When I believed in the rapture I felt it was so American. Like totally ignoring what Christians in the Middle East go through or what they suffered in Russia, it’s like but when Americans are losing their rights that’s the end of the world. At least that’s how it sounded to me.
@@Revelation18-4caught up when Jesus returns and destroys the earth, leave this cult mindset, Christian’s have been fed to lions and beheaded. It you’ll be saved, your not of Christ if you think that
That verse has to do with the wrath of the unsaved at the final judgement (the context). It's about "salvation" for the saved as opposed to eternal damnation for the unsaved and has nothing to do with the final Tribulation. Totally different topic altogether. The Church has always experienced tribulation throughout history and will continue up to the final Tribulation that ends at Christ's Coming. Suffering is not a popular sermon subject for a number of US Protestant sects. Reread the verse without theological prejudice. 'Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way will in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2Tim. 3:12. "I have said these things to you, that IN ME you will have PEACE. In the world YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION (GENERAL TRIBULATION which includes the final TRIBULATION as well). BUT I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 16:33 "Immediate after the TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS (a specific time OF TRIBULATION) shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken." Matt. 24: 29 AND THEN SHALL APPEAR THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN COMING IN THE CLOUDS....THE EARTH SHALL MORN, AND THEY SHALL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY." Matt. 24:30 The elect (the Saved) will then be gathered by the angels of God from the four winds Matt24:31
Amen! Less worry more prayers. Didnt Jesus say 'not to worry, for those things must happen before the end'? So then worry not! My prayer is for the armour of God, strength of mind, zeal and fire for Christ to be had by all
Coming from the Church of Christ and the Evangelical realm I can say that there is indeed a lot of confusion about the rapture. So I decided to do some research on it. I read the Bible, and the Church fathers of the 1st and 2nd century. As you can imagine I found that it was not biblical at all. Oddly enough my studies of the scriptures and the old church fathers keep leading me to the Orthodox teachings. But that’s another thing all together. It is good to hear what the Orthodox teach on this subject. Thank you brother.
I can’t tell you where exactly but, Saint Paul says that in later days men will not adhere to sound doctrine and will give themselves to fables. I honestly believe that this is what Paul is talking about, we need to use the Bible and church teachings to purge this false doctrine from Christianity
I have a question about 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 , when rapture happens , why the sleep ones rise firstly , they are not already in heaven at the time you died ?
No rapture, read 2 Peter 3:10-13. No Orthodox, or Roman Catholics believe this. Most Protestants don't, either! It is mostly American Evangelicals, in churches that began after the 1800's. Familiarize yourself with what is called "Amillenialism".
@@youraveragejoe123 Hello , I truly don't have the knowledge that Orthodox Christian don't believe in Rapture until now . Thank you for letting me know this .
That is an idiom. The Jews kept a lunar calendar and a new month was announced when two priests (on the testimony of two or more witnesses a matter was established.) The moon's cycle is such that the first sliver of a new moon could be as short as a few hours or up to 2 days. That gap of time between the end of the month and the first sign of the new moon was called THE DAY AND HOUR WHICH NO MAN KNOWS. The messiah will return on a new moon on the feast of trumpets.
I am a Greek who can read the original text and in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 when Paul says : "to meet the Lord in the air" the word for "meet" is προϋπαντήσουμε which translates to "welcome" . Welcome Him for what ? The judgement, the resurrection of the dead and the ushering of the eternal state - all in THE second coming of Christ . Also in the original text there are no chapter divisions , so Paul continues that same theme in the next chapter and says about that day that it's coming as "a thief in the night" . But 2 Peter 3:10-13 says that the day that comes as a thief in the night is the day that the Lord descends with great glory and with his angles to destroy the earth. So no protestant rapture , no earthly millennium
There is a pre-trib rapture and it is biblical. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Also, Harpazo/Rapturo means to be caught up, the catching away, to seize, to snatch up... Noah and his family and Lot were taken out of the way before God's wrath. Enoch and Elijah were taken body, soul, and Spirit. At the rapture we will meet the Lord in the clouds in the air. At the 2nd coming, Jesus comes to earth and sets His feet on the Mount of Olives. These are 2 separate biblical events.
Noah and his family were "Left Behind" as were Lot and his family (sans his wife) Gods wrath removed the wicked, the righteous went through tribulation and were left
@@theKYLEcometh That was God showing us that He will not have His wrath on us and we will be removed and taken out of the way. You are misreading scripture. The Rapture/Harpazo is biblical and WILL happen before the tribulation/time of Jacob's trouble.
@@Revelation18-4 Noah wasn't removed and taken out of the way. He stayed and went through it with God's protection. I also never said the rapture wasn't Biblical. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. The Church will be here to rock and roll against the AC, then we will harpazo God Bless and take care!!
@@theKYLEcometh The church will not (rock n' roll! ) Rock music comes from Satan. God abhors it! And yes, Noah and his family were removed along with Lot and his family! They were removed from God's wrath in the world. It was a precursor that proves that God remove His children from danger and wrath. Also, Elijah and Moses were Raptured (were taken up) body, soul, and Spirit. Your argument doesn't hold water.
The popularity of the rapture doctrine with the Boomer generation was due to Hal Lindsey's book "The Late Great Planet Earth". It was the best selling book in the 1970's just behind the Bible in sales.
Not many mentioned it but I beleive it was Ephraim the Syrian did mention this and Iraeneaus also does in a way also. It all relates to the 5 wise/foolish virgins with the 5 virgins suddenly taken up and the other 5 left behind - its all based of Biblical teachings, and I am Orthodox so can confirm this thing to be true. I have studied it extensively. We should not even mention the Protestants in terms if guidance for or against anything - only scripture matters. Its called 'The Gathering' of the elect in the OT which St Paul is refering to. Its prophesied numerous times in the OT and also with St Paul and in Revelations also.
Father, I see that you quoted the passage on 1 Thessalonians 4 that the Evangelicals use to cite their view of the rapture )Harpazo in Greek) and I watched your whole video waiting for you to expond on that vesre but instead you only spoke on what the early church bel;ieved. Why did you not expound on the verse?? makes me wonder. 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Revelation 3:10 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. Tereo ek tay-reh'-o Verb NAS Word Usage - Total: 71 1. to attend to carefully, take care of a. to guard b. metaph. to keep, one in the state in which he is c. to observe d. to reserve: to undergo something Ek ek Preposition NAS Word Usage - Total: 62 1. out of, from, by, away from harpazō 1) to seize, carry off by force 2) to seize on, claim for one' s self eagerly 3) to snatch out or away
Commandments? Do you believe salvation is an earned ? At the cross Jesus said it is finished he finished the work at the cross we are to trust Him and that finished work.
Are you aware that "Christian" USA in their short history is by far the greatest killing machine in history? In several of their wars the churches urged their people to join up and kill the "enemy" even if it meant killing other Christians. Ukraine was being used as a staging ground for a massive military buildup by the west including building over 45 biological weapons laboratories? For 8 years Ukraine was shelling the Russian speaking Donbass provinces killing over 14,000 people. Why do the American churches support war all the time?
It is my right hand, I assure you. I am using my iPhone while doing the recording, so it looks like it is my left hand. Thank you for pointing that out though!
@@youraveragejoe123 Wedding ring is on the right hand. Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on their right hands. Correct, the camera was in "selfie" record mode so think of looking into a mirror image.
I’m a Protestant considering orthodoxy and this puts a huge stint in it for me as the early church fathers definitely taught the rapture. This is a poor review of the doctrine of the rapture also. A rapture before the wrath of God if that be before the tribulation or in the middle is clear in both scripture and early teaching. The rapture does not originate from Darby. The tribulation is wrath and “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,” 1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV And no doctrine for it? There are many raptures in scripture. Enoch is the best example in how he escaped the wrath of God In the same way we will. Shepherd Of Hermas (110 - 165 A.D.) “You have escaped the Great Tribulation on account of your faith… Go, therefore, and tell the the elect of the Lord his might deeds, and say to them that if you prepare yourselves, and repent with all your heart, and turn to the Lord, it will be possible be possible to escape it, if your heart be pure and spotless, and ye spend spend the rest of the days of your life in serving the lord blasphemy.” - book 1:4:2 Ephrem The Syrian (306 - 373 A.D.) “For all the saints and the elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins.” - On the last times, the antichrist, and the end of the world by Ephrem.
@@Indy1984 Hi, thank you for replying. This is all very good things to consider. I am looking into orthodoxy still and plan on attending a Greek Orthodox liturgy soon. I do believe that the Orthodox Church is the church you can trace directly back to the apostles but id like to do more research on this soon. I have heard now that what makes one orthodox is not have completely perfect doctrine but living faithfully in the life style of orthodoxy. I don’t see why a rapture of some kind is impossible within orthodoxy, i mainly hold a pretrib position but I feel like a pre wrath rapture could work as well. I’m not afraid of any persecution coming as some would like to suggest. I just want to keep my anticipation crown of loving his appearing whatever that may be. Also can you elaborate on the Eucharist part? How that some are sick the way they approach the Eucharist
@Christopher Davis I came out of the Orthodox church the minute I got saved. There's many things wrong with what they believe in. Praying to saints, they will cover it up by saying they are alive in Christ, and that we here on earth pray for each other. The difference is we here are alive on earth. When someone prays to any saints all at the same time, you have just attributed Gods character to others, making them all knowing, being everywhere, all that God has. God says he will not share his glory with another. People are so caught up with that they are the oldest church, who cares if they are if they are not holding to the truth. And I'm not even talking about the rapture. Find a good bible believing church and grow in your faith
@@costa328 You misrepresented the Orthodox faith and its teachings. When we ‘pray to saints’, we don’t in any way, shape or form think that they are equal to God. We are asking for them to intervene to the Lord for us. Also, no one is ‘saved’. Faith without works is dead.
The Christians of Thessalonica were concerned that those who died before Christ came back would not be resurrected. Paul's letter to them was to give them comfort. Also it was to assure them that all would see Jesus on His second coming. Even though Paul put an order to it, one can be rest assured that when Jesus comes back you will not know the order. It will be in a twinkling of an eye. (1st Corinthians 15)
James Strohl, most people get the sequence of events in 2 Thess 2 wrong because of an unfortunate translation (or mistranslation) of the verb _enistemi_ in verse 2 as “at hand” which translators then added to verse 3 as “that day shall not come”. But Paul did not say this because the verb was in the Perfect tense not Future. Paul actually said he was writing to support the Rapture so they would not fear as though the day of Christ had already been present. Then verse 3 needs to be altered too, as does the doctrine of post-tribers whose doctrine was based on a false translation. Paul told them two signs which, when they are seen, will mean the day of Christ had already been present, and he wrote to support the Rapture because that happens at the start of the day of Christ, so he was calming their fears about missing the Rapture. Here is the general order of events: Rapture > Apostasy > Antichrist
@@biblehistoryscience3530 To take this any other way, than the meaning of a second person, is incorrect. Their has to be a falling away (d]apostasy comes first,). To have a falling away means the Church of Christ is established. Your sequence is incorrect. The Church will not be taken up before the falling away. The reason is that this has already happened. The Antichrist has been on the Earth since Christ was on the Earth. Thanks.
@@jamesstrohl2016, you did not directly address the facts I presented about these scriptures but simply gave the general Preterist misinterpretation of events, so all I can say is believe whatever you want. But I hope you can discern what happened when you miss the Rapture rescue because the powerful deception comes soon after.
@@biblehistoryscience3530 I addressed your questions (not the facts according to you) in an overall view of them. I am absolutely positive that I will not miss the one and only final call from Christ for everyone. No one will.
@@youraveragejoe123 1st John 2:22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the ANTICHRIST, he who denies the Father and the Son. As you can plainly see it is the people who deny that Jesus is the Christ. It is not just one person.
What about the word harpazo, Greek for rapture. That has been transliterated into snatching away! Or all the promises that the lord makes that he has not appointed us to Wrath. We go through tribulation daily but we must differentiate between tribulation and the Great tribulation. Yes, both gentile and Jew are now part of the same vine. However, Romans talks about the stupor that comes over the Jews until the number of gentile is fulfilled. God has promised for Israel that still have to be fulfilled. And he begins working with Israel during the great tribulation so that they can see that Jesus was the true God. Furthermore, the man of lawlessness (antichrist) can not be revealed until the restrainer is taken away. We are the restrainer through the Holy Spirit residing in us the church. Not of mortar and stone but of flesh and blood. Don’t be deceived by your own dogma brother. For let the word interpret itself.
Its amazing how you can believe, Jesus said: "No one knows the hour", you should read the Bible, and stop hearing traditions or the church teachings. No one is above the Word of God, it is only one way JesusChrist, awake!!!
@Teresa, In the same breath that Jesus said no one would know the exact HOUR or DAY He also said believers SHOULD KNOW the signs, times and seasons - because He had just outlined them in the Olivet Discourse. And he sent prophets and apostles who also elaborated such signs in the OT and NT. After the second restoration of Israel. After the rise of Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation. And after the 6th Seal cosmic signs of sun going dark, the moon turning to blood and the stars falling from heaven LOOK UP!
@@carnation63 50 years of daily Bible study plus a seminary Bible college MTh. So probably longer then you have been alive. Simply put you don’t believe the Holy Word of GodTHT. You only believe in man made traditions.
The Truth is no one knows the hour or the time. Only God knows. Yes in the bible he gives us signs to look for and that is what we must look for. We have Gods word and in the end it will be hard to trust anyone even our churches. So we must look to God for answers. I am an orthodox Christian but I love all Christians and I know God does to. He made us all. He will direct us all as well.
Excuse me, sir, but I just heard from another Orthodox priest that the Orthodox Church doesn't even teach on the book Revelation ? So if you don't teach on Revelation because they say it's to difficult to understand how then can we take your words with credibility
Matthew 16 He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times. 1Thessalonians 5 1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. 4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
Matthew 24:40-41 "40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." What was Jesus referring to here?
It is about judgment. Orthodox does not disagree with what the Scriptures have elucidated ,"our gathering together," or when Jesus says He will send His angles to the four corners of the earth to "gather His elect!" The point and difference is "what" the gathering is. Dispensationalists believe it will be secret; carrying away the Church off the earth and leaving Israel to fend for itself Truth with the 144,000 ministering the Gospel then coming back at the end for Judgment and to restore everything but only for 1000 years. See how confusing that is? Orthodoxy believes it will be a singular event and yet have simultaneity; gathering to meet The Lord and traveling with Him to Jerusalem (see Jesus' lament in Matt. 23). The Church will be preserved through the Tribulation just as He has done throughout history! Throughout the ages the Blood of The Martyrs have been the seed of the Church's growth!
Private Citizen, Jesus was speaking in veiled language when he said that two will be in a field or at a mill when one is taken and the other left, so it was meant to be difficult to understand. The key to understanding Matt 24:26-28, 32-51, and Luke 17:20-37 is found in the parable of ten virgins in Matt 25:1-13. In that parable, half of those who expected to attend a marriage supper were left behind because they weren’t ready, and they were still barred from entry after they had prepared because the window of time was short (Paul called it the twinkling of an eye in 1 Cor 15, and he said in 1 Thess 5 that those who walk in darkness fall into the day of the Lord like sudden birth pains, and they shall not escape). Jesus gave the lesson of the parable of ten virgins in Matt 25:12-13 where he showed foolish virgins locked out then warned everyone to therefore _“watch” because you do not know the day or hour when the Son of man comes._ Now, go back and reread Matt 24 from the parable of fig trees to the end, and you will find that Jesus repeated that warning lesson five times! And Jesus repeated this lesson in Luke 21:34-36 where he warned everyone to repent from sin, to watch and pray always to be accounted worthy to escape all things coming and stand before the Son of man. Jesus repeats this warning in Rev 3 to sinners in Sardis, saying to repent because if they don’t watch the thief will take them by surprise. Then he promises to reward faithful saints in Philadelphia to keep them from the time of testing that’s coming on everyone on earth, which means they must be removed from earth. There is a lot more to this, but it all shows that some are taken to Heaven (the marriage supper of the Lamb is shown happening behind closed gates in Heaven before the second coming, by the way), but others are left behind to go thru the great tribulation.
This is simply speaking about the siege of Israel by Rome and not just Jerusalem. Those in the fields for example. It is foretelling of the siege and for the Christians to be ready to flee at a moments notice. Be ready, don't look back, and run. If you do look back you stand the possibility of dying. Though there are Denominations that believe this on a miraculous nature and the Christian will be whisked away, and the non-believer left, the context speaks otherwise.
@@jamesstrohl2016, James Strohl, if you believe that Jesus’ prophesy in Matt 24:29-31 about the abomination of desolation was fulfilled around the same time as his prophesy in Luke 21:20-24 about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, what do you think the abomination of desolation was?
@@biblehistoryscience3530 Titus. However, one must go back to Chapter 23 when Jesus is lamenting over the fate of Jerusalem. This leads into Chapter 24 when the disciples pointed to the temple and asked when the things spoken in the beginning of Chapter 24 would happen. “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the [b]end of the age?” Two questions are asked. The end of Judaism and when would Christ come back. The reference is back to Daniel. Matt 24:15 15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place. Titus was the man in the Holy of Holies. Supposedly he sat upon the throne in the Holy of Holies which is in of itself blasphemous. It would not surprise me to find out Titus did speak blasphemy simply because at that time it was my god is bigger than your god. Something also to remember is Jesus is talking to the Disciples. This is the shattering of the power of the Holy People that is spoken of in Daniel. The answer to the second part is the Church of Christ being persecuted. Matt: 24-29 is talking about the Churches of Christ were going through in approximately 100A.D. to 350 A.D. This is the time when the Roman Empire has made Christianity illegal. However there were provinces that did persecute Christians. This persecution started after the destruction of the Temple. Finally the reason for earthquakes, wars, and etc.. was the fact that only one who knows when Jesus will come back is God.
Bottom line: Jesus saves those who put their trust in His saving work of redemption of sinners through dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Do you believe you are a sinner who needs the saving grace of Jesus Christ?
Ja sam rodjen kao pravoslavac. I mnogo sam zbunjen sto se tice zadnjih 7 godina i nevolje. Dosta slusam protestantske vizije i tumacenja da cemo biti spaseni pre zadnjih 7 godina i antihrista. Jedni pricaju tako jedni nesto drugo i ko je sad u pravu. Dok je boziji duh na zemlji ne moze anthrist da dodje.
Not quite accurate. Darby got his interpretation from a vision that a young woman experienced. The telegraph may have reinforced but was not the source.
Joan Halcomb, Darby conspiracy theories were invented in the mid-1800s then embellished and marketed by Dave MacPherson, starting in the 1970s. Google his name with the word Disney, and look at the guy whose conspiracy theory about Darby that you believe. But a real historian named William Watson recently published real research that includes hundreds of archival sources going back to the Protestant Reformation that show the rapture doctrine was rediscovered centuries before Darby was even born. See Dispensationalism Before Darby.
What about the word harpazo, Greek for rapture. That has been transliterated into snatching away! Or all the promises that the lord makes that he has not appointed us to Wrath. We go through tribulation daily but we must differentiate between tribulation and the Great tribulation. Yes, both gentile and Jew are now part of the same vine. However, Romans talks about the stupor that comes over the Jews until the number of gentile is fulfilled. God has promised for Israel that still have to be fulfilled. And he begins working with Israel during the great tribulation so that they can see that Jesus was the true God. Furthermore, the man of lawlessness (antichrist) can not be revealed until the restrainer is taken away. We are the restrainer through the Holy Spirit residing in us the church. Not of mortar and stone but of flesh and blood. Don’t be deceived by your own dogma brother. For let the word interpret itself.
This gathering up was interpreted as referring to the events of the second coming immediately preceding judgment by all early Christians. We can call that a rapture if you want but it is not a support for the beliefs that John Nelson Darby came up with so many centuries after it was written. These claims should be supported on their merits or else considered to be imaginative fiction.
Jesus is real yes...he appeared to me. I went into prayer one night and ask the Lord Jesus Christ are you coming back in end times in the sky? And the next morning I went into prayer again...I was praying the Jesus Divine Mercy Prayer. And when I was praying I looked outside the window was a clear sky...and was only one skinny cloud...when the sun came out and the beam of light hit that cloud...it painted a Image of Jesus standing on the cloud...with his hands open...he was wearing a gold robe...and from his heart came two beams down over my house...one red light and one white from his heart....he was painted in light standing on the cloud...he looked like the painting Jesus Christ appeared to st Faustina and told her to paint him...with the words under the painting... Jesus I trust in you... And the day before.. I also hanged up that painting of Jesus I trust in you...in my front hall way to my home...so my family can be saved. The next morning he appeared to me like the painting standing on the cloud with his hands open
Wrong they don’t believe that Christ is hovering they believe that Christ is calling them and we meet Him in the air. Christ does not touch the earth but brings us to Him
I mean no disrespect to you, Father, but you have little to no understanding on this topic. While no one knows the day or hour, we do have the words of Jesus that "one will be taken, and the other left," a clear reference to the catching up of the saints. You open your video with a presupposition about what isn't true, then devote the rest of it to circular references quoting yourself or others but not the bible. I have never read Hal Lindsey or the other books that you mentioned, so my views on this are not based on them. The 10 virgins in Matthew 25 are separated at the door into the Marriage, therefore some enter the wedding while others do not, but Jesus doesn't stop there. Here is the passage you need to be familiar with: "Be ye as men who wait for their Lord when he shall return FROM the wedding..." (Luke 12:36) Pay attention to the words of Jesus and revere them, because your life is going to depend on them.
Brother/Sister, You want to be the one "left behind" and not taken away. Christ references the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, God's wrath (the flood) was poured out and the wicked were removed. Noah and his family were the ones left. 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4 1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. The Church will be here to rock and roll against the AC God Bless!!
IN Thessalonians 4:17, the key word is " meet" ; this greek word not only means to encounter but also to escourt back to where you came from. As in this case the planet surface; this the same word in the gospel when Yahushua- Jesus was greeted and escorted into the temple outer court when He presented Himself as the Passover Lamb riding on a donkey.
My dad had either Johovas Witnesses or Mormons come to his house...sorry i can't remember which. He said they told him that when God comes that the evil ones will be gone and God will live on Earth with us humans and create Heaven on Earth. Not sure which is true but now my dad believes that and he used to be a Roman Catholic. He no longer believes in Catholicism because of what "some" priests did to children i guess. I'm not sure what to believe so i research a bit of all of theology and try to piece together what i think is truth. I really wish humans didn't alter scripture when translating. So much was changed or taken out of context. But i do believe in Jesus and a mono-theistic God. I do believe most of the Bible is true but so many scholars argue on what's true and there's so much confusion. All i know is that i need to always be kind and loving and try to be who God wants me to be. Donate to the poor, help the needy and others around me and i pray to God. I try to have God's love in my heart too for everything living as i believe everything has a spirit and i see a bit of God in everything alive. The thing that hurts me the most though is how religions create wars or even get involved. To me that is not of God. Like the Orthodox Russian religion...they are on Putin's side in this war. That is wrong. If God loves all his children, he wouldn't want us to kill each other. Sad. I hope people can open their hearts more and just love one another especially during these times. We are all the same. Made from the same cloth.💗🙏
There is no such thing as "the Rapture". It is not in the Bible and God warns those who teach His People to fly. Ezekiel 13:20 Also, Isaiah 52:12 "For ye shall not go out with haste nor go by flight; for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your reward". Do not be fooled by anyone talking of a rapture it is false teaching. Rapture theory began in 1830 and has been promoted by false teachers ever since. If the rapture were true it would be mentioned in Revelation, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 and there is no mention of it because it's a lie.
Boy is that wrong. There is a MASSIVE distinction between JUSTIFICATION (SALVATION) and SANCTIFICATION (HOLINESS or walking in obedience and walking orderly-- Acts 21:21) Your status (saved) does not change but the idea that because you are saved means you cant sin is a LIE according to 1st John. If you walk in a manner that is sinful you are being disobedient. This thinking is the INEVITABLE result of buying the LIE that the Torah is to be ignored by believers. YOU DO NOT REPLACE Israel but are GRAFTED INTO it.
Mother of God? You are referring to Mary? Don’t you think Jesus died for all humanity, which includes Mary? We should only mention in Jesus name. Mary was a sinner. God can work things through people like, Mary, Billy Graham, many more, however we should never lift them up the same way as we do in Jesus’ name. When Jesus said those who without sin may cast a first stone, did Mary do that? Only Jesus, our creator, can forgive and judge. I was listening to you until you mentioned mother of God. What does Mary have to do with your topic? My God doesn’t have a mother. Mary gave birth to Jesus so He could come to this world to be born as a human, and yes, she took care of Him as a mother, but she was not His mother. She was favored by God for Jesus to come to this world. She should not be lifted up as we lift up our savior.
@Sisoes, if Mary had been without sin, there would have been no reason to no glorify her and take her to heaven. She died and is still in the grave because she was a sinner just like everyone else but Jesus.
@@janecho2714 Original Sin is not a doctrine of the Church before Roman Catholics dogmatized (following the teaching of Augustine in the 4th century) it so you actually are more in line with Rome whom we reject as heresy!
SAVE you self, what a lie!!!! Salvation is of the Lord!!! Reade Jonah, Thanks God I have been out the catholic church for many years and know the mercy of our Lord!!
When I believed in the rapture I felt it was so American. Like totally ignoring what Christians in the Middle East go through or what they suffered in Russia, it’s like but when Americans are losing their rights that’s the end of the world. At least that’s how it sounded to me.
The Rapture/Harpazo is not American. It is biblical and applies to all saved people. Rapture means, "caught up."
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
@@Revelation18-4caught up when Jesus returns and destroys the earth, leave this cult mindset, Christian’s have been fed to lions and beheaded. It you’ll be saved, your not of Christ if you think that
“For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
1 thess 5:9
That verse has to do with the wrath of the unsaved at the final judgement (the context). It's about "salvation" for the saved as opposed to eternal damnation for the unsaved and has nothing to do with the final Tribulation. Totally different topic altogether. The Church has always experienced tribulation throughout history and will continue up to the final Tribulation that ends at Christ's Coming. Suffering is not a popular sermon subject for a number of US Protestant sects.
Reread the verse without theological prejudice. 'Indeed, all who want to live in a godly way will in Christ Jesus will be persecuted." 2Tim. 3:12. "I have said these things to you, that IN ME you will have PEACE. In the world YOU WILL HAVE TRIBULATION (GENERAL TRIBULATION which includes the final TRIBULATION as well). BUT I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD." John 16:33
"Immediate after the TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS (a specific time OF TRIBULATION) shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of heaven will be shaken." Matt. 24: 29 AND THEN SHALL APPEAR THE SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN COMING IN THE CLOUDS....THE EARTH SHALL MORN, AND THEY SHALL SEE THE SON OF MAN COMING IN THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY." Matt. 24:30
The elect (the Saved) will then be gathered by the angels of God from the four winds Matt24:31
Amen! Less worry more prayers. Didnt Jesus say 'not to worry, for those things must happen before the end'?
So then worry not!
My prayer is for the armour of God, strength of mind, zeal and fire for Christ to be had by all
Yes! And go ahead and plant your apple trees!
Coming from the Church of Christ and the Evangelical realm I can say that there is indeed a lot of confusion about the rapture. So I decided to do some research on it. I read the Bible, and the Church fathers of the 1st and 2nd century. As you can imagine I found that it was not biblical at all.
Oddly enough my studies of the scriptures and the old church fathers keep leading me to the Orthodox teachings. But that’s another thing all together.
It is good to hear what the Orthodox teach on this subject. Thank you brother.
The early church fathers believed in a pre-trib Rapture/Harpazo. Your research was flawed.
It is the faith inJesus we are worthy (righteousness was imputed to us )not because of us but because of Him !!!
Thank you! From a Protestant that never bought into the rapture.
I can’t tell you where exactly but, Saint Paul says that in later days men will not adhere to sound doctrine and will give themselves to fables. I honestly believe that this is what Paul is talking about, we need to use the Bible and church teachings to purge this false doctrine from Christianity
Well you have come a long way since we were students at St. Vladimir's!
I have a question about 1 Thessalonians 4: 16 , when rapture happens , why the sleep ones rise firstly , they are not already in heaven at the time you died ?
They raise bodily, their spirit is with christ when he returns
No rapture, read 2 Peter 3:10-13. No Orthodox, or Roman Catholics believe this. Most Protestants don't, either! It is mostly American Evangelicals, in churches that began after the 1800's.
Familiarize yourself with what is called "Amillenialism".
@@George-ur8ow Thank you for your reply . Still I have 100% faith there is a rapture , just as I have in Jesus is our salvation . God bless you
@@youraveragejoe123 Hello , I truly don't have the knowledge that Orthodox Christian don't believe in Rapture until now . Thank you for letting me know this .
@@queenbees1832 One resurrection, one judgement
Christ said no one knows the hour in which he comes. Except the Father.
That is an idiom. The Jews kept a lunar calendar and a new month was announced when two priests (on the testimony of two or more witnesses a matter was established.) The moon's cycle is such that the first sliver of a new moon could be as short as a few hours or up to 2 days. That gap of time between the end of the month and the first sign of the new moon was called THE DAY AND HOUR WHICH NO MAN KNOWS. The messiah will return on a new moon on the feast of trumpets.
I am a Greek who can read the original text and in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 when Paul says : "to meet the Lord in the air" the word for "meet" is προϋπαντήσουμε which translates to "welcome" . Welcome Him for what ? The judgement, the resurrection of the dead and the ushering of the eternal state - all in THE second coming of Christ . Also in the original text there are no chapter divisions , so Paul continues that same theme in the next chapter and says about that day that it's coming as "a thief in the night" . But 2 Peter 3:10-13 says that the day that comes as a thief in the night is the day that the Lord descends with great glory and with his angles to destroy the earth. So no protestant rapture , no earthly millennium
Please watch "Who Changed the Sabbath" by Pastor CD Brooks
There is a pre-trib rapture and it is biblical. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Also, Harpazo/Rapturo means to be caught up, the catching away, to seize, to snatch up... Noah and his family and Lot were taken out of the way before God's wrath. Enoch and Elijah were taken body, soul, and Spirit.
At the rapture we will meet the Lord in the clouds in the air.
At the 2nd coming, Jesus comes to earth and sets His feet on the Mount of Olives. These are 2 separate biblical events.
No they arent. Sorry.
Noah and his family were "Left Behind" as were Lot and his family (sans his wife) Gods wrath removed the wicked, the righteous went through tribulation and were left
@@theKYLEcometh That was God showing us that He will not have His wrath on us and we will be removed and taken out of the way. You are misreading scripture. The Rapture/Harpazo is biblical and WILL happen before the tribulation/time of Jacob's trouble.
Noah wasn't removed and taken out of the way. He stayed and went through it with God's protection.
I also never said the rapture wasn't Biblical.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
The Church will be here to rock and roll against the AC, then we will harpazo
God Bless and take care!!
@@theKYLEcometh The church will not (rock n' roll! ) Rock music comes from Satan. God abhors it! And yes, Noah and his family were removed along with Lot and his family! They were removed from God's wrath in the world. It was a precursor that proves that God remove His children from danger and wrath. Also, Elijah and Moses were Raptured (were taken up) body, soul, and Spirit. Your argument doesn't hold water.
I would add that we are saved by being consciously born again in Christ too
Thank you
You're welcome!
The popularity of the rapture doctrine with the Boomer generation was due to Hal Lindsey's book "The Late Great Planet Earth". It was the best selling book in the 1970's just behind the Bible in sales.
We are to be doing work ,occupy until He comes.
Then please explain harpazzo in Thessalonians.
Rapture passages :- John 14:1-3, Rom 8:19, plus more.........
Not many mentioned it but I beleive it was Ephraim the Syrian did mention this and Iraeneaus also does in a way also. It all relates to the 5 wise/foolish virgins with the 5 virgins suddenly taken up and the other 5 left behind - its all based of Biblical teachings, and I am Orthodox so can confirm this thing to be true. I have studied it extensively.
We should not even mention the Protestants in terms if guidance for or against anything - only scripture matters. Its called 'The Gathering' of the elect in the OT which St Paul is refering to. Its prophesied numerous times in the OT and also with St Paul and in Revelations also.
I hear Priests saying there is NO salvation outside the church FROM Priests that got saved OUTSIDE of it so now what PAL?
Father, I see that you quoted the passage on 1 Thessalonians 4 that the Evangelicals use to cite their view of the rapture )Harpazo in Greek) and I watched your whole video waiting for you to expond on that vesre but instead you only spoke on what the early church bel;ieved. Why did you not expound on the verse?? makes me wonder.
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one another with these words.
Revelation 3:10
10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
Tereo ek
NAS Word Usage - Total: 71
1. to attend to carefully, take care of
a. to guard
b. metaph. to keep, one in the state in which he is
c. to observe
d. to reserve: to undergo something
NAS Word Usage - Total: 62
1. out of, from, by, away from
1) to seize, carry off by force
2) to seize on, claim for one' s self eagerly
3) to snatch out or away
Commandments? Do you believe salvation is an earned ? At the cross Jesus said it is finished he finished the work at the cross we are to trust Him and that finished work.
So what you're saying is that Jesus will let his bride take a beating by going through the tribulation and the go to the wedding feast with the groom.
why is the CHURCH in Russia staying quite about Russia being at war with ukraine?
Why are you so brainwashed about the war with Ukraine? The MSM took a toll on you obviously...
Are you aware that "Christian" USA in their short history is by far the greatest killing machine in history? In several of their wars the churches urged their people to join up and kill the "enemy" even if it meant killing other Christians. Ukraine was being used as a staging ground for a massive military buildup by the west including building over 45 biological weapons laboratories? For 8 years Ukraine was shelling the Russian speaking Donbass provinces killing over 14,000 people. Why do the American churches support war all the time?
You make the. Cross with your right hand?
It is my right hand, I assure you. I am using my iPhone while doing the recording, so it looks like it is my left hand. Thank you for pointing that out though!
@@youraveragejoe123 Wedding ring is on the right hand. Orthodox Christians wear wedding rings on their right hands. Correct, the camera was in "selfie" record mode so think of looking into a mirror image.
Actually it goes back before Derby
I’m a Protestant considering orthodoxy and this puts a huge stint in it for me as the early church fathers definitely taught the rapture. This is a poor review of the doctrine of the rapture also.
A rapture before the wrath of God if that be before the tribulation or in the middle is clear in both scripture and early teaching. The rapture does not originate from Darby.
The tribulation is wrath and “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,”
1 Thessalonians 5:9 KJV
And no doctrine for it? There are many raptures in scripture. Enoch is the best example in how he escaped the wrath of God In the same way we will.
Shepherd Of Hermas (110 - 165 A.D.)
“You have escaped the Great Tribulation on account of your faith… Go, therefore, and tell the the elect of the Lord his might deeds, and say to them that if you prepare yourselves, and repent with all your heart, and turn to the Lord, it will be possible be possible to escape it, if your heart be pure and spotless, and ye spend spend the rest of the days of your life in serving the lord blasphemy.” - book 1:4:2
Ephrem The Syrian (306 - 373 A.D.)
“For all the saints and the elect of God are gathered, prior to the tribulation that is to come, and taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that is to overwhelm the world because of our sins.” - On the last times, the antichrist, and the end of the world by Ephrem.
@@Indy1984 Hi, thank you for replying. This is all very good things to consider. I am looking into orthodoxy still and plan on attending a Greek Orthodox liturgy soon. I do believe that the Orthodox Church is the church you can trace directly back to the apostles but id like to do more research on this soon. I have heard now that what makes one orthodox is not have completely perfect doctrine but living faithfully in the life style of orthodoxy. I don’t see why a rapture of some kind is impossible within orthodoxy, i mainly hold a pretrib position but I feel like a pre wrath rapture could work as well. I’m not afraid of any persecution coming as some would like to suggest. I just want to keep my anticipation crown of loving his appearing whatever that may be. Also can you elaborate on the Eucharist part? How that some are sick the way they approach the Eucharist
@Christopher Davis I came out of the Orthodox church the minute I got saved. There's many things wrong with what they believe in. Praying to saints, they will cover it up by saying they are alive in Christ, and that we here on earth pray for each other. The difference is we here are alive on earth. When someone prays to any saints all at the same time, you have just attributed Gods character to others, making them all knowing, being everywhere, all that God has. God says he will not share his glory with another.
People are so caught up with that they are the oldest church, who cares if they are if they are not holding to the truth. And I'm not even talking about the rapture.
Find a good bible believing church and grow in your faith
Good points. They don't even teach on revelations in their liturgical services
@@costa328 You misrepresented the Orthodox faith and its teachings. When we ‘pray to saints’, we don’t in any way, shape or form think that they are equal to God. We are asking for them to intervene to the Lord for us. Also, no one is ‘saved’. Faith without works is dead.
@wanderlust139 You have the trinity interceding for you. Why would you need anyone else.
The Christians of Thessalonica were concerned that those who died before Christ came back would not be resurrected. Paul's letter to them was to give them comfort. Also it was to assure them that all would see Jesus on His second coming.
Even though Paul put an order to it, one can be rest assured that when Jesus comes back you will not know the order. It will be in a twinkling of an eye. (1st Corinthians 15)
James Strohl, most people get the sequence of events in 2 Thess 2 wrong because of an unfortunate translation (or mistranslation) of the verb _enistemi_ in verse 2 as “at hand” which translators then added to verse 3 as “that day shall not come”. But Paul did not say this because the verb was in the Perfect tense not Future.
Paul actually said he was writing to support the Rapture so they would not fear as though the day of Christ had already been present. Then verse 3 needs to be altered too, as does the doctrine of post-tribers whose doctrine was based on a false translation.
Paul told them two signs which, when they are seen, will mean the day of Christ had already been present, and he wrote to support the Rapture because that happens at the start of the day of Christ, so he was calming their fears about missing the Rapture. Here is the general order of events:
Rapture > Apostasy > Antichrist
@@biblehistoryscience3530 To take this any other way, than the meaning of a second person, is incorrect. Their has to be a falling away (d]apostasy comes first,). To have a falling away means the Church of Christ is established.
Your sequence is incorrect. The Church will not be taken up before the falling away. The reason is that this has already happened. The Antichrist has been on the Earth since Christ was on the Earth.
@@jamesstrohl2016, you did not directly address the facts I presented about these scriptures but simply gave the general Preterist misinterpretation of events, so all I can say is believe whatever you want. But I hope you can discern what happened when you miss the Rapture rescue because the powerful deception comes soon after.
@@biblehistoryscience3530 I addressed your questions (not the facts according to you) in an overall view of them. I am absolutely positive that I will not miss the one and only final call from Christ for everyone. No one will.
@@youraveragejoe123 1st John 2:22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the ANTICHRIST, he who denies the Father and the Son.
As you can plainly see it is the people who deny that Jesus is the Christ. It is not just one person.
That was amazinG! I totally agree.
What about the word harpazo, Greek for rapture. That has been transliterated into snatching away!
Or all the promises that the lord makes that he has not appointed us to Wrath. We go through tribulation daily but we must differentiate between tribulation and the Great tribulation.
Yes, both gentile and Jew are now part of the same vine. However, Romans talks about the stupor that comes over the Jews until the number of gentile is fulfilled.
God has promised for Israel that still have to be fulfilled. And he begins working with Israel during the great tribulation so that they can see that Jesus was the true God.
Furthermore, the man of lawlessness (antichrist) can not be revealed until the restrainer is taken away. We are the restrainer through the Holy Spirit residing in us the church. Not of mortar and stone but of flesh and blood.
Don’t be deceived by your own dogma brother. For let the word interpret itself.
Its amazing how you can believe, Jesus said: "No one knows the hour", you should read the Bible, and stop hearing traditions or the church teachings. No one is above the Word of God, it is only one way JesusChrist, awake!!!
In the same breath that Jesus said no one would know the exact HOUR or DAY He also said believers SHOULD KNOW the signs, times and seasons - because He had just outlined them in the Olivet Discourse. And he sent prophets and apostles who also elaborated such signs in the OT and NT.
After the second restoration of Israel.
After the rise of Antichrist and the Abomination of Desolation.
And after the 6th Seal cosmic signs of sun going dark, the moon turning to blood and the stars falling from heaven LOOK UP!
Thanks for the good laugh.
You know nothing of church history.
50 years of daily Bible study plus a seminary Bible college MTh. So probably longer then you have been alive.
Simply put you don’t believe the Holy Word of GodTHT. You only believe in man made traditions.
The Truth is no one knows the hour or the time. Only God knows. Yes in the bible he gives us signs to look for and that is what we must look for. We have Gods word and in the end it will be hard to trust anyone even our churches. So we must look to God for answers. I am an orthodox Christian but I love all Christians and I know God does to. He made us all. He will direct us all as well.
Were we not told not to call anyone father on earth because there is but one Father in heaven
Excuse me, sir, but I just heard from another Orthodox priest that the Orthodox Church doesn't even teach on the book Revelation ? So if you don't teach on Revelation because they say it's to difficult to understand how then can we take your words with credibility
Matthew 16
He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’
and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.
1Thessalonians 5
1 Now, brothers and sisters, about times and dates we do not need to write to you,
2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.
3 While people are saying, “Peace and safety,” destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
4 But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
I’m surprised you crossed yourself with your left hand
It is my right hand. Used an iphone to record, so it was in "selfie" mode. You were not the first to think the same about that.
Thanks for this video💗
Matthew 24:40-41 "40 Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. 41 Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left."
What was Jesus referring to here?
It is about judgment. Orthodox does not disagree with what the Scriptures have elucidated ,"our gathering together," or when Jesus says He will send His angles to the four corners of the earth to "gather His elect!" The point and difference is "what" the gathering is. Dispensationalists believe it will be secret; carrying away the Church off the earth and leaving Israel to fend for itself Truth with the 144,000 ministering the Gospel then coming back at the end for Judgment and to restore everything but only for 1000 years. See how confusing that is? Orthodoxy believes it will be a singular event and yet have simultaneity; gathering to meet The Lord and traveling with Him to Jerusalem (see Jesus' lament in Matt. 23). The Church will be preserved through the Tribulation just as He has done throughout history! Throughout the ages the Blood of The Martyrs have been the seed of the Church's growth!
Private Citizen, Jesus was speaking in veiled language when he said that two will be in a field or at a mill when one is taken and the other left, so it was meant to be difficult to understand. The key to understanding Matt 24:26-28, 32-51, and Luke 17:20-37 is found in the parable of ten virgins in Matt 25:1-13.
In that parable, half of those who expected to attend a marriage supper were left behind because they weren’t ready, and they were still barred from entry after they had prepared because the window of time was short (Paul called it the twinkling of an eye in 1 Cor 15, and he said in 1 Thess 5 that those who walk in darkness fall into the day of the Lord like sudden birth pains, and they shall not escape). Jesus gave the lesson of the parable of ten virgins in Matt 25:12-13 where he showed foolish virgins locked out then warned everyone to therefore _“watch” because you do not know the day or hour when the Son of man comes._ Now, go back and reread Matt 24 from the parable of fig trees to the end, and you will find that Jesus repeated that warning lesson five times!
And Jesus repeated this lesson in Luke 21:34-36 where he warned everyone to repent from sin, to watch and pray always to be accounted worthy to escape all things coming and stand before the Son of man. Jesus repeats this warning in Rev 3 to sinners in Sardis, saying to repent because if they don’t watch the thief will take them by surprise. Then he promises to reward faithful saints in Philadelphia to keep them from the time of testing that’s coming on everyone on earth, which means they must be removed from earth.
There is a lot more to this, but it all shows that some are taken to Heaven (the marriage supper of the Lamb is shown happening behind closed gates in Heaven before the second coming, by the way), but others are left behind to go thru the great tribulation.
This is simply speaking about the siege of Israel by Rome and not just Jerusalem. Those in the fields for example. It is foretelling of the siege and for the Christians to be ready to flee at a moments notice. Be ready, don't look back, and run. If you do look back you stand the possibility of dying.
Though there are Denominations that believe this on a miraculous nature and the Christian will be whisked away, and the non-believer left, the context speaks otherwise.
@@jamesstrohl2016, James Strohl, if you believe that Jesus’ prophesy in Matt 24:29-31 about the abomination of desolation was fulfilled around the same time as his prophesy in Luke 21:20-24 about the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, what do you think the abomination of desolation was?
@@biblehistoryscience3530 Titus.
However, one must go back to Chapter 23 when Jesus is lamenting over the fate of Jerusalem. This leads into Chapter 24 when the disciples pointed to the temple and asked when the things spoken in the beginning of Chapter 24 would happen. “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the [b]end of the age?” Two questions are asked. The end of Judaism and when would Christ come back.
The reference is back to Daniel. Matt 24:15 15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place. Titus was the man in the Holy of Holies. Supposedly he sat upon the throne in the Holy of Holies which is in of itself blasphemous. It would not surprise me to find out Titus did speak blasphemy simply because at that time it was my god is bigger than your god. Something also to remember is Jesus is talking to the Disciples. This is the shattering of the power of the Holy People that is spoken of in Daniel.
The answer to the second part is the Church of Christ being persecuted.
Matt: 24-29 is talking about the Churches of Christ were going through in approximately 100A.D. to 350 A.D. This is the time when the Roman Empire has made Christianity illegal. However there were provinces that did persecute Christians. This persecution started after the destruction of the Temple.
Finally the reason for earthquakes, wars, and etc.. was the fact that only one who knows when Jesus will come back is God.
Bottom line: Jesus saves those who put their trust in His saving work of redemption of sinners through dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Do you believe you are a sinner who needs the saving grace of Jesus Christ?
Ja sam rodjen kao pravoslavac. I mnogo sam zbunjen sto se tice zadnjih 7 godina i nevolje. Dosta slusam protestantske vizije i tumacenja da cemo biti spaseni pre zadnjih 7 godina i antihrista. Jedni pricaju tako jedni nesto drugo i ko je sad u pravu. Dok je boziji duh na zemlji ne moze anthrist da dodje.
Nemoj slusati Protestant glupost
Не слушај јеретике, они су сами збуњени. То што они говоре о одласку на небо пре антихриста је јерес која је настала у 19 веку.
Father, please don’t take calls during your video. It’s distracting to your message.
There is only one FATHER. Repent and get saved.
Not quite accurate. Darby got his interpretation from a vision that a young woman experienced. The telegraph may have reinforced but was not the source.
Joan Halcomb, Darby conspiracy theories were invented in the mid-1800s then embellished and marketed by Dave MacPherson, starting in the 1970s. Google his name with the word Disney, and look at the guy whose conspiracy theory about Darby that you believe.
But a real historian named William Watson recently published real research that includes hundreds of archival sources going back to the Protestant Reformation that show the rapture doctrine was rediscovered centuries before Darby was even born. See Dispensationalism Before Darby.
What about the word harpazo, Greek for rapture. That has been transliterated into snatching away!
Or all the promises that the lord makes that he has not appointed us to Wrath. We go through tribulation daily but we must differentiate between tribulation and the Great tribulation.
Yes, both gentile and Jew are now part of the same vine. However, Romans talks about the stupor that comes over the Jews until the number of gentile is fulfilled.
God has promised for Israel that still have to be fulfilled. And he begins working with Israel during the great tribulation so that they can see that Jesus was the true God.
Furthermore, the man of lawlessness (antichrist) can not be revealed until the restrainer is taken away. We are the restrainer through the Holy Spirit residing in us the church. Not of mortar and stone but of flesh and blood.
Don’t be deceived by your own dogma brother. For let the word interpret itself.
This gathering up was interpreted as referring to the events of the second coming immediately preceding judgment by all early Christians. We can call that a rapture if you want but it is not a support for the beliefs that John Nelson Darby came up with so many centuries after it was written. These claims should be supported on their merits or else considered to be imaginative fiction.
During the lockdown much could happen and nobody would’ve known so don’t think that this could not happen harpazzo
Jesus is real yes...he appeared to me. I went into prayer one night and ask the Lord Jesus Christ are you coming back in end times in the sky? And the next morning I went into prayer again...I was praying the Jesus Divine Mercy Prayer. And when I was praying I looked outside the window was a clear sky...and was only one skinny cloud...when the sun came out and the beam of light hit that cloud...it painted a Image of Jesus standing on the cloud...with his hands open...he was wearing a gold robe...and from his heart came two beams down over my house...one red light and one white from his heart....he was painted in light standing on the cloud...he looked like the painting Jesus Christ appeared to st Faustina and told her to paint him...with the words under the painting... Jesus I trust in you...
And the day before.. I also hanged up that painting of Jesus I trust in you...in my front hall way to my home...so my family can be saved. The next morning he appeared to me like the painting standing on the cloud with his hands open
Our citizenship is in heaven
Wrong they don’t believe that Christ is hovering they believe that Christ is calling them and we meet Him in the air.
Christ does not touch the earth but brings us to Him
maybe you should write your thoughts down before you make a video
Best comment.
I mean no disrespect to you, Father, but you have little to no understanding on this topic. While no one knows the day or hour, we do have the words of Jesus that "one will be taken, and the other left," a clear reference to the catching up of the saints.
You open your video with a presupposition about what isn't true, then devote the rest of it to circular references quoting yourself or others but not the bible.
I have never read Hal Lindsey or the other books that you mentioned, so my views on this are not based on them.
The 10 virgins in Matthew 25 are separated at the door into the Marriage, therefore some enter the wedding while others do not, but Jesus doesn't stop there.
Here is the passage you need to be familiar with:
"Be ye as men who wait for their Lord when he shall return FROM the wedding..." (Luke 12:36)
Pay attention to the words of Jesus and revere them, because your life is going to depend on them.
You want to be the one "left behind" and not taken away. Christ references the days of Noah. In the days of Noah, God's wrath (the flood) was poured out and the wicked were removed. Noah and his family were the ones left.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-4
1 Now concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered together to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to be quickly shaken in mind or alarmed, either by a spirit or a spoken word, or a letter seeming to be from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God.
The Church will be here to rock and roll against the AC
God Bless!!
No it’s sharing the gospel that we need to do!!!!
IN Thessalonians 4:17, the key word is " meet" ; this greek word not only means to encounter but also to escourt back to where you came from. As in this case the planet surface; this the same word in the gospel when Yahushua- Jesus was greeted and escorted into the temple outer court when He presented Himself as the Passover Lamb riding on a donkey.
The rapture does defy credibility from the human sense.
My dad had either Johovas Witnesses or Mormons come to his house...sorry i can't remember which. He said they told him that when God comes that the evil ones will be gone and God will live on Earth with us humans and create Heaven on Earth. Not sure which is true but now my dad believes that and he used to be a Roman Catholic. He no longer believes in Catholicism because of what "some" priests did to children i guess. I'm not sure what to believe so i research a bit of all of theology and try to piece together what i think is truth. I really wish humans didn't alter scripture when translating. So much was changed or taken out of context. But i do believe in Jesus and a mono-theistic God. I do believe most of the Bible is true but so many scholars argue on what's true and there's so much confusion. All i know is that i need to always be kind and loving and try to be who God wants me to be. Donate to the poor, help the needy and others around me and i pray to God. I try to have God's love in my heart too for everything living as i believe everything has a spirit and i see a bit of God in everything alive. The thing that hurts me the most though is how religions create wars or even get involved. To me that is not of God. Like the Orthodox Russian religion...they are on Putin's side in this war. That is wrong. If God loves all his children, he wouldn't want us to kill each other. Sad. I hope people can open their hearts more and just love one another especially during these times. We are all the same. Made from the same cloth.💗🙏
Thank you for the kind thoughts and sharing your perspective.
Most of the "western" countries supported the war in Yugoslavia. Big mistake. Brainwashed by media, just like now in case of Ukraine. Sorry...
This is a poor representation of the Protestant take on what the rapture is.
There is no such thing as "the Rapture". It is not in the Bible and God warns those who teach His People to fly. Ezekiel 13:20 Also, Isaiah 52:12 "For ye shall not go out with haste nor go by flight; for the Lord will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your reward". Do not be fooled by anyone talking of a rapture it is false teaching. Rapture theory began in 1830 and has been promoted by false teachers ever since. If the rapture were true it would be mentioned in Revelation, Matthew 24, and Mark 13 and there is no mention of it because it's a lie.
There’s no such thing as a good Christian or a bad Christian you are either saved or not I don’t think you understand what they actually believe
Boy is that wrong. There is a MASSIVE distinction between JUSTIFICATION (SALVATION) and SANCTIFICATION (HOLINESS or walking in obedience and walking orderly-- Acts 21:21) Your status (saved) does not change but the idea that because you are saved means you cant sin is a LIE according to 1st John. If you walk in a manner that is sinful you are being disobedient. This thinking is the INEVITABLE result of buying the LIE that the Torah is to be ignored by believers. YOU DO NOT REPLACE Israel but are GRAFTED INTO it.
@@robschaller9061 so you say it as a Jewish person I am re-grafted in?
Wow you are so wrong your alluding to works. Jesus Christ did the work at the cross.
Protestants 🤯
Mother of God? You are referring to Mary? Don’t you think Jesus died for all humanity, which includes Mary? We should only mention in Jesus name. Mary was a sinner. God can work things through people like, Mary, Billy Graham, many more, however we should never lift them up the same way as we do in Jesus’ name. When Jesus said those who without sin may cast a first stone, did Mary do that? Only Jesus, our creator, can forgive and judge. I was listening to you until you mentioned mother of God. What does Mary have to do with your topic? My God doesn’t have a mother. Mary gave birth to Jesus so He could come to this world to be born as a human, and yes, she took care of Him as a mother, but she was not His mother. She was favored by God for Jesus to come to this world. She should not be lifted up as we lift up our savior.
@Sisoes No, she had the original sin. Why wouldn't have God use her as a sacrificial lamb? Bc she was a sinner.
@Sisoes Mary was a human so she had the original sin. Why wouldn't God use her as a sacrificial lamb? Because she was a sinner.
OC puts their man made traditions OVER the Holy Bible.
So your correct Bible point about Mary will fall on deaf ears here.
@Sisoes, if Mary had been without sin, there would have been no reason to no glorify her and take her to heaven. She died and is still in the grave because she was a sinner just like everyone else but Jesus.
@@janecho2714 Original Sin is not a doctrine of the Church before Roman Catholics dogmatized (following the teaching of Augustine in the 4th century) it so you actually are more in line with Rome whom we reject as heresy!
You cannot save yourself Jesus is our salvation.!!!! Smh
I do want to belive in the teachings of the orthadox church BUT I also belive the CHURCH has been corupted by the world ways sorry Father
Not the best communicator.
SAVE you self, what a lie!!!! Salvation is of the Lord!!! Reade Jonah, Thanks God I have been out the catholic church for many years and know the mercy of our Lord!!