The AOEM roulette event that everyone can participate in is now online. Click the link for a chance at some prizes!
I can't be the only one who hears your voice and still thinks you're being sarcastic about whatever you're talking about. WoW Classic Private Server Hype WoW Classic Private Server Hype WoW Classic Private Server Hype
thats nice and you will be the minority. Time and again we are shown when a good paid option comes around, vast majority stop piracy and switch over. Not an argument, a known fact.
Classic+ has a many chances to succeed as the Metaverse. By that i mean, not realy many, since every person's idea of it is diferent, and thus, noone will ever be happy with whatever you can create.
@@josejuanandrade4439 This really isnt true. Most people want a roughly similar thing from Classic+ which is just slowly adding more (relevant) content to the game. Minor class adjustments (not whatever the fuck sod was), more quests, more zones, more dungeons, more raids, but without ridiculous powercreep so to keep things relevant. This actually takes a lot of effort so instead we got none of that. Turtle is roughly what people want from classic+ which is why turtle is actually popular in the first place. People have different ideas of what kind of zones and dungeons they want, but the general gist of what people want is not hard to wrap your mind around, blizzard just doesnt give a fuck and would rathe play happy whacky fun time come play retail after this.
@@raziel6304true, but it's also true that most big private servers fall through within six months because of mismanagement, corrupt GMs, or salty dudes destroying the project over a personal conflict on the team
Problem is that you're then relying on Blizzard for server maintainance, paying sub fee to Blizzard only for them to ultimately have the ability to deactivate it at their leisure if the project isn't making enough money. I played enough Age of Mythology and WC3 to know custom maps can be fantastic, but I also remember Blizzard slipping that WC3 reforged clause in that they own any custom maps you make and play. Doubt people would go for it.
Wow needs to honestly look at OSRS and try to mirror some of their endgame. Professions deserve mini-games or dungeons that require that skill to be used, with matching theme / rewards.
One way to solve the split up player base would be something like an open bnet for diablo 2. It would allow you to server hop and you wouldnt have to start all over again. The server settings can restrict certain abilities and stats, that would be possible on another server, so you wouldnt run about with a 4 million health points char in Vanilla. Basically xrealm to the max.
There was a game for pc called Rune. It was mostly a pvp game and it had Rune Editor where people would literally build maps and create a pvp zone for people to join. It was incredible.
Been saying this is the only way out for Blizz. Between Nostalrius and Classic 2019, it's clear that player curated content is more authentic and enjoyable.
I think the MMO Genre in general suffers heavily from player retention issues, its very hard to find a good balance of meaningful content that leaves you wanting to log in each day or at the minimum multiple times a week vs the feeling of being on an endless hamster wheel that once you get off you can never get back on, SoD especially suffered from content release cadence where raid logging each phase came thick and fast and then lasted and lasted and lasted. Personally I think if they could get a "seasonal" style release system right with a frequent enough "fresh" feel I'd be more enticed to upkeep a subscription than what we had this past year, between Every SoD Phase, Cata and Retail I had reached raid log status on all 3 versions within practically the first 2-3 weeks and the longer I spend in raid log limbo the longer I don't feel like returning to that version of the game, each phase of SoD felt increasingly harder to want to gear for (especially with how small upgrades were with BFD gear being so extremely strong), Cata has had a 4 month gap between raid tiers (lol) and retail suffers from mplus gear being as strong if not stronger than a lot of raid gear so you actually have even less incentive to come back for raids. I think hired dev tools for WoW could open up a great place for fun party games/custom modes like you had in Halo Forge mode and Warcraft 3 map editor or for certain kinds of PvP tournaments ect, but I'd be very surprised if it managed to lead the way to a fulfilling mmo experience, everyone would have something they preferred differently between xp rates to mob density to difficulty, gold drop increase, spell training, vendor gear strength, loot drops and so much more, adding to that you would more than likely have to create a fresh new character on each individual server mode I can't see those kind of servers ever having a strong enough playerbase to thrive unless one really hit the golden formula and even then I can imagine a large portion of gamers would flock to whatever mode that content creators are currently playing. TLDR; Release times should be more consistent/shorter time frames since its too hard to design meaningful content that keeps you coming back outside of raiding, Open use Dev tools would be cool for custom party games or PvP style modes/tournaments but probably won't help with the MMO PvE style of gameplay and I like to yap a lot
Back in 2019, this is EXACTLY what i thought classic was going to be. You could rent your own realm, name as you want and it would appear in the realmlist. You could have fun servers where characters are only on that realm, or standard servers, where you can use your character to hop from realm to realm.
could be one way for me to get my beloved "all mobs are elite" server :D. would also love a server where all grind quests are removed, and the focus is on getting materials for professions etc
I had this exact same idea the other day. But i dismissed it, as there's still the question of having to pay for a subscription vs. not paying for one.
main problem is time investment, it would take a while before a specific one becomes mainstream, there should be a Cooldown on it, and if you join a certain private server, and u get a private server specific loot, you can still carry that loot over into a different server, but it would be un-usable, until you return to the previous server.
I could only see it work with limited scenario's. Essentially dungeons or raids where you choose a pre-made character like PTR. But I see the issues varying depending on whether blizzard hosts the servers (and maintains a degree of accountability), or if they are individually hosted like current private servers. If blizzard hosts the servers, I see the main issue is putting control in the hands of individuals for something that can be a large time sink. Not many people will care to level to 60 with the time that takes, only to have it taken away because the creator gets caught doing something dodgey. If they are individually hosted, then it's always going to be at your own risk and you sign up knowing blizzard is unable to step in if an incident occurs. WC3 worked because they everything was limited in scope. You didn't risk losing days/weeks of played time if the server went down, there was a bug in the map, or if the creator was doing something dodgey. The potential loss was limited. Allowing something like PTR dungeons or raids, where you choose a max level character and get thrown into a custom creation makes much more sense IMO.
The idea is good for Blizzard actually it will decrease the cost Blizzard needs to keep the retention numbers up by allowing them to relocate developers into other projects or lay them off the "Realm Creator" will be made to pay an additional Subscription to run a custom realms until it reaches a milestone of active players on the Realm then it would become free for the "Realm Creator" and if it continues to pop off they can receive other benefits like "Free WoW Subscriptions" "Earn Blizzard Balance $$" towards future Games/Expansion. However I do see some issues that would need to be addressed such as would the "Realm Creator" be allowed to .add money into their characters and sell currency on 3rd party sites for Profit? there's room for corruption there that would need to be worked out to avoid such a thing from happening to allow this project to work.
I think custom dungeons and battlegrounds is the extent of what Blizzard would be willing to allow. But it would be so curated that they'd probably only give the privilege to small non-Blizzard devs. I'd expect it to be isolated from the servers ala Plunderstorm.
When it becomes unprofitable for them to spin up a new server launch and keep it going for a year with decent population, this could happen; but i doubt that will happen given that theyd rake it in today just launching a new SOM type vanilla
This kind of consept works in many games, i think DayZ was the perfect example and started the whole genre, there were so many servers with so many different rule sets and tweaks, but the downside is that it needs a lot of players to work, the more different kinds of games/servers you have going at the same time, the more players it needs for all of those servers to have a big enough population to stay interesting. All the problems you listed were present, there was corruption as the serverowners could also play and cheat as much as they wanted and there was a TON of drama. Even tho i actively avoid drama, i have seen loads of it, i have been banned several times, most of the time the reason was that i was too good.
They could take the mojang approach and sell access to limited player instances. Something like that could work as a guild hall or player housing. Would you pay extra, monthly, for that?
Tbh, im just waiting for classic tbc era (forever) servers... Its a tragedy we didn't get one.. and now we have to sit on our thumbs and wait again for blizzard to bring out something they never should have removed..
Honestly if Jagex's servers prove to be profitable you just know good ol' Blizzard will be all over that as well. Really hoping we get some player driven creativity just like in the olden days when modding everything was standard.
Future of wow are private servers mostly for single player or group of friends and populated by advanced ai bots. There are some servers that try to do exactly that while wow is basically running on offline device locally.
Do you even know why they made Classic? People were LEGALLY arguing that companies that no longer offer the service for a product shouldn't be allowed to use copyright to prevent someone else from offering an alternative. This is why Classic ERA is a thing. Not because they think it's great it should always be static. It's so that no one can argue it legally and they would do the same thing if there was really a demand for TBC that streamers have tried to sell (there isn't). They miser the Classic servers and break large events and 40 on 40 battlegrounds so you don't even have a Massive (M) MO to play, just like retail which is instances and failed esports designed to use mythic and arena players as slave labor selling token boosts to mobile gamers. You think they would let private servers offer events with thousands of players which would be easy on their modern DX 12 client and servers that aren't handicapped. How could anyone be this delusional? Let this game die and something better take it's place. It's never going to be a good game again, everything is solved and you need years of testing to make a classic + type game that could actually be good. Even Turtle WoW is a lost hope now and essentially becoming SOD 2.0. If you actually want something better it's easy. Stop giving blizzard money, stop bailing them out by trying every new retail expansion for a few months. Stop giving their influencers clicks and money. Let them all go broke and everyone working there lose the job they should have lost years ago. Let them make a new game that isn't played out if they want sub money ever again. The next MMO possibly worth playing is the Riot one. No one else is spending any money because you SUCKERS keep supporting WoW. Eventually you will realize you and all your influencer clown Blizzard pawn pals you hang with for efame are what have screwed the gamer over that you used to be. Literally get a life and play YEARS of single player games you missed and wait for something actually good to come out worth financially supporting.
I never played the Warcraft RTS games. I got 2 as a free download and messed around a bit but, wasn't impressed. Never realized how important 3 really was. I always saw it as just 'another rpg' but not on the level of say, the best command & conquer games, or age of empires, or Total Annihilation. Those will always be better than any Blizzard RTS game for me, for many reasons. There's also the fact they havent made a new Starcraft or Warcraft RTS in 2 decades now. They seem to be simply dead, although in general the RTS genre seems to be a 'retro only' type of thing. There's still playerbases from the older RTS games, and remasters help bring more to that but, it does make me curious what I really missed with Warcraft 3.
Very quickly people would find out that small group of dedicated friends can deliver more value and quality than a team at a professional game studio. Would put ActiBlizz in a very bad light, if it can get any worse lol.
The community would without a doubt do a better job than Blizzard at improving the game with these kind of tools, but will this happen? Not in a million years. It's so unlikely that it's not even worth a discussion lol.
Does splitting the playerbase even matter at this point? It's already split and it's not like if Classic, SOD and Hardcore shut down then everyone is going to move to retail, or vice versa.
Funny how so many noobs think blizzard is still in charge, they blame blizz, hate blizz and continue to think blizz has any say in modern day wow. Wake up brokies.
Well, people already sell and buy gold, bot etc on official servers. It's 100% unavoidable to happen on any non-official or community ran servers too. There have been 0 private servers with no gold/item selling etc. People love and need money, thus they will attempt to make it in any way possible. Sometimes they don't care that much for money or don't even need it that much but they will still do anything to get more of it.
PvP server, give EVERYONE free gear (sell T3 gear for 1c in Northshire or the best gear for your level) and have an NPC that can deactivate XP gain so you can try PvP in different level groups. With identical gear you will have only yourself to blame when you die. Unlimited gold will make an interesting economy too with people trading rare item drops because the AH will be worthless. PvE will offer nothing ofc (since you can buy the loot) so it could be fun for challenges you can make up like no deaths, clear with less people etc. Auto accept a quest when you first log into the world that let's you simply choose your level, that way you don't have to level up different classes you can try whatever you want instantly. Ofc I'd choose to level with OP gear that sounds kinda fun 😂
its funny when you think about that ! there is a game that used to be good (now its a p2w fest) that gave players the freedom to create custom quests and dungeons and share it with the playerbase ! Neverwinter Online had "The foundry" ! which after a certain lvl the player had the freedom with the game assets to create "Scenarios" and allow others to play and rate them , the scenarios would provide exp and basic gear to the player and the rate system gave currency reward to the creator !
Don't wanna hop on different servers every day like someone's Minecraft server and there is absolutely no consistency between them, remember this is an MMO right?
Turtle wow all the way, just do it right and do it right once. Think of how many private servers there will be. It's not like warcraft 3 where you can download a custom map and play by yourself.
corruption and drama is certainly a thing on private servers... There was this occasion when I defeated the admin's alt in a duel (I didn't even know he was the admin) and he just straight away banned me (well he first killed me with his fully geared admin toon). In another occasion the admin was collecting money for VIP services, but instead of spending it on the server he drank it all away... So imho this is already a bad thing enough, I don't encourage anyone to play on private servers.
vanilla private servers have better coding that classic servers. if a mob i 100 yards below you they wont hit you, you dont randomly fall of to your death when using flight points.
Could it work with Warcraft 3? Could it work with Half-Life? Could it work with.. Oh wait, it did, but somebody got greedy and wanted it all to themselves. Lets make custom games and modding great again!
Lmfao, you know how many people and how much work that poor little indie company would have to do to make this happen? It'd take >1 person >10hr to make this happen...interesting, yes, but never. 0.000000000000% chance.
So in OSRS, Project Zanaris private servers are only gonna be utilized by several content creators and various ELITE nerds.. never going to aim at the mass of the playerbase really except for some youtube leisure content, which is after all nice I suppose
I've always dreamt about WoW having a World Editor like Warcraft 3 ❤ Glad to hear someone speak about it at last. Maybe if we bring enough attention to this idea, Blizzard might do something about it. I mean they wouldn't have to do anything themselfs ever again in terms of making new expensions, but I'm probably getting my hopes up a little to much already 🫤
You're just explaining "OMG WHAT IF??" But this is already a reality, private servers are a better version of WoW if done properly. But Buzzard will NEVER spend more money on community servers, so this will never happen. Join a Private Server now and say bye-bye to Buzzard pecking on your bones for your dolla.
they closed private servers in the past and dont even allow Diablo 2 Resurrected, which at this point is finished and wont get any more updates, to host emulated online servers for muiltiplayer mods. So no, it wont happen ever
I dont thibk blizz cares about splits. They only look at money. If they need more money this quarter they will divide the playerbase by 4 if they want.
I don't play runescape, but that sounds cool. Minecraft was great because private servers were sanctioned by its creator. Having said that... I don't think it would work for WoW. Why? Because Blizzard.
Oldschool Runescape was the game why i quit WoW. Such a wonderfull game and so much more chill. There is realy the journey too max lvl the peak and not only the raids. So many fun quest, so much content you can switch too and so on. Its also has a mobile client, so you can still grind while sitting in a bus or at the store! And you can choose if you wanna grind more afk (Some things up to 25min whitout interaction needed!) or if you wanna be sweaty whit actions needed every 0,6 seconds. Masterpiece of a game AND it has a large amount of stuff you can do in f2p!
Despite all your points, I still think the game would do better with official private servers. Games that do this are more successful. Just look at Minecraft.
Remember how many people loved Turtle WoW's servers? Ever since they had hacker and gold drama things have been looking pretty bad for them (this is what I've heard). Personally, I think it would be cool for someone to create a server with bot players to make the server more alive. Maybe even to a BWL raid and bots will do it with you. That way, you can keep the server private (and free of corruption), play against opponents, and do many other cool things independently that you wouldn't have had the chance to do before.
The AOEM roulette event that everyone can participate in is now online. Click the link for a chance at some prizes!
I can't be the only one who hears your voice and still thinks you're being sarcastic about whatever you're talking about. WoW Classic Private Server Hype WoW Classic Private Server Hype WoW Classic Private Server Hype
100% I honestly never know if this guy is serious or not :D
Yeahhhhh he is surely trolling
i'm not renting private servers from blizzard or jagex when i can play real private servers for free.
RSPS in general are just MTX piss. They're worse than paying.
Wow private servers are amazing though.
thats nice and you will be the minority.
Time and again we are shown when a good paid option comes around, vast majority stop piracy and switch over. Not an argument, a known fact.
Twow hype!
That sounds like a reason for going after and shutting down the private servers.
@@gu244 For the 1000th time, Blizzard can't touch a private server if it's outside of the US.
The only way Classic+ has a chance to succeed is if Blizzard isn’t involved.
Ngl you spitting out some solid truth my mate
That's why Turtle is so great lol
Classic+ has a many chances to succeed as the Metaverse.
By that i mean, not realy many, since every person's idea of it is diferent, and thus, noone will ever be happy with whatever you can create.
@@josejuanandrade4439 This really isnt true. Most people want a roughly similar thing from Classic+ which is just slowly adding more (relevant) content to the game. Minor class adjustments (not whatever the fuck sod was), more quests, more zones, more dungeons, more raids, but without ridiculous powercreep so to keep things relevant.
This actually takes a lot of effort so instead we got none of that. Turtle is roughly what people want from classic+ which is why turtle is actually popular in the first place.
People have different ideas of what kind of zones and dungeons they want, but the general gist of what people want is not hard to wrap your mind around, blizzard just doesnt give a fuck and would rathe play happy whacky fun time come play retail after this.
Taking a big dump rn
Please pin this.
Taking one in solidarity
And, how did it go?
@@FGazi-qf1hp it was good thanks for asking, this was a nice video too.
Let the equivalent of a Reddit mod have the powers of a GM? No thank you
Worse - a discord mod.
This has already been happening for over 15 years more or less? The only difference is they would be officially supported by Blizzard
@@raziel6304true, but it's also true that most big private servers fall through within six months because of mismanagement, corrupt GMs, or salty dudes destroying the project over a personal conflict on the team
oof what a bad argument. Somebody paying for the server and setting the rules gets the enforce them HOLY SHIT HOW TERRIBLE.
Problem is that you're then relying on Blizzard for server maintainance, paying sub fee to Blizzard only for them to ultimately have the ability to deactivate it at their leisure if the project isn't making enough money. I played enough Age of Mythology and WC3 to know custom maps can be fantastic, but I also remember Blizzard slipping that WC3 reforged clause in that they own any custom maps you make and play. Doubt people would go for it.
They did that because of dota. You're right though, only people that don't know the history would go for it.
@@-.-Monster Thats the problem people put in the work to make dota and then BLizz Intentionally made sure to never let it happen again
@@-.-Monster yea I had some ideas for a great map in SC2 and after that change I abandoned it lol.
Age of Mythology ❤
TurtleWow is all you need atm
I’m on turtle wow I’m enjoying it but it’s like communism in the world chat you can say lgbtq + but you can’t say the word Christian
@@starsareangels7 just mute WC = problem solved
@@starsareangels7why would you use world chat?
Ascension is way better than that. Turtle is fun, but very limited.
isn't it dead af lol
Wow needs to honestly look at OSRS and try to mirror some of their endgame.
Professions deserve mini-games or dungeons that require that skill to be used, with matching theme / rewards.
You mean make an MMO"RPG" not gonna happen blizzard likes their ESPORT game aka retail WoW.
One way to solve the split up player base would be something like an open bnet for diablo 2. It would allow you to server hop and you wouldnt have to start all over again. The server settings can restrict certain abilities and stats, that would be possible on another server, so you wouldnt run about with a 4 million health points char in Vanilla. Basically xrealm to the max.
There was a game for pc called Rune. It was mostly a pvp game and it had Rune Editor where people would literally build maps and create a pvp zone for people to join. It was incredible.
Been saying this is the only way out for Blizz. Between Nostalrius and Classic 2019, it's clear that player curated content is more authentic and enjoyable.
I think the MMO Genre in general suffers heavily from player retention issues, its very hard to find a good balance of meaningful content that leaves you wanting to log in each day or at the minimum multiple times a week vs the feeling of being on an endless hamster wheel that once you get off you can never get back on, SoD especially suffered from content release cadence where raid logging each phase came thick and fast and then lasted and lasted and lasted.
Personally I think if they could get a "seasonal" style release system right with a frequent enough "fresh" feel I'd be more enticed to upkeep a subscription than what we had this past year, between Every SoD Phase, Cata and Retail I had reached raid log status on all 3 versions within practically the first 2-3 weeks and the longer I spend in raid log limbo the longer I don't feel like returning to that version of the game, each phase of SoD felt increasingly harder to want to gear for (especially with how small upgrades were with BFD gear being so extremely strong), Cata has had a 4 month gap between raid tiers (lol) and retail suffers from mplus gear being as strong if not stronger than a lot of raid gear so you actually have even less incentive to come back for raids.
I think hired dev tools for WoW could open up a great place for fun party games/custom modes like you had in Halo Forge mode and Warcraft 3 map editor or for certain kinds of PvP tournaments ect, but I'd be very surprised if it managed to lead the way to a fulfilling mmo experience, everyone would have something they preferred differently between xp rates to mob density to difficulty, gold drop increase, spell training, vendor gear strength, loot drops and so much more, adding to that you would more than likely have to create a fresh new character on each individual server mode I can't see those kind of servers ever having a strong enough playerbase to thrive unless one really hit the golden formula and even then I can imagine a large portion of gamers would flock to whatever mode that content creators are currently playing.
Release times should be more consistent/shorter time frames since its too hard to design meaningful content that keeps you coming back outside of raiding, Open use Dev tools would be cool for custom party games or PvP style modes/tournaments but probably won't help with the MMO PvE style of gameplay and I like to yap a lot
5:06 Simo Häyhä the hunter
Suomi mainittu, TORILLA TAVATAAN!
Back in 2019, this is EXACTLY what i thought classic was going to be. You could rent your own realm, name as you want and it would appear in the realmlist. You could have fun servers where characters are only on that realm, or standard servers, where you can use your character to hop from realm to realm.
could be one way for me to get my beloved "all mobs are elite" server :D.
would also love a server where all grind quests are removed, and the focus is on getting materials for professions etc
Age of Empires is 100% pay to win
For real. Advertising a for sure pay to win game. Big L for this streamer
I assumed their next move would be servers with 2x-10x experience and loot.
2x 5x 10x.
I had this exact same idea the other day. But i dismissed it, as there's still the question of having to pay for a subscription vs. not paying for one.
main problem is time investment, it would take a while before a specific one becomes mainstream, there should be a Cooldown on it, and if you join a certain private server, and u get a private server specific loot, you can still carry that loot over into a different server, but it would be un-usable, until you return to the previous server.
I'd love if they opened up the tools. Blizz hosts it for a fee could be the way they keep it controlled.
Nope, Blizzard would NEVER do this. Blizzard hates fun
I could only see it work with limited scenario's. Essentially dungeons or raids where you choose a pre-made character like PTR.
But I see the issues varying depending on whether blizzard hosts the servers (and maintains a degree of accountability), or if they are individually hosted like current private servers.
If blizzard hosts the servers, I see the main issue is putting control in the hands of individuals for something that can be a large time sink. Not many people will care to level to 60 with the time that takes, only to have it taken away because the creator gets caught doing something dodgey.
If they are individually hosted, then it's always going to be at your own risk and you sign up knowing blizzard is unable to step in if an incident occurs.
WC3 worked because they everything was limited in scope. You didn't risk losing days/weeks of played time if the server went down, there was a bug in the map, or if the creator was doing something dodgey. The potential loss was limited.
Allowing something like PTR dungeons or raids, where you choose a max level character and get thrown into a custom creation makes much more sense IMO.
The idea is good for Blizzard actually it will decrease the cost Blizzard needs to keep the retention numbers up by allowing them to relocate developers into other projects or lay them off the "Realm Creator" will be made to pay an additional Subscription to run a custom realms until it reaches a milestone of active players on the Realm then it would become free for the "Realm Creator" and if it continues to pop off they can receive other benefits like "Free WoW Subscriptions" "Earn Blizzard Balance $$" towards future Games/Expansion.
However I do see some issues that would need to be addressed such as would the "Realm Creator" be allowed to .add money into their characters and sell currency on 3rd party sites for Profit? there's room for corruption there that would need to be worked out to avoid such a thing from happening to allow this project to work.
If I could I would make a user-driven factions server with more focus on crafters and moving goods. Imagine the faction wars over Iron Forge.
HellScape: Hardcore Ultimate Ironman + 5x enemy damage + PvP EVERYWHERE.
I think custom dungeons and battlegrounds is the extent of what Blizzard would be willing to allow. But it would be so curated that they'd probably only give the privilege to small non-Blizzard devs. I'd expect it to be isolated from the servers ala Plunderstorm.
When it becomes unprofitable for them to spin up a new server launch and keep it going for a year with decent population, this could happen; but i doubt that will happen given that theyd rake it in today just launching a new SOM type vanilla
This kind of consept works in many games, i think DayZ was the perfect example and started the whole genre, there were so many servers with so many different rule sets and tweaks, but the downside is that it needs a lot of players to work, the more different kinds of games/servers you have going at the same time, the more players it needs for all of those servers to have a big enough population to stay interesting.
All the problems you listed were present, there was corruption as the serverowners could also play and cheat as much as they wanted and there was a TON of drama. Even tho i actively avoid drama, i have seen loads of it, i have been banned several times, most of the time the reason was that i was too good.
I'm now picturing a server where free for all PVP is enabled everywhere. It would be chaotic, and nobody could make much progress.
if they gave me a wow custom editor I would spend all my days just making quests and little items to enhance the world
They could take the mojang approach and sell access to limited player instances. Something like that could work as a guild hall or player housing. Would you pay extra, monthly, for that?
Private servers through Blizzard is an amazing idea. They should've done this a long time ago
Player base already split private servers the better option if you don’t like cata sod or retail
Tbh, im just waiting for classic tbc era (forever) servers... Its a tragedy we didn't get one.. and now we have to sit on our thumbs and wait again for blizzard to bring out something they never should have removed..
Ascension might have to apply.... paid ads on youtube for their server definitely has them in Blizzard's crosshairs.
Honestly if Jagex's servers prove to be profitable you just know good ol' Blizzard will be all over that as well.
Really hoping we get some player driven creativity just like in the olden days when modding everything was standard.
Future of wow are private servers mostly for single player or group of friends and populated by advanced ai bots. There are some servers that try to do exactly that while wow is basically running on offline device locally.
Blizzard will never make it, or they will, but 20 years later.
Do you even know why they made Classic? People were LEGALLY arguing that companies that no longer offer the service for a product shouldn't be allowed to use copyright to prevent someone else from offering an alternative. This is why Classic ERA is a thing. Not because they think it's great it should always be static. It's so that no one can argue it legally and they would do the same thing if there was really a demand for TBC that streamers have tried to sell (there isn't). They miser the Classic servers and break large events and 40 on 40 battlegrounds so you don't even have a Massive (M) MO to play, just like retail which is instances and failed esports designed to use mythic and arena players as slave labor selling token boosts to mobile gamers. You think they would let private servers offer events with thousands of players which would be easy on their modern DX 12 client and servers that aren't handicapped. How could anyone be this delusional?
Let this game die and something better take it's place. It's never going to be a good game again, everything is solved and you need years of testing to make a classic + type game that could actually be good. Even Turtle WoW is a lost hope now and essentially becoming SOD 2.0.
If you actually want something better it's easy. Stop giving blizzard money, stop bailing them out by trying every new retail expansion for a few months. Stop giving their influencers clicks and money. Let them all go broke and everyone working there lose the job they should have lost years ago. Let them make a new game that isn't played out if they want sub money ever again.
The next MMO possibly worth playing is the Riot one. No one else is spending any money because you SUCKERS keep supporting WoW. Eventually you will realize you and all your influencer clown Blizzard pawn pals you hang with for efame are what have screwed the gamer over that you used to be.
Literally get a life and play YEARS of single player games you missed and wait for something actually good to come out worth financially supporting.
I never played the Warcraft RTS games. I got 2 as a free download and messed around a bit but, wasn't impressed. Never realized how important 3 really was. I always saw it as just 'another rpg' but not on the level of say, the best command & conquer games, or age of empires, or Total Annihilation. Those will always be better than any Blizzard RTS game for me, for many reasons. There's also the fact they havent made a new Starcraft or Warcraft RTS in 2 decades now. They seem to be simply dead, although in general the RTS genre seems to be a 'retro only' type of thing. There's still playerbases from the older RTS games, and remasters help bring more to that but, it does make me curious what I really missed with Warcraft 3.
What does madseason rhink?
Very quickly people would find out that small group of dedicated friends can deliver more value and quality than a team at a professional game studio. Would put ActiBlizz in a very bad light, if it can get any worse lol.
It’s coming SOON…the issue Is THAT I was offered MONEY to kiII someone IRL, in game
I've got Turtle Wow so I'm good. Patch 1.17.12 hype. Patch 1.17.12 hype.
Azamous must have got a hold of some dank weed recently... these last 2 videos seems like something you think of when you're stoned😂
After wc3 Dota blizzard will never invite anyone else to mod their games ever
Starcraft 2 editor is still amazing
Do like GGG does with Path of Exile, paid private leagues with extra modifiers, who only makes the game harder.
Though u cant edit encounters etc.
The community would without a doubt do a better job than Blizzard at improving the game with these kind of tools, but will this happen? Not in a million years. It's so unlikely that it's not even worth a discussion lol.
Does splitting the playerbase even matter at this point? It's already split and it's not like if Classic, SOD and Hardcore shut down then everyone is going to move to retail, or vice versa.
Azerothcore is a much better implementation of this than blizzard could ever do
Funny how so many noobs think blizzard is still in charge, they blame blizz, hate blizz and continue to think blizz has any say in modern day wow. Wake up brokies.
how many more versons of classic wow do you need you are even getting another hardcore fresh server before anything else?
we need a fresh tbc server.
Well, people already sell and buy gold, bot etc on official servers. It's 100% unavoidable to happen on any non-official or community ran servers too. There have been 0 private servers with no gold/item selling etc. People love and need money, thus they will attempt to make it in any way possible. Sometimes they don't care that much for money or don't even need it that much but they will still do anything to get more of it.
People would cheat their asses off if this happened
PvP server, give EVERYONE free gear (sell T3 gear for 1c in Northshire or the best gear for your level) and have an NPC that can deactivate XP gain so you can try PvP in different level groups. With identical gear you will have only yourself to blame when you die. Unlimited gold will make an interesting economy too with people trading rare item drops because the AH will be worthless. PvE will offer nothing ofc (since you can buy the loot) so it could be fun for challenges you can make up like no deaths, clear with less people etc. Auto accept a quest when you first log into the world that let's you simply choose your level, that way you don't have to level up different classes you can try whatever you want instantly. Ofc I'd choose to level with OP gear that sounds kinda fun 😂
its funny when you think about that ! there is a game that used to be good (now its a p2w fest) that gave players the freedom to create custom quests and dungeons and share it with the playerbase ! Neverwinter Online had "The foundry" ! which after a certain lvl the player had the freedom with the game assets to create "Scenarios" and allow others to play and rate them , the scenarios would provide exp and basic gear to the player and the rate system gave currency reward to the creator !
Don't wanna hop on different servers every day like someone's Minecraft server and there is absolutely no consistency between them, remember this is an MMO right?
Turtle wow all the way, just do it right and do it right once. Think of how many private servers there will be. It's not like warcraft 3 where you can download a custom map and play by yourself.
this is really crazy to think about my brain hurts
corruption and drama is certainly a thing on private servers... There was this occasion when I defeated the admin's alt in a duel (I didn't even know he was the admin) and he just straight away banned me (well he first killed me with his fully geared admin toon).
In another occasion the admin was collecting money for VIP services, but instead of spending it on the server he drank it all away...
So imho this is already a bad thing enough, I don't encourage anyone to play on private servers.
vanilla private servers have better coding that classic servers. if a mob i 100 yards below you they wont hit you, you dont randomly fall of to your death when using flight points.
Yeah, Warcraft 3 custom maps and custom games (like DotA) were a goldmine of content
literally just describing AscensionWow
Twow Hype Twow Hype
Could it work with Warcraft 3? Could it work with Half-Life? Could it work with.. Oh wait, it did, but somebody got greedy and wanted it all to themselves.
Lets make custom games and modding great again!
It will split up the Era player base even more
Azamous really needs to try Ascension WoW so he can get these "evil gm" ideas out of his head lol
I asked for this.... 20 years ago
Suffice to say it ain't gonna happen lol
tbc hype tbc hype
watch 1 player maker a better classic + than the entire blizzard team in like 1 week 😆
Azeroth Core?
think about WoW but with the map from Wc3 X hero Siege, i would love it.
just play Turtle WoW
Nice, a server runs by scammers.
@@bouddhakush1052 I'm not saying to pay ActivisionBlizzard
Lmfao, you know how many people and how much work that poor little indie company would have to do to make this happen? It'd take >1 person >10hr to make this happen...interesting, yes, but never. 0.000000000000% chance.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Fuuuuuuck no.
Blizzard does not want to try anything new.
Oh yeah, reddit mods changing stuff as GM, such a classic experience, just like back in the days boys.
So in OSRS, Project Zanaris private servers are only gonna be utilized by several content creators and various ELITE nerds.. never going to aim at the mass of the playerbase really except for some youtube leisure content, which is after all nice I suppose
The only reason TH-camrs care about official wow content is because they can’t stream private server content. Prove me wrong
I've always dreamt about WoW having a World Editor like Warcraft 3 ❤
Glad to hear someone speak about it at last.
Maybe if we bring enough attention to this idea, Blizzard might do something about it. I mean they wouldn't have to do anything themselfs ever again in terms of making new expensions, but I'm probably getting my hopes up a little to much already 🫤
Im waiting for epoch
You're just explaining "OMG WHAT IF??" But this is already a reality, private servers are a better version of WoW if done properly. But Buzzard will NEVER spend more money on community servers, so this will never happen. Join a Private Server now and say bye-bye to Buzzard pecking on your bones for your dolla.
they closed private servers in the past and dont even allow Diablo 2 Resurrected, which at this point is finished and wont get any more updates, to host emulated online servers for muiltiplayer mods. So no, it wont happen ever
I dont thibk blizz cares about splits. They only look at money. If they need more money this quarter they will divide the playerbase by 4 if they want.
Turtle Wow HYPE
I don't play runescape, but that sounds cool. Minecraft was great because private servers were sanctioned by its creator. Having said that... I don't think it would work for WoW. Why? Because Blizzard.
Blizzard is afraid of the raw furry power unleashed by ERP servers.
Oldschool Runescape was the game why i quit WoW. Such a wonderfull game and so much more chill. There is realy the journey too max lvl the peak and not only the raids. So many fun quest, so much content you can switch too and so on. Its also has a mobile client, so you can still grind while sitting in a bus or at the store! And you can choose if you wanna grind more afk (Some things up to 25min whitout interaction needed!) or if you wanna be sweaty whit actions needed every 0,6 seconds. Masterpiece of a game AND it has a large amount of stuff you can do in f2p!
More chance getting rid of layering than allowing private official servers
Despite all your points, I still think the game would do better with official private servers. Games that do this are more successful. Just look at Minecraft.
5:26 Shenna ?!
Thats why i ditched retail and went to turle wow.
People should try out turtle world of warcraft
classic+ already exists in the form of TWoW
All these sound like pros to me lol
Basically, it’s a cool concept, until some loser decides to go crazy with power.
Humanity at its finest.
Are you trolling or just blatently ignorant? Classic+ already exist for free. Its called TurtleWow.
Remember how many people loved Turtle WoW's servers? Ever since they had hacker and gold drama things have been looking pretty bad for them (this is what I've heard). Personally, I think it would be cool for someone to create a server with bot players to make the server more alive. Maybe even to a BWL raid and bots will do it with you. That way, you can keep the server private (and free of corruption), play against opponents, and do many other cool things independently that you wouldn't have had the chance to do before.
This is such an incredibly dumb idea
If you want to play a game full of bots and NPCs go play singleplayer.
@@skunkynuggets6881 just an idea I had. Better than having no solutions to this.
@@Utilitymonk This is actually worse than doing nothing
All this scrabbling for a 20 year old game you've already played. WoW needs a sequel that starts over, not seventeen different versions of itself.