family.

  • @Spacepotato9202
    @Spacepotato9202 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Vous êtes les bienvenus parmi nous ❤️

  • @Nosferatus29
    @Nosferatus29 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Bienvenue en France, en espérant que vous y resterez le plus longtemps possible et venez faire un tours en Bretagne si ce n'est pas déjà fait, c'est la plus belle région de France !☺

  • @olof8100
    @olof8100 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    It is great to hear that you appreciate the Euppean way of life!

    • @LobsterLover530
      @LobsterLover530 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Most Americans do like the euro lifestyle. Few are able to get there.

  • @MrBraindead101
    @MrBraindead101 13 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Just a lovely video. Thanks.

  • @yannigan1
    @yannigan1 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    What a refreshing and nice Video ! Glad people like you came to France. Bienvenue parmi nous !

  • @alanbouet-willaumez1390
    @alanbouet-willaumez1390 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I hope you stay and eventually become French citizens…. We need happy, educated, sensible and motivated people around here !!

  • @londonwest12
    @londonwest12 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    Once you experience these things you just can't unsee it - beautifully put Jason - sums it up for so many of us. Glad the dream is working so well and long may it continue.

  • @Paga969
    @Paga969 17 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Welcome in France les amis. 🎉. Bises à vous et enjoy your new life …

  • @ariannewdnotbe
    @ariannewdnotbe หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    Congratulations! France is a wonderful country & everything you say about its advantages is true. We will be there in a few weeks to look at properties & make a decision about whether to retire there soon. My husband is French & I speak decent French, so the process won’t be too onerous.
    I’m glad your daughter is happy there. You picked a good age to have her make such a big change.

  • @vladimirritz6932
    @vladimirritz6932 15 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    As a french native it's fun to realise that ex foreigners (futur french citizen I hope for you and for us) understand better than some french people how important our mutualist system is.

  • @davidmusset3435
    @davidmusset3435 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    i wish more people like you guys would move to France, that's good i m m i gration

  • @nanoloupias5544
    @nanoloupias5544 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

    good for you, enjoy, I am from Argentina and went to France several times and I totally agree. Mes grands parents sont toulousains et j adore la langue, la nourriture et les gens. Bon chanceee

  • @sanguinarium1614
    @sanguinarium1614 5 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    You're more than welcome in France

  • @andreaelisa5303
    @andreaelisa5303 23 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Well done!!! ... Living in Europe is much much more healthier and relaxed than in the US. We have a work life balance, especially in France.. The French people know the best how to enjoy life... "Savoir vivre"...

  • @pei8136
    @pei8136 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Congratulations! 100% agree with you.

  •  19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    You are so very welcome, wishing you all the best for your new life!

  • @jackienaiditch7965
    @jackienaiditch7965 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Funny how your video popped up on the eve of our trip to France (my husband and me). We're going to Paris and to Aix-en-Provence, where I lived for a year. What a great adventure you're embarking on. I'm wondering what part of France you live in. I do love the French lifestyle--just sitting in a cafe with friends for hours. And I would definitely be willing to pay higher taxes to get benefits like healthcare. It's more a mentality of "we're all in this together," rather than the U.S. mentality of "every man for himself."

    • @BaguetteBound
      @BaguetteBound  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We are in Southwest France, about halfway between Bordeaux and Toulouse. Have a wonderful trip!

  • @budapestkeleti6404
    @budapestkeleti6404 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I'm happy you are living the Merican Dream in France

  • @Charleville1777
    @Charleville1777 18 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Bienvenue cousin doutre atlantique 🇨🇵 🇺🇸

  • @cibacoot
    @cibacoot 13 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Remember, you are only as busy as you choose, and decide, to be. I know people who feel very overwhelmed in France, UK, etc. Glad you seem to have found what you are looking for.

  • @yehohanan1055
    @yehohanan1055 14 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    bienvenu à vous

  • @Tiisiphone
    @Tiisiphone 12 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Welcome to France! You're bound to experience some culture shock of course, but I hope you'll like your new life here. We french people can be grumpy and give the impression that complaining about everything is our national sport, but don't let it fool you we are also friendly and good-natured. Soyez les bienvenus! ❤

  • @gandigooglegandigoogle7202
    @gandigooglegandigoogle7202 26 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    bienvenue à vous tous ! j'espère que vous y serez toujours heureux !

  • @fredaves268
    @fredaves268 19 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Welcome in France. Thank you for this point of view which I would like to see shared by more French people. Even if France is imperfect, even if many things can be improved, having traveled a lot, I can say that life there is sweet. Don’t hesitate to explore overseas territories (I’m in New Caledonia). Lots of happiness for you.

  • @kingafaulkner7136
    @kingafaulkner7136 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Congrats guys! Love your videos and you are inspiring us to move as well. I’m actually a EU citizen (born in Poland) but have been living in the US since late 80’s. Now me and family are considering moving back to Europe and France is top of the list. But as you said it’s scary. Our life here in NC is really good. Yet we feel like American is going downhill in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your adventures with us. Always look forward to more of your content 😊

  • @TaylorWilliamsnaturalisttaylor
    @TaylorWilliamsnaturalisttaylor หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    I'm literally about to do the same ! We have been sold on this being the American dream, however it's.more than what people think !! The culture, air, just everything. The what ifs here can you take you done and out quicker than what people in other countries think! ( And I'm half swedish from Sweden ) lol

  • @hugovictor4651
    @hugovictor4651 16 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Bienvenue. Vous êtes maintenant chez vous.

  • @letschatfamilyfinances
    @letschatfamilyfinances หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Congratulations guys! This is wonderful!

    • @BaguetteBound
      @BaguetteBound  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      We think so too. 😊 Thank you!!

  • @chourineur9250
    @chourineur9250 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Bienvenus en France...👌😁🥂

  • @candaceclark4427
    @candaceclark4427 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Glad you guys are happy here and felicitations on the carte de séjour duration! Agree with you totally that the longer we are here, the more difficult it is to imagine going back to the 'modern' world. We are in the paysage of the Dordogne as 'visiteurs' so the sense of history and architecture here can't be beat. All the best to you.