Ever thought of doing a tips n tricks video on this game or something? Like how to parry and dodge like a pro or how to make your created guy look like a beast and not some wanker or tricks nobody knows about? Just a suggestion or a question for that matter...
I also demoted COMP all the way to the bottom :)
แออดดะะะะดอออดถถะะดดดแดถถพพกกกหไไไไภก แแแปหหหหหไไไไฃไไไฃฃฃำกกดแแอืททมมมททททมทททททมทมทมมมมมมมมมมมมมมมมมทททมมมาาาทมทมมททททมมมททททมมทททมมมททททมมมทททมมทททททาททมมททททมมททททมททททมมมแอออออแกกหกำำไไำอ แดพพถถำไไฃไหหหกหปปแปปกหไไำำำำำฃำไหำพพพแออดพภพอแแแออิ
Wheres the cutscene where they let ya know they've taken ya girl?
Where's outfit 3 at?!
como puedo esquivar los ataques en def jam ffny ps2
Pode contra atacar defendendo na hora do Ataque
Ever thought of doing a tips n tricks video on this game or something? Like how to parry and dodge like a pro or how to make your created guy look like a beast and not some wanker or tricks nobody knows about? Just a suggestion or a question for that matter...
I absolutely HATE the song Flipside
why what's wrong with the song
Seems like you have get it now humor