God loved me enough to save me, why did he do that? I cannot say, I did not deserve it, that I can say. That God is loving enough to save some of us is incredible.
I've had this in my Favorites for awhile and even in my Internet Favorites. What a beautiful song...I love it the old way and this way. It gives me chills listening to it. What a gift to be able to play and sing like this.
That reason is love. He gave us the reason through His Son, and in-person as He tries to have a relationship with us. For God so LOVED the world. No other reason.
Beautiful arrangement, and it was good to witness the baptisms, I hadn't seen them done like that before. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed it more than the theological debate below...
And for the rest of the folks involved with this song, vocals and guitar are Karl Digerness, violin is Josh Meredith and harmonies are Ashley Spurling.
That is a PART of the teaching of Calvinism. We also point out and affirm that man of himself is utterly depraved, hating God, and His holy Law. No man is deserving, and no man will embrace the savior unless the Holy Spirit changes him. The question of fairness is not a good one- the question is "Why anyone?" Eph 2 goes deeper into our previous state and the great mercy He shows to His people, redeemed not of their own accord, but rather by the sacrifice of our great Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you want more edifying music from Red Mountain Church, buy their album Help My Unbelief. Old Hymns, New Arrangements. When you finish listening to it you will have "A Melting Heart and Weeping Eyes". It will bring tears of joy to your eyes and heart. Glory To God Alone.
Thanks for the reply. I agree with the doctrine as it has been historically understood- there is no good thing in man to cause God to love him, or to be inclined to love him. There is also nothing in man to incline him to love God. We are dead in our sin (Eph 2, Rom 1,2,3). God is inclined to us for reasons we have not been given, and God has chosen to redeem a people out of lost humanity. It is all of God, and His majestic work.
Im not confused. I am not taking the scriptures out of context, I am not twisting theology. Christ died for sinners, yes. But he did not spill his blood to only have it rejected from those who are unregenerate.
Why is it that every time I look up a Christian music video, the comments are just a bunch of people arguing doctrine? I thought Christians were supposed to be like meek and gentle and peaceful. You people argue a lot.
we cannot accept christ as sinners.sin cannot stand in the prescense of God. his blood washes us clean and makes us righteous, and therefore he redeemed us before the world even began.
This is to answer Belarion. You need to find a copy of the Holy Bible. I truly pray that you can gain access to one. Begin reading in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I believe the answers you seek will be found there.
AWESOME!! Where do I find this fountain? Does Jesus still bleed so that we might have the pleasure to drink it from wine glasses, as you show? And also enough for a fountain? I am sorry...am not familiar with story of Jesus. But what a sacrifice he makes by constantly bleeding for you...so that you may drink it and bathe in it and be so blessed to do so. Where can I find this fountain so that I too might bathe and partake of this great mystery of the ever-bleeding sacred "lamb", as you say
Balarion - I will refer you to a comment below yours that answers so beautiful. "God is the great, eternal I AM, and He exists outside of time. He planned my forgiveness before he laid the foundations of the universe. Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That sacrifice supercedes time or man's understanding. No, Jesus isn't physically hanging on a cross and bleeding any longer---that lasted for six hours one Friday over 2000 years ago, and then He said "It is finished!" At that moment, the price for sin had been paid once and for all eternity" Jesus died once and for all for our sins. Now we have to decide to accept his love offering to us - or reject it. How can anyone reject a friend who suffered a horrible death on the cross so that we would not have to. He replaced what we deserved with his very life - his blood. And now when God looks at us He doesn't see our imperfections - He see's his sons blood which makes us His child - perfect. Even though we are not ever going to be able to obtain perfection - Jesus did it for us and all we have to do is accept what Jesus did for us, ask Him to forgive our sins, and live our lives for Him. There's no better way to live. No greater peace.
Such a beautiful thought that God came to earth as a man to die for His creation. He loves us that much to make Himself a sacrifice for our sins. Thank you Jesus!
i was too befuddled. i didn't think it was edgar... but then again i wasn't sure. the beginning was so convincing that i grabbed another bassist to check. it still took us some time to determine it wasn't 'edgar'... hats off to it all... i usually don't like hymns redone.
I once would have probably said the same thing, but lemme tell ya, it's for real. Yeah, my fellow believers can be a little overbearing sometimes and JESUS I LOVE JESUS AMENAMENAMENAMEN HEY DID YOU KNOW I LOVE JESUS but it's typically for good reason.
One more thing...why is Jesus not still here with us? I thought GOD sent Him to us as a gift. But isn't that more like a loan? He went back to Heaven...
Christ is here with us through his Word which is the Word of God, which is the exact expression of who he is and endued with power and life. His Word is eternal, thus it transcends time and space. Christ's time on earth was indeed a gift as he brought the gift of eternal salvation of the soul. The old testament believers share the same salvation though faith but were required to follow rules which were an expression of God's requirements which Christ would fulfill at the cross, and those who were taught correctly understood this, but such understanding was not necessary, only that God had promised salvation to those who believe in Him alone for salvation. The satisfaction of those requirements are (not "were", as it's still offered) a gift only to those who believe (place their faith in Christ for salvation), although the whole world has greatly benefited from Christ's ministry and God's word, and continue to so today. Christ, being fully God and fully man, did ascend to heaven and is working to continue His/God's purpose there, though we don't know all that he does, Scripture tells us He prays for believers. Yes, God praying to God even though He already knows the answer- it's an indication of the sacredness and importance of prayer, and the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. Also, keep in mind that God created time with which we function within it's boundaries, and He knows the beginning from the end, as He knows all things (including our thoughts and what motivates us), and is boundless. God's plans for man are secure.
Sorry im years late, but if anyone is still seeking an answer, here are the words of Jesus of Nazareth, Lord Jesus Christ❤️ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. Revelations 3:20 Yes He’s in heaven, but also In our hearts if you accept him as your Lord Jesus and savior ! 😍 don’t miss out on the love. It’s not always a bed of roses, but he loves you dearly and wants you, he’ll never leave you nor forsake you! Even if you sin he’s still there begging for you to ask for repentance . He loves you and he doesn’t send anyone to hell, if you go you go as an intruder❤️❤️ And ye shall seek me, and find me if ye shall search for me with all your heart Jeremiah 29:13 Never forget how loved you are. Don’t be decieved. “I know to much to believe in God “ Search! You’ll find answers that only God himself can reveal in you. I used to doubt to but he personally showed me! If anyone would like to know how let me know :) may the peace of God rest in your hearts alway!❤️
Perhaps 'goof' wasn't very polite. But this song is obviously an allegory...Jesus used parables and allegories quite often. I think it's perfectly acceptable. God gave the song writer a powerful imagination, and I'm glad he used it.
hello bros please lets go back to the favorite verse spoken by jesus himself John 3:16 he gave the greatest invitation ...how would a loving God just send his son for just a few . Ofcourse you are right the whole wide WORLD has an invitation to the FOUNTAIN OF BLOOD!
It's not about God cruely damming people, it's more about the fact that God is loving enough to save even a single person that we should think. I know that I deserve an eternity in hell.
ım prayıng to Hım every nıght for the day. ı know the prıce was paıd at calvary but ı need to talk to Hım and say sorry...not because He wıll turn me away from heaven ıf ı don't - but because ı love Hım.and ı want to come be wıth Hım and apologıse for hurtıng Hım. Hıs mercıes are fresh each mornıng_ !! That ıncludes ''today''. and ıt's lıke a fountaın because ıt never loses ıt's power, and because the forgıveness and grace never runs dry.
Belarion : the Almighty God Love you. Love you so much that He even willling to lay down His Life for you & me & the whole humen race....Because, we are His children....undersatnd then for us all have a phisical parent. But we also have a sprit. You spirit doesn't come from your earthly parent but from God our creator the Creator of Heavens and earth. Thus, make God our Heavenlt Father. That why God Adonai By His Holy Spirit come to the virgin Mary and become Jesus the Son of God to save us.
There are goods left in fallen man - but they are worthless *for salvation*. The saying ,"the virtues of the pagans are shining vices" makes this point. In that sense, a Christian child is better off than a philosopher living before Christ, even though the child lacks the philosopher's brilliance of intellect. The Fall was a *fall* - not a hiccup or a bump. Nothing less than the death of "God-with-us" was enough to repair us. Surely that says "everything" about what sin does to man.
Sorry, I am raised in remote mountain village and am just now discovering your religion. For how long has Emmanuel allowed your people to draw his blood in such a manner, and is he a kind of God who can forever bleed? I don't mean to offend, just confused. Could one perhaps create a Jesus blood shower? Or Jacuzzi for all the sinners to relax and enjoy themselves? How much would this cost, and what kinds of offerings and prayers would be required?
Jesus shed his blood on the cross, killed by wicked men. But God the father accepted the death of his son Jesus as payment for our sins. I've sinned you've sinned, we've all sinned, but the death of Jesus Christ can pay for all of that if we put our faith in Him. His blood is not literally still flowing, as if His flesh had just been pierced. Bu the shedding of his blood still has the power to cleanse us of our sins. I hope this is clear.,
He sees his sons blood instead of our imperfections, and that makes us his children? Thats a strange way to forgive people. Blood sacrifice. Nah, not for me
Sorry- that makes no sense. You can not take random verses scattered throughout the Bible and build a system of doctrine around it. Some have called it "spoof texting." Take passages like Romans 2, Romans 8 and 9, Eph 1 and 2, etc, and let the scriptures speak for themselves. Read Hebrews from start to finish and ask "Is the death described here redemptive or potential?" The doctrines of Calvinism stand up to the test of Biblical examination.
sorry but this is just not a healthy perspective of the cross. if christ died on the cross for all the sins of every man, than every man would be saved. so if people whose sins were forgiven on the cross are going to hell, jesus would have spilt his blood for nothing. he died only for those who are redeemed, we do not choose God, he chooses us.
Jesus was sacrificed by his own father to the world... Out of love for us humans... So that those of us who BELIEVE that it happened like that would be saved and receive the gift of eternal life. Saved from the sins God created inside of us. Saved from the wrath of God, by the FEAR of God...Saved...to sin no more! That is why Jesus had to die. So that we could get one more chance. One last chance for all eternity. But that's it... Jesus did not die for our "Original Sin"...you know...the sin that we did somehow to ourselves back before we were born. God created us. But somehow during that process WE screwed it all up. Or...rather, our ancestors did...and God has not forgiven them yet. Or us... Yes, Original Sin. The sin that was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt in faith. Jesus came to die for all of our sins...for all time...except the Original Sin...the sin that existed BEFORE HE DIED. The sin for which we shall all be judged for as guilty before the eyes of the Lord...the OG sin. Jesus died for all of our sins...for all time...except that one. And all the other ones...
no we should have joy in it, this is the grace of God. he loves us so much that he would die for us all it is a good thing that he loves us enough to go to such extremes
You can't really kill Jesus; he is God. Although He suffered in our hands, He also bought our salvation and the loyalty of the rest of the universe (except those who chose to remain rebels).
It's a great pity that these doctrines taught by the Bible have been labeled "Calvinism". However, this is the fact of the matter, so we shall call them just that. If you think these teachings are herecy, then you need to go and read your Bible again. And not only just read it, you need to study it too, as these doctrines are far too meaty for us paltry humans to just label them as herecy. Personally, I think Armenianism is herecy as it teaches loss of salvation, which the Bible DOES NOT teach!
Karla, you sound very sincere and I feel you are a good person. However, with all due respect, nothing in the story you just told adds up or makes sense! 1. Which sins did Jesus die for? The wages of sin is still death, and some believe even one sin will result in the hell of eternal torture. 2. It was not Jesus' death that gave him the ability to forgive our sins. JC forgave the thief on the cross, and JC was not even dead yet. This means J could have forgiven us all along, allowed us to accept the gift, and go to heaven with him and the burly thief. 3. God loved us so much he sent his Son to die for us...but not enough to get rid of Hell? 4. We still have original sin? How, when this took place before our birth? 5. Before Jesus died, people sacrificed goats. Afterwards, people began sacrificing Jesus and asking Him for forgiveness? Is that the only thing that really changed? Instead of goat we use Jesus? 6. Why is it that Christians always say that all we have to do is "accept" the gift of salvation, and we are saved? If that is true, then once we accept this gift, Jesus should not keep taking it back. Without trying, I keep losing this gift by accidentally sinning. My pastor tells me that I am spitting it back in Jesus' face. And that I must ask for forgiveness. I don't get this at all! Which, if any, sins did Jesus die for?
Yes, the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life. Jesus died for all sins. 1 John 2:2 “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.” (Propitiation means He pardons us of our sins). Of course to receive forgiveness, propitiation for our sins, we have to repent from sin and put our faith in Jesus. Yes, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. But, thank God faith alone saves, but we first must forsake sin in our lives. Yes, Jesus forgave the thief on the cross as He did for many others before He healed them, in the gospels. Remember their ‘faith’ in Christ always made them whole. They believed He was who He said He was. The savior of the world. We must too believe and accept Christ before He can forgive. God loves us so much that, yes, He sent His son to die for us, but God will not force us to believe. Do you have an understanding what hell will be? An eternal separation from God. And there are many people who deny God or hate his very existence that they would rather go to hell then be with God in heaven for eternity. Christopher Hitchens a famous atheist said those very words, he did not want to be anywhere God was. Sad but true. Now he is dead and I am sure he got his wish eternal separation from God. Yes, we still have original sin. It is our nature, it is generational. No one has to teach is to do wrong we just do it, but we have to be taught what is right. Of course the law of God is written on our hearts, our conscience pricks us when we have done something wrong. The sad thing is after man’s fall all the earth and everything in it was cursed. The bible says that the earth is groaning even now. Yes, in the Old Testament animals were sacrificed for forgiveness of sins. And yes, that was before Jesus was sacrificed. The bible says, He (Jesus) was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth. So, now there is no use for Old Testament sacrifices because Jesus was the final sacrifice. Could you imagine what the priest's went through in the OT, slaughtering animal’s day in and day out? I am glad that Jesus was the final sacrifice and now we live in a day of grace. To be a follower of Christ you have to be convicted by His word? Are you guilty for the crime you commit against Him? Then if you are you repent, ask God for forgiveness for all your sins, name the ones you can remember, and then believe that He has forgiven you. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Remember I said salvation is through ‘faith’ in Christ alone! So believe in Jesus, give your whole life to Him. Let Him lead you and live through you every day. Yes, we still sin after we are saved, but that doesn’t mean that we lose our salvation! We don’t sin on purpose, the bible says “ What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may bound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” This isn’t saying we won’t sin but that we shouldn’t purposely do things if we know it is sin against God. Listen, the bible says we are sealed with His spirit. "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." Read these verses, John 6:37, John 5:24, John 10:28 God saves from all sin! Hope this helps.
This song has filled my heart with joy and peace. Thank you, and bless the name of Jesus
God loved me enough to save me, why did he do that? I cannot say, I did not deserve it, that I can say. That God is loving enough to save some of us is incredible.
I've had this in my Favorites for awhile and even in my Internet Favorites.
What a beautiful song...I love it the old way and this way. It gives me chills listening to it.
What a gift to be able to play and sing like this.
That reason is love. He gave us the reason through His Son, and in-person as He tries to have a relationship with us. For God so LOVED the world. No other reason.
the message in this video is powerful. I am reminded of our freedom in Christ! Thank you!
WOW! This is my favorite 'favorite' here on TH-cam. I have always loved this hymn... But this rendition is superb!
I play it through the night
I know what you mean there is something very special and precious about it.
I love it to
Beautiful arrangement, and it was good to witness the baptisms, I hadn't seen them done like that before. Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed it more than the theological debate below...
i love this song and the creativity . thank you God
this is my dad's favorite hymn, and when he dies he wants it sung at his funeral
And for the rest of the folks involved with this song, vocals and guitar are Karl Digerness, violin is Josh Meredith and harmonies are Ashley Spurling.
That is a PART of the teaching of Calvinism. We also point out and affirm that man of himself is utterly depraved, hating God, and His holy Law. No man is deserving, and no man will embrace the savior unless the Holy Spirit changes him. The question of fairness is not a good one- the question is "Why anyone?" Eph 2 goes deeper into our previous state and the great mercy He shows to His people, redeemed not of their own accord, but rather by the sacrifice of our great Savior, Jesus Christ.
If you want more edifying music from Red Mountain Church, buy their album Help My Unbelief. Old Hymns, New Arrangements. When you finish listening to it you will have "A Melting Heart and Weeping Eyes". It will bring tears of joy to your eyes and heart. Glory To God Alone.
Thanks for the reply. I agree with the doctrine as it has been historically understood- there is no good thing in man to cause God to love him, or to be inclined to love him. There is also nothing in man to incline him to love God. We are dead in our sin (Eph 2, Rom 1,2,3). God is inclined to us for reasons we have not been given, and God has chosen to redeem a people out of lost humanity. It is all of God, and His majestic work.
If you're enjoying this, check out Red Mountain Music's new Christmas album at their website
love this contemporary version of the old hymn!!!! this is gorgeous!
It's allegory you goof. William Cowper was a wonderful poet and an evangelical.
Im not confused. I am not taking the scriptures out of context, I am not twisting theology. Christ died for sinners, yes. But he did not spill his blood to only have it rejected from those who are unregenerate.
awesome idea. muchos gracias!
Why is it that every time I look up a Christian music video, the comments are just a bunch of people arguing doctrine? I thought Christians were supposed to be like meek and gentle and peaceful. You people argue a lot.
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man is that edgar meyer at the beginning???
No, salvation is only for the ones plunged beneath that flood and not all are.
we cannot accept christ as sinners.sin cannot stand in the prescense of God. his blood washes us clean and makes us righteous, and therefore he redeemed us before the world even began.
This is to answer Belarion. You need to find a copy of the Holy Bible. I truly pray that you can gain access to one. Begin reading in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I believe the answers you seek will be found there.
I adore this song and its message, but I found your comment funny. Have a like!
AWESOME!! Where do I find this fountain? Does Jesus still bleed so that we might have the pleasure to drink it from wine glasses, as you show? And also enough for a fountain? I am sorry...am not familiar with story of Jesus. But what a sacrifice he makes by constantly bleeding for you...so that you may drink it and bathe in it and be so blessed to do so. Where can I find this fountain so that I too might bathe and partake of this great mystery of the ever-bleeding sacred "lamb", as you say
now that makes more sense.
Who is singing? I love his voice!
Balarion - I will refer you to a comment below yours that answers so beautiful.
"God is the great, eternal I AM, and He exists outside of time. He planned my forgiveness before he laid the foundations of the universe. Jesus was the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. That sacrifice supercedes time or man's understanding. No, Jesus isn't physically hanging on a cross and bleeding any longer---that lasted for six hours one Friday over 2000 years ago, and then He said "It is finished!" At that moment, the price for sin had been paid once and for all eternity"
Jesus died once and for all for our sins. Now we have to decide to accept his love offering to us - or reject it. How can anyone reject a friend who suffered a horrible death on the cross so that we would not have to. He replaced what we deserved with his very life - his blood. And now when God looks at us He doesn't see our imperfections - He see's his sons blood which makes us His child - perfect. Even though we are not ever going to be able to obtain perfection - Jesus did it for us and all we have to do is accept what Jesus did for us, ask Him to forgive our sins, and live our lives for Him. There's no better way to live. No greater peace.
Such a beautiful thought that God came to earth as a man to die for His creation. He loves us that much to make Himself a sacrifice for our sins. Thank you Jesus!
The song was execellent. The music video was kinda screwed up though.
This sounds different
is that comment adressed to me? Because I am not confused at all. Christ did not die on the cross for the unredeemed. there is no getting around it.
i was too befuddled. i didn't think it was edgar... but then again i wasn't sure. the beginning was so convincing that i grabbed another bassist to check. it still took us some time to determine it wasn't 'edgar'... hats off to it all... i usually don't like hymns redone.
I once would have probably said the same thing, but lemme tell ya, it's for real.
Yeah, my fellow believers can be a little overbearing sometimes and JESUS I LOVE JESUS AMENAMENAMENAMEN HEY DID YOU KNOW I LOVE JESUS but it's typically for good reason.
One more thing...why is Jesus not still here with us? I thought GOD sent Him to us as a gift. But isn't that more like a loan? He went back to Heaven...
Christ is here with us through his Word which is the Word of God, which is the exact expression of who he is and endued with power and life. His Word is eternal, thus it transcends time and space. Christ's time on earth was indeed a gift as he brought the gift of eternal salvation of the soul. The old testament believers share the same salvation though faith but were required to follow rules which were an expression of God's requirements which Christ would fulfill at the cross, and those who were taught correctly understood this, but such understanding was not necessary, only that God had promised salvation to those who believe in Him alone for salvation. The satisfaction of those requirements are (not "were", as it's still offered) a gift only to those who believe (place their faith in Christ for salvation), although the whole world has greatly benefited from Christ's ministry and God's word, and continue to so today. Christ, being fully God and fully man, did ascend to heaven and is working to continue His/God's purpose there, though we don't know all that he does, Scripture tells us He prays for believers. Yes, God praying to God even though He already knows the answer- it's an indication of the sacredness and importance of prayer, and the relationship between God the Father and God the Son. Also, keep in mind that God created time with which we function within it's boundaries, and He knows the beginning from the end, as He knows all things (including our thoughts and what motivates us), and is boundless. God's plans for man are secure.
Sorry im years late, but if anyone is still seeking an answer, here are the words of Jesus of Nazareth, Lord Jesus Christ❤️ Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
Revelations 3:20
Yes He’s in heaven, but also In our hearts if you accept him as your Lord Jesus and savior ! 😍 don’t miss out on the love. It’s not always a bed of roses, but he loves you dearly and wants you, he’ll never leave you nor forsake you! Even if you sin he’s still there begging for you to ask for repentance . He loves you and he doesn’t send anyone to hell, if you go you go as an intruder❤️❤️
And ye shall seek me, and find me if ye shall search for me with all your heart Jeremiah 29:13
Never forget how loved you are. Don’t be decieved.
“I know to much to believe in God “
Search! You’ll find answers that only God himself can reveal in you. I used to doubt to but he personally showed me! If anyone would like to know how let me know :) may the peace of God rest in your hearts alway!❤️
Perhaps 'goof' wasn't very polite. But this song is obviously an allegory...Jesus used parables and allegories quite often. I think it's perfectly acceptable. God gave the song writer a powerful imagination, and I'm glad he used it.
hello bros please lets go back to the favorite verse spoken by jesus himself John 3:16 he gave the greatest invitation ...how would a loving God just send his son for just a few . Ofcourse you are right the whole wide WORLD has an invitation to the FOUNTAIN OF BLOOD!
i rarely like rearrangements of great hymns
+GaninIsMyName It's a version by City Hymns
I think it's Karl Digerness - He works with City Church in San Francisco.
It's not about God cruely damming people, it's more about the fact that God is loving enough to save even a single person that we should think. I know that I deserve an eternity in hell.
ım prayıng to Hım every nıght for the day. ı know the prıce was paıd at calvary but ı need to talk to Hım and say sorry...not because He wıll turn me away from heaven ıf ı don't - but because ı love Hım.and ı want to come be wıth Hım and apologıse for hurtıng Hım.
Hıs mercıes are fresh each mornıng_ !! That ıncludes ''today''. and ıt's lıke a fountaın because ıt never loses ıt's power, and because the forgıveness and grace never runs dry.
Belarion : the Almighty God Love you. Love you so much that He even willling to lay down His Life for you & me & the whole humen race....Because, we are His children....undersatnd then for us all have a phisical parent. But we also have a sprit. You spirit doesn't come from your earthly parent but from God our creator the Creator of Heavens and earth.
Thus, make God our Heavenlt Father. That why God Adonai By His Holy Spirit come to the virgin Mary and become Jesus the Son of God to save us.
There are goods left in fallen man - but they are worthless *for salvation*. The saying ,"the virtues of the pagans are shining vices" makes this point. In that sense, a Christian child is better off than a philosopher living before Christ, even though the child lacks the philosopher's brilliance of intellect.
The Fall was a *fall* - not a hiccup or a bump. Nothing less than the death of "God-with-us" was enough to repair us. Surely that says "everything" about what sin does to man.
Sorry, I am raised in remote mountain village and am just now discovering your religion. For how long has Emmanuel allowed your people to draw his blood in such a manner, and is he a kind of God who can forever bleed? I don't mean to offend, just confused. Could one perhaps create a Jesus blood shower? Or Jacuzzi for all the sinners to relax and enjoy themselves? How much would this cost, and what kinds of offerings and prayers would be required?
I think it's fuckin' creepy, especially the fact that most 'sins' are debatable
Jesus shed his blood on the cross, killed by wicked men. But God the father accepted the death of his son Jesus as payment for our sins. I've sinned you've sinned, we've all sinned, but the death of Jesus Christ can pay for all of that if we put our faith in Him. His blood is not literally still flowing, as if His flesh had just been pierced. Bu the shedding of his blood still has the power to cleanse us of our sins. I hope this is clear.,
God doesn't forgıve sıns today....what are u tryıng to say...
He sees his sons blood instead of our imperfections, and that makes us his children? Thats a strange way to forgive people. Blood sacrifice. Nah, not for me
Sorry- that makes no sense. You can not take random verses scattered throughout the Bible and build a system of doctrine around it. Some have called it "spoof texting." Take passages like Romans 2, Romans 8 and 9, Eph 1 and 2, etc, and let the scriptures speak for themselves. Read Hebrews from start to finish and ask "Is the death described here redemptive or potential?"
The doctrines of Calvinism stand up to the test of Biblical examination.
the video's good but no song is good whitout the knowlege of the words you should put the lyrics
sorry but this is just not a healthy perspective of the cross. if christ died on the cross for all the sins of every man, than every man would be saved. so if people whose sins were forgiven on the cross are going to hell, jesus would have spilt his blood for nothing. he died only for those who are redeemed, we do not choose God, he chooses us.
Jesus was sacrificed by his own father to the world... Out of love for us humans... So that those of us who BELIEVE that it happened like that would be saved and receive the gift of eternal life. Saved from the sins God created inside of us. Saved from the wrath of God, by the FEAR of God...Saved...to sin no more! That is why Jesus had to die. So that we could get one more chance. One last chance for all eternity. But that's it... Jesus did not die for our "Original Sin"...you know...the sin that we did somehow to ourselves back before we were born. God created us. But somehow during that process WE screwed it all up. Or...rather, our ancestors did...and God has not forgiven them yet. Or us... Yes, Original Sin. The sin that was around when Jesus Christ had his moment of doubt in faith. Jesus came to die for all of our sins...for all time...except the Original Sin...the sin that existed BEFORE HE DIED. The sin for which we shall all be judged for as guilty before the eyes of the Lord...the OG sin. Jesus died for all of our sins...for all time...except that one. And all the other ones...
We went and killed an innocent man and are all happy about it. Shame on all of us.
no we should have joy in it, this is the grace of God. he loves us so much that he would die for us all it is a good thing that he loves us enough to go to such extremes
You can't really kill Jesus; he is God. Although He suffered in our hands, He also bought our salvation and the loyalty of the rest of the universe (except those who chose to remain rebels).
calvinism is NOT heresy.
It's a great pity that these doctrines taught by the Bible have been labeled "Calvinism". However, this is the fact of the matter, so we shall call them just that. If you think these teachings are herecy, then you need to go and read your Bible again. And not only just read it, you need to study it too, as these doctrines are far too meaty for us paltry humans to just label them as herecy. Personally, I think Armenianism is herecy as it teaches loss of salvation, which the Bible DOES NOT teach!
haha cool!
Karla, you sound very sincere and I feel you are a good person. However, with all due respect, nothing in the story you just told adds up or makes sense! 1. Which sins did Jesus die for? The wages of sin is still death, and some believe even one sin will result in the hell of eternal torture. 2. It was not Jesus' death that gave him the ability to forgive our sins. JC forgave the thief on the cross, and JC was not even dead yet. This means J could have forgiven us all along, allowed us to accept the gift, and go to heaven with him and the burly thief. 3. God loved us so much he sent his Son to die for us...but not enough to get rid of Hell? 4. We still have original sin? How, when this took place before our birth? 5. Before Jesus died, people sacrificed goats. Afterwards, people began sacrificing Jesus and asking Him for forgiveness? Is that the only thing that really changed? Instead of goat we use Jesus? 6. Why is it that Christians always say that all we have to do is "accept" the gift of salvation, and we are saved? If that is true, then once we accept this gift, Jesus should not keep taking it back. Without trying, I keep losing this gift by accidentally sinning. My pastor tells me that I am spitting it back in Jesus' face. And that I must ask for forgiveness. I don't get this at all! Which, if any, sins did Jesus die for?
Yes, the wages of sin is death, BUT the gift of God is eternal life.
Jesus died for all sins. 1 John 2:2 “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for [the sins of] the whole world.” (Propitiation means He pardons us of our sins). Of course to receive forgiveness, propitiation for our sins, we have to repent from sin and put our faith in Jesus. Yes, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags. But, thank God faith alone saves, but we first must forsake sin in our lives.
Yes, Jesus forgave the thief on the cross as He did for many others before He healed them, in the gospels. Remember their ‘faith’ in Christ always made them whole. They believed He was who He said He was. The savior of the world. We must too believe and accept Christ before He can forgive.
God loves us so much that, yes, He sent His son to die for us, but God will not force us to believe. Do you have an understanding what hell will be? An eternal separation from God. And there are many people who deny God or hate his very existence that they would rather go to hell then be with God in heaven for eternity. Christopher Hitchens a famous atheist said those very words, he did not want to be anywhere God was. Sad but true. Now he is dead and I am sure he got his wish eternal separation from God.
Yes, we still have original sin. It is our nature, it is generational. No one has to teach is to do wrong we just do it, but we have to be taught what is right. Of course the law of God is written on our hearts, our conscience pricks us when we have done something wrong. The sad thing is after man’s fall all the earth and everything in it was cursed. The bible says that the earth is groaning even now.
Yes, in the Old Testament animals were sacrificed for forgiveness of sins. And yes, that was before Jesus was sacrificed. The bible says, He (Jesus) was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth. So, now there is no use for Old Testament sacrifices because Jesus was the final sacrifice. Could you imagine what the priest's went through in the OT, slaughtering animal’s day in and day out? I am glad that Jesus was the final sacrifice and now we live in a day of grace.
To be a follower of Christ you have to be convicted by His word? Are you guilty for the crime you commit against Him? Then if you are you repent, ask God for forgiveness for all your sins, name the ones you can remember, and then believe that He has forgiven you. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Remember I said salvation is through ‘faith’ in Christ alone! So believe in Jesus, give your whole life to Him. Let Him lead you and live through you every day. Yes, we still sin after we are saved, but that doesn’t mean that we lose our salvation! We don’t sin on purpose, the bible says “ What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may bound? God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?” This isn’t saying we won’t sin but that we shouldn’t purposely do things if we know it is sin against God.
Listen, the bible says we are sealed with His spirit. "In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory." Read these verses, John 6:37, John 5:24, John 10:28
God saves from all sin! Hope this helps.