imena izvođača su na kraju predstave!names of vocals are at the end of opera!krasni svi glasovi !!!!!i dirigent i orkestar izvrsni! kostimi jezivi naročito ženski !!!!🥰
Ulrica as a hedgehog, poor Amelia looks like wrapped in a plastic bag and Oscar in the final scene like a soggy sparrow. So nice singing, so beautiful music and such a preposterous setting.
imena izvođača su na kraju predstave!names of vocals are at the end of opera!krasni svi glasovi !!!!!i dirigent i orkestar izvrsni! kostimi jezivi naročito ženski !!!!🥰
this is a Baritone Opera; his name should be in the video description too
Who was Renato here? He is very good here
izvrsni glasovi muzički perfektno!kostimi tiha jeza uglavnom ženski kostimi!nema ime tko pjeva Oscara????koji koloratura sopran?
nice performance in despite of those wierd costumes..
Bravo!!to all👌👍👏👏
Come mai non è citato il nome del baritono?
Ulrica as a hedgehog, poor Amelia looks like wrapped in a plastic bag and Oscar in the final scene like a soggy sparrow. So nice singing, so beautiful music and such a preposterous setting.
La música las voces maravillosas Te hacen perdonar el espantoso vestido de
Ah , no ? Esto es un espanto. Una ofensa al público y más aún al gran VERDI.
Renato: Franco Vassallo
Original producción, es moderna pero no estropea la obra,como sucede con otras producciones
So who's singing as Renato (the baritone)?
A jelmeztervező már 2006-ban koronvirus jelmezt tervezett Oscarnak ! A többi is förtelmes !
Original puesta en escena, nice singing,costumes and music,pero la rigidez alemana en el movimiento de los personajes desluce la obra...
Vassallo Taigi bellissimi insieme nel scenne . Direttore no. Ripeto si.