素食布布吃什麼-地瓜豆腐飯飯What does vegetarian Bubu eat-sweet potato tofu rice
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.พ. 2025
- 身為素食寶寶的布布已經有八顆牙牙,慢慢開始增加副食品的份量和品項中,阿嬤和婆婆嘗試著在無調味的原型食物中讓布布的營養均衡,布布也很捧場呦,今天婆婆為布布準備了地瓜豆腐飯飯,只要在煮飯時把準備好的食材一起放入電鍋煮熟,再捏碎攪拌即可
Bubu is a vegetarian baby, already has eight teeth. We are slowly increasing the amount and variety of complementary foods. Grandma and mother-in-law are trying to balance Bubu's nutrition with unseasoned original foods, and Bubu is also very happy. Come on, today my mother-in-law prepared sweet potato and tofu rice for Bubu. Just put the prepared ingredients into the rice cooker and cook them, then crush and stir.