Beautiful construction. Now hook it up to a well resonating antenna! This thing deserves to be heard once or twice a year. The German authorities have given explicit permission for such experiments on occasion. Under dutch law there is no article anymore that prohibits spark gap transmitters, so you can also bring it over the border. If you make it work in the ham radio bands, interference is not likely because modern ham radio equipment is extremely selective (if you have a 300khz wide signal, and the modern filter is 3khz, they will not hear much) and is explicitely designed to reject impulse/ignition noise. The receiving party will need to build a non-selective receiver so it picks up the full width of the signal.
Beautiful construction. Now hook it up to a well resonating antenna! This thing deserves to be heard once or twice a year.
The German authorities have given explicit permission for such experiments on occasion. Under dutch law there is no article anymore that prohibits spark gap transmitters, so you can also bring it over the border.
If you make it work in the ham radio bands, interference is not likely because modern ham radio equipment is extremely selective (if you have a 300khz wide signal, and the modern filter is 3khz, they will not hear much) and is explicitely designed to reject impulse/ignition noise.
The receiving party will need to build a non-selective receiver so it picks up the full width of the signal.